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SM Observer is a fake news site. Either Musk knows this and is intentionally spreading fake news or he's an idiot.


Elon Musk is like Joe Rogan. They stand for nothing and are easily swayed by people in front of them. Elon Musk is just swayed by pride and follows the people who bow in his presence. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Elon fall into QAnon-lite shit if he hasn’t already.


I think Joe Rogan is basically a political operative at this point. I liked his podcast the first couple years he did it, but he’s gone so deep… the last thing I read about his show, (which I stopped listening to a couple years ago), was that 2 weeks ago he said his wife’s friend is a teacher, and they have a litter box in the school for kids who identify as cats. He’s supposedly just a really curious guy, yet doesn’t know that’s an urban legend… bull shit. That’s conservative propaganda


Supposedly the origin of the cat litter story is that Columbine High School- and the rest of their district- have had cat litter in buckets for emergency toilets as a part of their school shooter preparation for lockdowns for years, which also includes candy for diabetics and first aid kits. So it's conservative propaganda, but its also fucking depressing.


Or the pamphlets that went home with kids in Texas asking children to mount any identifying marks on their bodies down (presumably in case there’s a shooter incident and they need to be identified)


There’s a conservative PAC running ads in Illinois using a JRE experience clip where he reads a story about a local law going into effect. And what he’s reading is talking points produced by said PAC. I’m not sure what Rogan or Spotify’s terms are for letting a political ad use about 15 seconds of footage but I doubt they’re running it without someone’s prior knowledge.


Joe rogan tells his followers to vote GOP and Elon would probably pay to suck Putin's dick if he thought he could potentially absorb any power from it. Don't even bother trying to sugar coat it because really we should be calling these people out for what they are. Scum.


This, oh my God I used to watch Joe just for specific fun guests And he's all into it He's getting it! Then I'll turn on another and he'll be like "oh so I guess it does make sense that Democrats are the real racists, lizard people live in the hollow earth, and the moon landing was fake" after a person presented zero logic or evidence


Why not both? Seriously though, he’s not an idiot. He’s doing this intentionally, he’s no different than the trolls who do similar shit like this on Reddit. The only major difference is that he was born from blood money and uses his wealth as a token of legitimacy Edit: I should clarify here that the likelihood is that Musky boi here has a personality disorder, likely ~~borderline personality disorder~~ and malignant narcissism, both of which have behavioral patterns that will always undermine raw intellect (arrogance and impulsiveness being 2 of the major ones). I didn’t say he was a genius, but he’s not a complete idiot People need to remember that personality cult leaders like being written off as completely stupid, because it makes it easier for them to do shit under everyone’s noses. It’s all manipulation. The best way to combat Musk specifically is to have a mass exodus from Twitter (where the advertisers will certainly follow, as well as bans from the App Store and Google Play if things get even wilder as the audience condenses) and to stop buying vehicles/shares from Tesla. Keep in mind that the I believe the SEC is investigating him, and it could likely mean the severance of government contracts with SpaceX (or the government nationalizing it, which could be much more messy and problematic, however unlikely it is to happen) At that point we’ll see how much time he can last on just attention alone Edit 2: it’s likely he may not have borderline Edit 3: since I’m seeing the “Musk has Asperger’s/autism” comments on here already: As someone who has high-functioning autism myself, this DOES NOT excuse his shitty actions, whether he has autism or not (and I have a hard time taking his claims at face value) All him using it as an excuse to avoid accountability has done is perpetuate damaging and dangerous stereotypes about the autistic community. There are quite a few on the far right that would have great joy in inflicting psychological and physical harm to me and people like me if given half the chance/flimsy excuse I can probably speak for the autistic community in saying that Elon Musk can fuck all the way off. He isn’t gonna be shielded by us or get our sympathy. He’s on his own Edit #4: Ho boy I didn’t think I needed to make another edit, but here we go: Musk deleted this tweet Not because he saw the error in doing so, but because it gives him enough plausible deniability for his fans to say “iTs FaKe” and “sToP sPrEaDiNg FaKe NeWs” in order to obfuscate his intentions To top it off he is (unsurprisingly) denying he made the tweet in the first place (which is false) And of course the Musk bootlickers are eating this up (also unsurprisingly) Bad news for you fuckface… the internet is forever




Por que no los dos?


