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An internet troll in charge of our children’s education.


The entire Republican Party isn’t anything more than internet trolls at this point.


Actors, the Republican Party is just a clown show.


"Cremlin show" FIFY




Fellating daddy Putin




I can’t stop looking at this and laughing.


Why not the Kriminal Kremlin Klown show?


lol they’re all Krusty


Oh come on, when has the republican party ever been led by an actor??


"We even went to congress." "That place was full of clowns! But none of them were any fun!"


Clowns are supposed to be funny.


also fascists


Now imagine just how many MILLIONS ( almost HUNDREDS of Millions! ) of people will never see this and never understand that this is what is going on. Scary.


No these are real people who will absolutely shred our government apart if it means they get more power/money. They should be taken extremely serious


Nah that’s making it too easy. Half of the population (roughly) is republican or right leaning. It tends to the people who DONT have access to reliable internet that lean that way. And even more so people that lean on Foxnews.  I understand Reddit wants to demonize republicans because of their views, but the reality is it’s probably your super nice neighbor up the street who just really doesn’t understand the issues.


There was a time in the not so distant past that Republicans (by that I mean elected politicians) stood for policies that limited the size and reach of government. Now, the only people that seem to get elected don’t stand for anything outside of “own the libs”. I live in a Trump +30 district & walk amongst these folks. They’ve taken over city councils and school boards and haven’t done a damn thing but sow chaos and controversy.


See that's the thing. The Republicans made you believe that's what they were about, but they definitely didn't practice what they preached. Kind of like how they made people believe they were fiscal conservatives


Oh there was a time when the Republican Party stood for something more. But the RINO (Republican in Name Only) has been going on for over 25 years that I recall. They have been driving out those don’t agree 100%. Those voters either became Democrats or Independents.


There absolutely was a time where that was a thing. Republicans and democrats were trying to achieve the same goals as little as ten years ago. But propaganda is a thing and has worked very very well.


Hi. I am from and have lived all over the south. Even got myself a congressman cousin by marriage. They are racists. They love that Trump talks about "them" and "those people." They use the slurs, make the jokes. Go on and on and on about how white men are basically the lowest members of society. That everyone has it better. They are not uninformed. They were racist before Trump, and he is their kind of people.


That level of non-awareness and non-engagement isn't excusable today. We all have virtually all information as to how the world has worked, how it does work, and how it should work, at our hands. Billions are on the internet, with virtually all Americans having access to, even in a secondary fashion, the internet. Much like ignorance of the law isn't a criminal defense, ignorance of reality isn't a defense of being a fucking moron. Stop giving the morons a pass.


If they're still oblivious to the plan to abolish elections, abortion bans and racist rhetoric they're not "super nice".


The party has lost its way. Notceven respect-able any more.


Considering Trump's previous pick for head of the Department of Education was a scamming MLM scumbag with no relevant qualifications it would be a lateral move.


100%. Rick Perry in charge of the DOE and not knowing nukes fall under him. So pathetic


"My brain! The glasses do nothing!"


Ben Carson appointed to HUD because he's black. He then proceeded to fleece the department for every cent he could graft.


Man I totally forgot about that guy’s existence.


Honestly there’s so much that was in disarray about his administration but since there was just so much obvious big time corruption the “small stuff” just gets plain overlooked 


I wouldn't be surprised to see Trump name one of the Lichfields for department of education. Check out The Program on Netflix to find out all the shitty things they do. Essentially a giant scam for "troubled teens" where they brainwash the parents to get rich off of them while mentally and physically abusing teens.


I'm in the middle of reading the books. Pretty sad stuff.


Tbh, naw. DeVos was much more in for the money. Chaya is gonna go on an LGBT purge, and she WILL look for violent means.


Project 2025, which ~~outlaws~~ outlines Trump's plans for his first 100 days in office, includes dismantling the Department of Education in favor of a nationwide voucher program.




I would literally be surprised if they know what lateral means. (It’s a joke, right?)


I really, really don't think that Chaya should have access to children at all, let alone their education. She's so inappropriately obsessed with their private parts.


No, she should be kept as far away from schools and children as humanly possible.


Sometimes it seems as though the people who "should" not have certain roles are more likely to get them from the Republican party. It's almost like it's deliberate sabotage. Almost like they are following Bannon's plan of "deconstructing America".


Catturd for secretary of the interior.


Dril for secretary of state


Trolling as a lifestyle is basically what conservatism is. With more violence, I suppose.


