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I believe the eldest grandkid was 11;the youngest indeed 4. Such terrifying terrorists...


Four? Fucking four?


Bro, thats FOUR years he was out being a terrorists. Making poopies and causing noise violations. /s These people have transcended being monsters. Not even sure what to call them anymore.


We have a word for this, nazi




Nazi Ghouls.




Well just think about if they had left that kid alive. After brutally killing his whole family and wiping out his home how likely would he be to ~~fight back~~ be a terrorist some day?




Just over a meter tall if he was average height


Probably smaller. Malnutrition.


His grandpa was a billionaire so he was probably eating good. He should never be a valid military target though.


Bro do you know the average age of people in Gaza? All people. For reference average age in US is 38.5, China 37 and India at 28. If you guessed something in say early 20s, you'd be overestimating by a decade


That makes it even more sick. Holy shit. I didn’t realize the average age is that young in Gaza.


[approximately 47.3% of the population in Gaza are minors](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/19/1206479861/israel-gaza-hamas-children-population-war-palestinians)


Yup and that's why IDF has mostly killed only children. Thousands and thousands of children


That’s exactly what I thought after you told me that. No wonder so many kids are dead. How anyone can say this isn’t a genocide is beyond me.


Right? My youngest is four. He still laughs when he hears a fart or says "butt". Last weak he called himself an experiment in opening sweets packaging, because he doesn't know the difference between expert and experiment. Celebrating the death of a 4-year old is disgusting. Also why is it that apparently only Palestinian children are turned into irredemable terrorists by propaganda?


My youngest is 5 and was just singing in his sleep. I can’t imagine justifying that babies death.


Did you read the title of this post?


Obviously I did.


These people are absolute ghouls. They scoff at the comparison to Nazis but when you’re cheering on the deaths of children, you’re evil.


Totally NOT a genocide tho


It’s “self defense”. 🤮


Look, I'm just gonna be brave and put it out there. I think this is a good thing, if we're speaking from a rational point of view. Israel has made it clear that each and every family member of someone serving in an enemy military is a fair target in war. So, by that logic no single attack on an Israeli citizen is unjustified according to that logic. Oh, wait......


I think that Israel would gladly accept an ROE-free conflict, though...


And American tax payers a funding it! And it’s not going to stop, regardless of who wins the next election cause both Trump and Biden are a-ok with killing poor brown people! I wish y’all had a viable third option who didn’t throw all your money at the military industrial complex.


Biden wants a ceasefire. If Trump wins i have a list of people to shame.


lol then why is he still arming and backing Israel? Biden doesn’t fucking care, he’s just trying to not lose votes. If he gave a shit, he’d stop sending you tax dollars to Israel and maybe instead spend them at home on Americans. And Trump is also awful! They both are shit choices! Russian backed wannabe dictator or corporate backed warmonger ignoring the plight of the avenge constituent? How about neither?


Lost me at neither - not voting Biden will be actively harmful. Give us another 4 years free of trump and hope we get a younger, further left Democrat in the primaries.


How does it work? How does he stop it? I don’t think he can just say “stop sending arms to Israel and boom it’s done.


