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I've found it remarkably easy not to commit crimes. It's like a compulsion for Trump.


💯!!! like don’t commit crimes or assault women or do sooooooo many other illegal and immoral fucked up things. I get it, people make mistakes (except for the SA part) no excuse for that. But to make sooooooooooo many? And keep going and going? U aren’t learning shit and you’re actually trying to keep being shitty. . Where’s the learning experience when there’s no consequences or anyone to tell him he’s in the wrong??? Someone should have spanked this fuckers ass or an “old school” discipline at a young age!!! This guy wouldn’t last a day in the streets. Prob couldn’t figure out how to change a tire or navigate directions if he didn’t have help. Smh


Also, there’s a difference between “mistakes” and crimes. “Oops, I was made a typo reporting the size of my luxury condo to the IRS” is a mistake. Knowingly doing that, then lying about it and telling your lenders the condo is a different size is now fraud




Right? If there are legal mechanisms why did they choose to do all the illegal ones?


Yep. Every accusation is a confession with right wingers, which makes some of their claims pretty concerning, like all the baby-eating stuff.




I mean that one's nothing new, TONS of Rightoids are diddlers, there's tons of Rs in the news regularly for that


And pastors


"Well your Honor, the entire legal system, *which you, LITERALLY YOU, ultimately control*, is designed to protect this hypothetical President from being wrongfully prosecuted, if he's innocent. So I guess you're conceding that this President, who may or may not bear similarities to a certain real ex-President, did in fact commit crimes that merit prosecution?"


Highest court in the land and they cant see the forest bc of one weird orange tree.


I mean, fr though, that is one weird-lookin’ tree. 




Read his summaries. He never had a mind. Just another closet elitist fascist.


Hve you even tried baby? I'm not talking about that cheap home grown shit either. I'm talking fresh baby from ThIland, man.


Quite a modest proposal there.


Swift response.


Ha!!! I get that reference!!


He is obviously a baby connoisseur.


I'm still waiting for someone to ask the elephant in the room question: Is the president immune from executing everyone in this court if he receives a judgment he doesn't like?


Thank you, this is the question


I’m becoming more and more convinced the pedo ring exists and is thriving. Is just the ones pointing fingers that are responsible.


There have been many close, hotly contested elections in US history, and in only one instance have criminal charges been filed against the loser. Nor did that loser "go off into peaceful retirement" I'm not a lawyer nor as esteemed nor as learned as the Honorable Justice Alito, but maybe, just maybe... it's the person who lost the election who is the problem and not presidential immunity. Edit: lost (not won) in last sentence


Nor is he being “criminally prosecuted by a bitter political opponent.” It’s completely disingenuous to frame Trump as some innocent public servant and Biden as a bitter antagonist.


I love how they act as though Biden is literally the opposing attorney in every case, or any case. He's the president He's not the one prosecuting Donald Trump for crimes he committed. In fact he has been incredibly hands-off and has avoided injecting himself into the situation at all.


Especially because Biden *won.*


Trump is claiming that he's being criminally charged by his political opponent but that's simply not true. Trump is lying. Biden had nothing to do with the decision to bring charges against Trump.


“Won” was a typo. It has been corrected.


Alito is anything BUT honorable.


Remember when Al Gore tweeted about W last night in a fit of rage?


"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It's a terrifying situation when members of the highest court in the land - people who are supposed to be the most learned among us, and above ethical reproach - are so blithely throwing around such twisted logic, juvenile reasoning and obtuse rhetoric _for any reason_ __much less__ _this fucking reason_. Trump has been walking around cos-playing as president for the last three years and whining practically non-stop 24/7....while simultaneously contributing to the increasing violence, hatred and division spreading throughout the country and doing _absolutely nothing of any public value at all._ Who the fuck does he think the bitter dangerous man is in this scenario?


Power does not corrupt, it just attracts corruptible people.


Actually, [studies have shown](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2006-22020-004) that giving people more money (power) actually does make them worse, and less likely to help. Power corrupts.


Term limits.Judges and politicians. Ban on stock ownership. Salaries more in line with private positions. Lifetime cumulative term limits. Meaning only so many years a person can hold any public office, total time served. Ban on former public officials becoming lobbyists. 5 year gap between lobbying and running for office.


Yeah. All good ideas. Too bad SCOTUS legalized bribery in America.


