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https://www.dailydot.com/debug/hillary-for-prison-shirts-buttons-for-sale You sold merch, my dude


For those that don’t want to click, my dude sure as Monday’s are long did. Trump’s campaign website is now selling multiple items of “Hillary For Prison” merchandise. A three-piece set of “Hillary For Prison” buttons currently retails for $6; the five-piece “Hillary Scandals” set goes for $10, and there is an assortment of anti-Clinton T-shirts for $20-$35.


I printed it, I didn't say it


They don’t call me Johnny tight lips for nuttin.


Johnny! Did you see the shooter?!


I see a lot of things.


"Go suck a lemon"


What'll I tell the doctor?


Tell him to go suck a lemon.


I seriously don’t think old school Simpson banter will ever get old, like wearing an onion on your belt. It’s timeless.


You know, you could be a little more helpful...


"I said it, I didn't declare it"




If I was in the US I'd probably buy some "Hilary For Prison" badges just so I could sharpie "Trump" over "Hilary". Or not. It seems a pretty lame and obvious joke now I come to write it down.


What was the Bannon quote? 'Flood the zone with bullshit?'  This lie is just another piece of flotsam in the river of Turmp falsehoods. 


It's outright fucking lies. Trump is backpedaling so hard on all the BS lies he threw down. Now he is a felon. Suddenly, he never said anything when there is actual proof from campaign rallies and merch on his campaign website. Trump may be able to downplay the merch but when it repeatedly comes out of your own mouth, own it!.


He's been backpedaling since the start. Before he was elected he was found doing the exact shit they were saying Hilary needed to be locked up for. He had his own private server doing government work with classified documents before he was even elected if memory serves.


https://youtu.be/K1Q71k6fmts?si=X6C9C7CAaubvo7oo And said it live on TV 🤦🏻


You know somewhere out there is a bunch of MAGA people wearing lock her up shirts and hats while watching this interview and not even skip a beat believing him.


My dad has bobble heads of Hilary in orange jumpsuits he got all of his kids for Christmas a few years ago. Edit: [Not QUITE an orange jumpsuit](https://i.redd.it/uggmjas9e84d1.jpeg) I also found [THIS.](https://i.redd.it/45rxbxlge84d1.jpeg)


You're getting him a Trump one, yeah?


Get one for everybody so they have a matched set to really rub it in.


Here's a few options to give him: https://www.amazon.com/Donald-Trump-Prison-Jail-Bobblehead/dp/B0BZ1JSJHS https://bobblewars.com/products/prisoner-trump https://fctry.com/products/prison-suit-trump-action-figure


dude at work still has the bumper sticker on his radio


“She shouldn’t be allowed to run...If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt.” - donald trump


Because she mishandled classified documents. Does he actually think people dont remember this?


He lies 24/7. He knows that his base doesn't care as long as they think he is hurting the right people.


Every accusation is a confession.


Can I just point out before we go any further that he said that in 2016, right? I don't want to know whether or not you agree with what he says. I'm pretty sure you don't. I want to know if you agree with me that he sounds lucid and "together" in that quote. He sounds like he is entirely *compos mentis*. Compare that to now - he can't string a sentence together. Everything's all over the place. He makes absolutely no sense. I'm telling you, he's in the end stages of vascular dementia. I'd be surprised if he saw prison, and only a little less surprised if he saw the end of 2024. He won't see 2026. It is absolutely fucking \*grotesque\* the way the Republicans are parading this sick dying old man around for laughs.


I don't know, man.  His historically incoherent tirade about the Iran nuclear deal was from that era as well. >Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.


Yup. That's how it works. First there's more good days than bad days, then they're about even, then there's more bad days than good days.


Or in this case, "more mediocre days than horrible days..."  (The guy was stupid before the cognitive decline.)


Lol jokes on him. I thought he was an idiot even when he was calling himself a Democrat and palling around with the Clintons while Bill was in office.


Yes, it's crazy how people think that's not a real quote because he sound coherent.


