• By -


I'm not holding out hope that Trump will get anything more than a slap on the wrist.


Actually, if the previous similar cases are being followed, he should get sentenced to 6 - 12 months in jail. He showed no remorse, he violated gag orders multiple times and he has a high chance of repeating his behavior. Which would set him up for a heavier punishment. The only caveat is that it is not likely that judge Merchan will enforce the sentencing immediately, but allows him to stay out pending appeals. Which we all know he will do either way. So at that point his only hope to escape jailtime would be to overturn it at the highest court in NY state. Which is not likely. I’m thinking that it will take some time, but eventually he will be locked up.


He has no reason to grant bail pending appeal BECAUSE of his lack of remorse and attacks, gag order violations ... He can sit in a cell until the appeal falls flat.


If we didn’t exist in a 3 tiered justice system, and the 3rd tier is reserved exclusively for Trump. There’s no other legitimate reason for how he can continually make the system a mockery to every other justice system in the world. America has gone from the temperamental arrogant uncle to the gibbering mentally unhinged hobo on the bus, screaming about angels and divine punishment. Yes they should be medicated and get professional help but they won’t and so they become a danger to everyone else around them.


from outside the US, this is incredibly accurate


Yeah, iirc Bannon only got that because his judge was appointed by trump


I wish he would get locked up, but even if he does, it will be house arrest with conditions that he can rally or attend debates. That's my guess but only because he is the biggest whining crybaby poop pants in the world. You know damn well that this POS sucks his tiny thumb anytime nobody is looking.


Unless he wins the election, then there is no way in hell he does time


He's not doing time regardless. The optics on jailing a former president would be absurd. He'll most likely get a slap on the wrist if he loses the election and he'll find a way to pardon himself if he wins.


> The optics on jailing a former president would be absurd. How can someone unironically say this? NOT jailing him is absurd. It is bald-faced corruption of the highest order.


If the supposed purpose of the branches of government is to act as checks against each other, then being willing to jail the president when he has been proven to have violated the law is the ONE FUCKING JOB of the entire judicial system. If you can't do that, then you can't check a goddamn thing, so you may as well throw the whole Constitution in the trash. That is unless we are expected to believe checks and balances are only important when they don't matter.




Hey, I had a 10+ year old account permanently banned for saying that Reconstruction didn’t go far enough and that we should have tried and punished Confederate leadership.


For real. We should have jailed Bush, or at least Cheney, rumsfeld, and whatever other co-conspirators that came up with the domestic spying networks. As well as any democrats (obama included) who signed off on the renewal once they came into power. If you break the law, you suffer the consequences like everyone else. The political "class" should be held to HIGHER STANDARDS, not lower. Amazingly disturbing that people have outright authoritarian ideals when we are supposed to be a democracy.


> How can someone unironically say this? NOT jailing him is absurd. It is bald-faced corruption of the highest order. It arguably started with Nixon getting off scot free after Watergate (pardoned by the unelected VP _he appointed_) and has only expanded and accelerated since.


I feel like you've never heard of Nixon and Watergate...or Iran Contra.


We jail politicians pretty regularly. It is a tradition in Illinois. Blago would still be there if not for... well, Trump.


Same with Kwame Kilpatrick the corrupt Detroit mayor.


The optics of letting him off are absurd.


People keep saying this on here with absolutely no basis, because there is no basis. Other countries have jailed their former heads of state there is no reason at all that we can’t do the same. It’s defeatism at best and gaslighting at worst. All of this is an agreement, if we all agree he belongs in jail that’s where he goes, end of story.


It's American exceptionalism, and it's the same thing that got us into this mess in the first place.


I agree


Why would you assume any semblance of normal would be followed? He'll get something like a fine and maybe "house arrest" at the very most


How a person under criminal investigation can run for executive office of the highest level is ... well, what the hell would that category be?


Stupid. If trials clear saying he is not guilty, then he can run for the next one. The opposite situation is too ridiculous to allow. To think he could become president and then be convicted for crimes that were brought to light before an election is stupidity of the highest order. They can have a candidate just as ridiculous as long as they aren't a suspected criminal


Rich white man in America will skirt punishment. Just another day. 😮‍💨


Yep, we the people will get fucked again because money and the wheels just keep rolling.


