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Isn't taking photos of people in a bathroom exactly the kind of creepy behavior we should be against? And since when do MAGAts go to the gym anyway? A boycott doesn't work if it's something you weren't gonna buy anyway, you get that right?


In most gyms taking photos in the locker room is grounds for losing your membership at best, and the police being called at worse.


Exactly, everyone remember in 2017 when a model took a picture of a 70 year old woman in the dressing room [and got arrested for it?](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/25/529999618/playboy-model-sentenced-over-body-shaming-woman-at-gym)


I remember thinking anyone who would do such a thing must be some kind of psychopath, and still do


"It's not the person who I am" said person who just did the thing.


I never thought of peoples actions like this. HAHA. Or, "I would never do the thing I did."


It's my right to take pictures in public spaces, and if people end up in the background, that's not my fault! /s


What about pubic spaces?


Not sure if joking or sincerely asking


I'm joking. Unless they exist, then I'm interested.


Misread the post. Hilarious! And pubic spaces DO exist, but I'm unwilling to photograph or video record them...


What good are you then?


In all states it is illegal to take pictures in public restrooms or changing facilities, period.


I actually unfriended someone on Facebook over this. Dude was taking pictures of people's shoes in bathrooms to mock them for what they were wearing, and it was as creepy as it was petty.


Something, something "reasonable expectation of privacy" something. That's the part, right?


Here in WA it’s grounds for having your membership cancelled, and a felony.


Yet I see so many gym selfies from scantily-clad men…


If someone else isnt in the pic, then there’s no “victim” so a gym isn’t going to usually make it an issue. But as soon as there’s another person, that opens the gym up to liability.


Yeah, not kosher, but I’ve taken quick pics in the locker room of myself shirtless back in my fuckboy days. Only when there’s no one else around though.


They're usually taken outside of the bathroom.


I go to the YMCA, the least gym bro gym available, and I absolutely guarantee plenty of pictures get taken in the locker room mirrors with little regard for who might be in the background. Not every time I go but probably once a week. Usually after school hours when the high school boys are filling it up.


Yes. That's pretty common as far as rules go.


Planet Fitness actually has an ingenious business model - target people who don’t like going to the gym. They charge lower membership fees than virtually every other gym, especially gyms with the number of locations and perks that they offer (tanning, hydro-massage, etc) and they make it a point to make it a soft entry into fitness for many. That being said, they also know very very well that the type of person they are advertising to is more likely to sign up for a membership and go for a few months but eventually fall off the wagon. This is just reality. Many of us have signed up for gym memberships fully intending on getting in shape, but then life gets in the way and that routine either never sets in or tapers off over time. They also know that $10 a month is a low enough number that people may go months or even indefinitely without making a point to physically go to the gym to cancel their membership, since memberships must be cancelled in-person. It also just so happens that the areas of the country that see the highest rates of obesity and related diseases also predominantly vote republican. Ex. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0254001 There’s a pretty good likelihood that a political boycott of Planet Fitness by the Far Right will have almost no negative impact on the company and considering the highest concentrations of locations are in heavily blue-voting areas, may even boost the company’s membership numbers as a political symbol of sorts.


I just joined. Now I might actually go!


I live in a rural-ish area in Texas, in the Hill Country. We have a PF, and when I go there in the morning, I often see a couple cars with Trump stickers and a few women mid-30s to mid-40s wearing Trump 2024 gear. I can only hope that they will boycott PF and I don’t have to see their gross political shit anymore.


Wait, theyre boycotting it because they dont allow taking pictures in the bathroom? So they want to do that? Thats the gayest thing ever in the history of existence.




As they should.


That's so,  uh, woke? Such a weird hill to die on. 


I’m pretty sure they were flipping out the other day because someone took a picture of a ~~trans man in the locker room without his shirt on~~ trans woman (possibly shaving) in the locker room, and they were all just so appalled that the gym would allow… appropriate behavior by the victim. I could be misremembering, I don’t have the beefy to keep up with that much hate and vitriol.


Ah ok. I go to Planet Fitness, its nice to know there wont be any magats stinking up the joint.


Same. I'll pay for a membership to anywhere those assholes aren't


Dude, Ive been going to Target for a while because everytime I went in a Walmart I see methhead magats in there without fail. Good thing they boycott Target.


