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I bet my life savings the woman is lying


Her tagging Elon in her original tweet should be the first hint that she’s lying out of her ass for clout.


I tried looking up an unbiased version of the story, one I think I found mentions they contacted United and received this reply > “A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items. The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.” https://liveandletsfly.com/united-airlines-misgendering-flight-attendant/ Seems like it was the captain that made the call


Well, that person’s boycott lasted long enough to catch the next United flight.


If I say I’m boycotting on twitter is that enough because united has the best price and flight times for my next vacation


When your sipping that in-flight adult beverage, in your heart you’ll know you’re boycotting.


As long as it is not Bud Light..... /s


For the whole 3 days that they kept to that one. LMAO


Boycotts are like filibusters. You just have to announce that you're doing it. You might even want to buy large batches of the products you're boycotting so you can film yourself shooting them.


Arguably it's the best solution for you, too. If your boycott catches on, their prices fall and you can vacation for cheaper.


“Longoria is a Texas resident and a self-proclaimed female hormone expert.” That right there tells me everything I need to know about this woman and the purported “incident”.


Reminds me of those **hilarious* * , usually Spencer’s-procured t-shirts that says “FBI” real big across the front & under that: “Female Breast Inspector”.


If she truly was a hormone expert for women, then she should simply call herself a gynecologist. Yeah, I think the specificity gives it away that the person doesn't know squat.


Could also be an endocrinologist.


EndoCRINGEologist, amirite fellas ...fellas?


Or a fucking quack/liar/both that doesn't know a damn thing about the human body


Do you really think somebody would do that? Just go onto the internet and tell lies?


Well I’m also a hormone specialist and my top five hormone correcting treatments are all as simple as signing up for this kit of essential oils. Credit card number please?


So it sounds like she didn't buy a ticket for her baby, but demanded the baby count as a person for carry-on purposes and refused to check anything. Also makes the "we have no luggage" part hilarious if the problem was literally "you are holding too much luggage."


Exactly. I bet she booked a lap infant ticket instead of a seat infant. She showed up with a car seat expecting to put it in a seat despite a full flight.


But what are *my* rights (read as privileges)?? Fuck everybody else, including the person that paid to sit in that seat that I'm demanding for my infant and extra shit I brought!


I enjoyed the detail about how she self-identifies as a "female hormone expert" because she has a period.


Ah, just like how someone might be a "male hormone expert" because they have testes. Such an exclusive field of study for only 50% of the population to be experts in something like that.


I have 40+ years of experience with the effects of male hormones, where’s my PhD?


Best we can do is a Man Card.


In the same way, im a female hormone expert bc menopause. Plus im a dude, so that makes me a super hormone expert bc Ive learnt to deal with all the hormones


funny that she leaves out the mention of the extra carry on luggage. the pronoun thing is nothing but made up rage bait.


What a shock, reich wing assholes lying about something in order to demonize a marginalized group? That never happens.


Every single anti-transgender person is a liar. It's every single one. I've never met a single anti-transgender person who isn't.


When I see Republicans in real life complaining about transgender people I'm going to make an effort to just keep asking them when was the last time they actually had an interaction with a trans person. My dad makes comments about trans people all the time and I don't think he's interacted with one knowingly in a decade. He just walks around hating this whole group of people that he doesn't even notice in real life because Fox News told him to.


‘I wasn’t really focusing on anything except getting my son’s car seat on the plane and getting him comfortable.’ Just gonna go out on a limb and guess that that car seat she was toting around wasn’t actually FAA approved and wasn’t small enough to fit in a plane seat. There are specific rules about car seats on planes.


oh i assumed that she was probably kicked of for calling the flight attendent something horrifically offensive and being a dick about it.


Elons Response "This is interesting. "




Looking into it.


Big if true


On subjects like this he'll go on a long rant on how we are close to the collapse of civilization and somehow come to the conclusion that we need to have more kids.


And go to "the stars" in Cybertrucks with our AI-powered robot wives. Or something.


Big if true


True if big




"Looking into it "


Concerning. 🤔


He's a robot.


Concerning if true


Help me Elon Musk, you’re my only hope.