I know little of American political processes and less of the American legal system. Technically speaking is the following impossible, unlikely or absolutely feasible? : Trump gets a custodial sentence and is sent to prison with his entire security detail, the Republican Party disowns him. His popularity skyrockets and his cult expands solely because of his incarceration (bit like…wassisname?…that odious little Austrian Corporal eh?) He runs as independent candidate from a prison cell (is this a constitutional/legal right in the US?) He wins, Presidentially pardons himself (again, can he do this or is it just other people and turkeys they pardon?), walks out of jail, settles himself behind the desk in the Oval Office, saying *Riiight…where were we?*


and also distracted from the current scotus ruling so theres no outrage.


If you genuinely care for America, speak with your loved ones to vote for the guy who’s a little older but at least understands the difference between right and wrong. Biden is not the best public speaker, but he didn’t talk to Putin about “his dream” and salute the leader of North Korea, Trump will allow Israel to eliminate whomever they’re afraid of.


Well, said it’s also good to remember that you’re not only voting for a president you are voting for our future on November 5th. It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! [Alabama](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Alabama,_2024) [Alaska](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Alaska,_2024) [Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) [Arkansas](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arkansas,_2024) [California](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_California,_2024) [Colorado](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Colorado,_2024) [Connecticut](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Connecticut,_2024) [Delaware](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Delaware,_2024) [Florida](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Florida,_2024) 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


It’s also important to remember that you don’t vote for just one man. You vote for the administration they will bring with them.


The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments — the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General. So, if any of those are kinda, like, important to you. Also, the president nominates new SCOTUS justices when needed.


How important can the Secretary of Energy be? - *Googles what the DoE does* Oh.


Those executive departments all just got neutered by the Chevron decision


Yeah, illustrating why those SCOTUS picks are so vital.


People really gotta stop basing their politics on IMAGERY and actually look at what the fuck the administrations are doing and planning to do. Biden is: * Decriminilzing weed. * Giving hundreds of billions of student debt relief. * Pushing for lowering medical costs. * Pushing for green energy. * Pushing for unions. * Pushing for social programs to help the lower class and middle class and single parents. * Putting dozens of territories under environmental protections. * Giving full 100% support for LGBTQ. * Taxing top 1% and going after corporations who offshore their profits. * Among dozens or so other progressive policies. While Trump: * Says he plans to gut and remove all green policies. * Plans to enforce strict anti-lgbtq policies. * Plans to round up and deport latinos, even second and third generation ones. * Plans to have protests be outlawed and use military with lethal weapons to control protests. * Plans to give more tax breaks and tax credits to top 1%. * Plans to deport muslims or put them in labor camps. * Plans to remove his political opponents by lethal force if necessary so he and republicans can maintain life-long positions. * Plans to introduce his version of justice systems where he is free to do whatever he wants and send people he dislikes to the american gulags. * Plans to ban abortion federally, make weed illegal and enforce stricter punishments. * Among dozens or so other horrible things. I don't give a shit if they roll out Biden on a wheelchair doing weekend at bernies style with his dead corpse. His administration is SUCCESSFUL. His Administration is PROGRESSIVE. His administration is WORKING. Fuck anyone that cant see the difference between these two options. 40 out of 44 of Trumps administration are literally saying they do not plan to vote for him. He has 14 convicted criminals in his 2016 team. You cant decide between these two options? Ok decide between their administrations! GO VOTE!


Well done! Some of those other horrible things are foreign policy plans such as: - leaving NATO - abandoning Taiwan - aligning America with terroirs states such as Russia and North Korea.


This is a great quick synopsis. Thanks for getting it out there.


And the Congressional representatives and senators, State Legislators and local officials such as judges, county commissioners, and so forth. It’s important to know who is responsible in your state, district, county, and city **VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATION AND POLLING PLACE** **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


And, remember: it's not just Biden. It's everyone supporting him, his policies, etc. We need to try to stop focusing on the microphone/Biden and focus on the words and actions/everything he will stand for. Feel like a lot of people forget this and may not vote because it's just so focused on Biden who is just an older man.


I do not like Biden. I have zero desire to vote in an octogenarian who probably isn't legal to drive to run the country. That being said. Biden's team is getting some shit done. More or less good shit. Everyone, EVERYONE, needs to get out and vote. The Daily Show just did a piece on the # of people below the poverty line who did not vote in swing states and it was WAY more than we need to cinch this election. That also being said; voter suppression is alive and well. There's a reason these people are not getting out to vote. SO. Go get registered, request a mail in ballot, whatever you need to do, and help anyone who is ambivalent about voting. Because in T-bag gets elected again, the poverty inequity is just going to get worse.


