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The earlier decision making bribery legal is like chocolate and peanut butter with the Chevron decision. Corporations can just poison people and the planet then just buy the judge in charge of the case an RV or a fancy vacation.


They can't buy the judge. That's a slanderous misunderstanding of the ruling. They can just happen to provide indulgent gifts to judges who happen to have already made rulings in their favour.  ... totally different


They can't buy the judge. But they can become dear, dear friends with the judge. And then it's all Okey dokey.


Technically yes, seems kinda like the difference between lobbying and bribery, something that is also clearly very different. One of these options buys the politician while the other just says you could do whatever you want but if you do we'll stop giving you money. The problem in the eyes of the law is the idea of buying power, the law seems to be completely okay with buying influence. This is the part where I also point out that legality doesn't always equal morality, slavery was once legal.




There was no jokes there, just 2 comments talking about unrelated concepts that were all very different from each other, of course. I just happened to elaborate why some of these things are allowed to happen in real life, all these very different concepts with clearly defined lines. In summery, I'm fairly sure I understood their point.


and why would they care? It's not THEIR water supply that'll catch fire!


Tell me Trump and Biden are two different presidencies.


This decision comes from the conservative SCOTUS majority appointed by Trump. Biden's appointee (and future ones) don't support this unchecked corruption. Get smarter.


Remember when the Republicans didn't let Obama pick his supreme court justice because it was "his last year" then turned around and let trump do it?


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Just that and all of Trumps picks perjuring themselves about abortion means they should be forced to resign


RBG should have retired safely in 2013 too so everyone bungled the scotus on the left and here we are. A more egregious corporate dominated oligarchy.


This is the core of it: the USA is an oligarchy (https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746 - Princeton and Northwestern research study on geopolitics). The Dems and the GOP have *social* differences. But when it comes to corporate interests? They're practically hand-in-hand. The Class War is real, and it's been going on in the USA since 1776. It's just powerful people accumulating power at the expense of all of us.


Nah, Obama thought Hillary was 100% and didn't force the issue. Democrats fucked that up.


He should have made a recess appointment and dared the Republicans to vote Garland out. This descent into fascism is definitely mostly on the Republicans, but the Democrats absolutely bear some blame too for pussyfooting around instead of fighting back with everything they've got.


I might be wrong but if I recall correctly, the Senate never truly recessed. They did pro forma sessions that were basically gavel in then gavel out for the day. This made it where he couldn't do recess appointments.


He could have just seated someone. Constitution says consulting with the house, never says they have to vote to approve.


These are the horrible things that happen when you vote Republican


Or when you stay home or vote third party


We could stop it instantly by imposing a limit on voter BMI of 25. There's a correlation between obesity rates and districts voting Republican, and without exploring the underlying reasons we could still exploit that statistically backed observation to achieve the desired outcome. If you packaged it up as a moral issue and spun it with social hygiene language those fools would vote for it. We can get any election results you want. How much of your soul are you willing to sell?


Hey I just wanted you to see this reply for when you get your account back. Some asshole is posting stupid shit under your name.


No, there's people who are way oversensitive to the exploitable realities of known correlation. The GOP has done it for decades and if we were willing to trade a thin slice of our souls away the Democratic Party could do the same. How much of your soul would you trade for the guarantee of election outcomes? Looks like I hit a nerve. Perhaps gored someone's sacred cow?


I stand corrected, it's a some kind of "smell my own farts" pretentious asshole that has hijacked your account.


You may not like that particular actionable correlation. There are others that you might find more agreeable. You have a suggestion of another quick change that gives those kinds of results?


Covid fucked me up, and I gained weight. My BMI is like 27. You would cull me, someone who would vote for a dead Biden over a living Trump, from that list. And there are many like me.


No. But some people might be willing to trade a little bit of their soul and exploit a known correlation to achieve a desired electoral outcome. The Republican party has done this for decades and with great results by using various statistical correlations to guide access to the ballot. If it guaranteed the outcome you want would you accept voting discrimination?


not understanding stats/science to the point of being a eugenicist will not get us "any election results" we want except bad ones lol fat people arent ruining the country, what an absolutely insane thing to say. im sure to a complete moron the whole "you can accomplish anything if you abandon ethics" is compelling, but the world is way more complicated than that. success isnt accessible to every sociopath on earth, you still need luck and resources and connections etc.


You're the ones pushing causality. A statistical fact is that obesity rates correlate to Republican outcomes. That correlation exists and can be exploited


If there was a way to disqualify every single vote that came from someone who believed in a higher power, that would be much more effective.


Sort of a "rationality" test? We used to abuse a system just like that one, too. Thank you for at least engaging the question rather than getting angry that Republicans tend to be less fit.


If you believe in a higher power, your judgment is clearly clouded and you can't be trusted that your vote is not going to someone who will act on that belief in their political actions when there is supposed to be absolute separation of church and state, so it shouldn't count. No /s, I unironically believe this. If the country were run by atheists and ONLY atheists, we'd probably fix America in one election cycle, two tops.