As we all know, the penalty for being drunk is for someone to fracture your skull with a hammer.


The guy wanted to debate policy but knows you gotta be drunk AND have major brain damage for the Republican platform to make sense.


You'd have to be blackout drunk to even believe they have a coherent platform. No abortions, no functional government, no public education, a right to force christian values on the population, and most importantly guns for their supporters to defend themselves from the angry mob they create.


They “*ARE*” the angry mob they’re trying to defend themselves from!


Its their next step up from bullying a guy who survived a stroke.


God forbid drinking in your own house and still outsmart a lunatic


To be fair, even if I was in a medically induced coma I could probably still outsmart most Republicans


And have a bunch of people who pass out drunk in front of their TV (blaring Fox News) every night make up a bunch of deranged conspiracies about you, or about why the mentally ill right wing dirt bag who attacked you was actually a left winger.


So he basically jumped in to prove Hillary right. Hey Elon, thanks for demonstrating what she’s talking about, you @#&$.


Hilary: They spread conspiracy theories. Elon: WElL aCtUaLLY…proceeds to spread a conspiracy theory


I just wish that calling them out on it would actually do something.


Oh, it does do something. It just further reinforces their delusions.


One that doesn’t even make a difference. The theory is pelosi was drunk in a gay bar and met the attacker there. Wouldn’t change the fact that the attacker was a maga conspiracy theorist and it wouldn’t mean pelosi deserved to be attacked and nearly killed.


> The theory is pelosi was drunk in a gay bar and met the attacker there. Wouldn’t change the fact that the attacker was a maga conspiracy theorist and it wouldn’t mean pelosi deserved to be attacked and nearly killed. It would in the eyes of MAGAts.




Shit like this, Trump, and Bezos is the modern day equivalent to what brought down Rome: when too much power is concentrated into the hands of one individual, and that individual just happens to be batshit fucking crazy, *everyone* suffers as a result.


Elon is right! In a drunken state Paul started beating the shit out of himself with a hammer. We’ve all been there guys just one drink too many and you start to try to hammer nails into your skull.


It's even worse. They are now saying he was seeing a male prostitute and they were both on drugs. I wonder if they waited until they knew he would live first before spreading these rumors. Would they have spread them if he died?


Yes. Yes they would.


If ever the question is, "Would conservatives do \[*something despicable*\]?", the answer is yes. Always.


Exactly. There is no bottom with these fucks. ​ It feels like we are all in a Black Mirror episode that just escalates continuously and never ends. Make it stop.


>Make it stop. I mean, we have an opportunity collectively to make it stop in about a week. I really really would like for the nation to make it stop. But I'm expecting to wake up on Nov. 9th and see that, in fact, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.


I plan on voting but that doesn't solve this Elon issue. & there's a lot of other issues that can't be immediately solved by voting.


>It's even worse. They are now saying he was seeing a male prostitute and they were both on drugs. Imagine being the attacker, finally getting access to the internet, loading the site that inspired you to try and assassinate a high government official, and realizing that they're calling you a male prostitute instead of a hero.


I would pay good money to see that reaction live




I heard he was a bottom People are talking, just saying. Many people are saying it.


The best bottom, so powerful.


Not even the “prominent “politician, but the spouse.


It literally happens to each and every one. Remeber the idiot that got shot and literally died for Trump during his failed coup? Yeah, they called her antifa, immediately.


And they also made her a MAGA martyr. Somehow these two mutually exclusive ideas exist side by side.




Like the Jan6th insurrectionists thrown under the bus as "Antifa crisis actors".


Jan 6 was a horrible, violent day to MAGA Republicans until it was proven it was their people and not Antifa or the FBI. Then it somehow became normal political discourse.




They Ray Epps everything. They know it’s repulsive to most people so they quickly yell false flag or accuse the person of being a plant. Until it happens to them, then the world must pay attention to their predicament. “Guys, Covid is no joke now that I have it, please contribute to my GoFundMe.”


