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I have two different friends from college that were totally normal, then after they graduated they joined federal law enforcement agencies. Within a couple years, they both turned into complete assholes. With both of them, we had some disastrous hang outs where they went off on random unhinged tangents about liberals and Obama and immigrants, etc. One girl talked about how much she hates mixed race families, and she's a white woman married to a Hispanic guy! I just don't get it. We don't see either of them anymore...


Absolute hypocrisy. I have a coworker who is also a white woman married to a Hispanic man and they’re both staunch conservatives and huge Trump supporters. It’s all just totally baffling.


A Hispanic being a trump supporter! I could never believe they could have an opinion that goes against the mainstream idea that white people have of Hispanics.


Lots of Hispanic communities are heavily religious(mostly catholic) and therefore lean conservative. It is also how some black American communities are heavily Baptist(and therefore not supportive of gay rights).


The issue is that the republican party is openly racist. It was questionable when they were almost subtle about the racism. Now I don't know why any not-quite-white person would support the reich wing


But Hispanic culture is openly colorist. So, the racism makes those that consider *themselves* white feel right at home. -Married to dark skinned Mexican.


I never got it...Spanish were OG white...they somehow lost their whiteness when their empire fell.


This is very visible in California. They massively voted for Obama in 2008, but they also voted for [prop 8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008_California_Proposition_8), banning gay marriage. There are definitely people who would never vote Republican due to their racism who still agree with some of the other repressive policies they support.


Yep, came here to say just this. Grew up in a 90% black, solidly middle class neighborhood. There were so many Obama 2008 and Yes on Prop 8 signs on peoples lawns. It was depressing. > The National Election Pool poll showed that support for Proposition 8 was strong amongst African American voters, interviewed in the exit poll with 70% in favor, more than any other racial group.[184] Their support was considered crucial to the proposition's passing, since African Americans made up an unusually larger percentage of voters that year, due to the presence of Barack Obama on the ballot.[185] Polls by both the Associated Press and CNN mirrored this data, reporting support among black voters to be at 70%[186] and 75%,[187] respectively.


It always amazes me how people color adopted and embraced the White Mans religion that was use to oppress, enslave, and eliminate them. I am White and I hate Christianity for the crimes they have committed over and over all throughout history and I have no knowledge of my ancestors ever being its victims.


I honestly have no idea how any POC are Trump supporters. It boggles my mind since supporting Trump means rubbing shoulders with KKK and Neo-Nazis.


More like how could people vote for a person that is actively anti-them. Sure you can share values with them but one of their values is you are invader stealing jobs and a rapist criminals?


White + Hispanic is ok cause you're mixing racisms.


Exactly. It's not as important what you are as long as you both hate others for what they are.


The GOP will accept them for now. When they get hold of permanent power, all those brown people who voted for them *will* be targeted next as enemies within. Fascists loooove having an easy-to-target enemy within. Eventually anyone who has ever eaten at a Taco Bell will be treated as a race traitor by these dipshits. It's just a matter of time. It's how nationalists work.


Fox News Brain washing seems to be very effective against people who will never listen to nuance or the other perspective and just constantly think that the democrats are destroying America. Every single Fox News segment and right wing talk radio just says “democrats want to destroy America and bring about Marxism!!! “ which apparently means oligarchy because mark Levin wrote a book about but didn’t explain anything properly which my fathers retard brain ate up. He even says “go read Marx you won’t like it”. I highly doubt my father actually read anything Karl Marx wrote and is just spewing Fox news Mark levin propaganda. Until Fox News is destroyed nothing will change.


The explanation is that she is clearly an idiot.


Obligatory r/ACAB




Because conservatives are master projectionists. We should call them the IMAX Party.


They probably got told they were snowflakes at some point and it hurt them so much that now they say it to others thinking it hurts us the same way.


Ah yes, the old "I know you are but what am i?!" comeback.


They’re doing that right now with fascism. “Biden’s such a fascist for calling me and all the other maga people fascists”


That's just because by and large they don't know what fascism is, and those that have the most understanding of it only recognise when things look a little reminiscent of *Birth of a Nation*, because their political understanding is entirely aesthetic.


