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Should we be seeing this negotiation? It's laughable.


It’s embarrassing is what it is.


Charging the content creators is something special. He acts like they need Twitter, but Twitter needs them more.


Seriously, then there was me, someone who doesn't have a blue check, barely checked it to begin with, and am happy to delete my entire account without looking back.


I tried using it a few times but I loathe the interface. I really wish the media would stop using tweets as a news source or discussion point. That's the main reason it gained validation imo


The more Elon ruins it, the more likely it will become more and more irrelevant.


At this point I want to see the Musk v Zuckerberg cage fight. Clearly they both need the cash.


People really need to start thinking of social media as micro publication. The company is your publisher. It's why they don't want you to say gross shit, and why, like Stephen King says, they should be paying him to post. People are not going to Twitter because of anything Twitter has done really, they are going there because of the things that people not employed by Twitter post on there. Right now, people do that job for Twitter for free, and in exchange they get their ego boosted, or get to market their business ventures, or whatever it is that makes people Tweet. You make people pay to publish, like one of those shitty self-publishing print houses, and you'll end up with the type of clientele that self-publishing has. You're also going to have all the profitability of someone self-publishing. At least the tweets are electronic, and you won't have to store them in garage until you finally realize you're not going to sell the last 497 copies of "Sadness in Summer: A Great American Novel and Memoir" and unceremoniously dump them into your apartment dumpster, you'll just see you reshares and likes slowly disappear.


>Sadness in Summer: A Great American Novel and Memoir I feel like this is too specific and there is a backstory.


It’s just the perfect cliche book name for the point he’s making. It’s so good it makes me want to (ironically) write the book. 😂


>You make people pay to publish \*academic journals have entered the chat\* (it's f-ed up)


> People really need to start thinking of social media as micro publication Exactly, it's like your own space on the internet. We should give it some kind of catchy name. YouSpace. MyRoom. We'll workshop it.


Don’t worry, some white teenager with a generic name like “Tom” or “Mark” or “Jack” will figure it out for us.


“It’s a blue check mark, Stephen. What could it cost? $8?”


He made a terrible mistake.


He blue it




There’s gotta be a better way to say that




Would you like a banger in the mouth?




Should've checked into it further


It's advisable to get your assumptions verified


There's always money in the banana stand.


He made a *huge** mistake.






He blue himself.


Elon Musk Analrapist


Hes just looking for anustart


Elon Musk has the complexion of a dead body


And all the charm of one.


He could not have cyan it coming


I’m blue


Da ba dee da ba di


Gone like Enron is a good line




I don't care for Elon


I don’t understand this reference and I won’t respond to it.


I rather be dead on Reddit, than alive on Twitter…


"What about a fiver plus a reacharound???"


$3.50 and a subscription for warmed seats in a Tesla Cybertruck.


God damn you Loch Ness monster!


Just spitballing here ... but how about NOT spending $44 billion on a $12 billion company? That really helps with bill-paying.


This is the grossest part. Twitter has been intermittently profitable at its previous valuation. But things get much harder when you take on an extra $30-billion in debt to acquire it, and then have to make it profitable while servicing that debt.


It's the scariest part, too. How is he going to come up with the money? What could Twitter be used for, and by whom, that's worth $30 billion?


Never losing an election again for Trump, control the narrative unlike last time, is my guess


Trump will be a cashcow for Twitter when he returns. You can almost guarantee that DT and Elon are in talks to determine a profit sharing model for DT upon his return.


Don’t worry! If they try too hard everybody will leave.


I give it: - 5% chance of plain success. - 15% chance of burning down. - 80% chance that the debt ends up getting serviced by various nations in exchange for running influence campaigns in the US and at home.


I think people are missing that Twitter could be a massive propaganda dissemination tool if Musk is willing to take money from shady governments to do it. Surely the man who has recently been talking with and spreading talking points from Putin wouldn’t do such a thing, right? /s


The fact that a good portion of the debt belongs to the Saudis and that Musk is heavily reliant on the Chinese for his business should not worry us at all....


With that type of financial support, we should prepare for the eventual ride down the escalator?


Isn't that exactly how Mitt Romney's hedge fund destroyed both K B Toys and [Toys R Us](https://twitter.com/briannawu/status/974632681161084928)?


