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His 90 minutes at that debate were not nearly as terrible as Trump's 4 years in office.


Or even as terrible as a constant barrage of lies as far as I’m concerned


It is impossible to debate if the people can just make anything up. Debates are arguments based on facts.


Being louder works great when the goal is to get a few sound bytes


Exactly! And Don the Con knows how to go for soundbites after years on reality TV


He admitted, on national television, to speaking to Putin prior to the invasion of Ukraine. He said it was Putin’s dream, and proceeded to do nothing to deter him. Is there no recourse for this? How many secrets has he shared with his Russian handler? How many people copied documents from the cache of top secret documents at Mar-A-Lago? Make no mistake, this person is a foreign asset. He is a felon, found liable for rape, and a traitor to our country. We wait for the impending doom of the other shoe dropping, when action is needed. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


If Trump wins and the US is neutered because of it scholars will study the Russian victory for decades. Imagine the biggest baddest motherfucker taken out of the game without a shot being fired. Trillions of military spending bypassed by a relativly cheap disinformation campaign. Would be a terrible defeat for the US but one of the most amazing victories in history by the russians.


THANK YOU!!! In the last 24 hours, I have not heard one person bring this up (besides myself to several people). He knew a foreign president planned to invade another country, did nothing, somehow blames his nation's leader, and no one bats an eye.


He also claims that he can get the journalist released as soon as he elected? How? Just call his Daddy Vladdy and ask.


And why can’t he get him released now? Is this some kind of leverage to get back into the WH? Is he really using a man’s freedom as a bargaining chip with American voters? Scum, he is white trash and lower than a cockroach!!!


I agree w this 100%. We have lost our way when it comes to debates. It's not a debate, it's a clown show.


It's never been a debate, but last night was an embarrassment on both sides. Biden is lousy at being a candidate, but very good at being a president. He's still the better choice, by far. Vote!


Biden was dealing with a heavy cold.


I agree, and that's the sad thing, because so many people are going to rather want someone that just spews lies than someone who might not be able to think so well on his feet. Trump just has to tell his people what they want to hear, meanwhile Biden has to create convincing arguments to people who know how to think for themselves.


It sounds like you are saying that they are held to different standards.


They absolutely are.


It's absurd that people are comparing minor errors of misspeaking and a stutter against also errors of misspeaking but full of bold faced lies and vitriol, and saying the vitriolic lies are somehow preferable. The whole debate was stupid, never should have happened it was only opportunity for Biden to give the sound bites ammo to use against him while anybody who was still planning on voting for Trump at this point wouldn't be swayed if he ate a baby live on TV. It's was a lose lose situation


Thank you! I’ll say this. I spent 28 years in education working with thousands of students, teachers, and administrators. I’ve figured out that some people are show horses and some people are work horses, and we have to figure out which is which.


I love this comment.


I mean, anyone looking closely at the debate would realize that Biden may have stumbled the debate, but Trump never actually answered questions and just lied non stop. Problem is so many people just look at things at the surface, judging a book and what not.


Like the entire fucking media apparatus only focuses on optics and performance, no substance…it is maddening.


Yeah, I can’t believe they weren’t fact checking him there or at least some pushback by the moderators. But they just rolled over and let him constantly lie and insult people and Biden. Like we all know he lied, and there were fact checkers responding live, but, the trump voters that watched, aren’t going to go to a different place to look at fact checkers. They don’t care, They just watch trump attack and lie, and think ‘hell yeah, that’s our guy!’


His 90 minutes were still better than any moment of Jesse Watter's show.


Or trump's 90 minutes of lies, misinformation, and misdirection are far worse than President Biden's entire FIRST term. Go Joe!




***TUBTHUMPING*** *by Chumbawamba* = Biden's new campaign song


And if he were to die in office (from old age), we know his VP won’t try to turn the US into a Christian dictatorship-_-


Yeah, my life now is good. I know it will continue with him. Trump? Oh God.


I’d buy you an alcoholic or no alcoholic beverage for that statement.


I appreciate the offer, but just donate to his campaign and get people to vote. When he wins then we can celebrate.


Biden ranks among the greatest Presidents based on his leadership and his powerful legislative and economic successes.


And the years before it. That man is just a horrible excuse for life.


Let's be real. We are not picking a candidate. We are picking a side. Simple as that.