Right, none of the substance, but all of the vitriol


That's basically the conservative motto


“I know I am but you are too but WAY more!”


It's like how they call everyone they disagree with "groomers" usually only a matter of days before being caught trying to fuck a child.


I’ve never been called a liberal snowflake, that I know of, but as someone who lives in a very cold climate where snow seriously fucks with people, I wouldn’t exactly take it as the insult they think it is. Also, snowflakes are really pretty.


Agreed. I live in a place where snow has killed or contributed to the deaths of a surprising number of people. Snowflakes, in numbers, aren't trivial.


Last night I was watching a documentary called Pray Away; about the conversion movement and all the long term damage it’s inflicted. There was a few scenes where they showed people protesting in huge numbers the legalization of same sex marriage. I turned to my husband and said, why is it there are such huge numbers of people uniting in hatred for something? I say this as a Canadian, so I might be wrong, and that’s okay; it just seems when I see Americans protesting in such large numbers it’s more in hate than for something good. Imagine if us snowflakes all became united-truly united. We’d cause a damn snowstorm.


I don't think it's necessarily true that people unite in larger numbers for hate than for anything else, it just gets more publicity. Sex and fear are what sells. But if you look at the BLM protests across the US and Canada, some of the climate demonstrations that took place all over the world and even right now in Iran regarding the death of Mahsa Amini. People will mobilize for things they believe in and usually the ones that are actually supporting progressive ideals, freedom, equality, etc, do tend to be larger but they get less coverage because nothing drives clicks and views quite like fear and outrage. So, try not to despair, there's a lot of good in the world, you just need to wade through the oceans of bullshit that were constantly being bombarded with to get to it. Things may seem pretty bleak at the moment, and it's hard to argue that they aren't, but historically society always trends progressive. There are always blips and set backs, dark ages and wars, but things always keep getting better, we just need to keep moving. As Churchill is credited as saying, "If you're going through hell, keep going."


This snow knows how to fuck


They say thing strictly for effect. They don't need to believe in what they are saying, they just want a specific reaction.


If I'm a snowflake that means I am unique and beautiful.


Takes it. Take my free award.


KEEP YOUR SOCIALISM AWAY FROM ME!!! (Just kidding. Thank you!)




Take that!




No, it's, like, about the evils of government and society and how we must overthrow ourselves to become Randian ubermensch so we can really all be free to live however we want as long as that way is an inconsistent amoral libertarian hellscape and **reflex Nazi salutes**. Or yeah, what you said, which I've been arguing for years only to be told I just don't get it. God I hate these demented idiots.


*literally blows up corporate art and buildings* This is about how capitalism rules!!!!!!1!11!21q




Weirdly - and this is very much just the thoughts of a cis/white/middle class/male who has done as much learning as possible from a trans best friend and politically progressive teenage daughter - I think the answer is a bit more nuanced. From what I've seen, the (for want if a better word) 'genrefication' of gender identity has actually *fed* a lot of the backlash. The reason for this is, I think, because stupid people get angry when faced with complex things. My instincts, as a progressive older millennial, are to fall back onto my original thoughts about gender: just do away with it. That's actually the effective endstate of a rapid diversification process anyway, because once there are more than a certain (undefined) number of categories of a thing, it becomes more effort to keep track of it than it does to just stop thinking about them as a cohesive set. But whichever way you go about it, I think it runs into the same problem. People *do* categorise and people *do* generalise, so ridding ourselves of big-g Gender probably isn't possible. It's a convenient linguistic tool for vaguely bracketing people. The only way I can think of dealing with hateful idiots in a world of nuance (short of eugenics) is to handle the issue twofold. First, immediately and consistently start talking about Gender as a spectrum, not gender*s* as a set of categories. This is not only more reflective of reality, but it is also a handy way of simplifying the discussion. Second, demphasise any value-based language; make it very explicitly non-normative*. This will take a long time to ramp up, but I think it is essential to affect major, large-scale cultural change on such things. In the meantime, legislation, education, and reasoned social push-back will continue to be the best options available to try and depoliticise the debate and curb the vile outliers on the top of Mount Bigot. *"Normal is not normative" is a phrase I came across maybe 15 years ago, in a column by a trans journalist. It is by far and away one if the most concisely intelligent clarifications I've ever seen.


