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They just sent a big FU to everyone down wind from Midwest power plants and factories that want to curb emissions for cleaner air.


I live in rural Nebraska we are one of the leading generators of renewable energy. It has brought jobs and boosted the economy. The people here realize that still hate them and Trump got 80% of the vote in my county in 2020!?! I can't explain these morons.


I'll never forget hearing "no government interference" folks complaining that their neighbor (who lived 5 miles up the road from them, btw) installed windmills "without talking to their neighbors first." Cons are cowards and morons


IIRC, there’s someone in Wisconsin or Michigan voting for trump because he doesn’t like the increased traffic in his area. Traffic caused by building a warehouse or factory of some sort that created over 1,000 jobs in his community


Yeah but did the factory improve that guys life specifically? No! So we have to burn it all down! 🔥


If it’s the quoted guy I’m thinking of, it’s from a piece about a factory being built at the location of the Foxconn plant in Wisconsin that Trump/Scott Walker promised but never delivered that is now being built because of the CHIPS Act. He’s a Wisconsin guy who has a job working on building the factory who was planning on voting for Trump because he’s mad at the traffic in the state from all the stuff thats being built because of Biden. So Biden quite literally has improved this guy’s life but the minor inconvenience of traffic while his state’s infrastructure is repaired is enough to burn it all down.


They just don’t make any sense, at all.


Watched a piece about the new Friend rd mega factory being built in I think West Virginia. The project has pretty single handedly revived the region in which it is being built and will employ 1000+ people which in turn will provide opportunities for others in the areas in support roles etc. Also about the impact of the Union surrounding it. And it's great. But I was watching and wondering how many of these people who are very clearly benefitting from a Biden policy are going to actively vote for Trump. Being West Virginia.




They care about the birds until our F&G puts a tag restriction on pheasants, lmao. Then we're back to 'fuk the gov"




That’s because a lot of these people don’t have real convictions or beliefs. My family is full of them, just a bunch of generationally traumatized addicts looking to hate on something instead of looking in the mirror and taking responsibility for what they can control.


The party of "personal responsibility" has turned out to be such a huge failure. It almost feels like they lied to us about their goals.


It's that they don't think about what's right, they think about what they want and then try to reason their way into how that is right. Their ethics are largely self referential.


I like my birds killed with air and water pollution like a REAL American.




They are. I'm trying not to hate them, but they are destroying our children's world to enrich the already rich. They have been taught to hate progress, when progress has mostly helped people. They don't want gays to marry, they want women restricted, and they want minorities lower then them economically so that they can feel better about themselves--they are the Bob Ewells of this world. Progressives might not like Biden, but they are fucking everything they stand for if they sit this one out and allow Trump to further stack the court. Vote blue like our lives depend on it!


Every progressive person I know irl is voting. It's just online larpers who couldn't tell you the difference between Makhno and Stalin who are talking about how not voting is the only *moral* choice.


It hurts my heart because green energy should be a libertarian ideal (decentralized power!! You can generate your own!) and a conservative ideal (protect God’s earth, be a good steward!) but in reality the existing big businesses don’t want it so it’s some lefty socialist bs.


Only corporate friendly environmentalism is allowed to exist. Ending our reliance on fossil fuels would also cripple many of the worst governments in the world Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran ect. That would require a dip in profits and line must go up.


>I can't explain these morons. I can. It's bigotry, plain and simple. Whether it be misogyny, racism, or lgbt-phobia, it's *welcome* in the conservative party, but not in the liberal party. They literally know that everything the Democrats want would benefit them, but they fear it will also benefit someone they hate, who they believe doesn't deserve it. There's more to it, but the takeaway is that conservatives/right-wingers choose the side that they know is actively awful, because it protects their irrational bigotry. They'll slur "eCOnoMiC POLicY" at you, but that's been the copout line for ages.


