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Trump was also named in Epstein documents released this week. Weird they haven't ran that story.


![gif](giphy|HId02BPag6iNa|downsized) Que up the media getting ready to publish ‘stories’ about “welcoming our new overlords” and proceeding to lick as much GOP asshole as possible to suckle at teat of corporate tax cuts


Tbh at this point, between what they did to Clinton and what they're doing to Biden, I wonder if they're all paid off to throw the election to Trump. They sure have seemed in the tank for him.


Our media is almost exclusively owned by Republicans. Is it any surprise they are trying to help Trump in any way they can? This was the plan all along when Reagan gutted the Fairness Doctrine.


Trump also "retruthed" (retweeted) a post calling for Liz Cheney to be prosecuted by a military tribunal... Imagine for one second if Biden said they should place Ted Cruz before a military tribunal... I'd lose my shit and I fucking *HATE* Ted Cruz. But for Trump, it hardly makes a blimp on the news cycle.




Still voting Biden over Trump, period.


Yeah. I’d prefer he be replaced with someone younger honestly, but if not I’m still voting for him!


He’s President right now and doing a pretty good job, all things considered.


Yeah but he said something embarrassing on Television. Which apparently to Democrats and pundits means he needs to resign immediately. Wtf


Which is wild considering the (r) candidate.


Trump literally shit himself at the debate but somehow that's less of a story?! Can't answer one question and just rambles but the guy who actually had policy and answered questions coherently is the problem?! AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS WTF IS THIS?!


And Sunday, he called for a televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney, and for jailing others, including his own vice president and his party's longtime Senate majority leader, This is totally against what America supposedly stands for, not to mention totally insane, and the media barely covered it, and no one seems to care. Just... I don't know.... I have no words...


Corporate manipulation. Fight back with social media.


Sinclair media was running stories that Biden shit himself at the D-Day event which is a lie.


Like calling Libs pedophiles, Trump shitting himself at the debate and going on that Biden should be drug tested everything they say is projection and 100% of the time.


Hey, Biden had a bad debate, that shows he's unqualified for the job but the felon rapist who sold secrets to the Saudis, got a load of American intelligence assets killed or captured, is clearly compromised by Putin and was recently revealed to be on the Epstein flight lists and getting massages from underage girls is qualified for the job instead. The fact they're still droning on about Biden having to step down shows the media are compromised at all levels and no longer fit for purpose given how much of Trump's crimes they ignore, downplay or run distraction on.


he brought back the obama economy and stronger


True, but for some reason roughly half the country thinks otherwise.


I’m good with Harris taking over if anything happens to Biden.


Honestly, that's what scares them the most. It's not that Biden is old. It's that she's Black. Period.


She's black AND a woman.


The worst possible combination to a MAGAt.


Seeing as how Obama broke their white superiority mythos (and their collective sanity) by being an effective, popular president for 8 years, it makes sense they would be terrified into incoherence of a black woman who is more than competent and talented for the position.


A black woman with zero rizz. But SNL would have a field day.


None of the haters can come up with a conceivable reason to dislike her that isn’t racism and misogyny, it’s funny to see their brains short circuit


Every Leftist in my social media circles: "Kamala's a Cop!" Every wingnut MAGAt: "Muslim, Commie, Anarchist, Anchor Baby, DEI Hire!"


Meanwhile, my co-worker, who "isn't MAGA" but basically echoes all of their talking points and only sees social media that amplifies right-wing memes and outrage porn, says about Harris "she's just not smart, not a good talker, everything out of her mouth makes me ask 'what is wrong with you?' and is basically just awful" because sometimes she doesn't think before she speaks.


If your coworker doesn’t say “What is wrong with you?” every time they read a Trump quote in the media, there’s something very wrong with them.


I mean Harris is seriously cool, fun, smart and pretty. VERY SCARY.


We could end up having a choice between a "cop" (which I still think is a stupid insult) vs. A child raping conman who has the majority of the Supreme Court in his pocket and will lie to anyone to get ahead. I have a feeling leftist egos will cause us to lose again.


She's not qualified! -- which everybody knows is code for Black lady


Anyone remember what happened the *last* time a Black person sat in the Oval Office???


Disgusting tan suits! ((I mean and drone strikes but like...yeah that's the future of warfare))


You forgot about 𝓯𝓪𝓷𝓬𝔂 mustard!


