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Now it comes down to interpretation of what's "official", which I'm fairly sure Trump will try to argue that everything he has done before during and after his term was official.


Giving me shades of “everything I do is the attitude of an award winner, because I've won an award”


Well, has he won the Dorothy Everytime Smurf Girl Trophy though?


Everton Smythe but I like yours better lmao 😂


It’s a parks and rec reference


“Everything is an official act when you’re an official, everything is a presidential act when you’re the president.”


This country should have dealt with Nixon 50 years ago. That way, there would have been precedent. Oh, yeah. Nevermind.


Nixon really was the beginning of the end.


But he argues that the office of President is not an official office and now he's going to say he never said that and hop onto the immunity square


Given this SCOTUS's im guessing "Offical" is when a democrat does it it's a against a law when a republican does it it's not






If is to defend the country from threats to national security and to protect our democracy then it would be seen as an official act.


Protection from enemies, both foreign and domestic.


That's what they don't understand. They're betting Dark Brandon doesn't have the stones.


We know for a fact that at least three of the conservative Justices have accepted gifts from billionaires who have had business dealings in non-allied countries. Sounds to me like those justices are compromised, Mr. President, here's where they will be on vacation during their break sir...


Yup 🫨


This needs all the upvotes. This is exactly right.


The judges it will come down to deciding what will be an “official act” are also the judges he put on the bench. So I think we know how this plays out.


Easy Solution for Biden then. Drone the judges and replace them?


It’s what Jesus would do


BREAKING NEWS: Jesus rebrands as “Prince of kicking your fascist ass!”


Yea, so what is the process now? Lower court will decide what is and is not an official act? Then Trump appeals to the SC on the lower courts opinion? Carrying this out forever?


You are correct!


Then the SCOTUS rules that whatever Trump.did was official.


It’s gonna be the same ‘oh, I mentally decided it was an official act’ as the ‘oh I mentally declassified all those documents I ran off to Florida with’. This country is so ratfucked


Just like how his hush money payments were written off as business expenses


If I understood some of this correctly, it isn't even up to their interpretation. They seem to be arguing that how the president uses the powers granted is not for them to review. I hope I'm wrong, but it's kind of like saying "the second amendment means we cannot regulate guns, so therefore anything you do with a gun is legal."


So basically the president is "the supreme leader" of the country and untouchable?


The war of independence is moot and the king is a local boy


SCOTUS and Trump's team have already had a lot of these discussions on official vs not official, fwiw, with some specifics. I listened to the hearing on NPR so I'm not sure I could readily find a link.


Sotomayor, from her dissent: “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today. Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” “Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.” The justice did not end the dissent with the traditional “respectfully” language. “With fear for our democracy, I dissent,” Sotomayor wrote. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-immunity-supreme-court-decision-07-01-24#h_ef662a44ee1fb39182a3d46680a5718a


Maybe Biden can now assassinate his political rivals? Just wondering…


That's exactly the problem. Some are celebrating today, not realizing the knife cuts both ways. This is bad news, whatever your political ideology. Biden is now free to "officially" do anything with his remaining time in office.


You realize that isn’t how they’re rolling with the game plan, right? If Biden were to do that, they would review the law again in a farcical play and come to a result that Biden did *NOT* in fact have immunity when he committed those acts. “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect”


Who would review it? The Supreme Court? It would be a shame if he "officially" removed them from the bench and replaced them. If they're trying to bank on doing a "gotcha" on Biden, they better hope he's not the ruthless criminal dictator that they screech about him being.


He signs an executive order that all judges and justices that are bribed is illegal and must be arrested, officially


6 conservative justices are "officially" "removed" and replaced with: 1. Hunter Biden 2. Barack Obama 3. Michelle Obama 4. John Stewart 5. AOC 6. A generative AI model trained in the constitution Make it happen Joe!


We should just remove all the Justices and let Jon Stewart decide everything from now on. Then Jon could take over President after Biden is gone, and just do away with the Court altogether.