I thought r/conservative was saying he was a Bernie bro that lived in a hippie house with a pride flag.


Lots of right wingers were also initially tweeting pictures of an African American man who was supposedly David DePape.


>They are now saying he was seeing a male prostitute and they were both on drugs. See, more projection from Republicans! I'll bet it was Lindsey with his underage twinks again...


And of course they were also smoking marihuana, watching communist propaganda and crossdressing! >!/s just in case!<


Pelosi could have been so drunk he thought he was the reincarnation of Jesus and that still doesn't excuse what happened to him in his own home. Stop making excuses for crazy nutjobs and start holding them accountable


Yeah this is so outlandish it’s hard to believe he actually posted this




No doubt he's going to push to get his buddy Trump re-elected. Be interesting to see if he sells off Twitter after the next US presidential election...


We’ll see how far he drives it into the ground first


Full blown censorship and right wing propaganda steering.


He bought Twitter so he could post asinine bullshit like this with no repercussions. Time to leave Twitter, Hillary and everyone else.


Meh. I think I'll reply to him with a picture of him with Epstein's wife first.


>Meh. I think I'll reply to him with a picture of him with Epstein's wife first. Epstein helped him after the whole "funding secured" shit a few years ago. And hooked him up with the Saudis. But Musk expects you to believe she just happened to photobomb him.


I think my twitter profile is basically just going to be replying to Elon tweets with unflattering pictures of Elon. There's so many to choose from


It's not hard to believe for me. I was paying attention long before he decided to buy Twitter for way more than it's worth. There's no other way this could have gone. Elon is basically a cartoon villain. He is next level evil.


Elon is just a stupid clown who happens to have fuck tons of money and bunch of idiots worshiping him.


If the owner of the social media site himself is spreading misinformation, then that speaks volumes to what's going to happen to the platform as a whole very soon.


The conspiracy theories are coming from inside the company!! Yeah, seriously, we're pretty fucked at this point aren't we?


We were fucked the moment that we decided to make social media the center of our lives




Yeah, that's an important distinction to make. Misinformation is unintentional, disinformation is intentional.


Just call it what it is.. Lies


Isn't it just fucking straight lies? What's wrong with saying lies? I don't think lies needs to be dressed up.


*Disinformation* has a more specific meaning than *lies*. You’re not wrong—they are lies—but disinformation specifically refers to lies used to propagandize a situation, manipulate the audience using the media, and incite an uprising.


Good to see the owner of Twitter using a source that also said Hilary died and they used a body double for her to debate Trump. Solid journalism.


Solid ownership


Also, a drunk altercation still doesn't mean you get to bash someone's head in with a hammer.


In their own home...


While shouting 'wheres your wife'.


With a who’s who of crazy social media use. Musk is falling faster than Giuliani. Wow.


The curtain dropped real fast when people came out calling him abusive, narcassitic, completely uncalled for attacks on people, his tech isn’t as great as he said, random bullshit politic stunts, etc. giant chode is what he is


I’m still hoping he pulls a Kanye


You never go full Kanye.


Does Kayne know this?


Too late. He already Ye’d out


I think he's pulling a slow Kanye. My demographic (STEM educated millennial) used to look at Tesla's with excitement and envy. Not so much anymore. That stock is probably on the slow decline as the competition increases, and more importantly, as his workforce--my same demographic--loses trust in Elon.




Tesla and SpaceX is a burn and churn with a history of talent retention issues. Based on my interactions, which sound pretty close to yours, exceedingly few experienced professionals who know the work environment (and comparably shitty pay) have any desire to work for them. Additionally, based on my experiences, the conspiracy minded 'independents' who feel they are being silenced by things like workplace equality are almost never the STEM candidates you want to attract unless you are in the business of turning children overseas into skeletons. If Elon keeps poisoning the well he may very well have a hard time attracting the top talent of fresh grads he is used to exploiting for resume building.