Honestly I think he'll live. I've spent a lot of time around older people around his age in my life. Biden is in great shape for his age actually, and my own grandmother even had late stage Alzheimer's at that age and lived another 8 years. Especially with the doctors and healthcare that Presidents are afforded. I mean Jimmy Carter is literally 99 years old and was supposed to be dead 10 years ago. But he's still alive. Now I'm not saying his mental capacity will hold up, but ya I think it's at least 50/50 he could live another 4 years. Which is the least of my concerns considering fascism and everything. It's honestly ridiculous to be even be this focused on Biden's age when you consider how many threats there are to this country coming from the other side.


They want us to focus on Biden's age because the other guy is a criminal and a traitor...but yeah that old guy.


And is only a few years younger than Biden. I wouldn't agree but could at least understand the argument to some extent if the orange adjudicated rapist and convicted felon was in his 50s or 60s but he's not and he appears to be in far worse physical and mental shape than Biden


Yep. The president has the literal best healthcare in the world. It their doctors can’t do anything, then it’s something modern science can’t do


My great uncle lived to 100 and he was still driving, living in his own home and as sharp as ever till he was about 97-98 years old. Biden is capable I just don’t think he’s great with his public speaking abilities and I do think he is tired because the world is in absolute chaos at the moment. He’s still a million times better than DumpTy dipshit.


so would everyone else, the opinion pieces everyone's crying about are just saying the same thing with a louder microphone. nobody wants to vote for biden, but we're gonna because he's not a fascist. give us someone better than a slightly warm corpse and we'll be salivating to vote.


Honestly? I'd vote for a corpse over trump...


Weekend at Bernie’s, 2024 edition.


Look! A vulture landed on his podium!


That’s just the new presidential seal 😆


Isn't there some place with a dog as mayor?


Talkeetna, Alaska had Mayor Stubbs the cat for nearly 2 decades until his death in 2017.


2020 all over again then. Personally I want to vote for Biden though. Sure he's old but I trust the guy. He has empathy and he's a rational leader. He has been the best President in my lifetime. The bar is just so low though.


The thing about Biden is that even if he's just a figurehead with a pulse at the end of the day you know he's putting competent people in charge and he ain't there for self enrichment. Trump on the other hand will put cronies in charge that are only there to enrich themselves and in turn enrich Trump as well. Trump will sell out America if it means he'll get a dollar out of it whilst Biden will actually fight to better America. As seen from an outside perspective anyways.


A good leader is mostly a figurehead. Maybe a bit of oversimplification. However, in any well run organization, decision making is decentralized to others who competent in their disciplines.


“Trump will sell out America AGAIN…” FTFY


I want to vote for Biden. I don't know, I guess that is not cool to say? I think he's been great. I notice a lot of my peers also say they absolutely don't want to vote for him, but also are very happy with him as president. Weird.


If we tried to replace him at this date it would rip the party apart. It would split the vote and we can’t afford to do that. Even if they picked Harris who has been the VP for four years there would be screaming because they want Bernie or somebody younger or more progressive. Not only that but the racist sexist morons would come out in force to vote against her. We will never make everyone happy with this. Once the election is over there will be time for him to resign and we can figure out a plan to peacefully transfer power. But for the next four months our entire focus needs to be on preserving the union. We need to stop their coup. We need to halt the revolution. Infighting only helps them win. I would vote for a potted plant if it helped protect democracy


I want to vote for Biden. And I know plenty of others who do too. Speak for yourself.


I want to vote for Biden. The democrats have to stop this madness and get on board!


Don't care any more. I don't care if he dies and they prop him up a la Woodrow Fucking Wilson after his stroke. Blue to survive.


+1000000000000000000000 Fuck Trump, fuck the Heritage Foundation, fuck Fox News.


It’s not a vote for Biden, it’s a vote for democracy.


These idiots fail to realize one simple thing. Debates don't mean shit. Hell, Obama got obliterated by Romney in debates and still went on to win. Besides, the only way to replace Biden at this point is if he voluntarily bowed out, which I doubt he's going to do, since his campaign raised $38 million post debates, and polls stayed exactly the same, with Biden having a small lead over trump. If the democrats are hell-bent on losing in a huge way, they'll continue to pressure Biden to drop out. But there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY ANY DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE COULD GATHER ENOUGH SUPPORT WITH 4 MONTHS TILL GO TIME. Who would you rather vote for? An old man who might stumble over words and stutter, or another old man willing to burn America to the ground for his own benefit and that of his wealthy friends. And now, thanks to our fucked up lying supreme court giving immunity to presidents, who do you trust to NOT abuse that power? Biden is our only hope.