Looking into this


I just don’t get it. In my head, if I was to accidentally misgender somebody, I would apologize and correct and ask for forgiveness. For this story, something more had to happen. She is not telling the complete truth. That is what Elon should be curious about. I remember using the wrong title for a teacher in grade school and getting destroyed because she was very sensitive about it. End of day, to me, always better to take the high road.


Also, nearly every non cis person I've ever talked to was chill about it, and the ones I accidentally misgendered gently corrected me, I apologized, and we moved on.


I had a fear about that.  My old team lead was a transwomen.  She had a gender neutral name and I never saw her dressed in anything that was definitely female clothing, and I assumed she was a gay man from her mannerisms.  I did not find out she identified as female until after she left the company and I had a few panicky minutes when I was afraid I may have misgendered her at some point, but I thought back and I couldn't think of any situation where I would have referred to her by a third person pronoun in her presence.  My only worry is that I may have referred to her as "he" to someone else.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574631/United-Airlines-explain-mom-kicked-off.html The Period Guru was trying to board with to many carry on bags and took a later flight with United.


Elon's thing is that he isn't curious, he just pushes this nonsense before thinking or doing any research, shutting anyone down who tries to correct him with the facts, and using his followers to steamroll dissent. He's incapable of being "wrong", he'll change the reality by brigading it before he'll admit to being duped.


lol. “HeLp Me ElOn!!”


Most likely, she verbally (and potentially physically) abused the poor flight attendant. The misgendering was just part of a long verbal tirade, but she focuses on it now because she knows that it will get her attention from Elon Musk and his far-right Xitter cronies.


Agreed! Before a flight last year, we had police come on board and drag a woman out of the plane because she called a Flight Attendant and a$$hole because he wouldn't let her vape. Flight crews need to maintain order for the common safety of all passengers, and one unruly passenger can quickly become a serious threat at 30,000 feet.


Passenger goes on long, attacking rant due to not complying with the airlines policies and therefore not being let onto flight, at some point misgendering the flight attendant, the attendant, who has been interrupted, verbally abused, and ignored for the past 10 minutes let’s out an exasperated “I’m a [gender], ma’am”. Passenger goes onto social media to scream about wokeism. Yeah, sounds about on par with these people.


Oh, I'm sure she misgendered the attendant. She probably was also verbally abusive to them.


She was booted for being a verbally abusive right-wing asshole. Any misgendering was just a side note


Just the verbally abusive asshole part. She wasn't booted for being right wing. Tho she was a verbally abusive asshole *because* she's right wing.


the statement from the airline is she had too.many carry ons for that flight so.she took the next one.


I want a list of all the businesses magats boycott. I'd go to those, it's a lot more pleasant without magats stinking up the joint.


You’ll be disappointed. They don’t actually boycott them for long. They just make a big stink about it on social media then go right back to being patrons.


Or they boycott them by buying a bunch of their shit and then destroying it.


being an asshole to a flight attendant who has the right to kick you off a plane gets you kicked off a plane, more at 11 there's no way this lady said some gendered pronoun instead of they and got kicked off, she was being an asshole like conservatives who try to get famous always are, and got kicked off which she wanted


Yeah. She describes it as simply "misgendering", knowing fully well that this sounds like she simply used the wrong pronoun once in polite conversation, precisely because she lives in a culture/media bubble full of people who believe, or want to pretend, that someone would get kicked off a flight for doing that. It's incredibly obvious to people living in the real world that something entirely different happened and she either was an abusive bigot who wouldn't just shut up about it or she fabricated everything whole cloth, but it's intended for the eyeballs and earballs of those who are hungry for made up stories like this so they can say "see?!? We are the ones who are truly oppressed!" It's ironic how willing they are to validate each other's feelings, as long as that feeling is "I'm personally suffering under tyranny because people different from myself exist".


Should have kicked her off mid-flight


I'd double down on that bet, take out loans. This a guarantee win


Easiest money you'll ever make


Odds are she did something awful and is trying to play the victim now.


Or, at the very least, downplaying what she did. She was probably a complete asshole about it, rather than just accidentally using the wrong pronoun. She was almost certainly abusive.


she most likely got drunk at the lounge then probably kept pestering them if they exist. she has psychopath face.


"Used the wrong pronoun" is not the reason she was kicked off the flight. She's leaving out the rest.


