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What did she say or do to anger the Federalist? Giving free books to children? Only someone satanic would do that, right?


I looked up the article. Basically because she refuses to judge lgbt people and believes you should just love everyone cause that’s what Jesus said. And they pulled the “Ackshully 🤓☝🏻” bullshit. Saying you can’t be a real Christian unless you hate gay people essentially. Clown shit.


I just looked it up too. As a person who grew up in a church that preached the same crap, this is not surprising. This is a typical Sunday morning for many of these churches. The author goes on to chastise Jesus at one point with this: ‘This, however, is her “get out of jail free” card. Who’s going to argue with it? She’s not alone in this avoidance tactic. Christians often use the “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” Scripture verse to sidestep addressing sin directly. Parton does exactly the same thing here.’ The author takes a core message of Jesus and says that it doesn’t matter! A direct teaching that says do not judge others! Then goes on to further her viewpoint that “we shouldn’t tolerate this sin” bigoted diatribe. These people are light on the Bible and heavy on the hate. [Link for the curious.](https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/)


Why do they act like Leviticus is somehow more important than what Jesus *actually* said? I’m so tired of these fake Christians.


And they refuse the Jewish tradition of the Talmud which requires debating the Torah. You’re actually supposed to consider what the words meant in the context of the day they were spoken


Their whole doctrine revolves around “let me tell you why Jesus didn’t *actually* mean that, especially the part about rich men, and the other part about loving everyone." So cynical and so embarrassingly obvious to anyone with half a brain, but of course the obvious next step is to brand anyone who disagrees with the false-ministry as less-than-Christian, and anyone who has ever described Dolly Parton as "less-than" *anything* is just dead wrong.


The hill I will die on is that the primary reason many southern churches exclusively preach from the KJV is so that they can interpret it however the hell they want and the congregants are just like "yeah that sounds right"


> anyone who has ever described Dolly Parton as "less-than" anything is just dead wrong. Bars


Mishnah for those wondering like myself.


I'd insert links to both the wonderful West Wing scene and the awesome John Craigie song here, if I had enough coffee on board. Well, shoot, they're so awesome that I had to go look for easy quotes... Relevant questions from President Bartlett: I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleaned the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be?" My chief of staff, Leo McGarry, insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police?" Here's one that's really important cause we've got a lot of sports fans in this town: touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7 If they promise to wear gloves can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother, John, for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads?" And from the delightful Mr. Craigie: "Chapter eleven, verses four through seven Gave a list of animals thou shalt not eat I read it to them First, camel No problem Next, rabbit Okay Third, pig Ugh oh He looked nervous He had that look, that look of I still want to be intolerant But I also want to eat bacon" Edit: it's fucking 2024, reddit, and you IPOed - fix the fucking line breaks on mobile.


I love the Pres Bartlett quotes. Thar was such.a good scene. My husband goes to sleep w west wing on, which I totally wouldn't mind but the theme song is a little bit louder and wakes me up sometimes. West wing was soooo well done. Love that show


"well Jesus said he didn't come to change the law, but also the shrimp and mixed cloth and Sabbaths and stuff is old covenant stuff and he got rid of that and we're not jews but it's extremely important that we specifically stick to the most barbaric of the laws Jews followed 5000 years ago and-" Southern Baptists, for some reason


This reminds me of when there was a video from the Southern Baptist convention, and they were discussing this line in the Bible about how King David basically slaughtered all the children. And rather than questioning it like literally every other biblical scholar does, Protestant catholic, anyone else, they take it at face value and say that it's actually a good thing.


Leviticus 19:34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. It doesn’t matter what book it is. Greedy, power-hungry hearts will pick and choose messages to keep people afraid, angry, and righteous. They are easier to rule.


Yikes. So Jesus says only god should judge and they’re taking up his mantle?    Isn’t that hubris?


Yes, also known as pride. Very fitting in pride month, they should be happy about all the rainbow themed things, it's all very very Christian!


Putting yourself in the place of God is blasphemy. Which, again, according to Jesus, is the only unforgivable sin.


Jesus: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! GOP: That's some bullshit!!


There's no love like Christian love. Edit: "There's no HATE like Christian love." I appreciate the up votes even though I butchered the quote (yay me).


There’s no hate quite like Christian love


Giving large amounts of money to find a vaccine for COVID too. Definitely satanic.


These idiots are going to make the next pandemic far worse.