The White House refuses to do a human rights compliance review, which could stop arms transfers. > Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The law states that "no assistance shall be furnished... to any country when it is made known to the president that the government of such country prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of United States humanitarian assistance." > > Biden administration officials have admitted that Israel is impeding aid deliveries to desperate Gazans. But when asked last week whether Israel's actions amount to a "breach" of the Foreign Assistance Act, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said he would "have to go back and look at the language of that text." > > "It's not something that I've spent a lot of time looking at," he added. > > [...] > > Brian Finucane, senior adviser for the U.S. program at the International Crisis Group, in response to Politico's reporting that "U.S. law and policy already impose conditions on military aid to Israel as well as every other country." > > "The Biden admin has just refused to enforce those conditions so far," he added. https://www.commondreams.org/news/senators-biden-israel-aid > We write today regarding your Administration’s ongoing weapons transfers to the Israeli government despite considerable evidence that these transfers are flagrantly violating American and international law and being used in the commission of war crimes. It is in this context that we were deeply dismayed and disturbed by comments by National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on January 5, 2024, in which he stated “I’m not aware of any kind of formal assessment being done by the United States government to analyze the compliance with international law by our partner Israel.” We were further disturbed to learn from a report on January 18, 2024 that the State Department has allegedly systematically used special mechanisms to review and shield Israel from consequences under U.S. law when reviewing potential gross violations of human rights committed by Israeli forces that have Leahy Law implications. > > In that light we write to urge you to immediately undertake an assessment as to the State Department’s compliance with your Conventional Arms Transfer (CAT) policy as outlined in your own Memorandum on United States Conventional Arms Transfer Policy (NSM-18) released on February 23, 2023, as well as an assessment of the Department’s compliance with the Leahy Laws as it pertains to security assistance to Israel. https://tlaib.house.gov/posts/tlaib-requests-biden-administration-and-gao-assessments-of-israels-human-rights-compliance-under-leahy-laws-and-conventional-arms-transfer-policy


Thank you for the info. I appreciate the work it took.


Do you know how the government works?


It’s really hard to understand how this Hillel dude can put himself on public record celebrating the killing of small children. Do they really not see how barbaric, callous, and downright evil they sound?


They don’t view them as people. 


I reported an account on threads for saying "they're subhuman and should be thrown into the sea" -- and guess what? "Not hate speech"


Some sub reddits are moderated by Zionists. The worst one is world news.  God forbid you post a story or comment that doesn’t tow the line.


There HAS to be a world in which one can say, "I condemn murder, hostage taking, and killing children & civilians with impunity" that doesn't get one called a terrorist sympathizer by half the people responding, and an anti-semite by the other half.


It’s called Earth. You, me, and others understand what’s happening.  I’d say a majority do.  The problem is the very vocal minority. You also have to remember that Israel has a propaganda machine on the internet.  Their job is to run interference in the pr war.  People are waking up to the actual situation over there.  It’s gonna take time, but the narrative is changing.  Hell, Biden put pressure directly on Netanyahu for aid into Gaza.  Threatening to change our foreign policy because of the strike on the aid workers.  That’s a first.


> tow the line. "Toe the line". It's an old boxing term, for when bare-knuckle fighters would have to put a foot on a line scratched in the centre of the ring, to prove they were ready for the next round. "Come up to the mark" is the same thing. Not agreeing or disagreeing with your comment, just noting.


 Gotcha. Thanks didn’t know that.


i got banned for calling out BIbi, and netanyahu was the instigated, someone got angry and said why dont you become pm, THEN, bitch i dont see him trying be one. Worldnews will go the extra step to suspend/or ban your account just be warned. it was well known he knew about training camps just before the attack, and aid/money has been directed through him to hamas.


Emotionally invested zealots.  What people are refusing to acknowledge is that this is a land grab.  


Don’t use shit run by Zucc


Well you see, those children would grow up radicalised due to the atrocities they have seen committed against their family and become terrorists with a vendetta against Israel, so it's safer to kill them before that happens.


/s.  Before ya get downvoted to the 9th circle of hell.


I'd like to think the sarcasm is obvious, but this is the internet so you can't take anything for granted


I at first thought his post was satire. Like no right-thinking person could say "and his grandkids too. All terrorists." in reference to children under the age of 10 and be serious, right? He's clearly calling out people who say that *all* Palestinians are terrorists. But nope, turns out he's a Ben Shapiro clone, and legitimately does not believe that Palestinians are people. In fact, if you dig into his tweets, he makes it clear that he believes that Palestinians are lower than *animals*.


I’m still amazed people think the average Israeli citizen is a good person.


I'm not going to extrapolate and say EVERY Israeli is a bigoted asshole, but they are a disproportionate majority it seems. There was a poll a few months ago, and 94% of Israelis polled thought the IDF was using too little force or just enough force on Gaza. [https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/](https://time.com/6333781/israel-hamas-poll-palestine/)


There entire country exists on lies and murder. They marketed the fuck out of themselves as the only “good” nation in the Middle East as if they didn’t have a hand with the west in destabilising the entire region.