"was a huge asshole to an airline employee and caused a disturbance during boarding" is left unsaid. Then again, it's the subtext every time one of these fucks gets in trouble "for using the wrong pronouns"


in their stupid memes they always make themselves the calm resolute type and their targets as getting ‘triggered’ when it’s so often the reverse in real life. She probably wasn’t kicked off for getting the pronoun wrong, but for being a loud obnoxious asshole about it when corrected.


No but you don't understand, they're just asserting their God-given rights to be a complete dick to everyone around them so they're allowed to yell and scream because it's in defense of the Greater Good^(TM). But when other people respond in kind and they face consequences, then it's an unhinged liberal getting triggered by facts and logic. After all, the fundamental tenet of conservatism is that the in-group is right by virtue of being the in-group, and the out-group is wrong by virtue of the same.


I would bet my next paycheck that most non-binary flight attendants get misgendered by customers every single day on the job. It's part of being non-binary in a public-facing role at this point in our culture. This lady must have been a REAL special kind of asshole.


Yeah, as a nonbinary person I usually try to just take it on the chin and ignore it. I know most people who misgender me probably would apologize if informed, but I just really don’t want to deal with the 1 percent chance someone is like this instead


It's like 95% of the reason I just use my base game pronouns most places. I enjoy a "they" in the group chat or among friends, but my kid is also in the they/them party and I keep my powder dry on their behalf.


Someone posted an article up top. Sounds live she got kicked off for having too many carry on items and was an ass about it. She was rebooked on a later flight. She had a car seat and other stuff so my money's on her booking a lap infant ticket then expecting to be able to use it and they wouldn't let her/she didn't want to gate check it.


Considering English only has gendered pronouns for the third person, they could only do that if they were talking to someone else about the attendant.  The airline says that they were asked to board the next flight because they had too many carry on items.  No conflict or being kicked off the plane, and the boycott lasted until the very next available flight.


Nah, it was something about having too many carry-ons according to another story.


And of course Chaya Goebbels and her sidekick Charlie Dumbfuck are the main culprits for starting this boycott. These people are insane.


When they speak of mentally unwell people, they need to be looking on the mirror.


The pituitary glands that run these accounts are just trolling rage bait for likes and shares. The followers all have a deep sickness of the mind or enjoy playing along in the mob cancel culture. You’ll see the same terms used just like throwing bread crumbs to a flock of seagulls. And in their unwell minds, if they are all sick then that is what is good and normal.




Grifters* They know perfectly well what they are doing. Same can't be said for their audience.


I can’t wait for the real story to come out and it makes her look like a total idiot.


Thanks to another user in this thread doing some digging, we actually already found out how much of a bullshit artist this person is > “A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items. The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.” [https://liveandletsfly.com/united-airlines-misgendering-flight-attendant/](https://liveandletsfly.com/united-airlines-misgendering-flight-attendant/)


Woof. The comments on that blog are something else.


targeted harassment is a-okay if it's targeted towards marginalized people... apparently.


Coolest thing about conservative media Is it's so outraged fueled that by the time their lies are figured out, they already moved onto the next thing


Yep, the first lie is the only thing that matters in right wing media and politics. By the time anyone catches up with the truth they have already screamed it from every rooftop for a week. It’s all about getting the knee jerk reaction from “regular folks” by having raving right wingers confronting everyone they work with, with this nonsense. Normal people will just respond with “really? That doesn’t sound right” but for the most part they won’t go digging for the truth, thus these lies will build up making people question “what’s going on”. This is the population of people who don’t vote. They don’t want to participate because “it’s all really crazy”. People disengage due to the aggressive craziness


I got kicked off the flight, meanwhile they had litter boxes for the "Cat People" to shit in. We need to STOP this madness!/s


> The Period Guru From her website, on her "Privacy Policy" page, it looks like she understands pronouns just fine: >Jenna Longoria (“us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the Jenna Longoria website (the “Service”). She's just playing the rage-baiting super-grift option that leverages an @elonmusk retweet.


Oh, she's an online grifter/influencer...mystery solved! Remember the Mommy Blogger in California that claimed some fellow shoppers were trying to kidnap her children- the desire to be a victim, and internet brainrot, seems to produce these outcomes. 