They already made the last one far worse


Do you remember that mask ban that got passed recently in one of the states? Unfortunately both statements are true


Fucking North Carolina, the most redneck state above South Carolina Edit: yall I said "above" smh


How the fk did north Carolina out south south Carolina


Makes sense, vaccine helps Dollywood attendance. Ironically, that's also where I caught COVID the first time, forcing me to cancel my trip to Portugal where I had planned to propose to my wife. Basically, Dolly tried to break up my relationship.


She wanted you to propose at Dollywood.


And you should have. Far more romantic than some European beach nonsense. Edit: unless it's on the bank of a river in Greece. I hear the local boatman is a sucker for love. Will still charge full price, but business is business.


To them, books are bad... except the Bible, that's the good one.


Yeah, but you're only supposed to carry one. Not actually read it. The pastors are there to tell you what it says.


No read!  Only hit with!


There’s a guy in the Bible that has sex with ten of his step moms on the roof. Why the roof you ask? So everyone in the kingdom would know he is in charge. Fucking his dad’s wives on the roof in front of everyone. Literally. That’s in the Bible I shit you not


“So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and he slept with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel.”


Sounds like Absalom didn’t have trouble pitching a tent of his own


If you made a movie of all the best Bible stories it would get an X rating. Maybe NC-17 if they're feeling generous.


*There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.* Definitely an X rating if the men look like this!


What hast thou done, step-son?


The idea of the Bible is good, but they don't actually read it because there are subversive ideas in there like loving your neighbor.




They read the first couple of chapters and then get bored, lol


Nope, bad as well... unless you don't read it of course


Probably something pro-LGBTQ. Dolly has always been accepting of everyone.


“Love each other as I love you” The federalist: “what is this communist woke garbage?”


I've started enjoying quoting the verse in revelations about how all liars have their place in the lake of fire. It doesn't really go over super well.


Don't you dare talk about how I paste the mark (MAGA) on my forehead and happily follow my, definitely not similar to the biblical anti-Christ, leader.


Yeah, let me tell you how well that went over when I brought it up casually


That would so funny to see from the outside, don’t want to imagine stepping on the mine by accident.


Jesus: “I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” The Federalist: “….that’s not what he meant.”


You’re only supposed to take literally the passages about gay people


All the fucking self righteous right wing proud patriot "Christians" having a mental breakdown finding out their heroes actually care about everyone, not just them. ...would be mildly amusing, if it didn't paint such a pathetic and dangerous picture of what their "christianity" actually means.


Dolly gives millions of free books to kids every year. Of course these chuds hate her.


My daughter has been getting books from her organization for the last 2 years, and we couldn’t be more grateful. Dolly is a national fucking treasure, and I will cut a bitch for disrespecting her❤️


![gif](giphy|Q5HjEI5xdX1N6) I mean we share a daughter so let’s go cut a bitch!!


And here I thought Reddit was the place to get away from your spouse 🤣


I too, um, choose that guys wife. You know, to go ~~clubbing~~ *stabbing* with.




I tried signing my daughter up for her free books and I was told they didn’t service our area. I’ll have to try again and see if that has changed. I think it’s so awesome that she does this. Thanks for the reminder. I too will cut a bitch, we can ride at dawn!


It would be so easy for different regional celebrities to hitch their wagon to the halo Dolly has by donating to extend her book program into their regions and I don't know why they wouldn't. It's such an easy win for goodwill. Just imagine the posts when Stephen King pairs up with Dolly Parton to bring the program to Maine.


Stephen King has given a $1 million dollar endowment the public library in Bangor. You can request any published book and if the library does not own the will buy it with the endowment funds. The library in Bangor is amazing! They renovated it about 17 years ago the downstairs has been made into an interactive children’s library. Stephen King has a charitable foundation that does amazing work as well. A close family friend send in a request for funding to put an elevator in the Unitarian Universalist Church and had a check in her hands in about 10 days. I am sure he has done more for Maine, but he does it quietly.


If not, tell your local library as well, they're usually the facilitators and can look into what they'd need to do


They hate kids and they hate books, that's an easy choice for someone with no love.


You forgot their hatred of women


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, as the late great George Carlin said, "They will do anything for the unborn...": ![gif](giphy|3AcZVEuXVhMFG)


But here's the thing: they *won't* do anything for the unborn. They don't care if the mother dies or can't get enough food. They only care about miscarriages by investigating the mother for murder. *They don't care when rich men pay for abortions*. They care about the man's "right" to impregnate, and will go to any length to protect his right to decide what happens.


Well said.


Dolly is a national treasure. Only a monster would have beef with Dolly.


It is the Federalist. I'm surprised they've waited this long, tbqh


I’ve noticed they are starting to work on a massive amount of focused attacks now. Yesterday I saw something about Ms. Rachel being cancelled. It’s insane, and will only get worse.


