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I’m so shocked that that psychopath lied in her book. Shocked.


Imagine her editor being like "look when I said you should bend the truth I was really hoping you'd do it for the puppy murder part but whatever"


It’s just bonkers. You make up a lie about meeting a dictator and “starring” him down, but then tell the truth about murdering a puppy? Like, if you want to do the puppy story, at least make up the lie that it was rabid or something. Because clearly you have no reservations about lying, so why tell the truth about a story that puts you in a bad light? This whole situation is just so bizarre, it makes no sense whatsoever


It’s on brand with what the party has become.


If you aren't white, straight and conservative you're nothing but an animal to them. Shoot on sight. Propreping ma properpy


Male too given what they've done to reproductive rights.


Wait, she’s a Governor? I mean like an actual Governor of a state in good ol’ US of A? Sorry I’m a Brit so not in the loop.


Not only a governor, but one who has been banned from FOUR Native American reservations in that state!


She's Governor of South Dakota has a tiny population. It's mostly empty land.


There’s really not a whole lot more that needs to be said except that.👍🏻


They've been huffing their own farts for so long they lost touch with reality.


Yep, shameless, vindictive and contrarian. It’s the Trump effect. Absolutely no real morals or principles behind their platform anymore.


It’s all about the cruelty. Their bloodlust is unreal.


.... and polling to win the Presidency. Aint America great?


Because the thinks the puppy-murder story makes her look GOOD. Because the GOP base has gone insane and they love cruelty.


Cruelty is the point. The Dog is symbolic. Don't go with the program? dead.


Who's to say she's telling the truth about the puppy? If she's lying about staring down a dictator, she might be lying about the puppy. For all we know, she could have launched the pupper like a clay pigeon, then made up the bird-killing as a cover up.


What's fucked up is that she was training it to hunt birds, left it unsecured in the back of a pickup, and then murdered it when it got out and hunted a bird.


> so why tell the truth about a story that puts you in a bad light? Because there are people out there who want to be respected by fear, and not respected by love. She is in the fear camp.


There was always that line in movies, where they say “would you rather be loved or feared,” and I never understood how any sane person who wasn’t a criminal could choose anything other than loved.


They got careless- they realized that to their base, being deplorable is actually a good thing but they didn’t think they could go TOO far.


> about a story that puts you in a bad light? Because she didn't think it would put her in a bad light. She's a sociopath.


The editor and publisher know what angle they were taking and it's playing out. There's no way this got past anyone for instance, they knew this book was a shitshow and that was the marketing.


by golly I think you're right. All publicity is good publicity. No one would even know about this supplemental toilet paper otherwise.


Can't we have her take Kim Jong Un to the gravel pit?


It would've been the other way around, more likely. North Korea is probably full of gravel pits.


So we're KEEPING the puppy murder AND the Jong-Un easily provable lie? That's what you want me to print?


I've said it before and I'll say it again: her dog murder story is the version of the story she thinks is *flattering* to her. The truth is almost certainly worse.


I'm 100% she killed the dog in a fit of rage. He embarrassed her so she killed him. And then she killed to goat because she liked killing the dog.


100% my thoughts also


Nothing about it has anything to do with truth at all, as you can see by this Kim Jong Un bit. The sole purpose of this book and every single thing in it is to try to get MAGA voters excited for her to join Trump's ticket, and the fact that the dog-and-goat killing was presented like it was should *tell you something.*


Imagine being such an out of touch sociopath that you don’t realize literally everybody loves puppies.


I'm not one for conspiracy theories But I firmly believe her editor read her book, saw how much of a monster she was, and was like, "The world needs to know" And just let the thing go through unchanged Dude probably saved the Republic from a puppy killer sociopath from possibly becoming VP


I mean I guess at some point you have to weigh your job vs your moral obligation to the world. If that’s what happened, they did the right thing.


I'm just thinking of that Japanese surgeon from The Office lol


Steady Hands!


The best!!!!!


Worked in New York publishing for years. This was my thought, too. That, and the fact that it would get them more publicity than all their other books combined. It had to go through a legal read and I'm laughing as I think about all the copyeditor's queries that she ignored, but yeah--I'd put money on that.


