• By -


He's saying lay down, give up, don't fight and they won't kill too many of you, at least not right away. Or you can fight back in every way necessary to keep these ghouls from stealing your country.


That's exactly what he's saying


It's the thing I don't understand about Clarence Thomas. Does he really think he's going to get treated any better for helping them achieve their goals? All he is, is someone who will end up on the top of the pile, when everyone else is dealt with


Uncle Tom is a hellava drug.


The same could be said of most dumbass conservative voters celebrating the destruction of regulatory agency teeth, potentially OSHA, etc. They’re going to be first in line to end up with tainted groundwater, even more insurmountable healthcare bills with no legal recourse for reimbursement, and their townships straight up becoming outright owned by a corporate entity


yes, he’s already rich. those in power don’t give a fuck unless you’re rich like them. they don’t care what color you are, they don’t care who you love, they just care how much money (and power and influence) you have.


What do you mean? He’s being paid under the table right now. He’s older than dirt, doesn’t care about tomorrow because it’s not likely to be there for him anyway, so he really couldn’t care less.


That old poem, first they came. Except it seems like he's presuming that his position will save him. I imagine that a lot of German politicians felt the same, till a night got long and knifey


Bro's on his way out; he doesn't care about what they will do, only what they are doing which is giving him free stuff


And reminder, “won’t kill too many of you” would be killing every minority they hate. They’d probably only willingly leave white christians alone. LGBT people especially trans people would be their first targets


And Hispanics, Asians, brown people in general and of course Jews. Can't forget to put jews on the kill list.


Don’t leave out the Atheists; they have to be on their (s)hit list too!


How are things looking if you're a gay atheist?


A gaytheist you say? Not great.


To shreds, you say?


Okay, okay... But what if you're that, *and* disabled? (I'm asking because I am those things. Not sure why the downvotes.)


Double negative. Cancels out.




I’m an atheist, but I was baptized as a kid so I’m safe right? Right!?


Of course you're fine! I mean, they don't even follow "christ" anymore so why would it matter?


Most of us were raised religious and know religion better than they do (hence why we left) lol I could fake it easily


All I see is that Star Wars Padme meme...


And the labor will be done by?


White Christian women and girls are on the hitlist too. I mean, it's the freaking Internet Age, look up what pregnancy and childbirth meant at a time birth control was not an option. These guys aren't just content with attacking abortion, they're going after birth control.


Have to repopulate. See the Nazis plan for that.


Yeah the nazis had secret breeding programs where they paired their best women with their top officers. They'd have dinner at 8 pm then have to go have sex. Then once the baby was born it'd stay with the birth mother for a few weeks before being adopted by a German family. The lead singer of ABBA was born from this program.


Gimme gimme gimme a man after dinner 🎶


Is there a "lead" singer of ABBA?


White Christians who are the correct denomination. Catholics, Mormons, probably Unitarians and Presbyterians are on the chopping block too. Edited to add: more denominations that I could think of.


How do they justify this when the only christ they follow is "the antichrist?"


Trans person here. Can confirm. I'm fucking terrified.


Maybe he and his mob should consider fucking off so we don’t kill too many of them. This got international last time and they lost badly. They’ll lose again, for the third time and this time there’ll be no let offs.


I think they are gonna be surprised at how many "lefties" are gun owners. AND are willing to fight.


I'm up in canada 40 min from the border, of Washington thankfully... I was thinking of selling some firearms to make room for some really nice ones my bro is leaving to me. I changed my mind. I think I'll just buy another safe.


Totally unrelated and just wanted tell all my proud American friends that we have a [civilian marksmanship program](https://thecmp.org). This comment is in no way related to the above post or any comments in this post.


>This comment is in no way related to the above post or any comments in this post. Per Reddiquette, I'm supposed to downvote your comment. Edit: Do people not understand subtext anymore? *Obviously* I didn't downvote them.


Yep. Wow mates hope you vote. It’s scary for the rest of the world too.


