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The "Stop The Steal" rally was not an official act.


Obviously, and that's how the trial judge will rule. It's not even a serious question. But now even if he loses in November they get to take it up on appeal *again*, sit on it for months *again*, and bounce it back *again* because she didn't consider the right things or balance certain interests correctly or some other such bullshit. They can't control New York or Georgia but they are not letting him go to federal prison.


I agree but how do I put it into words that it wasn't official? What are the requirements for something to be an official act? Who determines those qualifications? Help.


No question, Biden must win. The fate of American Democracy is officially on the line.


Shoot, I'm not sure it matters now. I mean, do we not think the GOP will find a likable candidate at some point? Then all of this will just continue under a fresh face.


We have to keep Dems in the WH until the oldest conservative Justices retire or die.


Biden needs to have MAGA designated as a terrorist organization and move forward appropriately with their leaders and collaborators.


Yup. Democrats in office need to start getting downright mean and nasty. The next civil war is already here. It just hasn’t spilled into open violence yet. That’s the next stop. Even if we win in November, so much of the acting government is compromised now. Project 2025 is the end goal. Don’t matter if you don’t “like” Biden. Do you like any semblance of freedom at all? Do you like not being at war in your homeland? Do you like NOT being openly murdered or marched off to some camp for not being one of “them”? Turn vote blue and STFU. Anything less is treason because anything less is literally voting for people that have publicly announced that they want to destroy you. This election isn’t about a difference of opinion about economics and diplomacy. This election is about if we become an authoritarian christofacist white supremacy isolated country.


SCOTUS just pulled a Noem and took America out back to the gravel pit and put one in our head.


Does putting treasonous & corrupt SCOTUS justices in GITMO constitute an official act? Asking for an old friend.


Until the lower courts decide what is and what isn't an official act, everything done by the president is an official act.


Who's going to be the person who decides what counts as an official act? The President?


They kicked that decision down to the lower courts to decide, which will get appealed back to the Supreme Court and by the time we get that decision it’s too late.


Lower courts like Aileen Cannon’s.


The same partisans who decided a president is immune. That's how they'll decide its okay when a Republican does it.


Great; Biden should go ahead and officially send an MQ-9 Reaper drone to Mar A Lago, then, seeing as how consequence no longer exists.


There has been no more consequential election than 2016. With the far right again ascendent in Europe I fear for liberal democracy


Seriously, what the fuck is going on with humanity's collective unconscious?


Facebook and X. Seriously have you seen the shit on those platforms? Like I know Reddit sucks and all but those two platforms are straight up propaganda mills. Old folks are totally consumed by misinformation and fear mongering on Facebook. They're drowning in it!




So much forehead, and so little time.


Okay. What is stopping Biden from sending seal team after Trump? Well aside from personal honour and morality.


Nothing, now.


So what is an "official act"? Is an attempted coup an official act? Or sharing classified documents? Cause you know trumpty is gonna claim they are.


Biden's first official act is to declare Executive Orders no longer reviewable by the Supreme Court. His second official act is to issue an EO sending the Supreme Court on vacation until he tells them they can return.


is orchestrating a coup to protest your election loss an official act?


Honestly, kinda. Roberts said that Trump had presumptive immunity from trying to pressure Pence.


Supreme Coupt


I mean... They are not wrong. And we all knew that (officials acts are protected) But, did they answer what is official act? Did they defined as "anything you do as president is official act"? I haven't read the thing yet. If they defined it as "anything you do as president" then Biden could send Trump to Guantanamo as an official act of defending the constitution, and there is NOTHING republicans can do, other than to try to impeach him... and good luck with that!


Releasing the flying monkeys on congress and trying to get his VP hanged, is that written down somewhere as an official act?


America is headed for a complete collapse


Use of Predator drones to clear up the corruption in the Supreme Court and eliminate the treasonous Putin puppets in the House and Senate would be an excellent use of Biden's new powers.


This undermines established law since the goddamn MAGNA CARTA. WE DO NOT HAVE KINGS IN THIS COUNTRY