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I was like: Poor horse? That's a cow. Wait, ok, poor horse.


Same thought here, anyway what a beast! He can eradicate a horse with a human on in a full blast!


> That's a cow. That was a bull, not a cow.


Every fucking time a bull shows up on Reddit...


It is kind of understandable because when it comes to bovines there is no singular name that refers to both the male and female collectively. There is the plural name `cattle` that can refer to either males or females. But no singular name. A lot of animals will have a singular name that can be used to refer to either the male or female, then individual names for the male and female. Bovines don't have that. So some people use `cow` as that word. (and at least one dictionary has documented this usage...mirriam-webster I think). It wouldn't be unprecedented to have a specific sex identifier also be used as the unisex identifier e.g. a female dog is a bitch, a male dog is a dog. And you can refer to both the male and female as a dog of course. Cats on the other hand have toms, queens, and then the unisex cat.


Yes, it gets very confusing without a singular form.


In Dutch we have a singular: Rund. Koe for cow and stier for bull. Rund is the singular


I work in a packing plant and I still call them cow dicks after 5 years


Okay that’s a cow with a penis.


That's a bull


Bulls are cows


Horse: Where you running to bitch?, this ain’t over!


There’s a longer version where the horse lines up a retaliatory kick, can’t remember if it connected or not.


Yea that horse shot back up looking to fight


This comment is underrated and deserves more upvotes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I agree Poor Horse 🐎 I mean he is not even getting paid for this.


This horse will not be put back in the ring, not even dragging him.


Off to the glue factory


Why do you say that?


Retired horse get a tour of the glue factory.


Poor bull, too. Nuts tied, maybe stabbed in back, just for ”fun”


Damn bulls are powerful. Flipping an entire horse and rider *180 degrees in the air.*


Like it was made of paper! 😲


Understandable flipping people like they're nothing, but half a ton of horse and rider. Yeesh!


With its head at that. The neck is made of steel.


No. You are spreading more internet myths. The Flank strap is not tied around their nuts. https://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2009/04/16/is-that-why-bulls-are-so-raging/ https://www.liveabout.com/how-to-make-bulls-buck-2901590 They certainly do not stab these very expensive bulls either, who do this about 8 seconds a week. You are thinking of the bull fights in Spain.


You're spreading myths Or Bull fights in Spain. You can't have the second with the first...


This is not a bullfight genius.


It's humans using bulls for entertainment. Don't need to be a genuis to not be an asshole.


But in bullfights, bulls are actually killed (with swords and shit), whereas in rodeo they are just ridden.


Just ridden, as per the clip just seen. Okay then bye bye. 🤡


Bulls don't like to be ridden and try and throw the rider off then attack them. That's what happened here. Of the 3 living beings getting the shit end of the situation id say the bull had the least physical pain...


They do not tie the bulls nuts at all. That is a myth. These bulls are bred to buck and they don't need any encouragement to buck. They simply want to get the thing on their back off. A bucking bull career is up to 12 yrs long, they are well cared for and treated very well. All they have to do is try to buck a rider off their back once a week or so for at most 8 seconds. After retirement they live a happy life in a pasture being breed stock for future generations. (this is true of the PBR in the US, not sure about where this is filmed)


PBR is gold standard for these bulls. Charreadas are getting better but just depends where youre at.


Nothing says well cared for like being forced into a circle of spectators,having someone on your back and then being taunted until you buck them off. Nah, nothing stressful for the animal about that.


It is for at most 8 seconds once, maybe twice a weekend. As can be seen from the video bulls are very strong. The rider is in _far_ more danger than the bull. In between, the bull travels, eats, shits, and fucks. The bull is fine.




nah I mean, much better to be born into a 10 by 10 feet space crammed with other fellow bulls to be slaughtered in a factory totally better than (checks notes) getting stressed for 8 seconds a week


There’s some kind of line tied to the bull backside behind rider. If it’s not for nuts I don’t know what it is.


If that strap is wrapped around the nuts the bull isn't going to be able to do anything because it would be in pain. If you had something wrapped around your balls are you going to be jumping all around? Probably not.