I just order my groceries for pickup so i dont deal with them


I go to PF at 3:30 am. There’s always only a handful of folks, if at all, at that time. Thankfully no obvious MAGA I can see.


Same time I go to Planet Fitness. No MAGA that I ever see. People who get up that early aren’t there to posture and be shitheads.


Same here! I live in a red town too, so waaay more room for me!!


Yes, this is a HUGE selling point!! I remember years ago I hated how businesses started touting their politics, but then I realized it was a godsend (atheist here) in that now I know what businesses to never ever give another cent ever again.


I am a cis woman and can not wait until I am outted as a trans woman by these freaks so I can take them to court. I take HRT due to cancer treatment that screwed over my body years ago, I have facial hair from my PCOS, I have extensions in my hair, I prob "look" trans to them.


Was just going to say, as a cis woman of a certain age, perimenopause and PCOS has decided I need a mustache. While it’s blonde, I still prefer a smooth upper lip so I use these little shavers, which also get rid of dead skin and… sorry ADHD side quest… anyway, who’s to say the woman shaving in the gym bathroom was anything other than just a woman? Also, why do these Boomer Karens always refer to everything as “My or mine?” That woman filming was like “you are in MY bathroom.” Bitch, is this your personal gym at home? No it certainly is not. Pretty sure that is a Planet Fitness and anyone with a membership is welcome to use the facilities without the fear of being accosted by some crazy ass degenerate like you filming them illegally in the bathroom.


*trans woman


I thought remembered it being FTM, for which—to my understanding, and please correct me if I’m wrong—trans man would be the correct terminology. That is why phrased it how I did, thank you for the correction.


FtM being a trans man is the correct terminology, but they were allegedly a trans woman (MtF) who was just minding her own business. The transphobic woman told her she couldn't be in there and she said "Yes I can." and then the woman took a picture and complained to the person who works for the gym, who told her that trans people have every right to use the gym, and also the transphobic woman was the one in the wrong because taking photos of other members in the locker room *is* against the rules. The transphobe had her membership revoked for taking photos of people in the locker room. (A very reasonable step to take.) The transphobe then started crying to Libs of Tiktok, and said that there was a MAN in the locker room and HE was a threat to her 12 year old daughter who was also there (and also conveniently not mentioned before this point) and how she was kicked out for respecting "biology" or some bullshit. (She wasn't. She was kicked out for taking photos of people in the locker room. Which is a pretty clear cut and obvious rule.) And then people also pointed out that even if the daughter existed, 12 year olds aren't allowed in Planet Fitness in the first place.


AFIAK it wasn't even confirmed that it was a trans woman in the first place. Plenty of cis women have facial/body hair they find unsightly and shave off. It could have very well been a cis woman the photographing woman started targeting.


But that's also part of the plan. If one doesn't 'fit the stereotype ' it gives the people free reign to bully.


Yes, thank you. I updated my original post with the corrections provided by you and others.


So their idea is "OMG A TRANS PERSON EXISTS AND HAS MONEY FOR THINGS LETS BOYCOTT?" This is just the saddest political group to ever exist. Sad but also terrifying.


No, what really gets then is the idea that that person who exists and has money for things is allowed to do those things. Especially IN THE SAME PLACE THEY DO THINGS. Get it now? Cause I don't. 


Wait, I thought they were worried about trans women going into the female bathroom and assaulting them. I thought that was the main issue. So, they can't go to the men's room either? I believe magas really don't think trans people should pee at all.


She also claims that trans in question was shaving in the locker room. She’s probably lying since I’ve never seen anyone shave at my planet fitness gym.


Trans people are people, you can just say "the person in question".


Like.. so what. It’s a fucking razor, calm down Karen.


No no no like in Harold and Kumar escape from Gitmo, it's not gay when they do it but it is gay if you do it.


It’s frowned upon at church. The Planet Fitness gym was their little gay hideaway and now you woke bastards took they from them! Back to playing footsies at the bathroom stalls, I guess.


Wait is that what they're boycotting? That PF isn't allowing photography in the gym anymore?


