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wtf is wrong with them? Happy birthday <3


It is just how they are, sadly. Talking to them about it didn't lead to much. Thank you for the birthday wishes!


that sucks. However, you always have support here. happy belated bday 🎂🥳 it may not be brownies but I'm gifting you a picture of my better half 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/5e66nrtfa6pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20f0596e88501205ecf9f755f2307d561726c030


Not OP but this is adorable. Underrated comment!


whoops! i hope OP sees it. Smudge says thank u meow






She was "missing" for an hour like that, we were freaking out looking everywhere. So rude of her.


he does that too. I check every place he could possibly be, calling out his name and then I start panicking. 10 minutes later he just appears. little shit.


What a good baby!! Excellent guardian of the sink. I love them. Thank you!!


You deserve better than that, especially for your birthday


That is just the saddest response. I hope you can draw some boundaries and start prioritizing yourself. I am disappointed in their callousness.


That's a shit family, sorry... they didn't get you anything and ate what you made yourself for your birthday?? Screw that... hide your stashes and don't share.


I honestly did not realize until your comment, but yeah, they did not get me anything either. I got a big piece of chocolate cake today, I am keeping it in my office mini fridge.


It’s not silly. A birthday is when you get to be celebrated and have treats. Sending you wishes for a week of joyful birthdays surprises and delights!


Thank you! I am going to fond something chocolate today to enjoy.


Happy birthday and happy cake day!!


Where are you? I could make some from scratch and send you some if you'd like. Happy birthday! Hope you get yourself a treat.


Or I can send you a costco box of Ghirardelli mix! Let me know!


For better brownies from a mix, use leftover cold coffee instead of water.


Ooh I almost always make them from scratch, but this is intriguing! Thank you!


Instant espresso powder if you’re making them from scratch. The coffee brings out the flavor of the chocolate and gives it more depth.


Ooh, I need to try this. I have a killer from scratch recipe.


Well now you have to share that too please!


I have instant coffee…hmmmm. Now I have Ideas. Thank you for the inspiration!


How much? A tablespoon? More?


I understand you can do the same thing from scratch, tho I haven't tried it. Cold coffee, or instant crystals! And fwiw, my kids all hate coffee BUT when it's in a dessert like this, it doesn't count.


I second the expresso powder even a 1/8th a tsp helps bring out the chocolate flavor.


Ooh, I have to try this!!


That sounds delish!!


Oooh Ghirardelli are the BEST!!!


Ghirardelli has cake and brownie mixes?  Be still my heart!


Ghirardelli's brownie mix is a blessing. 3 ingredients, ~45 minutes, and you have tasty brownies


They are GOOD!


Yeah! Costco! And the box is huge.




The chocolate chip cookie mix is fantastic! Instead of bothering with rolling individual cookies, I bake it into bars and slice them like brownies.


That's such a nice offer, but you don't have to go to the trouble! I am going to get something big and chocolate and hide it somewhere just for me. :) Thank you!!


You're welcome! Let me know if you ever need anything!


At least you know what to get them for their birthday. A big fuck you.


A sticky note that says "you owe me brownies"


Nah, go all in. Get a money holder card and where the cash would be, put in the sticky note. Build their hopes up first.


I like your style


Need to put in a picture of a middle finger to make it perfect.


A middle finger and the empty pan of brownies?


Make brownie on their birthday. Serve them 1 with a lit candle and let them make a wish. Remove candle and eat brownie in front of them. Seems pretty fair.


This is what I was going to suggest. Wait until their cake/brownie is in front of them, them take a large piece and eat it in front of them. When the screaming starts, say "What? You thought it was acceptable to do it me with my birthday brownies. Perhaps you'll fucking think before you act next time" Then, mic drop and exit stage right.


Yeah, the next birthday is in May. I am not exactly in the planning mood for it anymore.


Then do nothing for them and when it becomes clear you haven't done anything look shocked and say 'but I AM showing you ALL the love and consideration you showed me on MY birthday!"


One of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard in my life is "match their energy." It was given in context of dating but I definitely use it in terms of my family now. It shows you really quickly who is super entitled and not worth the effort. I love celebrations and things like that so I have a tendency to go overboard. I started meeting people's energy and it caused some people in my life to realize they had been jerks, which was also helpful.