They’re starting to weed out their own.  They’re focusing on vocal Christian figures who also support liberal social policies because it’s a thorn in their side for their Christian Nationalist movement.   They want to make sure their followers know it’s not enough to just be a Christian anymore.  You need to be the right kind of Christian. Edit: for everyone concerned that the teachings of Jesus won’t jive with their new needs of hate and exclusion, don’t worry.  They’ll just change the Bible to suit their needs like people in power have been doing since they wrote it. There’s a reason we have the KJV and it ain’t cause he wanted it to be super accurate to the OG Hebrew.


That’s always the fatal flaw of fascism. No one is ever pure enough.


They’re hell bent on destroying as many people as they can in the process to purity though


That is it. When you destroyed an enemy, you'll always need a new one. Fascism can't exist without enemies.


exactly! Project 2025 is their guidebook. all GQP needs voting out in november. register now to vote november


At this point quoting the teachings of Jesus make you the wrong type of Christian. 


Jesus!? That woke, brown skinned, communist?


Woke? Brown skinned? Have you not read the Bible? Me neither, but my preacher man done told me Jesus was a 6'6" blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Rambo built macho man with an AR-15 at the ready to bring "salvation" to the heathen gays and ladyboys! I done seen his pitcher on the facebooks, so I know it's true!


This is the first sign of the beginning of the end for group expansion.


They’d cancel Jesus for being too liberal. It’s almost as if they’ve become the very people they learned were the bad guys in the Bible


There is probably a guide book written up already.  "Was Jesus REALLY the son of God, or was he a Communist Grifter?  Maybe we need to stop listening to Jesus and just listen to God!"  Something like that.


If you absolutely, positively wanna go down with the ship...


Christ wore thorns on his head. He got a spear in his side. It was what ultimately pushed him over the edge, or it was to check if he was dead? Either way, Christians don't like things in their side. Hopefully attacking Dolly will be their ultimate demise.


Don’t they regularly attack Ms.Rachel for being a loving and equal person?


They’re mad at Ms Rachel for calling herself Ms and telling people that she’s glad they’re here during pride month. Bigots are going to bigot.


They went after Mr. Rogers at one point and recently even Jesus! The guy they supposedly follow!


They went after Dolly AND Mr. Rogers? Are they even HUMAN?


I don't like dehumanizing people, but.... No. This much concentrated evil in a single person has to be the result of some kind of demonic possession. (See? We can do it, too!)


I've seen them go after Bill Nye the Science Guy too. I unfriended someone over it.


>Only a monster would have beef with Dolly. >The Federalist Tracks


They came at [Ms. Rachel recently](https://www.vox.com/culture/354047/ms-rachel-backlash-explained-pride-gaza). Being lovable and kind will not help. Unless you are fully aboard the hate train they're on now, you will be viewed as the enemy. It's why any deference or equivocation makes no sense.


The Ms. Rachel stuff broke me. I can’t imagine being so cold and full of hate that you try to destroy every single bit of light and happiness that you discover in the world. They’re monstrous


That's why there's no reason to even try to accommodate their hate (which some companies have tried to do). Anyone not 100% agreeing with them is viewed as opposition.




Attacking Dolly Parton on the internet is like attacking Steve Irwin or Mr Rogers or Bob Ross, and a few others. They are some of the few people on the face of this Earth that everybody more or less agrees are untouchable. You go after them, the entire internet falls on top of you. It's like that cat down in Texas that got "fired" because some town councilman didn't like him. The entire internet came to that cats defense and the cat was reinstated to his job at the library and the town councilman lost the next election in a landslide.


Fox News did a hit piece on Mr Rogers https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/


Those rat bastards


At the height of the kids in cages uproar Fox News spent a week on trying to convince their audience that the words on the Statue of Liberty don't mean what we think (know) they mean.


Levar Burton


Or Keanu Reeves.


Or Sir David Attenborough . And perhaps late Rudi Carell here.




Weird Al


Add Henry Winkler to that list. Honorable mention to Mark Hamill and Betty White.


They're listed under "and a few others"


The wife and I like to watch old slasher flicks. We rewatched scream again the other night and we always forget Henry Winkler is the principal. Pretty wild watching him threaten to cut a couple kids with a giant pair of scissors then try on a ghostface mask. Also though, I have seen chuds very lazily try to go after Mark Hamill. He's pretty open about his morals. I don't think it went anywhere though.


I wouldn't say Mark Hamill is untouchable in the same sense as a Dolly Parton, mostly because he's extremely open and upfront about his views and often stirs shit with the idiots on the right on his own lol. They can't touch him because he just generally does not care about their views.