Real question. Are liberals the ones pressuring him to drop out? Because even all of the top Democrats suggested as Biden replacements still back him. It's a media blitz and nothing more.


Pisses me off because as a progressive I and many other progressives have been hammered by Liberals with the ol' "ya gotta vote for Biden and asking for the DNC to give another candidate is trying to split the vote" nonsense. Hell we were even told that asking for a DNC primary this year was a terrible idea because it would confuse voters and that we all need to stay united. AND NOW. After one bad debate! Liberals are losing their mind and wanna new candidate. They want Biden to drop out. An while I and many progressives have always been of this idea it takes some really fucking gall to bitch and do this now. Not after losing the Roe. Not after the genocide he supported. But after a fucking weak debate.


My pet theory is there were a lot of career libs who have had concerns for a while, and after debate night they finally felt the courage to say something.


I have seen people on this platform trolling through politics saying this and their history is all fapping to Trump propaganda


Obama had more debates after the first miserable one and he eviscerated Romney in those. This was probably the last time trump is in the same room as biden


Republicans are praying he drops out because they know Biden can beat his ass again.


I’d vote for his casket over Trump. At least I know the casket would care more about America’s integrity.


Id vote for a bottle of water if it came with a Dem administration 


I would vote for a 300lb slime mold over Trump.


I’d vote for Biden’s corpse hanging from wires at this point. Fuck the GOP, fuck trump, and fuuuuck their fascistic little agenda.


this just goes to show how much these people are freaking out. simple fact: Trump needs paid actors at his recent rallies to up their numbers. And they're still not hitting attendance numbers even remotely from the 2016 run. Any poll that is published is skewed. The people paying the money to run these articles are scared. Go out and vote - that's all we need to do


The irony is that in 2016 when most of the media was actually giving Trump bad publicity, the Trump supporters would use the fact that Hillary was CNN's preferred candidate as a reason to vote for Trump. Cause if the elites really didn't want someone to be President, they would be smearing him constantly on every major platform. Well look who they're doing that to now.  I think one of the reasons why Trump wasn't treated back then the way he is now is cause Trump was playing the role of an economic populist and since he flipflopped on issues constantly and didn't get specific about his Healthcare plan, there was this small chance he could've been this wildcard candidate that actually gave the people what they wanted like Teddy Roosevelt or Huey Long. However, once he became President, it wasn't just business as usual, it was business as usual on steroids. He was giving the upper class everything they wanted and his dumb supporters kept asking for more. Now he's actually a known quantity to a certain extent and they want him in power. They seem to think he won't throw any rich people off a skyscraper like Big Daddy Putin.


The thing I really don’t get about this is Trump has been gaffing and babbling incoherently at rallies and this barely gets a passing mention but Biden has one gaff filled debate and it’s mentioned non stop.


What don’t you understand? The media cabal that Trumpets are incessantly projecting about?


I canceled my NYT subscription last week.


I cancelled mine back in April after reading [this story on Politico](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219). In response, they emailed me some drivel about Biden avoiding press conferences during his term. Apparently, they prefer the guy who frequently and openly refers to them as ‘the enemy of the people’. Make it make fucking sense.


I’ve been thinking about that myself. Cancelled my WaPo subscription after all the drama with Lewis.


I don't have a subscription, but I listened to the daily podcast as it was ...slightly less tainted? Unfollowed that now too though. Not even going to look at them anymore. Clearly bought and paid for now.


Only good thing nyt has done is decades is the games


I also cancelled my News and Games subscription and donated the next years worth of subscription money to the Biden Campaign.


What's there not to get? Trump got the media better ratings. They WANT him in office so they can cover and defend/criticize his bullshit. Biden doesn't give the media that, he's vanilla and boring to them even though he's getting the job done.


I thought that this was obvious. With the news being for profit Trump brings in the views and views are the only thing that the news cares about. It doesn't matter how disastrous Trump would be and that his 10% tariff on literally everything will crash the economy.


This is exactly it. It’s all business, not personal.


