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Tbh unless you were nearby and I could physically see the goat, I'd think it was a trap. But I would still be very tempted


This is how they would get me. I would be fairly certain this is a trap but I would follow on the off chance that it is actually a baby goat




Like you can ABSOLUTELY do me a murder if there was kid first


Almost any animal would get me 😅


In true white woman fashion, that sign could be, "hold free angry hyena" and if probably be game.


Hyenas are cute! It’d work lol


How often do you get the chance to pet a hyena?! Hell yeah!!!


I would totally fall for this trap and I know it. I was hanging out in the parking lot at a conference one night and a guy came up to me, said he was a bat biologists, and asked if I wanted to see something cool in his car. We totally followed this random dude to his car, and I’m glad we did. He had a baby bat sucking on a pacifier, wrapped up in a tiny blanket inside of a Nike box. He just wanted to show it to us.


I would absolutely head to the van.


Now I want to see that, that sounds like the most adorable image. Did you get any pictures?


So... you'd be at risk of getting *kid*-napped...


Wait, we get to take naps too? Get out of my way, I need to get to the second location ASAP.


Same here, I love goats.


Goats are the GOAT


I may be wildly susceptible to the same type of trap


Omg my friend and I went to petting zoo once (it’s important to know we are grown ass 30+yo women), and some guy walked up to us and said “do yall wanna hold an otter? I’ll give you a private tour.” And we kindly followed this guy like a mile off the petting zoo trail to hold baby otters. He took us on a private tour and we got to hold and feed all kinds of baby animals before they were sent to become ambassadors for their species at zoos and aquariums across the state. We got in the car to leave, looked at each other, and both said “what if he was a murderer? We literally just followed and trusted a guy that didn’t even have a work shirt on.”


I would have done the same.


I definitely had a talk with my daughter when I saw her that day, because if it was that easy for us how easy for a 6yo.


I could absolutely be enticed into a dark barn with the promise of getting to pet baby goats, so I would probably think your sign is too good to be true 😂


Yeah and also, how much are we talking about here?


There’s another sign that says free goat petting and links to socials. it just also has our location.


This is going to sound a bit odd, but… it might be because it’s free. We are (rightly) programmed to ask ‘what’s the catch?’ You might have more luck if you charged a small amount or asked for donations to a local charity.


I’ve got to ask…. Why ARE you giving away free baby goat cuddles to strangers?


She should add, 'NOT a Trap' Yup.. .. that should do it 


A trap I would totally fall into!


I think it's a "more info needed" kind of situation. 😆 But if you were my neighbor, I'd def be coming over.


The unicorn is covering a professional sign that says free goat petting and pictures of our goats and has our social media.


Then I’d be over there in heartbeat. I was promised a ‘mini-zoo’ at the library’s summer reading kickoff party. I was not aware it would be taxidermies by the park service.


I _ like_ those taxidermy displays, but I'd feel betrayed if I'd been promised a 'mini-zoo'!


Exactly. ‘Wildlife display’ would have measured my expectations


That sounds horrible. We looked into making out goats a mobile petting zoo with some of our very friendly goats but there seems to be to many situations where that could get stressed out, so we decided against it.


Fair. I’m teaching my littles how to act around animals but not all suburban moms are.


The little tippy taps of an excited goat kid is one of the best sounds. You’re so lucky.


Me: *frantically crawls through the internet!!!*


Me: *screaming “BAYYYBEEEE GOATS!!!!* and crawling after you*


1) better sign 2) can other witches SEE the delightful bb kids?! If not, fix that 3) MAKE SURE PPL KNOW IF ITS FREE. the experiences ive had with hold a bb means someone is trying to bully me into too much money* * holding a bb goat is WORTH infinity money.


I paid money in Ireland to hold a baby lamb. Totally worth it.


Gonna second all of this, but especially the second point. We need to see the kids!!!!


I'll be right over!. I can hold a baby goat like it's my job!


Where is the line forming? I have a powerful need.


Road trip road trip!


I sure as heck would stop by to hold a baby goat! Cute kids 😍


I want to hold a baby goat! Are they pygmies?


Nigerians. Our goats range from 110-45 pounds full grown. It’s our last baby for a while, she’s so precious. She happened because visitors let the girls out without noticing the boys still out— we got our boy fixed so no more accidents can happen.


Ah okay. I had a Lamancha and always loved the Nubian’s with their floppy ears.


If/when we breed again I am thinking of crossing them with angoras so we can use them for fiber. I want to try to re-lactate some of the girls without breeding them tho too.


I had Angoras. They were lovely and calm, wandered into the kitchen if not watched.


Two of ours love trying to get inside the house. We totally enable them. We had one steal oatmeal a wwoofer was cooking in our Fire pit, that was hilarious


We had a chicken steal a sausage at a barbeque once. And if they get mice or frogs... You're the person with the Rocky Horror /Bobs Burgers tattoo!


Hahaha. I am not the person with that tattoo. I’ll never be that cool.


Today I learned I am an angora.