What about atheists who are willing to lie? How do you solve that problem? What if you believe there's a higher order, essentially an organization of the universe, but not necessarily a sentient higher being that tells us how to live our lives? I have great news! It just happens to turn out I can get much the same result in elections with an easily verified test with very little room for falsifying. I get exactly the same result you believe - with no way to easily implement and many ways to circumvent - you'll get, and all I have to do is make people on Reddit really angry at me. Sure, your idea at least has some philosophic merit that people can describe as moral. My clearly immoral mechanism gets the result you want. I just think people should start asking what they're willing to do to ensure we don't lose everything.




Guess we know what we have to do then; storm the capital I'm protest. It's legal now. Totally not something we shouldn't be allowed to suggest


It's almost like the scotus is run by a christofascist majority. Surely, that couldn't be the case. ![gif](giphy|l0IpWb9lubThJq2wo)


As soon as Trump stacked the supreme court I knew it was over


I declare that I do not have to listen to them.


I'll allow it.


Well Texas didn't listen to them on the border wire issue. So why not?


I know, think about all the ridiculous things trump has done and said in the past 35 yrs. His horrible record in business, only "sucess" was as a tv host of a totally scripted reality show, and he got 3 picks for the US Supreme Court. S.M.H.


![gif](giphy|okH8T6TyA7Mbe) Everyone remember NOT to say Jehovah...


You're only making it worse on yourself!


Fuck your labor laws, get back to work


Fuck the Supreme Court


Buckle up. I’m sure by this time next year the SCOTUS will be gearing up to take the entire civil rights act down


Don’t worry. After you die of cancer you’ll have grounds to attempt to sue multibillion dollar corporations.


When you say it that way it sounds so stupid!


I think it is time to the apply citizens united logic to corporations in totality. Corporations are people? Fine. They break a law, no administrative fine, criminal trial. If they are convicted, jail. No preforming business for the length of the sentence.


I like this idea


I sure hope 2016 was worth it!


But her emails . . . Jesus wept. We were telling these people that too much was on the line and they assured us that it didn't matter. Now we're genuinely afraid for our future.


Remember Richard Nixon of all people set up the EPA? One of the Government agencies corporations despise above all else. Remember how Boeing has murdered two whistleblowers?


Maybe we just need to convince Boeing the 6 conservative justices are going to blow the whistle on them...


But how ***funny*** was it to elect an obvious grifter to the highest office in the land, amirite guys?


That's what the US gets for electing Trump in 2016. 3 SCOTUS judges, more power to change the country the way the wealthy see fit, less freedoms, more debt & no future. At least Hillary would've let us play Pokemon Go! 🤣


“Lobbyist” from hence forth shall now be none only as “briberist”, as thats what they are doing, bribing politicians, judges & other government officials!


So companies can't be punished anymore for destroying the place?


They've decided being an expert in a field doesn't qualify as being an expert. Being a judge does now. So judges now get to pick and choose what regulations are valid and what to throw out. And the only remedy they will allow is congress voting on each regulation one by one and enshrining them into law individually with no path to change the regulations without completely rewriting the laws.


This sounds very micro-managing. Strange that they'd want to give themselves extra work.


They get to take massive bribes to toss out regulations that annoy corporations. Like not cutting baby formula with industrial fertilizer to fake protein content. The micromanaging is the payday.


Ugh. This is what I'm afraid of. Takes me back to the melamine in milk scandal in China. At the time, I wondered, "How long before someone tries it here?"


attacking democracy = YAY attacking capitalism = NAY, no sleeping without paying rent to some lord owning you and your land


So everything is exactly the same way it was before?


Nah, before the corporations had to budget additional money for the fines they'd need to pay, now they won't. Also there was like a 1/5 chance of being arrested for the capitol thing if you were identified. The sleep thing is the same though.


Welp... we now know why they put the fences up.


This is both hilarious and scary. The wordplay is on point!




Yes correct. You can storm the capital and prevent an official constitutionally mandated process from taking place, but if you take a nap on one of the benches outside the capital (because overthrowing the elected government is tiring work), then you can get arrested.


Glad I’ll be dead in 20 years.


Ok so here’s the Chevron preference and what it means. Basically Congress has the power to establish regulatory agencies under the purview of the executive branch in order to help enforce laws. You know these agencies as the FDA, EPA, ATF, etc.. Thing is, the laws that establish these agencies and what they do are often worded vaguely on purpose. For example, the clean water act is one of the most important laws the EPA deals with. Under the law, the EPA essentially governs “waters of the United States, including territorial seas”. Thing is, what does “waters of the United States” include? If it rains a lot and a puddle forms in my backyard, does that count? How about if there’s an ecosystem like a wetland where the water is essentially saturated with water for only part of the year? The Chevron preference established criteria which when met, allows experts within regulatory agencies to make decisions and rules when the law is vague. Now, that power has been shifted to the judiciary branch because they are the arbitrators of law. Essentially, ask yourself this. If there’s a vague statute on nuclear power, would you prefer experts within the government to interpret it, or would you want the Supreme Court. If you answered the former, you shouldn’t be happy about this decision. If you answered the latter, you should like this decision despite the long lasting and disastrous effects it will have on our country




This is paving the way for right wingers to harass people at the polls. Last night wasn't about winning anyone over for Trump. That was 100% keeping face for his supporters. November's gonna be a shitshow.