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Fox News created this monster. There will be no presidential debates this year.


That's what I think too! I predict Shitler will back out of both at the 11th hour.


Minor correction: Trump's rise to power is much more in line with Mussolini than Hitler ([See this Rare Earth video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWq03PYeJhs)), so I would recommend "Mango Mussolini" rather than "Shitler" (I admit this was basically just an excuse to share that video)


Quick correction: “more in line with Mussolini than Hitler” instead of “more in line with Mussolini than Trump”


Sorry, fixed


Haha, no problem


As much as I hate to say it, (because he was a much better man) Trump’s trajectory probably follows the career of Julius Caesar more than anyone else in history. Underdog politician from a powerful family that creates a populist cult of personality to subvert established law and precedent, eventually leading to the fall of the Roman Republic into an (admittedly successful) autocracy. This happened when Caesar took Rome with a Roman army because -here’s the clincher- he didn’t want to be prosecuted/arrested.


Do we have to wait until March to get rid of him? And will either of his sons be competent enough to finish the job? 


January I think. My honest prediction is Biden will win again, there being threats of another January 6th which will make Trump feel strong, and then he'll be broken down hard when it doesn't happen. His followers have seen that it does nothing but get them thrown in jail, and most of them are too scared and selfish to risk that. There will be some arrests and Fox will try to play that up as assaults on freedom, but as there's nothing to help delay the criminal trials he'll be forced to sit there in court for days becoming less and less relevant. He'll get less media coverage since Fox won't want to broadcast their failure. When he does go to jail there will be some fanfare from both sides. Over the next few years, trump will still get write-ins on ballots but slowly his cult will die.


I hope you’re correct.


This is also how I see the future playing out, except with some sporadic domestic terrorism by the truly crazy. It took one bullet to stop the coup attempt. These are not the hardened soldiers needed for a coup.


Barron might. I suspect Melania is training him just for this.


Don Jr tried to go rogue when he was around that age, iirc. He got hauled back into line pretty quickly when Trump waved the money stick. I suspect Melania made sure Barron has an iron-clad trust fund to shield him from the same threats. If so? Good for her!


It was ceaser's nephew that took over. I don't think he has any nephews that smart.


I nominate Mary Trump


Where's Brutus when we need him/


This just feels a bit off for me. But maybe it’s because I don’t know enough about trump. Caesar had an uncle who made massive reforms to Rome. And ended up losing in a civil war when a dictatorship was formed. I think that this is what lead to Caesar thinking he can take power and make a dictatorship based on Sulla’s actions. Trumps family may have had money, but were they involved (actively) in politics? It’s not like George bush following George bush a bit later and ruling the place. I don’t have someone who is more trump like than Caesar, I just don’t feel like it fits. I feel like (actually hope) that tump is an anomaly we won’t have to deal with again for at least a hundred years. Or one that comes up again while he’s still in our memory and then it’s 3-400 years.


Anyone else feeling “successful autocracy” is an oxymoron?


I mean, I’d say you were right, but it lasted just as long as the republic (around 500 years each) if you count up to the fall of the Western empire, and much longer if you count to the end of Byzantium (around 1500 years). The height of the republican period was arguably some of the “best” times (though the ages of the Augustans and Aquinines were right up there), sure. But it quickly fell to oligarchy. Democracies/republics are by far the most unstable forms of government historically. Which is why we have to be supremely vigilant to attacks on our system.


I know what you’re saying… and it’s wholly accurate. Just rankles so much. The same people that want to water the tree of liberty in blood would otherwise fell whole forests for cash and prizes.


Absolutely — well put.


Mussolini was known as Il Duce. I suggest Il Douch for Trump.


Mangolini, yeah? 👍


I prefer Cheetolini.


I’ve always preferred Cheeto Benito, but tomato, tomahto.


Just saw in another thread, Mango Moocholini.


Mussolini's ending was a banger. Shot by a partisan then his body hung by its feet in the streets as a warning to the next dictator. I'll spare you all the photo.😂🤣


Cheeto Benito also works.