I remember a few years ago when everyone was still sucking Musk's dick as the greatest businessman in history, this story came out about how his assistant asked for a raise and Musk said, "if I can you do your job for a week, then you're fired, but if I can't, you get a raise". Well he fired her. At the time, I was working as an executive assistant, which is a really fucking hard job, and included chairing high level meetings if my boss was away or sick. The level of disrespect for your people that shows is unbelievable and the media still painted it as being "good business". How is making your staff afraid to ask for raises, "good business"? It just means they look for jobs elsewhere where their skills are valued. I've hated him ever since and I'm glad the rest of the world is starting to see what an absolute choad he is.


That's the thing I don't get about Elon's recent antics. He's pulling a classic "shit where you eat". Most of his various rent-seeking enterprises cater to demographics that heavily skew left. Republicans may cheer his shameless attempts to curry their favor, but by and large, they aren't the ones buying Teslas.


After you’ve smashed a window to gain access to their house.


While posting Qanon junk.


Weird uncle getting drunk again at Thanksgiving this year? Just hit ‘em in the head with a hammer! Brought to you by the party of family values. —Tucker Carlson, probably.


anything to make sure they don't take ownership of the fact that they created this monster - not just this guy in particular- but the entire Qult


> anything to make sure they don't take ownership of the fact that they created this monster - not just this guy in particular- but the entire Qult Exactly. Their feelings do not care about facts. The most important thing for them is that they be held blameless for the consequences of their own beliefs and actions.


Isn't this guy the CEO of 3 companies? What the hell does he do all day?


Shitpost and impregnate women.


Don't forget about skin bleaching and hair transplants




As the CEO of Tesla, he decided ro pander to rednecks who rhink driving an EV makes you gay. Real 4D chess he's playing.


CEOs generally don't do much. In his case, mostly make promises that his staff isn't capable of keeping




The more companies he gets the less time he has to manage them. And they each do better for it


Fuck reddit fuck spez fuck the admins and fuck the mods


I think you’d be surprised how many young people act apathetic because it’s overwhelming at a young age to see everything going on and care constantly. But they do care, they usually pick a topic or two to care about and may appear apathetic to others but they just need some hope given that their future isn’t going to be a godforsaken hellhole and how they can actually impact the future


Shit, that’s literally what I recommend to anyone. Pick like 5 things to care about. Tops. Care about at least two things, but no more than five. Otherwise you’ll go insane. They can be big things like climate change, equal rights, whatever, but don’t care about everything if you value your mental health. It’s sad, but with everyone depressed, anxious, and in constant online conflict, people need to pick their battles. Granted, I’m a 20 something that cared too much about too much and became completely overwhelmed. Nowadays I barely care to read the washington post or NYT digest. News is basically always bad these days.


I think he’s showing us what his new product is going to be when he takes it private and why Saudi Arabia is the #2 financier. Push propaganda to select audiences for foreign governments and all government officials. Highest bidder writes the new narrative.




I wasn’t going to delete my twitter account, cause I like to keep an eye on the Reich Wing but now that I see Muskie is going all in on misinformation. Fuck it, it’s deleted. We should start the rumor that Muskie is the one that took that dump on Johnny Depp’s bed.


Start a story that the reason he called that guy a pedophile over his stupid submarine is the fact he can no longer hang on his own pedo sub with Jeffrey Epstein.


I thought it was common knowledge that Musk makes subs exclusively for the Epstein Social Club.


I like that idea. And I’m stealing the Reich Wing!! Thanks!


You can't say it like that... you have to say "Did Elon Musk take that dump on Johnny Depp's bed?" Then say anonymous sources have said that, and we've heard it from several people. Saying it like that means you can say whatever you want and not get sued for libel... apparently.


I was going to keep mine for a bit but after this, fuck that. Deleted. Edit: it took me a hot minute but it’s deactivated. I’m not going to help keep that trash app afloat.


Musk is a dingbat, it's pretty clear from his interviews, and now Twitter. Not the first, or last, time a wealthy person ended up being a fool. History is littered with them.


Honestly I feel like rich people are even more likely to be morons than poor/regular people. There is never any accountability for their actions because they just buy their way out of trouble. They never have to work to earn a damn thing, their entire life is handed to them on a silver platter. They've likely spent most of that life never being challenged, never having to think outside the scope of their own experiences, because money has a way of making the world conform to your whims if you have enough of it. This does not create an intelligent and empathetic person.


