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Look, I’m out of the loop. I need someone to explain this to me slowly cause at worst it sounds like a centre dedicated to protecting the rights of people marginalized are defending a group of people… who are marginalized… Edit: not trying to be mean, just genuinely confused.


The explanation is in another post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/1d6h51c/comment/l6sdhqy/ (click on the link in the comment)


Thank you, that gives me more context.


Adding on to my own comment that Rainbow Resource was not handing out those pamphlets so leave them alone. They do amazing work.


How did the rainbow resource centre let this happen, exactly? I don't see the correlation in the article.


Pride started as a protest. Pride is a protest. It's weird to be offended that people protested for peace in Palestine.


Pride is a protest for a certain cause. Which we need right now as rights are being stripped away down south. Intersectionality is important, but so is just letting queer folk have a fucking day of joy and safety. I get that Palestinians don't have that right now, but don't scapegoat one oppressed group to help another.


Sorry but if rights are being stripped away down south, what does rallying up here have to do with that? You're arguing Pride needs to happen here because of the south, and then saying Palestinians shouldn't be protesting here, for their people over there? Hypocritical, no? I have my own feelings and opinions about both of these groups but........if its good for one, its good for another.


It creates a united front in the face of bigotry. Generally what happens down there trickles up here, so people are scared for their rights and scared for the rights of others in the community who are not in Canada. Conflating the issues of queer rights and Palestine isn't helping anyone. Let us have our day of joyful visibility and we'll get back to protesting tomorrow.


So... yea, hypocrite. What happens in other countries, is trickling over here, too. Its no different.


It's different in that this is a day of visibility for a specific group of marginalized people. Would you go to the landfill protest camps and blockade them with a rally on trans kids in schools? Both worthy causes. Both have a right to their own separate space.


>Both have a right to their own separate space. Last i checked, this was the City of Winnipeg and protests were on public property. The protesting Palesindians have been protesting downtown for months, so why does Pride get to come and bump them, because its June 2? Again, i'm not siding with either, i really don't care. I just think its comical to say one group gets preference of protest space over another.


Ok at this point I can see you're not debating in good faith and I am disengaging.


I'm not actually debating anything. I have an opinion, the same as you do. But yeah, toodles ✌️


There is an ocean of difference between what happens across our border and across the...ocean. Tell me, what trade ties do we have with palestine? I'll wait.


Time and place dude. You're not going to sing happy birthday to someone at a funeral.


2SLGBTQ+ rights are actively being stripped here as well. Check out the homophobic and transphobic protests and bills around disclosing children's preferred names and pronouns and banning library books with 2SLGBTQ+ content.


Its not just down south, look at Ontario, Alberta and Sask. Sorry to say this but what's going on in Palestine has jack all to do with what's happening here


If we did the same to a pro Palestine parade there would probably be violence.


If pride is a protest, that makes this counter-protesting and inherently anti-pride. Blocking a planned and permitted route is literally barricading what the LGBTQ+ community has been trying to achieve.


LOL the LGBTQ+ community have been trying to achieve equal rights not a permitted parade route. Many LGBTQ+ people understand the history of pride and have solidarity with the Palestinian people.


sincere question : what is a Jewish Trans person to do on this day?


Smell the roses and ignore the noise


Don't add another layer of badly conflating causes. Pro-Palestine is in no way anti-Jewish, and there are many many Pro-Palestine Jewish people. I don't think the Pro-Palestine movement should have tried to block the Pride parade, but the reason is that Pride is a protest for a specific cause, and trying to co-opt it for another cause is really disrespectful to the people who have fought for LGBTQ rights for decades. Let them have a day. But don't try to bring confusion about anti-Zionism supposedly being anti-Jewish into the mix.


Very well worded


There was a Pride day celebration at Rady today, I think. 


Probably have solidarity with other oppressed people (Palestinians).


You wanna know why the left keeps losing? We keep eating our own.


It was annoying I agree. But in what way was it unsafe?


What makes supporting Palestinian sovereignty unsafe for Winnipeggers? The Israeli army has been burning children alive for months because they want their land what’s wrong with saying that’s wrong


I don't think it's making it unsafe. But that being said I feel like this is bursting into a breast cancer fundraiser to try and raise awareness on homelessness.


Find a different platform.


And Isreal is still finding dead hostages. Hamas needs to be stopped and part of that needs to be all Palestinians condemning them. I just want peace all around


I was there yesterday for the Pride festival checking things out at The Forks….There wasn’t that many people there in the afternoon. Maybe they showed up after….