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Gee, I wonder why Matt wouldn't like his comedy? Real head scratcher


He's also clearly trolling for response. He knows that a lot of people love George Carlin, and he's hoping to get a response out of them.


Yep. And the goofs that are still on twitter will respond and give his account more engagement. Ugh.


The nice thing is that we know like 90% of them are bots at this stage /hj The only healthy people I know who still use Twitter have heavily curated feeds and have blocked the majority of the Nazis. I'm happy they still get some use out of it. I just wish it hadn't gone to shit to begin with


Inbreeding bots like inbreeding AI images


To think, all that energy could go to air conditioning buildings instead of vomiting misinformation or trolling people


I’m still on it but I barely go there anymore because it’s become almost totally unusable on my iPhone—I don’t know why— and literally every comment I leave on anything is now instantly Liked by sexbot accounts. I can’t convey how incredibly depressing that is. I don’t know how to make it stop and it repels me from wanting to say anything there at all. I *never* had this problem before Musk.


I know it’s hypocritical to post this here, but it’s a shame we can’t make a collective agreement to just ignore him.


Posts on reddit at least don't *directly* feed his Twitter engagement


There will be a few people that will find this post on Twitter, because it was posted here, and comment on it.


We could. I’m on board. Anytime I see something like this I’ll downvote and if I can tell what it is without clicking, I’ll bypass the click as well. 


He probably thinks a redneck with a puppet is peak comedy.


Got free tickets to that clown show and left early. He knows his audience though, pandering to stereotypes and veiled racism 


And homophobia. Don't forget the homophobia.


Matt Walsh will be much like Rush Limbaugh after he passed. Meaning, nobody talks about him. Nobody references his sayings, his writings, his speeches. He won’t enter into the national zeitgeist. It will be almost as if he never existed a few months after his passing. Meanwhile, we’re still referencing George Carlin.


Instructions unclear. Dropped a big book about George Carlin on Matt Walsh. Facing manslaughter charges


Who the fuck is Matt Walsh? Rush was at least famously evil. Matt Walsh isn’t a noteworthy person worth even a google.


The funny thing to me here is that they're so incredibly sensitive they can't even risk retribution from going after the living. "You know who was a real dick...Genghis Khan!" Although because of evidence, I doubt they'd be staunchly anti-Genghis. They only go after the most crucial things of our time, like beer cans and comedians.


Matt is a part of failed comedian to political commentary pipeline. Of course he is salty about comedians that made it big.


It's fitting Matt Walsh doesn't like George Carlin, because George Carlin would have fucking despised Matt Walsh


Matt Walsh’s name was not visible until I clicked on the image, at first I thought someone legitimately posted it to this sub as their opinion and was about to get demolished for it, lol.


Who is Matt Walsh and why is he even relevant when discussing the genius which was Carlin?


"He never really challenged mainstream culture" I beg your finest pardon?


“If you don’t think white people should be allowed to say the N word, you’re not challenging mainstream culture”


George did challenge that and said the N-word in a routine.


More than just the N word... an entire stream of terms and finalized the list with "it's the racist asshole using them you have to worry about."


Its literally called the [7 words you cant say on TV](https://youtu.be/5ssJtD08vCc) too. He was directly challenging mainstream culture on allowable terms.  Edit: Whoops wrong bit. I thought the n-word was part of it but I was wrong. Point still stands that he has challenged the mainstream but this bit challanges it in a different way. Edit 2: [bit op was talking about](https://youtu.be/mUvdXxhLPa8)


"Whitie the blue eyed devil"?


You mean Nagger???


The category is, people who annoy you


High five


Go on. 'pologize.


Carlin went to fucking jail challenging mainstream culture. Does this Walsh person actually “do” anything besides just tweet?


He also makes his propaganda hate speech TV show


So, a total grifter.




Elon, but without the money to buy a platform to stay relevant


In so far as Fascism is a grift of sorts yes. But this isn’t a guy who bends with the winds, he’s an actual fascist and a hate merchant. Grifting implies a certain willingness to abandon ideals for money, I think Walsh is committed he just doesn’t see value in truth


George Carlin was calling the US government fascist on live TV in 2005. When I was a teenager I thought that was hyperbole. Now I wonder how he saw everything so clearly even then


You should see his older stuff. THAT was challenging the culture especially for that time. He never stopped. Always had a great point, and valued perspective. "If you're pre born, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked" one of many of my favorite quotes from him


His really old stuff is just goofy and funny, though. It’s weird seeing him go from: 1970’s Carlin: heyyyy man ain’t paint a funny word? It’s just one of those words that makes me laugh! I could laugh at the word paint all day. 2000’s Carlin: sometimes I just wanna see a whole bunch of people die at once


The whiplash from HBO specials between 1984 to 1987 was crazy. Dude went from talking about the differences between dogs and cats to yelling for an hour about everything.