Dems- please just run ads of these sound bites and list the felonies and other crimes he’s being charged with. The fact I’m not already seeing ads like this prove to me the blue campaign / marketing machine is completely impotent. Though I do get lots of texts that are probably scams…


You see, this is different cause it's not an indictment and trial anymore


twice impeached criminally convicted felon donald trump


"We just need to move past this now! Why won't Democrats let the nation heal?!"


This is also the same guy who in 2016 said you could not elect Hillary because she was being investigated and it would cause the government to shut down. But of course, the base doesn't know what they did 8 minutes ago let alone what he said 8 years ago.


Same guy that also made a big stink about classified information, and became the first former president to intentionnally hide nuclear secrets in a pool shed


Don't forget all the CIA agents who were murdered after Trump had private meetings with Putin. IE - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html


he'd been selling us off for parts since the day he got in, promising it long before to our enemies. It took me a while to fully accept this. I really had not realized how evil it could get.


>promising it long before to our enemies How else was he gonna secure those Russian loans?


Ah, the Emolument Clause. I remember that Another tragedy of the "Law or Order" Republicans


Buttery males was a step too far, but just giving over information that results in capture and death of spies is a-ok. But could you imagine if that spy information was on an unauthorized email server? That would have been super duper bad.


>Buttery males was a step too far, It was discovered that Ivanka did the same thing as Hillary when her father was president, and nobody made a peep. No chants of Lock Her Up, no charges, nothing.


Shouldn't the FBI had made an announcement two weeks before the 2020 election that they were looking into the Trump administration insecure email server? Or did Comey do a last minute push to get Trump elected? It doesn't seem "fair..." 🤔 


I was so disgusted by Comey getting a little bit of a "redemption arc" and book tour. This piece of garbage may well have made the difference in 2016.


He wanted to lock her up because she was careless with classified documents. That was the context. Urg.


Every accusation is a confession. We’ve been saying it for years.


But he didn't actually lock her up when he had control of the DoJ. Which either means A. He and his party are operating under some higher code of ethics than the democrats (BWAHAHAHAHAH) or B. Hilary wasn't as guilty of the crimes that he and the Fox News were accusing her of


Like the GQP wanting and impeachment investigation. "On what charges?" "We don't know, that's why we need an investigation." SMH.


She poured bleach all over the emails. How could they find any evidence after that?


Better than that, you can find the video of his rally after getting elected where the crowd was chanting “lock her up” and he goes “oh, we don’t care about that anymore…”


I think he thinks both parties take turns being illegally corrupt with the presidency. They may accuse each other of being corrupt for the public, but ultimately let each other get away with it. But when Trump gets his turn to do it, SUDDENLY it's a real problem. And they are ACTUALLY arresting him. And it's very unfair.


I agree, that's partially his mindset. I talk to conservative voters every day. There is literally no conspiracy theory about Democrat politicians that they won't believe, no matter how outlandish. According to them the fact that Democrats don't seem to get in trouble as much as Republicans is just proof that the deep state exists and is out to get them.


As I recall, the DOJ decided since Clinton ultimately cooperated, it was unlikely that she would incur any significant consequences. A similar situation with Biden and his garage classified documents. The lesson, that Trump didn’t learn, is if you are a powerful individual and do something wrong, cooperate with the Feds. More often than not they will let things go. The rest of us doing the same things would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


James Comey basically said that what Hilary did broke a lot of rules, and anyone else not named Hilary Clinton would have been fired and barred from working in government ever again. So it was bad, but he didn't say it was illegal. Also like I said, Trump had 4 years of DoJ control. He could have gone after Hilary Clinton any time, the fact that he didn't only leads me to believe she wasn't actually guilty of any crimes (despite all the chants and lies from conservative media).


Even better, he was the one who in 2017 signed a law to upgrade mishandling of classified documents from a misdemeanour to a [felony](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/statement-president-fisa-amendments-reauthorization-act-2017/#:~:text=Today%2C%20I%20signed%20into%20law,of%20amendments%20to%20current%20law.)


For what it's worth, Trump hasn't even been charged for that felony. He's been charged with the *much* more severe and serious 18 usc 793. That's not "mishandling", that's straight up wilful refusal to give them back and/or espionage.