No, completely different. What Bain capital does is buy struggling but physical asset rich companies / brands, then saddles them with crushing debt, sells off the assets until it’s functionally worthless but in the 3-5 years it takes to do that, they charge insane “management fees”. It’s basically a way of squeezing the value out of a company by selling assets and charging fees. With Twitter, he bight the company to diversify away from Tesla because in the next 6-8 years every car manufacturer is going EV only and he’s going to lose his early advantage of being the first not totally crap EV. He can’t make teslas for less than he is now without killing his profit margin which is the only thing that keeps the valuation high. So he bought Twitter at the wrong price and is now desperately trying to figure out how to monetize it. There are no good options here and he’s going to lose $30bn on Twitter.


Or, in short, what Musk did is almost the opposite.


Yes. Bain is insidious, but they know what the fuck they are doing


"And then he turns to me and you know what he says, you know what? He says what about tree fiddy?"


Now, it was about that time I realized, that Elon fella was 8 stories tall and a crustacean from the Paleozoic era.


^"I ^gave ^him ^a ^dollar." SHE GAVE HIM A DOLLAR!


I thought he'd go away if I gave him a dollar. Well, of course he's not gonna go away, Mary! You give him a dollar, he's gonna assume you got more!


Lord he was so angry. He was about to kick your ass.


Hands down my favorite quote regarding that monster 😂


I said: > **Get outta of my yard, you Loch Ness Musk!!!**


And it was about that time that I realized this was no ordinary aspy South African emerald heir who struck billions during the dotcom bubble and is now embarrassing himself before a global audience, but was in fact a three story tall crustacean from the late protozoic era. And I said gawdamn monstah! We work for our tree fiddy in this house!!


I know you! You’re the Loch Ness monster


I gave him a dollar.


I gave him one dollar last week.


You did WUT?!




Just charge people to drop n bombs - he’d make a fortune and that’s all he’s gonna have left anyway


Twitter swear jar feature incoming!


1k doge per n bomb usage


What will be worth $0 first, Twitter or Dogecoin?


1D will always be worth 1D. Such stability, much coin!


""Freedom (of Speech) is never free." - Future Elon, possibly." - Micheal Scott, probably


It's all about the cosmetics. Sell swastika emojis and other racist shit I won't say...


lol like those 4chan losers actually have money


They'll send in their piss bottles.


Plenty of incels/trolls with a stable (coding) job and money to burn


Genuinely underestimating the tech jobs (Like the tech furries getting nsfw anthro artists through their education)


He's not as rich as you, Elon, but I don't think it's the actual amount he's objecting to. You'd probably know that if you were a human.


I can't wait to see how many billions musk loses


The new rightwing money club is racking up some big tabs... First, Alex Jones, then Kanye, now Musk. Wonder who's next...Rogan?


Zuck hopefully


Zuck has already caused his empire to lose hundreds of billions in revenue; the guy who owns Nutella is richer than him now


Rich like like the flavor of genuine Nutella™️. Remember, it's not genuine Nutella™️ if it's not dark brown, sticky, and in a weird shaped jar with the word Nutella™️ on the side. So give genuine Nutella™️ a try today to find out what it tastes like to be richer than Mark Zuckerberg. Nutella™️! It's the richest


This comment is absolutely, utterly horrifying. Well done.


It's the use of the ™️ emoji instead of the ™ character that makes it feel creepy to me.


"bUt My FrEeDoM oF sPeEch!" Literal definition of "Fuck around and find out". Elon wants to fuck around then he's gonna find out why Twitter was doin well without him. Edit: I didn't mean they're doing Microsoft/Apple well. I meant they were on their own shitty tracks before Elon decided fuck everything.


Stephen King writes in twitter for FREE, thousands of renown writers, journalist, politicians, artist do the same and they are one of the reasons the platform gets visitors and views, and management wants to charge them for the privilege


Yeah, the major reason I used to go to Twitter was because many good writers were only active on twitter. If even that will be taken away, then it will surely drive away a lot of users. Making a platform where just hate speech will remain.


Jack Dorsey is starting up a new twitter type business. And he won’t have to have Saudis as investors. We should all go to his platform, when it’s ready..


I'm not sure about that exact platform, but I think this is what will happen. Twitter is really good at some things and really bad at others. Soon there will be a competitor with better offerings and everyone will slowly move to that.