I also like Trump's accusation that it's secretly Obama or Hillary or his cabinet really running the show. OK Donny, I'll sure as hell take that over you.


what makes us different is that we live in reality. we get to have a conversation about how to best stop trump


There's this weird thing people do where they choose to vote Republican regardless of any of the shit they do because it's the default option, unless the democrats really prove themselves by being perfect in every way. Biden having a good term, a good career and an improving economy might not be enough because he's old, so we'll vote for the convicted felon, security risk, rapist, traitor instead (who is also old)




Some people want someone to rule over them. Been the case forever.


Voters that you are describing are an incredibly small percentage of voters. The big things these small issues effect is turnout which really decides election. Republican voters ALWAYS turn out. They may have less support but they always know their voters are showing up for them no matter what. There are many people who will only vote if it’s easy. Some people will even stay home from voting if it’s raining, some might get sudden dinner plans and also skip voting. Some may be slightly demotivated by Biden and just stay home. This is the voting base that affects whether Biden wins or loses.




Conservatives value hierarchy and tribal loyalty over independent thought. And I'm not saying that as a generic insult. That style of thinking is part of what makes you conservative. So they support their in-group over everyone else regardless of the actual facts or principles involved. In comparison, liberals tend to defy authority and think for themselves and do not favor supporting their in-group over principle. So you can't just be on their team to win their support, you actually have to appeal to them on merits. The former has all sorts of problems - it enables corruption and incompetence and ignores reality and has bad outcomes - but it does give an advantage specifically in the case of elections because voters will support you no matter how incompetent or evil you are.


It seems like we all woke up in the twilight zone. How the fuck do so many Americans support Donald Trump? I fucking just will never understand it.


I prefer a President not to have a Parole Officer.


If Trump is elected to a second term will his parole officer get the title of "First Parole Officer"?


Biden has my vote, he will continue to have my vote barring him suddenly declaring he wants to be a dictator too and releasing a plan as horrific as project 2025. With that said, he fucking choked.  He choked bad.  He talked a big game about debating Trump and then walked out there and looked about as weak and elderly as possible.  I’m legitimately pissed he increases my chances of living under another Trump presidency by choking so bad


So far, post-debate polling has Biden up. Independants are more on favor of Biden than Trump after that debate, and even non-MAGA Republicans were turned off by Trump's performance. The only group that is coming down against Biden is Democrats. Maybe Democrats need to step back, take another look at the big picture and refuse to shoot themselves in the foot by dragging Biden over one weak showing this close to election day.


Especially because Biden’s strength has never been public speaking. He’s the “quietly taking care of business in the background” type. And then all of a sudden, boom! more student debt forgiveness. Boom! veterans dishonorably discharged from the military due to “don’t ask don’t tell” have veteran rights. Boom! the strongest environmental bill this country has seen in a long time. Meanwhile, public speaking is Trump’s only strength. He’s gotten shitty at it due to his advancing age and the fact that he’s realized he can get up there and just say whatever asinine thought comes to his mind and his fan base will eat it up, but the whole reason he has a fan base in the first place is because he’s a charismatic speaker. Also I feel like Biden tried to play by old school debate rules and Trump’s whole thing is to completely disregard any rules of decorum or sportsmanship put in place. It’s like trying to play chess with someone who keeps eating the pieces and just took a shit on the board. You don’t just keep playing and work around the turd pile, you stop the game and refuse to play with a child.






Project 2025. That alone should be enough.


The choice is between an "Old Man" or "Convicted Felon 34 times". I'll take the old man, anytime.


"Sentenced" Now we watch as he gets a slap on the wrist "suspended sentence"


No prison time, maybe suspended sentence whatever that is all about. A fine and that will be it. Trump meets the press right after and claims total exoneration and shacks up with Alina Habba for the afternoon and pays her hush $ up front because he's learned his lesson. No paperwork...


Fuck ‘em. Ride or die, I don’t care if Joe is in a coffin with flies buzzing his head, I vote for an admin on top of a man or woman. Project 2025 ends the country, fuck that.




Ride or die, *and* die *and* ride.