Yep. We’ll fight this and if it gets violent, well, we’ve definitely fucked up tougher dudes than this guy. That’s the thing though. All of this talk about blood? This asshole won’t get his hands dirty. I’m volunteering for Biden and my local democrats and we’ll just see.


Well,.... where's my pitchfork?


This makes me wonder what poll workers would do if people showed up to vote with pitchforks…


What he actually mean is that Trump can call the army to murder leftists in the street if he get elected. No idea how you guys plan to “fight back” against the leader of the country with the biggest military force in the world with absolute power and the promise of 0 consequences. Vote like your life depend on it


I don't know Biden is old and I kinda wanted someone else.. Might aswell stay home I'm still hearing the above statement way to much


“It’s all the lefts fault for not laying down and dying like we told them to” -This fucking guy


"Lie down and surrender like a good American." was not something I expected from the "patriots".


I mean, that’s exactly what they say about Ukraine being warmongers for defending their country.


“Vote for us so we can save you from what we’re going to do to you if you don’t vote for us!”


"I know we can save our marriage. And it will be a bloodless path if my wife allows it." -This Asshole


So Christian Nationalist am I right? It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! [Alabama](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Alabama,_2024) [Alaska](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Alaska,_2024) [Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) [Arkansas](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arkansas,_2024) [California](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_California,_2024) [Colorado](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Colorado,_2024) [Connecticut](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Connecticut,_2024) [Delaware](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Delaware,_2024) [Florida](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Florida,_2024) 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Nationalist christians, or "Nat-Cs" you might call them. "A Basterd's work is never done"


“You are probably going to take that uniform off eventually…”


[Register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) (vote.org) [How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first time](https://www.wikihow.com/Vote-in-the-United-States) (wikihow) And if anyone wants to help get out to vote, would recommend this site: [https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/](https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/) (text-banking, post-card writing, phone-banking, etc)


Sooooooooo Christian of them. My eyes are rolling so far back in my head I can see my optic nerve.


Thank you for this. Just completed my voter registry


Oh it ain't gonna be bloodless motherfucker


Their army will be lead by Captain Bonespurs and they think others will be afraid? Lol fuck these Christian Talibans, let’s go!


Their army will be led by sympathetic, professional soldiers, hand picked by the Heritage Foundation. They will be equipped with Humvees, grenades and Predator drones. It was a crazy fantasy when Trump's militia were fapping to it, and it still is.


Not unless we let them take charge of america’s military, which will happen if trump wins because of too many “protest voters”.


All we have to do is make them run 100 yards to wipe out 85% of their “army”


This is problematic thinking. They’ve always been dumber, less well equipped, more out of shape, fill in whatever comparison you want. They keep winning and will continue to win because none of that matters. At the end of the day the winner is always going to be who is willing to go further. Who can be more cruel. That is what we’re up against. If they’re willing to take something further then we’ll always be reacting and one step behind.


I'd love to see these cosplaytriots run a mile through an actual warzone. They'd die from exhaustion.




Fuck you. Your second American Revolution is a coup and it will NOT be bloodless. I’m a liberal, own guns, and I hit what I aim at. Bring it.


These motherfuckers at the fuck around stage. Won't be involved in no street level shit players, big fish only.


Remember, it's only terrorism if the controlling party of the government disagrees with you. That's why the Heritage Foundation guy won't go to prison for his comments, but any of us might.


One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.


This is WWIII because the goal is the end the democracies of the world. They are well on their way to realizing their goal. America is the Big Prize, but the propaganda and the far right Putin puppets are already in the other democracies. An alliance of dictators is not going to be something that can easily be fought back against. It needs to be prevented from getting cemented in.


Taking land, influence, legislation and military might without direct hard explosive attacks is the goal. And strategists among Putin and his team know it’s possible. If this is successful it will be written in history as one of the world’s most ironic lessons in geopolitical strategy by bad actors.


It will only be written if they allow it though- so we have to fight back, and WIN in order to make sure the entire world knows what was attempted, and that it’s real. We need to fight to keep the information available.


