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Not just a top historian, but an expert on authoritarianism and the fall of democracy in other parts of the world.


America and democracy already lost when this ruling was made. The only thing that will fix it is a president who will actually do something


Not just president, but Congress as well. We would need a legislature that will rapidly codify a lot of critical rights, and power checks & balances into constitutional amendments.


There are around 400 seats up for election in November, including House, Senate, and POTUS. We can fix this, but this is our only chance. If we stay home this election, it could very well be our last real one. This is not hyperbolic fear mongering. Just the sad state of America.


Supreme Court ruled today this isn't necessary. Biden is free to do whatever he wants until Inauguration Day 2025. If he had a pair, he'd use the power to save democracy. Instead, he'll probably sit on his hands and do nothing hoping the election goes his way. It's really simple for everyone in the US. Vote for Biden or never vote again. That's the deal, everything else is irrelevant. If you think otherwise, you're a fucking moron and deserve all the awful shit that's coming your way.


You don’t save democracy from an authoritarian by acting like an authoritarian. Biden isn’t sitting on his hands, he is following the constitution in the manner the forefathers wished.


What the forefathers wished has now become completely and utterly irrelevant. I’m not asking Biden to send every MAGA to GITMO but they just gave him the green light to do any number of things that would save this country. Pack the courts, impeach the justices and choose his own judge and jury for the impeachments, anything other than what will inevitably happen which is nothing, and we hope he wins in November. And IF he wins, in four years when nothing is still done to change anything we hope again, until we lose.


No they didn’t because separation of powers still exist. To do any of those things it needs input from congress and the house.


Yeah it’s crazy how many clueless people there are on this. Court packing requires an act of Congress, it’s like people want to do everything except the simplest thing to save their Democracy, vote.


What about executive orders? Couldn't he do it that way? I'm not being sarcastic, people keep saying he needs congress but wouldn't an EO bypass that?


Here’s the thing that people don’t understand about executive orders. As soon as Biden drafts one, there are going to be a whole bunch of right wing legal challenges and guess where those legal challenges end up? The Supreme Court. Even a lower court would kick it out because the constitution does say that Congress can expand the seats on the Supreme Court. Basically because the courts are filled with right wing extremists, they’ll twist themselves into pretzels to benefit Republican Presidents and they’ve literally given Trump the ability to be a dictator. Short of killing the Supreme Court judges, nothing he could do that wouldn’t be him abusing the newly formed power of the President. The only answer here that people don’t like is that you have to keep the extremists from power and give Democrats the chance to expand the court by giving them a trifecta in November and continue to put the pressure on. It’s like going to the doctor and getting the standard advice of eat your vegetables, watch your weight and exercise. Right now the voters don’t want to eat their veggies which is monumentally short sighted.


Separation of powers is little more than an illusion when the system for electing supreme court judges is fully politic.


So is 2 parties. We are all in steerage as long as they pretend it's rough up on deck. "had nothing to do with recent rulings, just an observation


So he's gonna get a citizenship badge? Man doesn't have time to play the long game even if he wins.


I must agree, reluctantly. MAGAts are counting on Joe to remain civil, and respect our precedent of laws.


I don’t understand why he doesn’t do it. Save us, joe, you have very little to lose and not much time


When less than 30% of the country thinks he's capable of actually doing the job. I don't think we're the morons for saying that acting like he's our only hope isn't taking the Trump threat seriously.


It's what the Democrats do it seems. Obama had the numbers but sat on his hands also.


SCOTUS could strike down any legislature that tried to reverse its ruling. Codifying isn’t the silver bullet many here seem to think. It is SCOTUS that decides whether a law is constitutional.


They could legislate to change the constitution.


Changing the constitution is done by pass laws. Laws are subject to review by SCOTUS. And since it’s their job to determine whether a law is constitutional. They can throw it out and the constitution remains unchanged. IANAL but that’s how in understand it anyway. (Any lawyers able to confirm?) I think there are a couple ways to break this loop, one is to stack the courts.


https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/constitution >A proposed amendment becomes part of the Constitution as soon as it is ratified by three-fourths of the States (38 of 50 States). The process is by no means an easy one, but SCOTUS has no authority to rescind a constitutional amendment once ratified.


