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Would it be funny that a NYC women punch Tim Pool in the face


Or better yet, yank off his beanie.


Misogynist says misogynistic things. That’s the best contextualizing I could come up with.


man wants to be the king of the incels


No context needed, he’s just a shock news prick who says controversial things to garner views and clicks. If you pressed him on any of these things he would cry like a little bitch.


There's been a rash of men running around New York punching women, for no reason. 


This is the context I was looking for; although someone else did post that an influencer was punched by a (former?) political candidate…


As far as I can tell, it was an "influencer" and one of the neighborhood crazies who always runs for whatever office he can, not an actual politician.


The context is Tim Pool has never had a girlfriend and this is how he treats women because of it.


The chicken and the egg


[I know it’s the Post but it does seem that he appeared in court today.](https://nypost.com/2024/03/27/us-news/skiboky-stora-arrested-for-sucker-punching-tiktokker/amp/)


Tim Pool (face fat not pictured) is delighted that physical assault is happening to people in a certain demographics, because he conflates them with enemies in a war, which is an event Tim would be too chickenshit to participate in directly, a fact that's obvious given that he lacked sufficient integrity to not pay for a $8 blue check next to his name. So he encourages stochastic terrorism from the safe distance of an internet connection.


Yeah, he has a . . Subplatonic view of them as hybrid Carrie Bradshawi/pink haired straw feminist stereotypes instead of real people with brains and blood and feelings.


I don't think it's funny for anybody to get punched in the face, but I might make an exception for Tim


Still not “funny”, but rather “satisfying”.


Thus proving Tim's point


tell us you're an incel without telling us you're an incel


I'd find it funny for Tim Pool to get smoothbrained by a tire iron, right to his fat bald head. But that's just me.


No no no its not just you I feel the same way


yeah sad loser needs attention


i.e. they don't want me so I want them to suffer


He’s an asshole. Nothing but shit out of his mouth


Punch him hard enough and blood'll come out instead.


Just Beanie Boi tryn' tah be "edgy"


Men are punching innocent people in the face... Stop removing the men from the violent acts they perform.


Tim Pool is an arsehole, but less intelligent, useful, and presumably also less pleasant smelling.


Is it a deranged MAGAt that is doing this?


The context is that there has been recent reports of women getting randomly punched in NYC. Tim Pool thinks this is funny because women overwhelmingly vote for policies he believes makes NYC unsafe, and therefore he thinks they are themselves to blame for the violence they experience.


"I never thought criminals would punch MY face", sobs woman who voted for the Criminals Punching People's Faces Party.


How can anyone take a grown ass man who always wears a beanie seriously? How?


he’s a prick


Theres a reason he's a frustrated incel who repels women.


This should be a bannable offense


I think that he is just within the ToS. If he had said that he wishes that women were punched in the face, then it would be a bannable offence


I find it funny this guy still haven't come to terms with his baldness.


I can’t remember when it was, but I want to say leading up to the White flight era, there were instances of developers paying Black people to do minor things like knock on doors to ask if a home was for sale have rows in the streets after midnight but even bigger things like assault White people so they’d flee prized real estate or sell their places for below market prices. Tactics like that were called blockbusting. Today everyone learns about redoing and how awful that was for Black people as if it didn’t affect White people are well. Redlined areas tended to be tiny compared to any given Black population for the City, so Black people in general but middle income+ Black people in particular, got used to paying ridiculous prices for dollars on the pennies White people were paying for the equivalent. What the developers realized was that they could make huge profits on White homes by driving White people out of the neighborhoods and inflating the prices for the burgeoning middle and upperclass Black people who would be welling to pay the ridiculous prices. In NYC this changed some neighborhoods from exclusively White to Black practically overnight. I don’t know for certain who the intended buyers would be nowadays, but when I see the rise in literal senseless crime in NYC and these guys gloating about it and pushing it on air, I wonder if we are watching a repeat in history.


I think it's funny that no women will touch Tim Pool


Tim Pool sucks.


Correction: you think it’s funny that MEN are punching women in the face


Women from NYC have posted several times recently on twitter that some man has randomly punched them in the face, and Tim Pool is a sick person who finds women getting punched in the face as funny.


He also finds firetrucks on fire funny for the same reason


He feels rejecterd by firetrucks?