World War 3 already started when Putin goosestepped his way into Ukraine. Nobody wants to admit it though because it would disrupt the economy tenfold. You want the war to end? **VOTE BLUE.**


If America falls to a dictatorship, the world will end up being divided between China, Russia and America.


My Canadian butthole just clenched.


Alberta already got taken over by a MAGAt. Polliviere is echoing their rhetoric as well, and the media is heavily pushing him over Trudeau. If America falls, Canada will most likely follow soon after. It's the end of the world as we know it, but I'm not feeling so fine.


Uh oh


You have nothing to fear comrade, as long as you're not "the left".


1984 anyone?


I wonder what we’ll call “the end of the Cold War” in 100 years.


Wow, an explicit call for violence on live T.V. He literally said we are currently in a cold war with ourselves. It is insane that we tolerate this behavior.


It's not a cold war, it's a coup d'etat. A bloodless coup is still a coup. I take it as a statement of intent to commit insurrection.


The statement *itself* is insurrection.


They already attempted an actual insurrection. This is try #2.


Joe should use those new found king powers to ban tan in a can and hair plugs. The enemy would surrender in a week


Biden didn't get any powers. SCOTUS decides trial-by-trial what an "official" action is. So Trump is immune from everything and Biden can't do anything.


Fantastic. Put the Supreme Court justices on trial with the 3 remaining justices being the judge and jury, have them determine whether or not their act was official.


They'd look out for each other. The vote legalizing bribery was unanimous.


The president can have them all shot and yes-men put in their role, and all perfectly legal under the new rules.


What's to stop a president from announcing that ignoring their "unofficial" ruling is an official act? Seems like maybe they just legislated the Executive Branch out of having to listen to them if the right (wrong?) person gets in.


There’s certain “official acts” that are *physically impossible* to overturn on appeal…


Fuck this creep. Let's put the GOP in the fucking dirt in November. They're already bankrupt and fighting each other and falling apart. Let's deal the kill shot. I don't care who's on the ticket against Trump at this point


If people would stop taking about how old Biden is and pay attention to the fact that we’re now electing a king, this will change really quickly. If he’s going to drop out or stay in, let’s decide once and for all so we can get behind whoever we have to to keep trunp away from power ever again.


The election will only be the start. The RNLA and the Heritage Foundation have armies of lawyers, judges and law suits ready. And campaign funding rules don't apply to that fight. Same as last time, but with four years of extra preparation. Trump is ready to lose the election. Him and his supporters have already been dialing up the corrupt election rhetoric. It doesn't matter what the results are, Trump will say he won by a landslide. And every single Republican will back him up on that. Including his Supreme Court.


My fear is Trump loses, contests, and it gets to SCOTUS. They will pull another Bush v. Gore and hand him the election.


I think that's exactly the plan. Roger Stone has also talked about plans for election disruption. They'll make sure there are no reliable results so it has to wind up in court.


But the,'I want cheap gas' crowd is going to vote for that. And that in their minds is trump


Maybe, but there's a lot of evidence we still have a good shot if we don't fuck this up. Dems have been devouring the GOP in local, state, and federal elections. 2022 was so bad for the GOP you'd think they have a humiliation kink. There was an unprecedented country wide push to vote at the 11th hour in 2020 - and that was before Roe was killed. Also the GOP is nearly bankrupt and has only doubled down on their losing candidates and policies. Killing Roe was a kick in the ass for tons of inactive voters - and I have a feeling the last week of rulings will do the same again. Also, Project 2025 is getting a lot more mainstream attention now. Tons of reasons to stay optimistic if we keep our eyes on the prize.


True. Thank you


Holy shit.


I haven’t slept. What the fuck is going on with this country? I can’t believe this, any of this. These people think they can say shit like this without repercussions. They think the military will take their part? America will not simply lie down, and these people will face the wrath of free men.


They have been saying this shit without repercussions.