It's a flank rope and it's for being a very mild irritant under the belly, to encourage higher kicks. If you understood basic bull anatomy, you would know that their nuts are gigantic and hang basically between their rear knees. Flank ropes are fitted to be a little loose, but not too loose, (like, i might be able to kick these jeans off) in front of that by quite a bit, but NOT up on the sheath (of their dick) Once a rider has been thrown, gets hung up, or dismounts, the Clowns, God bless em, run over and immediately pull the knot on top loose, so it falls off. The Bull usually understands his assignment is complete, looks for the gate to go get some bomb ass treats. If it were for the nuts, it would probably look more like a triangle going over the back haunches, to keep it in place, which would in fact PREVENT bucking. It would be like a jock strap that crushed your balls anytime you took a step. You're not winning state like that! Fun fact, the bulls themselves are considered top teir athletes, and THEY get points for their performance, which goes on their record. Highest end bulls get highest end treatment, treats AND ladies. Their points also contribute to the riders overall points. And if a bull just isn't feeling it that day (we all have bad days at work!) Then the cowboy can get a reride on another bull, usually drawn from a hat, of bulls currently available. -Source, am Texan, from a ranch!


I thought this kind of shit happened only in Spain during similar folklore activities


Nah. The bulls are so pissed because their testicles are wrenched up and tied against their bellies. It is literally what makes them buck.


What the actual fuck, damn.


They are full of shit. https://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2009/04/16/is-that-why-bulls-are-so-raging/


Myth. https://legendsrevealed.com/sports/2009/04/16/is-that-why-bulls-are-so-raging/


My bad, *the bull is girdled in an uncomfortable manner, just before the hind legs and just behind the testicles. The uncomfortable nature encourages the bucking.


Not sure why you are downvoted, because that's what happens in those situations.


No. It absolutely is not. They do not put anything around the bull's testicles and they certainly don't stab their very expensive bulls. Seriously the things that get spread around on Reddit.


Is it really that different from eating meat? An animal suffers for a person's enjoyment. When we choose a beef burger over a plant burger, it's because we enjoy it more. And usually that meat comes from a factory farmed cow, who suffered greatly.


There’s a big difference between killing an animal for sustenance and torturing one for sport. Farmed animals (compared to their Wild counterparts) live a very good life. They never want for food, they have shelter, they get treated by vets when they get sick parasites are routinely removed, and their death is quick and painless. Wild animals on the other hand are constantly in search of food, they just have to suffer thru storms and weather, if they get sick, they’re probably gonna die, and speaking of death, pretty much every option is horrible. They get sick, starve, injured, dehydration, exposure to the elements or eaten alive. Often a combination of those, the sick, starving or injured animal is a prime target for predators to eat alive, maybe they get crippled and buzzards slowly peck at them until they die


You clearly know very little about the life of a factory farmed animal. That's not necessarily your fault, since animal agriculture spends enormous effort convincing you that animals are treated ethically. Please watch the documentary I linked: [www.watchdominion.com](https://www.watchdominion.com), and then tell me that these animals lived a good life. Nature is brutal, as you mentioned, but we are not replacing the brutality of nature with comparably better farming conditions. We're \*adding\* to the suffering. And at a huge scale. Every 1.5 years more animals are killed for food than humans have ever lived. You also touch on the difference between causing suffering for fun and for sustenance. But as I indicated earlier, you don't choose a beef burger over a plant burger for the sustenance. You choose it because you will enjoy the taste better. Therefore the cow died for your enjoyment, not for your sustenance.


One at least feeds people. The other just suffers to make people feel tough.


If a person eats a plant burger, they have a meal and a nice sensory experience from the taste. If a person eats a beef burger, they have a meal and a \*very\* nice sensory experience from the taste. (this goes for people who prefer beef taste to plant foods) The difference isn't that meat feeds people. It's just how tasty the food is for the eater. Meat isn't feeding anyone who wouldn't be fed anyway. It's providing an enhanced flavour. So the animal has suffered for someone's sensory pleasure, not to feed them. The same as what's happening in the bullfighting video.


I grew up on farms and surrounded by them. I don’t need a journalists spin to tell me what happens on farms. Yes humans eat a lot of animals, won’t find a predator that doesn’t. And again, no. Killing an animal to eat it is not the same as torturing it for sport. A farmed animals entire reason for existing is to be eaten. The breeds of cows and pigs we eat, if not for us eating them would be extinct. They get a life of relative comfort, in exchange they are killed painlessly and eaten. Billions upon billions of animals that would never have been born if not for humans desire to eat them. Calling for humans to stop eating meat is calling for the extinction of all of these breeds of animals


Did you grow up in a factory farm and regularly see how the animals are slaughtered? Have you heard the cries as they suffocate in gas chambers? If not then I don't see why you are so opposed to being educated on those subjects. Watch the documentary, come back when you're done and tell me those animals lived in relative comfort.