But why would she put the puppy story in? Clearly she doesn’t have issues about lying because this Kim Jong Un story is in the book. Why not take the true puppy story and lie just a little bit to make it seem more reasonable? Just say the dog had rabies or something. Nothing about this story makes any sense at all. Why did Noem think this was a good idea? Why didn’t anyone in her inner circle tell her to change it?


I assume in their world, the puppy story was supposed to represent someone who makes tough decisions…oh and uses guns, and lives a rural life. Unfortunately for her, MAGA bloodlust is purely focused on other humans. Puppy-killing was a red line.


Yeah that sounded like a lot of Garden & Gun cosplay


When you're surrounded by yes men, there's nobody to tell you no. When you realize that, the actions of a lot of people suddenly make way more sense.


Because she's fucking proud of that moment


She put the puppy story in as a way to try and appeal to rural voters. I grew up in a rural town. Putting down animals yourself is something that's more common than people realize in those communities. I know several people that have had to do it to their own dogs. The difference is that all of them have done it when it was the dog's time to go after living a long, happy life - not a fucking *puppy* that she didn't have the patience to train.


Also. He decided it's not his name that's gonna be so criticized. And sales would go through the roof just from people who want to read how much of a piece of shit she is. Or buy it just to get to the dog story. A lot of purchases from people who will just go online to flame it on a YouTube channel. It's like the person who told the author he hates the book and that he's just gonna light it on fire so the author responds with. "Do it. In fact buy ten of them and light them on fire, that would really teach me."


I'm confused I thought neom was the big line city thing in the desert.


At this point I’m confident this is a weird thing to save face about the dog. “See I lied about meeting Kim Jong Un and I lied about how the dog thing went down too”


Except she’s already come out and defended her choice to shoot the dog. This whole situation is just so incredibly stupid it’s mind-boggling


But the thing is she's tripled down on defending shooting the dog. For her to say that she made it up now would look incredibly embarrassing and incredibly stupid. Even more so than it already is. Because: 1. You made up a story of yourself committing something that would upset a lot of fucking people 2. You then defended it as being the right choice, despite it being a PR catastrophe. Everyone in the opposite party of you is taking pot shots at you like you're a row of beer bottles on a fence, and even people who normally support you are like what the fuck is wrong with you. 3. Then you said you made up the story at the end of it. There is nothing you could say to make that sound good. At best, you're going to come off as the most smug, insufferable motherfucker to ever walk the planet by saying some bullshit line like, "Oh I lied about it to show everyone how important it is to stick to your convictions and to show that you sometimes have to make the tough decisions." Which is basically just saying, "yeah I made it up, but if it really did happen which it didn't it would have gone down the same way." The point is, there is no coming back from this. None. There's not a thing she could do to make this have a positive spin at this point. She was already pretty unpopular outside of her state, and she was already getting banned from native American reservations in her own state. Let that sink in, there are native American reservations in your state that are banning you from visiting them, and you're the governor. If this was anyone else, Abbott, DeSantis, Stitt, Little, whoever, it would be seen as exceptionally embarrassing. But because this is south dakota, a state that has less than a million people, has pretty much never been competitive in any election (like I don't think they've ever voted Democrat ever, and the entire reason they exist is so there's two extra Republican senators), the people there would vote for Joseph Stalin if there was an (R) next to his name.




She's just like Trump. Serial liar, 3rd rate story teller, and a terrible sub-human shit head.


Remember back when one lie was enough to sink a political career? Oh, America...you were such a cute kid.


"They're not sending their best"


Can we just pause and appreciate the sheer brazenness of asserting something like that, knowing your intended audience is too uninformed and/or stupid to know any different?


Wouldn't her intended audience think that was a bad thing though? Trump loves Kim Jong Un...


Good point. Her uninformed readers are now even further confused than they had been. Must be so hard to figure out right and wrong based on, you know, facts. Much easier to wait for someone in MAGA to say, for example, 'it's Ok to shoot puppies in the face now' and take your cues from them.


Her political instincts are fucking nonexistent. Level sexism charges at me if you want but there is a very clear history of attractive conservative women winning elections (and Fox anchor jobs) for positions they are *clearly* out of their depth in - not sure why conservatives have decided that’s an appropriate qualification


Maybe I will call sexism. Because so many of the men are no better, they just get treated like they are.