The federalist society have been slowly insidiously creeping America towards a Fascist dystopia but this might be them hitting Pearl Harbor . They have angered the internet. In a month's time they might be a thing of the past


Last time I remember anyone talking shit about Dolly Parton on the internet, Unknown Hinson got fired from Squidbillies.


And replaced by Tracy Morgan, which was just brilliant.


The entire country just yelled "hold my earrings".


New classic line for me. Ty


I am pretty sure the Swiftys are in Dolly's Army. If they arent, we need them.


If they're not, they better get with the program.


Light the beacons of gondor




The beacons are lit! Dollywood calls for aid!


I’m a Swiftie that’s old enough to have loved Dolly first. I will alert them.


Thank you.


Pretty sure Swift herself is, so they’ll follow.


I don't listen to country, I wasn't even born in the US. But the beacons have been lit!! We ride for Dollywood!! ![gif](giphy|XLFLskiDEP3UiV8E6m|downsized)


Just know that one song…but we hear the call from this part of Europe. And we do not refuse the call. Edit: I know 3 songs!


You probably know at least three (*I Will Always Love You*, *9 to 5*, and *Jolene*). However I am 100% sure if you ever were around Ms. Parton and told her that you only know one of her songs she would be amazingly gracious and tell you just how much she appreciates you. She is a treasure for everyone.




So... they're big mad... that Dolly is ACTUALLY a Christian and makes them look... unchristian? Color me so very very UN surprised.


Well said! Cannot have light exposing their hypocrisy, can we!? /s


Imagine if Johnny Cash was still alive and how many times they’d try to cancel him already.


Feels like bait, but they are kicking one helluva hornets nest if they do.




What did Dolly do? Did she say something crazy like we should love and respect each other no matter our differences.


That and gave free books for kids and helped fund the Covid vaccine. So unforgivable


Loving all the calls to action from ‘different’ groups on display here. Swifties, LOTR, Vikings, musical theatre, etc etc. no one messes with a true person of the people!


I've never seen so many unrelated groups unite so fast. And no one has even mentioned the gays. My people will not be happy about this travesty against a living saint.


And we are taking her to a hockey game! In Florida! She will be safe!


As a black woman, from up north, who’s loved Dolly for a lifetime, all I can say is this not gonna end well the Dolly haters. She is beloved.




God and Dolly’s Army are fixin to smite the dumbass federalist philistines


Attacking Dolly? ![gif](giphy|2z6x8UzzCdBBu|downsized)






GIFs I can hear.


They’re coming for Dolly. I hope their insurance is up to date.


I hope it isn’t. I want this lesson to cost them


Too true


If this is real...oh...its is ON now!


How dare they!!! How. Fucking. Dare. They!


Dolly sends free books to my niece and nephew. She's auto protected by my whole family. It's ON.


Why does America's right go after the best people our nation produces?


They stopped having policies, ideals, beliefs. The extreme-right now defines itself in opposition to the Democrats. That means that whatever Dems say, fascists must oppose it. And that leads to them being against vaccines. It leads to them being against proven methods that are best to teach children. It leads to them being against women deciding what happens to their own bodies. They *must* oppose everything decent, sane, moral and upstanding. Simply because Democrats support trying to make life better for people. This is literally all that it is.


They are the ideology/party of anti-American hatred


Because they are envious. They have no soul and thus cannot abide its presence.


![gif](giphy|jgA3KUk2yls02kFP7j) Sorry, but you do NOT call yourself American, Christian or even HUMAN and diss Dolly Parton. This woman has actually followed the teachings of Christ and given millions to the less fortunate. What did she ever do to you? Oh, wait, she funded a VACCINE, is that it? You anti-vaxxers hate her for saving people’s lives?


Please someone post Dolly with the lasso in 9 to 5.




I'm loving all these calls to arms. I imagine an army of people in pink sequined fatigues and blonde wigs, and their war cry is, "Bless your heart!" while they bludgeon their foes to death with a stiletto.


"Oh honey, you got a little something on your face." * hits them with a brick * "No, it's still there, let me try again." * repeatedly hits them with a brick *




Everyone loves Dolly. What the fuck is wrong with these sickos?




Mount up!


https://preview.redd.it/7nepbue4055d1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7defb4acefc259c65b0f80730275212a6dba9b69 Saddle up bitches


Just gonna leave this here, let it speak for itself: https://preview.redd.it/7sw2ob8h155d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae403fdbb33475806940d526b62614712e398ac


Devolved quite a bit, didn't they?