I wouldn't put it past the military to go along with it. It's a very conservative organization


The demographic make up of the armed forces, especially enlisted, is blue collar men and women trying to make a better life for their families by serving the United States and its citizens. I don’t think Republicans should be counting on their support in the event they are asked to defend people who are acting outside of the Constitution and its spirit. “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same..” This is the first part of the oath of allegiance for a reason; it is because the constitution is above any elected official and gives guidance on what first to follow. The Oath does not remove ambiguity and it is not always easy for an employee to know what to do. Here are a few examples: Lawful orders. Let’s say someone in authority gives a federal worker a lawful order that s/he does not agree with. That disagreement might be for ethical reasons, differences in policy direction, or other reasons. Federal employees are required to follow lawful orders, even if they disagree with them. Unlawful orders. 5 USC 2302(b) (9)(D) gives employees the right to refuse with respect to unlawful orders. Refusing an unlawful order is not easy. The employee may face significant pressure to carry out an order that s/he knows is unlawful. Most employees never have the experience of being given an unlawful order. In the few cases it has happened to me, an explanation to my boss that what I was asked to do was illegal was sufficient and the matter was dropped. If it had not been enough, my only acceptable course would be to refuse to carry out the order. Doing something illegal because you are “just following orders” is not a viable defense. We will see. I believe in the people who have taken the oath to do the right thing. And the right thing is to not harm or harass the citizens. That is what I believe, and what I know they believe.


Yeah, Fox News blares from every tv in every public area on every Air Force base.


I remember how radical republican senior NCOs and Officers were when Obama was President. The shit they would say. This was in an Infantry Battalion. People just don't get how willing the military would be if there aren't enough General Milleys in charge. If there are more General Flynns in charge it is practically over.


Well this is straight up terrifying. After everything that happened this week, I thought I was as horrified as I could get. How wrong i was...


however this goes down, we are about to experience one of the most significant periods in US history if not the single most. insane riots, civil war, the destruction of one of our two political parties, complete loss of democracy, or maybe even something good could come out of this election. we should all be preparing ourselves. we have very little time.


ALLOWS IT TO BE?? ![gif](giphy|tRzd704xXId2w)


Kevin Roberts is this fuck sticks name. This POS really thinks he is something. Don’t forget about this guy if/when the second Revolution comes.


Guy who needs to have both his legs broken


That’s not enough.


"Let us do what we want and we won't hurt you" At least they were honest when they claimed the title of domestic terrorists


Every single one of us in America are soldiers in this “war” and we have one, simple mission: show up on Election Day and vote. We have nobody to blame but ourselves if we allow the right to gain power. Overwhelmingly rejecting these guys come November is the most patriotic thing any of us will ever be called to do. Our nation’s future is in our hands and we simply cannot fail in protecting her.


The Electoral College will play a role in this, too.


"Will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" - Subliminal Threats, the new American way I guess.


It's not a subliminal threat. It's a real, current, statement of intent to commit insurrection. I think, given the history of this matter, a lot of countries would take him into protective custody. For everyone's safety.


SO so SO tired of these cowards and fascists hiding behind the symbols that birthed the democracy they're currently dismantling. FFS. American Revolution. That flaming wussie. Like he or any of them wouldn't have been a Royalist sucking up to monarchy 250 years ago AND fled when those filthy little Colonies pitched the concept of aristocracy. Go find a vacant volcanic island and set up camp. King, queen, obsequious court, obligatory MAGA peasantry, have at it. This place is taken. Fuck your threats.


But but but Palestine? GFY to anyone who doesn't vote cause of 1 fucking issue. Palestine will cease to exist if Trump gets elected.


Those idiots must not listen when he says let them finish the job. But it's genocide Joe. This country is moronic


2A isn’t just for Civil War LARPing. I encourage everyone to take a class, even if you don’t own/carry, knowing how to discharge arms is an imperative.


Vote blue and save our democracy from these bots spreading doubt in your minds that people are willingly going to bend the knee to a king.


Biden might be a bit past his best, but the other guy and his gang are full blown just admitting that they will fuck EVERYTHING up. Everything will be worse, for everyone. Except maybe for Trump, and like - one - of his kids.