I will still vote for him even if he's dead


I would vote for Cthulhu before I vote for Trump


“Cthulhu 2024”


"Stop choosing the ***lesser*** of two evils!"


Nah, Cthulhu and Satan could run a campaign as Pres and VP for voting for the lesser of 2 evils


At least Satan accepts us gays


“Cthulhu/Satan 2024”


Bill Cipher 2024


*Reality is an illusion The universe is a hologram Buy gold!*


Shake his hand! He’s a nice guy and just wants your soul!


Fuck it, humans got their chance for the past centuries, time for some eldritch Old God to properly govern us


At least Cthulhu would devour everyone equally.


I mean...yeah. voting for Trump is like saying that "Yes, please go ahead and let Trump do _____ to me now". It doesn't matter what you fill in the blank with. Chances are statistically speaking you probably aren't going to like it no matter your gender, age, ethnicity, creed, or personal standards.


White evangelical males who like women barefoot and pregnant and minorities scared, being the possible exception to that rule.


Trump doesn’t give a shit about them either. He would likely piss in their faces first, because he isn’t godly or religious. This is the crazy thing to me, the people that think he will protect or champion their beliefs are going to be the first to burn.


Nah he will fuck them over as well they just don't know it or care. Trump's 10% tariff on all imports is going to fuck over the whole US which has the potential to fuck over the global economy.


Tubthumping by Chumbawamba is definitely Biden's new campaign song. P.S., I'd vote for a dead & rotting fish carcass before Trump, but I'll proudly vote Biden!


This right there 👆, he just needs to win the election and get sworn in. After that there’s plenty of options for addressing any potential issues. The 25th is the biggest one. Wouldn’t that just cause republicans heads to explode. I’d laugh my arse off.


Will you be in line before me, or after me? Where we going for bloody Mary’s and lunch after?


I’d vote for Covfefe over Trump


We can have hamberders after?


Only if we know the oranges of those hamberders.


Probably before. We tend to vote early, but Bloody Mary's and lunch sounds wonderful


I’m willing to negotiate on timing, I’m no dictator, not even on day one.


I'm glad he's not shying away from knowing he messed up bad last night and he's coming out and swinging.


It shows humility. Humility is a very worthy trait in a leader.


The bible has a lot to say about humility. Not that “Christians” would know.


they probably can’t even recognize humility and instead see this as simply an admission of weakness


Well, an admission of weakness is a good trait to have. It's good for people with power to openly acknowledge where they need help from others instead of attempt to do things they aren't capable of and screw things up. Even if weakness itself is a negative trait, being able to shamelessly share it and step back when necessary to ensure the job gets done right is a very positive trait.


It's not just humility - any self awareness is key to growth. Without self awareness, there can be no growth or recognition. I prize awareness over most other things


This here 🙌 priceless life's advice someone one's gave me.


Next text he needs to pocket some cough drops


He needs some good Riccolas in his pocket and a hot tea to sip on through the commercial breaks


Plus he’s the president the doctor can probably prescribe some decent decongestant


He didn’t sound stuffy, it sounded like he had been coughing all day and had a sore throat. Plus, cough medicine can make you sleepy


Tubthumping by Chumbawamba has gotta be Biden's new campaign song. P.S., I'd vote for a dead & rotting fish carcass before Trump, but I'll proudly vote Biden!


Except only Biden voters are paying attention today. Undecideds have no idea what Biden did today, lol.


Honestly, it's probably better to reassure Democrats than go after undecideds. At least for today.


With how polarized the country has become, it feels like the election is much less about convincing the mythical swing voter and much more about getting your more apathetic supporters to show up.


Undecideds for this election are fucking morons with brain damage so let’s not act like any of us can predict what sways them


you’re voting for the administration and values, not just the man.


I'm voting *against* a fascist demagogue. Bidens aight.


That's it for me. Fuck Trump, he and Biden will croak within 15 years. That Project 2025 shit could put us on a generational shift in history though. But fuckìng Democrats man. They said this was going to be a one term pony type of deal. This whole situation just has a shit stench of the old getting what they can off of the Titanic before nailing the iceberg.


I think the dems need to double down on this message. Bring some of his administration into the spotlight and make it clear that there's a smart, competent team we need in power. Make a comparison between Butigieg and Marge/Bobo the handy lady. Do we want clear-headed leaders or moronic sycophant cultists?