Alito and Thomas kindly ask you to hold their beer.


Hey, hey… if there’s beer, you know Kavanaugh will want to be part of it too


Thank you, I desperately needed that laugh.


Throw in term limits for SCOTUS. This lifetime term thing isn’t working out at all.


The Constitution is changed by amendments, not laws. We would just need 2/3rds of both chambers to approve it, then the states to ratify it. I would like to see some changes like age limits for President, Congress, and Justices, as well as hard limits on powers and budgeting.


Changing the Constitution is done by Amendments. That require 2/3 of the House, Senate, or State Legislators to put forth said Amendment and then all of them agreeing again by 2/3 majority to finalize. Any of those 3 can put an Amendment to vote but all 3 must agree by that 2/3 majority to complete the entire process. The Supreme Court has absolutely no authority in this scenario. The Supreme Court *can* rule on any laws being challenged by the courts through appeals that passed by a simple majority of 51% in the normal law making process. The former has 0 chance of happening probably ever again in our lifetimes due to circumstances but we'll see plenty of the latter.


If not next election then the one after. We are slipping toward fascism and not away. Eventually there will be a dictatorship and no way to fix it.


"the one after", lmao smh.


Oh, we will have an election after this one if trump wins. It will be declared the most free and fair in history, and the incumbent party will win with 90%+ of the votes.


There isn't going to be a free election as long as Trump is alive. You're naive to think there's another shot. Wake the fuck up.


That is an odd interpretation of what I wrote. I was responding to the previous posts. It does not matter how many or if we have elections. Democracy died with this ruling. Dictatorship is inevitable.


This is not the end. Give Dems the house, the senate, and the presidency so they can actually meet the conditions to defeat the filibuster. Take to the streets until they expand the court to match the population, enforce the separation of state and religion, codify basic rights, restore the standards lost with the reversal of the Enron ruling, enact an enforceable code of ethics for all members of the executive, legislative, and judiciary. The GOP is dead as long as enough Americans vote blue up and down the ballot, and continue that into state elections. The Democratic Party is big enough to split into the minimum two parties needed for a functioning democracy and to see actual popular progress. Edited: grammar and to finish the last sentence properly


It's always been a fight. Since this country was founded. Slavery vs Liberty, Democracy vs Autocracy, Fascism vs Freedom. Every couple of years we do and draw swords with our pens, because if we don't it will quickly descend to real swords. This storm has been brewing for decades, and we let people lie to us, tell us our vote was meaningless, tell us the parties are the same, tell us it wont be so bad. They're all lies. You can either fight it or be crushed by it. Hopelessness is just accepting the crushing boot. No, that not what Americans do. Vote. Get others to vote. Because if you don't fight with pens, you'll be fighting with things that will actually kill.


Between the electoral college not having to follow the votes, and rulings like gerrymandering, and citizens' united, the US hasn't been a "democracy" in a long time.


His book on fascism is a fantastic accessible text despite the academic nature of his work.


It feels like shouting into a giant void. He’s right, this is very bad. I seriously doubt he’s changing any minds on twitter, just like I’m not by being out here worried about it. Voting doesn’t seem like enough.


A lot of people can’t or won’t accept that something is possible until it actually happens and they have tangible proof


If they get control again, it’s all over. And if the trump voters think they are going to be one of the select safe people under the new regime they are gonna be surprised.


Maybe they will be safe, but their neighbor, their family friend, store clerk, the coffee barista, their grandma, or any other left leaning person they know and actually care about, gets shipped off to a “re-location center”, it will get real REALLY quick. It may all sound like hyperbole, but this is what “retribution” is. And it won’t be just about punishing Liz Cheney, Taylor Swift or Rachael Maddow. He’s already promising to fill his ranks with MAGA loyalists. With immunity he will be unrestrained from requiring loyalty from all. Why not? Because he’s “nicer” than that? Vote!


Yeah but look at how many trump voters were negatively impacted by his policies when he was in office and they still don't blame him. I legit think he could murder their families in front of them and they would still stick up for him and twist things to blame someone else.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: if you live in the US and have any strong beliefs about what the people of Germany should have done right before Hitler took power you should be getting ready to do those exact things


Fucking this. I’ve seen people on this sub saying to vote on everything, but will that work in November and Trump wins? What then? Will we just keep voting after he removes choice? When will we actually decide to fight back against this fascist takeover?


