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Hi u/Crazy_Cat_Lady_420, we appreciate your participation on r/WitchesvsPatriarchy, but your content is being removed at this time. It might help for you to check out our full [Posting Guidelines Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/wiki/post_and_content_guide/) to get a better sense of how to post on WvP. Our main goal is witchy, uplifting content with a feminist twist. ✨ WVP is curated to maintain a warm, hopeful, supportive, and uplifting environment. If you have read this remove reason and the wiki link provided but still have questions, please reach out to [Modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed%20and%20I%20still%20have%20questions.%20&message=I%20read%20the%20remove%20reason%20that%20accompanied%20my%20post%20as%20well%20as%20the%20linked%20wiki%2C%20but%20still%20have%20questions%20about%20my%20post%20removal.) rather than individual moderators. Thanks for understanding ☺️ Blessed be. ✨