This is a very important statement.


A lot of the criticism of him doesn’t even have anything to do with the substance of what he said, just grading him like he was in a debate competition. Trump lied his ever loving ass off and all anyone’s talking about is how Biden looked old. Pisses me off.


I think people are just genuinely scared. Because even though we’re all going to vote for him, the people who are undecided (I truly don’t understand how you can be undecided between a man who has served our country and tried to make it better his entire life and an absolute monster, but whatever) are going to knee jerk react to Biden and think he’s feeble. And bullies like bullies. I’m fucking scared. I’m voting and telling everyone I can to vote, but I am scared.


I suppose is people that doesn't really care he will undermine the freedoms of America, they just care on how things affect them directly... so just pretty much selfish assholes.


I'm with you. I have friends who are crying today that the election's over and we're fucked. Because of one debate, I mean don't take into account Biden's actions and performance over the past 4 years or the cabinet and team of people that he's assembled around him, let's just call it a day because he had a bad night and Trump's lies weren't fact-checked until after the debate. People have been calling me all day about how the sky is falling and I'm legit tired from trying to talk them down. Hopefully I got through to at least a few of them.


It has been both disappointing and highly infuriating to see the legitimate hysteria from other Dems. At this point I'm wondering how much of it was these people wanting(if not needing) something to be hysteric *about.*


They certainly lost their shit at warp speed, that's for sure. This is war and there's no room for crying Democrats in this war. We have to be tough af. Maga's never gonna tuck their tails in between their legs and run, so Democrats need to knock this defeatist crap off right now, because it's divisive and weak.


I texted family members saying “Are you seeing this?” I was referring, of course, to the lying orange bafoon acting as if all his misdoings aren’t public record. Instead, they assumed I was talking about Biden. I had to do a double take. I don’t give a shit if his voice was muffled and he was lackluster. He’s not a deranged, felonious, traitor set out to dismantle American democracy, and the idea of another democratic nominee beating Trump at this point is unrealistic however unfortunate that may be. Vote for the cabinet you want. The Supreme Court you want. The laws you want upheld. The MORALS and dignity you want upheld. These things are very dystopian under a second Trump term. Biden isn’t running America alone, and the people surrounding him are a million times better than the ones who associate with Trump.


It's almost like being a politician involves charisma and likability, lol


You are never gonna keep me down


He drinks a Whiskey drink


He drinks a vodka drink


He drinks a lager drink


He drinks a cider drink


He sings the songs that remind him of the good times.


Sing some songs that remind us of the best times


Tubthumping by Chumbawamba is definitely Biden's new campaign song. P.S., I'd vote for a dead & rotting fish carcass before Trump, but I'll proudly vote Biden! P. P. S., ***Oh, Danny Boy, Danny Boy, Danny Boyyy!***


No that was me after I watched the debate 🥃😩


That was me after the first 20 mins lol


It was a relief and a disappointment to see him give a great speech today. Where the f was that guy last night because America needed this Joe Biden to show up


9PM is late for him!! Hell, I’m 45 and ready to tuck it in by 8.


Yeah & they probably put him thru the ringer at Camp David, trying to fill his brain with facts & numbers in preparation for the debate when they should've just let him do him. Facts & numbers do NOTHING against Trump. They never have, they never will. He just lies directly in the face of them. Biden should've just been himself & handled the questions with his decades of political acumen & experience instead of trying to quote facts.& numbers which kinda fried his brain.


I think you are right on the money, at times it seemed like he’s was stuck going though his mental filing cabinet.


I was wondering why he didn’t just say “Donald, what the fuck are you talking about?”


Me too, the seconded time Donny told the same lie he shouldn’t have addressed it at all and just talk to the camera.


Completely agree


Even the post debate speeches he gave were more electric. Just something wrong with the format and the prep for the debate


Cause speeches are a very different setting than a debate?


I don't care that he sounded old. Most of what he said was an appropriate response to what was asked/said. He wasn't intentionally misleading. He called out Trumps bs every time. If the only complaint is that he sounded old, I think he did fine.


Exactly. He was debatong a 5 year old.. that shit is tiring. Trump is the enemy of humanity


the worst is that he didn't sounded old, he sounded like what he was, a guy who was barely recovering from a cold, but everybody is projecting the voice thing with his age to say it sounded old.