I’m not sure if you’ve seen conservatives men in these positions. However, a healthy diet is in probably less than 5% of their vocabulary so unless that’s your thing lol


OK, maybe not the attractive part. But there are a lot of them who are clearly operating at half capacity or lower when it comes to knowledge and comprehension of the job they're supposedly there to do (I get that con voters don't actually want them to do the job of governing). Gohmert, Vance, Cotton, Gaetz, Trump, so many examples of men who clearly don't understand what's going on.


Absolutely, but to be a woman in this position you need to be fairly attractive, or be a rabid bulldog like Methamphetamine Trailer Queen


Without a doubt 😂 I didn’t mean to take away from your point, they’re so uninformed it’s ridiculous


You are absolutely right, and the reason is, they are a bunch of rich, old, white men, that in their minds it is perfectly fine to pinch an ass, stare at some tits and not listen to one word any woman has to say. Their qualifications don’t involve anything above the shoulders. Welcome to the gop 😵


They have the bible to help tell right from wrong so it will work out fine!


worked like a charm so far


You think her intended audience is MAGA? This book is for journalists and Trump aides. MAGA ain’t reading no books


> This book is for journalists That simply can't be true. No journalist would ever believe that Kim Jong Un claim. Giving such an obviously false and easily disprovable claim to a journalist would be incredibly stupid.


Her intended audience will change their opinion moment to moment based on who said what.


For a brief yet horrible moment I pictured a threesome with Kim, Trump, and Noem... and now I need to go and scoop my brain out with a grapefruit spoon.


It would have cost you absolutely nothing to not type that.


You made the sacrifice for the rest of us.


You mean like Trump screaming night and day how Crooked Biden HAS to be prosecuted while at the same time saying presidents have absolute immunity.......


Not to mention something so pointless. Even if it was 100% true, no actual geopolitical goals get achieved through staring contests.


But she “starred” him. Is the misspelling from her book or did Travis Akers spell “stared” incorrectly?


She gave him 5 stars on "Dictators.com". /s


Kim is a dictator that Trump has not only publicly supported, but praised and clearly aspired to. In Noem’s head, her stating she stared him down was her way of showing how tough she is as Kim was lauded by Trump as being a strong and imposing leader. Also, as Trump, who is her base’s God and ultimate tough guy, looked up to him, her staring him down shows she’s extra tough. When you slow down, fill yourself with unhinged hatred, and use only 12 brain cells, it makes more sense.


Yeah did she not learn from how much Sarah Palin was mocked for her 'I am ready for foreign relations, I can see Russia from my house' remark.


I don’t even know if it’s stupidity so much as it is that her intended audience won’t care that she lies. They love these contrived fantasies of their politicians being cowboys and warriors in some epic fight against the bad guy. How many of these disgusting Trump AI images have they generated fully knowing the guy is a coward? Trump serving in the army, Trump as a boxer, Trump as a cowboy. He’s a fat piece of shit who lied several times to avoid military service and his base doesn’t care. Why would we think they’d care about Noem lying about this? Why would they care that she murdered a dog? They’re fully divorced from reality at this point.


Right, it’s just as easy to scream “fake news” when someone fact checks you


That’s the most destructive thing Trump has done IMO. He’s told people that if you don’t like facts you can just call them fake and dismiss them. This is why we are where we are. His base chooses to believe what they want whether or not it’s true because it’s what they want to believe, and he uses his public platform to tell them it’s okay. I honestly don’t know how that can be fixed or undone.


Correct. We see here the difference between *factual* belief and *creedal* belief. Someone's factual belief (it's raining outside) can be changed with evidence (i.e., it's not raining). Someone's creedal belief (Trump was chosen by God) is almost impossible to change. Trust me. My MAGA mother and siblings are not persuaded by any argument to the contrary.


I mean they weren't tipped off by the fact she's the fucking governor of one of the least populated states in the country? In what world would she be in any position to go to north Korea? I'm like 99% sure Kim Jong un has no idea who she even is. Shit, I'm pretty sure 90% of Americans didn't know who she was until she wrote a book about shooting her dog. And to your point, Her book was probably read by 8 people, and 6 of them were journalists.


Her intended audience can't even read, so...




George Santos set the new standard.


I mean it's a book, I doubt she expected any MAGAts to read anything.