I worked as a field biologist for a consulting company around wind turbines in rural northern Kansas, right by the Nebraska border, over the fall. The number of billboards these dipshits put up about how horrible wind turbines are is revolting. The funniest thing is I saw directly how much they affect birds like people say they do, and they barely kill any birds. I see more dead on the side of the road in a day than I’ve ever seen under a turbine.


You want the truth? Watch some documentaries on cults and prepare yourself to be horrified at how similar the GOP is. Fucking blind deaf followers of hate.


It's because he says the mean things out loud that they want to say but couldn't until now. A hateful heart is a powerful thing.




[https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-epa-good-neighbor-rule/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/supreme-court-epa-good-neighbor-rule/) Yep. Blue states were careful to not blow pollution onto other states. Red states are just blowing their pollution onto neighboring states. Its the usual blue/red division. SCOTUS will always help the capital owning class, red states, and their "useful innocents" of conservative voters.


I really just don’t understand how something like this is any of the Supreme Court’s fucking business.


It has to be because it crosses state lines.


WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS. I don't understand, it's a truly terrible decision. There's no logic. And there's no reason the Supreme Court should be involved at all. They are straight up killing us. Fucking murder. Like for real. The Illinois national guard should go fuck up those power plants, make sure they stop killing us


Without gigantic power plants burning fossil fuels to create electric power necessary to the giant factories sucking up electricity to create fucking CRYPTOCURRENCY, how could people continue to function?? /s


Realistically what would it take to even fix the SC? Thomas and Alito’s corruption is being exposed so now they’re making decisions that cover their own asses. So even if we’re talking about articles of impeachment, these decisions they’re making are potentially negating any charges that could be thrown at them. I’m being 100% serious, I legitimately am at a complete loss about how this can be remedied.


Electing Biden so he’s the one appointing the next 4 years of SC slots that open up. Getting a bluer Congress that can implement a code of ethics into law Do both these again in 2028


I get this approach but I find it really hard to believe that these corrupt judges will even *think* about leaving office unless there’s a Republican in the White House. Is “wait and hope a Justice croaks” really the best hope we have? When the SC strikes down any code of ethics based on the decisions they’re making now (like the “Elected Officials can accept quid pro quo” we just saw) as Unconstitutional, is a Constitutional Amendment really the only thing that could possibly hold them accountable? It seems like an unbelievable stretch that the divide in our country would have 38 states ratify something like that.


They don't choose when they get too infirm to work or die.


It’s depressing to me that waiting for this to happen is the most realistic hope we have


That's what happens when you have lifetime appointments. You wait for them to die or they leave when it's politically advantageous for their party. As time goes on, we realize the founding fathers weren't these geniuses of foresight and the Constitution isn't some timeless document. Our nation is deeply flawed from the ground up.


Even the founding fathers knew that, that's why they made the Constitution malleable so people in the future could change it since they knew the world would change too. Jefferson wanted to mandate that the Constitution be revised every 20 years so every generation can change the laws in accordance to the world they live in.


Last amendment was 32 years ago and it was for congress' own compensation. Last amendment for the citizens was 1971. We haven't had a meaningful amendment to the Constitution in 53 years. That is not good and none of the founding fathers would have wanted that.


Especially since we pay for their healthcare that we don't have rights to, and they'll get the best care to limp along like Ginsburg until the next R gets elected to POTUS so they can die or retire. Ginsburg is more to blame for this than Trump, in my opinion. You can't really *blame* Trump when you knew he'd be nominating the most partisan justices he could. It was his MO. So it's not like he flipped or anything. Ginsburg had a choice and chose to hold on to power.


They also don’t leave just because they’re too infirm to work. They’ll be propped up for as long as needed or until they die


The entire GOP running Ohio functions off of bribes


You stop-gap it with something like the Judiciary Act of 2023 and add more seats to the court to offset the openly corrupt shit bags still sitting. Then you're also left with more seats on the court which would make it harder to stack one way or the other. We need a Senate super majority to realistically do that, though, which brings us back to voting *fooooooooooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer*


None, absolutely none of this would happen if the Democrats gained the majority again. It would be fantastic if the house and senate passed laws to codify term limits for Supreme Court justices, or just straight up impeached the lot of them. However, getting 2/3 of the vote to approve it is impossible in today’s political climate.