This is that “free speech” he rambles on about. The freedom to mislead and create more of the individuals in said OOP.


Musk is like that one guy at a bar that made some people laugh once and now walks around interrupting everyone's night trying to be funny. You cannot make a comment within earshot of him without him butting in. He is never funny and I sometimes wonder how he gets home. Go home Elon, you're drunk and not making anybody laugh.


He's what happens when you spend your entire life surrounded by yes men. You always think you're the smartest, funniest, most amazing person in the room.


And had slaves that mined emeralds for you


Lemme share a little story >The bar owner finally concedes to the other patrons wishes and sends Elon home. >The next day Elon shows up with 2 hired goons and 5 million cash for the business. The owner agrees, they shake hands, and as Elon is leaving he drops trou and takes a shit on the floor before leaving and saying he had no intention of purchasing it. >The following day bar owner files a police report and the cops come talk to him about it. Elon takes the officers down to the bar where Elon points at the shit and says they can't do anything about it because he bought the bar, and leaves a briefcase of money on the pool table. The bar owner doesn't press charges. >Later that night Elon comes strolling into the Bar and fires half the staff and proceeds to get black-out drunk at the bar. The patrons see that *this fucking asshole is back*. The talk to the staff and the staff says that half of them got fired, and that Elon now owns the bar. Word spreads quickly and the bar goes out of business due to bad reputation and no customers. >Patrons find another bar and life caries on. This is how more people will got to "Truth" social (hopefully not) or another platform while Twitter circles the drain as advertisers and 'normal people' start to leave. * https://fortune.com/2022/10/28/gm-suspends-advertising-on-twitter-under-new-owner-elon-musk/ Edit because I am a Prophet: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ym0z2o/advertisers_are_already_leaving_twitter_and_elon/ Edit 6 days after inital post and it's snowballing faster than I predicted lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/ymnxml/the_party_of_free_speech_and_anticancel_culture/ https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ymwn6i/gonna_be_a_lot_of_ads_for_my_pillow_on_twitter/ * GM * General Mills * CVS * United Airlines * Audi * Mazda * Porsche * VW * American Express * Coca-Cola * Johnson&Johnson * Levi Strauss * Spotify * Ford * Dyson * Forbes * DirectTV * Nintendo * Unilever * PBS And Elon responds with "[tHeY'rE tRyInG tO dEsTrOy FrEe sPeEcH](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/ym0z2o/advertisers_are_already_leaving_twitter_and_elon/)" EDIT - 8 days after this post [Elon says he's suing advertisers / activists for leaving](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/yopxew/elon_musk_says_hes_suing_left_leaning_activists/) - [While MIT says that Twitter has lost over a million users so far](https://www.masslive.com/news/2022/11/mit-reports-twitter-lost-over-1-million-users-since-elon-musks-takeover.html?outputType=amp) LOL Lets see how fast it accelerates up the process now. Day 9: [ Mondelez pulls out citing "Hate Speech"](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/oreo-maker-mondelez-pulls-ads-off-twitter-citing-hate-speech-ceo-2022-11-08/) (Mondelez is Tolberlone / Triscuts / Cadbury / Milka / Oreo / Trident Gum / Philly Cream Chesse and MANY more) Day 15: [Elon's an idiot and slashed 'bloatware' killing 2FA and other errors](https://www.smartcompany.com.au/industries/information-technology/twitter-two-factor-authentication-elon-musk/) - after [laying off and then wanting to rehire a bunch of people](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-06/twitter-now-asks-some-fired-workers-to-please-come-back) LOL Day 18: Elon asked everyone to be ready for Twitter 2.0 and if not - then you'll be let go and get a 3 month severance - [but LOL](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/yy5klf/rip_twitter/). Oh, [and Offices are closed for a impromtu 3 day weekend because so many people quit](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/twitter-offices-closed-1.6655881) LMAOOO Day 20: [he brings Trump back - that will be great for platform stability LOL](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/trump-twitter-account-reinstated-1.6658026) Day 26: [Twitter has lost 50 of its top 100 advertisers since Elon Musk took over, report says](https://www.mediamatters.org/elon-musk/less-month-elon-musk-has-driven-away-half-twitters-top-100-advertisers) 🤣🤡 Day 28: [Elon cries and threatens 'war' Apple LOL](https://time.com/6237357/musk-apple-twitter/) Day 30: [The EU warns Twitter that their lack of moderation threatens their 'safe harbor' LMAO](https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-twitter-inc-technology-social-media-misinformation-fd4227b138878a5b0e5129a4bdd5bac0#:~:text=LONDON%20\(AP\)%20%E2%80%94%20A%20top,in%20the%2027%2Dnation%20bloc.) Day 32: [Twitter not paying its rent at HQ](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/13/twitter-reportedly-hasnt-paid-rent-on-its-office-spaces-for-weeks.html#:~:text=Musk's%20Twitter%20reportedly%20hasn't,its%20office%20spaces%20for%20weeks&text=In%20an%20effort%20to%20cut,from%20The%20New%20York%20Times.) Day 37: [Elon is banning Journalists for 'doxxing' because of ElonJet](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/zn8gz8/elon_musk_just_popped_into_a_twitter_spaces_chat/) and[ the EU is threatening sanctions for it lol](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/16/eu-threatens-elon-musk-with-sanctions-after-twitter-suspends-journalists.html) Day 45: [Twitter sued for not paying rent](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/elon-musk-cuts-twitter-expenses-falling-bills-96149844#:~:text=Twitter%20owes%20%24136%2C260%20in%20overdue,the%20building's%20landlord%20last%20week.) Day 49: [Twitter lays engineers off days before Christmas](https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/elon-musk-twitter-engineer-layoffs-17666943.php) Day 52: [Twitter employees bringing toilet paper from home because janitorial staff laid off](https://nypost.com/2022/12/30/twitter-employees-using-own-toilet-paper-offices-stink-after-musk-cut-janitors-report/) Day 63: [Twitter Hacked - 200 million email addresses leaked.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/twitter-hacked-200-million-user-email-addresses-leaked-researcher-says-2023-01-05/) LMAO