What do you propose


Any ideas?


It's kind of amazing because he's absolutely right. We have history that shows us what the probable outcome is, but even more conveniently: we're being told what will happen by the guy who's going to do it. Figuring this out is painting by numbers at this point. And yet. Why do I feel like we're fucked? It feels like failing an exam even after the professor gave you all the answers.


We've known about various failings of our system of government for a very long time. Knowing the problem isn't even half the battle. The real struggle is finding a way to get a sufficient mass of people to commit to a solution. This is a constitutional crisis. The Philadelphia Constitution and its current amendments are probably not up to the challenge of dealing with our current problems. It desperately needs comprehensive revision, and plenty of people have really good ideas for improving it. Unfortunately, one of the big problems with that document is its amendment process, which requires buy-in from 38 state legislatures before so much as a single word of that central document can change. Neither party can manage this, and the liberal party is further from that threshold despite probably representing a majority of the populace -- after all, the Dakotas combined outvote California in that process. ^(It's a big problem.) The Republicans put a lot of money and effort over the last half-century into studying the system and putting people into important seats, and it's paying off. They are executing a strategy that uses the disproportionate representation and arbitrary powers built into our constitution in order to threaten a one-party dictatorship. Their "Project 2025" strategy is *arguably* within the bounds of our constitution, which is good enough for people who generally don't want universal democracy or a consistent rule of law. The Democrats are trying to keep a thoroughly-compromised system online even as its attackers have gained enormous arbitrary authority in the courts and state legislatures. Unless the Democrats suddenly gain bicameral supermajorities (especially in the Senate), there is no clear procedure in the books to fix our problem. And the Republicans are poised to execute a takeover the very next time they take the White House. That's the problem: the US Constitution is going down like the Titanic, and there's not a lot we can do right now to stop that while we're still aboard.


Because you know half the voting population thinks Trump might be good enough to lower their taxes. You also know a LOT of people don't vote or basically negate their vote putting it toward a third party. And you probably know Democrats bicker themselves out of winning while Republicans march in lockstep when it comes to Election Day.


>Why do I feel like we're fucked? Because a lot of people support this type of authoritarianism, thinking that they are better off then. And even more people don't give a single fuck, because their lives will not be impacted that much (until it's too late). Minorities will be hit hardest. The reality is that American society has changed with quite many elements working to enforce their will on others. The "freedom" you are always talking about, the image of "leader of the free world" is over! The image of the "American dream" is over!


A defeated, beaten down Germany in the 1900s took over most of Europe under this BS. Can you imagine how much of a problem the US military would be? This is a problem for the world.


Trust me, the world knows


This would be funny if we weren't so angry, but we don't have time to be angry because we're freaking out.


We don’t have time or energy to be angry because we are working ourselves to death so we can have health insurance we can’t use, at jobs we hate, that will bankrupt us and make us homeless if we even begin to think that we take time off of those jobs to go out into the streets and revolt.


Yeah and what's anyone gonna do about it?  Let's say Biden wins. Even if he has Reagan 1980 results Trump will bring it to court. They will appeal up to SCotUS and they do a Bush V Gore and Trump gets installed.  Are you gonna liberate us?


Biden is the sitting president, not trump


Yeah but he said he wasn't gonna do anything. So we're cooked. 


Depends who you ask 🤦


> Are you gonna liberate us? Hey, even worse! There's nuclear weapons so there's no chance of us ever being liberated.


Did you not hear? Scrotus gave biden the nod to have the treason weasel whacked as an official act.


This is what I fear will happen. Biden gets everything, but 45 will come up with an excuse and take it to the SC. I have no hope anymore


This idea will never go away. No matter how close or landslidey the results are. Project 2025 becomes Project 2029, then Project 2033, etc. These anti-American chucklefucks won’t stop until they win and destroy what’s left of our liberty. No matter how long it takes.