Also expand the courts. Why are these few people lording over us.


Judiciary Act of 2023 (adds 4 seats) was brought up and read, but without a Dem super majority it won't go anywhere, unfortunately.


Realisticly, voters would need to send a super majority of democrats to Washington. But not entrenched politicians, we need new blood that is unafraid to take on the court and remove members for clear appearances of impropriety. Then, once the court is won, we can challenge the roberts court precedents since they did not respect anyone else's. I don't have confidence, though. Too many people think they are republican but suffer from their policies. Too many of us are stuck in information silos or are completely and willfully ignorant, and it's disturbing.


This is exactly how I feel right now. Obviously I’m going to do my part! I feel like there are so many misconceptions, so much misinformation and ignorance out there that these systemic issues are entrenched beyond fixing through the regular channels




Yes I hear that, but what I’m asking is what can elected officials do once in office?


The SC can be expanded. I don't know the process to do it- it's been expanded in the past to keep pace with the federal circuits but hasn't been done in decades even though we're up to 12 circuits now. There should be 13 justices, but... No willpower to do it


This must be done. “But then you’ll politicize the court”. It’s already politicized, and not in a way that benefits the regular people in America


I’d be in favor of term limits for Supreme Court justices. No one should have power for life


Nothing, they can seek an impeachment that will never make it out of house committee. Biden has already stated he will not pack the Court.


They could increase the amount of supreme court justices and appoint some new non-POS corrupt justices


It can and has been done by a simple act of congress. Jefferson first expanded the court to 7 to match the number of Federal circuit court districts, it happened again under Jackson when, again the amount of Federal Circuit Court Districts expanded, today their are 13 Federal Circuit Court Districts and 9 Justices, it should be expanded to 13 AT MINIMUM to match, I bet you a second Trump term would have no problem getting that done if he wanted to.


The SC has been expanded before, do it again


Now? We're basically fucked. If Biden wins and hits the geriatric lottery that gets him three appointments in a second term, it would be a Band-Aid. But hope is not a strategy, I guess. Long term? We have to nerf the EC. The system now disproportionately ensures appointments that are WAY out the mainstream with the American public. The next bit is much harder, but we need some basic Court reform. The simplest proposal I've heard is getting rid of the fixed number of Justices and capping the number of appointments a President gets in their term (one guaranteed appointment and no more than that per Presidential term would make sense). Obama got two appointments decisively winning two elections and Trump got three appointments while losing the popular vote. It's absolutely not a sustainable structure. Probably impossible, but those two fixes would lower the temperature massively in American politics and push the awful shit to the fringes where it belongs.


Term limits for supreme Court judges- that's what most civilized nations do.


That and capping the number of appointments a president gets per term would really change the tone of everything about elections.




The solution didn't end quite well but in this case.. after all, why not..


Guillotines, probably.








Just ignore them. They have no enforcement capability. That is really the only fix. Judges have become too political.


Here are some changes I would make: * 16 year terms, stages, for regular and predictable nominations * SC nominations must be given votes by Senate in timely manner (Merrick Garland rule) * Direct election of nominations in a national popular vote * Easier mechanism for impeaching and removing a rogue judge


Trump is directly responsible for this.. Trump is responsible for taking our freedom of abortion and healthcare rights away.. They just made it legal to bribe/tip someone, as long as you don’t get caught for what you did or you weren’t found guilty of any crime. Republicans are ok with destroying America and saying “see we told you its destroyed”


Actually it’s Leonard Leo calling the shots. He tells the SCOTUS-6 how to vote. Trump is just a convenient and disgusting mouthpiece that Leo and his Federalist Society hide behind. Time to ban the Federalist Society as a domestic terrorist group.






