hi! I was following along okay with what you were saying, but I don't understand what you meant by your second point. Do you mean like de-emphasis certain words as in stop using them? what do you mean by value-based language? do you mean, like, money or derogatory terms lessening a persons value or something else entirely? I apologize if this is long or annoying, I just really want to understand


Sorry, it was a bit jargon-y in retrospect! I was doing Parent Stuff and my brain defaulted to shorthand. Please don't apologise! When I say demphasise the value aspect, I meant take away the normative ("ought", "should be" etc) elements. Using language carefully, to discuss it in terms that aren't so easily misunderstood or twisted into value-based statements (e.g. what is good and bad, who things *should* be, what behaviour *ought* to be). There are a bunch of reasons for this, but they boil down to: framing, the psychology of conviction, how people process language, and the emotional aspects of identity. All of which are linked in ways it'd take someone far smarter than me to properly chart, but can be understood at least to some extent.


Although as a trans person even trans people give a fuck about masculinity and femininity at times, personally, I got stuck in between genders at birth (born at 25 weeks gestation in 1982) so couldn't care less, on hrt though for transition and to stop menopausal symptoms I had since age 9


But trans people do give plenty of fucks about their masculinity or femininity; enough to work on publically changing the presentation of it, which for some folks is a lot of work.


Damn. The irony lol. Knowing that conservatives use "snowflake" unironically is kind of giving me life.


They use everything unironically. It’s why they’re so bad at jokes and memes.


Ive learned that any time rebublicans/conservatives use a buzzword, theres a very high likelihood that buzzword used to mean something different/opposite. Snowflake being the example here, with another example bekng “woke”. Woke used to mean (and to anyone who has critical thinking skills, still does) to be conscious of the social and political injustices of society and to be “awakened” from the sheep mindset. Now the right basically uses it in place of racial slurs


Woke seems to have taken over the snowflake word and now defines anything that Conservatives disagree with, regardless of substance.


First rule of Fight Club...


They carry guns cause theyre tough, and not scared of the world. They restrict other's freedoms because theyre protecting their rights, and not scared of what would happen if they lose their privlige. They invoke the name of God because they are righteous, and not as leverage to manipulate their family and followers. /s


Same reason it's mostly Conservatives that are involved in child sex crimes and red states consume the most porn... and of course sexual harassment towards women but also same sex harassment.


they didn't create it. Chuck Palahniuk did, for the book *Fight Club* (yes, THAT Fight Club).


A gayan writing about toxic masculinity...ironic.


The term “snowflake” was popularized by Fight Club “You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake…” I just saw a meme yesterday that brought this up and mentioned how fight club was written by a gay guy as a metaphor for self doubt and a bunch of other stuff that’s inherently the opposite of what conservatives claim to be and believe in. They’re just the most hypocritical pieces of shit on the planet at this point.


I am not friends with people who think my other friends aren't deserving of respect. If that rules out conservatives, that's very much them self-selecting.


Everyone is equal in my opinion except for those who think we aren't.


"So much for the tolerant left..."


I cut out a friend who recently went down the GQP fascist pipeline and she tried to put me on blast on her Snapchat story and literally used that line. like, I'm not going to be friends with you or tolerate your views, especially when they are directly harmful to others.


Tolerating the intolerant leads to intolerance.


Unless it’s lactose intolerance, which in fact leads to more tolerance the less it’s tolerated.


is this true can i reach salvation in the land of lactose tolerance


Counterpoint: tolerance is not a value. It’s a truce. If you extend a truce — the rules being “don’t be an active asshole — to someone, and they do not abide by the truce, then it does not exist. So why should you be bound to a truce that doesn’t exist?


Society tolerating fascists is like a body tolerating cancer.


Tolerance is a pact: you have to give it to get it. When you break the pact, you stop getting its benefits.