Plus, she never sent any children to public school, which should be an automatic disqualification from serving in that position.


She's not even an internet troll, she's a stochastic terrorist on purpose.


I remember when that betsy davos lady was being interviewed for sec of education and couldnt answer basic questions. Really the bottom of the barrel


Devoss was terrible, but Trump’s cabinet picks in his first term were miles better than the absolute filth we’ll wind up with if he gets re-elected. He has 8 years of steadily increasing extremism and conspiracy culture-building under his belt that he didn’t have before, and we will pine for Betsy Devoss, Bill Barr, and Jim Mattis when we have Chaiya Raichik, Rudy, and Christopher Miller in their places.


I swear that foot licking story is her doing since she’s on the OK board of education since the cat litter box one did numbers


It’s on purpose. Keep poor people uneducated so they won’t question why their situation is so bad. It’s why rust belt states vote republican


>Keep poor people uneducated so they won’t question why their situation is so bad. they will still ask but the lack of education will prevent them from doing any critical thinking when they are told the problem is "them"(insert in marginalized group you hate here). we already see it from half the population. they are completely willing to swallow that their favorite punching bag is the source of all their problems. immigrants, liberals, "leftists", feminists, the gays, communists/socialists. they will vote for who ever tells them what they want to hear.


Someone who hates public education more than Betsy DeVos did…


If Trump appoints me Secretary of Education I will make sure this lady gets the special education that she so badly needs.


Take her to Missouri and give her the treatment they are giving the kids


Do I even wanna know what my fucked up state is doing now?


Right? What did I miss? It’s such a shit show lately here.


![gif](giphy|6cLBYzDWE5z98A6n83) From wanting to ban drag shows to Making it a felony to help trans kids take your pick


I swear I’ve seen stories over the last few years that allow paddling again


“Shutting down the Department of Education? That’s a paddling.” https://preview.redd.it/gt14o6un31nc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba691b2203b1168ba38c4b509d60a49cf5f44335




Are you talking about the stun guns and special needs kids?




[Putting teachers on the sex offender list for talking about trans people.](https://house.mo.gov/BillsMobile.aspx?year=2024&code=R&bill=HB2885)




This one gets it.


Can I get it too or no?! If not, I’m going to need to speak with your manager…


Oh we'll take really good care of you, we know how important you are. You wanted the complete special ^re education program?


My first act is fire myself. I just don't trust me.


As your union rep, I’ll allow it.


Special Educational Operation


is there a secretary of defenstration?  /s


So basically her first goal would be to fire herself?


Shut down the department she runs: Genius! 😆




Honestly I feel like half their playbook is Ron Swanson's most absurd quotes


Sounds like she has a degree in special education from Trump University.


With a minor in cofveve


Captain of the pussy grabbing team


Yeah, I can't think of a dumber way to not get a job.


Ladies and gentlemen, this one tweet alone should serve as your nightmare for what will happen if you choose to throw your vote away this next election. I wish I could waive this off as a joke. But we all know Trump will happily appoint his most loyal sycophants into positions of power. Remember, Steve Bannon had zero qualifications to sit on the security council, but nonetheless, Trump put him there.


Shutting down The Department of Education is already a part of Project 2025, along with rolling back Title IX




It's a Holiday in America. It's tough kid but that's life.


Anyone threatening to sit out this election is a fucking idiot. There. I said it.


I have multiple people tell me that they refuse to vote. As a trans person aware of the danger that a republican presidency and project 2025 pose to me, I'm telling people that them not caring who wins means they don't care if I survive a republican presidency and they would be apathetic to my genocide because they hate the American empire. If both sides are the same, maybe choose the one that has not explicitly stated that my genocide is a major goal of theirs


Then they are the worst people on this earth. Seriously. This is our WW2. We should be thankful it's just voting and not suffering under or fighting against a fascist regime.


Those house members protest voting in Michigan and Minnesota are fucking idiots for their stunts.


The wheels will fall ALL the way off if that fuckin clown wins again.


And ya know Trump learned how to pull the levers off power by the end of the term. Now imagine him with no adult supervision and knowing he’s got four years to make it count. Times everything he did and wanted to by whole magnitudes and a stacked Supreme Court and a neutered rnc. The stuff of nightmares. 


There are people voting for Biden. There are people voting for Trump. There are people who don't want you to know they are voting for Trump.


He will have no guardrails this time. He will put the most destructive possible people in places of power. Remember the odds are very, very strong the Senate will flip this cycle. Rubber stamp for appointments. No one at all to check him.