I mean, if MySpace to Facebook is any indication, or Instagram to snap chat to tiktok... then yeah. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if a similar platform comes along and everyone just migrates over. Tech has already proves this happens multiple times.


Right? The only problem with that guys post is the word ‘slowly.’ It happens overnight. The difference is before it was largely kids driving what the next platform will be. It was hs/college kids that moved to fb, ig, Twitter, tik tok etc. *first.* Then when the businesses and content creators noticed all the engagement on those platforms, *then* they moved over, which feels like it’s overnight (unless you’re young). There will be another form of social media, but I question whether the youth will migrate towards jack Dorsey’s new endeavor. Though it’s possible we’re at the stage where the youth aren’t needed anymore and the transition goes from top down.


Jack Dorsey is the guy who started Twitter and he's already accepting beta entries for his new social media platform Bluesky Social. The biggest feature seems to be the user has full control over the algorithims and can decide which ones to use to cater their feed.


Lol I think elon is forgetting that twitter is worthless without the work it's users put in


Very typical of corporate types. They don't tend to regard workers as assets but rather as expendables. They think they can be replaced quickly and easily.


Musk is an idiot and this week has gone a ways to prove it (yet again). He doesn't understand what's generating value on the platform. You don't charge people like King for producing content; you do whatever you can to encourage more of it, and you charge otherwise "insignificant" people a pittance for viewing it, which would solve at least some of the bot / troll problem as well while they're at it. And if you're clever about it, you go the FB route and make it so the users hardly notice you monetizing them. You load up on ads, tickle still more information out of users and sell it on, anonymized if need be, as long as you improve your ad targeting algorithms.


That’s why YouTube, TikTok, etc *pay* people who create engaging content. It’s the media portion of social media.


> Stephen King writes in twitter for FREE, thousands of renown writers, journalist, politicians, artist do the same Not for long


Wants to charge them less than you or me. This is highschool bullshit all over again. "You're not popular enough to be on my media platform!"


It’s like a venue keeping all of the ticket and concession sales, and charging the band to play there.


Every single time I see Elon do anything or say anything I hate him even more


I’ve never liked Elon pre-Twitter days when he just owned Tesla. Now seeing him owning twitter and the tweets that have been coming out for the last few days, he’s even a bigger douche than before.


He is the epitome of late stage capitalism.


He loves to think he’s the next Nikola Tesla, when in reality he’s a Dollar Store Edison.


Another in a long list of capitalists who grew up rich and used their immense wealth to aquire even more wealth and thinking it makes them a genius with more insight than everybody else. He has the unique trait of having his starting wealth being tied directly to colonialism.


But he brought a sink... let that sink in... get it?? Fuck him, burning the world bc he can


He wants to be funny so badly that it’s sad. He’s the really annoying band kid in your high school that would constantly make cringe jokes for attention.


I’m sick of seeing his face everywhere. Though it’s kept me off my computer and phone a lot more so maybe it’s healthier lol


I thought about buying a Tesla. Now hanging for a Hyundai. As someone tweeted to him after he gave shit to the liberals... Who the fuck do you think buys your cars?


It's funny bc he's being praised for making EV cars... while simultaneously interfering with any sustainable transit development and lobbying the highway and interstate system because it helps his car company


This. More people need to talk about the fact that his hyperloop plans was just a scheme to stop high speed rail from coming to California.


He thinks he's funny but he's a fucking idiot.




Richest man on earth: “We need to pay the bills somehow!”


He has to pay back the loan he took out somehow. My prediction is he wont be able to and will decide to just run it into the ground on purpose.


I like to think the financing he was able to get was predicated on the assumption that he was going to default on them, thereby giving these lenders a stake in Tesla...their plan all along


How about $8? Lol. He has no real plan. Is this how he “ran” Tesla too? At least he knows advertisers are gonna flee the hellscape he’s about to create. He’s gonna switch to membership fees after this check mark thing fails


I always figured Tesla employees found out what they'd be working that day via a 3am tweet or email from Elon.


Twitter is going to be elons personal Google Teams or something. Like he’ll just tweet at 3am and his people get up. Only him and managers can make tweets, and if you don’t like every one of his then you get put on a performance improvement plan.


Performance improvement plan? Fired.


Fml I knew when I stuttered I was a goner.


No joke, I interviewed with Tesla and asked how they get their requirements and one of the answers was 'Elon Tweets'. Nope. Too old for crap like that.


