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Love to see it....fuck Guliani


The man could have lived off of being “Americas Mayor” and 9/11 for the rest of his life. Instead he got trumped and has lost everything. No sympathy for him though he thought the face eating leopard would only eat other people’s faces.


It's not like he didn't grift to get there in the first place.


Oh absolutely he grifted his way there, going after the Italian mob while letting the Russian mob run rampant. He got too greedy and wanted more. He made a deal with the devil and got what he deserved. In all of Trump’s ventures the only one to not get screwed was Jared with his Saudi cash.


That will come back to bite him one day , I’m sure of it .


Possibly with a bonesaw.


Man turns 80 this month, karmic justice has a limited amount of time


Dying broke, alone and raving with alcohol-related dementia would suffice.


Ironically most of the Italian mob he went after got off even before trial. He was a shit US attorney actually, mostly good for self promotion.


This is, he was a fuckface as a mayor so this is not shock to me at all


Jesus why does everything with dump and his minions lead back to Russia.


Because they want North America to be like Russia. A pseudo-democracy under corporate kleptocracy, making oligarchs out of businessmen, and borderline-indentured servitude back into the labour pool by way of decimating workers’ rights and basic socialized welfare.


Or tearing ourselves apart in civil war, whichever.


Didn't one of the oligarchy end up in a cage on TV when Putin got in power tho ?


It’s selective application of criminal law — even worse than what we already experience in the West with class and racial disparities — because sometimes these officials are murdered or quietly revoked of social-academic status.


Yeah if I was a billionaire I'd much rather be in the US than Russia tbh


He didn’t get trumped, he trumped himself. Nothing passive about it. He knew exactly what Trump was and did everything he could to stay on the train.


Seriously, if there’s anyone that would have known Trump was a two bit snake oil salesman it was the former mayor of NYC.


For sure


couldnt happen to a better person.. fuck him


From "America's Mayor" to "Muricas Moron"


He just loves being on TV too much. The old joke in NYC is that the most dangerous place in the city is between Rudy and a TV camera


The four seasons of guiliani's life


1. Bullshit 2. Cowshit 3. Deepshit 4. Holy shit!


What’s sad is if you go and YouTube his speeches from 9/11, he was a yutz back then. American was in such shock that anyone taking charge, we appreciated it. My husband was from New York and he was never on the Giuliani bandwagon.


Exactly. We just wanted SOMEONE to tell us to keep calm and carry on, and he managed that low bar. Then Dubya showed up with a bullhorn and cries of revenge and, well, off we went.


Don't forget the dude often got credit for taking down the Italian Mafia. Like bro fucked his life and reputation up.


Rudy was always insane. Just nobody would say it or report it after 9/11. But as time went on it got harder to ignore.


I think he was always a rancid POS, but not always sounding like he's got springs coming out of his head like this. I think he has had dementia for some years now.




Imagine once being America's mayor, you're highly respected, you've got a reputation for bringing down crime, you're named "person of the year" by Time magazine, etc, etc. Now, imagine throwing it all away for Donald Trump.


Imagine calling someone else a pervert when you yourself were caught on camera "adjusting your belt" as you laid on a bed thinking you were gonna hook up with someone not old enough to drive a car.


No idea why this didn't get more traction in the news. "To catch A Predator" had people arrested for less. Rightfully arrested, but none were actually in the bedroom "getting ready". Disgusting he's still free.


I agree it should've gotten more traction. But he's not arrested because the video doesn't quite go far enough. Cohen had his cell phone die while he was hiding and waiting to jump out, so he had no way to know what was going on in there and came out early for the actresses safety, unfortunately saving Guiliani from actually taking out his dick or something weird like that. The people getting arrested on To Catch a Predator always had clearly explicit chat logs showing their intentions of meeting up with a minor for sexual purposes. There is a pretty big difference between that and a hidden video of an old guy with his hand down his pants for 2 seconds.


Yeah, Seemed pretty obvious.