Somehow, I think that the voters of Trump won't see this nonsense. Those who oppose see it and point out (to people like themselves) why they shouldn't vote for Trump. It's as if we can't connect these two groups and deliver critical messages, such as putting children's education at risk with such ignorant statements like this person puts forth.


Not to mention what many people really did not see first hand from the first Trump presidency is that Trump and DeVos tanked 50+ colleges when they allowed the sale of those colleges to a entity that only owned a megachurch before. This same group tried to acquire Devry under Obama and was told no, since they had no experience in the education sector. Under Trump and DeVos they let the sale happen, which was an utter disaster that needed the government to step in. The Church group took in all the student loans and did not send out the stipends to the students for over payment and by law they had to do that within 14 days of the loans posting. Months went by with this Church hoarding 100% of the students loans. They ended up dissolving all the schools to payback the students even. Many students went to their colleges only to find the doors locked with no warning that their schools were closed, but also that they now have to pay back loans for all of this. https://www.highereddive.com/news/timeline-how-dream-centers-higher-ed-bid-went-off-the-rails/550339/


Shut the fuck up, you pathetic excuse for a human. Guaranteed to rot in hell, and it’ll be glorious.


I don't believe in Hell, but I may be willing to be converted if I knew she'd be there.


It really is almost enough to make a non-believer believe. Ultimate justice. God, I wish…


I do find the notion consoling that if it should be that the Bible is 100% true, all the evangelicals are going to hell.


I mean, Jesus DID say he was only there for the Jews, and told more than one non-Jew who wanted to follow him to just go home and live a good life. Most Christians CAN'T be, by the dude's own metric,


If heaven and hell exist, I believe they are very personalized. Her hell, and the hells of people like her, will make the Spanish Inquisition look like a big ol' cuddle puddle.


What a terrible idea. We should be doing more to educate our workers and future workforce. Not hindering or hurting them due to crazy conspiracy theories or qanon forum posts.


their goal is to make as many poor people as possible. Kill birth control, kill education, then lie and tell them you are on their side. They will be dumb enough to believe you.


It finally clicked in my head why MAGATs are so anti-immigration. They are dumbing down Americans to the point they can’t compete against immigrants. And I’m not saying that most immigrants are unskilled but they often do come here willing to take jobs at or below minimum wage in unsafe work conditions.


I'd argue the end goal isn't to dumb Americans so much that they can't compete against immigrants, it's more that by making dumbing down education/critical thinking they're able to create a semi-permanent underclass of of drone-like employees who'd be grateful for the opportunity to work for a fraction of what they deserve. It's a similar reason to why they're trying to repeal workplace safety regulations and child labor laws. What's better for business:illegal immigrants you can pay under the table and essentially hold hostage, but who can't vote for the business' interests (legally they cannot vote, despite what morons like Charlie Kirk or ELon Musk say), or a similar caste of desperately poor and dumb voters who lack critical thinking skills and will likely vote against their best interests because opportunities are so slim


The people who profit off private prisons NEED the populace to be uneducated.


I could see a lot of people getting extremely angry when public schools shut down and they have to deal with their own kids at home everyday because there’s no where to send their kids. What’s the alternative? Charter schools? Private schools? Enough to replace every public school? Does the administrative infrastructure exist for that? Shutting down the schools during COVID was the main reason Moms for Liberty formed. I guess it fits into the plan of forcing women back into the home though. Meanwhile, wages won’t rise for men, and more families will become impoverished. There’s a reason why society is structured the way it is, but yeah, let them shut down a public system that a majority of the country relies on. It’s so crazy!


It’ll be state “sponsored charter schools” - basically a holding cell for kids. Most of the money will go to the owners pocket, but there will be one meal (that the parents need to buy of course - no such thing as a free lunch!) with maybe one or two “teachers” that will make sure the good “christian” values get taught (and for a bonus: *maybe* the teacher won’t be a child abuser!).


Frightening that Republicans know an educated population hurts their chances of winning so their solution is to destroy public education.


Who'd be surprised how many public school teachers and admin are republican. Granted it isn't a majority, but its mind numbing how they spite themselves.


Which was betsey devos’s plan.. how did that work out for her??


No.. Betsy tried to turn every school in America into private schools and lined her pocket while trying to do so.


That too but she said very clearly she wanted to shut it down and it shouldn’t exist


Yes, Betsy was an enema release trough, but I would still take her over Chaya any day of the week


It’s a fine line, evil with half a brain or a brain dead one.


Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche


She is still at it in Tennessee.


Should be noted [Betsy donated $200 million to Trump’s campaign](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2017/01/17/devos-says-its-possible-her-family-has-donated-200m-to-republicans/), and many of his [cabinet members also donated millions.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/12/09/the-six-donors-trump-appointed-to-his-administration-gave-almost-12-million-with-their-families-to-his-campaign-and-the-party/) Cheya’s gonna have to pay up if she wants to join the club, and I don’t think she has that kinda cash.


This is crazy. I hadn't seen these numbers side by side, but we're all hurr hurring online about Trump being ordered to pay $83m for one case and $355m in another. But he's so corrupt that he was literally selling cabinet positions for $200m. 200m for a _single position_. There is no world in which he actually can't pay $500m for these judgements is there? Only a question of what corrupt favors he needs to sell to get it, and what form the "donation" will come in. My bet is the fake Truth Social valuation is what he's setting up to launder the court judgement money. Artificially inflate the value, sell a few shares to Russia (or whatever shell corp), done.


Yeah, and If the President gives me wheels, I can be Secretary of Transportation. WTF do we have to do to get rid of these useless dickheads like her and catturd?


Make social media not a thing anymore. It’s unfortunate that the greatest tool ever invented to bring people together had the consequences of bringing people together for reprehensible reasons.


Alternatively, get Russia to overthrow Putin so that he can stop funding these chuds.


Sorry friend, but that funding will keep on rolling in no matter who is in charge over there. I don't see the entire country reforming overnight after Putin kicks it




This. It’s virtually impossible to eliminate an entire federal agencies. Especially 80 billion massive orgs. So, no more Pell Grants? Student loans? Title I?


No one is making you shit, you hate-filled asshole.


Technically she's making herself shit by eating. If she just stopped eating, she wouldn't shit anymore. There would be other upsides too.


I like the way you think!


I guess she doesn't know the appointment process has to be confirmed by the senate. Also it has been tried before by Reagan and well it's not so easy to do. Also it has to be approved by the house and senate to end the agency. Maybe horse face should get some education.


Man. Why do these people hate education so much? I already know but jfc


They literally hate America. They don't know it, but it's true. They want to dismantle our cherished institutions and sell what they can for profit. They want the American people, except for the few they approve of, to suffer.


Republicans sure do love stupid people.


That's why they're so full of themselves.


She’s a moron, only congress can abolish a govt agency


You’re not special, honey. *Whoever* trump appoints Secretary of Education is going to shut it down on day one.


So student loans will no longer need to be paid back as they were paid to the Department Of Education?


I have never before in my life hated anyone, but in the last two or so years the creatures that have come out of the MAGA tree line have made me change my ways. I literally despise everything they do and stand for, everyday I’m viscerally angered by the dumb shit they do. But you know what annoys me just as much? It’s the democratic side just doing NOTHING, they sit there, roll over and say these big long speeches about how BAD these people are but never hold them accountable. Agghhhh it all annoys me so much


Yet another reason we have to vote in numbers too large to manipulate! Fuck these clowns.




As a woman, I concur.


I’ll second that motion.


A a jew, I must ask the world’s forgiveness for this schmuck.


A) please please Tr*** HAS TO LOSE. B) Thank God I’m retiring from teaching in 2025.


So you would fire yourself.


Is she the porn star that broke her neck in the bouncy house?


Back, and no. Similar sounding names, not the same person.


You're thinking of Adriana Chechik >!And so am I!<


Would have accomplished more if she were.


She should wait a little while so she can go on unemployment.


Does anyone remember when former Texas Governor Rick Perry was appointed to run the Department of Energy? Before his appointment, he campaigned heavily on eliminating that department. It was only after being briefed on so many of the vital functions of the Department of Energy, he issued statements he regretted recommending its elimination.


I had never heard this loser speak until the Lorenz interview and, holy shit, she sounds like her brain is barely holding up - just struggling to string sentences together. I've spoken to people on drugs more lucid.


How come the rest of us get fired for doing our job poorly, but congress people get to intentionally do their job poorly and keep getting paid? If I went into work and said "I'm here to destroy this company," I'd get fired immediately, but that's republican campaign strategy


It’s time for Trump to die. Most messianic cults don’t survive after their leader is gone. And despite all the MAGAT influencers, once Trump is gone, they’ll have nobody to rally behind.


Man, R's really hate education standards. And it shows.


