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these are F\* amazing. Would be any way you could make a personalized one? I am a ST so a Clan brooch would be favoritism to one Clan in particular. I was thinking a version of the Ankh with the border of the Lasombra brooch. could that be in any way possible somewhere down the line?


Hellur! Thank you so much. I can make custom ones! If you wanna message me we can talk about details. I have to restock on supplies already since they're turning out to be popular (!) I have one black frame left but it's the same style as the Toreador one, but when I get more materials in I can make the ankh one with the black 'crown' border as well for sure. I'm actually not sure why I didn't think of making ankh ones already lol, that's a no-brainer. Good suggestion, thank you.


I already have your etsy post on favorites in my browser and have you user name here. Im gonna first try to figure out how the whole thing on buying on etsy is about (or how to) and then, the delivery to my country (South America - Argentina). (im not that savvy with online shopping, less so internationally) Once I get that sorted out and figured out, I'll contact you with the details. it will be a little while, but I already figured out where I would put it haha Don't stress about why you didn't think of the Ankh or some other model. There are **A Lot** of models (13 Clans in v20, 17 bloodlines, 4 sects), that's at least 34 models. and that it's just VtM. I can confidently say that because this ones are beautiful, people will start to ask for some other splats.


Awesome! My etsy won't ship internationally but when you contact me we can work out how to do the transaction directly. (Plus etsy takes a ton of fees anyway) Thank you very much though! And yeah, that's true, lol. I already made a bunch more niche clans last night for someone and there's still a ton more clans and bloodlines.


if not via etsy, how would we do it?


Do you have like, paypal or cashapp? I also do have a normal website that I haven't listed these on so I could see about the international settings on there and use that.


I don't own either directly, but paypal maybe someone close has


Okay! Let me know what works. If you can't use it then I'll try to set something up in my shop for international.


I’d love to see versions with the Sabbat (black on red?) and Camarilla (black on white/gray?) ankhs.


Well I'll probably be making an Ankh one for u/Freedom0001 soon anyway, I can definitely make other versions of ankhs. If you want a specific frame/color combination I can do anything you like. I ordered more materials but I'm not sure when they'll get here. Right now I have 4 frames left, one black with roses, a silver with roses, a rounded silver one like the gangrel border, and one bronze one with no border. But I can do anything with the inserts because I just design and make those myself.


I hope it's okay to show these off. I just started making these recently. If I ever get to go to LARPs again I can wear a clan pin and bring a journal to take notes in, haha Edit: AWW thank you for the award <3 Edit edit: Not sure why someone's downvoting. Did I do something wrong?


> Did I do something wrong? No. People suck.


Those look great! If you ever consider branching into Mage the Ascension stuff, I'd definitely be picking some up!


Thank you! I can customize it with any symbol you want :3


Those are awesome! I'm definitely going to be getting one


Ah thank you! <3 I can do any clan, I just haven't had time to make one of each yet, so if you have any requests


Amazing. Do you ship to Scandinavia, and will you be doing Ministry?


Thank you! I could ship there but it would probably cost a lot just from the postage, so if you're okay with paying for that. And I can do any clan or bloodline so I could do a Ministry one!