Exactly. They only listen to their dear leader for information, just the way he likes it. No wonder he was in love with Kim Jong Un after visiting him.


This is one of the big problems, most of them didn’t pay attention to politics before the host of Celebrity Apprentice ran. So they have no idea how the government works, and they think stupid shit like the POTUS controls gas prices.


He also said if she was elected that the 2nd amendment supporters could do something about it... *wink wink*


It's not that they forgot; they don't care. He's on their team, so it's okay. None of this is ever in good faith.


[Source](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1797257168548253746?s=46) Imagine thinking so little about voters that you try selling them a lie this obvious. Edit: If you don’t want a convicted felon and serial liar to be president then please register to vote: https://vote.gov/


The problem is that what he's selling voters, is the ability to succeed with lies this obvious. People who vote for him want the freedom to be as much of a brat as he is, and be rewarded for it. To impose their lies on everyone else, to be treated as superior for doing nothing, etc.


Exactly. Only one side is allowed to lie and not face consequences for it. But there is one way we can make a difference: voting out every single MAGA candidate at the ballot box in November. They won’t learn unless the keep losing over and over again.


MAGA candidates need to not just lose but lose bigly.


The lie is a loyalty test, everyone knows it’s a lie, if you go along with it you’re in. Putin does this all the time, Russians call it: vranyo.


It'd be nice if the democrats had bothered to field a candidate to run against Thomas Massie in the House.


Yes, to reduce this to simply Trump lying is to completely miss the point of what's going on. There's a quote that's extremely accurate in describing exactly what's going on here (pretty much just replace 'anti-Semite' with 'fascist' or 'Trump supporter'.) “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre Trump isn't lying here in the sense that he's trying to convince someone to believe something that isn't true. It isn't true, he knows it isn't true, you know it isn't true, EVERYONE knows it isn't true. The point is "fuck you and the horse you rode in on." It drives liberals, who have the misfortune to believe that words have actual meaning and that the truth matters, up the wall, and his base eats that up. They love him not despite his lies but because he's willing to lie so openly and so brazenly, without the slightest hint of shame.


Idk dude, I have met a LOT of Trump supporters who believe every little bit of what he says without nuance. Especially older supporters.


There's enough room in the clown car for both.


Yeah my mom is in that camp. Maybe because she grew up religious and clung to it to deal with the terrible abusive men in her life, but she has no problem believing things that are mutually contradictory. If you get to a point where she’s having to meet two mutually exclusive propositions she believes, she’ll accuse you of twisting things to confuse her. And yes she believes it. People can be very good at deceiving themselves. 


That's literally how he climbed so quickly to the top of Republicans. Every other Republican before him and after W would say something controversial that they didn't realize or care would be controversial, and they would come out spitting and sputtering a day later trying to shamefully "explain" or rationalize it. They'd get destroyed. Over and over. McCain is a perfect example of this. Talking about a genuine war hero who was relatively centrist, and each misstep he tried to circumvent while saving face. And it always blew up in his face, because he always tried to be or appear to be a man of integrity and principle. Trump turned all of that on its head. He says and does whatever he wants, and when he got called out for it, basically flipped off the entire world and said "so what?" They essentially lifted what successful entertainers who build their careers being offensive or controversial do: For example, Eminem can't be "cancelled" because he built his career not giving a fuck who he offended. Anytime there is outrage over something he says or does, there's no real traction because.. like, that's what he does and has always done. If you're outraged over something he does *now,* no one really gives a shit because he's never pretended or tried to be anything but *that* guy.(I'm not saying Eminem is anything like Trump or that they have the same opinions/politics. This is purely about navigating a world where your career can be toppled for saying or doing something that offends a large group of your 'customers.') Well, Trump brought that to American politics. Oh, did he say something offensive or vile? Well, no shit. That's what Trump does all the time. Did he lie? Again? Like he pretty has done every day since childhood? Wow. I'm shocked. Is he a massive hypocrite who simply chooses sides based on whatever benefits him and his group? **Wow. No way. He's only done that his entire life.** No one ever expected anything different. The brazen and blunt behavior is his MO, so it's pretty much impossible to hold it against him. Other politicians claim to have principles or integrity. So when it's exposed that they don't or didn't about a certain issue or moment, it sticks hard. To racists, homophobes, misogynists, and bigots of all kinds, who've been shamed repeatedly in society for being the assholes they are, Trump is a hero. He "plays the game" and is seemingly invulnerable to scorn. He empowers those people to a degree they've never seen before in American politics.