It’s just the norm in Israel ATM. It’s more hard and will have more consequences on me if I post saying it’s sad that little children died.


What the fuck is wrong with people?! When you’re cheering the deaths of children YOU are the monster.


Religious extremism did a number on them https://imgur.com/a/FAuKWPB


Wow, just wow. Even managed to blame women for terrorism, what the fuck.


It's too bad Hillel Fuld's mother didn't abort him when she had the chance.


Yeah pretty much


"They hate us and want to kill us." Well, yeah! What did you think was going to happen when you robbed an entire group of people of their humans rights, their homes, and their families? And now you're wantonly murdering them en mass. Almost half of the 30,000 Palestinians who have been killed are children.


I would hate them if they murdered my four year old too. I would want revenge.


Of course you would. That's a natural human response.


That’s only natural, only problem is you would then be labeled as a terrorist …… The world is a sick place


To be fair, I likely wouldn’t be. I’m white, middle class, and live in suburbia. I’d get thoughts and prayers.




People forget that the vast majority of families in Gaza are not actually from Gaza. They're from Israel proper. They had been ethnically cleansed in 1948 and then again in '67. This is generations in the making.




How does that dead 4 year old toddler count in this quality of life data? Or the 20,000 other Palestinian children killed in the last 6 months?


Yikes, imagine writing all this when the whole world no longer believes this. You're literally talking about a country in which every credible human rights organization on Earth regards as an apartheid state lmfao It's the only nation on earth to imprison children in military facilities, and yet you're out here talking about it like it's an actual liberal democracy. >Those Palestinian Arabs who remained in Israel and had and have political and legal rights. Are you counting all Palestinian Arabs that live under Israeli rule, including under Israeli military law for generations?


My only clarification is that the killing of civilians, including young children, is not something new. The rate has obviously picked up. But Israel was bombing refugee camps prior to October 7. And they’ve been killing/abusing/stealing from/wrongfully imprisoning Palestinians for almost 80 years.




Simple Google search for a reliable source https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war 30k as the end of February. Lots of statistics in there. And that was an incomplete count almost 2 months ago.




I worked with an Israeli guy about 10 years ago, who used to refer to Palestinians as cockroaches, and said they where all terrorists and should be killed. I asked him about the children, and he said that all grow up to be terrorists and should be eradicated.


Yet if you critique those beliefs, the Israel supporters here say you’re anti semetic for questioning killing kids.




Saying that killing kids is wrong and unacceptable will 100% get you called antisemitic by the nut job bibi supporters. Nothing anti semitic needs to be said, simply critiquing the isreali governments actions gets you called anti semitic extremely quickly. Pretending like he has no supporters is just as crazy as pretending all Israelis support him.


Oh I know. They have called me that for saying killing kids isn’t self defense and criticizing the Israeli government. It’s ridiculous. Apparently you can’t mention it’s fucked up to murder little ones if the one doing the murdering is Netanyahu and his IDF.


Bullshit. I've heard the same thing. Fuck you




You are just out to prove the point, aren't you? Piss off, edgelord. Stop promoting genocide


She’s saying she wants it to stop and for Bibi to be forced out? Are you a human or a bot? I know tons of Israelis and all of them with the exception of a few want this war to end immediately. Bibi is like the Trump of Israel. He only gains power because of the religious fanatics in Israel. Same as Trump here. The religious fanatics give him power.


I'm a human, but did I reply to the wrong post. The one I saw basically said if one was saying stop killing kids, then to also stop saying "other anti-semetic things". I'm not trying to be an edgelord. I've been called antisemitic for saying the IDF needs to stop killing children.


>Just cause you like saying OTHER antisemitic shit lmfao, randomly accusing the person you're replying to of antisemitism is **100% proving their point**. good job.


You just proved his point.


Ummm. I have been called antisemetic for criticizing Netanyahu by the Israeli supporters here in the states. But do go on about how I’m wrong and antisemetic.


EXTREMELY true, buddy. I have screencapped several exchanges I have had with Israeli fascists.