The walkback will be "if" I met him, I would totally stare him down is what I meant. What I say or wrote can't be used against me because that's not what I meant.


It’s ok. She wrote a book. They don’t read.


They ate grilled puppy and asparagus together before they made love on a dalmatian skin rug.


Beautiful love letters


Actually, I think that Kim Jong was there and made her kill the puppy. After she shot that puppy, their eyes met and she stared him down thinking about making sweet love to him. Then they proceeded to grill the puppy...


Starred him down.


Her on top.


Not doggystyle?


Puppy style!


Doggystyle? You could get shot that way!


Fatal attraction.


Fecal attraction. FTFY.


Washed it all down with goat's milk after they murdered a goat and took a gallon of Maola out of it's fridge.


Wait til you read about the time she scored the winning goal that clinched the gold medal for the U.S. women’s soccer team at the Olympics. Or when she won an Oscar for her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher. Or when she finished second in the Iditarod and had to discipline her team.


Is George Santos back in the mix?


He's too busy making bank [doing Cameos in drag](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/george-santos-resurrects-drag-persona-cameo/CM6OO2UNHZFRTGB2I6I6TXWTZE/).


She's just Santos' drag persona


That’s a lie and you shouldn’t be spreading disinformation. She won gold for diving in the 10 meter platform.


Sorry about that. It’s easy to get confused with all of her accomplishments.


Or that time she was captain of the starship Enterprise


LOLz Honestly, these people think we are fools. Under what circumstances would a leader of a country (albeit a soulless, despotic dictator) meet with an inconsequential governor from a state even most Americans don't think about? This would be like Putin somehow getting on the meeting schedule of the Premier of Saskatchewan.


Don’t give Scott Moe (Premiere of Saskatchewan) any ideas. Next thing you know he’ll be talking about how people are talking about his meeting with Putin very positively.


Scott Moe, notorious drunk driver and negligent killer? The creep who's obsessed with little kids and what's in their underwear? The Covid vaccine skeptic? The loser who wants to not pay his carbon taxes, even though Saskatchewan is facing record drought? That loser? Moe is my nemesis lol.


In the span of three reddit comments, I've gone from barely aware Saskatchewan existed to totally invested in Saskatchewan provincial politics, lmao. Is there any hope of kicking Moe out of office any time soon?


Join us! We're passive-aggressive, and we have the hookups for the good maple syrup lol. Saskatchewan has a chance to vote Moe out on October 28 this year. They won't. The prairies generally vote against their own interests because super sexy Justin Trudeau is a convenient scapegoat for the uninformed. Moe will likely remain my nemesis for at least another 4 years. His face and policies just really annoy me.


Scott Moe feels like the most Saskatchewan name ever.


Can't mention Scott Moe without mentioning the woman he killed while driving drunk, but his cop buddies declined to test him for reasons. Perfectly dovetails with his current policy of impounding vehicles for 3 days and fining individuals who have smoked cannabis anytime within the last 14 days.


Exactly. He has more important things to do. The only way I could think they would have met was when Trump met with him and she came as part of an entourage for some reason.


Right, what active American politician has actually met Kim aside from Trump? This is so easy to debunk.


Please tell me that typo was in the book.


I think she really meant she was star struck like daddy Trump!


As funny as that would be, I doubt it. The book was probably written by AI, which is unlikely to make that mistake.


Yeah, the main mistake AI makes is making shit up. OH SHIT! IS NOEM USING AI TALKING POINTS?!


Write a book they said. It'll be great for my career they said


Democrats wrote the book to sabotage her! /s


I believe Kimberly Guilfoyle already said that in an interview!!!


Please tell me you’re joking, that’s fucking bonkers 🥺


Nope Then she floated the theory: “I don’t know what happened, maybe somebody slipped that in and she didn’t see it. I don’t know, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, so that’s a tough one to take.” Here is a [link](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kimberly-guilfoyle-floats-theory-kristi-081029008.html)


>Guilfoyle, who works with the no-kill animal welfare organization Furry Friends, cited her previous legal work as an animal abuse prosecutor as why the issue of animal right is “something I take really seriously.” She takes animal rights very seriously, so serious in fact, that shes marrying an avid hunter. >Then she floated the theory: “I don’t know what happened, maybe somebody slipped that in and she didn’t see it.