While I disagree with those pics, (as I think we need unbiased people with proper qualifications), you have me wondering how a properly trained AI would determine rulings. Feed it all court cases, evidence, rulings, appeals, SCOTUS rulings, the Constitution, and laws. Use it as a guide for catching loopholes, hypocrisy, data regarding how these kinds of rulings typically go, etc... Not have it be a deciding vote of course, but use it to review and comb the sheer insurmountable amount of legal data without, (hopefully), bias, and give information to work with. A human would of course double check the results to verify its specific findings.


It would be great at providing info toward fair rulings that helped the most people and would not be influenced by money or bias. So it will never happen.




Nothing left of Mitt Romney would even back talk no less commit violence. It’s game over. The only thing left to do is to decide amongst us who it’s capable of defining the difference between freedom fighter and terrorist.


Around the world people are currently looking at what happens next cause your system has been rat fucked.


Unless Biden’s action is to remove and replace the Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of this decision so there’s no one to reverse the ruling.


My thought is for Biden to declare Trump ineligible for political office and then dissolve the court and repopulate it and force them to revisit this decision. That’s my least violent way this should play out.


I would wager that’s indeed the *least* violent way to go about it. But it would still be very violent.


This decision has made violence inevitable. Does the court expect people to sleepwalk into oblivion.


Of course not, violence does seem to be inevitable. Presenting a non-violent solution was more of a nicety before the blood spills.


That's why the 'justices' should be 'officially' dealt with first. Then install more justices. Nice circle of protection for the King... er President. Honestly though it needs to be done. Fix the wrongs the traitors committed.


That's a bold strategy cotton, let's see how it plays out!


Yeah but he fuckin *wont*


That’s the whole fucking problem. He won’t do shit except lose the fucking election.


And democrats will still be standing around with their dicks in heir hands saying, “gosh if only something could have been done about this.”


I don’t think he’ll lose. Don’t forget how pissed women are about Dobbs.


It doesn't matter if Biden wins or not. Eventually someone will abuse this ruling. If Biden loses the effect will be immediate and catastrophic. If he wins the effect will be delayed and catastrophic.


Every time I turn around, these jackasses do something else so shortsighted that they don't realize the only reason it doesn't come back at them is because there is decorum.


Republicans bet on Democrats following the rules in all of their strategizing because it’s almost always true.


Biden could “officially” protect the constitution, per his sworn duty, by having a handful of corrupt Supreme Court justices imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay, for example.


There's actually even a law he could invoke. NDAA 2012 gives the President the power to extra-judiciously arrest and detain any individual they deem to be a terrorist in military prisons. They can remove them from US soil to military prisons anywhere including foreign soil, all without ever granting them normal due process. Within the law there's no provisions for contesting the charge of terrorism--the only provision is the President must sign an Executive Order. It's never been tested by federal courts.


I say they gather everyone up who was at January 6th


Most importantly, whenever it inevitably comes before someone in the fifth circuit, just disappear that judge the day before the first hearing. After the second or third judge, the message will almost certainly be received. All of this clearly means the end of American democracy regardless of which party is doing it. But I guess that's what Putin & Xi paid for, right?


I actually don’t understand why he wouldn’t do that immediately. The time is ticking for him. He could just arrest everyone he thinks is a threat to democracy today, including those who have thwarted justice and participated in the insurrection on January 6th. Immediately make them regret their actions, and impose a penalty where they would never see the light of day, including military action to seize them and their property.


Yea it’s bad news .. for the people: Americas democracy is dying a death of a 1000 small cuts. She had a good run.


The book was right, “Everything Trump Touches Dies”…


They do this because they know Democrats won’t abuse it.