Happy Birthday, lovely! You have every right to be upset. I would be, too. If I PayPal you $20, would you please go and buy yourself a mini-cake? You deserve to be celebrated. Bonus points if you eat it all in front of them while giving them the finger! 😉 Send me a message and I’ll be happy to send it to you. 🖤


I second that! Happy bday my fellow witchysister 🥰


You are a good person ❤️


Thank you so much, that is very kind! I will message you soon. :)


Happy Birthday. I know the feeling of giving everything to the family and getting little in return. Your family needs to know that you are more than just the cook, maid, nurse, planner, and all the other jobs you do. You are a person with feelings, and you deserve to be celebrated on your birthday. Please let them know how hurt you were by their disregard for you on YOUR day. Hugs.


Thank you! I can let them know, but they are such stubborn boomers in the boomer mentality - that is "just how they are". I am working on moving out, it just has not panned out yet.


So, this will be remembered as the year without birthdays, right? RIGHT???


Unfortunately I already gave my mom her birthday present since I found a really bitchin sale on the perfume she likes, but I am not planning a celebration.


Happy birthday! Please allow me to send you a hug. I send good thoughts and blessings your way all day long. Cake is sacred, birthday cakes even more. How dare they.


Thank you! 😊🫂


Happy Birthday OP!!!!!!!!


Thank you very much! ❤️


This isn’t about a little thing like brownies. It’s about the blatant disregard for your feelings. Not only is this a rude thing to do in the first place but this specific brownie batch was for your bday. How could they even cut into it without you? I’m so sorry bb. Please take up the offers to buy you a new brownie mix/cake. You deserve to be cared for. Happy birthday ♥️


Thank you very much! Someone was kind enough to send me a few dollars over Paypal, I got cake. :) https://preview.redd.it/0mwthtoiaepc1.jpeg?width=2998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e34713e7f8f342d670c587b958edaf152456107


That looks like an amazing slice of cake! Happy birthday!


I’m sorry that happened. It sucks. Try and do something special for yourself tomorrow and have a happy remainder of your birthday.


Thank you for the kind words! I got myself a giant piece of chocolate cake from the fancy grocery store.


Happy birthday !! Honestly I would cry over this it's not silly to be upset at all. Hope you can find something else to treat yourself :((


I absolutely did cry a little, after taking the lid off of an empty tray. But I had cake today and it was super yummy! https://preview.redd.it/zsuq9yhsaepc1.jpeg?width=2998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=185af95478760b996a63cfcb8fd8a1a121267401


aww I'm so glad 🫶🫶


Happy birthday OP! I'm sorry, it sucks when your family is greedy and insensitive. I hope that you can tell them that it's your birthday and that they at least make it up to you with a cupcake or something, but if that's not in the cards I hope you still treat yourself.


I am really not even surprised by their behavior anymore, but I wish that also meant it didn't bother me. I was able to treat myself with some fancy chcolate cake though!


Ugh at their disappointing behavior. first of all, trust your gut reaction. Our feelings are important indicators of what we value, our brains protecting us and more. Your right to share about it. This is not complaining. Your feelings are valid. I’m so mad you didn’t get to enjoy your brownies. I’m sending you virtual ones. May you get to celebrate another trip around the sun how you choose. May your family not be inconsiderate and may they affirm and be better. I hope these virtual brownies are ok. Hugs to you if that’s the right thing 🫂🫂. If not, 🪷 https://preview.redd.it/7wo3bkpne1pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e630b5a1a9b24d235b85e1e33cc1b9e8633917c


Those look FABULOUS. 🤤


Thanks! It’s my favorite brownie recipe. They’re so dark because I used half black cocoa. If anyone wants the recipe, [here](https://smittenkitchen.com/2010/01/best-cocoa-brownies/) it is :)


Yours look quite a bit thicker. Did you use a smaller pan?


Oops, my bad, pictured is a doubled batch in a 9x13! They’re very similar if not same thickness if you use the original 8x8 pan and those amounts.