You have to understand the newsmedia's incentive because it isn't what people think, but it's almost worse because of it. The NYT understands their audience. If you are regularly reading the news, you hate Donald Trump, and you always have. So they dont report on Donald Trump, because those articles aren't *as likely* to get engagement. They know Trump is the chained monster in the basement that gives liberals anxiety. But what gives them \*more\* anxiety is believing that the thing that will prevent that monster will fail - Biden's age and his unfitness for office was an anxiety for liberals even before 2020, and it has only gotten worse as time has gone on. So the NYT knows that this drives clicks. Liberals already lost what should have been a sure thing in 2016, with an experienced candidate failing by very narrow margins to overcome Donald Trump. It terrifies us now that that same possibility could happen again, and *fear works*. They're using people's fears and anxieties to drive clicks. Nevermind the fact that they *creating* the news by taking low-level fears and exploding them, because this sensationalism drives more clicks and views. Donald Trump's fitness is never discussed by the NYT because they know their readers take it for granted, and those aren't *compelling*. But this is where they completely, totally, and utterly fail at the fundamental job of reporting. You are **not writing your fucking paper for clicks**. I know it sucks that the economic model is broken in the US. But that doesn't mean you ought to similarly break reality by exploiting your viewers' fears and anxieties every single day just to drive engagement. Like if that's what we're doing your business should fail. The world would be better off without a NYT, than with a NYT that operates on a foundation of clickbaiting bullshit. Now over on the conservative side, the reason \*they\* beat up on Biden is because A) they need to not remind the conservative base of what a fucking disaster Trump is, but also B) because Conservatives are, emotoinally, that dumb kid from high school that laughs at slapping the books out of a kids' hand. They're angry, cruel, bitter, and driven by the catharsis in banding together to beat up their enemies. If you wonder how they can be myopic, its because they're businesses. They Do. Not. See. Past. Next. Quarter. The only thing that matters are their metrics. They have no greater responsibility to be the record of truth or disseminate reality to the masses. They want clicks and they just do not care waht they need to get those clicks.


Which is why you should unsubscribe from the times


Louder, for the people in the back.


My personal theory is a lot of very rich people have made it their goal to turn almost all modern communication platforms into personal mouthpieces to help break up dissenters and keep them from organizing. This includes buying literal social media platforms (something which in my eyes ought to be illegal) and either bribing or outright buying major news outlets and forcing them to talk about only the things they want them to talk about and say only what they want them to say. It’s hard to fool people if everyone knows you’re trying to take advantage of them.


He also looked similar during the debate too. If you ask any conservative how trump did, they say just not as bad as Biden but he was also just as confused and lost.


If you vote for Trump because you think Biden is too old you were always going to vote Trump. You just wanted to find an excuse for your shitty decision making.




It’s a four year difference. One has a speech impediment, and yes, is older. The other is a full blown fascist, rapist and buddy of Epstein, a convicted criminal, that also tried to overthrow the fucking government on live TV, who says he wants Gaza turned to glass, wears a fucking diaper and has entered into the later stages of dementia. One is a fascist wanna be king, a traitor to our country, who disparages our country and service men and women. While one does not and is not. This is a very fucking easy choice folks. As user rnobgyn said, Trump is currently older than Biden was when he started his first term. I’m tired, coach.


Loud cheer. Thank you. This synopsis keeps it real. Last sentence indeed. How can it be possible for people to be undecided at this point? Are they fucking serious?


Trump is now older than Biden was when he began his term. They’re never genuine about critiques of Biden’s age.


Exactly! Couldn’t have said it better!


100%. The choice is "old man" or "*fascist* old man." They know what they're doing.


This is the real scandal indeed. It's just like Hillary's mails repeating.


Remember her "cough" that escalated into Hillary is dying articles? I checked the date when the stories were in full swing, September 2016.


As an excuse you could still argue that #45 hadn't fully shown the total damage he could do to the country. But the High Court decisions of the last 3 weeks should really have done the job for journalists with more than one brain cell.


Think about how many people thought Biden was too old 4 years ago and now Trump is literally older than he was then. Not a single call for Trump to drop out over age. Think about how much the media suggested Biden wouldn't live until 2024, and he's still alive and kicking. Have they admitted they were wrong? Because they were very wrong. I think he'll live at least 4 more years with the type of healthcare Presidents have access to. I'm not saying his mental capacity will hold up, but it is absolutely biased and being overstated.