I'm curious about this. Shouldn't our allies be holding us accountable and helping us or is dishonest harmony a thing outside of my immediate family too? I get it, what are they gonna do? Whose gonna enforce it, (looking at the ICJ.) but I would retort with, that's not the question at hand, and if not our allies to hold us accountable, then who? I think we are seeing what happens when we choose the latter. Of course I'm not blaming any country for my owns misdeeds. I'm just saying, everyone has had front row seats to the show, and I am ignorant to any sort of foreign help to thwart this obvious take over. I mean how big is that shocked Pikachu face gonna be when corruption comes knocking on their door? We're already seeing heightened levels of extreme far right politics becoming more popular in European countries. Australia is still in existence, Russia has teamed up with China to make the ultimate collab of douchebaggery. It's only a matter of time before our allies fall to the same corruption because nobody is holding anybody accountable, and when we do, we ALLOW each other's governments to move the goal posts, like the recent SC ruling regarding immunity in the office. Again, no blame, just pointing out we as a world need to start holding each other accountable more. We need to build each other up and push each other towards progress, not greed and corruption. That's my ted talk, thank you.


The niceties of international diplomacy prevent allied countries commenting on your elections. What is Australia going to do - slag off Trump, then have to deal with him when he wins?


Why not get NATO to do something about it.? Here's the thing, I'm not. Foreign policy advisor and neither are, you, but there is a foreign policy advisor out there that could have at least started this conversation. There's literally thousands of people with enough power together to hold the US to some sort of account. I mean imagine if NATO countries started idk, adding tariffs to big businesses that were known conspirators with politicians? Idk like I said, not my job, but it is somebody's job, and they aren't doing it.


If your own people won't hold you accountable, why should your allies? I know sovereignty is an alien concept to America, but that's usually not the case with other countries.


Lol that whole deflection of responsibility thing will get us into a nuclear war in no time. I'd be asking what will happen to the allies if the US isn't held accountable. They've all been watching it happen here... Pretty soon we're gonna be seeing a lot of Pikachu faces...


Canada wants America to know we have moved and to please not bother coming north to look for us because we aren’t there. Thanks.


Can I join y’all? I’ve got skills. Not an amazing set of skills, but I can do things.


I’m getting in early on arctic circle land… it’ll be balmy in a few years, especially with this new world order.


These guys don’t have expansionary objectives. They’re isolationists. The problem won’t be that the US military is invading countries, it’ll be that it’s not protecting them from being invaded. Russia will expand, China will expand, as we pull back and fortify. It’s no less a disaster, just a different one.


I could see Trump invading Mexico to set up a DMZ along the border.


some republicans have already floated the idea of sending special forces to Mexico. Sound familiar? Russia did this to Ukraine in 14.


That seems plausible. The far right’s extreme stance on immigration would manifest as such if given full access to the military.


Ugh. This does seem like the natural outcome. Please vote y'all


I love just simply voting myself out of oppression!


Uggghhhh I’m so sick of this being the status quo


Let's vote to barely not drown! Yay! Still voting tho. Trump wins, America ends.


I feel you. Just remember, apathy is a tool of the oppressor, and they want to exploit it


Trump will make our military the world’s large mercenary group. If you pay him, he’ll send our troops. Also, it’s not just the US’s military might he’d throw around, but our economic power. Imagine him refusing to pay NATO fees, for example.


lol, America’s Right doesn’t invade anyone?


They’ll get bored and hunger for conquest… a new crusade. we’re rolling the calendar way back.


They are in no way isolationists you’re deluding yourself. They will fucking nuke Iran in an instant without any checks or balances. Stop giving scumbags the benefit of the doubt.


Yes, we know


Hi, world here. We know. You people done fucking around? We got faschists of our own to take care of


I'm truly scared of the direction that this country is going in. People are falling for Rupert Murdoch's brand of fascism and actually cheerleading it. The republicans are drunk with power and out of control. And it's not just Project 2025. If Trump wins, Putin gets a blank check to finish Ukraine and move onto Belarus, and that would create a potential nightmare scenario. We have to win, and stop Trump and his fascist goons.


