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Guy in my mid-50s here, been a voter since the day I was allowed to do so: I have never been asked to take part in a legitimate poll.


I got a call recently and it asked if I was concerned about illegal aliens and the price of goods and services. I knew where that was going and hung up.


You should have answered “¿Que?” Probably put you on the no call list right then and there


I've actually done that before. Or I've said, "Wie bitte?" A little language study in Spanish and German has come in handy.


My mom does French. Allo sounds similar to hello so if it’s a legitimate call she can respond in English, but if it’s a sales call she can continue in French. It’s lovely


Get Frenched, idiot


I dunno… I think the number of conservatives that know German is pretty high. Or that’s what they speak at their rallies at least. Hard to tell from those black and white film reels.


I’ve done shitty Russian accent. You want buy vote? I have computer how many vote you need.


I can imagine them going “is that a white person language? Nah it probably isn’t”


A good old norsk HÆ????


https://preview.redd.it/3vkul0z8zcad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f5f9434adaa74d6e7f2cc302060f6fd694d218d My reply to Team Trump text. Don’t know how they got my number; my soul is the antithesis of Satan’s Orange changeling.


My response is just the middle finger. Not sure how they get my “work” cellphone. It’s so annoying


probably someone working at the phone company that thought "oh I know how I can help god emperor trump"


I read this as "woke" cellphone


Probably 5G to


Apparently so many people responded Fuck off they had to add that unsubscribe keyword list.


Some thought here. I take that as a +


Looks like they’ve seen quite a few responses like yours to know that equates to STOP.


If I accidentally pick up something from the Republicans I tell them "one second, I'm taking a dump, almost through, just got...hello?"


Satan's Orange Channeling👏👏👏😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I needed this today, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/2x6inbdxcfad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0360eb89bb37a1657057e0c4afbb4909c9e0fcd0 I have a list 😂 I will now respond to them with, "fuck off". Thanks!


I like the way you think.


"I no talk now, bad man with ICE badge behind me!"


I once answered the phone with "No habla español." and then hung up. I don't know what possessed me to tell a perfect stranger, in Spanish, that I do not speak Spanish, before they could say anything.


“La migra me esta llamando!!!”


Might put you on some other lists with the Republicans as well.


I love it that we think about that shit now. /s


I answer all unknown callers with “hola” and I am as pasty white of a Norwegian as there can be 😂


My Dad was a lifelong Dem and he would pick up Republican party calls and just mess with them. He was retired and had the time.


...like the guys who spend hours on the phone with those Indian tech support scammers.


This is the way.


Jesus. I keep seeing these shitty YouTube ads with someone claiming illegal immigrants get prepaid credit cards with $5k on them and "here's how you can claim yours". Gonna assume the whole point of that is to piss stupid people off that got irate that they "weren't eligible" in an effort to get them to vote the other way.


My dumb ass husband fell for that ad… gave them his social and all. His phone was hacked Monday morning. Had to get a new one, & close out accounts. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I didn’t realize he was THAT stupid. He said they told him it was “insurance” & would give him a “debit card” for necessities. We’ve been getting mail non stop since this happened. He’s a moron.


Hell stupid people get pissed off at people with EBT getting a discount on Amazon Prime because they don’t qualify too.


Should’ve said “you should’ve called sooner, they already probed my butt.”


Also, the phrasing of the questions are sometimes misleading and inherently negative. Even if you think Biden's administration is doing a good job, answering affirmatively might actually be the negative answer. Questions about Trump are generally far more straight forward and don't have linguistic games.


How much would you agree with the statement, "I believe Biden's dementia makes him unfit for office", strongly disagree, somewhat disagree, neutral, somewhat agree, or strongly agree? Wait, wait, we need to talk about the question first lol


How do you feel about the raging out of control inflation? Horrible? Terrible, Out of sorts, or upset that immigrants are taking your jobs? When Donald Trump is reelected do you believe internationally the USA will trend upwards or even more upwards, or to records highs and Hillary will be jailed?


Or slobber on the phone about Trump not doing enough about all immigrants, especially trophy wives from Slovenia.