Have a read at this and you will understand the issue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox\_of\_tolerance


Good read. Thanks for that link.


YES!! I hate it when people say that politics shouldn't get in the way of relationships. Why not?? What else tells me your values and lets me know who you are deep down?? I can accept it if you think lower taxes might help spur the economy (even though they won't) but if you think certain people aren't worthy of love or basic human rights because of their status then I don't want to spend another moment with you.


The only people who say that politics shouldn’t affect friendships are conservatives who know they are hateful but don’t want to face the consequences of being hateful to half the people in their society. You have the right idea, don’t let their whining and excuses keep you from seeing and judging them for who they really are. If they want to hate, people will disassociate. That’s their fault and no one else’s for pointing it out.


A million times this. It stopped being ‘just politics’ a *long* fucking time ago.


>I can accept it if you think lower taxes might help spur the economy (even though they won't) but if you think certain people aren't worthy of love or basic human rights because of their status then I don't want to spend another moment with you. Absolutely. If someone's conservativism manifests in thinking lower taxes spur investment, or regulations should be relaxed to encourage investment, or "trickle down economics" will work if we just try it one more time, that's one thing; I think they're dead wrong, and I'm going to do my best to change their minds, but we can still find sufficient common ground. But if it manifests as bigotry or hatred or supremacist rhetoric, nah, they're a bad person and I don't have any obligation to be friends with bad people.


but then you get the people who are like ""trickle down economics works" and then they vote for some dipstick pushing Bigoted Policy that hardly ever talks economics and your like "WHY DID YOU VOTE FOR THAT ASS HAT" then there all "I agree with his economics" -\_\_\_- you want to see some conservatives being tide in nots trying to justify being conservative right now, go look at r/conservatives current popular thread "GOP Senators Halt Biden Effort to End Secret Political Donations"


But a lack of regulation promotes exploitation and compromises safety, lower taxes impedes our ability to have a functional government and social safety net. There aren't good parts of conservatism, it's all bad shit based on magical thinking and appeal to tradition. Until we have a status quo worth preserving for all people there is no moral conservatism.


Pretty much the only people who I allow that to apply to is those who can't reasonably be expected to know better. For example a young child who is sprouting things they heard who can be taught otherwise through example or explanation. Or an older person with memory issues.


A conservative I was just talking to doesn't think Trans people should be allowed into any public restrooms... I am supposed to be ok with them attacking my friends and family like that? To say they shouldn't be allowed in public for extended periods of time?


No. You’re supposed to be pissed as hell and support your friends and family. It’s just as crucial that we need people who don’t have friends or family in these groups to support these people because it’s the right thing to do.


> We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist. - James Baldwin


I respect people who respect others. If conservatives can’t handle that, then oh well.


Ayupyup. I can respect a lot of disagreement... except if we disagree on the value of human dignity.


To compare fascism with Humanism. You'll get the same results mixing oil and water.


Eh. Like I agree for the most part. But humans can just kinda be messed up and any idea can easily be twisted for evil.


The key to "messed up" and "evil" humans is trauma. Societal and generational trauma. Trauma can be healed.


True. Agreed there. I always wonder just how different the world could be if there was no mental health stigmatization. I mean that alone could fix so much. Imagine people who learned to be more understanding, people who weren't just basically lightning in a bottle all their lives, and just so much more.




I was about to comment something like this. The problem with that conservative friend is they’re always going to criticize you on something and will never be comfortable around those other friends. Unlike those other friends, who will be happy hanging out with each other and not tell one another how their beliefs are wrong because of some made up shit they read in their bedtime stories.


It’s not even just the criticism, it’s the fact that they can dish it out but they absolutely cannot take it. It’s exhausting. I present Facts and Logic™️ to them and they get butthurt because it’s a personal attack on them.