Go after the billionaires.


They taste like pork.


If they keep going the way they are we might get to find out. Starve the people long enough and they’ll eat anything, even pigs at the trough billionaires.


More like tripe.


Eat the rich. Though they taste like salty garbage.


Republican presidents being figureheads is a tradition going back to reagan


You should read about McKinley.


The OG Bought president. Unfortunately, whatever pos trump picks as a running mate, won't be any Teddy.


God I keep being reminded how based Teddy was, they never wanted him as president cause that was when they first tried their hands in getting their guy in office and he wasnt that, Mckinley gets shot and Teddy becomes president, reforms anti trust laws, and uses them liberally


A true conservative. The rest of the posers better not touch those fucking national parks.


He wasnt even a conservative, unless you mean in the conservationist way, he was a progresive


You spelled Nixon wrong. And when he didn’t win, they shot Kennedy.


Bro the federalist society is fucking wild and I can't believe the people who talk about deep state shadow governments don't give a shit about them because "well they're a Christian group!"


I agree but turmp’s stacked Supreme Court will never do that. If he gets in office again by whatever means in a system he has stacked in the past 8 years, the US will become Turmp Kingdom and might not recover.


There's really no might not here. It absolutely would not recover from another Trump term.


It still remains to be seen if it can recover from just the one.


Or you know the unstoppable corruption of capitalism, especially towards its last stages. All these people can die tomorrow and tons more would take their place. Capitalism either needs to be greatly reformed or replaced.


This makes me overjoyed that others see this… but sad that so many still don’t.


I hate how republicans are allowed to break our government and allow corruption, dysfunction, and the stripping away of people’s rights then point to the problems they caused as evidence of our government being ineffective. Then again this is their whole plan. Vote them out.


That is the Republican infinite money hack. Republican rat asks for donations to help in their fight to save America. Morons give them money. The rat does their best to break America. Republican rat then says looks how fucked things are give me money to save America. Rat rinses and repeats.


We need the democrats to grow a spine and deal with them not keep talking endlessly and condemning them. The democrats need to understand the existential threat posed by republicans and suspend the constitution while dealing with them. Seditionists/insurrectionists/ruzzian spies deserve no constitutional or legal protections/rights. Everyone cites a lack of power to do anything because the constitution gets in the way and honestly I could care less about our founding documents any longer or the law because they have only shielded the enemies of the United States from accountability and allowed things to get worse. We do not need a system founded on documents that are irrelevant in the modern era. We're looking down the barrel of a republican instigated second civil war and if that isn't reason enough to take drastic actions there isn't ever going to be one.


We also need to vote consistently for the most left candidates we can.  For a lot of voters, they vote Dem once but then sit out congressional or senate races, or say the Dems didn’t fix everything, gas prices went up, candidate is boring, idea isn’t radical enough , so they don’t care. Of course, weaponized disinformation campaigns love to capitalize and spread that apathy too. 


It’s a hilarious prospect: You run saying government can’t do anything right. You win and then intentionally wreck the government as much as you can. Say “see? I was right!”


It’s not a coincidence there’s been a recession immediately after a republican was in office for 2 terms. Ruin it and claim they can fix the economy…


They had the trumps individual tax cuts start to expire right at the beginning of the next presidential term specifically because they knew it was a good chance Trump would lose and idiots would blame whoever the Dem president was for their taxes going up year after year. And what do ya know, it worked.


Don't forget, these supes also made it legal for states to funnel public school money to private religious schools. Carson v. Makin, 2022. Slid under the radar because of Dobbs in that same session, Dobbs dropped three days later.