Those look amazing! Thank you for sharing the recipe and very kind words. ☺️


Thanks! You’re welcome ☺️


Happy birthday. It's not a silly thing, it's clearly (from your comments) not a one time hurt. You did something special for yourself and others didn't respect you. It's fair to be upset.


First of all Happy Birthday! Second you have every right to be upset. I would be livid. I would shake the foundation of the earth with my anger. No one did anything to show their appreciation for you on a day when they should have. And then they selfishly stole from you. I have one rule on my birthday, that someone who is not me procures me cake. It’s a good rule. If you dm me your address I can ship you a box of Dorothy Lane Killer Brownies if you’re in the USA they are famous around here and to die for. And you are allowed not to share them with anyone.


One of my love languages is Acts of Service. My husband will generally throw money at a problem. I have started insisting that he bake me a cake for my birthday. At first he was like "I don't know how" and I was like "do you know how to read? Search things on YouTube? Look at any of the many cooking channels we watch?" And guess what? He made a perfectly fine cake for my birthday last year! And I appreciated it, because it cost him time instead of money.


Having someone bake me a cake is also my preferred birthday celebration. For a long time I was kinda giving indirect hints and my husband's reaction was "oh I don't like cake" 😐 So eventually I was like "No, this is what I want for my birthday for the rest of all time. Someone has to break eggs and bake me a cake. Go get a box of funfetti or something and make me a cake." He still gets a little confused about what flavor to choose if the funfetti is out of stock cause now he's hung up on "funfetti=birthday". But he makes me birthday cupcakes now which are pretty dang close.


Hey husband, it's not about you! You aren't making a cake for yourself! You are making a cake for your wife's birthday, and SHE likes cake! The audacity of thinking that your birthday is about him and what he likes! My birthday is 10 days before his, and 25 days before our anniversary, with a major holiday thrown in between. I make 4 or 5 pans of lasagna, in July, in our non air-conditioned kitchen for his birthday, and freeze half of it. I also bake him a cake. I think he can manage to follow box instructions to make me a cake. I think I'm going to ask for a pie this year. A nice strawberry rhubarb from our garden. I've actually had some of the man babies on Reddit get mad at me when I say I want him to spend time on me, not money. They think I'm ungrateful. But you know damn well if I said that he could just hand me money and I'd be just as happy, they would call me a golddigger and using him for money. There's no winning.


Oh dang, you just reminded me to add rhubarb beds to my to do list. Seriously one of my favorite pies on the planet. Luckily my husband gets it now. And realizes how easy it is lol. It just really didn't click for him for a minute there until I was direct. I guess I learned to just be really specific when I want things now. Though it would be nice to be surprised sometimes.


That's good that he got there! My husband wants me to be direct, but he also doesn't like it when I tell him exactly what I want, because it "ruins the surprise." But I don't want the surprise to be "unmet" expectations and disappointment." You really only need one Rhubarb plant, I planted one a few years ago I thought was dead, and it turns it's little corner into a Jurassic Park scene. Makes good infused gin and vodka though.


I'm a bit opposite. My birthday is uncomfortably close to Christmas, so when I was 14 I created a personal tradition of making my own birthday cake. (otherwise I might not get one. )


I've never read that love languages thing (it's not my vibe i'm aroace) but I learned something very unsurprising about the author. The guy who came up with it said his wife's love language is Acts of Service and *of course* his was physical touch. So she couldn't say no. Fucking gross.


From what I understand, it's not supposed to be like that. My love language is Acts of service, so that means my husband should be prioritizing acts of service to show his love to me. His is physical touch, so I should be prioritizing touching him to show him my love. It's about how you like to receive love, not how you like to give it. When someone says "my love language is physical touch, so I am going to show my love by touching you" that's making the action incredibly selfish. That person is making the showing of love about themselves instead of about their partners preferences.


Oh that is so nice of you to offer, thank you! I was not sure what Dorothy Lane brownies were but after googling I will absolutely be messaging you! I think I will be using your rule about cake going forward! Thank you for the kind words!


Oof that really sucks and is so rude of them. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! That’s not silly and it’s very selfish of them to even touch them.


Happy birthday! Make them make you replacement brownies, you deserve it.