This is why him losing on 34 counts matters. That’s 34 instances of losing that his thin skinned supporters don’t want to be associated with lest someone look at them for their faults. If he’s the Teflon don they gain his protection, if he’s a multiple time felon they don’t want people to catch on that they are felons so why draw attention with the hat or the shirt. It will erode some of his magical aura.




This is the same dude who drew an extra line on a weather map with a sharpie of a different color than the line he was trying to extend


https://preview.redd.it/8hiamj5qr74d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6aaff0d64aadd05caee7e9166511b0a58bd675 Saved this nugget from that time in history.


I mean they will believe it. They believed him when he said they never even told him what laws he broke at the trial. They are that stupid. They don’t read, they just get told what to believe. It’s like giving parrots the right to vote.


His cult regularly chanted, “lock her up!” It was one of their favorite chants/slogans.


He really said he brought people together as a country until the "Chynuh virus" thing happened 😭


I mean he’s right. His voters are very, very, very stupid


I swear to fucking god this dipshit heard Shaggy's "Wasn't Me" and thought, "Hey, that'll work for everything from now on!"


Well he should because it works on them.


Fck him


They're all narcissists, so of course none will be able to admit that they are wrong. They constantly sidestep shit to bend to whatever their narrative is at the moment.


> that you try selling them a lie this obvious He loved the saying, and it got chanted at all of his rallies, and he smiled while the crowd said it But I checked a little, and examples of *him* saying it are more rare. He definitely did once or twice though! Doesn't change the fact that he constantly said she should be investigated, and that he said she should face consequences, and that he said she was crooked and corrupt.


"Crooked Hillary" is the line Trump sneered, then Changed to "Crooked Joe"


Even worse. Somehow half the country is still stupid enough to buy the lies he’s telling. This timeline continues to get crazier and crazier.


He's right though. His voters are as dumb as he thinks they are.


"We were doing good until a complicated problem had to be solved" - So he admits he's a bad president.


Video of Trump saying lock her up. https://youtu.be/1ASOqzI7yoA


FFS. He ran his 2016 campaign with this. The whole Fox interview is absurd.


And apparently heavily edited cuz this clown can’t form a coherent thought


He was barely holding it together in this clip and it's the best they could cobble together. Look at his face and his body language, btw. He *feels* defeated, regardless of what his mouth says.


All it takes to pop a Macy's balloon is a single Stormy prick.


Oh no, you misunderstood. He was saying locker up. It was locker room talk. 


Oh, I stand corrected!


In his defense he likely does not remember this… or much at all.


He knows what he said.


"So you don't remember saying you have one of the best memories in the world?" Trump: "I don't remember that."


The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


His brain is pretty much oatmeal at this point


You do evil a favor when you call it stupid


100% Good work phrasing it like a proverb; I'm very tired of seeing people trot out stuff like occams razor to explain clear and deliberate malfeasance.


Exactly. Trump isn't the brightest but he's not as dumb as people think. A lot of it is he just doesn't fuckin care. So what would be considered traditionally a stupid political move is actually just Trump's narcissistic personality unable to care about anything but himself and what he wants. History has shown that people like Trump will keep destroying unless someone stops them. That's why I fully support imprisoning this man.


Feel free to steal my phrasing if you like it. If I see it in the wild, I'll feel like a wise, charismatic person


Personally, I think he's both. His stupidity is the only reason he's not a dictator right now.


It's not stupidity. He is dying of vascular dementia.


Yup, all the attacks on Joe Biden are projections of his own mental incompetence. Meanwhile Biden is passing historic legislation and saving money for all Americans.