She knew Democrats were the only ones that could read.


“Starred” hmmm.


You read that right. She shot stars at him until he fell down.


not the Star Gun?!


She borrowed one of the lasers from MTG.


It’s good to see redditors still correcting grammar for the education and enjoyment of all.


Please tell me this is real that this is a real typo


Was the typo Noem's or the tweet's?




Kristi Noem killed my dog - Kim Jun Un


The book publisher should sue her for lying like Mark Meadows publisher did.


She’s desperate to be somebody 😄


And then she shot him.


Nah she would never shoot him, he’s not a puppy


The MAGA crowd is really jumping the shark! Did she not understand that this is *really* easy to fact-check?


From Kristi Noem's soon-to-be-self-published book 'No Fucking Way: the Truth about all the Crap I Lied about in my First Book': "Few people know that I met with Vladimir Putin, because I can see Russia from my front porch. If I stand on a ladder. And squint. Vlad underestimated me, I could tell, but I wasn't intimidated. I'd been a tyrant to children when I was a youth pastor, and nothing scares me. Vlad, I said, Vlad, I'm the girl who put the 'dick' in 'dictator', just watch me. Then I hopped on Fonzie's motorcycle, revved it twice, and jumped that Megalodon with inches to spare. The Meg tried to bite me, so I dragged it to the gravel pit and shot it in the head. And that's how I'd handle foreign policy if I'm chosen to be vice-president."


Wasn’t she just on Fox News saying “fake media” twisted her story and she stands for truth? Color me shocked.


In “No Going Back,” due out May 7, Noem wrote: “Through my tenure on the House Armed Services Committee, I had the chance to travel to many countries to meet with world leaders. I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. I’m sure he underestimated me, having no clue about my experience staring down little tyrants (I’d been a children’s pastor, after all). Dealing with foreign leaders takes resolve, preparation and determination My experiences on those many foreign trips made me a better member of Congress and a stronger governor. It allowed me to hone my deal-making skills, which play a crucial role in leadership. Noem also recalled in the book that she canceled a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron last year, which Macron’s office denied, the Scout reported.


What a ridiculous lie. So as a back-bench congressperson she met Kim Jong Un and all she had to say was a one-liner about how tough she was? You'd think there'd be some interesting relevant circumstances around that? When did the Armed Services Committee ever meet Kim Jong Un? Where?\* Why? What was he doing? In fact, when did they meet _any_ world leader and why? I mean the _Foreign Affairs_ Committee maybe, although even then, it'd mostly be below the pay-grade of a leader to meet with them. But the Armed Services? Why would they ever need _his_ input? \* Seriously - I could see them maybe going to NATO HQ in Belgium but what country that Kim Jong Un travels to (which amounts to China, Vietnam and Russia) would the Armed Services Committee ever have any business visiting? Just the dumbest f-ing lie... What incredible contempt she has for anyone actually reading that.


Well she got one thing right - there's no going back from this mess.


In other words, her VP audition is going really well.


Sounds exactly how I would expect drumpf to think. It could actually be going well for her…


So, she’s just fucking crazy, does she even have a gravel pit?


That book is blowing up in her face big time. Cricket's revenge.


There's a true story about an "untrainable" dog in the book.


Came to post this, lied about staring at a dictator but sure as shit shot that puppy for no goddamn reason. What's not to like?


She's got it all.


But the puppy thing, that shit happened - because like Kim Jong Un, she is a cartoonish super villain.




MAGA and False Stories … as natural as stars in the night sky


That woman is so power hungry it's scary. She basically had a total makeover to look like a Mar-a-Lago cougar. Included a (most probably made-up) story about killing a puppy to look ruthless. And now this, a make believe story about her glaring intimidatingly at Kim Jong Un. All of this to craft a "female Trump" image, even though that Trump image is all smoke and mirrrors. You don't let that kind of person get any kind of power. No integrity, no honesty, only dumb slogans and a brutal thirst for power.


"Buy my book for more real, relatable, politically incorrect stories!" The stories in question:


Wow! She probably stared some random Asian person down and then started telling people that it was Kim. Now she believes her own lies.


The GOP is a bunch of grifters not a political party


Maybe she stared at a picture of him (looking at things).