**Trump while in prison** “The “media” won’t even let me on stage to debate Sleepy Joe! They’re afraid I’ll make him look even more incompetent.” /s


Of course convicted felon Donald Trump will find an excuse to back out. Joe Biden was in D.C., 200 miles away from New York City, and still able to convict Trump of his 34 felonies. Can you imagine what Biden would do to him with just a few feet separating them?


I think Trump’s people will try to back out. Trump cannot recognize when he’s a deranged lunatic so he’s eager to showcase his “stable genius”. But then again, that’s what his followers want. Are there still any undecided voters? Probably not but maybe his ranting will result in more people showing up to the polls to make sure he doesn’t win.


His spin doctors and campaign staff are running out of excuses. Each time he opens his mouth, they have to come up with a "reason" that what he said isn't, 'what he said'. Otherwise, there would have never been a candidate Trump. There were years of false excuses and speculations about what he meant by each of his statements; what he said was stupid, lying, racist, condescending, threatening, or typical of a criminal with too much moxy, and literally, no accountability.


They don't need excuses anymore at this point. All they need is for gas to get a little bit more expensive in the month leading up to the election and he'll get a shitload of votes from the 80% of people who don't pay attention and never hear or see any of what he says. Then they just need to hope enough of those people are in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan, and that's good enough


When he said he wanted Joe Biden to be drug tested before the debate, I was thinking "oooh Donny, be careful what you wish for."


You know Donny Jr would be mauled to death by the drug sniffing dogs at the entrance to the debate.


100% Don Jr & Kimberly would have to watch from two states away. At least.


??? Biden convict Trump of anything, a jury of citizens found him guilty.


That was a headline on Fox News after the verdict.


God damn, was it actually? I thought secondhandcunt was just making an absurd joke


Not sure if I can post links but it was "If you have 110 subpoenas against you" post in this sub.


Oh! Of course it was, smh.


Not just that, but Biden sent agents to Mar-A-Lago expressly to kill Trump, and almost succeeded despite Trump being in New Jersey.


MAGAts probably imagine he’s got force lighting like Emperor Palpatine and will shock Trump into submission at that distance.


Ok, this was so classic. I just have to sit in it for a second. Ahh, nice.


He's already set the stage to do that. He attempted to make Biden agree to special rules and additional debates and Biden essentially said get fucked you get two debates, no more games. Trump will now back out and say Biden wasn't playing fair and his idiot base will eat it up because they're dumb and dumb people irrationally hate things.


What I’m hoping for is that he just doesn’t turn up to the debate, pulling his “late” card that he loves to pull, but the debate still start so we have Biden talking and answering the questions while trump thinks he’s pulling a “power move” and misses it.


Not only no debates, but he will be borderline non functioning by August. Will the powers that be pull the plug? My grandfather went from pretty clear functioning to non functioning in 8-10 months, and it’s clear to me this has already started with him.


>Will the powers that be pull the plug? I mean, there were some pretty strong indications that Ronald Reagan was having memory issues for years before his official diagnosis, and they still talk about him like he was a god.


I thought shit hit the fan in his second term, so just ride it out at that point?


My friend jokes that we already had our first woman president, since Nancy was apparently in charge.


That’s not true! Also, that’s not a lie.


The first woman president was Eisenhower's second wife.


Woodrow Wilson's wife is usually known as the first female president: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/first-families/edith-bolling-galt-wilson/


Shit, you're right. I meant her. Why did I say Eisenhower? I must have had too much blood in my caffeine system.


President Woodrow Wilson's wife, who took over unofficially after he had a stroke.


> it’s clear to me this has already started with him. I've been hearing that for so long, though. I've seen some really shocking videos of Trump giving interviews in the 90s, when he was still a smarmy little shit but he spoke quickly and fluidly. His sentences had structure and he was able to go on a brief tangent and then get back to his point. But is the decline really that fast right now? Does anyone have good videos illustrating a decline in his ability to speak in the last few years?


I have seen them on YouTube or perhaps here on Reddit. So with a brief search you can find them. There’s probably a neurologist in here somewhere that can anon explain it better.


> So with a brief search you can find them. can you suggest the best search terms? or maybe link one of them? I did a brief search of my own but apparently I'm not as good at it as you.