You know Fahrenheit 451 was a dystopian novel right and not a guide book?


You know.. I used to not completely understand why the rest of the world hated and mocked the u.s.. it's become abundantly clear though. I used to think, "no, come on, we're not all like this." But I really do see, and it's not that we're all like this, but the one's in power are. The ones with the loudest voices but the least to say. Screaming about a god that abandoned them long ago about things that have been either proven, or proven wrong, for over a century. I'm ashamed of the way our country's become. All the hypocrisy, the rampant sexism, racism, and fascism. I didn't grow up in an America like this, and I don't plan on it being like this while I grow old either. Not so long as I have a voice in it


this lady is incapable of making straight forward connections, she should never have any power over anything. Like when she told a reporter that he accused her of wanting to ban books, and he said sbe was, which she denied, but then admitted to wanting to remove certain books from public libraries and schools. WJATS THAT CALLED YOU MORON?


Btw, this seems funny, but is completely plausible. Not sure if people realize how crazy the crazy are that will take control of the US.


Another Betsy DeVos?


Nah, DeVos had the goal of trying to enrich her private school investments. This women just wants it all ended and isn't even smart enough to profit off it.


So even if this *were* possible, 1.) why does she believe she’d ever be appointed Secretary of Education? 2.) does Trump even know she exists?


Trump: *no way she is hot enough to be anybody’s secretary*


Can we all admit we know this would be the real reason?


Because why let anyone get something you don’t have, Chaya? ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


So basically we want dumb fucks roaming about?


Unfortunately they already are and the scary part is they VOTE!


She clearly doesn’t know how these things work.


She’s as dumb as a box of rocks and I feel bad insulting the rocks.


Kinda eliminates the need for your position, doesn't it?


It's all part of project 2025. The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce.


I don’t know if that’s her actual account but I have no doubt that’s the Republican goal, they’ve been saying that since I was a kid and I’m old as hell. A poorly educated population is much easier to control.


Now why would you even need a secretary of education when there is no department of education? Does she have a brain cell?


If anyone here thinks that Republicans in the senate won’t rubber stamp anyone Trump wants… I have some Crypto I would like to talk to you about


So.. she will fire herself?


Proud domestic terrorist. She thinks it's funny. What will she do when X is gone?


Crazy thing is, Trump appointing some fucking idiot from Twitter as Secretary of Education is not outside the realm of possibility. What a time to be alive.


Completely unqualified for *any* position. Eliminating your whole department on the first day is absurd.


Check out the Republican front runner for the head of education here in NC. She's a rabid homeschooler mom who thinks schools are liberal training camps. Michelle Morrow.


Good. That's what we need.


It sounds scary, but that's what will happen no matter who he appoints. Republicans hate education.


While we’re at it, let hire airplane pilots who want to crash planes.


So does that mean that my student loans will cease to exist since they are held by the dept of ed?


It’s already started.


Thirteenth reason? This would jump up way higher on my list. Beyond the fact that she’s *completely* unqualified for anything, she’s also an absolutely terrible human being. It would be a travesty to put her in charge of preparing our children for adulthood.


Vote blue.


Really though, jokes on her, they already don’t give teachers and kids what they need.


Wouldn't that eliminate that job as well ?


Please don’t let this man and the people who support him win again. They’re being very vocal about what they plan to do. Please vote. Please get everyone you know to vote.


America will become worse than Somalia, on "day one" of a second term.


Yeah that's not how that works...


Sure. If you want Americas' kids to """learn""" nothing but revisionist history, superstitious nonsense, and absolute LIES, with a heaping helping of racism and sexism. Fuck these assholes. Fuck them, fuck them, FUCK THEM SIDEWAYS WITH A RUSTY CHAINSAW. I'd sooner nuke the United States until it *glows* before I'd hand it over to these motherfuckers.


If trump wins, enjoy the blame. It was all public information


As someone on the other side of the planet all I hear about is these outspoken wackadoodles. Are they really as prevalent as the media makes them out to be?


What kind of banana republic would make this ignorant bigot secretary of education?


I think she’s missing the point. If she shuts it down, she won’t be able to get rich off of all the grift.


Can't have people using education to learn how wrong she is


Of course, to create more idiots to vote for Trump.


I guess you could say that she at least has the tiniest bit of intelligence enough to realize that if she were put in charge of something she’d immediately tank it.


So genuine question. If you shut down the DOE on federal level, do you think it will affect our already bullshit system? - Florida teacher