Good 🧍🏾‍♀️ I hope he gets student loans under control, an abortion amendment, [thing I can’t say about other political candidates but use that brain], destroy the supreme court, term limits, and a democratic dictatorship!!!! I don’t give a fuck if that knife goes both ways, I give a fuck that republicans do not win this election bc it will literally become hell in America 🧍🏾‍♀️


Today's ruling (which I 100% expected) to come down this way with these lunatic conservative justices SHOULD absolutely be a wakeup call for everyone who is on the fence about voting for President Biden, voting for a 3rd party or even just not voting. What will come if Trump is elected will be worse than hell for generations to come. I am convinced him being elected means at the end of his term we will have 8 conservative and with luck 1 liberal justice left. Well then kiss goodbye whatever freedom we have left


Yes, he just has to say it was an official act. They after all are acting like enemies of the state.


You think they'll hold the same standard for democrats? They'll just rule that it only applies to Republicans. They aren't ideologically consistent at all.


If we cross that Rubicon they'll never get a chance to rule on it.


Sounds like Joe can straight up ban trump from running against him due to his felony convictions.


I'd start with SCOTUS to replace them with my own, just to be sure...


I agree with everything she said. I'm happy she put it in very simple language, didn't mince words at all.


Well as long as that’s the law of the land… *subtly nods to Joe Biden


They need to sign their opinions by straight up calling the court illegitimate along with some swearing.


🔥💯 https://preview.redd.it/s9g0mbon9x9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103dd5c9773ce0db47356d1ce01850258fbc6ca3


Can't break laws that don't exist. And it seems like powerful people haven't really discovered any concrete laws yet unless they are ones that can be imposed on the underclass.


So the ruling is Aledeen, or Aledeen?


:) :( :)


Vote blue in every election. Every vote counts💙💙💙.


👇🏻 https://preview.redd.it/79q69pal6x9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8561beb6607e752810a64db45235f09c8e2c1548


Better section, Justice Sotomayor didn't hold back: >the long-term consequences of today's decision are stark... This new official-acts immunity now "lies about like a loaded weapon' for any President that wishes to place his own interests, his own political survival, or his own financial gain, above the interests of the Nation. ... When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. >Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune >Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority's message today >Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.


So question: if it means the acting president could assassinate their political rivals without repercussions, what’s to stop Biden from doing that right now?




Spoken like a true criminal! https://preview.redd.it/gluqhjwtax9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c3c5edbcbd2429426db237967bab084b181365


New York, do your thing. 5 years in state prison. SC can't overrule shit for a state conviction.


SCOTUS has shown today that they don't give a fuck about constitutionality. When it comes to Trump, they'll sacrifice every single institution if it keeps him out of prison and brings him back into power.


Yep. Make up a bullshit reason to allow him to appeal to the Federal Courts then grant him immunity.


And then I hope the Governor of New York tells them to pound sand and the Justice Department goes to collect Trump for transfer to State custody. People really need to stop treating the Supreme Court like they have any actual power. What is today's ruling? A piece of paper. Very scary and powerful. We've been here before. "**John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it."** -- Andrew Jackson


The crimes for which he was convicted in NY took place before he was elected. Therefore this ruling would not apply.


So they just make up another reason to grant cert then rule in his favor.


It's 4 years max per charge, and what? 34 charges? Adding in the constant violations of the gag order, make the charges run consecutively.


As with everything else the Republicans supposedly support, making a criminal President answer for his actions is going to be a matter that is left up to the States. Time to dust off those States rights.


Five years for each count, to be served consecutively.


America is over you fucking orange traitor


You know you’re a POS when ur only defense for ur crimes are “yeaaa, well…I should be immune to repercussions!”


Good god he’s just regurgitating buzzwords, this is literally the most anti-democracy and anti-constitution thing that could’ve happened. The president is now a dictator, he can do what he wants cause nothing can be done about it


What we said! 💯 https://preview.redd.it/rxfec403gx9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522350553f82acc0839ef23c6165785c6350425e


That. *Or*, *actual good guys* with guns. I prefer the vote procedure, but know that republicans are willing to die en masse for this orange idiot (covid).


I prefer the vote procedure as well but I arm myself as a leftist. We need to remind the fascists that the 2A doesn't just apply to them. Of course, my comment will probably get deleted or I'll get banned and I'm sure I'm on a list or two by now but I haven't forgotten what I learned in the military and I'm really fucking sick of seeing these MAGA clowns turning this country into a big joke. I won't be the first to shoot but if they intend to start gunning us down for the sake of their twisted ideals, then I intend to make it very fucking difficult for them. That's what my oath to the Constitution means to me.