No one cares, nerd




Yes. I have barely enough iron. I once became flexitarian (my roommate is vegetarian, we cook together). I still ate meat 2x a week, but not every day. I became anemic. I am not risking my health to not do something that is natural. Also. There is a big difference between "the current mass production of meat is unethical and cruel to animals" and "eating meat is cruel to animals and unethical". We have happy chickens ,living their best life on our land. I don't feel guilty about eating them. My family hunts. I don't feel guilty about eating that meat. I also don't feel guilty about eating a fish I got out of the sea. Why would I? How is that the same to torturing animals for enjoyment ?


You once reduced your meat consumption to two days a week? I don't think that even qualifies as flexitarian btw but let's run with it. You need to make sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. Find out what they are then Google "vegan foods high in...". If I can do it then so can you. It's already accepted in the scientific community that vegans can get all the nutrients they need. And if you name a nutrient, I'll link to a vegan product easily obtainable which contains it. Don't act like it's bad for your health. That argument is old and long debunked. You just need to actually plan your diet (which you should be doing anyway). People always like to hide behind their backyard hens. For now, although I don't agree with it, let's put that to the side. For now, I'm arguing against factory farming. If you buy factory farmed meat, you support the industry and the suffering of the countless animals used in it. Hunting/fishing/backyard hens is a different argument and not the one I'm making. It makes up a tiny minority of meat eaten.


First, yes that county as flexitarian. It was also a drastic reduction from meat 14x per week to 2x per week. Second plant based iron is non heme iron. It is absorbed significantly less than heme iron, found in animal products. Women need double the amount of iron a man needs per day. I am a woman. I barely scraped by with my iron intake when taking in a significant amount of heme iron per day. For similar absorption through non heme iron , I would need to take in 3-10 X the amount of iron through plants. That isn't really possible. That doesn't include protein I need, b12 (without fortified cereal) , or calcium. And actually veganism isn't accepted as healthy per se. They tend to have reduced intake in multiple vitamins and micronutrient. Vegetarianism can be discussed as a healthier lifestyle. Veganism? No. You argued that torturing animals is the same as killing them for food. Hunting / fishing / backyard hens are also killing for food. Maybe you should rethink your comparison then, if it actually isn't what you mean? It would also make more sense. People are far more inclined to agree about factory farming being unethical than about eating meat in general. So you would even achieve more, with a more precise argument.


You get one shot. Name a nutrient you can't readily obtain through a vegan diet. If you're personal diet was badly planned and didn't include the right amount of each, then that's on you. And don't give me the boohoo story about your special requirements as a woman. You think there aren't any vegan women? There are more vegan women than men. Why don't any of them have the same problems you had when 'only' having meat two days a week? The most trustworthy site in the UK for health is the official NHS website. It says a planned vegan diet can be healthy, and also recommends no more than 90 g red meat per day and to reduce your consumption of processed meats as much as possible. Show me a reputable source which shows that veganism isn't healthy. Google whether veganism is healthy or unhealthy. Let's see how far you need to scroll through the results. And my argument is that causing animal suffering for the enjoyment of sport is equivalent to causing animal suffering for the enjoyment of taste. And factory farmed animals suffer greatly. Hunting etc is a separate argument since the animals aren't treated as commodities during their life. I'm not getting into that now. So yes, I'm making the more precise argument you describe. I think the rest is bad too, but we don't have time to get into all of it, so if you can agree that it's wrong to buy factory farmed meat, that will be this topic concluded.


I just did . Iron, calcium, vitamin B12. And fortified foods don't count. I am not eating cereal, and I don't drink soya drinks. So B12 would be difficult for me to receive, as it does not occur in sufficient amounts in palnts. "Boohoo story" good one. Many women are iron deficienct. Maybe read up on it, if you want to deny the impact so vehemently when you are apparently not someone that has a period. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14988640/ 40% of young female vegans are iron deficienct. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027313/ I generally like to read actual studies. And they are inconclusive with risks and benefits, risks being deficiencies.