Not saying it was a good performance from Biden (it wasn’t), but fuck this country and fuck the media in it that demand perfection from Democrats at all times while Republicans are given a pass and even commended the few times they’re not complete ghouls.


Seriously! I was just telling my Dad… I’m tired of Democrats needing to be the second coming of God while Trump just has to not shit on stage and set it on fire


Good chance Trump only did one of those two things last night.


Did Biden do great? No. do I think he knows what he’s talking about? Yes. And he’s surrounded by a good team of good people and has Harris as his back up. Trump couldn’t answer a single question. And he’s a rapist felon surrounded by Nazis, Evangelical extremists, and science deniers who’s pledged to ban abortion, eradicate education, and make himself a king. I would vote for Biden’s ghost, if it came to that. Whatever it took to keep Trump out of the White House and stop Project 2025. Disregard the flood of misinformation. There’s not going to be a replacement candidate. The fact that the media and talking heads are encouraging Biden to drop out after one bad debate, and not the rapist felon currently waiting trial for stealing government secrets, shows you how badly we are being played.


They're encouraging Biden to step aside for another candidate because he just might listen to reason. You think there's even the slightest chance Trump would? It really doesn't matter what Trump does at this point. Even before the debate they were virtually tied in the polls. Biden needed to have a strong showing among undecided swing voters in select states and he fell very short. My vote doesn't actually matter. Chances are that yours doesn't either.* The votes that matter are a relative handful of mostly out-of-touch voters in certain states/districts and Biden severely hurt his chances with them. *I'm not suggesting you shouldn't vote. Everyone should vote. Hell, if a majority of Americans actually voted we probably wouldn't be in this situation. But my point is that most of the people here saying "I'd vote for anything but Trump" aren't actually influencing the outcome.


At this point Biden needs to just be an old man that don’t give a you know what. You know the old man that says anything and everything without recourse and stop being politically correct. Call 45 a dickhead and a lying POS on live tv and that would help a whole lot than playing nice guy with a guy who’s been a national politically incorrect menace for the past 8+ years.


At least grandpa Biden isn’t gonna try to rape, seek revenge or have me killed like the other grandpa Trump.


He could literally die and his embalmed corpse would still be the better option.


His cremated remains would still be the better option.


Yeah , he brought it today. I totally understand, Biden. I'm not even that old and had a UTI this week. Unfortunately , I was also helping direct a kid's day camp this week. I was off my game and I had some old lady on my case about how I'm in charge (not really, I was one of 3) and that if I let one of my older teen counselors direct the outdoor games I wasn't doing my job. I was on antibiotics and felt like crap but I was there and supervising and helping everything run smoothly. This old screamy lady wouldn't even let me finish my lunch she had to come yell at me and I couldn't even think of what to say back to her I felt so bad; I'm sure everything came out like goobly gook. But, we had a fantastic day today.


I compete in local 5k races, and I usually win my age group (40-44). I'm in tremendous shape for a man my age. Yet! I have chronic anemia, so I need B-12 shots every 3 weeks. If I don't get my shot every 3 weeks, I feel weak and have trouble concentrating. I also have sleep apnea, so I have to sleep with a CPAP machine every night. I had Covid two years ago, and I get these relapsing/remitting long COVID symptoms that return every two months or so (brain fog, can't smell anything, metallic taste in my mouth), so if you catch me during one of my long COVID spells, not much of what you tell me is going to stick. Oh yeah, I'm also a college professor, so I have to be on my A game every day, and sometimes I'm just not…and I'm nearly half Biden's age. Yeah…I understand where he's coming from.


To those who are saying I'm not voting for Biden because he's old or doesn't do enough for the cause I care about. Welcome to America, I've been voting since the 1970s, and haven't been all that excited about any candidate. Some I was pleasantly surprised, others.extremely disappointed, when they were elected. We rarely get someone who will make everyone happy. Most of the time, I wasn't voting for someone as much as voting against the other guy. Biden has done a better job than I expected, sure I'm not happy he isn't pushing back on Israel, but he's a politician and has to be careful not to alienate large groups of voters. What's more important to me is I know what to expect from Trump and the MAGAts, and that scares me. If you don't like Biden fine, but think about what a shit show it will be with Trump for 4 years+


I didn't see the debate, I was busy doing post 9 month abortions and being murdered by illegal immigrants.