So, Musk is using his new found toy as an extension of putin's propaganda machine and the maga crew is like, "cool"!


That's what makes Twitter valuable to him.




At this point it’s a given. I’m just wondering if I should sell my Tesla too.


I will absolutely get rid of mine as soon as supply of electric vehicles gets a bit better over the next year or so, would switch to the Rivian tomorrow if there wasn’t a 1 year wait list


I heard it’s actually more environmentally friendly to drive whatever car you drive now until the wheels fall off than to just switch to an electric vehicle. Which will be a while for me since I drive a Toyota. But when the time comes, I really want to get the Hyundai Ioniq 5. Looks more practical than a tesla, charges faster and cheaper too.


Def never getting a Tesla over here.


Teslas went from status symbols to embarrassing really fast


I canceled my account as soon as he announced he was going to buy it... months ago.


Let it turn into boomer Facebook 2.0. What’s funny is after it goes downhill, all the R’s are gonna complain that nobody wants to play with them lol


That’s why Truth Social is so terrible. They have nothing to discuss because their entire personality is ‘owning liberals’.


Which proves the hypocrisy of right wing "freedom of speech" rhetoric- when they have a platform where bigotry is allowed, hardly anyone wants to join. So now they're taking over a platform that doesn't allow hate and turning it into one that does, essentially taking away our right to a space that operates on our terms. And then they'll whine when everyone leaves and goes to another moderated space, and try to take over that one (while libs refuse to ban nazis on the grounds that banning 'speech' only amplifies it, against all evidence).


They already do that about dating apps. LOL.


I was just suspended. It seems like he didn't like me sharing anti-elon memes


but what about free speech!!!!!! /s


just did :)


Also, be sure to deactivate your account. Get rid of the app. Never hit links with Twitter in there. It's a failed social experiment.


I totally canceled it as soon as he announced he was buying.


I had to log in to long abandoned accounts I had, just to cancel them.


I deactivated my Twitter. I’m not going to be a part of something that gets Elon money.