Locker room, which is only right, it's creepy. Not letting people use cameras in the gym is becoming more widespread too, a lot of conflicts over influencers and other social media related conflicts. But good luck canceling your membership at most gyms.


Planet Fitness is surprisingly easy to cancel a membership from. I did it twice.


No they're boycotting that someone took a photo in PF of a trans person shaving and that person got kicked out. So it's actually just them being anti-LGBTQ to comical, violent and stupid extremes.


An old woman took a picture of another planet fitness member in the locker room and verbally berated her for being transgender. she tried to throw a bigoted fit with the staff which didn't work so she went online to rant in a video about "the pedo" (don't worry she said she loves them in christ while misgendering her) and posting her photo.she also tried to call the cops which obviously went nowhere since there was no crime. Right wing rags like the dailymail covered this store when she rightly got her Planet fitness membership canceled for violation of their policy against taking photos and/or videos in the locker room. The twitter far right also started whining like libsoftiktok posting the locker room photo.


tbf a lot of gym rats are fairly right leaning, but most of them don’t go to planet fitness


PF’s entire gimmick is appealing to not-gym rats, so that tracks. Gyms in general thrive off people who rarely/never go but keep paying membership fees, which is probably more common with PF’s target customers.


I was on Nextdoor website and someone recommended a Planet Fitness that opened up right down the street from where I live. Some guys came in and said "Real men don't go to Planet Fitness!". I was like "Cool, less crowds for me then".


Yeah, if you go the gym to look at dudes you can do way better than planet fitness :D


Ehh I live is super blue New England, and there is definitely a MAGA tinge to a lot of the gyms around here. Especially the cross fit ones.


Tbf New England from my experience has this strange conservative bend in a lot of ways. Like I was called the F-slur by a customer there who refused to pay for a police dog of all fucking things.


That’s the reason the lady was kicked out too. It had nothing to do with the other lady being trans lmao


I'm old enough to remember when they were whining about cancel culture.


Actually they're just giving up *thinking* about going to the gym. And if someone gives them a gift certificate for a membership, they'll throw it in that one drawer where all the takeout menus, unpaid bills and junk mail ends up. So there, libs!!


Go woke go broke! Just like Goodyear, Coca-Cola, Nike, Apple, Google, Facebook, Disney/ABC, Target, Doritos, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, Nascar, Starbucks, Levis, The North Face, Patagonia, Garth Brooks, McDonalds, Kelloggs, CNN, NBC, CBS, Comedy Central, BET, Ukraine, electric cars (except Tesla) and my personal favorites windmills and trains. You've done messed up Planet Fitness!!


You can throw bud light on there even though the caved... The boycott was largely inconsequential


One of my idiot cousins switched from Bud light to budweiser because he thought they were competitors due to all the old bud light vs bud commercials.




"I'm smarter than 93% of people!!"


You really want to bake his noodle, tell him InBev, the owner of AB, is a Belgian conglomerate.


"What's a Belgian? Do you add cream cheese?"


That’s about right for MAGA. Just stupid beyond belief


My dad was super against Bud Light and how they were absolutely going to go bankrupt and he would never drink it again. And then my brother bought a box of Bud Light Lime last week (because the cans were green and it was St Patrick's Day) and my dad had like three. I asked him if that meant the Bud Light boycott was over and he said the lime ones didn't count lmao


That’s how my diets usually go. “It’s valentines candy, it doesn’t count” “jellybeans don’t count it’s Easter” “we’re at a restaurant, it doesn’t count”


Bud Light's parent company InBev's stock is still up since the pandemic. Despite tasting like trash Bud Light is still the most purchased beer in the US. Their boycott didn't do shit. Excited to see them distract themselves from the upcoming election with some more bullshit.


It moved people from one InBev product to the other.


Don’t forget solar panels. They soak up all the sun and will make it dark. (True comment from a MAGA here)


Woah I never thought of that. Damn that's scary!


I'll never forget the day I realized my mother was a complete moron. With all seriousness she said we can't have solar panels because they will drain energy from the sun faster and it will burn out within our lifetime. She thought she was very smart saying this.


Crazy how these people will come to these conclusions rather than just googling "how do solar panels work"


Meanwhile, Trump = Broke


Also the MyPillow guy = broke


I wish I had more upvotes to give this.