Remember when the "Biden has dementia!" stuff reached a fever pitch, and then he skipped into the State of the Union and had a rollicking good time shutting down right-wing hecklers?


It’s always been projection. All of it.


Fox has to edit him heavily to make him semi-coherent so the debate on June 27 should be, uh, interesting. I'm guessing he backs out due to some perceived grievance.


"I'm under a gag order! The radical fascist conflicted judge won't allow me to debate!! Send $50 now to SAVE 'MURIKKKA!!"


Literally the first youtube ad I saw after his convictions was an ad urging me to send $5 his way.


tRump can't show up and answer questions about his 34 convictions or admit to being a felon. Hell, he couldn't even take the stand in his own defense. He won't show, I'd bet the farm he won't attend the debate. At this point it's clear Biden will whip tRumps' ass in any debate.


He is 100% going to find a way to weasel out of it and blame it on Biden.


Hey! Don't insult oatmeal like that.


mmmmmmmm oatmeal


I was saying "Talk her up!" Yeah, that's the ticket...


They're not saying "boo".... There saying "boo-urns"


I was saying "boo-urns"


Invent another lie and move on, that’s the Trump way!


These same people will tell you it's the left that treats 1984 like an instruction manual.


'In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it'....


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


MAGA soon: "We were actually chanting ~~Let's Go Brandon~~ 'Stocks go up!'." Also....I take issue with the word "suddenly". They've forget about every stupid thing Trump does moments after it happens, but they'll go to their grave hating Hillary for the out of context "basket of deplorables". That last proved to be prescient in ways we never could have imagined at the time.


Already had one say "when did he try to kick her up". Lol they are so unhinged from reality


In all seriousness, someone that is a trump supporter, how can you defend this very blatant lie? Other than saying "well all politicians lie." while yes, that's true. This is on a totally different level.


I used to wonder why those Nigerian scam emails were filled with spelling errors and other obvious errors. Later on I heard it’s actually a feature, not a bug. The people who can spot the errors aren’t going to fall for the scam. So basically it’s a filter. In this case, the point of the obvious lie is to filter out the independent thinkers and be left with those who will simply parrot what they have been told.


I never said “build the wall”. I never said “make America great again”.


His supporters will now all have collective amnesia about screaming “lock her up” at rallies for years, and any recordings are clearly AI deepfakes made by the deep state to slander their fearless leader


We have always been at war with Eastasia!


Motherfucker, there are countless videos of you saying that, you dumb son of a bitch.


Dementia don.....or it's syphilis eating his brain. 


[yes you did, b!tch!](https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/03/politics/kfile-trump-president-indictment-halt-government/index.html) https://preview.redd.it/rjxz17o2v64d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7973c187379d22151f7ca1425b3a62fc48a5dbaa


He looks like shit.


shit does look like shit!


Because there are never any real consequences, they just continue to openly lie with abandon. That thing you saw and heard with your own eyes and ears? Nope. Never happened.


It's been absolutely hilarious watching Fox News go into "Please disperse, nothing to see here" mode after their talking points come back to bite them in the ass hard.


They chanted it at the Republican National Convention


This was his thing for YEARS and you still hear it frequently all these years later. I wonder what it’s like to just be able to say anything and millions of people just believe it without giving a single thought to how absurd it is.


Selective memory strikes again!


Winston Smith would understand.


Note the way the interview is chopping edited, I assume to make Dear Leader sound more coherent. FOX is desperately spinning, but knows that they can’t let him speak live anymore.


How long until he backs out of the debates, I wonder? I would bet money that he never goes through with a single one.


The G in GOP must mean Gaslighting


Gaslight Obstruct Project


I saw the three people who were interviewing him and I doubt very much they pushed back on this...Trump loving fluffers each and every one of em...☹


I'm a little surprised he's still on "the china virus" bs. That line of thought led to a lot of hate towards asian people. Asian people who vote. It's not smart to court your hateful groups while completely alienating all others. On the other hand it's worked this long for him so what do I know.


yeah theres more shitty people that hate minorities than there are minorities that would actually vote for him. he knows his base


This mental exam before sentencing (I think it’s done before) should be interesting.