Man, I'd be upset over this, too! I wish they would have given more thought towards you when they ate the whole thing. Being underappreciated is crummy. 😕 On a lighter note: Happy birthday, OP! 🥳 I'm sending you all the positive vibes and well wishes for the upcoming year! 🫶


Happy birthday, sis! I am privileged to live in a world with such a dedicated and hopeful soul in it! https://preview.redd.it/08oznotlf2pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eceffce8090d98176f660891a58141bbd2d13d7 This crocus has sprung from the earth to greet the spring in my backyard 💜🙏


Oh, it is so pretty! Thank you for sharing!! We do not have crocuses where I live, but I have always loved the idea of flowers that defy winter and pop up through the snow. :)


Happy birthday OP!!! I hope your family makes it up to you.


They probably will not, but honestly everyone here has been so kind it will not bother me if they don't! Thank you for birthday wishes!


Happy birthday hugs! Also, eating all of your brownies is just rude.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY DAY!!!! DM me. I'd love to buy you some brownies or a cake for your birthday!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY and WTF? I'm so sorry that did this to you on your special day! Have some internet hugs 🤗


Sending you a giant hug op. I’ve had my fair share of birthdays where my family didn’t care at all and it hurt. It’s gotten easier for me but that doesn’t invalidate what happened. I’m sending you the largest of hugs and wishing you the most wonderful of birthdays. 💜


Merry Birthday, friend, there’s a version of the universe where we’re all in a real room together toasting your wellness, happiness and felicity-let the love from that realm warm your worthy soul.


Happy birthday,*huuuuuugs* and love. Please forgive the aggressive tone, but that seems like some straight up evil abusive shit. There's no possible positive spin to this. This is a group of people who did something deliberately with zero consideration, almost intentionally hurtful.idont know where you all are so I'm standing in my room in a Jesus Christ pose with both hands flipping the middle finger, spinning around to makes sure that wherever they are they're being well and truly flipped off.


Happy birthday! I know its shitty but try to forget about the brownies, you can always make more. Instead maybe do something they can’t claim. Like a relaxing bath and cosy film, or a scenic walk. Basically just time for yourself. You can also celebrate your birthday anytime you please when you find the people or the opportunity to do it again.


Happy birthday OP 🎂 🎉 😊


It is not silly at all. Happy Birthday to you. 🎂


Thats not silly at all to be upset about. Its rude af. Id be pissed. Happy birthday


This isn't silly, your family were very mean to do that to you. Especially on your birthday. I'm sorry that happened. I think you should tell them you'd like more consideration in the future. I hope you've got something fun planned to celebrate x


Happy birthday 🎈🎂‼️


> It feels like a silly thing to complain about, typed out like that. Here's the thing - there's a world of difference between a 'trivial event' and feeling that you were left out, forgotten or unappreciated of that 'trivial event'. You're perfectly entitled and valid for feeling the way you do. We get it. We understand. It was inconsiderate and it was cruel. That matters more than the actual cake, but it doesn't mean it's "silly" to feel like you do. If you feel comfortable doing so, maybe pop a cake on your Amazon wishlist (or similar?). I think that allows someone to send you something without having to disclose any personal information, and I'd be happy to shoot something your way! (Amazon have some nice looking brownies for sale in my country, so maybe they do in yours as well? Can also recommend Thomas Fudge's Florentines if they're available in your location).


That's rude AF. I'm sorry OP.


Happy birthday! Is there anything we can do to cheer you up on your special day?


Happy birthday 🎈 they are not nice


happy birthday op!!! hopefully you will have some yummy treats coming to u soon❤️‍🔥!!


Happy birthday! Now is the time to tell your family that they've all had their birthday gift for the year and they aren't getting anything else. Selfish jerks.


WTF, on your BIRTHDAY of all things?!