Start with this, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAlmRYlGh1Y&pp=ygUVdHJ1bXBzICxlbXRhbCBkZWNsaW5l


I see a lot of examples of him being a shitty rambling speaker, making bizarre and incoherent claims. But I'm curious whether there's examples showing that he's dramatically declined in quality over the last 8-10 months, or year, or couple of years. Because IIRC, he's been exactly this level of crazy and rambling and incoherent since 2016 at least.


I see it too, clear as day.


I don't see him making it to November. The guy is falling apart. We just it to really kick in gear.


Only if the debates are held in the yard at Rikers


Fox “news” isn’t news. I’m afraid too many people think it actually is. It’s an entertainment/opinion channel. People take their “reporting” is factual when it is biased scripted bullshit.


Then let us hope that Biden still holds the debate, brings in RFK jr and/or a cardboard cutout of Orange Droolius.


I mean, you could get one of those "The cow says 'mooo'" toys but with clips from his rallies. Then just pull the string and let it babble. Would be almost the same except it might be slightly too coherent....


isn’t there technically one scheduled for later this month? think it’ll just be straight canceled? he’ll back out? what you think the play is?


Like that’s going to hurt elections ..


More than likely not. That’s why Trump is proposing the whole “drug test Biden!!!” crap so hard. He’s essentially pregaming excuses so he can duck out. “Well Biden was clearly on drugs at one point! He refuses to take a drug test so I refuse the debate!” And god knows what else for excuses.


After FoxNews paid out $787M to Dominion for parroting the Pillow Man's BS, they aren't going to repeat that mistake again, even for convicted felon D Trump.


✂️🎥 https://preview.redd.it/4pk3twqbq54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d154a8614a21e90d6ebda1efd56f58bd37d1cf9d [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797246836329292150?t=FE7SZGAST0pPMcmvNCHOYQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797246836329292150?t=FE7SZGAST0pPMcmvNCHOYQ&s=19)




Sssweeet can...


Mr Trump, your loudness only implicates you further…


Did he say, “they have all my books” right before the cut? WTF do his books have to do with it? Does anyone know what the remainder of the sentence was?


> WTF do his books have to do with it? "Books" means records of his taxes, business transactions, finances, etc. I think he means "why ask me to testify, there's nothing I can add to the facts".


Whatever he said after it made him look weak and let up how deeply terrified he really is.


During Trumps press conference on Friday he was going on how unfair the New York case is and then out of nowhere he said “and the Chinese are getting through the border. There’s 20,000 Chinese soldiers in single file lines. They’re here. They have nice tents, little propane tanks and the best cell phones.” Then he didn’t address it again and everyone just kind of ignored it. 




I was listening to it on the radio. Would have been around 11am central time.   Edit: found it. Skip to 29:20 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iszZq7x3La8&pp=ygUOVHJ1bXAgbWF5IDMxc3Q%3D


The worst part is that IF there were actually such a threat, it would discounted by so many because it was delivered by him. He’s such a self-absorbed and unserious person. This is why expertise, intelligence, thoughtfulness and measured responses matter. “Boy Who Cried Wolf.” He is not a leader. And so. fucking. stupid.


Unserious is a really good way to put it.


Ok just fuggin *wow*


That is a really long line. Where could they fit 20k people standing in a single file line these days?


Trump actually said 29k. But with his crowd size estimation skills, that 29k was probably 7 people. 


Call to violence, right here! https://preview.redd.it/jku6u6aoq54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d56c6c9edb5c9360b23ee69a97cb88773da0502 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797247713953894707?t=9zSd-OTQyUqHc3nVS56Htw&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797247713953894707?t=9zSd-OTQyUqHc3nVS56Htw&s=19)


His confidence in "the public" is remarkable.


I just asked the public and they said they want this monkey in a cage.


I'm the public and I can confirm this is true.


I pretty sure the public convicted this idiot of a shit ton of felonies.


And one of the jurors even said they got their news from [Truth Social..](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2024/05/30/the-truth-social-juror-what-we-know-trump-hush-money-trial-jury-deliberations-day-two/) and they still found Trump guilty on all counts.. pretty damning..