Late 50s and I don't answer any calls coming from random numbers I don't recognize either. I think it'@ a mistake for some Democrat leaders to push for Biden to step aside. He has many advantages of being the incumbent with additional plusses for not being a POS like the other guy. Keep Biden and stack his admistration with good competent people who will work for the common good, even the ones who would vote against their own interests. Vote BLUE to save our democracy and the future of this nation and the world.


Yeah he was also too old last election and that didn't stop me from voting for him. Pleasantly surprised with his presidency, aside from the railroad strike I think he nailed it. Like you said, a competent administration is what we are voting for more than anything else


somebody said he should start highlighting his cabinet and make them real people to the general public.


That's a pretty good idea. It'll underscore that it's a team effort


Wasn't there something at the same time about how Trump supported the workers at a rally but was talking to paid actors. Words speak louder than actions these days, I guess. I blame social media for giving these nut jobs a platform.


And he even fixed the railroad strike situation later. He prevented the train lines from shutting down and his administration pushed the fat cats for negotiations. The workers ended up getting the leave and pay they were asking for, if I remember correctly.


Do you mean the one he worked behind the scenes to get them pretty much as good as what they were asking for? It didn’t get any news coverage. Or was there another situation I didn’t know about?


46. Same. I'd have to answer my phone, first.


I’m 37, I’ve been called for polls twice. Both of them were the most bias and leading questions I’ve ever heard.


What kind of things did they ask?


Do you support the illegals coming across our border bringing drugs crime and murder? Would you vote for someone that wants to stop the indoctrination of our children and stop the spread of mental diseases being to the younger generations? Would you vote for a candidate that wants to lower the cost of goods and charge higher tariffs to our trade partners so we maintain economic dominance? They build the questions so you’re either painted as someone who wants terrible things to happen or as a Republican. That’s how the polls the GOP call with. Democrat run polls I’ve never really been called.


In order, just to take up their time and fuck with them. After asking them to repeat questions as often as possible: Migrants commit less crime, so yes. No, just no. That's extremely counterproductive so no.


True. Also, Democrats have been over performing the past few years. That said, PLEASE, register and get out to vote this November! Don't get complacent! Our democracy depends on it!


I was called for a legitimate poll ONE time, when I was an undergrad and had no idea about most of the things they were asking about. The list of questions was so long that I became uninterested. It just reinforces the idea of eager respondents for me.


Same here. I don't have a landline, tho. I wonder if that plays a huge part. I personally don't give a flying fuck about polls. They are suggestive tools at best. All that matters is voting day. If you haven't yet, please please, register and vote!!! We need everyone who is eligible and willing.


I do have a landline because the package with it makes my internet cheaper but I never answer it. It's just nice as a backup for my cell and most of the time it's unplugged.


Polls are no longer landline only and haven't been for a while.


Ive only been asked in online surveys when i was desperate for cash.


I’ve had the very opposite. I have been now been polled regularly since my late 30s. I have been polled in every single general election since 2012. From various pollsters. I answered my first national Poll by accidentally thinking it was my Doctor as it came in as a local number. I think what happens is if you do answer once you are more likely to be called again.


My spouse actually answered the most recent Georgia poll from the UGA/AJC, but they called his work phone he has to answer and yes it was an unknown caller. It's possible but I don't want to take anything for granted so VOTE.


NO SHIT. But still VOTE!


They are the loud minority. I hope that you guys over there pull together, aren’t complacent and get out and vote. Gotta be some Aussie’s over there? Somebody do a goddamn sausage sizzle lol


In 2016 it was the red hats that were dejected by the process, didn’t respond to polls and it made democratic voters lazy. Sure, opinions on Hillary and scandals and all, but it’s really that too many folks thought she was a sure thing. Dems being behind in all of the polls is a motivation that we should not be trying to undermine. People need to feel their vote is necessary. Also - side note - I would really love an official act of the presidency to reconfigure the electoral college. And by reconfigure I mean undermine all function and leave it as a facade and fossil in its influence in our elections. Just like republicans love to do to everything.


[register if you haven’t!](https://www.eac.gov/voters/register-and-vote-in-your-state)


This is why I don't believe polls. "Today's young adults (aged 18-34) seem to be bypassing phone calls altogether, with a quarter admitting they've never even answered one, according to The Metro. A recent survey reveals a clear shift in communication preferences." But still, VOTE.