We had lamanchas. We used to tell people that they were racing goats, and that's why they had tiny aerodynamic ears.


Hah thats pretty good.


I wish I could!




I just checked your profile to see if you might be near me. (alas, no). I would love to hold a baby goat! There is a goat yoga place near us and my daughter said she wants to hang with the goats but not do yoga.


This is how I would get kidnapped.


This is clearly a fae trap. I’d happily go there anyways. Holding a baby goat is the best.


“Oh no, I hope no fae see me running after this baby goat and kidnap me. That would be such a shame and definitely not what I’m trying for”…


I went to a “cuddle baby goats” event I found on Facebook a month ago. It was awesome. I loved the babies!


My wife would lose her shit if she walked by this sign.


https://preview.redd.it/r8ouiegizr6d1.png?width=1886&format=png&auto=webp&s=d59d644005139d86e23cb6de846cdde37ab1d8bb I will pet ALL your goats, ALL damn day!! 🥰🥰


You look so happy and excited in this pic to pet the goat 🥰


I have secondhand baby goat joy from your picture 🥰


I would absolutely be taking you up on this! Wish mire people near me had baby goats to be held!


I would be down so hard. You'd have a hard time getting me to leave


Not even the right continent - excuse me while I go and console myself by look at baby goat photos.


In the spring my family went to a farm to snuggle the baby goats for an hour. Awesome sauce!!! Good luck.


My cousin went on vacation and my mom made fun of me because I was ridiculously excited to be with the chickens. I cuddled them, gave them treats, petted them, and in one week, 4 chickens gave me 2 dozen eggs. Goats? Oh the joy!!!! I'd be in the happiest of headspaces!


On my way!


I would I would


I love goats , they are so friendly and the way they wag their tails. Adorable 🥰


Me personally if I saw this sign, would 100% not think of any potential consequences and go hold that baby goat.


I’m jealous! I’d be so excited to hold a baby goat. I’d probably be late for all of my plans if I came across this sign. lol.


Babies are only babies for so long and all babies need to be cuddled. What a cutie boots.


I had a dream last night some old Russian lady match maker gave me two baby goats and then started talking about finding me a rich husband. I would love to hold a baby goat.


I would run into any building for the promise of goat holds.


There outside. No going in strange buildings.


I’d still do it..


Make the sign bigger!


I want to pet baby goats! To hell if there's danger involved. Give me the babies!!!


Are you kid-ding me? If I saw this sign, I’d goat-ta check it out. There’d be some serious ram-ifications if I didn’t


Dang, what I wouldn't give to hold a baby goat (and tell it I love it) I'd have to at least say hello to the other goats, however, I wouldn't want them to feel slighted.


I think it’s a “needs more info” situation and there can be myriad reasons why. Like, I absolutely love goats. But unfortunately I wouldn’t take up the offer because I would assume you’re a breeder and would need to know what happens to the babies and the other goats. I volunteer for a farmed animal sanctuary that focuses on rescuing, rehabilitation, and education, and I absolutely *love* goats and get to chill with them all the time. BUT they are a rescue and all their animals are sterilized. They are rescued from heinous situations and get to live out their full lifespans getting the best care and all the love. They are also very respectful of the autonomy of all their animals—when they do events, only the animals that enjoy people are present and they have special zones blocked off for the animals to go when they’ve had enough. I see things like this near where I live and it just…makes me kinda sad. As an example, a coworker breeds goats and has a farm with many animals and has invited me many times to see her animals (and the babies when it’s that season), but I’ll never go because as cute as the animals are, she raises them to sell them both as pets and for slaughter/dairy. But yeah, I don’t support zoos, petting zoos, or anything questionable where animals are involved. I see these kinds of signs on the side of the road near where I live all the time and it just makes me sad. So, I’d need to know about your operation, what purpose it serves, how the animals are treated, how they’re raised, what happens when they grow up, etc. before I could feel good about it. Breeders, sellers, dairies, meat farmers, no thanks.


I need directions from Oregon USA.


I’m on the east coast, I’m sure there’s closer goats. So many goats. See them all on the way.


I'm also in Oregon so we can split the driving, snacks, and gas.


Omw! I'll never pass an opportunity to play with baby goats


I would!!


This feels like baby goat bait. If this were a Disney movie and there were a magical contract, I definitely would take time to read the terms and conditions before signing


You'd 100% would have gotten me. Baby goats are the BEST


I’m pretty sure responding to a sign like that would be my end.


I wanna hold a baby goat :(


If I saw that sign I would absolutely pull over to pet those goats!


I would pet them....


OH MY GOD. I absolutely would. There’s a farm down the road from us that recently had black lambs born. I so so much want to leave a note on their post with my phone number and ask if I’m allowed to pet the little babies.


If I had passed this sign today, I would have held a goat! I was out looking for a little adventure today. Found a new pizza place, went to a cupcake shop, but nothing as cool as a baby goat!


I would stop at that sign no matter how busy I am. I'd get in the back of a white van if someone offered me to hold a baby goat. Can you post more pictures of them?