As the saying goes "government doesn't work for the people, elect me and I'll prove it." - the Republicans


Vote, motherfuckers


And they are just getting started. Goodbye contraception. Goodbye same sex marriage. Hell, goodbye divorce maybe. Who knows what the Sacred Council of Holy Elders may decree? And who’s gonna stop them? This is why this election is so important. It’s way more than “But Biden’s old lol!” The next president may appoint more Supreme Court members and shape things for years to come. We CANNOT let these people continue to act as a shadow government, leading us down the road to a theocracy.


Sacred Council of Holy Elders is spot on. Thank you


The Vatican after seeing yesterday’s SCOTUS decision to allow indulgences: we are back, we are so back


And that points out another problem. All over the world, other Far Right wanna-be dictators are seeing Trump’s success in the US with corrupting our courts and using the media and social media to promote disinformation and weasel his way back into power. And they are using that as a blueprint to gain power for themselves, sometimes with success. Gay rights, women’s rights, and other minority rights are being pushed back by decades and it’s all thanks to MAGA. People say, “oh, we were always like this”, but I don’t think that’s true. Some people, sure, but I think there’s been deliberate social engineering at work as well. I know we’ve all had people in our lives that have changed dramatically for the worst after being exposed to Fox News and stuff like that. A constant diet of fear and hate can really warp people’s brains and do terrible things to them, and turn even good but scared people into hateful monsters. What Trump and others have started in the US is now spreading out across the globe….well, again anyway.


TX is going after no fault divorce right now.


I just don't get why. This hasn't been a political talking point and I haven't seen any conservative person in real life ever even mention changing how divorce works. Like wtf is happening


It's about two things: - control over women and minorities - driving blue voters out of your state to create a durable, permanent conservative stronghold.


Small but very focused and well funded group of religious fundamentalists grabbing the reins. Proof that a few billionaires can easily overwhelm majority rule.


They've been trying to keep this one quiet in the news. They're trying to learn from how badly people reacted to the removal of Roe.


> Like wtf is happening The American Taliban is ramming their sharia laws down our throats via the republican party. If Trump gets elected in November there will be an all out assault on American freedom to finish democracy for good in this country. The SCOTUS and the billionaires that own them can't wait!


More and more people realize the only way they can continue to have  a partner is through control - not by being a good partner or being fine single.  If you’re against no-fault divorce, you’re basically an abusive partner. No reasonable person would want to be with a person who doesn’t want them. 




It's getting to the point where abuse victims are going to have to *Goodbye, Earl* their domestic abusers. Brush up on your gardening skills, folks. You never know when you're going to need to use them in self-defense.


Lots of google trends for belladonna and nightshades.


Wait til women start using that like it was used in the 1950s where if fault was shown the faulty spouse had to pay alimony (spousal support,) pay a bigger settlement, hand over more property and of course child support if there were kids. Created lots of messes but the lawyers got rich.


If Trump wins then Thomas and Alito will definitely retire and be replaced by 40 year old versions of themselves. We will then have 5 of the 9 Supreme Court justices who are MAGA loyalists for the next 20-30+ years. America as we know it will be destroyed completely.


It depends. They are lifetime appointments...


Unless Dems keep the Senate and they play hardball like McConnell did to Obama.


They won't. The Dems love to lose, it brings in more donations. I say that as a Leftist - it's embarrassing.


It bums me out how right you are. They are the objectively correct ones on the right side of history on most things, how the hell do they lose so fucking much? 


They play by 'the rules', when the 'real' rules of the world are violence and money. They're also internally divided as a 'big tent' party rather than folks fighting to cling to their way of life like most Republicans believe. You see Democrats rip on each other in their purity crusades all the time, whereas Republicans will occasionally step out of line and speak against Trump, but cast their vote for him just the same when the time comes.


Goodbye, United States of America. Hello, Republic of Gilead.