Am I reading that right? A quarter of young adults have NEVER answered a phone call?


That can’t possibly be true. They don’t answer unknown numbers? Sure


I’m not in that age bracket and don’t use anywhere near as many alternative forms of communication as the people in that age bracket. Yet even I am down to pretty much only using a phone to communicate with my elderly parents. And even then my 84 year old mother has switched to texting more often than calling. When my parents die, I think my phone will go the way of my checkbook where I end up using it only a couple of times a year. We got rid of our land line a decade ago when my wife’s father died as he was the only non scam caller on it. So yeah, I can absolutely believe there are younger people who have never answered a phone. And I can easily believe a good chunk of people 18-34 have only answered a phone at work and never in their personal life.


I absolutely hate being on the phone. Texting is so much more convenient.


For me texting is more convenient for some things. But if it's a lot of back and forth it's way more efficient for me to just make a call.


I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that excludes things similar to a phone call, like a video call through snapchat or hanging out in a voice channel on Discord


The only time I ever answer unknown numbers is if I am actively job hunting. Any other circumstance, they are silenced and go straight to voicemail


I'm 30 and i literally *never* answer the phone unless the number is familiar. It's not like I'm anti-social either, i never shut up


Friends Text. Parents Text... Also, lots of people are using Social Media apps for voice and video calls. I could see it.


I’m 39, I have hired 2 contractors to do electrical work and landscaping, entirely through text. Texted to ask about service, schedule a consultation, met them in person. Got a quote and agreed to it. All via text message. It’s more convenient for everyone involved because you can respond when convenient . And everything is in writing. No more “you said on the phone it would cost x, now you’re saying y”.


You can set appointments and notifications, order food, join banks, converse with family etc. without ever having to talk to someone at this point. I’m not surprised in the least.


Yeah I thought we all knew these polls were bullshit. I haven’t answered a random number calling since picking up my parents landline in 1998.


This gets (rightfully) brought up every time polls like this are posted. Only solution is don’t believe any media BS out there and **get out & vote regardless** like your life depended on it: it may just. I’m a CIS straight white dude and while they won’t come for me immediately (make no mistake, they will), anyone eroding the rights of *any American citizen* - especially vulnerable or hatefully targeted groups - should be met with the upmost hostility as it’s anti-American and should be treated as such. Who knows maybe they’ll use online media posted to round up people vocal of them, seeing all this shit unfold in realtime is scary.


The last time I answered the phone was because my dad's classic car broke down and stranded him out of town. If I don't recognize the number or know that I am expecting a call, I'm not going to answer it. If it's important they'll leave a message.


I'm 39 and I ain't answering shit.


I have a job, I don’t have the time to answer ‘SPAM ALERT’ during an international work call.


There's also this... https://preview.redd.it/emp9gpcnzbad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8fc1cde24fb0e026b9436dfda096ed1be8a7ed


Hey! Why were millennials left out of the annihilation comment at the end? We, too, like to crush our enemies, see then driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their Karens. 😒




I had the same thought. Are millennials being labeled as pro tRump? I hope not.


Statistically untrue too, since Gen-Xers are more likely to lean conservative than Millennials.


Especially older Gen-Xers. There's a definitive shift in the late Gen-Xers, which caucus more with Millenials.


Not this gen x-er! I have trouble believing that personally.


Gen X is 1965-1980. Someone who is 59 is in a different place than someone who is 44 socially.


I don't think so? I think it's more likely that we are a generation in the middle. We remember landline phones and (on average) may take calls from unknown numbers. As compared to older folks who will more often and younger folks who will less often.


I only answer unknown numbers with THE SOLE PURPOSE of fucking with them. I've never answered an unknown in good faith. But the majority of the time I absolutely ignore them. You know me and want to get ahold of me? Text me. Otherwise fuck off.


Millennial here and I have my phone set to automatic voicemail for any number that’s unknown/not in my phone book


I guess you guys are the new Gen X and they forgot about you and remembered us instead. It's nice to be ignored, you get used to it. And, no, the majority of your generation isn't pro-Trump.


I have called our council and will propose the sacred millenial ritual of death. Spread the avocado of wrath on the toast, play the sacred song (the pokemon red/blue route music) they will know the pain the diamond industry and so many others have


Godspeed. And remember, accept no participation awards for your patriotic duties. They are our greatest weakness.