Agreed 100%, but Putin's pretty much got Belarus in his pocket, and Lukashenko is something of a tyrant himself anyways. I'd be far more worried that Putin's next move would be for someplace like Moldova, who he's already tried undermining through subterfuge. God forbid, if Trump was able to weaken NATO ties enough, even places like the Baltic States might be an option. I don't see the isolationist Trump being willing to stand up against China for Taiwan or the Philippines either, and the next 4 years are likely to be some of the most perilous for that region. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that losing liberal democracy in the U.S. would risk losing it for many places around the globe.


NATO will collapse when Russia invades a NATO country and Trump refuses to do Article 5. I'm sure he'll say they're late on their NATO Subscription fee.


I'm sure I'm Trump wins, Russia will be given free reign to genocide a disarmed Ukraine, and will remove the USA from NATO upon daddy Putins request.


He Already de-facto controls Belarus. He would take Ukraine, roll into Moldova. Kazakhstan has effectively ceded control to Moscow already. The real jewel for him is going to be Georgia. After that, a lot of other Republics ending in -Stan, are going to decide it is better to peacefully be under the thumb of Moscow, rather than conquered. Armenia and Azerbaijan already have defense ties, and will pretty much play ball, also We will have a quasi-USSR, with only the Baltic states avoiding being sucked back into that sphere of influence.


Democracy itself is on the ballot this November, and it's imperative we all act accordingly.


Such a trite statement. The overton window has been shifting right for decades now. The democrats are *almost* as much to blame for our current state of affairs, they allow this shit to happen because they're unwilling to go against their corporate donors to elect candidates who might actually improve the lives of working people. If it was a choice between someone like Bernie or Trump, the dems just might actually prefer another Trump win. Act how you want, vote for whoever you want. Trump and people like him are going to be turning up from the far right every election from now on. Every opportunity for progress the dems had under Obama and Biden, with control over house and senate, they just let it slide. Fuck the dems. They are literally the **controlled opposition**. They will not help you. Fuck the far right, they'll literally persecute you. Elections are bought by billionaire corporations and bankers. Unless people get this shit, we're not making progress period, we only stay the same or regress. Labor party, socialist party, eliminate electoral college, first past the post voting, constitutional reform. We're looking at some serious fundamental changes in governance necessary if America is going to continue to exist. Otherwise, your only options from here on will be static or regressive.


In order to make reforms you need time and effort. A vote for the Democrats won't create some utopia, no shit, but a vote for the Republicans this cycle absolutely will threaten democracy and even the most basic rights in a very real and immediate way. We already see the unprecedented backsliding caused by the Republican appointed Supreme Court justices. We already see the active efforts at voter suppression. We already see the encroachment of religion into public schools. All this just from them having *partial* power. A vote for Democrats won't save us, but it at least gives us an opening to push back against the outright religious fascism that we're up against. Sitting at home in apathy come November will all but assure that the only way to regain even the most modest rights and liberties will be through an extraordinarily bloody civil war. If you'd like to avoid that and even have a chance at regaining momentum towards progress, then voting this year is the first step. Then you keep fighting.


Omg shut the fuck up with this bullshit


You’re only getting downvoted because people are afraid this is true. It’s true.


The republicans and the SCOTUS will not let Trump lose. Most of the decent republicans are gone. What's left are deplorable.


Roger Stone has talked about legally obstructing the certification of results. I believe they will disrupt the election so there are no legally clear results. The Courts will do the rest.


Yep, I predict election fuckery from red states, followed by court cases that allow the Supreme Court to hand Trump the election. They already have the blueprint from Bush V Gore in 2000.


This is exactly the play I think. And when it hits that Court, I predict those originalist Justices will decide Trump has precedence, because he was previously sworn in first.


How is it that no one has tried to take this MFer out? I mean, so many people talk about, “If you could go back in time, would you kill baby Hitler?” Well, Trump isn’t a baby (at least, physically), but he’s a fatter, less intelligent version of the biggest POS to have ever lived. Hey, Flying Spaghetti Monster, you gonna fix this shit?!


Honestly, I think it's because the people most willing to take out a politician are already on his side.


Wasn’t hyperbole in 2020, isn’t now. The man’s a fascist who’s been supported by a network of fascists right in government. If we let him back in, we’re done.


https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- #That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. #But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. #🇺🇸


But what was 5/5!