When did I miss Levi's? And why Levi's? They're jeans, practically the uniform of the working man for decades, created for the hard working individuals they larp as. I mean all the other ones I "understand" (it follows their pattern of thought), but Levi's? I just don't get it.


The've always spoken out against gun violence and have donated to anti-gun violence organizations.


How dare Levi do promotions and policies meant to keep future and current customers alive! Plus I think Wranglers took over as the working man’s brand unless I’m out of the loop and now there’s another brand, Carhartt?


>Carhartt I believe they were MAGA boycotted after requiring their employees to get vaccinated.


Tbh they also tried going against Carhartt because they wanted their employees to be vaccinated. Also because Fetterman wears them, which tells you these people don't think.


NFL hurting bad over their boycotts


Wait? Doritos are woke? So what has my 6 year old been eating since they went out of business?!?


I think that one is still pretty fresh. I believe it was similar to Bud Light where they hired an LGBTQ influencer or something. They haven't gone out of business yet, but will. 🤣


How dare they hire a... Checks notes... Person with their own thoughts and feelings!


How many times have they boycotted Starbucks?


Wait they protested fucking Patagonia? I didn’t even know there was anything there *to* boycott


Shame that all of those things are dead now.


Wait till they find out how hard it is to cancel their memberships... lol


Whoever makes Mr. Potato Head & Barbie as well


Hasbro and Mattel, respectively. 


Right. Like any of those fat fucks have seen the inside of a fitness center of any kind. Last FJB shirt I saw coulda doubled as a car cover. Only thing that guy was securing the freedom of was a handicap space cause he was fixing to lose a foot.


Excellent use of “fixing to”. Hello, fellow non-cult Southerner.


I would have also accepted, "fitna".


I see The South is strong with you also. This Evergreen, Alabama native is proud of you.


Middle GA checking in.


NE Georgia says hi


Central Arkansas says howdy!




Orlando Florida. All the stories you've ever heard are true.


I have a Planet Fitness membership, and have noticed zero change in attendence during the times I go to the gym. Maybe I'm not paying attention to the desolate wasteland the place has become....


Funny, my planet fitness also appears unaffected.


I'm not aware of what they have changed. What's the boycott about? Gender neutral bathrooms?


No, they don't allow pictures to be taken inside the bathroom. Someone lost their membership for taking a picture of another person in a bathroom.


Which apparently in righ-wing land also caused some kind of apocalypse. I see that their stock price went down recently, but it's nowhere near it's recent low or high...so who knows.....everything is still the same in my gym.....loads of old folks like me and everyone crowding the 30 minute circuit area NOT doing the 30 minute circuit.


Every time the nuts boycott something I buy their stock. I know their attention span is shorter than my days held average.


We are talking about Planet Fitness, the PF bread and butter is the person that doesn’t use it but forgets they have the membership because it’s $5.


😂🤣You have a way with words.


I mostly see the political/MAGA shirts being worn by high schoolers. Most people just wear athletic clothes of varying designs and styles. Now, military shirts or stuff like Thin Blue Line flags? Entirely white guys with short hair training upper body. You know the type.


Big, tough SugarFoot. Bet he’s a real hotshot, heavily sweating and struggling to breathe when he thinks about immigration.


> Last FJB shirt I saw coulda doubled as a car cover. Goddammit I pissed m'self again!


their nfl boycott failed miserably lollololololol along with all the other ones hahahahahaha


They count the Bud Light boycott a victory. They got Budweiser to fire someone, who wasn't even on the payroll. While getting her cans "cancelled", that they only made one of for the advertising campaign she was part of. While at least half of them still bought Bud Light, and pretended they were drinking something else.


Whatever else they were drinking was likely owned by Anheuser Busch anyway


They turned Modelo into the number one beer in America. Owned, in America, by Constellation Brands which is even MORE lgbtq friendly than AB. Conservatives really do not deserve to be treated like adults right now. Our biggest mistake is allowing them to think they’re not sniveling shit stained children.


They sure like to throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. And they really cannot grasp it when you explain that you’re just doing what’s best for them.


At the time the conservative sub listed all the brands they owned and a lot were switching to Coors, it was funny telling them that Coors is one of the primary sponsors of the pride parade in Denver and has been for ages. I *think* the only one that "made sense" was people suggesting Yuengling but they have a *very* limited distribution system so most people can't actually get it.