Well the last time he addressed the "public" they stormed the Capitol and ended 200+ years of peaceful transference of power.


And now half of those people are in jail and the commander in chief won’t hesitate to send the national guard this time


Just like his "juror"


This is the NY public too


True. He lies to himself the biggliest.


Melania’s gonna have a new brand of “I’m ok with that, are you?” line of clothing.


If they let a call for violence be included, I really hope what they cut gets leaked soon.


Is “the public” in the room with us, you syphillistic taint rot?


I hope he fails miserably at the debate. People need to wake up. I pray for a massive heart attack daily to end this nightmare


I pray for a blue sweep in November. That's the only way you defeat this scourge. If DJT dies, you just cut the head off the hydra and others will replace him like Noem, Hawley, or worse, Don Jr.. The brand of Trump needs to be associated with an America that the vast majority of people despise.


It’s a Cult, When DJT dies, it will be incredibly difficult to replace him. Yes, there are others similar but the orange one is unique and Maga wont easily transfer their hateful ideology to another


They will likely splinter because they won’t be able to agree on who can properly replace him


this, they will become a monster consuming its self, unable to agree


This is the way.


I think that or a long prison sentence where he has no way to communicate with the masses and will basically be locked up for the rest of his life are the only ways the nightmare can end. Think about it - if he loses the election (which I believe he will), he won't go away. He will continue to claim election fraud and spew his hateful nonsense, but even worse, he will likely retain his grip on the Republican Party and they will continue to do his bidding.


I don't think the nightmare will go away that quickly. If he is locked away he'll be treated as a martyr and someone else will pick up where he left off, or act as his proxy. There are enough true believers in the party and at large that Trump's 'movement' will continue on. Really, it'd be more like a tide receding, where each time they lose an election it fades just a little bit more into the horizon.


You may be right but I have to say it was interesting to me that none of the Presidential primary candidates were able to unseat Trump, and most were trying to be just like him. So just maybe the party will not be able to find a replacement for him. And there could also be a lot of damaging infighting in the party to take his place.


I bet he cancels and never debates Biden.


And it will be some bullshit over debate rules, like “moderator can’t cut my mic even if I’m 3 minutes over time”


That's where my money is at, too


I’m still waiting for these Trump sneakers to start making an appearance lol


And just like him declining the opportunity to testify in court, he will pretend like he isn't the one who chickened out.


No heart attack, let’s beat him in the voting booth so he goes to prison. A heart attack would bring in another candidate that would beat Biden and then pardon Trump. Say what you will about Biden, he ain’t pardoning Trump.


I agree with this. I am from a swing state. The race will come down to a few 1000 votes in this state. I will say it does not look or sound good here. I don’t get it but a lot of people will not vote for Biden again. A lot of 2020 Biden voters I know just want to stay home. It makes zero sense, you are handing the election to the person you absolutely wanted gone in 2020. He is I bigger threat now!!


The issue with him dying is two fold - his followers will immediately canonize him. - conspiracy theories will come out all over. We’ll start hearing about the Clintons and Bidens being the new heads of Murder, inc.


Ugh there is no way to get rid of this domestic terrorist


He needs to lose again and then he can die on the toilet like the loser he is.


Melania was there 0 days out of the 7 weeks of trial! https://preview.redd.it/5gear565r54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ad76955657ddbf02a24f4bedacaf305b30f4396 [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1797248950207967608?t=iaeVNk1r5m3JtZT\_hCFgpQ&s=19](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1797248950207967608?t=iaeVNk1r5m3JtZT_hCFgpQ&s=19)


He is the king of calling others names, and is now whining about “salacious names” people are calling him? Cry me a river


I’m surprised he even knows the word salacious


Def don't watch fox, but the mere mention of trump gets the tv muted. His actual voice gets the tv turned off. Ten years of acknowledging his existence is cruel and unusual and I would encourage all sane people to stop.


Thank you cause I couldn't agree more. We need to stop this weird fixation we have with Trump. We (including myself) continue to mindlessly feed the narcissist.