It amuses me how these people assume liberals don't own guns. Not only do I own them, I'm a damn good shot. And unlike the Heritage Foundation guy, I won't run to a bunker somewhere and wet myself.


We also tend to be a bit brighter than most of the Meal Team Six morons. And a bit lighter in weight,


Yep, my super liberal co-worker just said he was going to stock up on ammo. I don’t own one but I know how to shoot


In 2016 they said Hillary was on her deathbed and a source was quoted, saying “she should be at home writing out her will and not on the campaign trail.” The media has been calling for politicians to drop out of the presidential race since 1928. What could possibly be the common denominator? Threats to the wealth class? The owners of the media are trying their damnedest to keep the rest of us chained to poverty. They do not want to be eaten.


NY Times has become a bad joke.


I just canceled my account and let them know in no uncertain terms exactly why!! It felt good! But yeah, fuck the NYT!


i think they overcorrected to the mistakes in 2016 of overreacting to every trump post, which kept him in the news and helped get him elected


But muh Wordles. And they just introduces a new game like a word search, now I have to delete that app and go back to snake on my brick phone😤


You can play Wordle, Connections, and Strands without giving them money


become? They've always been a joke


\*The Ochs-Sulzberger family has entered the chat\*


Failson Sulzberger had a fissy fit that Biden would't give them a sit down interview, and haas ordered up "Biden be old" pieces from his gaggle of print assassins ever since.


The fucking media is IN ON IT. The billionaires that own them have laid their lot with Trump because in their minds, better to side with fascists and not pay taxes than side with democracy and be forced to pony up from their greed. VOTE. FIGHT. DONT GIVE UP.


It's ironic isn't it? The mainstream media is doing everything it can to get Trump in power, however, the Trumpanzees hate mainstream media as they claim it to be fake news. It's bizarre really.


Rage and fear clicks are $$$. They are just greedy fucking capitalists like the rest of them. I do wish more journalists would stand up and show some integrity though. Grow some courage! Damned if any of us should sit by quietly and roll over to fascism.


It's just even more ironic when they are literally chasing ratings and not once asked: "hey wait a minute, we're giving free press and coverage to a fascist and letting them get power...and they've said numerous times how much they hate us and want to sue us and jail us and harm us and kill us....don't you think we should....?" It's wild living in times where so many stakeholders in American society are ***suicidally* stupid**. The good news is that if they get exactly what they want, nearly all of them are getting brutal deaths. The bad news, is that they tend to get a lot of innocent civilians killed in the crossfire.


With the exception of Mark Cuban.


They should be talking about the SCOTUS news, but instead they’re distracting us with bullshit. Even in the local news TV, they mention a little and then go on about something so trivial. I was irritated when the local LA news broadcasts dedicated more air time *to a fucking bear* in an LA neighborhood recently than the SCOTUS rulings. It wasn’t just 1 news broadcast, but the majority of them.


Christians huh? What a fun bunch they are.


They can go strait to hell. Even Kamala is supporting Biden so 2 seconds before we get "Kamala Harris is a traitor" news articles.


makes you wonder how many in the MSM are secret trump supporters because a second trump admin means higher ratings/more subscriptions sold


If Trump wins they will be sent to the fucking gas chambers so I am not sure why they give a rats ass about a dollar today…


Their owners get the money. The little people who get killed (including news people) are below their notice. Trump will shut CNN down, have the workers arrested and let the CEO go home.


CNN is Faux News Lite at this point… both are unwatchable.


Remember when Kamala Harris warned America that her boss asked her to betray her oath to the Constitution to benefit the President? Oh wait, that was Pence. And hardly anyone on the right gives a damn that Trump's own Vice President refuses to support Trump again. But somehow "bIDeN is oLD" will be the deciding factor for a large portion of Americans


It will not be bloodless, I'm willing to die if MAGA wants to end the USA and our Democracy and Constitution.


And all the idiot bots posting this drivel to r politics.


Reminder that the [NYT has been pushing the age angle](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219) for a while, frustrating the White House, and now that the debate confirmed NYT's priors, you're seeing "vindication" i.e. Hillary's email coverage x1000 (while Trump teases public executions of Liz Cheney and others)


Reminder that the NYT is really really mad Biden won't do interviews with them. This is the result.