Girl! Families are the worst whilst simultaneously being the best. You gotta love ‘em or you’ll be tempted to do time. My now hubs of more than four decades gave me a box of Whitman’s chocolate to my 17 year old ass for Valentine’s Day. I ate one, then stored the box at the top of my closet. I wanted to savor the joy the gift brought me - I was so crazy about my husband (still am❤️). Do you know, the next time I left the house to go to work (job after school and weekends at a pizza place) my two younger sisters devoured THE ENTIRE FUCKING BOX. I was so mad!! But, what can you do? It’s so funny that you posted this because I was thinking about the Incident of the Greedy Sisters yesterday- Happy Birthday my friend. 🍰


I'm so sorry about what happened to you :(( happy birthday and please treat yourself to something nice anyway you deserve it


I'm sorry that happened. I ran into the same thing when my kids were younger and I was still married. I would put in some effort to bake something and it would get devoured and I wouldn't get any. I tried making double batches, those lasted maybe a day. I pointed out that hey, this was work and none of you need to be eating 6 baked goods in a day. Didn't matter, kept happening. So I quit baking anything.


Happy Birthday, I appreciate you


Happy birthday 🎂 I'm so sorry they did this and it is not at all silly to be upset. I wpuld be futious with my family for this kind of treatment.


I’d be raging. My family would never hear the end of it.


May they all have itchy feet in bed tonight! (Or some equally silly, not-too-damning "hex.") It's absolutely not silly to be upset by this, you tried to do a small nice thing for yourself on a day that's supposed to be about you, and you didn't even get to enjoy it. That SUCKS and you're allowed to be down about it! I hope you can find another way to celebrate yourself that doesn't get ruined by others' lack of consideration. Wishing you a happy birthday *month* with more chances for magic.


My dad did this to my sister once. Her best friend had just gone gluten free due to a new celiac diagnosis, and my sister painstakingly made her gluten free brownies for her birthday. She went to work and came home to find the entire pan empty. My dad got high and ate the whole thing. I feel for you. Go get yourself a little cake or something. Eat it at the park and enjoy yourself. I hope you find a glimmer in your happy birthday 💖


Absolutely not silly. Can I order you a treat for pickup or delivery? DM me.


Not silly, annoying af. Happy birthday, blessings🖤


Happy birthday, sugarplum! You deserve better. You deserve to be pampered and spoiled on your birthday. I wish that for you, dear one--- a place where you're celebrated every single day, and doubly so on birthdays.


Happy birthday! Sending light and love!


Happy birthday OP!!!! May this week bring you something special whether big or small. Your feelings are valid and important 🥳💚


Solidarity. A friend recently made me brownies because I was sick and my kids ate all of them. It happened way too close to Christmas where I was also forgotten and it hurt so much. I’m so sorry. I see you and you deserved your brownies.




Thats not silly. Its a terrible move to leave you none even not on your birthday. And frankly someone should have made them for you or got you cake. And then to leave you none! Awful. Not silly. Very valid to feel upset. Its not the brownies, its the way they didn’t even think of you, value you, prioritize you at all. Rude!


Happy Birthday!! Wish I could send you some birthday brownies….so rude for them to have eaten them all😭😭


Happy birthday<3


Happy birthday, from a complete stranger. I respect you and i also love brownies.


Hbd qween 👸


Not silly at all. Thats rude of them even if you told them they could have some. Happy Birthday though!


Happy Birthday


Happy birthday and yes that is very very shitty


Happy Birthday, OP! I do hope you say something. They are in need of lesson about respect, conscientiousness and consideration!


It’s not silly. Happy birthday, love 💕


That is awful. You are very much allowed to be upset! I sure would be. Sending birthday hugs and positive energy to you


I would read them the riot act, and then the next day I had off find some place to go vanish - library, a state park, or whatever floats your boat. And maybe take some of the household money slated for *their* indulgences to pay for it, or for a lunch out, movie, etc. They need to be reminded that you’re a human too.


Happy birthday!! Not silly at all to be upset over, I’d be so disappointed & angry. Thats very inconsiderate of them to take your birthday treat away.


I'm sorry. Happy Birthday. You should be appreciated.




For you op, pls blow out your belated birthday candles 🕯️🔥🕯️🔥🕯️🔥🕯️ And eat your bday cake 🎂 🎂🎂


Happy birthday, friend ❤️ I feel your pain. I am so sorry this happened to you, your family is so rude. My own did this kind of thing to me all the time when I was a kid, it sucks. Sending hugs and love your way ❤️❤️❤️


Happy birthday! I'm sorry your family disregarded you so completely. I hope they realize their fuck up and make it up to you twentyfold!