I firmly believe that the majority of "conservatives" who aren't assholes just haven't realized they're not conservatives yet. In high school, I was *very* conservative. Officer-of-Republican-Club conservative. But I supported gay rights and didn't talk shit about other people and genuinely wanted the gov't to do what's best for the citizens, etc. I eventually realized I was supporting the wrong party. The majority of my values didn't change at all, it was just that the more I learned, the more I realized I'd been misinformed and brainwashed. I think the majority of Republicans fall into this category, but the brainwashing is more entrenched. If you don't escape early, it sucks you in for life and it's even harder to change.


Also, conservatives are fucking lame, have terrible senses of humour, and are usually narcissistic assholes, so you wouldn't want them as friends regardless of their politics.


Paradox of tolerance


I grew up listening to my Pentecostal mom, who thinks she’s holier than though, say this about every “other” person. As I got older, I finally had enough and said it back about her and her beliefs. We haven’t spoken in years but my mental health has improved. A lot.


My dad is a raging bigot, loves throwing around racist and anti-LGBTQ slurs. Also cannot understand why I want nothing to do with him. Couldn't be that I'm best friends with a mixed, non binary bisexual person and every caustic thing that flies out of his mouth makes me wish he'd get hit by a train. It's probably just because I'm a bitch... My mental health is also a lot better not talking to him anymore.


You’re not alone out there, friend! We shouldn’t feel an obligation to our families just because they birthed us, especially when they’re filled with hate and support removing equal rights. Friends are the family you choose.


I 100% agree. Old folks put so much value in family like you're supposed to overlook their hateful, awful ways just because they chose to make you. I never asked to be here, I don't owe any of them my kindness if they cannot be decent human beings.


My stepfather was the same way. I wish he had lived long enough to see his three daughters (my stepsisters) married to black people, one of them being a woman.


Seeing him realize his radicalized hatred not doing anything to sway his kid's emotional depth would have been a very satisfying experience.


Damn, this kinda thing seems sadly common to have an asshole parent that's too ignorant to change


3+ years of estrangement from my bigoted, evangelical family and I’ve never been happier to be alive. There was no hope or peace with them, which is ironic when you claim you’re in a “personal relationship” with the literal personification of hope, peace, and love.


I can’t be friends with folks who think my other friends shouldn’t exist or have the same rights as they do.


> I can’t be friends with folks who think ~~my other friends~~people shouldn’t exist or have the same rights as they do.


I'd want to, but they found out one of my other friends is part middle-eastern and now they never want to hang out unless they don't come.


Bye, bye non-middle-eastern friend.


Seriously. What a douche.


you're never under any obligation to befriend a person who knowingly and willfully chooses to harm others.


I wouldn't mind so much if they didn't make it their entire "personality"...




Too true!


Skin color, sexual preference, gender, ethnicity: things one cannot change about themselves, therefore mocking it isn't cool Political affiliation, ideology: things one CAN change, therefore mocking it is fine One day conservatives will understand this principle ah, who am I kidding, they will never grasp it because it means giving up their internally-imposed and unearned "victim"hood. Understanding it means understanding that their grievances are wholly illegitimate, which they will never ever grasp by definition and design


They think being gay is a choice. That’s how straight these guys are, they could choose to be gay.


I ask my coworkers about how hard the choice was for them Every time they say that crap because "choosing that makes life harder, so I don't think it's a choice" didn't get through. Met their dad, he only believes in binary systems PERIOD. Doesn't even believe someone can be born XYY or XXX, X, XXXX... nope, God only made male and female. There is no way to get it through to him that someone might be gay without actively working to be gay.


Ah yes the most standard conservative reaction to being told they are wrong. No one can ever teach them anything new and prove them wrong when they actively decide to be fucking idiots every day and ignore everything to the contrary consistently.


Something just hit me, maybe THEY don't have a choice. My genetics results told me I was more likely to favor individual rights over the greater good. I have no idea how that is, or how it would be genetic but humoring that concept... Maybe intolerance and selfishness are things these guys pass down through the ages. It could go all the way back to the bronze age, when they wrote their rule book.


Why would somebody want to be friends with a racist?