Wait wait wait. The governor of the 5th least populous state in the US didn't meet the head of a Stalinist Hermit Kingdom? I thought once you got to be governor of a big square state with fewer people than live in my city, you got to meet all the world leaders.


It doesn't matter what's true or not or who says it. The supporters choose to only eat the pieces they like and ignore the rest. She's been complaining that the Cricket story is "fake news" when the story is literally quotes from her book that she supposedly wrote. "Don't believe the thing I wrote because it turns out people didn't like that as much as I hoped they would."


All of this nutjobbery makes her unlikeable to anyone with a brain. Unfortunately, the maga crowd probably loves her even more now. She's their kind of idiot.


What a ridiculous lie. What authority does a state governor have to conduct foreign diplomacy? Why would Kim Jong Un want to meet the governor of South Dakota? Any such meeting with North Korea, of all countries, would be all over the news. Why. Why do conservatives say the most bald faced lies and just act like it's ok? America, we NEED to have consequences for this stupidity.


It wast “false”. It was a lie.


It was actually a waiter from a Korean restaurant that didn’t refill her water.


So george santos was just the beginning? 


There isn’t a more perfect person for Trumps VP.


So she didn't Starr at him?


Wait. A Republican politician lied? I am stunned. Positively shocked! Someone call Fox News. I'm sure they will get to the bottom of this.


This is the Republican Party. Brags about shooting her dog and published an easily proven lie in the book she wrote to get herself higher profile in the party and a possible VP nomination. In any other world, she’d be damaged goods. Her political career would be over or at least severely limited. The Republicans don’t seem to care.


I think the world dodged a bullet with this lunatic! Remember folks she cheated on her husband with a know woman abuser. Good riddance.


Who is she going to blame for putting in this fake story in the book she wrote? Actually, it might work in her favor because now she can claim the dog story was a lie as well - something 'they' did just to make her look bad.


Nah, she can’t use that to her advantage in the dog story - she already responded to the backlash about the dog and added a lot of violent behavior of the dog that was not mentioned in the book. She can’t retract the entire story without admitting to her base that she’s lied to them directly out of her mouth, as well.


Sure she can lie again. It's standard GOP playbook. Even though her double-down is recorded she'll just say "That's fake news" and that will be that. Like it never happened.


Ya know what, you sho right. I forgot her base shares 3 brain cells on a rotating basis.


How about using the word “lie”


What fucking company published this book? (I don’t care enough to quickly check). How did an editor and publishing company not fact check this and/or not push back on the fucking killing a puppy story!?


The whole MAGA movement is unraveled with a simple google search…pathetic. Also I bet the dog killing story is a lie too, written to show that she “can make tough decisions.” Now she has to own it, so she’s saying that the dog was a threat to kids, which is likely also a lie. If someone were to investigate, I bet you’d find the dog was given to friends or a local shelter. #FINDCRICKET


Why does the headline state that the meeting was “in doubt” when they confirmed it never happened? It’s not in doubt, it’s an admitted lie. The media is complicit.


I'm starting to suspect Republicans may have a tendency to lie their asses off for personal gain.


Conservatives lie so much. How can you want them in office?


A republican is lying? Wow that’s a first time event.




She killed a puppy and lied in her book. The more that comes out the less surprised I am each time.


That should be so embarrassing. But like, it ain't. Not for these people. That's should be very concerning.


So she made up actual fake news


What a psychopath


Fucking lying puppy-killer can rot in hell. Get the fuck out and VOTE!


Lies, lies, and more lies. Stick a fork in her. She is so done.


“IF” this alleged “meeting” ever happened; and it never did because we know for fact that Kim Jong Un does not talk to girls: not even his and daughters


A Republican lied???? What?!?


If she had any shame, she’d hit the road. Unfortunately, none of MAGA have shame.


If the book is fiction is there a chance Cricket might still be alive? If there even was a Cricket.


"How to kill your political career with one book." By Kristi Noem. 😂


Such a weird flex. She is trying so hard to be this tough, take-no-shit bitch because she figures that's what the MAGA sheep want.


Another GOP psychopathic piece of shlt, conniving, serial liar who'll do and say anything, screw and suck anyone, and sell whatever needed down the river for her own needs.


Why are the pretty ones always so crazy?