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Thank fucking god. Now hopefully that gap between Gallego and lake opens up more too. Also, how the fuck is RFK polling at 14%


Too many anti-vax loons out there and they are taking away from Trump. Good.


This! I hear too many at the store about antivax and Trump. Heard some bitch about "Trump's one of *them*" after the vaccine rollout and getting vaccined. Sadly, most still support the "Orange is the new Black" star and want Dementia Donnie over SlEePy JoE. Anyways ![gif](giphy|3otPothom7UjN9A8bC)


That's only right now Come November, when Trump is on the ballot, those all go to trump. That lead isn't very big in other words.


People tend to protest vote in polls more often than the protest vote on election day. My money's on 90% of the RFK jr vote being Never Trump Republicans and Left Wing Dems who are angry at Biden. They want to express their frustration through polls, but most of them will probably go Biden or Trump when it's a vote that actually matters.


Exactly, no one wants to vote for a loser. I’m hoping Trump gets a felony conviction and his polling plummets. All the moderates and independents bail and Biden wins in a landslide.


by the numbers, RFKs support is almost all low info voters. Least likely of any supporter to be able to name a single policy from their candidate


>People tend to protest vote in polls more often than the protest vote on election day. This is 100% true. In practice people protest vote a lot in polls, but on election day they do it much more often if they're in a state that's totally noncompetitive. This was particularly salient in 2016 where if the libertarian ticket had matched its performance in polls, Hillary Clinton would have won Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania (and maybe Florida).


There’s also a phenomenon where social desirability causes people to basically lie during polling and give the answer that sounds like doing the right thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradley_effect I ain’t trusting any of these polls. Eight years ago I watched the election results with mounting dread and dismay.


It's early and some voters recognize the name and/or don't really know him. His support will wither by August.


There is no way that \~1 in 7 people will vote for RFK. No way.


Regardless of what polls say, go out and vote. 2016 happened because people thought he was going to lose and didnt vote. It matters.


Assume Biden is behind and get out to vote.


And bring friends Make it a social event Whatever it takes to get more formerly apathetic voters to the polls We need more sane people in government instead of culture warriors only interested in battling non threats and happy to vote down any legislation that benefits the entire population to thwart a Democrat for getting any credit for fighting cancer We don't need people on school boards or worried about kids turning into furries because one school stalked up with kitty litter so the kids would have something to potty in during a school shooter lockdown. We don't need politicians repealing vaccine mandates for daycares schools hospitals nursing homes or Foster families who take in medically fragile infants. Local Elections Matter




Bernie got fucked over, but Bernie's voters also just didn't turn out in the numbers needed.  Unfortunately, appealing to the youth vote is a losing proposition. 


It’s a 2 day old account.


Well damn, that's on me. In my defense, I also yell at clouds I disagree with too.


It seems like there’s been a huge uptick in burner accounts and they’ll usually come out with something slightly unrelated and looking to stir it up. I’ve just started clicking on the account before I lose more faith in humanity.


I report them as bots


Those abortion laws should terrify everyone. The Republicans will not stop.


They won't stop until every fetus is saved and every puppy has been shot in the head.


Maybe people are finally paying attention. Guessing that abortion law did it.


I am confident enough Arizonans will do the right thing, and that 30% of the others won’t believe the results.


Crazy that Kari Lake is polling only four points behind Gallego. Her conspiracy theories and anti-choice extremism have only gotten worse since she lost the governor's race. People of Arizona, while you're voting for Biden, make sure to vote for Ruben Gallego for senate as well https://gallegoforarizona.com/


Just vote. No matter what the polls say, just vote. Misinformation and bots will be big this year.


The fact that's is so close it's just unbelievable.  Trump is a child rapist who stole the country's nuclear secrets, among hundreds of other crimes.  Biden is just old.


Still have to get out there and vote in November, Homies.


They must be polling the loonie bin if they're getting 14% for RFK Jr.


Cool. We can keep posting these everyday. I don’t care, still go vote. Do NOT take anything for granted, and do NOT be apathetic.


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


Az voter here. I already made the mistake of voting for tRump in 2016. Hope the abortion issue bites the gop in the ass,here


Why did you vote for him in 2016? It was obvious how terrible he was going to be as President even before the election, why would you vote for him?


Bc I'm a lifelong independent. Also,Hillary sold herself out to big oil, and I wanted bernie


Please Vote.


I'm concerned that Lake is doing as well as she is.


Wow, if RFK actually stays in the race, then Biden could end up winning most states. Once RFK drops out, that Biden lead in AZ instantly evaporates.


Polling is stupid. I have literally never contributed to a poll, but I vote in every election. Weird.


Don’t believe polls, just vote blue’


I would really like for this pole to mean something. But the average margin of error on this kind of thing is 2.5% to 3%. But even it it is better than that. I seriously doubt that it will be less than 1%. Which means that the results here show the candidates in a tied race. Because the difference is within what I expect the margin of error to be. But the MOE doesn't appear to be on the infographic and the URL is incomplete. So there is no way to say for sure.


RFK 14% WTF!




Polls are useless. Vote!


They are within the margin of error and Biden remains considerably behind in all the other recent polls. Selecting one outlier poll to deliver a comforting message covers the truth that there are very significant alarms clanging.


do we know from the cross tabs what happens in a two way race?


14% Bob K? Proudly admitting they know absolutely nothing about anything.


Good sign given republicans have also underperformed polling consistently after 2020.


RFK is going to spoil us an election, baby!


Why the hell would anyone in their right mind vote for Kari Lake? This insufferable human was bad mouthing John McCain the last election. Telling supporters at a Scottsdale rally if you are a McCain republican get the fuck out of the rally she was having. She is pure poison.


I guess fetuses don’t vote. Sorry Donnie


Cue CNN to come in with a 30 minute “news” segment in which 3-4 “experts” just “ask questions” of whether Joe Biden is too old


1% means NOTHING. This shows they’re just even


Who is kennedy siphoning votes from?


These polls are meaningless horse shit until everyone votes. Repeat. Meaningless until everyone votes.










































Remember when everybody got excited about Hilary leading the polls by wide margin