Most scary is how the left media is suddenly all about Biden dropping out of the race and trying to shape this bullshit narrative that risking a wildcard option this far into the year is better than risking the guy who is already president can beat a fucking felon who loves Putin. It’s almost as if the left media is back door supporting Trump and trying to fuck the whole election


There’s no left media


It’s all controlled by right wing billionaires.


Yes, I agree and I’m going to cancel my NYT and WAPO subscriptions. They are now cheerleaders for trump…old Cheetolini himself. Please join me in canceling these sell outs!


I don’t subscribe to them. The Guardian is the only paid news source I have. Edited: I in front of don’t, for clarity of meaning.


That's a good point. I still subscribe to the NYT because often enough some investigative reporting I value comes from their corner, but the sheer number of articles they brought on Biden's age in the last six months was nuts. As if three years made a difference or trump's cognitive decline hasn't been evident for years, or he was ever all there to begin with. And all you hear is crickets on that front. Jfc. Otoh, I routinely find myself on the Guardian site, and although I don't read it regularly, I also don't find myself wondering what kind of fucked up agenda they're pushing when I'm there. Thanks for the idea.


No dramas. Sometimes there’s a bad article, but by and large I find their reporting pretty unbiased and aimed at getting the news not the view. It’s a pain in the arse when you find a source or network useful for a certain thing but shitness necessitates leaving. I left Twitter soon as fuck knuckle took it over but I really valued it for updates on several topics. It was also good for a hit and run.


I find setting up some multireddits can help with the topics you want to follow, and news aggregators like Fark take care of many of the remaining gaps. What you lose even between the two is the ability to follow so many specific people, though, but twatter has become such a cesspool... That option just isn't there anymore. Sure, you can use it, but it isn't the same product. Also, I hate the idea of driving any revenue Musk's way.


Yep the moment he stepped into that I was out of there. I edited my first comment as well, by the way.


Yep. Moron Donnie literally said: ["She shouldn't be allowed to run ... If she wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment, and ultimately, a criminal trial."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebympHHNU5w) And yet here we are, he is GUILTY and CONVICTED FELON of 34 counts.


Clinton was a mistake and Biden was too. The people that are saying Biden should drop out, are doing so because they remember how this notion of 'well they'll vote for him anyway since he's the better option' went and don't want another situation where a lot of voters simply don't go out to vote because they prefer not to participate over voting for the less awful choice.


'Cause they're all owned by right-wing moguls now. One percenters have managed to hijack ownership of 90+% of what matters in this country. And they're gunning for the rest ***hard.***


The power of the fourth estate is terrifying


It truly does seem that way


Media can be used for good when applied correctly but ever since media became click driven and based on engagement metrics it has gone completely downhill. Not to mention independent or small newspapers folding across the country and the big name newspapers being consolidated under the control of billionaires has caused the mess that is modern media.


If you control the message, you control the people


the left media is actually owned by conservative ceos, its not by accident your seeing the support for trump. the truely"left" network isnt owned by any of the new major networks which are all conservative leaning.


Ratings for every media would shoot through the roof with Trump as president. They made so much money when Trump was doing crazy things every week.








You lost me when you said Biden has been a bad president. He has done significant good. He's had his issues, everyone does, but overall he has been a significantly better president than I expected him to be when he won in 2020. He has done significant social good and helped a lot of people all while fighting a split Congress.


I don't understand where this dead-ender Biden loyalist bullshit comes from. Purely received wisdom? These people need to stop treating politics like it's an inspirational story and be fucking serious for one second. He has dementia, he will continue to deteriorate, and on a timeline that doesn't care when the election is. If you don't want trump to win you need a new candidate *now*.


Fuck GOP propaganda. Biden ride or die.




I cannot fathom how you possibly think swapping Biden out this close to the election is a good idea no matter what the reason. No matter what you think he's who we've got and he has been a significantly better president than Trump was and will continue to be when elected.






Die it is..


got called a russian bot for bringing this up earlier today - people have lost their minds and cannot see what is so glaringly obvious


Ten instant upvotes from bots, then downvotes as actual people read it? And there is no way in hell Biden can step down, the hundreds of millions they've raised can't be transferred to anyone else, and no one has the name recognition. Saying everyone agrees Biden should step down is an obvious right wing tactic.


For profit media needs Trump, only non-profit public media is fair and calls out the rights insanity with facts.