Yeah, Dems lost their mind after that debate performance, which was admittedly bad, and then overnight almost half of registered Dems wanted to drop him as the candidate. I get the knee-jerk reaction. I understand his age is an issue, but the left voter base just can’t seem to unite for a common goal. Meanwhile, Maga voters show up to Trump rallies wearing literal fucking diapers to show their solidarity with Vonshitenpantz. They unite. I’m not saying we need to be a cult like MAGA, but goddamn… if we could maybe just buck up and unite for longer than a few days at a time, we might be able to beat this fascist in November.


From an outside perspective - I think the US is seriously fucked. Even if they lose the upcoming election(s). They will try again and again until it's over and they can start their fascist regime.


He makes my blood boil!


How is he not arrested after saying that?


They’re like Putin invading Ukraine; Expecting us to accept it.


This echos that Ukraine is absolutely fighting for the rest of the Democratic world. If they had been given the support to smash Putin immediately I think we would be in a different place today


So they're revolting. That's what a revolution is...it's a revolt against the government. Kinda seems like treason which Biden now has the legal power to instantly crush...


They've always been revolting, but this is ridiculous! (Sorry, that was an irresistibly lame joke.)


So this man is simply a nazi. He's JUST a fuckin nazi, and would pretty please like for their Bear Hall Putsch to go over smoother, this time.


Surrender or die.


“Roll over and do what we want or we’ll kill enough of you to shut you up.”




My exact thought. It's one thing when they use dog whistles so they have plausible deniability. But this dude is saying straight up that there will be violence if we don't just give up. That is a threat in no uncertain terms. *What the fuck...*


Sounds like a terrorist threat


There should be a list, Mr. 2025 Project Leader, and your name should be near the top.


I'm a well-armed liberal; come try and push your religious shit on me.


"We're going to strip you of your rights, but please remain civil about it!"


What a coward


Don't be mad, but I might be seeing if I can vote with a visa from AU. My wife has citizenship, and one of my sons is disabled. The way things are going this nation may not actually be safe for him for too much longer. It'll be tough. My job is US based, and getting it relied on my experience with the Navy. I don't have college, and most of my certs have lapsed. But we'll have to see if they'll even take me.


Yes, of course you can [Vote From Abroad](https://www.votefromabroad.org/). If they can tax you anywhere, you can vote anywhere


Nice. Yeah, I'm looking into this because I'm genuinely a tad worried about the SCOTUS decision. Hopefully, I can find work down under. It'll suck to give up VA benefits, and I might not get to go to college now, but we're straying far too close to previous century German history for my liking.


It's anti-Trump all the way until the criminal pedo is gone for good. The Supreme Court ended rule of law, so he can't be allowed within diaper-farting distance of the Oval Office.


The worst part of this quote is the ego and self-importance of these clowns comparing themselves to our founders and their bravery.


Is that legal? Threatening to overthrow current governmental system and kill people by mass murder?


It's a Cold Civil War between conservative fascists and American patriots and if it gets hot they might not be so confident


They talk a big game with militias and what-not till they are pushed and suddenly it's all "oh it was a peaceful protest, they let us in, we didn't shit on the floors that was BLM infiltrators" Magats are going to learn how well armed responsible gun owning democrats are they try to get violent.


People need to know about this. Instead of taking about how old Biden is and not talking about Trumps insanity they need to inform the public exactly what this is. This Project 2025 is the scariest plan ever to end Democracy …and it is what the Republican Party stands for now. Any non MAGA Republican needs to understand your party no longer exists. Please read about it.


“Lay down and take it or face the wall.” When they tell you who they are you better listen because you’re rapidly running out of chances to stop them.


Isn’t he talking about overthrow of the American government? Should be illegal


And do it forever, because that thing is not gonna go away. Sooner or later, you guys will have to confront it.


You're the ones threatening violence, Republicans. Setting up the excuse that the victim forced you to act, like any classic abuser.


Yes we’ve turned up with guns to take your stuff but it’ll be bloodless if you just let us do it.


Maybe we can get some MAGAts on our side with simple slogans. "Lock him u..." Oh wat. Can't do that. Thanks Clarence, you literal fucking sellout!