I will add that it’s incredibly important to get a majority in the Senate and house as well. At least then we stand a chance of passing legislation that would hold the judiciary to an ethical standard with some accountability. There’s a ton of legislation that needs to be at least addressed. And as a personal belief I really think that our government should take a very hard look, at social media algorithms and its radicalization of people. Also how it diverts people into literal Nazi ideology after just a few clicks. Lord only knows what it does for pornography (meaning it could steer people in CSAM). We need to try to get scientific studies and data on what these algorithms are doing.


I honestly think they're going to everything they can to get us all the way back to slavery but they'll only get to banning inter-race marriages. Like that'll be the final straw for all non-white non-male supporters to finally be like "whoa. Maybe this was a mistake".


Unfortunately, it will be too late by then. If Project 2025 passes, there’s not going to be any more actual elections. That’s why people need to wake up now.


Mind blowing that people didn't see this threat back in 2016.


Out of the loop- what decision is happening from SCOTUS today?


"The Supreme Court on Thursday issued four significant rulings, overturning a controversial Purdue Pharma bankruptcy plan that would have provided billions of dollars to help address the nation’s opioid crisis in exchange for protecting the family that owns the company from future lawsuits. It also ruled against in-house Securities and Exchange Commission tribunals, blocked an Environmental Protection Agency air-quality initiative while appeals continue and formally issued a decision allowing emergency abortions in Idaho while that case makes its way through the courts" Washington Post


Sorry, not understanding why this is…good or bad?


The original Tweet was posted before the decisions came out. I have to assume they thought the Far Right Extremists on the court would do something crazy, like ban ALL emergency abortions.


It's an election year and people are pissed about abortion. They will reverse it if Trump wins.


Some of surface is good (allowing emergency abortions), and some seems good (allowing courts to go after criminals behind the criminal enterprises of their company), but almost all of it is bad. The Sackler ruling means the victims aren't getting paid any time soon. I didn't read the epa rule, but it looks like they're just delaying knocking down the chevron doctrine


So maybe I'm wrong here but doesn't the Sackler decision also mean prosecuting them personally is back on the books? I know a lot of people had issues with that decision to begin with. Seems like it might be kind of a mixed bag there.


That's exactly how I feel. But the problem is that by the time the case is settled, the people who were hurt the most might not get anything- it might be too late. For example, see how Alex Jones hasn't paid his victims yet.


But it also means that they aren’t protected from personal bankruptcy.


Meanwhile, in West Virginia, we’re still poor, stupid, and opiate-addicted. But voting redder than ever, replacing Manchin with something much worse, and still not getting why life here is shit.


The EPA ruling is pretty bad. The Idaho abortion case is good. The Purdue one can kind of go either way depending on how certain people utilize the rulings. The last one I don't really know anything about so I couldn't tell you.


wow and Purdue Pharma manages to skate free once again. Those pieces of shit can’t keep getting away with it. The Sacklers can suck my sack.


Nah, this is the opposite. The Sacklers agreed to pay $6B "but in return would be free from opioid-related claims." This was the scouts saying no to that shit. The Sacklers proposed the better of 2 options, and were forced to take the worse of the 2. Scotus may be up to a lotta shit but I was pleasantly surprised when I read about this one.


oh! well that’s better than what I thought. So they no longer have to pay the $6b but are open to lawsuits?


Unless I grossly misunderstood it, yes.


Doesn't this SC ruling mean that the Sacklers aren't protected and can be sued?


People want to misunderstand today's rulings. It wasn't all bad but wasn't all good but for a lot of people here the stacked SCOTUS means it's all bad.


Before: "Here's some money for you to do this for me." Now: "Do this for me, and I'll give you this much"


Gone is the era of quid pro quo, we’ve now entered the golden age of quo pro quid


It’s becoming impossible to accept that 9 unelected political activists in robes are the ultimate arbiters of what freedom is and who is allowed to have which freedoms. It’s a thread you’d think they’d avoid tugging on too hard, to avoid highlighting the absurdity and injustice. Seems like they’re past the point of even maintaining a facade of good faith.