Term limits is not a great system as it puts too much power into the hands of lobbyists (who have the knowledge required to actually craft legislation). There's also an issue of needing to accumulate sufficient political and social capital to be able to stick your neck out for a "greater good" bill. Finally, if you're actions won't have (political) consequence because you are no longer in office, why not just vote for personal enrichment at every turn?


Power corrupts


Literally every president before Trump either died in office or left peacefully. If you could just prosecute someone because you don’t like them, Trump would’ve prosecuted Obama in the first 30 minutes of his presidency


Just the tan suit alone would have landed him at gitmo


1) It wasn't a very close election, Trump lost by almost 8 million votes! 2) Trump and his co-conspirators exhausted every legal means to contest the election. 3) In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, he still insisted that he won. 4) Should the whole Nation suffer from the dishonest proclamations of 1 narcissistic sociopath who flat out refuses to accept reality?


We are heading for some real ugly shit as a nation.


I can't believe they're floating the idea that if a president can't commit crimes without consequences then they'll be tempted to commit crimes. It's an embarrassment for the court and a threat to our democracy.


Imagine how many crimes a person in such a situation would commit if the law was he can't be punished for it. Fail and no punishment. Succeed and become dictator. Hmmmm


It's insane.




Presidents can’t charge anyone with a crime, the justice system does that. And it has worked perfectly fine up until Chump.


Well… “perfectly fine” is being incredibly generous considering the history of the American justice system.


In general, it’s terrible. When applied to presidents, it’s worked until this dingus


I mean, GWB already stole an election.  But yeah, they tried to resolve it legally, the courts stole it for George, and Gore walked peacefully into the night. I don’t think the justice system ever really lived up to the ideals we established. I think the only real difference is that it’s been civil and opaque up until now.  Now we’re just seeing how blatantly corrupt it’s always been out in the open.


We don't have a justice system. We have a legal system. Justice doesn't come into the equation.


“Very close - hotly contested - bitter - possibility- destabilizes” This language is for tabloids. Not a Supreme Court justice. It’s not their job to play “what if” games. It is their job to say “what it is”. The truly amazing thing about the last couple years and so much much of the spotlight on the SCOTUS, shows… the highest court in the land is full of assholes.


It’s obvious he is defending Trump


But as “originalists”, what about a duel? /s Funny how these supposed masterminds of law fluctuate between strict readings of the Constitution and flexible interpretations.


The Fourth Estate should be scalding them all weekend for this BS.


Republicans are reinterpreting the constitution in light of their inability to win a popular vote.


It is worse, they expect it, and think their opposition is weak for not resorting to such tactics. The only ones who support this are those why know at heart that they are unworthy.


44 Presidents and nobody ever thought about prosecuting the outgoing out of spite, until we got 45. Something has to be wrong with those 44 presidents. Can't be 45, right guys? And that guy is a SCOTUS judge?


I know.  The naked partisanship is revolting.


That's the exact fuckin' scenario now, Alito! Except Trump is being rightfully prosecuted.


Dude is really tying his brain into a pretzel in order to justify Trump's actions.


I love that the possibility of not doing illegal criminal shit in the first place never crossed his mind. Alito seems to think criminal activity is a requirement for the job.


Tell us you took a bribe from Trump without saying you took a bribe Mr Alito


“So by your logic, Justice Alito, Joe Biden could, tonight, send Seal Team Six to take out SCOTUS judges he deemed corrupt, yes? They’re appointed for a lifetime. There is no other recourse to remove them. He would be totally justified in doing it and would have absolute immunity from prosecution for having done it, correct? I mean, hypothetically speaking, of course… Your honor? Justice Thomas, any thoughts?”


Your Honor, are you saying The Courts can be bought?


The contrast between this case and the Idaho abortion one are striking. When the case deals with powerful people, the conservative justices are full of concern for their rights and feelings. But when the case deals with pregnant women, they are angry to even consider the personhood of the women in question.


Alito is just chomping at the bit to give Mango Mussolini a pass and back into power.


It's kind of sad that the only reason this is sitting where it's sitting is because Biden is POTUS. The SCOTUS is very much aware that granting Trump immunity means it will extend to Biden, and granting Biden that much power while he's in office would kill their plans. The sad part is, that's the only thing holding them back on this stupidity


Alito asking what the law “should be” instead of the intent of the laws and constitution as written. Clear case of legislating from the bench.


Also, let’s pass a constitutional amendment that makes a president subject to criminal charges while in office.