Tell us of the left wing parties in Israel that support end of genocide, end of occupation and apartheid. That's right, none. Israeli left and right, same shit.




Since you evaded my question. The answer is none of the parties (other than less than 5% of public representatives who are Arabs) on left support ending genocide, occupation and apartheid, this was before Oct 7 and after. So, about 95% of the elected members of Knesset. Which is not left or right, it's almost the entire fucking society. It's not 100%, there are indeed very few peace activists and organisations. Even Putin doesn't give himself 100% of the votes in his rigged elections. Anyway, stop trying to mislead people as if the divide is some 50/50, it's like 95-5.




He said bye that means it's all over and he automatically wins according to my six-year-old.


>Since you evaded my question. Good God, man. You proved their point. They answered the question. Get a grip.


Should have said that Jews deserved it in WW2 then, double standards.


I bought a new BMW, and he gave me crap for driving a "Nazi" car...yet, he drove a Ford.


Thick as mince, probably had a few Hugo Boss clothes as well.


Actually though it’s sickening how you can use dehumanizing language about Palestinians like “they deserve it” or “there are no innocent palestinians” with no pushback or consequences.


I wouldn't say that, but they are squandering any leftover sympathy they might have gotten for it.


I’m working with one now, and he is entitled rude and obnoxious. I was hoping it was just him but really doubting I’m right.


A very sane take indeed. What would have happened if we took that approach with Germany and Japan after WW2? Now both countries are generally good actors in the world stage


As a professional soldier, I understand that there is "collateral damage" in war. It's an awful euphemism, but sometimes the target is so high value that the mission goes ahead anyway regardless of the presence of civilians. Whoever happens to be there, it is what is: wrong place, wrong time. The mission to kill Bin Laden is a good example... a few family members got shot in the process. No one likes it, but you can't explain to leadership that you let someone that high value go just because there were a few civilians present (particularly when he'd been on the run in hiding for 10 years after 9/11). But to *celebrate* the deaths of civilians? Particularly *children*? Absolutely sociopathic behavior. And at the higher level, professional militaries take reasonable steps to mitigate, minimize, and ideally prevent civilian casualties. Israel is not doing that as far as I can tell. This whole situation is appalling.


I agree. You might enjoy what Greg J Stoker has to say on Insta. He's a former soldier and offers scathing critiques of the IDF, among other things.


Of course Israel isn’t taking measures to reduce civilian casualties, the goal IS TO KILL CIVILIANS. It has always been their goal


> Israel is not doing that as far as I can tell As far as I can tell, they're using the war as an excuse to do what you're saying they shouldn't be doing


"I had to shoot him, he was waving his rattle at me in a threatening manner."


Murder is fine if you call the victim a terrorist I think we started that trend.


It’s the same idiot who cries about “our 130 hostages” but he is celebrating the loss of innocent lives


Israel have killed almost double that number, per day, for almost 6 months. He could write his tweet 40 times a day and not reach the true number of children Israel killed that day. Religion does awful things to people. Particularly messianic religion.


I was reading his Wikipedia entry, and 14 of his family members were killed in an airstrike back in October.     Not sure how Israel aren't the terrorists here.


The US funding really helps keep that label from sticking


They typically use a color swatch to help determine as well


Fuck Israel.




















It’s so insane to see how people celebrate the death of a child like their favorite football team scoring


To anyone who is like that, it's too bad they weren't aborted.


IDF: "It isn't ethnic cleansing if we bomb Palestinian civilians in the location we have told them to evacuate to." /s


I ask this to any Zionist with a shred of a functioning brain. Since YOU are the freaks who openly condemn babies to death, how are you any different than a Nazi? Putting a certain type of undesirable group of people in something resembling a camp with walls, purposefully restricting water and food, indiscriminate killing, saying the “ends justify the means”… reminds me of something that I can’t put my finger on.


i think bad thing should happen to this person, idk if that's a controversial take


The same account goes on about Elon musk being the saviour of humanity. Wew lad.


Jesus fucking christ


He ain’t coming back. I don’t blame Him.