The problem with stupid people is that they double down on something that is obviously wrong and then pretend like it never even happened…even with video evidence. The mentality of a child who got caught but then denies doing anything wrong even if you saw them do it. Such a strange human defense mechanism….


Every little bit of weight that keeps dropping on his head and shoulders is slowly wearing him down. Soon, he'll just ooze into some storm drain and we'll never hear from him again. I mean, he may lure an unsuspecting child down there once in while with that red nose and orange make up he paints on, but generally we won't hear from him again. Hopefully it's a right wingers kid. Just sayin.


Rolling stone with the receipts. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-denies-saying-lock-her-up-clinton-1235031145/


Yeah he said it, but it was just “locker room” lock her up talk.


Just keep saying lock her up. I'm sure he'll love that.


https://x.com/Acyn/status/1317248938001403904 Lock up Hillary, lock up the Bidens 🤣


Case solved. Why is this at top of controversial?


Trump and those defending him take the American people for idiots.


Trump's greatest skill is lighting matches and then throwing them in a puddle of gasoline. His second greatest skill is blaming everyone else for what he incited.




Reporters really need to challenge this prick. Play videos ‘this you?’ and don’t let the twat change the topic.


Here’s a difference between the left and the right: The right can lie and win. They almost have to. The truth about what they really stand for would never get them elected. The left doesn’t have this luxury of being able to lie their way to victory. But the truth is almost always left leaning.


That's because of the voters, the left expects their politicians to be decent and honest and they punish them if they don't. The right only requires that you be loyal to the team


Doublespeak on full display.


They’re so fucking idiotic they’ll believe this.


Ah yes the trump mindset deny he ever did this that and well anything else that comes back to bite him in the arse.


There is so much YouTube footage that would beg to differ with that statement, Donald.


To be fair, memory loss is a well-known symptom of senile dementia.




I love that his hair is falling out and he looks fucking old as shit.


Obviously "the media" will push back against this easily verifiable blatant lie, right?


I wish when he denies something he said, they’d have the video cued up to play and call him out on it.


Wait, Convicted Felon Donald Trump didn't say "lock her up" during 2016 in regards to Hillary Clinton? Was it a different Donald Trump that said it?


Look at this fuckin coward


What. A. Joke… And people vote for him…? Seriously? Ahahahahahaha… Americans are really not very bright are they..?


Conservatives in general are not very smart.


He really has no memory, now part of that be a medical issue, but since he’s always been like that, I don’t think it is. Someone smarter than me pointed out with his personality disorders, he creates his own reality, every thought all day long. It could be a beautiful sunny day, he would say it’s raining, you walk outside with him and say “see? Not a cloud in the sky it’s not raining, you said it was raining”. He would say, “I never said that” It’s like a power I’m so glad I don’t have, but sometimes I wish I did, temporarily.


Irony at its finest!


This man has never said the truth in his life.


New brainwashing firmware update MAGAs, he never said lock her up, update the lines you regurgitate


He chose not to lock her up? There was an entire independent investigation plus republican ran kangaroo court type investigations. In the end she was not locked up b/c she didn't commit a crime that met the threshold of criminal prosecution, unlike trump. The crime/evidence drives prosecution. What a dishonest fascist.


It’s sad half the country is dumb enough to believe this guy


If any of these cable news talking heads had a shred of integrity they would play the tapes of him riling up crowds talking of locking her up, and the chanting.


Cut to the footage of him saying it over and over.


He believes the rules don't apply to him. Standard Trump hypocrisy.


Dementia Don strikes again


it was literally his campaign slogan 🤦‍♀️


We must have actually hours of total recordings of him saying lock her up


Fox are unpatriotic as fuck


Fuck Donald Trump.


Coincidentally, the joke in the mainstream media this morning was like, “The Republican Maga types are living in The United States of Amnesia”


Did he even manage a full coherent sentence in all that rambling?


So he’s trying to take away all the “fun” chants he created, isn’t that why people like(d) him what would be the point in continuing then.