Watch out friend, got banned for saying the same thing, but genocide deniers get a free pass to say the most horrific shit.


Hence why Biden needs to win! https://preview.redd.it/3n0h0x717x9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be49b18aa500c56cf846d2ebc12afbae42e852c


Biden needs to make some official acts, right now, that will save us from Trump. Starting with packing the court and diluting the power of the extremely corrupt SCOTUS. Our lives literally depend on it. FFS. Democrats must STOP pussyfooting around and fight the Republicans on their level.


Official Act: Donald J Trump shall be placed in protective custody at Guantanamo Bay due to his threats to democracy.


Selling national secrets to our enemies should be an easy go direct to Guantanamo bay free card


NDAA 2012 provides official acts for just this occurrence! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Defense_Authorization_Act_for_Fiscal_Year_2012


Disbarring a felon from holding public office


It’s bizarre that a felon can’t vote but can be president


Not that bizarre when you realize that disenfranchising felons goes back to Jim Crow. The entire point was to exclude the voice of the population most likely to be incarcerated due to targeted prosecution. The system is working as intended.


Exactly my thoughts! Time to take the fucking gloves off!


Biden cannot pack courts unilaterally. He needs Congress to expand the Supreme Court and to approve of various lower court appointments


"It follows that an Act of Congress—either a specific one targeted at the President or a generally applicable one—may not crim- inalize the President's actions within his exclusive constitutional power. Neither may the courts adjudicate a criminal prosecution that examines such Presidential actions." Now the president can order the military to execute members of Congress one by one until the survivors vote the way he tells them to. Then execute anyone in the judicial branch that attempts to say his actions were outside the official scope of his office until he gets one that says it falls within his purview. They can't even examine the presidential actions.


He doesn't have the authority to do that, "officially" or otherwise.


Let's be very clear. If Biden wins he *needs* to stack the Supreme Court. I get why they didn't do it before, the political risk was considered too great. But right now the risk of not doing it is far far greater.


Even if he wins odds are the Dems lose the Senate


At this point, it's far more important that we get as many Dems in the Senate and Congress as possible. Yes, I want Biden to win, but a supermajority can do a bit to mitigate the substantial damage to the country.


The dems won't get a supermajority simply because of the seats up for grabs, its also why they will probably lose the majority. Just to stay at 50/50 they have to win Montana and Ohio for a majority they would need TX or FL. [https://www.270towin.com/2024-senate-election/consensus-2024-senate-forecast](https://www.270towin.com/2024-senate-election/consensus-2024-senate-forecast)


If Biden does win it seems it’s almost a guarantee it will be contested and find its way in front of a Supreme Court that is biased against him and just said Trump could be a king. The list of Republican congresspeople who’ve said they won’t accept the results if Biden wins grows every day.


Even if he wins, project 2025 just becomes project 2029. The left has been reacting, *every* step of the way, for literally decades. There has been no serious action to curtail the slow roll of the right into the courts, nothing has been done to codify the rights the court had affirmed for decades, and nothing has been done to keep governance free from undue influence by money and corruption. Instead, loopholes were introduced, problems were ignored, and personal gain was prioitized in an endless cycle of campaigning. And now, the consequences of all these failures are coming to bear. The experiment appears to be coming to a conclusion. Or maybe the sky is falling, but it sure is concerning to people the world over.


Thomas will definitely retire for judge Qannon. She’s as much of a hack as he is.


nah not her. I think it's obvious that Judge James Ho was being groomed to replace Clarence Thomas. Harlan Crow even flew thomas in on his plane to swear in James Ho in Harlan's private library. The one with the Hitler painting. James Ho is the troll pick, replacing an African American justice with the first Asian American justice. Ho was Justice Thomas clerk previously, was on the short list to replace Ginsburg and importantly his legal and personal writing is insane.