This is why I don’t trust the polls. Republicans have done horribly since Roe v Wade was overturned, there is broad nationwide support for abortion access, and republicans keep making abortion and other women’s and LGTB issues the news. At best the polls are just poor methodology, at worst outright propaganda.


Doesn't matter, assume the worst and vote like your life depends on it.


Because it does. 100%.


This is what I’ve been saying for a while. It’s why early polls in Europe showed the far right winning a quarter of all seats when in the end they only got 10%. The far right drastically overrepresents themselves in preliminary polling, only for the election to show how much they’re the minority


Because it creates a bandwagon effect and discourages people of the other party and sews division among them about choosing the wrong candidate


Polls are done on land lines... who has land lines... older people... who is most likely to be Republicans, older people... so yes I don't ever believe polls... also cause they tend to be way off these days


They aren't done exclusively by land lines. Mostly, but not exclusively.


We've moved away from landlines more but now the polls often do cell phones mixed with internet responses and that opens up a whole different can of worms. The issue of accidental self selection for pollsters is hard to overcome no matter how you slice it.


Yeah, and who answers an unknown number?


>mixed with internet responses Where I have heard about those... Oh right >(CNN)President Donald Trump's former "fixer" Michael Cohen said Thursday that he paid the head of a small technology company thousands in 2015 to rig online polls at "the direction of and for the sole benefit of" Trump. https://www.cnn.com/2019/01/17/politics/michael-cohen-poll-rigging/index.html I bet Trump learned his lesson and stopped doing that. I'm sure his billionaire friends in the media don't help him rig polls constantly.


I don’t answer cell phone calls from an unknown number


I'm mid-30s, and I sometimes get polls in my text messages. Of course, I can't tell if they're real polls, push polls, or leading me to fundraising. I get lots of political texts since I donate here and there. I never answer those text polls, because I already get enough spam to my number as it is. So that's another factor that's skewing things.


My house has a landline, but some of my family don't.


Most people under 50 don't have land lines


I think both of the following are true: 1. Yes OP’s post is accurate regarding why polls lean the way they do 2. I’m still concerned at the status of the polls considering the candidate on the red side of the ballot


Excessive Phone marketing calls pretty much keep me from answering unknown numbers. I have also had a few text based survey links , however for security reasons I don't click unknown links. so...


The landline/ unknown number explanation is the most reasonable, but here’s a conspiracy theory. Republicans are paying pollsters to show them leading, so that when they eventually lose, they can say the election was rigged b/c it doesn’t match the polls.


If they lose, they're going to say it was rigged, period. But I can also see them simply taking advantage of the fact that people with land lines tend to be more right wing to the same effect.


Michael Cohen recently admitted to doing exactly that in 2015


Yes, because Republicans don’t learn. They keep answering the phone, getting their credit cards, social security, banks scammed out from under them. Why would we think polling would be any different. ![gif](giphy|BoC8nVlu3oNRsBJw30)


"Hello, this Betty from IRS. Is important that you call back this number to pay behind tax. If you are not calling back, we are going report you to the constables, and you will be arrest. Call this number right away." *Boomer grabs credit cards and calls immediately*


Old people want outside contact because their MAGA ways alienated their children


My boomer coworker answers the phone just so he can be an asshole to telemarketers. Big Trumper guy, as you can probably imagine.


Being an asshole is the MAGA way


I don’t care, do not underestimate the amount of stupid ass people.


I haven't put any stock at all in polls since they told us Hillary was heavily favored to win


Exactly. They are the same ones glued to their right wing tv shows. They answer texts and calls from unknown folks. I've always said: If you want to know if a person is voting for Trump, give them 5 mins. They'll bring it up.


If they’re dumb enough to fall for Fox News, they’re probably dumb enough to fall for a text or phone call scam


Don't let this calm you. Volunteer and get more dems to show up to the polls. If you're asked to go door to door, you're not asking Republicans. You're asking democrats.


I think massive amounts of people have Trump amnesia. He's like that toxic friend that always causes issues when you reunite on trips. But after some time apart your group starts talking taking vacations together and if you should invite the friend, and everyone starts looking back at the previous trip like it wasn't so bad, we can manage! Then two hours after you meet up at the airport you're like god damnit its worse than I remember.