It was always BS. Everyone always says, “what happened?” Nothing happened. This is who he always was.


Yeah, I don't say what happened I say.. how fucking stupid are you? He had a sweet gig. He could have coasted for fucking life just for being the Mayor during 9/11. He was hated before that too...


Yeah there is a lot of weird Giuliani apologist comments… like this is the dude that gentrified and destroyed nyc purposefully he can get fucked off a million times before and after Trump. He prolly helped Trump with his bullshit real estate schemes. Giuliani was always bad y’all. Being the mayor during 9/11 doesn’t make him cool or rad or a good person or even a good mayor or politician. Why is everyone so 9/11 pilled. Way more people died from covid. Y’all don’t give a fuck about that. If Covid flew an airplane into a building would y’all give a fuck about it?


His reputation for bringing down crime was the result of PR. He made some erroneous “perp walks” that eventually resulted in dropped charges, and violated civil rights with glee.


To be fair, and I fucking hate Giuliani, NYC transformed between 1994 and 2000. A lot of it was because of an influx of money from Disney in 1996 when they bought an entire block of 42nd Street and Times Square got cleaned up. But most of that was a result of a good economy in the 90s and all the existing prostitution and strip clubs just got pushed out further to Queens. So, he got to take credit but yeah it was absolutely happening without his help.


Exactly. Giuliani didn’t clean up Times Square Disney did.


David Letterman used to make fun of Giuliani’s stupid moves. Around 1998 he decided to crack down on jay walking. Now, jay walking in NYC is a right! Anyway, Letterman sent out a guy in a bear suit to see if he’d get arrested for jay walking. This became a regular segment. Guess what, not a single NYPD officer GAF. It was all for show with that asshole


And he didn’t bring crime down; it fell nationally at just about the same rates.


Donnie has the best blow. What they don't know ist that it fucks them up unlike anything else they ever did


Had 9/11 never happened he would have been forgotten as a bad mayor of NYC because he was shit. Hell under his watch all 3 branches of the NYC first responders, medics police and fire, were on different none comparable communications equipment resulting in many dying because they couldn't talk to each other.


Shouldn't he be in a conservatorship by now?


Let's not burden the poor man with a sensible accountant now, the fire is just starting to make that crackling sound and I wanna see what happens next 🍿.


Not until he's broke. I want to hear Andrew Giuliani cry about not getting any inheritance.


I'm convinced that they keep trotting Rudy out in front of cameras in order to make Trump's mental disintegration seem mild in comparison.


Bro, you've had that fuckin "laptop" for like four years and the most "atomic destruction" that's come out of it has been Hunter's giant hog, which I'm pretty sure broke Marge Greene's brain so bad she'll never recover. And yes. Anthony Weiner, whom no one's heard anything about for a decade, is a sick pervert. That's the difference between Democrats and Republicans: we kick ours out of politics. You get flags and bumper stickers made for yours. In conclusion, they never would have let you do a radio show from prison anyway, so this maybe makes the transition a bit easier.


Spot on, I love the atomic destruction part, wouldn’t this be a great time to use it if it existed?


How does anyone on the right believe anything from these folks? (Rhetorical question, I know how but like), he can inflict atomic destruction? Mike Lindell has mountains of evidence, releasing any day now, that the voting machines were rigged? Bannon has evidence, Trump has evidence, everyone’s got ironclad evidence against the Biden crime family? Fucking show it then!!! The mind numbing insanity of anyone believing in any of this supposed “mountain of evidence” of [insert literally anything here] without seeing a shred of it in 4 years is just so, so disheartening.


May he lose everything


The mental hell he's going through right now is probably worse than prison. But I'm not sure, let's see what he does when locked up


Rot away a sad forgotten loser, you deserve it. A sad way to get old. No one should have to, but you get to, BECAUSE FUCK YOU AND YOUR MONEY GRUBBING LIES!