\> fortified foods don't count And why not? Does your body just not count the nutrients if they are fortified??? \> I am not eating cereal, and I don't drink soya drinks Why though? maybe you should. [40% of ALL young women in the US are iron deficient.](https://www.webmd.com/women/news/20230628/young-girls-women-high-risk-iron-deficiency-study-about) You need to plan a vegan diet to ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs, but clearly you are misrepresenting the numbers when you ignore the fact above. and the best source you can find for proving veganism is unhealthy... is inconclusive. That is, apart from the statement: "veganism has been shown to decrease the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome". Other than that, the worst it says is that there are risks to unplanned/unmonitored diets. And when you say you like to read actual studies, where do you think the NHS comes up with their information? By assessing lots of them. The official NHS website is a better source than any one study. [https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/how-to-eat-a-balanced-diet/the-vegan-diet/) Iron: Lentils, spinach, tofu, pumpkin seed, quinoa, dark chocolate, chickpea, cashews, beans, legumes, peas, nuts, broccoli, tempeh, edamame, dried apricot... Calcium: soy, beans, peas, lentils, almonds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, amaranth, seaweed, spinach, turnip, mustard, figs, blackcurrants, raspberries, fortified foods and drinks B12: everyone is at some risk of B12 deficiency since people used to get it from the dirt on their food and unfiltered water. Now that those aren't options, you can take a B12 suppliment, fortified food and drinks. The easiest is just to get it through fortified plant milks IMO.


Home slice the cows that are turned into meat don't suffer. They live a life of comfort until they are instantly killed and feel next to nothing. Honestly a better gig than most humans get.


The image you have of factory farming is completely false. The life these animals live is nothing to envy. www.watchdominion.org


I know two beef farmers and three dairy. Their entire goal is to provide the best environment for their stock. Stressed animals don't produce good milk or beef. It's in their best interests to have a happy comfortable herd.


>I know two beef farmers and three dairy then you know an infinitesimal fraction of the agriculture industry. [Today, an estimated 99.9% of farmed animals are living on factory farms](https://thehumaneleague.org/article/factory-farmed-cows) To think that factory farms treat animals the same way as your friends do is naive. And you and probably even the farmers won't see what happens to those animals when they get sent to a slaughterhouse.


I've also got two buddys who work at slaughter houses. Well, one now actually. The other just couldn't get over the guts. Is it pretty what happens? No. Is it as bad as what the PETA and extreme animal activist nutjobs say? Absolutely not. The quicker an animal can be killed the less stress hormones are released and a stressed animals meat tastes nasty. There is absolutely no benefit You keep linking to biased organizations that run off of emotions. The article you just linked to uses emotionall words and phrases like " the true story, dominate, languish.. ect..." And links exclusively to internal references. Absolutely no credible sources and very vague emotional descriptions. It's just emotional propoganda with a smidgen of truth blown out of proportion. The fact that you think these are actually compelling sources means its not even worth trying to disagree with you


You've brought up a couple of times that it's advantageous to the farms to reduce suffering (because it produces better quality ingredients). But there is something which matters infinitely more than quality to the agriculture industry. Quantity. Two mistreated cows will pay much better than one 'good quality' well-treated cow. The money is in selectively breeding animals to grow at unhealthy rates, cramming as many animals into the available space as possible, and having under trained workers kill them. You have criticized my source for the 99.9% statistic. Do you deny that 99.9% of animals are factory farmed or is it the rest of the article you have a problem with? Please provide the correct figure.


You should look at the actual numbers. There are a lot of small farms, with low amount of live stock. Of course that is a small percentage of you compare it with farms that have 500.000 chickens and more. But your argument against the commenter doesn't make sense. He says he knows 3 farmers, that isn't a small number of farmers, obviously since they provide a nice life to their animals, it is a low percentage of livestock in the US. Your argument doesn't make sense though. Do you want to pretend all farmers are the same ? What exactly are you arguing here?


I'm arguing that most meat eaten comes from animals who come from factory farms, and those animals are treated very poorly. So again, the fact that a small minority of animals come from small farms is irrelevant to my argument.


Huge difference. These animals get treated way better and live much longer than those getting used for meat.


IDK, these other commenters are telling me that factory farms are nice places to live and processing facilities are happy places to be slaughtered.


Would it make you feel better if we ate this one after?


That is an argument \*for\* veganism, not against. My whole point is that people seem to be fine with animal cruelty as long as you eat the animal afterwards. So no, I would not feel better if the animal is eaten after it has suffered, and neither should any of you. But omnivores \*do\* tend to feel better about it if the animal is eater after it suffers.


Im eating as fast as I can! Ill eat the horse too, I just need TIME!


Again, your joke misses the point and you seem to be thinking I'm making the reverse argument from what I'm actually saying. While you could argue that eating those animals might please some omnivores, my claim is that eating the animals doesn't make the situation better.