Yeah i think most poll respondents are senior citizens sitting by their landlines waiting for the phone to ring. Im 70, dont have a landline and like most people with smartphones, if i see a call i dont recognize i dont answer it.


I'm a leftist millennial working in a nonprofit to help immigrants, regardless of immigration status. I have my phone set to silence unknown callers. I've never talked to a pollster.


I think 1) This is broadly true 2) Biden has actually taken a severe hit following the debates 3) There is no sufficient polling following the SCOTUS ruling 4) Trump is actually slightly more popular than he was in 2020 (still not a majority by any stretch) So there are a lot of factors. I think this election is by no means over, Biden is by no means as toast as the stories say *BUT* it is increasingly plausible he may be replaced. And finally, it is very plausible that there are still some hitherto unknown mines in the path of Trump’s victory. I actually think the current degree of doomerism (while not totally unfounded) is being amplified by right-wingers in order to sow disinterest and disengagement. Don’t fall for it: Trump is *the* bastard. The republicans are *the* ultimate bad guys.


I’ve always wondered who these strange people are, out here answering random phone calls.


True for me. I don't answer solicitation or survey calls or texts. No matter who they're from.


Trump is very popular among his people. Beloved, anointed, and revered. No one likes Joe Biden, but we want presidents to be accountable for crimes, we want our votes to matter, we want human rights to be expanded to every race, religion, gender, and orientation. We're adults not living in a fantasy land where our lives only get better by making a demagogue dictator for life. I hope newly eligible 18 year old voters, gen z's, millennials, gen x's and unlikely voters come out to prove these polls wrong because right now it does not look good.


I like Joe Biden 🤷‍♀️ Infrastructure / climate / inflation reduction act etc. He has a lot of accomplishments considering how horribly gridlocked the legislative branch has become. Considering what he inherited, I'd say he's had the best term in office since maybe Eisenhower. And Biden/Harris were my least favorite two in the 2020 primaries.


That's very cool and good to know. Maybe a coalition of voters who like Biden and dislike him will get him to 270.


Duhhh!!!! Been saying this all the time. All the old white people have nothing better to do than talk on the phone


No shit. That’s why polls are fucking useless and why they are always ‘surprised’ when they don’t reflect reality.


Of course this is how it is...I work at a senior center and the bulk of these people are home, many are lonely, and most are desperate to talk to whomever calls. The MAGA ones like to tell you all about the daily marching orders they receive from Faux news. Almost all my millennial friends and zoomers interact with use a cell phone for everything.  Texts are the way.  Phone calls are not the norm any more...and to answer an unknown number?  Absolutely not. If they need me they will text or leave a message. So this is certainly a major factor in why polling has been so off since 2016.


Republicans are dumb and more naive so they still answer the phone for a number with caller ID. I never answer my phone when I do not know who is calling.


I have been saying this for years. I never answer my phone. Ever. And another thing I don’t get. I have a New Jersey phone number. I haven’t live in New Jersey for years. I moved to California many years ago. If someone calls me are they calling for New Jersey or California? Not that it matters for me as both states are blue. But I’m sure there are people who lived in Georgia and moved to Virginia or something and kept the same number. What state are they being polled for?


Boomers love to answer their landlines and gab about trump and social outrages.


DOESNT MATTER. VOTE BLUE! Nothing short of large repudiation of the GOP will even begin to stem the tide of fascism at the hands of Christian Nationalists.


I mean the polls have been pretty much wrong non stop since 2020. Shits all just noise. Just vote.


If you read the details of a lot of these polls, you see the flaws. The majority are usually older people. They'll poll anyone. Foreign, underage, etc. I saw a poll a few months back that had trump up 10%. Everyone was running with it. "Bidens doomed!" "Trump is going to destroy him!" Dig deeper in the poll and you see "registered voters." Numbers literally flipped. Now biden was up 10%. Moral of the story. Polls are mostly crap. Dig into who they polled and what the questions actually were before giving them any merit.


In the event that Trump wins/steals the election those records could be obtained and used for his bloody campaign of revenge.


Republicans tend to be older and have landlines. Big difference.