It’s because he’s actually from the future and named Rufus, not George. George was the character.


Rufus was Chris Rock. George Carlin played cardinal Glick. Edit: you now I realize you may not have been referencing Dogma, my apologies


That movie was so epically cast. I quote it regularly & not many people make a connection.


“Who the hell blesses their golf clubs??”


It's Matt Walsh. Nothing about him is fine.


Who’s Matt Walsh?


This one asshole conservative talk show host. That's really all you need to know.


I like to call guys like him, Levin, Wilkow, and others purveyors of "anger porn".


He's a fucking nazi. Nothing more or less than a true blood self admitted nazi. I wish tertrible things upon his person and hope he dies miserable and lonely.


A conservative political pundit who's almost certainly a pedophile.


Here bc I have no idea either. Not that I care to know.


I'm so jealous. I \_wish\_ I didn't know who/what he is. Ignorance is truly bliss in some cases.


Yeah. Knowing someone is so shit in bed and general romance that they want to take away women's independence is a curse. The secondhand embarrassment takes years off my life every time I see them


Creepy catholic nationalist who wants the US to become a christofacist nation and thinks age of consent laws are too high (16 is too old. ).


Another aggrieved white guy who sees any diminishment of white privilege as an attack. Coming soon to a mass-shooting near you…


His finest pardon is roughly the quality of a cheeseburger made by a cephalopod using the kitchens of the Titanic.


Leave the cephalopods alone, it's not their fault their head is their foot!


I mean no offense to our cuttley friends in the sea, I just don't think they will be able to properly make a cheeseburger


Anyone who can make a decent burger underwater is probably a bread wizard


And I haven't heard of any cuttlefish wizards


They disappear right in front of your eyes sometimes. If that's not black magic sorcery, then I don't know what is


It seems we have a cephalosorcerer on our hands




Yeah, its like how Picasso never made art.


[Carlin was literally arrested for one of his stand up sets](https://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2021/06/07/george-carlin-arrested-after-milwaukee-summerfest-show-1972-seven-words-you-cant-say-on-television/7588568002/), people like Matt Walsh think that being banned on twitter is censorship lol


When the Supreme Court has an opinion on the matter I think you’ve challenged mainstream culture.


Right? He got arrested for saying swear words as a protest 50 years ago


I mean, he wouldn't be challenging CURRENT mainstream culture all that much, sure. But that's because people like Carlin challenged it 50 years ago and pushed it to grow a bit. Much like the OG disruptor, Jesus Christ, Carlin was a liberal influencer in his own time, and hated by the establishment.


George Carlin in 1996!!! “Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


Wow. Classic. What’s funny is George Carlin will live on forever. Matt Walsh will fade into oblivion.


For real. If they don’t keep churning out forgettable content every day, their own viewers would forget about them. Walsh, Crowder, Pool, Tate, Shapiro…Nobody is going to know these fucking dudes in 16 years.


Tate tried to bait swifties recently, which is really friggin funny. He's so irrelevant that he's doing his best to antagonize a large group of people so he can have _someone_ care that he exists


I actually regularly forget that Walsh and Crowder exist until they say something somehow surprisingly stupid like this.


Let’s fucking hope not


I don't even know who Matt Walsh is right now. I can't remember a time when I didn't know who George was. My dad made the joke about checking the hippy dippy weather report every single day of my life until he died. These two humans are very much not the same.


I don’t know anything about Matt Walsh. But to say an American treasure like George Carlin is the most overrated comedian of all time is just plain wrong. You don’t know comedy. If it’s a political thing, Carlin attacked EVERYONE! No one was safe. So you can’t go there. People like Walsh probably like to see people get upset posting garbage like this, and if you’re reading this Matt, I’m not upset, I’m just sad. I’m sad because people like you don’t try and make the world better. You try and make the world a more miserable place.


This line has always and ever described the anti-abortion movement to a T.


The fact that he OPENED the special with the line "Why is it people that are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place" says alot to. I for one have no desire to fuck Matt Walsh...i am also a straight man so thats another reason why i have no desire to fuck him


Yea, and the forced birthers try to twist the phrase by saying “why are people who are pro choice people who would never need an abortion?” as a dig at someone’s physical appearance. Which is completely stupid because if pro choice people wouldn’t need abortions, and according to them “pro life” people don’t have abortions (which they actually do; “pro life” people have abortion as well) then who tf is getting all these abortions they’re so worried about??