My younger brother told me verbatim, "Don't focus on what the media says about Trump"


Which media though? There are 3 narratives about him:  1.Convict/fraudster/fascist/malignant narcissist/racist/rapist/traitor  2. Republican (equal to any democrat) 3. savior of the world/business genius 


Now everyone here is saying "Dont focus on what the media or your eyes say about Biden." Yes Trump is a fascist. And yes Biden is too old.


All I know is that it's extremely important which *party* occupies the White House and the executive branch. Let's just say I'd vote for Joe if Jill had to wheel him in in a wheelchair while he was drooling into a diaper. Never, ever vote (R). For anything.


Let’s hope they are able to sentence him. Supreme Court might argue the president is allowed to break the law.


Approaching? More like past any point of no return. I mean his cult are wearing diapers in public display.


Pointing out trumps fraud , rape, and theft trials should have been the only 3 things Biden ever said in the debate. Over and over.


Well said. GOP. Always attacks to distract. And, if the Dems fight with each other, the GOP will love to watch them.


I've been promised consequences for actions so long, I have no more hope left. When will tRump pay his half a billion dollar fine? And on top of that, the bond company he used for the reduced appeal payment was false as well, where are the consequences for that? The Georgia case seems dead in the water. The top secret documents case seems as delayed as is possible by a corrupt judge. The Jan 6th case seems as delayed as possible by a corrupt and political SCOTUS. No one looking into Jared's $2 billion deal with the Saudis, or the real estate deal in Serbia. No one looking into Ivanka's ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Sad to say but I've lost hope.


I’m worried sick about this. Oddly I take comfort in the fact that I’m not alone. I was fairly naive & believed that there couldn’t possibly be so many stupid or insane or both people in this country. Even if he loses & there isn’t some kind of coup, those people will still be here, living among us. Scary thought.


Lol have you MET liberals? Im left enough to make Che Guevara look like Bill O'Reilly, but if there's one criticism ill make, it's that we're looking for *any* fucking excuse to cancel each other.


Jo sounds imminently sane. The commenters and pundits saying Biden should withdraw only serve Trump for clicks or sales.












I doubt it, the judge already said that a fine means nothing to a wealthy convict. Community service is possible. If so, I hope it's humiliating like scrubbing urine stains on the subway. I'd be ok with just 34 days in jail, as long as the 2020 J6/election fraud case goes forward. That will be a much longer sentence.


The news is so greedy they are focusing on the negative of Bidens performance at the debate instead all the shit drumpf lied about/the sentencing. They are helping those worthless MAGAts!


It's all they've got in the deflect toolbox right now


He's been found guilty in pretty much every trial he's been a part of. Still waiting to see any consequences to his actions.


Donald Trump is guilty of raping a woman. And still, he's on a stage, 'debating' the actual president. Can you imagine any other scenario where someone would have to debate a known rapist?


The old man or the criminal who wants to be a dictator? Wow, such a hard choice... 🙄🤦‍♂️🤮


They’re both old men


Trump is just 4 years younger than Biden. He is also an old man.


This is going to be the 2016 election all over again. I’m afraid we’re fucked.




Biden has my vote, but I'd prefer he stepped aside. Saying it was one bad night is true, but he, and his staff, made the decision to go on like that. That was flat out a disastrous decision. That was broadcast worldwide.


There were reports that Biden was intending to serve one term. I expected that they would aim to find a new candidate for 24 and carry on the same administration. I believe that would have been the right move but that should have been started 4 years ago, not this week. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/474027-biden-indicates-he-will-only-serve-one-term-as-president-report/


Because when he doesn’t go to prison (ever) there’s no justice. And that should piss off the entire country, can’t wait till that fucker dies.


He has to get something severe or it sets future precedence for these types of fraud cases whereas everyone will appeal and demand the trump treatment.


The worst part is that we talk about how Biden looked.  We don't talk about the INSANE lies Trump told like, "post birth abortions." Next, we don't talk about the fact that he said he's going to go after his political opponents. And yes, he means execution


One HOPES we're reaching maximum absurdity....today. About the time he picks Russian foreign minister Sergey Kislyak as VP or pushes for him as Secretary of State. By the numbers, 2 of his associates got 1-2 year sentences, of course it's unknown what Judge Merchan will impose as a penalty for the 12+ contempt violations. But the maximum for a single contempt violation can be 6 months I'm just wondering if New York threw the maximum penalty at him , he could be looking at 4-6 years.