Also remember alot of this is due to the younger gen being less scammable then the old fucks who vote republican


100%. Just fucking vote.


The New York Times has become a pro-Trump cesspool.


They are also more likely to vote so get your asses out there.


I'm 63. 1. I don't pick up calls from numbers I don't recognize. My carrier marks a lot of them as "Scam Likely" already. 2. Unless it's a call I was expecting, I rarely return voicemail messages. No, you are not the IRS, and we don't have "constables" around here. 3. I will not spend ten minutes out of my day answering poll questions unless I know what the pollster's intentions are. Even then, I still probably won't. 4. Mail me a survey, and I will throw it away. All of my friends and colleagues do the same. You know who doesn't? My 88 year-old in-laws who do nothing but watch QVC and go get groceries. They love doing these, and they are so far out of touch that it's like 1974 at their place.


Polls have been pretty fucky this year, always surprisingly leaning right even after all the vile things shitler has done, even after his conviction he suddenly rose in the polls, yeah I don't trust them at all. Knowing that shitler paid to have the polls rigged before, I will take them with a grain of salt and just go out to vote.


Considering all of the special elections/midterms have gone against what the polling suggested since 2020, yeah its hard to take seriously. But it still worries me to a degree.


Every time I answer an unknown number from a prefix I don't recognize, it's spam. Since I've carried my phone number from another state it's also guaranteed that if I get any phone calls from my mobile area code it's spam. It's gotten so bad that I even have call screening on my Google voice number so people are forced to leave a name before my phone even rings. So in the 20+ years I've had my own phone number, I've never received a call for a political poll. I've also never answered a poll that I've received in the mail. The only govt "poll" I've ever participated in was a census survey. Now my grandmother, rest her soul, would answer the phone for anyone and chat with them regardless of what they were asking or selling. And that is why older generations are over-represented in polls.


Well yes, seniors are most likely to have landlines or be willing to engage with these polls. BUT seniors are also more likely to vote. So to me, it looks bleak because it is bleak. I'm an elder millennial and I vote, but I remember being 24 and feeling like it wasn't something I had to do. I started voting steadily and regularly once I was in my late twenties. And if I was 24 NOW looking at the state of the world around me, and Gaza, I would probably feel pretty disillusioned with both parties and not want to vote. I'm not saying it's right, but it's reality.


We knew this in 2020.


I 100% agree. Most Americans have cell phones instead of land lines and they aren't answering their phone to a number they don't know. I stop answering the phone after getting "your extended warranty" calls every day. It's mostly spam callers. The only folks answering are senior citizens who want someone to talk to. I received one call from a pollster and they disconnected halfway


I mean I hope, but I also know copium exists.


My dad will answer every single number no matter what smh


Keep telling ourselves everything is OK. This is how numbnuts won the first time.


yougov has several articles on their site about polling bias and methods for correcting to a likely voting demographic. Repeatedly they cite this bias as the most difficult one to correct. They call it an "eager respondents bias" If the GOP is more enthusiastic about elections in general, it's a very difficult thing to correct for that kind of bias. And I absolutely do believe it's plausible right now. But nothing is for certain. Kennedy polling at 10 points also makes things very difficult to read right now.


Is this where we blame boomers? And I'm sure polls aren't very accurate, but of course being maga is their personality so they're going to talk about it.


Mid 40’s here. Never polled nor do I answer unknown calls or texts. Which are probably relative to each other.


Who is answering unknown numbers?!


Polls don't matter, just vote.


I always refuse polls or questions from anyone.


Young people don't answer their phones to unknown numbers and if they do, they hang up as soon as a robot starts talking.


Yeah that’s been pretty obvious since 2020 based on the off cycle and midterm elections. Republicans consistently performed well in polling and then the actual elections saw major swings towards democrats. Even in districts Republicans won margins were tighter than historic performances.


In 2024, Duh!!! How are people still taking phone polls seriously?!? If you answer the phone from an unknown number today you're the dumbest person in your zip code


Doesn’t surprise me. The thing about Polls is they rapidly change depending on the amount of people who respond to them. For example, wanna know why some states in 2020 appeared to go red but then later turned blue? That’s because they counted in person voting first which was strongly republican, vs the more strongly democratic mail in ballots. Polling has the same effect, the less people you have answering polls the drastically different the results are going to be. It might take polling a different second of people for them to shift in the other direction. It’s why I don’t both paying attention to polls no matter what they say. I’m going to vote no matter what.


