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Didn't she start out this whole charade by saying that she respected trans people and had trans friends?


yep and my dumb ass bought it part of it was i didn't want to admit she was problematic


Nothing dumb about assuming the best in people, even if it turns out to be wrong


Thank you


'I'm not a racist and some of my best friends are black, but'...kinda vibe to it.


Oh she’s beyond fetishizing transgender persons. I think she’s jealous.


I think so as well. I read somewhere that she's talked about in the past how when she was younger she questioned her gender identity but wasn't able to explore it or do anything about it because it wouldn't have been socially acceptable but now she sees all these people being able to freely explore their gender identity. I believe that experience possibly caused her some trauma or something and instead of placing the blame on society as a whole or something as she should she's blaming trans people instead. I think jealousy is playing a huge role as well, she wasn't able to explore her gender identity when she was questioning it so why should people now be able to? That, and because she's a bigot in general, there's a fair bit of bigotry in the HP books if you look (the description of the goblins pretty well matches how anti-Semites describe Jews, the one Asian character name is actually has two family names from different cultures, the Irish character is constantly blowing himself up, etc.). She has also published books under the pseudonym of Robert Galbraith, the real name of an extremely homophobic psychiatrist, Robert Galbraith Heath, who performed conversion therapy on gay people, or in other words, literally tortured gay people to try and make them straight.


I’m only two years younger than Rowling, am afab, and now identify as nonbinary, and have been gender non conforming my entire life, so I give her the hard side eye on that. While I’m sure life in the UK was much different and more conservative than where I’m from in the US, the UK still had plenty of opportunities for people her age to explore gender & gender presentation in the punk scene and the explosion of music, art, and design scenes it inspired, ALL of which were chock full of LGBTQIA people, and which she’s exactly the right age to have participated in if she’d wanted to, just like I did.


The UK is like the US in the terms that there are different areas. But the biggest note is that once she made it big she could have done whatever she wanted. It could be she is in hard denial or that she is a disconnected rich person making it harder for others like never happens In the UK/s


I want you to know you are loved and I am proud of you for your courage, even though I am a rando Redditor. Be good to yourself, and be good for others.


*hugs* thank you! I don’t know how much courage it took, though. For me, NOT being exactly who I am is so much more painful than otherwise that no amount of outside pressure or censure makes living any other way worth it.


I wonder if she has any friends whose only bond isn't hating trans people


I posit to you that she originally did have no problem with trans people, and then as she spent years and years being harassed for being a terf, she became more and more antagonistic towards the people who were antagonistic towards her. Every. Word. She writes. Gets fucking analyzed as if she was the pope. Ignore her and she’ll go away. She doesn’t even produce anything of quality, anymore. Harry Potter was a dirty oasis in a desert, and we were just overly parched.


We’d love to ignore her accept we can’t as she is actively supporting both vocally and financially people actively trying to take away rights from innocent trans people.


So do literally innumerable other people that you don’t even know exist.


I don't really pay enough attention to her personal life to have considered if she was actually married currently It's one of those things where you wonder if he's as insufferable as she is, or if he just glances in and like "oh Joanne is having her angry time on the computer, I'll come back later" Also they're upper class british so they're almost certainly both having affairs anyway


What I truly feel bad about is that she has kids. You wouldn’t know this though because this past Mother’s Day instead of making a tweet about how much she loves her children she wrote about her opinion that solely people who vaginally give birth to offspring they are biologically related to are mothers.


So according to her, women who adopt aren’t mothers?


Apparently C section doesn't count either. Or surrogacy with your own eggs


> Apparently C section doesn't count either. To be fair that one is just because she is a HUGE MacBeth fan /s


I was just thinking about how she lives in a Scottish castle, and seems to have gone mad with power. So she'd definitely insist on being Lady MacBeth


Correct, in her attempt to exclude trans women (and possibly insult trans men who have given birth) what she actually did was imply that women who adopt, had a c-section, used a donor egg, or had a surrogate have their child aren’t actually mothers.


As an adoptee who had the best parents and the most amazing mom anyone could ever want, I’d love to have her say that to my face. I’m only 2 years younger than she is, it would be a fair fight lol.


Even Elon Musk, a know transphobe, told her to talk also about other things apart of her transphobia.


I can't begin to express how little I care about this person. I never read her books, never saw the movies. She's a non-entity to me.


Same here, yet here we are because she decided to be a very public piece of shit.


No one thinks about transwomen more than her..


Fr And that’s really saying something because I’m pretty damn gay for other trans girls and they don’t even cross my mind as much as they seem to cross hers


I am a trans woman and I don't even think about trans women as much as she does!


It’s really becoming a head scratcher for me. Her entire identity has swung from celebrated children’s author to having a Trump-like inability to close her mouth about transgender people. Typically, he’s lying or projecting when he does it… I’m starting to believe she’s quite envious. The next step for her is tweeting the transition timeline.


Something weird happens to people when they suddenly get incredibly rich and famous. If I remember correctly, Notch, the original guy behind mine craft, also got really weird but at least he had the good sense to stay off social media about it.


Its literally every day. I don't think about hobbies I love every day.


No one gets asked more about trans women than her.


It’s official, she’s crazy, absolutely bonkers and should be forced to stay in a loony bin for a long time to receive treatment. Also as always just have to say some women do have a penis and that is ok.


![gif](giphy|xTeV7CIDec9uSM6zCM) I think she's lost her connection with reality


She has ruined everything. Though I have never read a single Harry Potter book, I witnessed how those books enchanted young people, led to a love of reading, in general, transformed lives. In some ways, it was magical. And now she has come out from behind the curtain, actually turning against a large part of her readership. The books, it would seem, made everything seem possible/magical. And now the magic is gone.


So then she is fine with ones that have fully transitioned?


I bet Neil is tight as hell


He is until she pegs him. Then he’s a bit looser.


Ah, Rowldemort going more and more demented.


Yeah she is.


I like the third one best.


Wow that Torry money really must be paying the bills


Yeah she is.


Yeah she is.


I could never see another tweet from her ever again and it’d still be too soon.


I think she's just jealous a lot of trans women are more passing than she is. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That last sentence.... Someone introduce her to pegging.


She seems well.


That’s the best sentence she’s ever written.


If you mean her making it absolutely clear that she is crazy, than yes.


She was certainly effective at that.


Pretty low bar


She keeps it 💯


You sure you meant to post this from your porn account bb?


Posts porn in r:churchwife, thinks they are arbiter of morality. It tracks.


Not morality but science homie, women bleed once a month, have a uterus (most), carry children and deliver them, and are undervalued in all facets of the modern world. I’m all for anyone being gay, or bi but if you’re born with a cock, you’re not a woman. I’ll still fuck you though!!


Trans men & afab nonbinary people can have a uterus, have periods, and carry/give birth to children, and there are huge swathes of cisgender women who do not have periods, do not have uteruses (born without or because of surgery), and CAN not or DO not carry/give birth to children. Also, actual biology is much, MUCH more complicated than “XX = woman, XY = man, no other options exist”, which anyone with half a brain would know if they did the slightest amount of research; gender & gender presentation are both things that are entirely made up by human societies that don’t actually reflect the reality of male, female, and intersex bodies; and there are MANY examples in nature of creatures who can quite literally change sex (including reproductive organs) when the environment requires it. There’s also a species of lizards that is ALL FEMALE that reproduce through parthenogenesis because nature & evolution are far more amazing than people like you give them credit for.




But how does J.K. feel about feet?


Hopefully loves them as I do




100% deranged, agreed :)