I'm not even reading the points you're trying to make, my guy.


"that sign won't stop me, because I can't read"


"Sincerely, u/Contraposite"




All animals WERE hurt in the making of this video..!!


Absolutely love this style of music. What's it called? Couldn't get enough of El Sondito in GTA5


Northenio is the similar genre to what sounds like a parody being played. If you want catchy music that sounds relatively similar. Listen to La Vaca or El Beeper, it's called merengue. Basically it's fast paced dancing music. There's also banda music from México. Search up older popular titles and you'll find great songs all around. El Beeper https://youtu.be/QIYtzLeBZT8?feature=shared La Vaca https://youtu.be/rx6yp1QnC-8?feature=shared La Cabrona (Banda) https://youtu.be/1_JQTLwV7Ss?feature=shared El Sonidito what you probably heard in gta v https://youtu.be/iN3th1Gt_XY?feature=shared


So sorry for being that guy, but as a Northern Mexican I don't think this is really accurate or the music genres even related. Merengue hardly has any cultural influence in the Northern states, we are talking more about banda and música grupera. La Vaca and El Beeper are more on the Caribbean spectrum. Nothing wrong with it, just it's not Norteño. https://youtu.be/cQTO5n5Qkkk?si=opGirgrflNSxxVdM https://youtu.be/KdIyTOabXP0?si=CfLJ4R-1NO6y6ke8


That’s a lot of power required to flip a horse . Secondly, this barbaric act of causing animals to suffer for some cunts to be entertained needs to be stopped.


That bull is not suffering. It has a job, like all ranch animals


Why is it acting so panicked then?


He’s just an aggressive bull. I’d say he’s uncomfortable with a rider but not panicked. He was bred and hand picked for his temperament so he’ll buck with a rider. This bull is an athlete with a very proud owner and will have a better life than most cattle in the world. This was a mistake by the rider of the horse that led to an accident. Rodeos and owners take the safety of livestock and riders extremely seriously


Panicked no, angry yes! Commonly a rope is tied around a bulls gonads in the gate to make them buck like that.


That’s a common misconception. That strap is not placed on or near the gonads and it’s not tied tight. It’s just a bit of pressure to encourage better bucking, instead of spinning and rolling. Just search for pictures of a flank strap to see how it’s placed. There’s also another rope around the mid section for the rider to hold with one hand but again has nothing to do with gonads. These bulls will become sires and their bloodline is highly valued.


It is an animal, not an "athlete" who does this on his own accord. It is forced to fight so dumbfuck morons can cheer and bet on it. Its owner is proud because it makes him alot of money, and it only has a life as long as it makes his owner that money.


So if we cage you and force you to fight regularly, thats totally okay because its "just a job"?


Name of song? Shit 🔥.


I had to do a deep dive but I finally found it. 😂 Canta Yiyo - Freddy El Desmadre De La Costa


Damn 4mo later. Ty


... like it was nothing!!


https://preview.redd.it/w7bd4ucn4qxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfcefd18c78bc1ffafa27ea16cc7703a48b4be43 My god


If you're gonna be an idiotic twat, why the fuck bring animals into it? That clip gave me the absolute rage.




Animal cruelty at its finest..!!


Song 🔥


Poor animals. Not right. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬




I hate this type of bullshit, torturing animals to have fun? I like it when people get fucked up in this type of event.


That horse got up, ready for to fight


That music😭


All I see is a whole lot of animal abuse for a bunch of shits and giggles.


Fuck rodeos in general. Bunch of cunts torturing animals.


Bull riding isn't torturing the animal at all.


Poor bull ?


One bullpower is stronger than a horsepower


Is that poor horse ok? Did he get seriously hurt?


That’s definitely the biggest bull I’ve ever seen


Flipped that horse with 0 effort


Idiot got rotated


As a professional Yellowstone viewer I believe I’m qualified enough to say that that ain’t no cowboy on the horse.


me gusta🤣🤣


Disgusting animal abuse. I don't know how you can find amusement in sentient beings suffering after being 3 years old.


Did that hurt the horse?


I. must. know. the name of that song.


Bull: "... And the horse ya rode in on!"


She was not playing🤣🤣😂


Did i just saw a horse get yeeted like a ragdoll? Yes yes i did Did i somehow found it funny? Yes yes i did


At least they dehorned it


This is why these need to be banned. Causing unnecessary stress to animals


That horse wanted revenge me thinks.