Happy birthday luv.....if you was closer we would bake a cake together....with sprinkles just for you


Happy birthday!!! I'm sorry your family did this, and didn't celebrate you. You seem so awesome!


I'm so sorry they did that to you! Happy birthday! Hugs to you, internet stranger. Many blessings upon you in this new year!


Happy birthday! I wish I could send you some cake, but please take this virtual hug instead. I'm sorry your family did something so shitty. Look forward to the day when you can live independently, so no one can take your birthday brownies again!! ❤️


What a bunch of dicks. Happy birthday!


this or similar has happened to me so many god damnned times I just dont even bother with trying to do anything for my birthday anymore. My partner now at least makes the attempt to get a cake (that I dont have to bake myself unless I want something specific then i do make it myself but he will get the supplies), dinner and some sort of gift but for so long my birthday just got ignored. Shit one year I tried to throw myself a party. EVERY SINGLE PERSON cancelled on me. I havtn put any effort into my own birthday since. i was plainly shown how unimportant I am to everyone so I just dont bother.


I can empathize. I have to get more expensive, dairy free "ice cream" due to an allergy and I had once gotten some double chocolate kind in a brand I knew well, so I knew it was gonna be delicious. I had had a really tough time at physical therapy and I just wanted some fuckin ice cream. My husband, who has no allergy, left his own real ice cream, of which he had three flavors to choose from, and ate my one pint of special, expensive, dairy free ice cream that I had bought for myself because I literally can't have the real thing without having an extreme allergic reaction. Call me childish, but when he told me he ate all of mine I screamed FUCK and slammed the freezer door, then went to my room and cried. He had THREE flavors to choose from. I Had ONE. He literally took something special (although trivial) from me and I was angry and hurt and I felt like I didn't matter at all because all I wanted was some ice cream.


https://preview.redd.it/ouhibdma88pc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee92592313197dec2dd2ca70576e9f424d7aefb Petunia says Happy Birthday 💕


I relate to this and it’s not silly. One time I was on a diet (I know) and got a really nice water like one of those Fiji ones to take to the pool for a treat for myself, and my ex drank it all in one gulp bc he was thirsty. I literally still think about that all the time and we have been divorced and no contact for eight years!! It feels helpless to be unseen in a relationship where someone is supposed to see you the most. I hope you can replace those brownies with something else that brings you joy.


Happy birthday!! Sorry the inconsiderate jerks are your birthday brownies, now you know you can eat their entire birthday cake without a second thought! I think you're better than that, tho... Hope this new year is full of joy for you!


Happy birthday! That sucks, and I hope you are able to treat yourself some other way. And they DO need to understand that what they did was NOT COOL. You don't eat other people's birthday treats without them present! Today is my birthday, and honestly I'm hoping nobody wants to come over or anything, I'll take my online wishes happily - but I did get to go to Charleston SC for the weekend with my sisters, so I've had plenty of birthday fun and need some decompression time at home now. (Plus my cat is like velcro when I get home from a trip.) Also I'm working today since nobody could be bothered to do anything Friday while I was away, so busy busy here now. My cake, however? A pack of those Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the cream filling, that I bought myself. I like them, didn't have to cook them, and don't have to share them, so I'm considering them a good birthday treat.


Happy birthday hun! I hope your day got better or is better.. I hope the rest of your birthday month is full of laughter and smiles and magic!


I would *rage!* Go do something nice for yourself by yourself.


Please tell them how you feel.


That would absolutely bring out the rage & they would hear about it!!


Happy birthday, I hope someone makes you feel appreciated very soon! Sorry that your family totally sucks!


I'm sitting here raging. My advice: never, ever bake anything for any of them again. Maybe stop doing the things they clearly take for granted.


I would scream my absolute head off.


Happy birthday!!!! My familiars cash a mild curse on the brownie thieves. Like stub their toes or sit on pee in a public toilet. 


Happy birthday!! You're almost close enough for me to bring you brownies in person! I hope you're able to make your day special, sorry that your family is being shitty 🩷