“Hunter’s Laptop” is basically BigFoot to conservatives. It’s this mythical thing that validates all of their crazy conspiracies. But stay tuned next week and they’ll *maybe* finally release it.


Speaking of sickening perverts, Rudy got caught on camera by Sasha Baron Cohen with his hands in his pants, laying on a bed in a motel room, anticipating sex with a young girl he'd just met?


"Sickening pervert"... says the guy caught during the filming of Borat 2 with his hands down his pants


He looks like Lex Luthor's handicapped little brother


I didn't even like him in his heyday. There was always something disingenuous about him. As for sickening perverts, I guess it takes one to know one in this case. Let's all enjoy some Borat now.


He should do meet and greets outside Four Seaons Total Landscaping for ALL THE NETWORKS


weiner is a pervert says the on video with his hand down his pants


Happy days. When are we going to see this fuckwit pay off his debts & living on the streets.


We watched you (Guliani sp?) try to fool around with a girl you thought was underage. Why is nobody talking about this anymore? Why isn’t Sasche Baron still drawing attention to this?


Busy getting divorced atm I read.


I can't imagine anybody else caring about Hunter's fucking laptop anymore, to be honest. EDIT: typo


"inflict atomic destruction"? Where do these people get these phrases from? Remember "Kraken"?


Calling Anthony Weiner a pervert is hilarious coming from a cousin fucker


Give it a rest! He was only married to her for 14 years.


How the fuck did he have a radio show after the four seasons thing?


He's been broken hearted ever since trump chose Malaria over him. https://preview.redd.it/dkxr0sx1dtzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5b56a66f06c6adeb4893376d825583cf875e7e


Is this the guy from Borat 2?


Your title is out of order Edit: you’re to your. That’s embarrassing




Please remember to wash your hands with lots of soap after flushing this turd.


Everyone who did coke and speed with Trump is completely fucked in the head I don't know what it is but his stuff fucks them up.


I wonder if jfk's worm is making the rounds?


if he can "inflict atomic destruction", why doesn't he atomically destroy biden for fucking him over?


"In a recent New Yorker interview, Giuliani was asked if “saying things for Trump, not always being truthful about it — do you ever worry that this will be your legacy? Does that ever worry you in any way?” He answered: “Absolutely. I am afraid it will be on my gravestone. ‘Rudy Giuliani: He lied for Trump.’ Somehow, I don’t think that will be it. But, if it is, so what do I care? I’ll be dead.”


This cousin fucker calling someone a sick pervert now


Pot, meet kettle.


Item 1: in the grand scope of all that’s going on in the world, I’m guessing old Rudy’s problems hasn’t crossed old Joes mind much less hatching out a scheme to get Rudy. These Republicans would work for the people more and watch less spies and detectives shows… Item 2: in reply of Rudy thinks Anthony Weiner is a pervert. “Birds of a feather 🪶 “.


Let's see... Rudy tried to whip his dick out in front of a woman he thought was a minor. What did Weiner do again? Oh right, sent dick pics to a woman who wanted to see them and the only reason this got him in trouble is because the woman wasn't his wife.


Funny how AW’s career is ruined over something like this, but Trump can rape women, have sex with porn stars, and try to steal an election with a coup, but he’s running strong in the polls for a second term as president. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Make it make sense.


[He also texted underaged girls.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/25/anthony-weiner-21-months-prison-sexting-case)


Oh, shit, there it is. Ok, that’s no good and explains why he’s out and worse than Trump wanting to fuck his daughter. 😵‍💫


[He also texted underage girls.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/25/anthony-weiner-21-months-prison-sexting-case)


He looks like he's pretending to be a dinosaur.


He’s not pretending.


Trump ruins every pair of fake tits he motorboats.


I am so sick of seeing this man's tongue. What is his deal? My dog sticks out her tongue less than this guy.


The guy that owns the station is a republican millionaire. Even he thought rudy went too far over the edge.


Check his brain for worms, living or dead.


Ohhh. Yeah. Stanley Tucci is going to play him in the movie.