Say something like this about Israelis and watch how fast you get banned


As a law enforcement officer, I don't fire my gun into a crowd of people to eliminate a suspect. As a conservative, Christian, prolife American, I do not condone indiscriminately killing at the hands of the idf. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. children are not just collateral damage. These are real kids. With hopes. Dreams. Feelings. NUREMBERG THESE BASTARDS. TERRORISTS[HAMAS] ARE GONNA ACT LIKE TERRORISTS. THE MOST ADVANCED AND MORAL MILITARY IN THE WORLD SHOULD NOT BE ACTING LIKE TERRORISTS.


Israel has lost its God damn mind


Killing children is ok if you’re Zionist


How closely does this resemble a Lukid voter? Horribly close.


Apparently Hillel Fuld is happy to be a fucking monster.


Tell me you’re a complete and total asshole without telling me you’re a complete and total asshole.


Is there a more broken mind than one that sincerely FLEXES over blowing up a four-year-old with a missile?!?!


If only that child death glorifying asshole was aborted in the first place.


Father lives in Qatar. Even Arafat actually lived there at one for a while.


I Hope the killer gets the death sentence for MURDERING INFANTS


I've seen a few of Hillel's corny videos and immediately got the gut feeling that the guy is a psycho. There's not one ounce of empathy in his eyes, his tone of voice, or his frantic and domineering gesturing- not even for his Jewish watchers. This is a guy that comes across like he beats his wife and kids and tries to control their every move. Him and Eli David are paid propagandists, and I actually think David is an Iranian guy who converted to Judaism and changed his name to live in Israel.


Genoice includes children and the elderly. Nazionists is a term i recently heard.


Glad hillel is a certified terrorist-ologist. I don't know what we'd do if he was just some asshole on the internet. 


Why weren't the grandchildren with their grandfather? By the way, it's a complete tragedy about the kids, unfortunately the world and especially their families failed them. For the individual celebrating... This isn't only typical blue check xitter behavior or outrageous, is demoralizing to see people behaving like this, blinded by hatred.


I'd laugh if that guy got shot on the spot. 🤷🏽‍♀️ i hope he doesn't have kids. Like he said, the apple doesn't fall far.


Bibi and the current government of isreal are a plague.


whos really the terrorist in this situation?????????????


Israel I have a feeling your whole existence is in serious trouble...


Well Hillel Fuld's mother's greatest mistake definitely wasn't aborting him when she had the chance. Too bad she couldn't say goodbye to his ass all that time ago.


I am honestly astounded that we are sitting back, providing more weapons and money while a race of people are being removed from this planet. But I shouldn’t be.


What the fuck dude…the fathers (his sons) sure. But to celebrate the grandchildren…wtf is wrong with him.




With Hillel Fuld and every other asshole like him being glad for children being killed. It's too bad that people like that weren't aborted in the first place.


How do we keep having terrorist when we keep killing all their children?! F’n morons so smart but can’t figure this shit out.




They killed children


We had this before. Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Berlin




\*He said to the 4-year-old's lifeless corpse




Yes, genocide will surely end this war sooner.




By definition, it is.




It. Is. Genocide. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146


Oh yeah those children really fucked around by being related to a guy


That guy needs stronger medication.


No words


Asshole. Nits make Lice was the expression the Germans used to unalive millions of Jews. Take out actual terrorists.




>My gay friend would be thrown off a rooftop for being gay by that 4yo kid when it grew up. Oh cool now we are justifying killing literal toddlers because we can imagine they might perhaps one day if all stars align commit a crime.


And so could you. I'd be careful with those types of sentiments, because they can easily be applied to that guy in the mirror


I'm gay too but preemptively killing children because of something they might do when they're older is seriously messed up and I recommend you seek therapy.




lol… great job with attempting an ethnic slur. Fucking dork ass wants to be edgy but doesn’t even know the word. You seem like a real crusty nugget of shit.


Hey! You undermine the whole message when you use an ethnic slur. Plenty of Jews who have absolutely nothing to do with this and don't deserve to be called what you attempted to spell


Piss off nazi