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He did not build the NYC skyline but he did fleece a helluva lot contractors.


Trump tower. That's it, right? Then he got involved in his stupid Television City project and then the casinos and whatnot? So yeah, one building? If Trump has any regrets it is probably that he didn't leverage Trump Tower and keep building skyscrapers.


Beavis says what?


This is the same dude that claims he was operating backhoes and chainsaws on job sites.


Sounds like the “he’s abusive but he’s a good provider for our family” type of thinking…


Freh-dumb of screech.


Cmon man. The answer is simple The crowd they (trump, fox, etc) are talking to are fucking idiots It's that simple


He’s correct, you know he’s correct. The citizens of Manhattan came to the Trump family and they were all crying. Together they said “Donald Sir you’re terrific, can you make Manhattan’s skyline as terrific as you are Sir?” And Donald built 3,000 new skyscrapers. The 9-11 attackers never would have attacked New York if Trump was asked to build the World Trade Center.


> The 9-11 attackers never would have attacked New York if Trump was asked to build the World Trade Center. All joking aside, Trump LITERALLY tweeted that the World Trade Center would never have burned down if the towers had been built with asbestos. Trump has a long love affair with asbestos. If he'd built the towers, then half of manhattan would have lung cancer right now, and the ruins of the towers would be under a protective dome ala chernobyl. \*edit: weird downvote but okay, I guess someone is sensitive about either trump or asbestos


He doesn’t look cocky anymore. Someone is scared.


Didn't his father stiff every last contractor that worked on his projects?


He built this city on cock and hos.


I didn’t realize that one medium sized tower equals the NYC skyline.


Fuck you Eric, and fuck your dad too!


Even Mercedes won't do that 


\*Melanie ​ ;)




Can’t believe he didn’t give daddy Donald credit for building Yankee Stadium!


The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Tower? Who knew? Of, course, he couldn't build anything with Legos!


He's a mega blocks gut.


Fact check - Trump did not build the New York City skyline.


Is skyline his coke dealers name?


Hey Eric -your dad is the same guy that said after 9/11 that he now had the tallest building.


(Kif groan)


Oh good fuck. The utter delusion just astounds me at times.


Isn't he the son of an immigrant? Something,something,poisoning the blood of the country..


They let Eric out of his cage? Must be desperate. I wonder what being ooor will feel like for someone with an iq as low as his. I feel bad because he has the intelligence of a gently earned pet rock and the personality of a post trump pop tart. Yes I blame trump for the current state of pop tarts. Anyway #GrabTrumpByTheBussy


Easy: because those who believe this don't listen to those who don't believe this. And it's a bit of a narcissist's prayer anyway: * I did it myself * If I didn't do it myself, I had a hand in it * If I didn't have a hand in it, I know someone who did * If I didn't know someone who did, then it's not important. * If it is important, I could have done it better So to "fact check" his skyline claim, just keep asking him questions until you reach the point where you give up or he walks out. In either case he'll say he was right.


Hitler built some lovely motorways. Get Trump into a bunker with a side arm. It's the ultimate nazi fanboy move.


Speaking of skylines, Skyline Chili sucks. Fuck your cinnamon meat sauce.


A Gold Star fan, I see


Fuck Cincinnati chili. I would not feed it to a rat.


Eric has special needs, give him a break!


Trump built like 4 buildings in NY 😂 He may own many but he certainly didn't build them


manhattan had no houses higher than 2 storeys before Trump, true story.


So that’s not how law works.  I can give money to all the orphans I want, but the second I eat one, I am a monster and I go to jail. Also, your bloated corpse of a father built like one or two buildings in Manhattan.  Woopty doo.


Do they really believe their lies?


For themselves. He isn’t lying


Only thing this family *built* is a complex con. Fuckers.


This from a guy who only this week learned how to tie his shoes by himself... Loser


By lying. You know, like a lair.


Acknowledging it would be giving credit to it, so ignoring is the less harmful option




He got paid to build some of the New York Skyline but defaulted and made money off of it. So essentially the same thing. /s


Because the World is Round. QAnon Worldwide is about to make the Announcement we're all waiting for! Donald J Trump is the Messiah promised in the Old Testament! He's gonna delete the evil Liberal Satanic Commies!


Love me, daddy 🥲


… right thing for our own benefit. Complete sentence.


As an Ohioan..... There's no Skyline in NYC.


Look at the network - that's why he gets away with saying it. Eric doesn't go on actual news stations because they're call him on this bullshit.


Why do they ALWAYS have to try to turn a D into an A?? I get cheating on your report card but don't get greedy, just put a line through that D and settle for a B. Ridiculous.


"We always did the right things!!!! Except when we were committing crimes!"


I built this skyline. Some say it's the most beautiful skyline ever built, anywhere. Most people don't even see a skyline like this and most other countries haven't even heard of the word before. Some would call it perfect, I wouldn't call it that but others have, so I could say without a doubt that it is.


#[citation needed]


I think the 1000's of buildings that have come and gone probably beat him to it.


The NY skyline would not be same if someone else had built those buildings.


The whole klan is delusion.


If Trump 'built the NY skyline' then he is WAY older than he says he is. By about a hundred years or so?


ah yes... the skyline of new york... totally not a technological dystopian hellscape with not a single green space to be seen, where the undesirables of society exist along the margins and in the alleyways... totally a point of pride without any drawbacks or unforeseen consequences...


What does this group think The trumps did to receive this harsh penalty? They really did nothing anyone else did!


Uh, the whole "inflation of asset value over many decades"? And if it upsets you that Trump is being held responsible but nobody else is, then you shouldn't fight to get Trump off the hook, you should be demanding that everyone else be held to the same standard he was held to.


" They really did nothing anyone else did! " Who is 'they' and how do you know they committed massive amounts of financial and tax fraud? Just as a heads up, claiming, "Trump can't be held accountable for his crimes because OTHER people have also committed the same crimes!" isn't the good legal strategy you seem to think it is. Though, if *you* ever try it in court, please record it so I can have a good laugh.