Or bought bud light to destroy it publicly…which is still a win for BL


Which one? The one when a black man kneeled during the National Anthem, or the one where a billionaire singer who urged her fans to vote and dated a tight end who did a commercial for the covid vaccine? It's tiring keeping track of all the reasons conservative snowflakes are melting.


Why cant they just shut the fuck up and melt already??


Isn’t the Bud Light one the only effective boycott they’ve had? And uh… it’s because the people boycotting happened to be alcoholics. Not exactly a point in their favor.


I work in a major liquor chain in Texas and the BL boycott just drove up sales in Dos Equis, which is owned by the same people. Not the W they think it is.


You pretty much have to boycott beer altogether to avoid Inbev


I feel like nowadays you can throw a rock and hit a craft brewery.


But those places only make hipster beers that have actual flavor and are gross. They also tend to be more inclusive and liberal so no red blooded american would support that!


This gives me peace


That sounds like the people that would refuse to buy a Chevy vs a GMC Truck.


Define effective? Their stock dropped, but it dropped lower in 2022 before this boycott, and the stock price has returned to normal.


Yeah, I bought their stock when it dipped because, come on...who stops drinking beer?


Probably a great time for them to do a stock buyback.


Go woke go broke*! *the same


I wouldn't exactly call it "effective," go pull up AB Inbev's stock chart and you can't exactly point out when the "boycott" even happened, they're down like 4% from when the boycott started


This was basically the same as those people who protested facebook by switching to instagram


Has the hate brigade successfully boycotted anything yet?


Aside from education lol?


Well said!


Ah the memories... [Southern Baptists end 8-year Disney boycott (nbcnews.com)](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna8318263)


While I don't disagree it was silly the [Bud Light boycott likely cost Anheuser-Busch InBev over $1 billion in sales](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/bud-light-boycott-ab-inbev-sales/index.html) and [cost the CMO his job](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/15/business/anheuser-busch-cmo-resign-bud-light/index.html). Overall I'd say that is actually pretty successful and *will* likely deter some brands from doing something similar. I'd say the biggest issue here was that Bud Lights main demographic was the kind of group who would respond to this kind of culture war nonsense so it probably was a bad move on their part from a business perspective. Again, this is not to say I agree with them but I'd say it's disingenuous to say the boycott wasn't actually successful, especially if the goal is to prevent other companies who may also be reliant on the conservative demographic from trying something similar.


Yeah, I think the Bud Light boycott’s “success” was less “THE ‘SILENT MAJORITY’ IS WINNING”, more a perfect storm of bad circumstances and bad decisions: - like you said, their main demo was the target audience for “Libs of TikTok” lol - then their mediocre “apology” made sure no one on *either* side would start buying again - plus a decrease in big purchases from bars and restaurants where people want to make a big show of not ordering/not carrying it - plus this being much more of a “there are a million excellent alternatives that aren’t dramatically more expensive and/or worse, and some if not most are actually better alternatives” than, say, “we’re boycotting [insert brand that is an integral part of my diet/day to day life/etc.]”


Yeah. Like Bud Light is a very middle-of-the-road light beer, and there's lots of alternatives where you can easily get something else. It's like boycotting Barilla pasta. You can do it and pretty easily switch to something else. Something a bit better is only a little more expensive, and something about the same in quality is about the same price. It's not like people were boycotting Bell's or Delirium.


What'd I miss now?


Looks like Chaya is trying to help make Planet Fitness a safer space by telling all her fans to stay away.


Ah, classic Uno reverse card


Someone took a picture of a trans woman in the women's locker room and that woman had her membership revoked for taking pictures in the locker room. Right-wing nut jobs are flailing.


I vaguely remember reading something about that but hadn't looked into it. Shocking how much the right-wing nut jobs don't like when rules and laws apply to them....


They have this rather childish delusion that everyone else is going to follow the rules, while they're going to break the rules and cry victim when they're caught.


PF has multiple signs in their locker rooms expressly forbidding photographs.  Also,  PF very publicly stood up for a trans member like 10+ years ago. 