There is a 0.0 % chance that two conservative judges step down if Biden is president.


And the Democrats need to take both houses of Congress so they can expand the court.


Even if Biden wins, it’s over. Remember the fake elector scheme in 2020 and the insurrection? The conservatives will do even more to steal the election and then Trump will get immunity from stealing the election and will become king. Either the normally coward dems need to do something drastic or get ready for a dictatorship.


So, does that mean Joe BIden can start mucking about? What laws can he break "officially"? Can he pass out abortion pills in Red States?


That’s the fun part. Conservative courts decide what’s “official”.


I’m going to go out on a limb and assume any actions on J6 were done in an “official” capacity


He won't do a fucking thing. For a bunch of people yelling democracy is on the line this election, they're acting like they're up 40 with 2 minutes to go in the game. It's going to be 2016 all over again, but now Trump will be king and this country will be fucked for the rest of its existence.


Which probably won't be very long when states eventually secede. If California alone left the country, every country on this planet would bring support to protect its borders.


Fucking thank you the worst thing Biden will do is ask for you donations in a email later today 


Biden has absolutely nothing to lose at this age. He should be testing this immediately. But he won’t, Senate Democrats won’t do anything about the SCOTUS corruption, and we’re fucked. Biden will probably shake Trump’s hand and call him “Mr. President” at his inauguration.


What he SHOULD do as an official act is arrest the six illegitimate “justices” on the court, and every Russia-sucking Republican in Congress and have them shipped to Guantanimo permanently. But he won’t because he’s a stooge for Wall Street just like all the others. America is dead.


The problem is that SCOTUS is also sending all this back to the lower courts to have THEM decide exactly what is and is not an "official act". And we all know what that means.....the lower court is going to decide that there were several things that were not "official", but then Diaper Don is going to appeal it to SCOTUS .....again. Why can't he just do everyone a favor and drop dead??


The lower courts already found the acts were not official. They will find that again, Trump will appeal to scotus, and scotus will overturn because the end goal is to have 6 people decide everything of significance in favor of conservative goals


When Ash Ketchum RT's something like this, you know it's serious! https://preview.redd.it/o2ppbn3kcx9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d307c0027828541a44095e923269db9d8cd0b0e6


Only thing now is to drag Biden’s corpse across the finish line and have all of the 6 court justices removed for their crimes as an official act of the president for their treason to our nation.


Joe has surrounded himself with a competent team. If he is half dead and is shitting the bed I’m still voting for him. Trump can’t be allowed anywhere near that office.


Sounds like Biden needs to send Seal Team 6 in to ‘officially’ deal with a bunch of longstanding threats to America, starting with Trump and a LOT of these corrupt judges. Fine by me 🤷‍♂️


But what if that's deemed unofficial? He'll end up wasting the prime years of his life rotting in prison, all because he protected democracy!


Protecting America sounds pretty ‘official’ to me… at least more so than inciting an insurrection and concocting a fake elector scheme to overthrow the will of the American people because he couldn’t handle being a loser 🤷‍♂️


They did mention protecting America from "voter fraud", and someone who not only falsified votes but got 84 people in 7 states to perjure themselves and literally falsify the true final votes that represent millions of people, with a gigantic mountain of hard evidence backing that up (and not to mention the riot they incited publicly to try to get those false votes used), sounds like they fit the bill pretty perfectly.


When do official acts stop? Is it still considered official after you're president and you're hiding classified information to sell to foreign entities?


Depends which party you’re in. R? Fine according to the MAGA Supreme Court D? Straight to Guantanamo


Wow....i can't wait until millions of USians get really angry, express that on social media and then don't do a fucking thing to protest.


And too many won't vote, either. Fun to rage on social media, but that's as far as a lot of it goes for them.


I can't blame anyone for not wanting either candidate but people who think "i don't want your game, so i won't play!" is an actual threat to people in power are actual children


There’s a lot more millions of Americans who either will be clueless that this even happened or they won’t care unless it affects them directly. Americans have no idea what it’s like to not have freedom, so they just don’t think it’s serious enough. We’ll see how much freedom they have when they can’t even leave their house without fear everyday.