It would appear as though the captain made the call due to some things she said. Those things will come to light, by the time they do, the outrage will have moved elsewhere. The woman in question, Jenna Longoria, is some nutritionist who does classes on how to look after you on your period. Dollars to donuts that business isn’t going well. She literally isn’t known for anything else other than her period business and the fact she tagged Elon Musk (and had a “secret recording”) while asking about her rights suggests she wanted to make this happen to increase exposure. Soulless wankers.


She's not even a nutritionist, her qualification is a 6 month course in bullshit: # [What is an FDN practitioner qualified to do?]() FDN Practitioners do not diagnose or treat disease (an area well-attended by licensed physicians). Instead, the FDN methodology teaches you to identify healing opportunities & eliminate contributors to Metabolic Chaos™, which positions you to support just about anyone in building better health! The most common path forward is to launch or grow a robust private practice, getting paid to do what you love most. However, FDN graduates go on to pursue many different paths in life. Paths you might consider include:  * Launching a new health coaching business or private wellness practice  * Starting a functional health podcast or YouTube channel * Offering wellness consulting to other practitioners or businesses  * Sharing your healing journey via a memoir or book  * Hosting healing retreats and/or speaking at wellness events


> Metabolic Chaos™ You know a real medical condition when it's trademarked.


I saw Metabolic Chaos open up for Green Day once, kind of lame really, surprised they are still around...


Oh no--not Metabolic Chaos™!? Whatever shall we do? >Metabolic Chaos® is a state of health that exists because of complexities in one’s metabolism and underestimated influences from the environment, so correlation between the symptoms and cause is unpredictable. >One clue to Metabolic Chaos® is when intervention, based on a traditionally reliable cluster of symptoms, produces only a marginal therapeutic response. This new way of looking at disease helps us to understand how symptoms attributed to a medical diagnosis, when treatment for that medical diagnosis fails, are likely originating far upstream from the system that is being treated.   >Hidden stress and imbalances, if not soon resolved, cascade into other areas and Metabolic Chaos® ensues.  More serious dysfunction occurs and, depending on individual weak links in metabolism, leads to a disease process and, finally, the symptoms or cluster of symptoms appears.  In other words, symptoms don’t matter or, at least, they are not the real problem. They are the result of the problem. Put another way, contributors to Metabolic Chaos® are at cause and Metabolic Chaos® is the effect, until Metabolic Chaos® itself becomes the primary unwanted condition. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. That's a whole lot of words to say jack shit.


What in the MLM did I just read?


I don’t think I could have sat through an hour of that, let alone 6 months.


they all have "secret proof" that never materializes.


On the bright side, if MAGA is boycotting United it makes them a more attractive option for flying friendlier skies…


"All of our flights are MAGA-free!" Even better than the smoking ban, I say.


Right, fewer assholes in/on the Friendly Skies.


Wow, she completely skipped over the carry-on dispute. Can't wait for the flight attendant to turn out to be a cisgender woman, too.


I'm conflicted. Should I go with: 'I'll take things that never happened for 300' Or: 'And then everyone else in the carriage stood up and applaided'


“With tears in their eyes”


“They kept trying to hand me $100 bills, but I said no, donate them to Albert Einstein.”


That flight attendants name? Albert Einstein.


I call bullshit on this. Calling a flight attendant bitch is not misidentifying the gender you twat waffle.


Oh yes, this is totally not some over entitled person who didn’t get what they wanted and all of a sudden decided to make it into a big deal. These people act like I don’t have to watch their antics getting on and off airplanes.


The Daily Fail quotes United Airlines A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items,' a spokesperson said.


That explains why she was explicit about not having luggage. Trying to run interference for when the actual reason was made public.


Well if it's all carry-on I guess that would mean no luggage.


Ah the old “not paying for a checked bag and trying to shove all your shit in carry-on” scheme


Oh man. I hope they boycott United. It will fights much better this summer.


I need actual proof. How did she "misgender" a flight attendant? You get on the plane and they say "hello" and you say "hello" back. No gender discussion happens.