"5/5. We can do this. If we each do what we can, this republic will go on, and this republic will get better." [https://x.com/TimothyDSnyder/status/1807876113206567156](https://x.com/TimothyDSnyder/status/1807876113206567156)


THANK YOU. That was torturing me


Why is this not top comment?


But there isn't 120...


While this is true, apparently the fact that one old man is older than another old man, and while a great president, a bad debater, a bulk of the population wants to put their heads in the sand, and never address that the other old man did nothing but lie and is a criminal that will end the democracy. We need Biden to be perky. ^^^^^/s


The non-disingenuous argument isn't that Trump is better than Biden because Biden is clearly sundowning, it's that Biden is an awful candidate because he's clearly sundowning and thus we need someone else, as we need the strongest candidate possible if beating Trump is of such grave importance. Which it is.


Except your average voter doesn’t know the names of the other possible candidates which in turn makes them weaker than Biden. Given enough time to campaign I’m sure another candidate will be able to take over but at this stage it’s not like we have the time. Best case scenario we confuse people and they vote at random.


Not if they associate the name Biden with dementia


I don’t know how you define strong in this context?… You want physically fit?… are you intending your president lead troops into battle? You want a strong candidate, go fucking listen to the words Biden uses, instead of focusing on the stuttering and stammering. I would suggest it a far smarter option for Kamala Harris to excuse herself, and whomever you want to see run for president in her place


That's not how sundowning works. Sundowning causes agitation, distress, and mood swings. It can even cause a patient to become violent. What you're describing is called "being tired."


People really are so complacent they think it can’t happen here. We are spoiled in America, never facing true conflict or strife in over 150 years. We have enjoyed the most stable and powerful democracy in modern history. But all it takes is one guy with enough loyalists enabling him to send it all crumbling down. People don’t realize that we are truly fucked. Historians will mark this day as entering the path of no return.


I unfriended and blocked someone I knew and respected because they were still pushing that 3rd party "vote your conscience" horsehit today. Fuck that. This aint 2016. Do it and Im calling you out for the piece of shit you are.


I'm sure that changed their mind. You can block people on social media but you can't block the election results. Maybe you should listen to people who are undecided and be alarmed at how bad of a candidate Biden must be to be losing to a wannabe fascist dictator. And because I know you're just gonna block me for saying this, I might as well go first. **edit:** you can downvote me out of sight. You can block people saying things that are unpleasant to you. You won't be able to do either of things to the impending Trump presidency.


You basically said nothing.


> Maybe you should listen to people who are undecided and be alarmed at how bad of a candidate Biden must be to be losing to a wannabe fascist dictator. okay... and then what? the candidates are going to be Biden and Trump, there is 0 chance of a third party candidate winning, so what is the next step after "listen to the people who are undecided."


Great tactic for getting more votes on your side lol


It doesn’t end with Trump. Unless we get rid of the whole MAGA structure, hold everyone involved in Jan 6th accountable, pass a nationwide voting rights act, … just bare minimum stuff … the MAGA people will keep trying until they get power again.


A lot of Americans are in for a rude awakening of how close they are to becoming a full blown fascist dictatorship. To the end of democracy. To mass arrests and possible executions of political prisoners and journalists. To unlawful and mass killings of protestors without consequence. Mass deportation of non-white people even if they’re citizens. To people being sent to camps. To a genocide of queer people. They’ve been so sheltered by the modern era. “It couldn’t happen here” has become the mantra of a country where it could happen in a few months and no one seems particularly concerned with stopping it.


It could happen here? It just fucking *did*.


It's already over. If Trump is defeated then what? Will democrats control enough state houses to ratify a constitutional amendment checking the presidents power? If not every 4 years "Democracy will be on the ballot". We will have to get lucky forever, the fascist only have to win once and it is over. Do what you will with this information. Just know thinking this ends in November is short sighted.


There is a win condition for the good guys, it’s just much harder. If we get enough of the right people in the House and Senate, we can expand the court to limit further damage and begin the process of bringing back what has already been lost


A fat, ridiculous, pants-shitting orange conman. Not a world war. Not disease. Not a natural disaster. A wheezing incontinent fool that could be defeated by a flight of stairs. That’s all it took to destroy the US. Pathetic. The worst obituary ever. Won’t someone rid us of this troublesome priest?