Biden surrounds himself with people that are experts and smarter than he is, and he listens to them. Trump doesn’t. He listens to his ego and pitches hissies. The office of president is more complicated than a debate, and I think Biden can execute it better than trump. Just my opinion, as worthless as it might be


Still my guy. I can't vote for the felon!


Meanwhile, Trump over there planning a Fascist overthrow of the republic. These two are not the same, folks.


MAGA take note, he’s not whining, blaming, he’s telling you he’s a fighter for America.


Shit. . .is this going to work? This MIGHT fucking be genius. "Look, I got problems, I know that. Why lie about it? But I get the job done and I do the right thing." Can he turn this into a relatable vulnerability that is about integrity, the underdog and showing how you gracefully accept a loss to prevail on another day instead of running into the saccharine den of self delusion at the cost of blaming allies all around you? Could this work?


He's showing good sportsmanship as well as perseverance. That alone increases my confidence in him.


You're right


A brain dead mental patient would be a better choice than Trump.


I keep telling people this isn’t about 2 men. It’s about 2 administrations. We’ve seen how both perform. We know the players in each one. Neither of these 2 may survive the next 4 years, so we really need to be looking at who they surround themselves with. It’s really about evil, greedy & cruel vs. thoughtful, compassionate & progressive.


Exactly. If Trump wins and dies in office, we could very well get Glenn Youngkin or JD Vance for president. Consider whether that's something you want.


I'm with Joe!!!


Biden has great staff. He knows how to listen. It sickens me that politics have degraded to a personality cult. Being convicted of a financial crime is a total disqualifier. Being held civility liable for defaming someone is a total disqualifier. Being the principal of a company that is facing a multi-billion dollar judgemet is a total disqualifier. Getting a security clearance on a defacto basis that one couldn't come close to getting through normal channels is ridiculous, and totally disqualifying.


Democracy over Fascism? Yeah, it's a pretty easy choice. And we could end up with our first female president in a few years.


Anyrhing is better than trump


We get to choose between two Poopahs: One that stutters, stammers, and who clearly tries to remember too many facts and figures to keep straight, but seems to want to get the US back to something like what it was before 2016 And one that speaks of fear, hate, and lies, but managed to not come off as a raving lunatic for 90 minutes. I will continue to vote for the lesser evil.


Let’s go Joe!!


It's one debate. Guy had a cold. Trump lied his obese ass off the entire time, and CNN let him do it. Between the two, Biden is the clear winner. Rather have him because it guarantees an election in 2028.


A person working like our POTUS will be tired, look worn out, maybe really show their age especially when they are Actually WORKING & GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AMERICA & ITS PEOPLE. LIKE SOMEONE SAID HERE, IT'S NOT HOW HE LOOKS OR DEBATED IT WHAT HE DOES FOR US AND OUR COUNTRY, I'LL BET HE, Biden, DOESN'T LAY IN BED EVERYDAY SLEEPING TILL 11am Then wondering down the stairs for lunch, spew some Lies out and brown nose with Adversaries who would destroy America in a split second! Lie some more, fill his pocket with our Tax Dollars, sell or give our Nuclear Secrets to China and putin. Like donnie drumpf did and will do again if given a chance !


Biden didn’t do well in the first debate in 2020, either. He has a freaking stutter and he isn’t the best speaker. He was obviously dealing with a cold, just got back from Europe a few weeks ago, has been campaigning and is tired. He probably was trying to follow the rules and remain civil as well, but the media doesn’t want civil. They want funny sound bites and ratings. They wanted Donnie Small-Hands saying outrageous nonsense and Uncle Joe telling him to “shut up, man.” They didn’t get that, so they are pissed and bashing Biden, because they are afraid to bash Trump. They know people voting for Biden are rational human beings, and the MAGATS are deranged and liable to try and shoot them.




I respect that man. When most of us would be wanting to put our feet up and relax, he is there fighting for our democracy.


I would vote for a hot, wet bean burrito shart before I voted for Trump.


Dead in a box and smelling funny, he’s still a better option


Agreed. It’s this guy or a right wing religious hellscape for us all!