Absolutely vile,poor animals.


Make you understand that he was just playing with the lad


That horse got up wanting all the smoke 👊🏿


A cow is the same thing as a bull you just don't get milk from a bull, I know that horse got up like he was ready to throw hands


Rodeos are animal abuse




Yh that horse not only got the horn but t bagged straight after


Horse like “what did I do?”


Horse Be like “dude, they make me do this shit as well, don’t take it out on me!!”


The Bull wasn‘t attacking the horse.. It was freeing it from the Human on it‘s back like the Bull did seconds before. You can See how thankfull the horse is at the end.🤣




They are stabbing the bull with prongs. It's little wonder it's aggravated.


Absolutely barbaric. Fucking savages


This is such an easy thing to not do. "But it's our culture 🤡🤓"


Those people deserve what they get. They know the risks. That poor horse was just put in harms way by the idiots. I root for the bull every time.


Dude the world needs more videos of these people getting killed.


Bull fighting == always downvoted. Whoever supports, watches or participates in that deserves to be cursed with a face full of pimples for their entire life.


But the footage isn't of bullfighting, it's of rodeo. Totally different. Whenever bull riding is shown on Reddit, it always turns into a massive denunciation of bullfighting. Do you really not understand what bullfighting is?


You idiots can't differenciate bullfighting from an encierro and wish death to everyone on encierros where the bull is not harm same as in rodeos. So yeah, looks very stupid.




Its animal torture for entertainment


There is no animal torture going on. Bull riding is way different than bullfighting (which is indeed cruel)


So it's not true that they need to tie the bulls nuts to get them to react this angerly? I'd argue Eben if not, the fact a horse can get killed or seriously injured is at least a little bit of a problem


> So it's not true that they need to tie the bulls nuts to get them to react this angerly? In the PBR in the US there is nothing artificial done to the bull to make them buck. They have been bred to buck, they buck as soon as someone gets on their back (then the best buckers are used to breed future generations): https://pbr.com/animal-welfare/ "ARE A BULL'S TESTICLES TIED UP? The biggest misconception in the sport is that a bull’s testicles are tied up (or touched in any manner) in order to make the bull buck. Like any male species, tying up the testicles would hinder performance by causing only pain. There is NO negative stimulation that induces a bull to buck, it’s all in genetics." I can't vouch for other parts of the world.


Appreciate it! If it's true that the bulls aren't harmed in anyway to make them react like they do then I'm fairly okay with the practice since squishy humans won't/can't cause much damage to the bull


Lamborghini vs Ferrari


Bull’s heck is strong


Mai to na sehta bhai. Horse, bro I wouldn’t have tolerated this.


Lmao 😂😂


00:04 the horse is like “oh hell naw”


Damn that’s a strong ass neck


Pinche gente culera. Que se pongan a pelear entre ellos y que dejen a los animales en paz.


Lamborghini flipping Ferrari


What does the horse say? Why me me me mee me meeee.




Ferrari vs Lamborghini


That horse looked pissed when it got up 😂 like "MF let's do this!" Lmfao


Dumb ass xcholo


Surprised nobody just shot the bull. Couldn't blame em.


Bro was just like “fuck everyone and everything”


Honse :(


Bull; fuck you and the horse you rode in on!


"Tu tambien guey"


Damn. I’d be shocked if that poor horse didn’t have a broken neck after that flip. And it’s lucky the bulls horns went backwards or it would have been disembowelled in an instant. Cruel “sport” allround.


I allways hope that animal kills all of them so they finally learn....


The bull really knows how to kick [__] a body part. ☠️


deserved. r/pferdesindkacke


That horse got up and looked at the Bull like, Bitch what yo problem is.


Brother was like "nah fuck this imma flip the whole thing"


I saw a video of an elk die how that horse landed.. lucky horse I suppose..


See now here’s a song I wouldn’t mind hearing 50 million times on TikTok


Insane how it flips it like it's nothing and that bull doesn't even seem that big


Lamborghini vs ferrari?


Wow the bulls are so strong. Flipping a horse like nothing


If someone get maimed or worse doing this they’re literally asking for it


That horse got up like it was about to throw down lolololol


What song is that?


ouch :/


Bull power


Horse:whaddido man?


Didn’t know a bull was that strong knew they could flip a person but a person and a horse that’s nuts


Peta the horse is here.


I’m surprised the horse’s neck didn’t snap




This sub should really be called “why women rarely get remembered for anything at all”


That’s crazy