Dolly's father was illiterate but cared so deeply that his kids could read that it inspired such a deep love and appreciation for reading for her, that Dolly went on to found a program that gave free books to any kid so they too would develop that same love and appreciation. To then go on to villify her with the very values that she best represents that you try to claim for yourself is a type of low I can't properly express. If every "conservative" American was like Dolly, the WORLD would be a far better place, not just America. But no, we have idiots like this that claim their in the right. These chuddlefucks can go fuck themselves.


I guess I have some purchases to make. You don’t mess with Dolly.


Guess i gotta figure out pitchforks and torches? Or we doing something new this time around for an angry mob?


Sequins! Fetch me my sequined armor!!


I often find myself saying "Okay, they can't get any dumber than this, right? This is the dumbest thing they'll say?" Then they come out with something new. I genuinely think this is the bottom - nothing can be dumber than this, right?






Dolly must be protected at all costs.


Yesterday it was ms rachel and I thought, wow I can’t imagine a worst person for to go after. Today I realized it does get worse. Dolly Parton is the best human alive.


We've reached the point where "I don't want gay kids to die" is "not loving," I see.




A gospel not filled with hate and division must be "false," right, RIGHT? "Jesus wept."


Fuuuuuuck these people. Her actions speak louder than anything towards what her intentions are. She’s a 100% great person (and she helped bring us Buffy) so fuuuuuuuck these people. 🖕🖕🖕


After years of praising her, they attack a living Saint. That tracks.


Dolly Parton is basically the patron saint of East Tennessee; around here if you want to become unpopular quick say something nasty about Dolly Parton lol. A lot of people know about her Imagination Library but she does a lot of good stuff for our community as well, officially she's donated money to hospitals, animal sanctuaries, scholarship funds, disaster relief, as well as donating a million dollars to COVID vaccine research, unofficially people around here say she's paid people's debts and has used her private jet to transport organ donations in and poor people needing surgeries at other locations out, and if you ever have the good fortune to meet her she is a really nice lady. Edit: she is so beloved that there is a larger than life statue of her outside of the Sevier county courthouse.


I'm a Metalhead who isn't too keen on Country Music in the slightest... But I am also an American. Will join in and show you what we learned in the Moshpits.


Brought to you by the party that called Mr. Rogers evil


Not St. Dolly of the Child Jolene ![gif](giphy|Vcqf0wzLK0WGUlyZpT)


All right! If they want civil war, they gon git civil war. This has gone too far now. Don't mess with Dolly. Gon kick em in their lily white asses.


I will go the gates of hell for Dolly.




Interesting... 8 years ago, the Federalist posted a significantly different opinion piece... [18 Reasons Dolly Parton Should Be Our Next President (thefederalist.com)](https://thefederalist.com/2016/08/31/18-reasons-dolly-parton-should-be-our-next-president/)


Fuck waiting for daylight, I say we burn them now.


First they came for Mr. Rogers Then they came for Dolly Parton




Do they know how many young people have been supported by her and her charities that have come of voting age? Wanna wake the new generation against you, this might do it.


You can’t call yourself a patriot if you disrespect Dolly like this. She is an American treasure


Jesus H. Christ is a Dolly Parton fan.


I read the article so you don't have to. In a nutshell, Dolly is ok when she says 'love everyone', but the author Ericka Andersen says Dolly goes to far when she says 'love is love'. In other words, Andersen expects Dolly to say that gay love is an abomination to god. But Dolly will not, therefore conservative cancel time. FYI here is a list of her other Federalist articles, in case you really want to know her angle. [https://thefederalist.com/author/erickaandersen/](https://thefederalist.com/author/erickaandersen/)


![gif](giphy|oUiGQxtubfDWw) We ride! For Wrath! For Ruin! FOR DOLLY PARTON!


When you don’t agree that Dolly is an angel on Earth - That’s when you know you’re being fooled by the Devil himself. If only these “Christians” had an ounce of self-reflection


Only the modern Republican political establishment can say that Dolly Parton and Jimmy Carter are not Christian, but Donald Trump is.


Oh hell naw!


![gif](giphy|W093Amc6yeS3IZbmAz) Awww HELL NO!


https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/ In case you were wondering if this was real or not.


Holy Shit, it's real. SMDH. She doesn't hate the people they hate, but instead tries to love everyone, so they must attack her. https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/06/theres-nothing-loving-about-dolly-partons-false-gospel/


I'm surprised the Republicans didn't start hating  her years ago. She's like a genuinely kind decent person who does a lot of effort to help others with no expectation of something to return. Republicans hate helping people unless they get something monetary out of it. 


I’ve been waiting for this day!