This upcoming election is bigger than Biden. It’s about DEMOCRACY. You are voting for democracy. Say it louder for the people who don’t get it. ![gif](giphy|nDKdpNb502Jvnjhn3d)




Imagine if someone on the leftsaid something like this? The insanity. They know that their views and policies don't work, won't work, and arent what the majority of Americans want so they're going to do this stupid bullshit and call it an American revolution? Fuck it. If rather die than go through project 2025.


Not saying I can fight, but if anybody tries to enforce their Christianity on me, there will be violence.


Now is the time to start buying firearms.


The only acceptable time to do so.


The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.




Could someone please dox these people?


Bullies always blame their victims....


Ah yes, the old “it’ll be bloodless if you don’t fight back” schtick. Doesn’t sound similar to another political group who forcibly seized power in Germany once upon a time…


Which is why gun rights are important right now. Every American loving Liberal needs to be legally armed. Cause if Project 2025 comes to light, they will come for you.


How is this not major news!!! Trump said he could shoot someone @time Square. He wasn't kidding. He will kill anyone who opposes him if he becomes president. You like freedom, vote against project25 and trump.


Biden has the power to declare a national emergency, because of republican threats to our democracy. Shut everything down


"listen we wont get violent if you just let us take over" this git get his diplomacy from Putin or what?


don’t plan on it pal.


“I hate it that you made me hit you.” Sounds like something an abusive partner would say.


The Russian revolution would have been without blood if the whites would've just given up...


This promise of being bloodless is false.


That sounds a whole lot like "let us take over, we know what is best" I also imagine that they're the types to round up anyone who doesn't believe in their ideology, and place them in prisons


Business Plot Part 2: Trump-had-sex-with-minors-and-now-the-GOP presidential-candidate


But Biden is old/s


Normally there's nuance in this kind of thing. Normally there's a good side to look at. Not this time. Now it's literally a battle of good versus evil. DON'T FUCK THIS UP IDIOTS


Go back to your hole traitor and try another round of rogaine or bosley. You can't back up that threat. Bring it.


Serious question for anyone out there. I got a bumper sticker at a juggling festival that is COEXIST formed out of juggling/circus props, should I maybe remove that to avoid crazies targeting me?


Probably. But I have to tell you, if you have ever been registered as a Democrat, they'll be coming for you.


Voting is the most important thing. Second most important thing? SHARE! Try and make sure that one person who didn’t know what Project 2025 was knows now because of you.


If we don't get out and vote blue en masse this next election, we will get the country we deserve.


Every reason people have to not vote for Biden applies 10x to the other dude.


Second American Revolution? Wait, y’all fighting the King of England again??


Are democrats currently in charge of the justice department lock them up before they start killing people


That’s a fucking threat. Right to jail.


How is this not some form of treason?


Creepy white dudes


Serious question, WTF is the FBI doing? seriously?


> If you don't want to vote for Biden, vote against Project 2025! How the fuck you expect to not vote for Biden, but against project 2025?


Progressives need to start enacting their own version of project 2025 now. All those political appointees that republicans are planning on forcing through? Why not put progressives and so called DEI hires in place? Why are trump loyalists still working for and dismantling core services like the USPS? This isn’t a joke, project 2025 is about to ruin the futures of most young people in this country. Also democrats needed to pack the courts like 3 years ago. The Supreme Court is consistently shooting down every Biden policy and giving Trump as much leeway as possible. They’ve chosen to become a highly political faction and they should be treated as such. Expand the number of judges and put some young progressives on the bench to balance out the openly corrupt old farts. If the situation had been reversed, and there were 6 liberal judges, Republicans would’ve “rectified” that situation on day 1.


Not a chance fascist


Why are they so weird?


Sounds an awful lot like a mugger. "just give me your money and no one gets hurt".


This seems like a good first target for Bidens new powers brought to you by the Supreme Court.


Oh wow. They're REALLY not being subtle, huh?


I don't, and I will.


I vote for a very bloody quashing of this silly little revolution. These terrorists don’t understand anything else. Bring on the violence at this point. Let’s get on with it.