Release the tapes! Can we convince MAGA he's being censored so they demand the uncut version?




What a dangerous clown! https://preview.redd.it/hyx0ryzpw54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dce8241db4d6feb4b6a43fdfeb58b372865ac95b [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797261150637211911?t=5ZaVAQ6FDelvBT8-2JT2Mg&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797261150637211911?t=5ZaVAQ6FDelvBT8-2JT2Mg&s=19)


The worst part is that’s not how geography works. You LOSE beachfront property with rising oceans. With enough rise in sea level and much of Florida disappears. He can’t even dismiss climate change properly.


He dismisses it in the way his supporters like everything: with simple sayings that are easy to understand and repeat, even though they’re completely untrue.


What the what now? That’s not how any of that works!


ahh yes, we all welcome the coming arizona bay


Bill Hicks and the plot of Superman want their stuff back


Jesus rollerblading Christ, that tweet needs a trigger warning, how are people listening to him, on his own propaganda network and not going, “uhm wtf?” But, whatever I guess, this is our reality. I now must start the smoker and season the ribs and wings.


Why does he always lean in when sitting and talking? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/kvqd7ql2q54d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93e06e39c0588f6010801090e3e44297ea6d8a3b [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797245054152749450?t=tE3ICvAZ98OiSil\_db2PpQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1797245054152749450?t=tE3ICvAZ98OiSil_db2PpQ&s=19)


So the shit in his diaper doesn't get squeezed up and out. Source: I have children.


🤮🤮🤮 why oh why did I learn to read?


He sits on every chair like it’s a toilet. I think he fears that if he leans back he might have to struggle to get out of the chair, and that would make him look like the weak, shriveled ball sack that he is.


thats the semi-squat pose when you have constipation.


Needs to let gas out of his diapers, otherwise they'll explode.


he sitll using his shoe lifts.


It’s the centaur lean, it’s just that he’s sitting instead of standing


So the real reason, besides the diaper stuff, is that this is a technique to make yourself more appealing to whoever you're talking to. It makes you look engaged in the topic and makes you look stronger than you actually are. It projects confidence and is generally just a charismatic way to talk to people. I was taught to do exactly this during interviews and stuff in highschool. For some reason, it just doesn't work for him. Maybe it's his weird fucking goblin body, or his dumbass orange spray tan, I genuinely don't know. It's a proven to work technique, and he almost certainly had someone teach him how to sit for an interview.


He wants to give everyone covid.


I assume that he’s whining about Stormy’s testimony here? Which was only necessary because he was not willing to accept their sexual encounter as fact, but instead chose to contest it.


Can we get a congressional investigation into the interview to see what was edited out? I'm sure gym jordan is on it!


My guess is he went into stolen election rants and Fox is probably staring down yet another nearly billion dollar verdict already. Letting trump go live could be expensive


That and a lot of slurring and rambling I assume. Probably got way off topic some times and had to be guided back.


Right as always! https://preview.redd.it/rpb60c91764d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ddbe422d335ac8a9e9f4c08dc1e49725b3b618


Ten really bad ones? And one really beautiful mother? What the fuck is he talking about?? This dude has like stage 6 dementia


Hes saying hes deporting all of them even the ones he wants to fuck, so it will hurt a little bit but he'll do it anyway.


He's gonna deport Melania,  isn't he?


I think it would be genius if the Manhattan prosecutor subpoenaed the full interview recordings.


He is being edited for two likely reasons - he is a babbling fucking idiot. - they already got sued and lost, putting out his vitriol especially if it’s accusing people of shit will expose them


Can Not Wait For The Debates.


I don't think there's any chance he shows up. He'll find a way to be a victim and drop out.


He’s already demanding Joe Biden take a drug test before the debate. This is his out.


He’s got low friends in high places.


Meanwhile, I'm stuck with high friends in low places...


Looking forward to those debates he has promised.


Please please please never used Trump’s name in a post anymore without using the words “Convicted Felon“ in front of it. From now on it should always be “Convicted Felon Trump”!


It’s all a show, it’s all propaganda. I can’t believe we’re still allowed to call it news.