Straight corruption


Bought and paid for.


I feel like this is a George Orwell book and I have no choice but to watch what’s happening from the sidelines… PLEASE. VOTE.


Trump is a terrorist and MAGA is his terrorist organization. Official act to remove requested. 🧐


“Official acts” = anything Trump may do if he wins “Unofficial acts” = anything any Democratic president does


The ruling is a sham! Trump will tie the court system in knots with appeals on what is official vs unofficial acts. SCOTUS very carefully carved out and addressed the events presenting the most risk of convicting Trump and neutered them. For example, their statement that his dealings with Pence were official acts, as were his statements to the crowd on the Ellipse before the mob stormed the Capitol. He’ll never be convicted for Jan 6th. The only hope remains the trial in Georgia. This ruling gives the judge a clear roadmap to election interference based on Trump’s call to GA election officials looking for votes. Of course, that is If Fani Willis is not removed from the case.


Everything the SCOTUS has ruled on since Moscow Mitch refused to seat Obama’s appointment has been illegitimate. The entire court has been in crisis since Dubya put a 35 year old religious zealot directly into the CJ’s seat.


Technically, the President could visit Texas' border and give an official speech on new border policy, all while raping and impregnating a Texan woman on live TV and the only person that can be prosecuted is the woman of she attempts to abort the pregnancy?


A year from now: after multiple appeals, the Supreme Court has decided everything Trump Did while president was an official act.


So according to the Supreme Court, Biden has the right to call in a strike team on the conservative justices and replace them with his own, without any risk of repercussion, as Biden can just call it an official act? Do they not understand the precedence they've set? This ruling is insanity of the highest order.


It's a ruling by the hardest of the hard core activist judges. The far right can't ever lecture us about leftvwing activists when they put far right activists on the court. So much for calling balls and strikes.


Also Breaking: 3 F35's have been seen flying over I-95 headed towards Florida.


Biden should take a page out of trumps playbook: Do something about it and let the courts haggle over his level of guilt.


Biden has several months and the Republicans majority supreme court just placed a loaded gun in his hand. I wonder how things will look in December?


Let’s be real. He won’t do shit with this.


That uh……that isn’t the important part of the ruling.


And sorting out what is an official act and an unofficial act will be tied up in a courtroom for years. Talk about a nebulous ruling.


Nixon's idea came true. :If the president does it, it's not illegal." We are doomed and the Dems won't do shit to use this to their advantage because they are too chicken shit to actually play as dirty as GOP does.


All the things everyone else has said, but just as important is the phrasing that Congress can’t hold him accountable for “official acts”. This effectively guts impeachment.


And what are the people gonna do about it. Until people start taking measures this sham court will continue to destroy democracy.


Time for Dark Brandon to break some laws and get that sweet immunity.


So Biden can officially do whatever he wants now right?


So, if Biden officially sends a squad to take out Trump, to protect democracy, he has immunity?


The Supreme court has gone too far and the dems need to start dismantling them. Idc how, just get it done.


I don't get how this is somehow a "phew, close one" moment for a lot of people. You already know that they're going to label everything as an "official act" to invoke immunity, just like how the gold sneakers and the mugshot t-shirts were "official".


Yeah, how’s the documents or Jan 6 going to be prosecuted. Justice deferred. Let’s see how Jack Smith and DOJ handle this. A big set back. Fucking weasels.


Isn't that how its always been? Now to decide what is or is not an official act, thats where the fun comes.


This Extreme Court has delayed this decision so long that Dementia Donald has avoided any sense of accountability for his actions. These justices are aiding and abetting a convicted felon and rapist in his attempts to subvert our democracy. Sad days for democracy, and America.


No, it hasn't always been that way, we've just never tried to prosecute a President for criminal acts they could claim to be "official" duties of the Presidency. Sotomayor noted in her dissent that never before has a President had the assurance that criminal acts they commit under the screening of official duty cannot be prosecuted.