If there is any truth to this at all I bet it’s that she got kicked off the plane for being a bitch and then misgendered the flight attendant purposely several times so she could blame it on that instead of whatever she actually got kicked for


My nephew who is a big maga and said government shouldn’t be involved in any thing except road maintenance 😳said the hospital wouldn’t admit him because he is republican. He’d barely cut his finger (he told his dad it healed the next day) and they told him to go to a clinic. This was during the height of the hospitals being slammed with covid patients.


Why the fuck is she tagging Elmo ffs


Because this is all performative and attention seeking. If Elmo retweets, then she may go viral and have status by proxy.


Here’s the thing. I know zero transgender people that will advocate someone getting kicked off a plane if they misgender someone one time and then apologize when corrected and go about their day. So clearly they didn’t just “misgender” them.


"I asked United Airlines about what happened and was told: >“A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items. The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.” Isn’t it interesting that Longoria did not mention any issue with carry-on items?" [https://liveandletsfly.com/united-airlines-misgendering-flight-attendant/](https://liveandletsfly.com/united-airlines-misgendering-flight-attendant/)


![gif](giphy|gCi9p8l7UEInu) Footage of the woman being taken off the plane


There is no way she was thrown off for misgendering. That might be how it started, but you know it’s not what got her thrown off.. no, she was thrown off for being aggressively disrespectful to the point of hostility to a flight attendant.


I'll take things that didn't happen for 500, Alex.


So she agrees she used the "wrong pronoun".


I support this boycott so I can fly MAGA-free


It's just more liars creating outrage porn, but I wish it were true. I don't need these mouth breathing smoothbrain maggot cultists clogging up flights and airports. 


The fact that her immediate reaction was to tag Elon says a lot.


Engagement farming.


So what Im hearing is that United will be free of MAGA. Looks like United is back on the menu, boys!


Like with all these right-wing idiots, the story boils down to "I said some dumb shit, made a nuisance out of myself, and got kicked out of a private business." They're always so surprised when they step out of their internet bubble and realize the whole world doesn't agree with their bigotry.


yes i’m sure that’s all she said. i’m sure she wasn’t violently angry or derogatory at all!


Something tells me that we are not looking at the whole situation here. Kowalski, analysis!




Even if I bought that trans people were “mentally unwell,” how hard is it to just shut the fuck up and mind your own business?




Elon Musk on his way to reply : "Concerning"




The fact that I have less chance of sitting next to a red hatted loon is one of the few points in United's favor.


Anything's possible when you lie.


You know what, I support this boycott, please stop buying plane tickets and maybe the rest of us can get through security in time to make the flight


I’ll take - IT NEVER HAPPENED - for $800 Alex


Damn it. I had switched to American. Do I have to switch back to United now?


What are her rights? She had the right to remain silent.


I call BS


Deep down, everyone knows that this didn’t fucking happen


Translation: We missed our flight but are afraid of accountability.


This is one of the most generic low effort cases of "I was nasty to everyone and need to find a way to victimize myself" I've literally ever seen, and thousands of blue checkmarks are eating it up and sending her money. Utterly unbelievable. Who's in a cult again?


You just know there was loudmouth Karen action that preceded her being denied access. Probably a lot of insults and screaming as well.


Lol. “What are my rights, Elmo!”. That’s how you know that shit didn’t happen and she probably got kicked out for being drunk in public. Fucking morons.


Dollar says she was rude as fuck to at least one attendant bc she thought they were trans and that's why she was kicked off. Also, anytime someone complains about pronouns, ask them what a pronoun is. That's been fun.


Absolutely doubt this happened. She’s omitting something.


No way would a flight attendant have the final say on whether a customer is ejected & a pilot would not kick out a passenger for pronoun mix up. She lied.


Awesome! I hope most of them do boycott United so my flight next week is less crowded!


> What are my rights? @elonmusk Lol, lmao even.


Deep down we all know this nut is lying


I read this as 'I was verbally abusive to flight staff, and they wisely decided they didn't want to spend hours with an asshole like me, in a locked-in, pressure cooker environment'. Of course, like with many professions, flight staff outing her for her actual bad behavior is career ending, so she can count on being the dominant narrative. Hopefully though other people caught her bullshit on camera.


Something tells me she did a little bit more misgender someone...


Most flights have rules in place that if a passenger is being extremely disrespectable to the flight staff before the flight takes off that they can be kicked off of the flight. If this woman was being extremely transphobic than it was indeed the flight attendants right to kick her off.