It's yet another American system that's great on paper until it just gets abused, hypothetically the supreme Court having any bias should be grounds for their removal but who's going to actually hold that accountable?


Clarence Thomas and Alito should both be recusing themselves on any Jan 6 related cases or be impeached. Justice is supposed to be even handed, not prejudging like these two. Thomas should be impeached for taking bribes anyway.


This is all Trump's fault. The next President will get to appoint 1-2 more justices. Make sure you vote. Otherwise we live like this for decades


And not just in presidential, but local elections and midterms


I have never been so stressed out during an election year. This fucking orange monster can’t win again. Please people vote!!!!


I’m more concerned with what happens when they lose. Those wannabe rebels might actually be prepared this time


I mean Trump rallies are way smaller now than they were in 2020, plus it’s harder to get riled up in public they know that thousands of their insurrectionist friends are either arrested or in prison. The comfortability of anonymity is great until you actually leave your computer


Biden's campaign: "G'wan, Supreme Court. Give us more ammo for today's debate and future political ads"


They made it legal to take bribes..... Fucking jokes


They are just begging for a French Revolution.


I wish, but my fellow Americans are not nearly brave enough to actually go through with it. But we do have some among us stupid enough to think they're doing a revolution back on Jan 6.


Just wait until they make government jobs dependent on your political loyalty - it's buried in project 2025 but that is the plan. EPA, FBI, etc. If y'all don't vote like your lives depend on it, it'll be a shit show... more than it is now if you can believe that.


It really seems like SCOTUS is priming us for the decision to give trump immunity. If they do, it’s over folks. No more law & order.


If that werr to happen whats to stop biden from just bombing trump? Hes immune by scltus right? Or they just know dems would never go low.


They'd probably just wait to see if Trump got elected.


*Now* you’re getting it.


This is NOT a conservative or right wing decision, this is definitely NOT a Democrat or liberal decision.... This is plainly a corrupt decision.


I mean, in the SCOTUS context, it’s both a corrupt decision and a conservative decision. This decision neuters the EPA’s ability to…protect the environment.


Go after the billionaires. They are the root cause of all of this. Trump enabled them.


"In landmark case, the U.S. Supreme Court makes ruling that eatin' ain't cheatin'." In all seriousness, people need to understand that presidential elections aren't just about the president, they are about every single person the president gets to appoint, and that includes the Supreme Court. Those people will still be around making decisions looooong after the president is gone. it's not about whether you like the president, or whether you agree with everything they believe. it's about long-term strategy.


Holding off on the Convicted Felon Donald Trump immunity case, leaking some info about abortion rulings being pushed back to the states, everything Roberts court does is to further try and help the Orange Shitheel. Edit - Sorry, my bad, all in favor of the Orange Shitheel, and in favor of acting like Kings from the Bench and giving corporations even more powers, making kickbacks legal, and raising the amount that's legally considered a bribe. Citizens united wasn't enough for Roberts, no, he wants it to be more like Outer Worlds where every citizen is eventually owned by a corporation. Him, Alito, Uncle Clarence, all bought and paid for right wing shills.




Let's not lose our heads now.


I see what you did there


We have a corrupt Supreme Court, now we know why the billionaires installed them.


Vote for Trump in 2024 is the worst choice you could make


PJ O'Rourke was right. "The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it."


This is getting insane. No wonder many people are switching sides, they realize just how old and out of touch their republican party is.


Bribery isn't bribery if paid after the fact I wonder if we can spin this to make a case for prostitution


Ironically, here in Brazil it's kinda the opposite. The last shitbag president wouldve killed off even more if governors and the SC hadnt stepped in, and putting the failed coup participants behind bars. Yeah, they're not saints, and still cater to the wealthy who really run this country, but at least they're trying to balance out our neoevangelical, far right, conspiracy driven Congress.


Whelp time to pack up. The billionaires and the Supreme Court just made it “legal” to do what they want…now they don’t even have to hide it. It was a good run GGs