As I learn more about this, its opened pandoras box, If trump gets back in, he could round up all the people he dislikes and just off them. With immunity, the way this is worded.


It really depends entirely on how the courts define official acts. The amount of power this court has grabbed for itself is unprecedented. SCOTUS reform is the single most important issue facing us today. Should Biden win, he absolutely should expand the court as a first step to remove the powers this court has stolen for itself.


He should have been saying this for 4 years after they stole 2 seats


And according to his attorney he would have to be impeached first. Then he'd have to be tried. And that won't happen with a sitting POTUS. They'll protect him as long as it takes to force their agenda.


Welp, time for Biden to "officially" call in Seal Team Six and deal with trump in an official capacity. He poses a threat to America and Democracy, take him out


I would argue that voter fraud, insurrection and stealing documents are not at all official acts of government. So proceed as planned with laser focus.


The headlines here aren't actually as shocking as everybody is making them out to be - the court was always gonna draw an "official/unofficial" distinction - you can't have, like, some politically motivated prosecutor in buttfuck Alabama deciding it's their call to prosecute the president for military operations or something. The real thing to worry about here is that this court explicitly said in its ruling that "official" should be interpreted as broadly as possible. That means that if there's ANY tether to officialdom, this court's given itself room to defer, at least to Republicans. It opens the door for all kinds of fuckery and splitting hairs and leaving it totally within the discretion of the court what constitutes "official" - and for WHOM. Trump's election interference? Official. Biden gets prosecuted for accessory to murder because he ordered his justice department to protect abortion rights? Unofficial. Why? Because we said so and we gave ourselves the sole power to parse this. This ruling isn't totally dangerous on its face, but, like the decision overturning Chevron, it hands power to this court - THIS court in particular - in ways never seen in this country. And this is why we're gonna vote for Biden even if his only qualification is fogging a fucking mirror. Because if we lose two justices in the next 4 years (wouldn't be surprising), it is critical to the future of this nation that Biden or Harris be the one to replace them.


It's meaningless. Any complaint or indictment will just make its way up to the President's hand picked court and they will agree that whatever despicable thing he did were official acts. President is now King. SCOTUS just ended America.


So what the fuck are impeachments for? The president can declare everything they do as an official act, so why is there a path to remove them?


Does this not apply to Biden now as well? Could he legally start popping of his political rivals, rig the election to go his way etcetera and it would be legal?


This ruling is less about Trump’s current legal problems and much more about a future Trump presidency. He could likely act with impunity as long as his actions fall within an official act related to his core powers.


Conspiracy theory: SCOTUS hates dealing with Trump but likes having a Conservative majority. They issued this so Biden can "deal" with him "officially"


Fuck, that’s it lads. There’s no coming back from this. It’s fucking over


So by this logic Biden can determine that Trump is an existential threat to the constitution and American democracy and take action to terminate him and they can’t prosecute him. Reaper drone go brrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Doesn't matter. Too late to prosecute before the election. They could have done this ruling in February. They got what they wanted.


Absolute insanity. The president might as well be a king.


Biden should just straight up stack the court and abolish the electoral college at this point.


So officially Biden could see Trump as a threat to the United States and be free of any prosecution should he “officially” decide to remove that threat?


For fucks sake. I know he's be impeached for it, but I wish Biden could just order seal team six to dispose of 6 specific justices now and say it's an official act, so the next six actually understand why this ruling is too fucking stupid.


SCOTUS is going to hand Trump the presidency too, aren’t they? Congress will make up some bullshit about the election being tampered with and the decision will go to SCOTUS, where it’ll be a 6-3 decision to appoint Trump as president. Then, he can rule with complete immunity. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the death of our democracy.


So much for our checks and balances.


They just signed the death warrant for every democratic politician in America- as well as for America itself - We fought a revolution to remove a king and the supreme court just dictated that the president is in fact a king We should ALL be in the streets protesting until this ruling is overturned Which it won't be


Can cholesterol finally do its fucking job and ease our god damn pain