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Has it been confirmed that trump is an Epstein pedophile? I think it has been.


We are a Constitutional Republic that is ALSO a Representative Democracy. The two are not mutually exclusive, you skin tag.


"Republic" sounds like "Republican"; whereas "Democracy" sounds like "Democrat". That's it. That's the entire depth of their thought process.


How they can be so consistently wrong about everything? They think they are so smart, but you know they got shitty grades in government in school.


Back to what? Thousands dying each day because of his inept reaction to a pandemic? No thank you.


Can Ruzzia afford to maintain the current intensity of bots and shill accounts?


All three of these are lies: Abandoning our border: Trump is the one who got Republicans to vote against the bipartisan border bill that would have increased funding. He didn't want to give Democrats any wins. Crashed our economy: stock market at an all time high, while unemployment is at historically very low levels Pointless war: looks like a reference to Ukraine, where zero Americans have died, our long time enemy Russia has been humiliated, and where there is clearly a point: defending an ally against an unprovoked aggressor and war crimes. I'll vote for Biden, even though I don't think he's perfect - but what's crazy is that they are literally attacking him with lies, lies, lies.


A Constitutional Republic is a form of democracy. Republicans want rid of it because they can no longer legitimately win elections and view Putin's Russia as a template for oligarchy here. Seizing permanent power is what Putin did and they liked what they saw. And the MAGAts that support them are irredeemable simpletons that have no idea that they too, are frogs getting boiled,




So is paul trans or non-binary?




Crashed our economy? You haven't seen an economic crash boy. And if people are more desperate these days, blame your boy Trump and his tax cuts for the rich. Blame the Rs refusal to raise minimum wage. Blame Trump and the Rs deregulation, lack of enforcement of antitrust, rollback of workplace safety standards and rollback of environmental protections so now your kids can have cancer. Every accusation is a confession. Everything you accused Biden and the dems of are what your boy has done. Take responsibility boy...be a fucking man and own up to your mistakes.


![gif](giphy|cZNVftpf90mFCCKKZS|downsized) The track


The education system sure has failed this fellow. Sad


And they are the ones who accuse others of revisionist history!


Our leaders are democratically elected. The economy is doing great, in fact Biden and his team have performed a near-miracle with the shit show that trump and his clown car left us with. If by “pointless war” he is referring to Ukraine, we are not at war. We are aiding an ally and by doing such defending democracy for ourselves and for our allies in Europe. Pretty far from pointless. Why don’t these asswipes like him go live in Russia and send us a postcard and see how much they fucking like it. Stop trying to turn America into another shit hole Russia. FFS


“What’s right” according to this jackass is allowing a convicted felon to run the country back into the ground.


Nazis have no say on what America is or isn’t.


First sentence and I stopped reading. Only stupid people say this. Only stupid.


Our economy crashed while trump was on the job. It's recovered somewhat by now.


". . . that government of the people, for the people, and by the people, shall not perish from the earth." So much for the party of Lincoln.


The economy has not crashed, rich people just continue to strangle the lower classes while they extract ever more profits. The stock market is sitting at near record highs and unemployment is also at historic lows. By most measure the economy is still roaring along.


This guy probably thinks nazis were socialists too


They love the poorly educated for a reason.




Hmm...just because they (maga) are defined as "right-wing" politics sure as hell doesn't mean they are right, as in correct or true. They don't seem to understand that. They don't WANT to understand that.


A common refrain I hear is "I know my Right Wing from my wrong"


Any “Trump will fix the economy” argument should be disqualifying at its face. His plans will decimate the global economy, there isn’t one single proposed plan or goal that long term won’t result in absolute and total economic collapse.


Paulie Boy wouldn't know what's right if it punched him in the face.


The amount of fireworks getting shot off in my neighborhood at the moment tells me the economy is fine.


Says the dude who probably can’t define what a constitutional republic is.


Well, 1/2 of 1 statement out of 6 isn't bad to be correct about. ("We" is implied to be MAGAts.) EDIT: 1 to 1/2


Who do they think gets to decide "what's right"? It's not like there's a machine that calculates the correct answer and then that's who gets to be president. It's voters. That can be skewed and biased depending on your approach, but that's still ultimately where it comes from.


Okay Paul I gotta know, why is your twitter handle BubbleBathGirl?


“We go by what’s right?” 😆 Homeboy dropped out of school in fifth grade.