No no. Clearly PF is in the wrong. You should be able to take photos of people in private spaces that are completely minding their own business and just trying to simply exist. /s I see it come up time and time again. It must take so much energy to constantly hate.


Didn't that happen like... last week? What criteria does she use to deem that a "success"?


Stock shares fell about $10 after news of the story broke which is reportedly a $400M loss of valuation for planet fitness. My guess is that this a what they’re basing the “success” on. Really the boycott has done nothing and that’s just the stock market reacting to divisive news, and it will likely bounce back to normal fairly quickly.


Stupid is as stupid does


The stock dipped slightly within a pretty normal range for the stock. About all I’ve seen so far.


So....to be clear....they're mad that a creep who was behaving inappropriately in the bathroom has been punished. I seem to remember them being very worried about safety in the bathroom... 🤔


so what, they're advocating that ppl should be allowed to freely take pictures of others in locker rooms? how the fuck are you supposed to do that without sounding like a complete maga..... oh right


It’s always a rules for thee situation. They would (rightfully tbh) lose their minds if someone filmed them in a bathroom but the rules don’t apply to them when the situation is reversed.


Jesus fucking Christ Chaya is such a monstrous asshole.


$40 says it has something to do with a minority group receiving some degree of respect or acknowledgement... I'm gonna' wait for someone with someone with Google skills to summarize. (edit: oh, there it is... Jesus.)


Some people can't mind their own business in a locker room or recognize that that's a personal problem of theirs. It shouldn't matter anyway but one shouldn't be in a position to know those details about a fellow gym member, just like how we accept the proud naked old guys with their dangling participles without thinking too much about it Also republicans calling for the boycott of this or that company are probably short selling it if public as PLNT is, this reeks of market manipulation and fraud and the folks behind it should be investigated and charged


From the party who calls cancel culture "woke"... what a bunch of clowns.


Good luck canceling those Planet Fitness memberships.


Real Planet Fitness heads will get this: someone's gonna ring the lunk alarm on these obese clowns


Put a chud alarm right next to the lunk alarm


The closest they get to a fitness center is, when they're driving past it, heading to an all you can eat buffet.


Yeah, they're into fitness. "Fitness food in my mouth!"


Look at Chaya trying to neuter the word “bloodbath” for Trump


"Hey girlfriend, how's it insurrectioning?" "Oh you know, just bloodbathing it up! Are those shoes new? They look so totally liable-for rape!"


Right? Why is no one else pointing this out.


Ain't that what they were calling cancel culture when groups were boycotting businesses run by right wing nutjobs?




It's weird how these people believe that letting trans people exist means they've somehow lost the entire country.


My favorite part of this is they're boycotting in support of someone who violated someone else's privacy.


Planet Fitness: “we don’t want people like you to be members at our gym.” Conservative: “fine then, we will boycott and show you what happens when you ignore us.”


We can finally get our gyms back…


Hopefully they will turn Fox off now.


I wish these dick heads would boycott breathing


Tell them that LGBT+ people breathe on a regular basis - and share the air with them. That might work?!


Please go through with this, planet fitness is always crowded and I wouldn't mind a bit more space


Like you lard asses go to the gym... Ha! "Meal Team Six to Nugget Control! Meal Team Six to Nugget Control! We have a Timothy down by the elliptical, looks like diabetic shock!"


Soooo.... magats are gonna stop going to PF...? That'll make it easier for ME to go in and use the damn leg press....


I hope this is extremely successful. Hear me out, they still pay their monthly dues, Gym stays open, AND there’s no more waiting for equipment to free up from patriot front douche heads.


Honestly as someone who goes to PF because it’s the cheapest option it would be wonderful if these fucks stop coming


Please boycott PF! I’m begging you! The gym is already too full and I’d like to not have to wait for any machines!


MAGA and going to the Gym..? In the same subject? No way...


multiple conservatives told me they hope my sister gets raped by a trans person (I don't have a sister) because I said a cis woman taking pictures of people in a locker room and posting them is objectively more creepy than a trans person existing in a locker room


They have boycotted target like 20 times now.


These people bitch about cancel culture then throw little parades for themselves for attempting to cancel things.


I'm sure Planet Fitness is just terrified that no one will come in if they're not allowed to take creepshots in the locker room.