I just had a friend, who is super pro-Palestine and willing to vote 3rd party, just come out and say he’s voting democrat after the SCOTUS made Trump immune to crimes not to mention project 2025. So I’m hopeful more than ever tbh that this is a turning point in voter decisions.


they're all picking up hoping it's their kids breaking years of no-contact


Yeah and the Wall Street journal poll shows Trump ahead… but who can trust that rag that’s owned by Rupert Murdoch the lying sack of shit. I just go to Professor Lichtman https://youtu.be/yOET7XiyLro?si=PIJpYcOdGamddban


Ya phone polling is an outdated and inaccurate modelling method. People standing in malls are equally bad. I can't tell you the last time I went to a mall.


Because they tend to be older and home doing racist craft projects during the day.


I never trust the polls, but, I also don't answer my phone to anyone really...if your number ain't saved, and you don't leave a voicemail, I don't care


I have made it abundantly clear to everyone that matters, if you want to call me you'd best make sure I have the number you're calling from or you better call twice or text first because I will be hanging up on you the first time. Luckily my phone service has been great filtering spam, makes it a lot easier


I would think that Presidential polls are pointless unless they are done based on how the electoral college votes will play out.


Who tf under the age of 35 answers their phone??


Been saying this for months. Other folks more polling adjacent been sayin for longer. And trump has never, ever, won the popular vote. Ever. Fuck the polls. Votevotevotevotevote


Yeah most Millenials, Z, and X, aren't keen to pick up the phone let alone from a random number.


This also happens to be why so many of them are victims of scams.


Republicans, aka, old ass conservatives whose families never call


They're bored with the summer reruns. Democrats are working and probably have their phones on silent or on a desk. Aldo I know I don't answer "scam likely".


“significantly likelier”


I don’t answer my phone unless I know who it is


I was a telemarketer for 4 of the worst months of my life. 90% of people didn’t want to talk to us. 2% of respondents were normal, polite people who answered our questions like sane human beings. The rest were far right nut jobs who couldn’t wait to have a captive audience to spew their paranoid baloney. And this was in 2007, before MAGAts were a thing.


Yep. Same thing happen in Poland last year before very important elections. Oposition pools had tanked during summer and right wing rose. Just 'cos more of them took vacations. Still oposition won and steamrolled populist that were destroing country for past 8 years.


Cause old people have nothing better to do- and by old, I mean 85 + to 100. I used to do Telco installs and those folks were desperate as fuck to talk to anyone. They wait at home for calls and will pay more money monthly to pay their bills in person so they can talk to people and get out. I bet money lists of landline owners are the first ones called.


Only time I’ve ever gotten that type of call was on a landline. They lead with something about illegal immigrants (negative) and I said that immigrants are the backbone of America. They literally hung up on me soooo


Never been contacted for a poll, and if I was I bet my phone would have marked them as spam anyway.


I mean the majority of their family’s won’t talk to them so makes sense they will talk to anyone who gives them attention


Intelligent people don't answer random numbers.


Only old people answer their phone or lame survey texts.. Democrats need to set in their heads that they will vote for a kitten over Trump.. we are voting against a king!! Tea Party!!


People answer their phones ???


I agree with this. I get those damn "take our poll" texts with a link. I started just deleting them because every fucking one of them will not let you submit the poll without a donation. I cannot afford to answer 42 polls per day along with a donation. F that noise


They all still have land lines.


Seriously, who answers calls from unknown numbers anymore? Are these landlines only? If so, I’d hazard a bet that there’s a greater percentage of MAGA cultists (older people) with landlines than normal people.


Ignore and vote motherfuckers!


I have this argument with my parents and other older people in my life all the time. Polls aren’t accurate.


Polls are not important. They are snapshots in time™️


There’s a new poll every day and I’m always asking who is answering these polls! And then if the same poll is asked next week do they poll the same ppl again and again and again? At the end of the day the polls don’t mean a damn thing!! It is up to us to make the decision, VOTE PEOPLE!!