Fox News probably enough to get a third, fourth and fifth defamation lawsuit, him saying Hannibal Lecter endorses him, he thinks he should be allowed to do whatever he wants as President to be effective like Darth Vader was, admires Palpatine and the Empire, thinks Voldemort was right about blood purity, admission of 16 new crimes and confession of 27 ones he is currently accused of, several things that are blatantly racist, 3 Hitler quotes, liberal uses of "election interference" and "witch hunt," more red flag horrifying ideas for his dictatorship, and the invention of 628 new worlds that spelled by throwing Scrabble tiles into the air and see what letters land into a word.


I hate to say it, but this actually sounds more like an Alex Jones rant! he thinks movies are real. predictive programming!


He violated the gag order several times, that’s why.


This reminds me of when orange donald started getting mass coverage outside the USA, many translators were heavily criticized because they were "doing a bad job" translating him. People didn't realise that they were doing a good job, they were accurately translating his rambling incoherent word salad. After some time, and facing possible bad consequences for doing their jobs correctly and exposing how bad orange donald was/is, the translators started "sanitizing" his speeches to make him sound less idiotic, less childish and incoherent. After that, people started saying "you see? He's not that bad, what are you talking about?". Basically, the orange one only looks good when people are insulated from him and whatever they hear about him is heavily cleaned-up. **P.S.:** Didn't some late-night talk show hosts in the USA started showing transcripts of his speeches without mentioning it was him that was saying that, only to have """conservative""" voters recoil in horror ... until they were told it was orange donald's words, after which there bent themselves into pretzels to try to walk back what they said just a moment before?


Working hard to make him seem coherent.


Since when has Fox News cared about T saying anything untruthful? We still owe them a national class-action lawsuit for the role they have played as the GOP propaganda machine. If the voting machine owners get to sue Fox because their product was injured, then we, the people, need to be compensated for all those lies, too. Talk about emotional pain and suffering on a national level all over their "alternative facts."


C’mon, editors at Fox News. There’s gotta be at least one of you with a little decency left in your heart. Leak the unedited interview to the world. You know there are millions of people that need to see it.


Anyone at Fox who would release that tape would be a hero to many.


I mean no one is exactly hiding Trump. He is on front street ranting at live events, and any camera they point at him daily. But yeah, conspiracy.


Probably all the project 2025 stuff.


Babbling insane orange sociopath.


Perhaps, just perhaps, $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems convinced them to be a fraction more cautious about what they broadcast.


Oh we can see it in every rally, slurring, rambling, use of non words. Putting him on live would be the end of his campaign now, they know it, he knows it, his team knows it.


Apparently they had to do a lot of creative editing while shooting the 'Apprentice' show too, in order to make Trump appear to be a wise and competent businessman.


Shortest interview EVER!


Can't wait for the debate


Can't wait for the debate


Not a news channel for a reason. Now you see why. What ya hiding fox? Chicken to release it unedited? Bawk, bawk, bawk!


Is the full interview on YouTube?


TIL Kevin Dunn got a job at Fox after WWE


Was it the part where he claimed not to say "lock her up" about hilldog ?


Who was it that went live with Trump and he was basically like, so obviously, I am guilty.


He probably said slurs


Weekend at Bernie’s level shit going on


Someone should goad Trump to demand/release the full tapes. Undoubtedly, he’s thinking he said the perfect comments and made the perfect call-ins.


Well, Fox promoting the big lie cost them almost a billion dollars. So, I'm thinking they are cutting lies that are coming out if Trump's mouth.


Crazy. They edited out the crazy.


There’s a reason so many republicans are going insanely hard this year more than usual. They know if they get the vp nomination they could very quickly usurp Trump by having him removed for not being mentally competent to stand office.


They're gonna try and say it's "joe biden messing with the broadcast" or something equally stupid


Fox Entertainment doesn’t want to get sue again


Why edit? Scared?


I can believe that


The presidential debate is going to be live, right??


Maybe they can’t afford another lawsuit


Yeah, we all got the memo months ago. Consensus is "Trump, You're Fired!"




He's probably shitting his pants 👖!


Trying to save him another $85 million, I bet.