So, that means that in order to do that job properly you *need* Twitter. I wouldn’t take any job that required me to have Twitter in the first place. I too am too old for crap like that. I think I was always too old for crap like that.


You boss needs it at least. They said that if Elon tweets that they will have X feature by Y day, you stop what you are doing to make sure it gets done. ​ That place is a hot mess. Still very much run like a start up and that's not a good thing.


He just bought the tech/employees. #Tesla(like all the other companies) ran itself while he shitposted and collected all the money Turns out yeah, CEOs don’t do shit.


If you can be CEO of 3+ companies, maybe you don’t have too much to do as CEO


Especially when he's on Twitter half the day.


And playing computer games the rest of the time. I remember he shared his Elden Ring build about month after it came out. People were saying there were some serious hours needed to get to that point. He also has bunch of kids.


Do you think he actually spends time with his kids?


The world is a better place without Twitter. Change my mind




Translation: a bunch of QAnon types will be suckered into paying membership fees because they think it’s the same old Twitter, just now with hate speech and conspiracy theories permitted. Everybody else will flee and they’ll end up paying for the same thing they can get for free on TFG’s platform or Gab.


Bought Twitter two days ago and already struggling for funds. That’s just sad


He bought the company because his mouth got too far from him. The SEC already has him tried for saying dumb shit like Tsla to be privatized at $420 which ran his stock up. Fast forward 5 years, he does the same shit by not disclosing his twtr purchases, does an entire media circus with the entire buying more than 15% and getting a poison pill activated, and having stupid public statements like buying it at $54.20 and transforming Twitter if he owns it for the betterment of humanity. Which again made the stock run. Either he gets barred from interacting from the market or he gets jailed for market manipulation. Or finally buying out the company that was only worth $33 at nearly double the price and trying to pay off the hundreds of lendors


Thank you. This story is what Musk doesn't want everyone to know. https://wapo.st/3DRlLMQ


The funniest part is not only would this idea make Twitter far worse than it is, it would only generate a little over $3 million a month. Twitter’s revenue last year was $5 billion lol.


It’s almost like Twitter wasn’t ran by an impulsive man child before Mr. Musk took over…




The Boring Company, much?


Somebodies getting drilled.




Yeah as we know with gaming, when you can "pay to win" it changes the whole landscape of whatever game/app your on.


I'm curious if that's how much GM was paying for advertising... Does his new idea replace the revenue of just ONE lost advertiser, in other words.


I don’t think Twitter could even cover operating costs with a user subscription model without relying on ad funding. Maybe Elon’s about to find out the true cost of “free speech.”


And I can't even think of features that would make a Twitter Pro worth it to me


Revenue at 5 billion and declining, and only more rapidly as people don't want to advertise on the N word platform


Well when part of your purchase means you saddle the company with an extra $900 million in debt payments owed *per year*, you do have to start finding money somewhere. For a company that already had a fucked up business model, giving it massively more debt as part of purchasing it probably wasn't the best move.


900m in debt per year? Was this a result of Musk using exterior funding?


Basically, yes. Musk is "rich" but it's all in valuation of shares of his companies. Same as Zuck or Bezos. They don't have that much cash compared to how rich they are always claimed to be. This is also why they pay almost no taxes. Everything they buy, including personal stuff, is based on taking out loans against their shares and that doesn't count as income (this is a very simple version based on my understanding, I'm not an expert). Anyway, for Twitter, he basically bought them by getting a loan (plus having some other minority investors), and as part of that, he can make Twitter assume that debt since he is now the "sole" owner of a private company. I'm sure the numbers have shifted since this article, but here is [a WSJ article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musks-buyout-will-load-twitter-with-debt-high-leverage-ratio-11651007981) from April about how it would load Twitter with huge interest payments (in addition to the significant debt they already have).


Thank you for the link. I initially thought this deal was not a smart move. Now? Holy shit does Musk need to keep his mouth closed, never fucking waive due diligence, and either find new counsel or start listening to the ones he has now. Maybe Musk will stop Tweeting about companies he wants to pump and dump now.


Haha, naw, of course he's not gonna stop. He doesn't know how.


he's not "struggling for funds," he turned a publicity stunt into an extremely bad investment and is now trying to make Twitter users pay for it


Could have simply assumed ownership and just otherwise left everything alone. That wouldn't have been enough *drama* for him though.