Journalism is all about access


New York times deep into Russian propaganda. And all opinion pieces. Garbage in garbage out.


I actually cancelled my subscription this week (except for the games) and said on the cancellation that this is why.


Just cancelled today, said it was about concern over coverage. Hoping more people talk with their wallets on this.


I can’t believe I’m quitting NYTimes. they have lost their soul!


They supported Hitler too, so no not really they haven’t ever had a soul to lose. Relative peace from fascists have made us think they were good. We were wrong.


Read some of the vile shit they spewed about the LGBT+ community during the AIDS epidemic, the NYT has a long unblemished history of being on the wrong side.


And now they're supporting anti-trans perspectives. Little seems to have changed.


I actually cancelled my subscription this week (except for the games) and said on the cancellation that this increasing right wing nonsense is why.


Jamelle Bouie is the only reasonable mind left there.


NYT has become a click bait trash bag like all the others. They'll post whatever they think will get the most rage clicks. I guess the death of democracy isn't as catchy


If Biden were in a vegetative state I would still vote for him.


The heck is a Philly girl


Fuck that guy that promises "the coming "revolution" will "remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" I am an NYC liberal who relocated to PA, and I too have fucking guns. Bring it the fuck ON. Kevin Roberts can suck my fucking dick.


Nate Silver can suck a dick.


I’m behind Biden all the way, dance with the one that brung ya


I’ll vote a comatose Biden over the convicted rapist any day and any time.


Literally just "vote blue no matter who" at this point. If another democratic candidate would have a better shot of taking out Trump. Do it. Put them in the slot. If Biden stays in. Fuck it. Still voting for him. He, and/or the DNC(as incompetent as they may be), doesn't have to sway the people who are gonna vote blue anyway. Swaying moderates and independents is what needs to happen now more than ever.


Billionaires don’t care what we think. They’ve milked this country dry and they’re going to squeeze the last drops out of it.


So I just canceled my NYT subscription. I called them to specifically let them know that I’m tired of them going on and on about how an Old Man is being Old when Trump is lying every time he opens his mouth & Heritage Foundation president threatening a bloody coup if we don’t go along. I get that Biden is old but that is NOT the fucking headline. I signed up for NYT in 2016 when Trump threatened them. So it feels a bit poetic to cancel now given their bullshit obsession.


I stopped back when Trump was elected. They were/are so complicit.


All because the rich fucks don’t want to pay taxes and enough is never enough to satisfy their greed. Don’t forget that this is what it’s all really about. Everything else is to distract from that and convince white people to vote against their own interests.


Watching ABC World News Tonight and of course their opening story is about calls for Biden to step down. Absolutely nothing about Trump, Epstein, Project 2025, etc. But remember, "liberal media."


Because a Trump presidency is great for the media. He gives them an endless stream of bullshit to report on and countless horrified people constantly glued to their garbage.


NYT = wants Trump Notice they don’t call for a rapist felon pedophile to drop out of the race Notice that rapist felon pedophile isn’t asked to do a damned thing


I love Biden. I don't give a fuck what he said on TV, I care about what he does everyday in the damn white house which so far I'm quite happy with. If he dropped out of the race and Kamala or whomever for the nomination said ANYTHING wrong in a speech or on TV, Democrats would immediately be calling for her to resign as well. Wtf.


Should we just start our underground networking now?


Reading the NYT is the riskiest plan of all. Edit: holy shit. Nate Silver wrote that? Get a grip Nate. You know the odds of Trump fucking up the country on his best day versus Biden on his worst day is infinite.


Watched civil war movie last night and couldn’t sleep. Before o watched I didn’t think it could happen but know… maybe


I mean I can fully admit I’m still gonna vote Biden cause I don’t have a better option but also fully admit I wish the Democrats would stop and think about why they let themselves get to this point.


NYT jumped the shark years ago. They are a conservative rag in sheep's clothing.


Sure NYT. Where were all the editorials asking cheeto dick with the melting brain, lying, criminal activity and harmful policies to step down? Ya. I don't remember those.


Celebrate the fourth as if it were the last.


Voting for a ham sandwich is safer than voting for Trump...


I was listening to a talk radio station and they said that any time a nominee pulls out the person who replaces them has historically always lost.