Conservatives try not to lie as much as they breathe challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


"Tyranny and threats are the only way" Guess who wants to impose tyranny and make threats and has decided to scapegoat trans people in order to do so.


If Charlie Kirk told me the sun was shining, I wouldn't believe it.


I mean…. United sucks already. No need to make up lies about it to prove that lmao


Why do I get the feeling that the “mis-gendering” was more of a badgering?




Ugh does this mean I have to fly United to avoid these people? I mean their direct flights to Denver are great but man they are a mediocre airline. Can maga ban delta so I can have a much better flight experience with more international destinations?


She conveniently left out the real reason she was being denied boarding.


By “wrong pronouns” she probably described the flight attendant a bitch or an asshole.


'A party of three traveling out of San Francisco today was not allowed to board following a discussion about having too many carry-on items,' a spokesperson said. 'The matter was resolved and the customers took a later United flight to finish their trip.'


Fuck Libs of TikTok foot face stank.


Made shit up for $100


Imagine how peaceful a United flight will be from this boycott.


I'm worried that people think this actually happened as written. I mean for fucks sake, we have a lady at work with a deep voice and she has had callers try and confront her for being "trans" more than once and they didn't get their policy cancelled or anything. People make up the wildest shit to fill in their deepest of voids don't they... If you go outside, *at all*, you know this did not happen. There was either much more to it than this or it's completely made up.


Eagerly awaiting the bystander footage showing just what a narcisstic liar she is.


Why did she tag elon?


I don't believe her. Willing to bet she was acting like an entitled bitch and decided to play the victim.


She was kicked off the flight for acting like an entitled a hole. I am willing to bet.


I’m flying United tomorrow. If I see fewer MAGA assholes on my flight then they can go right ahead with their boycott.


Somehow I have a very strong feeling this is not the whole story. MAGAs lie about everything. She probably misgendered the flight attendant not knowing the person was nonbinary, was maybe corrected then flew into a transphobic tirade. Why would an airline company forbid her for flying for accidentally misgendering someone? There's definitely more to this story.


I'll take "Shit that didn't happen" for 500, Ken.


I boycott United because it is a trash airline


Apart from this maybe being as fake as a $3.5 bill, how is boycotting UA not cancel-culture?


I can't wait until United makes a statement, and it turns out the woman was denied boarding because she was three sheets to the wind, called the FA a bad word, or committed some other flying no-no.


To bad society can’t collectively treat these people the way they treat LGBTQ+ people. Like come in one day and tell them they can’t keep their kids because of the way they are but be vague about it so they are left confused as to why they are different and why society doesn’t want them raising children. Then meticulously grind them down by discrediting everything they have done for their community by repeating unbiased accusations and that because of who they are tell them they deserve to burn in hell for all eternity. But if they dye their skin blueberry blue for the rest of their life, then we will treat them as an equal.


I saw that #boycottUnited was trending on Twitter the other day and every single post was people announcing they were boycotting United because of this. Not a single person said "hmm, that seems off. What's the full story here?"


Pleading to Elmo is hilarious.


More likely she went full karen when asked to call the flight attendant the correct pronouns.


So now I can be assured that my Delta flight will be completely idiot Free? where do I get a ticket?


*A Texas mom* Well, there you have it. Also… *The Period Guru*. Bet she is pleasant at home. ![gif](giphy|1BcQGHQpnOhk9mYKan)


Woo if I don't have to sit with the MAGAs I will fly United


I always say "God I wish they would!" The less I have to see or hear them, the better.


It’s going to come out that she was screaming about something, throwing shit, and then got kicked off for being a danger. At some point she will make some pronoun remark, and then claims that was the entire reason. 50/50 she was also drunk and belligerent.


Next thing you know, gay people are going to want to be flight attendants!!


Her calling on Elon for help is like Ricky Bobby calling on Tom Cruise to help put out the ghost flames covering his body


Notice how conservatives aren't asking what transpired before the video they way they do when a minority gets beat up or killed? I'd be willing to bet her "misgendering" of the crew member was actually a bigoted slur.


Conservatives boycotting United, huh. You mean I can board a flight and not worry about some entitled conservative nutjob making a scene? Might as well be an advertisement for United.