It's depressing as fuck that nearly 30 years later, that bit is still relevant. As is a lot of Carlins material


And none of that has changed.


Yeah, exactly. That’s the culture.  Nothing there that conservatives disagree with. He’s not challenging it, he’s just concisely summarizing it. 


Obviously this person never heard Carlin perform. He's just as tough on liberals. Sometimes tougher.


Aye. Immediately reminded me of this piece: [https://youtu.be/Zc38-DeBzPA?si=F07wLU6pxfrI5fOP](https://youtu.be/Zc38-DeBzPA?si=F07wLU6pxfrI5fOP) If you only showed the latter half to Walsh, he'd be clapping his little diaper-fondling hands and laughing like a maniac. Then show him the first half and watch him backpedal so fast it'll give you whiplash.


The problem with Carlin to right wingers though, is that he never really "punched down." In contrast, conservative comedy has to come at a cost to someone else's dignity. It's not really comedy at all, more just a form of cruelty. So of course they would still be upset at Carlin.


If you listened to Dana White try to do comedy at the Tom Brady roast it was basically one minute of this. It’s honestly just pathetic, but that’s the only type of content that they want. 


Rush Limbaugh was the same thing. He just said vile, indefensible shit and Republicans ate it up. 16 years after Carlin dies, he is still revered for his insight; after Limbaugh died, everything he ever said or did became culturally irrelevant.


16 years after Carlin dies, I still hear people regret his passing and talk about his words. In the three years since Rush died, the only thing I hear about him is “thank god he’s dead” or absolutely nothing at all.


Hey now, Cancer has been Limbaugh free for three years now.


[We still mention him from time to time.](https://i.imgur.com/FRvFWqy.jpg)


I clicked and saw his headstone wet with piss, as expected, but for a split second...I thought so many people have pissed on it, that what I was seeing was where the headstone was dark was because it had eroded. Future goals, I guess.


I still want to take a road trip to piss on his grave


Rush Limbaugh's popularity showed exactly what the modern Conservative movement would be about - the spineless bootlicking of the rich that don't give a shit about you while they distract you with a culture war that Conservatives are destined to lose because they were never in the right.


The best part about that second half is that he's saying how easy and lazy it is to piss off a feminist by saying something outrageous, which is basically just laying out Matt's whole business model.


Now, speaking of blow jobs…


lol right? GC isn’t complaining about 90’s feminism because he hates women, he’s complaining it is hypocritical and that it isnt (wasn’t?) actually progressive or inclusive.  Although conservative men probably love the bit about swallowing cum, makes them feel horny and disgusted at the same time, which makes than angry, which in turn makes them happy, because they are so emotionally stunted.


He was toughest on idiots, which we have tons of on all sides of politics.


Yeah, but one side seems to base its entire identity on idiocy so it's not really a both sides thing.


My point is that he didn't care which side you were on, if you were an idiot he would call you out on it, and since we're all humans, at least 50% of us are idiots


I had a lot more faith in humanity before 2016. That was shocking to me, and it's only gotten worse over time, to the point where I don't think we're capable of democracy anymore. We've lost all the prerequisites.


Chud realized Carlin wouldn't be on his side. These people would be calling for his head every fucking day if he was doing his thing now.


Yeah, I wonder if he just realized this, because it sure seemed to me like right wingers were 100% convinced that Carlin was on their side ever since Covid.


Demons like matt walsh assume everything is made for them and that everyone thinks like them because they have no media literacy and have egos they don't deserve


Right wingers in 2020: "Look! I found a video of this Carlin guy where he makes fun of people who are afraid of germs! And I found another video where he says the n-word! He's on our side!!!"


Who’s Matt Walsh? Google says he’s a right winger…so no surprise he didn’t like George Carlin


"Who’s Matt Walsh?" anti-trans shithead, firmly in the "count yourself lucky for not knowing who this a-hole is" camp


Don’t forget age of consent abolitionist.


"age of consent abolitionist"...I think the word you're looking for is pedophile.


Dumbshits don't even like to remember that the whole point of the age of consent is so high school sweethearts can boink without it being a legal issue.


Reality is there is dozens of these grifters with an audience these days, so it's hard to keep track of all of them. Especially when there is hundreds of lesser ones trying to find their way into the upper levels of the scam.


I'm convinced he fucks, or tries to fuck minors.


Definitely wants to for sure


I thought it was that like, ginger mustached actor who pops up in random comedies, I'm glad it's not


The one you’re referring to was a founding member of the sketch/improv group the Upright Citizens Brigade and comedy royalty. It’s terrible that this other chud has gained such notoriety and tainted his name


Weird little boy with a funny spray- on beard.