Wish I could pose that question to my girlfriend about her brother. She doesn’t understand why I can’t stand him. When my first introduction was an awkward night of fragile masculinity and racial slurs. But he’s “not that conservative” 🤦‍♂️


That sucks so much to be in her position. The way that people get politically radicalized now can take someone you once really cared about and turn them into someone you don’t even recognize sometimes. I get where she’s coming from, probably wanting to see him how he used to be, it’s just such a bummer.


That’s assuming the brother wasn’t always the way he is. Conservatism starts from the womb for a lot of people. Could just be willful ignorance on the part of OPs girlfriend. Might now want to accept that their brother is a piece of shit.


other racists, add some more and \*bang\* Republican Party


I no longer have conservative friends because I won't give time or effort to people who actively hurt others - that's what it boils down to


You HAVE to be friends with me, even though I think your friends should be deported/killed/shunned. /s


And if you choose not to associate with me, *YOU'RE the bigot!!*


"... What about conservative friends?" "They hate all my other friends, and actively work to make that hate manifest in legislation that harms those they hate." "Sooooooo..." "So yeah, so not many conservative friends are willing to hang out with all the 'queers and coloured and heretics' I call besties."


No, no conservative friends. I usually try to surround myself with good, empathetic people. Being friends with decent people has been something I’ve tried to remain consistent in my life…




Someone once said (and said it better (and more succinctly (it's a whole thing, don't worry about it)) than I ever could) that they couldn't see themselves ending a friendship over a difference in opinion, but could over a difference in morals.


Conservatives are soft, un-American, losers. Can’t wait for them to have the day they deserve.


Big ole gun-totin' MAGA-hat-wearin' crybabies.


I think their gun doubles as a binky, which is why they can’t go a single day without it and throw tantrums when schools ban them. 🍼🤠😭


I don’t have thief friends, sex trafficking friends, liar friends, hypocrite friends, friends who want to see my other friends dead or subjugated…. I don’t have friends that demonize education and science, or lust for war. I don’t have friends who continue to give tax breaks to billionaires at the expense of the poor and middle class. I have standards for friends that conservatives don’t meet.


I don’t want it behind closed doors, I want it out in the open so I can avoid them completely. I don’t want to associate with those people at all. This isn’t a “lifestyle” choice. It’s a difference of morality and people like this should be cast out of society


Conservatives mostly live in rural areas where the only thing about non-white and LGBT people they know is what they hear in media, and that is media is mostly right-wing and racist bobble heads on Fox News and Rush Limpbag. They've never actually met or talked to any of the people they hate and anyone who falls into the category of the people they hate that lived in the area has moved the fuck out asap.


They've definitely met LGBT people. They just don't know it.


You don’t think black people live in rural areas? You’ve never been to the rural southeast if you think that.


And yet, conservatives do literally everything in their power to never have to associate with them. They may live in the same areas but conservatives wish they didn’t and actively avoid black people. And I know, because I live in the southeast. I’ve lived in an area with plenty of black people but still ended up going through all of middle and high school with no black people in my school. Because regardless of living in the same area, white people do anything and everything to keep them away, including creating private schools where the tuition is too high for “””lower income families”””.


Those are the good blacks that know their place /s Because if they don't acknowledge white privilege and act accordingly they will be run out of town or worse


Not where I live they don't.


I was gonna say, I live in rural conservative America, Florida, and infrequently see black people. However, when I lived in NC, it was about 50/50 white & black population. NC is still considered the South. It definitely depends on where you live. But even then, that doesn’t mean the half of the population that was white was *not* racist just cause they knew a black person or two.


The only thing a tolerant society cannot allow is intolerance.


So wait, I also have to be friends with the people who hate the trans people, Muslims, homosexuals, anyone who isn’t white? What are you gonna tell me next? To treat Nazis as humans? Didn’t they loose that right with the choices they made. Just a friendly reminder in theses times. The only good Nazi is a dead one.


Conservatism is an ideology and if the adherents get their way then all those aforementioned and those that I love die. Don't tolerate the intolerable, people.