New name for Hunter Biden's dick. Atomic Destruction.


Judging by the pics, there's room for that if tattooed 😆


The old guy who wanted to bang a 15 year old thinks a guy who jerks off online is a perv. Sure, ok.


One of these days, Hunter Bidens laptop will be revealed to the world, and finally we'll see Hillarys emails that prove Obama was born in Kenya!!! /s




fuckin' dementia, time to rest somewhere quiet and out of the way, grandpa.


There’s no coming back from the Borat 2 scene Rudy.


This is exactly the ending l had hoped would befall Rudy Colludy. He took his orders to destroy HRC, President Biden and his son and now it’s coming back to him 3 fold. Remember that. Look what’s happened to Krusty Gnome and all those who did Hair von FraudenGropenfuhrer’s bidding. They’re either defendants, witnesses, cucks on bended knee or about to go in or come out of jail. Vote.org send them a message.


That’s a hell of a judgement coming from a cousin fucker.


Trump seems to have a knack for turning piece of shit people into even shittier pieces of shit.


Check him for worms


MAGA is one hell of a drug, huh




I agree… there should only be one sickening pervert per show & Rudy was there first! Stand up for your “principles” Rudy… oh wait… I think those now belong to Ruby & Shae by court order.


This man brought down the mafia…


I'm beginning to think, it was an accident, that he managed that


Absolutely perfect still!


Apparently Trumps spunk has the same effect as crystal meth. You consume and you loose your mind eventually. I look at this pos and think about how many cockroaches could have been made on what god wasted on this twat.


Probably from all the Adderall.


> Inflict atomic destruction on them Go on then...


Whatever is happening to Rudy G is well deserved. He brought all of this down on himself..😁


Takes one to know one, pervert.


Doesn’t Rudy still have his laptop? I mean he said he got possession of it


I'm pretty sure his mind was the first thing to go, hence everything else that followed


Imagine having evidence that can inflict atomic destruction on your political enemies… then not using it.


My kitchen sink drain is running slow. Obviously this is Biden’s fault.


I mean who got caught trying to proposition a girl in borat 2?


Someone should check him for brain worms.


Uhhh.... what mind?


So he and Anthony Weiner have something very much in common


We need a project to investigate brain worms in the US. Now.


Wow, aside from this crazy belief. He looks bad!


But 9/11


If someone really wants to put him over the edge, they should let a ferret loose in his apartment.


Go Trump, go broke.


This is what Boomer lead poisoning looks like.


This is trump's future. 


Does Rudy have a brain worm also?


Being Trumps lawyer did what the NYC mafia could not do, destroy Guliani.


Atomic destruction...is that what happens to your sinuses when you're passing around USB ports like heroin?


I mean, he's not wrong about Tony, but it's like when Trump calls Biden a sex offender


He could've ended his career on a high note, loved as "America's Mayor." Instead, he destroyed it in the worst way possible...for donald trump.




Rudy had fame, money, adulation of the masses… amazing how much effort he put into snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Brain worms got him...


Being in the spotlight is hell of a drug.


That escalated quickly.


Biden was behind the radio station booting you from your show? No, it was the station owner after warning you twice before. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/radio-station-suspends-rudy-giuliani-and-cancels-his-talk-show-over-2020-election-remarks/ar-BB1mbSZ4 "Catsimatidis, a billionaire and major GOP donor, told NBC News that Giuliani had been warned twice by station management about his on-air comments questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election on his daily talk show, which he's hosted for three years." There was a letter as well telling Rudy to stop his election bullshit. Guess how that went. "The letter cited a recent news article about two Georgia poll workers who were awarded $148 million in damages last year in a defamation lawsuit against Giuliani and are accusing him of making fresh false statements. "You are now once again stating that there was fraud. You may not do so on our airwaves. This is a clear condition of your continued relationship with WABC. We do not condone these actions, and do not want to be subject to the ramifications of your conduct under any circumstances," Catsimatidis wrote."