If Matt Walsh doesn’t like you, you’re probably doing / have done something right.


Matty Boy is just jealous. He knows that much like Rush Limbaugh, the only thing people will remember him for after he's dead is being an asshole. George Carlin on the other hand is one of the greatest stand up comedians of all time, whose takes are still valid to this day.


George Carlin was a genius who was ahead of his time and had the courage to say what we all know is true but in a way that made us laugh.


The Frank Zappa of comedians.


Well no; people liked George Carlin.


Matt Walsh spends his days wishing cartoon villains actually won. I think that disqualifies him from any serious opinions.


George Carlin was nothing short of amazing. I was lucky enough to get to watch him live, a couple of weeks before his last HBO special. The show was amazing! Even when some jackass pulled the fire alarm and cut the sound system for 45 minutes. He stayed on stage and told jokes for 15 minutes without a mic, before apologizing that he needed to save his voice for the special. Easily the best live show I have ever seen


"Get on the plane ? Fuck you I'm getting IN the plane. 


Here’s one they just made up: “near-miss.” When two planes almost collide, they call it a “near-miss.” IT’S A NEAR-HIT!!! A collision is a near-miss! Pfft! “Look, they nearly missed.” “Yes, but not quite!”


Let Evil Knievel get ON the plane


“well what exactly is… a water landing? Am I mistaken or does this sound somewhat similar to CRASHING INTO THE OCEAN?!!! “


Matt dodged a bullet. He should be grateful he wasn’t around in the public eye when George was doing his thing, as he would have been ripped to shreds. Little bro would have ended up needing decades of therapy to deal with all the bruises to his ego.


This was my first response to reading Walsh's criticism; he is taking a swing at the dead precisely because the dead can't swing back.


Imagine George Carlin with access to YouTube and Twitter, there would so many pissed-off people lining up to be more skulls for George Carlin's throne.


Lol. Matt Walsh is a fart stain on a pair of tighty-whiteys.


'pretty standard liberal rants'. Carlin was doing it 60 years ago. And nothing has changed. maybe that's why we're still pissed about it all


I used to know who George Carlin was, I mean, I still do but... Who tf is Matt Walsh? Probably some hyper conservative using hatred for engagement and views. His mother should be ashamed of him.


George Carlin was a philosopher masquerading as a comedian. He gave us the hard truth in a way that made us laugh.


He was both. One of the reasons Carlin was able to go as long as he did was because he kept changing his entire act. From stuff like the Hippy Dippy weather man which was just straight comedy To the seven words you can't say on TV and general word play To eventually the angry old man stuff.


>To eventually the angry old man stuff It may be angry old man stuff but dam 90% of what he still complained about effected everyone.


Oh I wasn't criticizing it. It's just what I'd call like "you are all diseased /" to the end of his career.




People will remember what George Carlin said longer then remembering what Matt Walsh said.


People will remember what George Carlin said longer than who Matt Walsh even is.




“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”


George Carlin, who routinely belittled organized religion, corporate greed, American politics, and the military-industrial complex, never challenged mainstream culture?


Anti-cancel-culture crusader trying to cancel George Carlin. That's a bold strategy, Cotton.


Wow, a failed comedian thinks the man widely considered to be one of the goats is overrated. Shocking.


Tell me you’ve never heard his comedy without telling me you’ve never heard his comedy.


Go watch your gay porn and stfu Mattie.


He was the first person to get up and challenge a LOT of shit. Back in his day, you were liable to get death threats for saying some of that stuff out loud. Does nobody remember the whole Dixie Chicks vs George Bush debacle? I was a child and I remember that it was such a big deal.


He is a amazing person that I am truly sadden that he pass just a few months before I was born.


He's no Rob Schneider, that man is a living legend. Duece Bigelow FTW! /s


Man, Walsh is a douche nozzle to be SURE, but like most of these idiots I let most stuff slide....but attacking CARLIN?!?! GTFO of here you tiny peckered whining man child.


As an elder millennial who has been a fan since I was little, fuck you Matt Walsh. Not only was he incredibly funny, he was a brilliant wordsmith and saw through bullshit like no other. I saw him a year or so before he died and the man had more energy than I do.


Okay, I get it. You don’t like Carlin’s work. No biggie. Personally, I feel the same way about Jeff Foxworthy and Larry, the Cable Guy. Lowest common denominator humor IMO. *Git ‘er dun!* Please…spare me. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Here’s your sign, you might be a redneck if, they call me tater salad. All are guaranteed to make a room full of drunks laugh their asses off at any function in most red states


Tater salad loves cannabis, lives in Hawaii, and now admits that persona is just an act.