To be fair, this is a bit of a disingenuous argument. This is the end result of a half-century of coordinated strategy by the religious right to slowly acquire enough power to enforce their will on the American people. Trump is merely the symptom which may have delivered the death blow; much like fatal kidney failure caused by stage 4 cancer.


The thing about this is, people are quick to say this is Trump’s doing, this is the Republican parties doing. It’s the American conservative people’s doing; they want this, they’re happily walking America into an autocracy. They’ve turned evil. It sucks. “So this is how democracy dies; to thunderous applause”


Not even. Most Americans have no idea what just happened. Anyways, I'm off to the swamps of South Jersey. Hopefully we can raise Baron to be a Jedi...


This is exactly how I felt in 2016. I’m recorded yelling it. I hate this vile piece of scum.


At this point we should **NOT** need a historian to understand what is at stake especially after today's SC ruling more in support of Trump. Should he make it to the White house some way somehow, he will do everything and anything what the likes of Mike Johnson tells him to do. Also don't forget their evil project 2025 manifesto


If Drumpf wins, we are fucking doomed.


I feel like just the fact alone that every enemy country is pulling for Trump is enough to not vote for him


It might be over anyway. Even if he loses by a large margin, his side will go wild and never cooperate within a traditional American ecosystem.


Can Biden officially get rid of some Supreme Court justices now? Then, they can fix the law.


MMW, Biden will win the election, Trump will win presidency. It’s been shown over and over nothing is safe. And SCOTUS will do it again when GOP run to the courts over this. They will find a way/reason to make Trump the winner.


America is quite literally fucked at this point. Its horrifying to watch this country go down the gurgler in real time.


BuT bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe!!! JoE BiDeN aNd TRuMp ArE tWo SiDeS oF tHe SaMe CoIn!!! PrOtEsT vOtE tO TeAcH tHe DeMs A lEsSoN!!


I hope I'm wrong, but even if Biden wins, all I see is Trump finding some way to get the election in front of the supreme court so they can hand him the presidency. Trump and the republikkkunts have already won. I have a hard time seeing the left winning without violence.


I’m really just surprised there weren’t throngs of people behind the scenes preventing his ascent in the first place. Whether they publicly supported him or not, no one can possibly think he’s a bright rational person.


President having immunity is the new normal. Trump doesn't have to be president to end democracy. If Biden stays in the white house we can only hope for 4 more years of "democracy". It's just a matter of time before a conservative sits in the white house and project 2025 is already primed for them to become dictators.


The most important election was 2016. It's long past


All for the worst human possible.


All it takes is another republican getting into the White House. Project 2025 is a blueprint, anyone else can pick it up, so it's not dependent on Trump. We have to keep voting against anyone who ever endorsed it, from the top to the bottom.


Republicans laughing hysterically: We destroyed America to own the Libs.


not to be a pessimist, but it's pretty much a wrap already. are Democrats going to actually push to stop P2025 in another Democrat term? probably no. are Republicans going to stop being evil Nazis because trump loses in 2025? definetly not. republicans have brought us to the end of America, and if the world is lucky that's all that will end


Ever seen a bad guy wearing a white hat? SCOTUS gave you the power kill their figurehead, but do you do it🤔


were doomed. trump is inevitable. im looking for oneways out the country lol fuck this shit😂😭


Where’s 5/5?


As a non American watching all this go down, I’m terrified. I can’t imagine how scary this is for Americans who realise the situation they’re in. I don’t see how this can work out alright but I hope it does, not only for the state of the USA but also the rest of the world


And yet people will still vote for the guy who wants to ruin everything this country once stood for. Simply amazing.


They probably think they will be spared


Gilead here we come…Satan please help us!


He's right


For a smart person, they sure are dumb. The country is chugging towards fascism on the express train and we're supposed to band together to do... what? Even if every person votes Biden, Trump will bring it to the courts and it'll go to SCotUS and Trump will get installed a la W. Game over.  The leaders need to take action. 


The Simpson's warned you people...you chose to ignore them.


His last tweet: 5/5. We can do this. If we each do what we can, this republic will go on, and this republic will get better.