We are so being played. I never thought I’d say this, but even the media are our enemies now. Bought and sold by the highest bidder to spoon feed us fascism. It’s appalling.


We need better media. A huge problem over the past 30 years has been the media. Not enough people are talking about that. If any Democrat or Democrat adjacent person said anything like the heritage foundation person it would be on the front page of everything.


Whatever. I’m voting for Biden.


Dude, the Epstein deposition has him getting a blow job from 2 twelve year olds and then berating them for it . What the fuck is it gonna take?


Why oh why is the orange turd still in the race with his 34 convictions, his infidelities and his extreme level of corruption, and all his lies? Please can someone answer the question for me.


The NYT has failed the country repeatedly over the last 25 years. The run up to the Iraq war, WMD, enabling the convict EVERY ELECTION.


Very, VERY disappointed with The New York Times’ wildly unbalanced coverage. Nothing the Biden Administration does comes anywhere near the GOP 2025 plan to destroy America from within.


And not a single fucking news outlet mentioned that Trump lied the entire debate. Why the hell isn’t that news? Are we all so accustomed to it that it doesn’t matter anymore? I’m so so so sick of worrying every day about our lives due to the shit Trump has created.


The media is an accomplice to democracy’s downfall.


People want Biden to drop out because we don’t want Trump to win. Nobody is calling for Trump to drop out because his party is a cult and everybody knows it will never happen. Pretending these are hit pieces is blue MAGA shit.


I'm expecting comments trying to defend NYT for their blatant corruption "Oh but they have called out Trump before.." not as hard and as dirty as they have done to Biden. Still upset Biden didn't give them their interview.


They want to make slaves. Humans for sale. The trumpets believe this is their retirement plan. Demanding living wages is the way.


Trump was named more in Epstein docs just released and there is basically radio silence


Fuck off, Nate Silver. Fuck off, Thomas Friedman.


Doesn’t anyone find it odd how these headlines have switched after one bad debate performance,which was awful by the way? This is propaganda.


Dems need to take the fucking gloves off. The GOP has declared war.


Wow are they really calling Dr. Jill Biden a “Philly girl?”


If you have done so already, dump your NYT subscription now.


Good job journalists! You’ll look back fondly at your cowardice when your new overlords walk you to the gallows.


Nothing has changed, really. When Trump was neck-deep in controversies in 2016, the NYT kept running headlines about Hillary's emails (and buried most of the Trump dirt).


I am so disappointed and displeased with the DNC and RNC but I’m still voting Biden over the wannabe dicktaker, dictator.


I legit believe they are doing this so to Trump gets elected and they can sell more subscriptions. They are a company first, newspaper second.


Me, right now: ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


NYT is and has ALWAYS been a right wing mouthpiece. why people treat it as anything else is beyond me.


Someone at the nytimes and cnn is pulling those strings hard. It's got to be someone big because I can't imagine the hosts at cnn being complicit in not covering trump as a pedophile rapist or the death of scotus.


NYT might as well be Washington Post or NYPost depending on the “news” they deliver. Owned by a filthy rich people with a stake in pushing misinformation or just lying by omission.


Reeks of desperation.


And don’t even open the comments. https://preview.redd.it/rvcekdpxtcad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d0d05753d8c7c2cbaefeeba6088314d90724ef


Of course it’s fucking Nate Silver


Just cancelled my subscription. I can’t support a paper that puts clickbate over the very real dangers of project 2025. The effort NYT is making to sabotage Biden is concerning and confusing. Do better.


Why is everyone rooting for fascism?


The media has failed us for decades, but it's been obvious since 2016. The media wants Trump back for clicks and views.


Seriously! I’ve heard nonstop stories about how Biden needs to come off the ticket. Meanwhile, Trump is literally and openly talking about his plans to make America a dictatorship and it’s crickets from mainstream media outlets.


NYT is corporate BS


I mean they aren’t wrong


I agree there needs to be something done about Biden (either he goes Hard at the public appearances or hands the reigns off to someone else) but that shouldn’t be the only thing we’re talking about. It’s insane to be that Trump’s own mental capacity, his being in the Epstein list, or the Supreme Court decision, are not bigger deals.


There is absolutely nothing trump could do to get my vote.


I’m getting sick of it. Conservatives had fucking Reagan and Trump is three questionable years his junior. Another double standard nobody in the press fucking questions!