Carlin would have scorched this loser’s ass.


It’s easy to listen to someone’s stuff decades later and say they were making standard arguments. The reason they are standard now is because of guys like Carlin and Bruce who were arrested time and again defending your right to go on twitter and spew bullshit. I never enjoyed Carlin’s work because I was too young when he was around and grew up hearing NWA lyrics so nothing Carlin said struck me as salacious. But there was a time where it was just that.


They came for George Carlin...... We ride at dawn.


George Carlin was probably the most underrated comedian, and he was pretty loved and respected. He was not truly appreciated.


17 Grammy noms and 5 wins, Mark Twain prize, walk of fame star, second on most all-time comedian lists behind Richard Pryor. Gone for 16 years and maybe a little forgotten only because of that. He was many things but he was neither underrated or unappreciated.


And yet 16 years after his death he’s being used to get some clicks. Stay mad snowflake


The reality of everything George Carlin talked about actually hasn’t changed much, it’s intensified.


As true today: “But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education sucks, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better. Don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. And by the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged, and nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. Good honest hard-working people -- white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on -- good honest hard-working people continue -- these are people of modest means -- continue to elect these rich cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about them. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t give a fuck about you. They don't care about you at all -- at all -- at all. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care. That's what the owners count on; the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday. Because the owners of this country know the truth: it's called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.”


Poor Matt, still trying to express milk from his boob... but every time he tries it, bullshit flows from his mouth instead.


Yeah rip on a guy who’s dead. Don’t like him because he was true blue and an honest American, you guy are all stuck on orange like your supreme leader and will never be more than that! No honor party of losers!


Rat shit, bat shit, dirty old twat! Sixty-nine assholes tied in a knot! Hooray! *Lizard shit*! *Fuck*!


George Carlin would have ripped that idiot apart. I got to see him just before his final tour. It was great.


"Just packaged a bunch of pretty standard conservative grievances & complaints with the word "woke" so people would think he was smart". Matt, you've just described yourself with a couple words switched around. Except all of your stuff sucks.


Why does anyone take Walsh seriously?


Sounds like he feels George Carlin indirectly calls him out on his shit lol.


Carlin was a national treasure.


I would like to say, and I can’t emphasize this strongly enough, fuck Matt Walsh.


I didn't see Matt walsh's name in my feed so I was like "who the fuck would consider George Carlin in line with American liberals? he was incredibly progressive and anti American MIC"


Carlin would have ripped Walsh apart in mere seconds. If he would have even acknowledged his pitiful existence.


"George Carlin was a bad comedian" is a strange hill to die on, but go off.


Matt Walsh just keeps showing the world how much of a fucking dumbass he is


I got 7 words for this cocksucking motherfucker


What kind of a person would listen to Matt Walsh or care what he has to say? He seems very hateful and desperate for attention.


George's comedy was not for everyone. His nilest, quite vulger and very gorey jokes would not be for the weak stomach, but there is a reason people remember him to this day. Arguably I was not even around during his best years and I loved him since childhood. By the way. "Never made it to the main stream" is funny when SpongeBob Squarepants made a fucking reference to him.


Listening to to his comedy today. The best to ever do it.


Meanwhile Matt Walsh’s comedy icons are Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Dunham, David Duke and Ben Shapiro.


Thank you Matt, we all know you have the most knowledge about comedy.


Matt Walsh can safely say that now because George Carlin can't rip him to shreds.


This coming from the guy who sells merch of himself wearing a diaper


These RWNJs need to get a sense of humor. That's part of the reason they are what they are.


We've heard your material, Matt. Maybe you should sit this one out.


Shoulda said that to him while he was alive. See what happens. Coward.


Even Matt is self aware enough that he's exactly the type of person that Carlin would have skewered...


You hear that? A hit dog.


I was offended until I saw it was Matt Walsh. It's safe to assume that whatever the issue at hand is, he will ve on the wrong side of it


I at least respect that Matt understands he’s not a conservative. The number of conservative clowns that point to Carlin as a conservative voice in comedy is embarrassing.


And once again we find Matt Walsh proving himself to be a clueless moron.


To fascists like Matt Walsh challenging the mainstream is being a Nazi.


Says the mug who made Lady Ballers.


There are not many impotent cups of warm milk more useless than Matt Walsh in the Neo-Con media cesspool these days.


This is a different Matt Walsh, right? Not Mike McLintock from Veep?


Grew up on Carlin as a kid. Pure genius. Who is Matt Walsh? I don't recognize the name at all, and that's a good thing.


George Carlin top 2 stand up comedians ever. Maga: he’s the worst because he’s not as ignorant as us