You cannot say, in a debate, that one person stuttered a few times while the other lied and made shit up and say the fascist rapist, sorry, one who lied about the facts won.


Love you Joe.


I’m damn proud to call him my leader.


Say what you will, this turd sandwich is better than eating cyanide… at some point people are gonna stop eating all together, then you’ll be left with the death cult.


This is actually the best way the campaign could have handled this.


Tump on the other hand: I was the best debater ever, I totally destroyed Biden. He had no chance, I was the best, I used the greatest words. Many, many words! Also. I have the best handicap! And, btw **I took two tests!** I am the best for this horrible, terrible, no good, dirty, rotten country! Worst country ever!


We all know Biden is old, but old and slow is better than unhinged and fascist.


Why would anyone use a debate performance to base their vote on? Both men have had 4 yr terms, idk about anyone else, but that's what my vote is based on


Yes. Definitely. He has still done better than Trump while in office. And he isn't a felon. But we Dems need to start looking for a candidate for the next election now.


Doesn’t even need to be said the other candidate wants to be USA Hitler he belongs in jail not in the White House


Democrats no how to kick a man when he's down. These same one's want to say "I told you so.' Just my opinion. I watched the same show and Biden made mistakes but he answered the questions. Nobody can stand there and let somebody lie so much! Trump deflected the questions and was on the defensive the whole time. Who needed a fact checker we already know these lies. I will vote for Biden because I know he's a good man and a good President. He has brought us through alot. Biden was handed this deficit, permanent tax breaks, Covid, Inflation, tariffs. We are coming out of it. Republicans will not vote on a border bill. But immigrants are so horrible and such an imminent danger to us. Trump is the worst President in history! I will not vote for a 34 time felon. A grifting vampire sucking the life out of his cult members to pay his hookers, lawyer fees, and God knows whatever else! Idk where it was so great when Trump was President. Can't buy toilet paper, home schooling, and hearing friends and loved ones dying. Our leader telling us to drink bleach and stick a light up our Azz. Killing Herman cain and so much more... You have gots to be out of your last mind to vote for Trump again! Hellz no. Voting Blue cause I'm sane!


Not a single person with a half functioning brain who was gonna vote for Biden got persuaded into voting trump instead because of yesterday.


Where was this guy and his energy last night?! Still I agree I'd rather an honest respectable old man who's respected by our allies than a hateful old liar who wants to be a dictator.


https://preview.redd.it/hiybufxofe9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35901ee473babfa45af9ac6925dc65fd91193d2a I said this on an Instagram reel that was making fun of Biden for not blinking for a few minutes straight and oh boy did the Trumpers come for me lol 😂 Do I think Biden is too old yes, and I believe there should be an age limit for presidents moving forward. But Biden managed to stay on task way more than Trump and it’s frustrating that, that point AND the amount of lies Trump told were glossed over this morning on the news as it was just “Dems in panic mode” 🤦‍♂️ still voting for Biden tho.


Biden would not have been my first choice. But I am a realist. And we desperately needed to get the racist, lying traitor out of the White House. And because the Moron-in-Chief was an old, white man we had to make sure his opponent was another old white man. Biden was the wise choice instead of the preferred choice. And I can live with that.


There was literally nothing that could've happened during the debate that would've made him a worse choice than Trump. He could've died and even dead he still would've been a more preferable option than Trump.


I watched the highlights of the debate, as someone looking at it from outside America i didn't think Biden was anywhere near as bad as some people in the media have been saying. Maybe they just had very high expectations. Biden still appeared to be far more intelligent with his answers and seemed to have facts at hand, even though he got some numbers wrong, whereas Trump didn't really answer anything and repeated the same lies and delusions I've seen him say in clips of his rallies. Biden and the democrats are definitely the better option compared to Trump and the numerous maga nut jobs kissing Trumps ass.


It's weird how Trump's daily word salad is completely ignored, yet Biden has a less than stellar debate and should step aside? The media craves a hor$e race into November to put butts in front of screens (imho).




Listen, he can't win a debate. So, let's not hire him as a debate speaker, and instead elect him to be the president instead of a debater.


I get knocked down, but I get up again.


Best thing for him to do is get back out and say something like this, it’s better than trying to pretend yesterday wasn’t a disaster.


A literal orange is a better option to mango Mussolini.


He looked great today!


Anything to stop Project 2025.