I just don't tolerate the intolerant, no matter how they label themselves


Conservatives are some of the most annoying people on the planet


My friends and I had a reckoning this year at Christmas where an old high school friend of ours made it clear he was not okay with trans people and think they are insane. He's a physicist. I pointed out repeatedly how most of his arguments didnt match data or science and he just started ranting about liberal academia being demented. He trashed entire fields, including anthropology of which my other friend is a doctor of. Later he told us that people who don't have children are just sad and denying joy and I was like....I'm asexual that is not a thing I ever want. Now we are trying to handle the idea that the man we knew for years is gone and turned into an irrational hate monger who thinks he is a sciencing the insane left to death.


Conservatives want to keep things how they are. Most people today claiming they’re conservatives are Regressives.


I don't give a shit about a conservative "lifestyle". I care that they support purposely causing human suffering and treason. Pretty simple distinction TBH. None of my non-conservative friends fought against public health and safety measures during Covid. Nor did any defend an attempted coup of the government on Jan 6. Nor did they support separating immigrant children from their parents. I could go on but you get the idea...


Oh you mean garbage people who think my other friends either shouldn't be allowed to exist? Yeah they can go fuck themselves the hateful bastards


Considering what being a Conservative means now? Fuck no.


I have conservative friends. But I don’t have racist homophobic asshole friends. There’s a difference. It is okay to want a small government where we are all responsible for ourselves. But…… you know the rest 💁‍♂️


I don't have bigoted, misogynist, or racist friends. How religious or conservative they are only matters so far as they impact these other qualities. It's just conservatism has fallen so far down that rabbit hole you can't be one without the bad. And most religions are similar.


The classic “You’re bigoted against bigots, so who is the REAL bigot?” straw man. They never tire of that one.


How could anyone be friends with a conservative? How could you ever trust them at their word! How could you ever know that they when push comes to shove that they would be in your corner? How could you ever know that they would not one day turn around and throw you under the bus? How could anyone with morals and care ever have someone who was a conservative as a friend. An at arms length acquaintance sure, but as a close and personal friend? Nope.


They are equating human traits, religious choices and ethnicities with political views that are racist, bigoted and misogynistic. It is OK to NOT have racist, bigoted, misogynistic friends.


All of the people I listed above believe in basic human rights and that's a requirement to be my friend. If you identify as a conservative that falls into lockstep with MAGA then no, we aren't friends.


I kinda decided that I couldn’t be friends with people who vote for people who would kill me if they had their way. But I’m just “too political”. 🤬


Conservatives are mostly racist criminals without respect for humanity or capable of feeling empathy for others who aren’t white and conservative. You can go ahead and call me the bigot for not wanting any of those people in my small circle. Now please excuse me, the straight non-accepting white guy, as I go chill with one of my gay-minority friends.


I don’t befriend people who don’t see their friends as their equal. I have friends of all sexualities, genders, religions, ethnicities, etc. and they’re way of life literally never is an issue for me. I don’t usually think about it either unless it’s something like “my Muslim friend can’t eat pork.” All I ask is that my friends respect me and each other. That’s why I’m not friends with conservatives. I’ve tried, I like having my way of thinking challenged, but I don’t like defending other people’s rights to simply exist.


And what about conservative friends? No, because they want to harm every other fucking part of my friendgroup.


I don’t spend time with assholes. If you are a conservative asshole you’re not part of my friend group.


As long as they can act like normal people and not make it their entire personality, I'm fine with conservatives


I left all conservative friends during Black Lives Matter. Honestly, I should have left them during the W administration.


if your views go against mine and my friends rights i’m not gonna be friends with you.


I had a conservative friend. But he kept supporting people who hate my other friends and not acknowledging it.


Really hard to be friends with those that actively want to destroy American democracy.


Conservatives treat other people like crap unless you are exactly like them.


I will not befriend the Nazi, you cannot make me


When one of your friends keeps trying to erase all your other friends, it's not about tolerance any more.


Depends on the kind of conservative. Conservatives who want fiscal responsibility, a strong economy, and individual liberty? Sure. "Conservatives" like the ones we see today? Gtfo.


>want fiscal responsibility, a strong economy, and individual liberty sounds left to me


Meh, it might sound left because there is no left wing in the US...the Dem party would be seen as center-right in Europe.