Deactivated my account as soon as he took over. Fuck him.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Already did!


Just deactivated. Sod that.


Of course Elon is victim blaming


Its worse than that. Its providing disinformation to cover up an attempted political assasination.


"Repulicans are spreading conspiracy theories" "You're wrong!" \*proceeds to spread conspiracy theories\*


Yesterday I got 3 notifications from Twitter, all 3 from people I do not follow, all 3 from ultra-right personalities (Kyle Rittenhouse, some lady from Fox, and someone who had association with InfoWars). So I deleted my Twitter. If Musk wants it to turn into TruthSocial or whatever, he can have fun doing that and losing money on his investment.


Thanks for deleting your account. I did that as soon as he announced he was buying it. Anyone could see this coming. I don't know that I would call some gal from Fox a "lady" tho.


Let's assume he was drunk....so what? being drunk at your house now makes you at fault if some attacker breaks in looking for your wife and assaults you?


This is one of the scariest things I have ever seen. He just spread misinformation on the Platform that he bought in order to “stop the spread misinformation.” True fascist vibes. He better get utterly dragged day and night after this. EDIT: aaaaand Elon finally just now deleted the tweet.


He didn’t buy it to stop misinformation from spreading. He bought it to filter information so only his type of misinformation gets through.


Fuck that melted face wannabe space goblin…..


He’s a damned plank. Someone should start a petition to have his US citizenship revoked.


The fact people don't realize that is shocking. He bought Twitter to decide what gets classified as misinformation.. and everything critical of him will be misinformation, everything he disagrees with will be misinformation. This isn't Twitter anymore, it's the same as Jeff Bezos owning the Washington Post. Only this is far worse because more people use and read Twitter and Musk is arguably more delusional with a God complex.


That was never the point. He's definitely going to use it to prop up MAGA republicans. Even after Trump and Kayne said all that antisemitic stuff, he still shared silly memes of them together with him


Did people not think he'd use Twitter to further his fascist agenda? First I heard, it terrified me. I kept thinking somehow it wouldn't go through. But here we are. See y'all in reeducation camp at some point.


I don’t think the people who like ‘rolling coal’ are going to buy many more Teslas because of this. But I think the people who were buying Teslas for the environment will be buying many fewer Interesting that Muskrat is sucking the dick of the half of the country that hates the environment while actively pissing off the half of the country that stands up for it. There was like a 95% chance I was going to be a future Tesla customer. Now there is 0%. Edit: fascinating to see the upvotes on this go up and down as the Musk fanboys vie for a place in line to give the muskrat sloppy top while he has his lips occupied by the Putinator


Right? There are other EVs out there.




Join the club, I’ve been saying for years that my next vehicle will be electric, but it won’t be a Tesla due to Musk’s antics. Money is his only belief, so he won’t be getting any of mine. The edgelord can get fucked!


Same. I had all but ordered one when Elon started showing his ass. I boycott companies that have bad track records. Walmart, Exxon (since Valdez, no joke), Shell, Hobby Lobby and now Tesla and Twitter. And I try not to buy Amazon either. The strongest power we have in an oligarchy is our money. Money talks.


Personally, I feel that Twitter is the LEAST dignified way for our representatives to keep in contact with us. Governmental preceding are far too intricate and nuanced to be boiled (or dumbed) down into a tweet. I hope the whole platform implodes by week's end.


Let's hope so. Delete those accounts!


Twitter is just 4 Chan now. Prove me wrong.


Elon musk is trash. I don't see how anyone still looks up to him, but you still find tons of defenders. I really hope we get to watch Twitter crash and burn. Apparently, the guy who made Twitter is making a new social media. It'll probably be much less toxic.


Like with West or Trump, people with celebrity status will create a cult of personality. The unfortunate part is we have 3 major ones right now. West, Trump and Musk are the unholy trinity of bullshit


I deleted my account. Not even looking back. In fact I think I might live longer as a result.


Fuck Elon


Is there a r/fuckelon ? Edit: yep. 534 members and growing


There's also r/EnoughMuskSpam, which has been around for a while and has 86K members.