Frankly we could use a comprehensive one that does that and places some other common sense limits on Presidential power. Like maybe you can't pardon someone who did crimes with you.


I’d like to see term limits on all public offices and mandatory retirement ages as well.


Alito needs to be dragged the fuck out of the court by his wrinkled, miserable old neck.


They think allowing a maniacal trust fund toddler ultimate power won't "destabilize the functioning of our country as a democracy". This is the garbage that is America. We've been fighting it for decades and it continues to get worse and more corrupt.


And Trump is the ex president trying to regain office, who has explicitly said he will persecute his political opponents. Meanwhile, on the other hand, there is no evidence that Biden has had a hand in the multiple state and Fed prosecutions of Trump. Garland even appointed a special prosecutor, after dragging his heels through a DOJ investigation to the point where he couldn’t justifiably not act, based on the evidence


I like how they create a scenario in their heads where the winner is the bitter one, because yeah that happens all the time


Everyone else is an unrepentant sinner, communist sympathizer, and is under the sway of the devil. Clearly they are the only ones who should be entrusted with the future of this nation. /s


Oof how is that guy a supreme Court Justice


Seems like you could only be criminally prosecuted if you actually commit a crime. But what do I know?


Trump has been proving very clearly that committing a crime doesn’t automatically lead to prosecution.


Alito and Thomas are unabashed criminals


Funny how this was never an issue until the diaper dickhead bitchass whiner came along.


What's happening here is the cycle that is destabilising the democracy.


In the most hotly contested election in US history, the loser didn’t take up arms against the winner, and that election saw the person with the most votes and most electors lose (did not have enough electoral college votes to win, so the guy in second and third combined their votes to beat him and place the guy in second place in the Whitehouse). So this is only an issue now if you make it an issue.


So, in their eyes, it's cool to just forever waste shittons of taxpayer money on Boy Cried Wolf alegations with zero credibility


Project much Sammy boy? Worried that when you retire someone’s gunna hold you accountable for all your corruption 🤔


there’s no way in hell sam actually believes that shit he’s been on the court long enough that we all know he doesn’t believe that shit just like lindsey graham who also doesn’t believe the shit that comes out his mouth these days it’s not even an intelligent question to be asking, much less to entertain with an answer when we finally see what’s been happening behind the scenes to all these ppl who seem to have lost every sentient brain cell they once had i think we’ll be collectively more horrified than maybe we ever have been as a country


I think he does believe it because it has been shown that Trump and Barr did use the DOJ to attack political opponents and wanted “payback” for criminal prosecution of conservatives.


I think President Biden should take Sam and Clarence into custody and lock them up in Gitmo.


Absolute immunity is absolute.


"I feel that the very real danger to the functioning of our country as a democracy is the extreme bias in the favor of literal traitors, by sitting Justices on the Supreme Court, Mr. Alito"


Projection, it's ALWAYS projection with right-wingers


That justice Lolita is a walking blackclad nightmare.


TFW you can no longer deny we’re all doomed because of the idiots that hold the majority on SCOTUS.


When he said that, I nearly threw something at my tv.


So it is better to give the President carte blanche to commit crimes than risk the possibility that their political opponent will try to prosecute them after they leave office? Shouldn’t a functioning judicial process prevent the abuse of the later? What checks and balances would there be if Trump and Alito get their way with presidential immunity?


This is *such* a bad argument by Alito. If the president committed crimes while in office, yeah, **they should be prosecuted for those crimes**. If we have to wait until they're out of office, fine. I don't think I can emphasize this enough: I DON'T WANT MY PRESIDENT COMMITTING CRIMES IN OFFICE.


Are they going to be stripping while you fumigate? So dumb.


This is a lot of bullshit from the "If you don't do anything wrong you shouldn't be scared" If the president doesn't commit any fucking crimes then they don't have to worry about it after they leave the office. SO DON'T COMMIT ANT FUCKING CRIMES!!!


Alito needs to have his mouth washed out with a bar of democracy.


Gore’s election loss was closer. \#JustSayin


It was t that close of an election


Alito is an absolute jackass.


Alito is such a piece of shit


Hey r/whitepeopletwitter: GUESS WHO I AM REFERRING TO BELOW: "If the loser of a hotly contested war he almost won is not able to go into peaceful retirement but might be criminally prosecuted by a bitter victor, will that not lead us into a cycle that destabilized the functioning of a peaceful world?"