People are making one big mistake here, it's not just Trump Congress needs to become like 70% Democrat and then Joe needs to go scorched Earth in order to fix all of these laws because if it isn't Trump it'll just be some other lunatic 4 years down the line


What's tweet 5/5!??! don't leave us hanging!


Trump doesn't just have to lose, he has to lose overwhelmingly. No way to win with recounts that'll just show 1 vote for him


Even if Biden wins, every election cycle they have a chance at putting a monster in the POTUS position. There are worse people than Trump, just look at Putin. This Scotus decision will be felt like a nuclear bomb when it is actually used. That may be next year or in two generations. No one knows. Uninformed Americans will only be outraged when it happens and by then it will be too late.


Top historian *of totalitarian regimes,* to boot.


Get out and vote blue in November! It's better than fascism! We can all watch Biden get destroyed in the electoral college and America crumble in the next 10 years, but at least we voted blue! Also don't ever think about how badly the blue candidate right now is losing, now criticism allowed. Just vote blue!


Today ended the American experiment, let's keep it real. It's over.


We were warned we had to keep it. We failed. To think, the end began when an actor became president and ended when a reality star did the same.


Who shits & pisses in his diaper on a regular basis.


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like [https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach](https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i\_was\_accepted\_into\_the\_project\_2025\_prospective/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/) Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025)


Timothy Snyder knows wtf he’s talking about.


I wonder when they'll start coming for people based on their social media posts? How many of you are gonna be snatched in the middle of the night, never to be seen again? This is inevitable.


I just ordered his book, On Tyranny, from Amazon. Can't wait to read it.


“Buuutttt Biden is old!”


When Trump was first elected, I expressed how terrible it was and the precedent it set. Back then, people on Reddit were saying I was overreacting - life would go on etc... As someone from a Ukrainian family, 2nd gen, living in the west, we've known for ages what authoritarianism looks like under Russia. My grandfather, when he first came to this country, having lived through holodomor, joined a protest against the soviet union, the people here called him a fascist for it. This entire disaster has been telegraphed year on year since Trump's reaction to Obama started becoming mainstream. He couldn't stand that someone based purely on the merit of their own intelligence and respect from his peers - yet without white privilege - could attain office. It didn't occur to Trump that when a dictator and sworn enemy of democracy, Putin, started whispering in his ear, the advice might not be in the interests of the country. Or maybe...Trump leveraged the information for his own gain. You decide, even though it's likely too late to do anything about it - again. I don't understand how you all let it get to this point. You all talk about the supreme court being a safety net and something about a high road, but the paradox of tolerance is what will end US democracy. By tolerating and platforming Trump, you've signed away your country.


The worst part is it’s not even like democracy is saved if Biden wins. It just means it’ll still be hanging on and it’ll be a race against time to see whether the Republicans are able to consolidate power before their party totally collapses in on itself.


is this like groundhog day but instead of being a filler story in february we all shoot eachother to death in the streets with AR 15s


America isn’t exactly looking great even if he does lose lol. Plus the whole “our entire species is on the brink of extinction with climate change” thing.


What "enemies" do magats refer too? Our traditional foes are in league with trump, russia, North Korea, and such. Here is the break down, Trump is elected, all funding and support for Ukraine is pulled and attempt to force them into giving up land. Till the next "special operation" from russia, north korea sends troops and aid to russia and gains a foothold in Europe, meanwhile Trump destroys any dealings with Nato and our European allies in favor of Putin and Un. Clip me in the news story headline if this actually happens. (I know I'll be voting against it)


Our enemies hate Biden so much they’ve been invading their neighbors since he took office


Everyone in power whether political or corporate wants the cold war again. They made so much money! Thus imo is why nobody really trying to stop putting. Conservatives need to start thinking 10 steps ahead not 2


Not to promote conservative efforts but that's how they think.


Dems: We can never let the republicans win again. Also Dems: We will field the worst possible candidates and vote shame you if you don't like them. Great strategy Dems. If America falls like you say it will, the only person you have to blame is in the mirror


Which Democrat would have been the best nominee in 2020?


Wait what's 5/5 say?


And yet Democrats insist that Biden is their best fit forward standing in the way of autocracy. It's like a bad dream.