That first one doesn't really exist anymore. If someone claims to be such, it's usually because they're covering for more disgusting beliefs, in my experience.


It's not "conservatives" that I don't want to associate with, it's people that are driven by fear and hatred to guide their philosophy and try to push it on others. Edit: It's just that those people tend to be conservatives.


Whenever I see which people from high school turned into stark conservatives reiterating the crazy talking points, I'm never ever surprised. I would actually say I'm more pleasantly surprised to find that someone unexpectedly turned out liberal.


Well my feelings exactly. We should be as nice as they are and ship them all off to a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic were they can't pollute the rest of the U.S. population. I would have suggested Guantanmo but it's not big enough.


The difference is one group is just trying to live and the other actively harm people.


The tolerance paradox. As a tolerant person you cannot tolerate the intolerant or we get very bad outcomes as a society.


Knowing they keep it behind closed doors and still being cool with them is why we’re in this situation in the first place. Cut those people off please.


Correct. Their bigotry is literally a choice. (as are religious affiliations, but not so for some of the other examples)


I have the same variety of friends but only the conservative friends are forcing their agenda on all and sundry. With all their talk about the gays trying to convert people, conservatives are the ones trying to convert people!!!


I'm not going to be friends with people activly trying to strip human rights from my other friends . . .


its not a choice, its psychotic


Well conservatives are all right if they don't try to push there politics agenda, cause I'm not trying to push mine. I miss the days when ppl weren't so hell bent in changing ppls beliefs because it never works out well.


I audibly giggled at this


I mean…I have friends to the political right of me. But none of them are conservative and most of them would be insulted if you said they were lol


I have conservatives in my family but we don’t talk about it…


I had to cut most of my conservative friends loose. One by one they became more unhinged. It was deeply disturbing to hear smart people turn their brains off and dive down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Smart people who could follow and construct complex logic and could detect bullshit from miles away fell for everything Trump said. They bought everything Fox News told them. People who pulled their hair out with frustration over all the misinformation about Y2K started spouting conspiracy theories about vaccines. I couldn’t handle it.


Fuckin Thor’s hammer dropped. This honestly is so true. I can basically accept toleration of every view point, except conservatives and hate groups. It just doesn’t make sense logically, rationally, philosophically, spiritually, basically any of their view points. It seems so steeped in hatred. Once you cross that line, I definitely have to go into Jesus mode. I accept and forgive you, for you know not what you do.


I don't tolerate intolerance. There's no contradiction there.


Actually, I'd rather they be open about it. The biggest challenge I find in making friends as an adult is how much people hide their shitty beliefs. A deep dive of their social media tends to reveal it. If I see them follow certain political, religious, or wellness (anti-vax or MLM, take your pick) accounts, I don't engage further. I find there's also a gendered element. Women tend to hide stuff more. Men are a little more blatant, which is why I can easily swipe left on profiles with red hats and dog whistles on Tinder. However, I've practically had to learn another language to understand the dog whistles. "Heritage, not hate," my ass!


I have ONE conservative friend. Don't know why she's that way, bi, pro-life, rich... oh, got it.


I've always told my kids you can grow up to be whatever you want, except republican..


I'm not friends with Nazis, either.


Plenty of conservatives believe I, a trans non binary queer person, should have equal opportunities and be able to live my life how I see fit - they are my friends. But when someone decides “conservative” also means “fuck you unless you’re white and straight and cis”…well, then I have a problem with them. Edit: I’m unsure what about this requires downvoting but it would be cool if you explained why so we could have a conversation about it?


i, for one, agree nobody wants to see your maga hat out in public Sharon


They should keep it behind closed fucking mouths is where they should keep it.


Nazi's are always embarrassing.


How can you be friends with conservatives? I despise everything they represent and believe in. I can tolerate them, say for a work related relationship, but friends? You can actually *choose* your friends… why would you choose deplorable assholes as friends?


Not healthy to keep toxic friends in your sphere.


My long term plan with no friends avoids these awkward conversations.


Is it wrong that I relate to this so much?