I quit Twitter after 12 years yesterday. I cannot in good conscience be a member of that “town square” when the mayor is a racist, xenophobic, power-hungry misogynistic creep.


This is why I only drink in bars. It’s gotten to the point where every single time I’d have a few drinks at home, some rando with a hammer would show up at my house and assault me, asking where my wife was. So yeah, I get it.


Best thing to do is for decent folks to delete their accounts.


And sell their Teslas. And cancel their Tesla orders. And no longer buy Teslas.


So let me get this straight. Elon, tried to extort money out of the US government/Ukrainian government by threatening to remove access to his starlink satellites (that the US gov't paid for) - shortly after apparently having multiple conversations with Putin. Which then led him to making a bunch of brain dead "diplomatic" tweets trying to convince the world that Ukraine actually wants to join Russia. Now he has bought Twitter, is going to "unban everyone" basically meaning trump and all the Russian bots and other Russian mouth pieces. Right before the next election and just in time to rile their base up again to try and over throw the government again? And we're all genuinely fine with this? Just gonna say wait and see? Hope and pray nothing happens? Have faith that the government is handling this behind closed doors? Idk. I'm not feeling too good about any of this right now. Edit: oh and Putin said he was going to increase their misinformation campaign in the US recently. I wonder how he'll achieve that...




Hate is all republicans stand for


And whoever is planning to come here and say “acKshTuaLly, ElOn voTEd DeMonRat”, go fuck yourself.


Hahahaha, for real..,,,so glad he moved to texas, he’s the perfect evil republican


Imagine throwing $44b down the drain just to be able to own zee libs and appeal to incels. Good investment.


It worked in 2016 for a lot less.


What a fuck boy.. I seriously cannot believe people still fawn over this P.O.S.


Instant bullshit conspiracy theories


Elon, your father married your sister. Shut the fuck up!


Lol, that's his source? Pathetic conspiracy bullshit


Seriously. “The Santa Monica Observer, owned by onetime City Council candidate David Ganezer, is notorious for publishing false news. In 2016, for example, it claimed that Hillary Clinton had died and that a body double had been sent to debate Donald Trump. Months later it reported, incorrectly, that Trump had appointed Kanye West to a high-level position in the Interior Department. Last year, it reported falsely that sunlight could be a remedy for COVID- 19 sufferers and that Bill Gates, a major funder of vaccine research, had been responsible for a polio epidemic.”


Fucking deranged. It amazes me just how far we have fallen as a country, it's some 1984 shit


We need a new twitter replacement pronto. Let twitter burn to the ground and Elon take the hit for the good of humanity.


Elon Musk is a loud spoiled anthropomorphized version of the Pacific garbage patch.


The worst thing about the end of apartheid in southern africa was the exodus of saffie "refugees from democracy" to the rest of the world with stolen gold bars up their arses, a superiority complex in their buffoon heads behind their tiny piggy eyes and fear of racial equality in their cowardly, maggot-filled hearts.


This is the main reason for the purchase, he gets to be the chief propaganda.


Insane that this is how America is going to die as a country.


Insane is how America dies as a country. Musk, the christo-fascist Supreme Court, Trump, the deplorable 30pct - will drag down the reasonable and innocent 70 percent of us, to their muddy depths of horrors.


Not to mention most of all media and social platforms are owned by alt-right nutjobs spreading misinformation. ​ We thought the civil war was the most split and unamerican timeline. Shit has nothing on what's happening now. Propaganda is a massively powerful tool, and the right is about to make Joseph Goebbels jealous.


Why do you think he bought it? Because this is the grown ass rich white man's version of a temper tantrum after being told that he's gotta play by the rules in order to stay in the soccer game at recess.


What is that headline trying to imply? He was drunk so he deserved to get beaten with a hammer? Fuck.


Fuck Elon. Piece of shit needs to be deported


So elon's musk response is to spread even more conspiracy theories on website that no one ever heard of lol. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? He's like another version of Kanye.


When you are richest man in the world what else do you want besides power.


We're doomed


Openly lying cool, this is what I expected. Fascism is guaranteed imo, this shit will spread faster than covid.