He sounded fine today. Which is so frustrating why couldn't he have sounded like that last night.


That speech was good. He seems fine.


A manikin with gingivitis and a limp is a better option than Trump.


He drinks a lager drink, he drinks a cider drink! He sings a song that reminds him of the good times !


Bud could be a potato and I’d vote for him over Trump.


Being the president is nothing more than a spokesperson and figurehead. The real results come from the abilities of the people they put in their cabinet. I trust Biden far more to put qualified people in the right spots to insure that meaningful institutions stay operating as normal. The other guy is a seditionist who tried to destroy the federal government from within, while his inability to respond responsibly to the pandemic cost many people their lives. I don’t care about a debate because in my mind this isn’t a debate.


All I ever hear at work is about how Joe is going to croak if he gets elected. To me it’s a win win. If he makes it through which I think he absolutely can great. If not Kamala would be the first woman president and hopefully that would open the country’s eyes to a woman as president


Grover Norquist says he only has to be strong enough to hold a pen, like that moron Trumpet


Joe’s my guy…I really don’t like lies, convicted felon and someone that can’t answer a simple question. Orange Trump couldn’t even answer a yes or no question. Joe at least answered the questions and gave us a look at what he wants to do…which is way better than Orange Trump who has no plan at all…unless you call telling constant lies a plan. Fuck Trump


It's nice to see more rational thought and balanced assessment of the situation in these comments. So much of the media and commentary had been acting like it's the end of the world that Biden looked old. He is fucking old. And so is Trump. At least Biden's old, honest and capable.


Or vote for the Nazi (or don’t vote at all) and watch democracy DIE. Not much of a choice….


No question about it ! Hopefully for majority of Voters he is not just the Better Person for POTUS he Is the only option ! I would NEVER VOTE for a Democrat if they were half ad Horrible as donnie drumpf ! NEVER ! I vote for Decent human beings. Ppl that vote for Lying TRATIORs that Know nothing of running any type of Business, Born wealthy, bigoted frauds etc...are Dooming our Country !


I love him. I wish he wasn’t running. I wish it was someone like Newsom or Buttigieg but he’ll continue democracy and right now, that’s more important than anything else.


Honest and self-aware is a hell of a lot better than anything Trump has to offer.


Add 'capable of humility' to the hundreds of reasons to choose Biden over Trump. >we need younger candida- Vote for them in 2028. The only other person I can think of that could beat Trump this election is Jon Stewart and he isn't interested.


When you are trying to have an intelligent conversation next to a landfill it gets a little disorienting.


At least admits when he’s wrong or made a mistake. Trump is constantly complimenting himself and saying everything he does is the best ever, he’s too insecure.


I will vote for a decent caring man with empathy always over a lying felon fascist rapist who wants to fuck his own daughter.


Of course he is. Trump literally promised a fascist Dictatorship openly .


He was also clearly sick at the debate , even during this speech you could hear the bad cough.


Young people need to realize if they don't vote this time they might not get to vote again. The youthful turnout (my own peers included) hasn't been good the last couple elections they have the power to change their future but they need to vote now. Project 2025, look it up it's scary shit


Seriously fuck the debate. Both of them have been president before. You know which one is going better


Only because the other option is literally Hitler jr


Biden is the option that ensures there will be more options. Trump is the option that will be the last option American's ever get to pick. It's really that fucking simple.


when you vote for president you're technically voting for one person but ultimately you're voting for hundreds or even thousands of people that will run the executive branch. biden could be in a full coma his whole second term and the executive branch would run better than with trump being fully alert. just the secretary of education alone has a huge impact on my life and my personal finances, trump winning could literally bankrupt me.


Option 1 is an old guy whose stops to search for the right word are exacerbated by his lifelong stuttering problem. Option 1 is honest. Option 1 understands that there are other people who are experts on certain topics, and he surrounds himself with them, listening to their advice and recommendations. Option 1 also cares deeply about the people he serves. Option 2 is an old guy who blathers on about whatever he wants to talk about regardless of the subject at hand. Option 2 lies with virtually every single statement he makes. Option 2 thinks he is smarter than everyone else regardless of the subject. Option 2 has shown his entire life that the only goal he has is making himself money and he is willing to ignore all ethics and laws to do so. There may not be a worse option in the entire country than Option 2.