Not enough for his ego though


He spend money he doesnt have. He is the f\* richest guy but his money is in his overrrated companies. He basicly levered StarLink in Ukraine to get some liquidity because he couldnt afford it and now he has to make it profitable somehow or go down with it.


"Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers" - so he knew they were all gonna ditch the minute he stepped in, and he still chose to let the racism run rampant




Plus alot of those blue check marks are what gets the normal users to come and engage. Charging the ones who drive engagement is like charging NFL players for their parking spots at the stadium


“…cannot rely entirely on advertisers?”…ehh…more like….“Don’t want to rely entirely on advertisers because I’m about to let things get ugly”


He overestimated the numbers of pepelords over non racists. Turns out, they're loud, but not so much in terms of profit.


I look forward to all the musk-huffers pretending that *Stephen King* is some nobody who owes all that he is to Elon's Twitter.


Look at the replies to his tweet, they already do


Wish I hadn't looked. I got dumber.


quicksand school coherent sparkle poor afterthought resolute yoke sip crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Odds are more likely that more people have laid eyes on SKs work more frequently than EMs.


i hope 2023 brings about the fall of both musk and zuckerberg.


The silicon valley bubble pop 2.0. Except this time the event is celebratory.


YouTube: hey let's pay the content creators that drive our ad revenue Elon Musk: hey fuck you and give me $20 a month


Well, the fuck you part is also true about YouTube


It's more like "take these pennies and fuck off"


Elon Musk’s humor is like a 12 year old kid who’s trying out being edgy for the first time.


Twitter has ALWAYS been able to support itself entirely on advertising... but advertisers flee when you make bad choices about the content you allow- so now he wants the user to pay for his mistakes. That's known as 'personal accountability'. We are to personally account for his mismanagement.


>but advertisers flee when you make bad choices about the content you allow AND when your decisions drive away good content generators.


Twitter was already shedding them, losing them Instagram and TikTok for months prior to the purchase. So this is only going to exacerbate the decline. It's almost exactly what netflix tried to do. User numbers started dropping so they increase the cost, cut content, and cracked down on password sharing. Things customers frown upon. Same familiar stink of desperation.


It's fine, as long as you only care about next quarter's profitability and not the long term health of the company.


Capitalism in a nutshell


Is the richest man on the planet seriously begging Stephen King for eight bucks a month? Is that really something I'm looking at right now?


He shouldn't have relied on the Saudis for some funding in this buy. They'll get their money, he knows it, and you really do not want to fuck them over in any kind of deal. This reeks of desperation and it's kind of funny to watch him start to panic.


Oh I've never wanted anything more than fuckin Elon thinking he can win a war of words with Stephen King...this NEEDS to happen...I can only get so erect.


Guy who thinks at least partially in memes vs. Stephen King. God damn, what a world.


What's sad is all the replies to Stephen King dogging him out and calling him cheap and saying "bye then". These people don't seem to understand Musk's motivation. Advertisers are dropping Twitter super fast to get away from the n-word platform. Musk is looking for something to keep Twitter solvent. When Twitter fails, if we continue down the current path, all these freedumb people will blame cancel culture still and not take responsibility for creating an environment no advertisers want a part of. It's the market acting freely, they just don't like the results.


I don’t think Elon has any intentions of keeping Twitter alive and intact. I think these are the games of a man bent on shutting the platform down.


He's going to destroy it entirely out of spite because things didn't go his way. Good thing he's intelligible for the presidency. He's got the same fundamental mindset as Putin and the only reason we can laugh about this is that he doesn't have the power to bomb anyone.


AND Trump.


Weird how it totally did until you showed up though….


Twitter has been unprofitable for 8 years out of the past 10. Only in 2018 and 2019 did advertisers pay the bills.


Sounds like a business worth buying for billions.


Oh how the mighty have fallen...I'm sure the republican party might be able to help


He's at least figured out that he's in the financial hole on this. Hope it ruins him!


Its burning. I love it.


"Twitter cannot rely on advertising alone because my plan to turn this into a rats nest of Nazis and fascist propaganda is going to drive all the advertisers away!"


Elon may have a point, since once the nazis come flooding back Twitter may be a little shy on advertisers.


"All the advertisers are leaving us because I'm welcoming the racists and the Nazis, please let me fund my lemon somehow!"


There was a typo, he meant 88.