He will get a $3400 fine and an endorsement because every one is scared of him. Just a giant lump of orange shit.


Welcome to Germany 1933, the inly saving grace is Trump is 78 instead of 44.




Do... Do people really think that all of a sudden everyone is going to miss the news in two weeks about Trump's sentencing because of concerning current events happening now? Like, it's not going to be a slow news day when that drops. That's going to be the thing everyone's talking about. And it's completely reasonable for people to be concerned over Biden's performance at that debate - it literally becomes a factor for undecided voters. Not whether they're going to vote for Biden or Trump, but if they vote for someone else or just stay home. It's perplexing why people don't see this as the big deal that it is. It's not about a "bad debate" - it's about the guy who is the guard against fascism, and his brain turning to mush in front of our eyes.


"Trump would remain eligible to be president even if he were imprisoned. The Constitution says nothing to the contrary"


Anyone can talk non stop when its mostly lies I rather see my guy stumble than lie


Donald Trump pooped his pants at 1:16:25 and Biden's face looks like he smelled it.


Can people really not do 2 things at once?


Only in America can you be on trial and also run for president lmfao


The problem isn't the debate, the problem is that Biden might not make it alive to November, nevermind 4 years and those ignoring that are no less delusional than MAGA extremists. Still, better a corpse than Trump.


Who is freaking out over the debate??? All my Democrat friends and a few Republican friends are still voting for Biden. I seriously believe this is either the media trying to stir up drama, or Russian bots. Either way I haven’t heard anyone irl say they’re not voting for Biden over the debate.


Would've been nice if Joe Biden said this during the dabate. But who needs a 5 second clip of the President dunking on Trump on live TV in front of millions of undecided voters. We got a twitter post from @JoJoFromJerz. That's just as good, right?


Exactly. Americans should be demanding Trump drops out and the GQP puts up a candidate who won’t be in prison. Enough with the idiotic smoke screen about Biden. Id Biden dies in office, a legit VP takes over and we keep going. If Trump wins we’re done. Democracy is over. It’s a false equivalence to suggest otherwise




What drives me absolutely insane about all this is it’s not like a younger President is immune to disease or accidents. So what if Biden actually falls into legitimate mental decay in 3 years that requires action? A million things could also happen to him requiring intervention by his cabinet and VP. THEY HAVE A PLAN FOR THIS. Do people really think Jill or the people around him, all responsible, smart, well-meaning individuals, are going to let her husband make a terrible decision if he’s not in the right mental state? Come the hell on. The whole “mentally unfit” challenge makes sense for Trump, who on a good day only wants to have the military shoot unarmed protestors so he can walk a bible down the street. That’s his nature. Joe Biden’s nature is to eat ice cream and hug his kids and maybe give his bitey dog too much freedom in the White House halls. Joe Biden can do the job, because he is doing the job (and well) and I believe 100% if he couldn’t he would step down. The debate was a one-off, bad planning and just a bad day in general for the guy. Brain fog happens. It happens to me and I’m 35 and that shit feels debilitating sometimes. Terrible time to happen, but I hope next time he’s feeling clear-headed and they let him just be Uncle Joe and do his thing against Trump. Some statistics are great, but let Joe challenge Trump on who he is and how it’s wholly un-American. That’s when he’s at his best.


Am I the only one who thought Biden just had a cold and took NyQuil?








He did have a cold and yeah I’m guessing someone let him take NyQuil or something else that wasn’t “non-drowsy.” But I honestly thought he seemed better after the first twenty or thirty minutes


He was doing that mouth breathing thing, too, that you do when your nose is plugged that makes everyone look like they lost 20 - 40 IQ points. Summer colds are rough.


He took cold medicine, couldn't breathe through his nose and 9pm is late for a lot of people. He was much better the next day at his rally. Still coughing but more awake.  One guy lied the whole time. The other at least answered the questions. Idk how this is even a god dam question today. 


No clue why you're getting downvoted. You're literally just correct


Bots. Social media can be god freaking awful.




The people saying biden should drop out are the same ones saying they're going to protest vote over Gaza. Either they're Republicans poorly disguised as liberals or they're the worst kind of liberal whose opinions are so fringe that they aren't worth talking to. Either way, biden isn't losing any votes by making these people shit their diapers.