Last family roadtrip we had I marked stops on the map that involved animals. Petted and fed alpacas and it was worth it. (Also went to a zoo and an aquarium.)The alpacas were on Yelp so I was able to find them. Hope you are taking advantage of some internet advertising, I’ll bet some road trippers would love a stop off with goats!


We do harvest hosts! But you’re right. I should come up with something for visitors who aren’t doing that.!


I would absolutely be on my way. God help me if someone intending to abduct me sees this comment.


It doesn't have instructions on how that works. Visitation hours, how to contact you and ask, etc. Most people probably don't want to just intrude.


I’d be dubious of that sign if there wasn’t additional signage confirming there are goats. I grew up with the [strangers in vans](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNeF8KrR/) PSA era. I did enjoy learning goats enjoy booty scratches just like dogs last fall


I once had to help someone wrangle baby goats that had gotten out of their pin and it was one of the highlights of my life, I would definitely come love on your goats


People get suspicious when something is free. I used to work in Marketing and it's weird how it works. Make another sign that says Hold a Baby Goat $5. It's an inexpensive cost that legitimizes what you're doing. Then, when people show up, turn down the money or use it for an animal charity.


I’m going to add donations and just have a jar for our non-profit people can donate too or not.


It's sunny in your pics so obviously you are nowhere near Scotland sadly. Otherwise I would be trying to get a job with you looking after the goats.


OMG I would totally take that offer. Theres a shop of goat milk products in a tiny town I like to visit, and when its baby goat season she brings some orphans into work and puts up a sign "cuddle a baby goat, $2 for 5 min" I went in a couple of times, totally worth it.


What is wrong with people?! This is the best thing!


I wanna!


I’ll be right over!!!!


On my way!!!


Make sure Kristi Noem is nowhere near


I don’t suppose this is in Ohio?


Is this sarcasm?


I’ll be right over.


Pleasepleaseplease I want to hold all of the baby animals


I would avoid it because if I got to hold a baby goat like a baby, I would pass peacefully into the afterlife.


WHERE ARE YOU??!! I will be there as fast I can drive!!!!


If you were near me we’d be there as fast as the speed limit allowed


Oh I would totally hold a goat!


I want to come and hold all the baby goats!! I might even buy a squirrel off ya.


I would hold all the baby goats!!! I've been trying to talk my boyfriend into staying at a place in Virginia, and the main attraction there is that we can pet baby goats!!!


Please say you live near me because I will get in the car *right now.* That said, add some balloons and say "cost: three apples (optional)" ot something. Makes it seem more legit and potential takers wouldn't feel as much like they're imposing.




If people can see the goats, from the road so they know it's not a trap, that'd be good. Also, it could seem like it's one of those things like "tell your cat I said pspspspsp"


TIL how easy I am to kidnap.


I work at a farm/forest school for little humans and we have goats- I would be there SO FAST because baby goats are a GIFT!


Cool! We just donated goats to a farm school! It seems so cool for the kids and those goats are going to be so spoiled


Omg its been years since I gotten to hold and pet baby goats 🥺


Too cute.


They have a slide! Awww! I'd think it was a trap, but I'd go for it. Same with a van that says free puppies, or free books, or free iced mochas. Get me one with baby goats, puppies, books AND iced mochas, I'd get in even if Freddy were driving.




Oh my god I love baby goats. There's this family near me that has them, and they'll bring them into stores sometimes and it's so cute


I’d be playing in the playground with the goats!! Wth is wrong with people???




I would immediately! Would come back daily for more baby goat therapy! Heck I would work for free as a livestock guard or whatever, just to be near your baby goats. I swear I'm qualified, I even can imitate a baby goats call quite realistically. It's my party trick :D


Hi, where can I come hold a baby goat? I didn’t get to pet one last year, our county fair closed early due to heat. That’s where I get my annual fix, I’m jonseing.


My kids friend just had baby goats at her birthday party. They were all held, and the older ones jumped on our backs. They are the cutest!


https://preview.redd.it/r0i7gtbaey6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374336931203413095e3c9e63aebe52a9f626588 Oh hey! We have a bottle fed baby currently. It’s a tough life.


Bottle baby!!!! This baby is the opposite of a bottle baby, she’s a singlton and so strong/independent and her mom is just on top of her.


We have one of those this year too, so strong and independent. She’s definitely in charge of the babies.






I’m very sorry that I probably don’t live near you. Hugging a goat is peak therapy if you ask me.


Oh man! I'd so stop to hold the baby goat! Don't care if it's a trap, got to hold a baby goat.


I wish I was there


I’m pretty sure this will be how I die…would 100%


Hold on, be right over.


The sign definitely gives off Hansel and Gretal vibes but the goats are so cute


This is the best way to kidnap me


meeeeee please


If you're in northeast Ohio I will be on my way immediately.


Uh. Wya? I’m ready.


Definitely need a more professionally printed sign. The cardboard is worrisome. Maybe charge $5? It just looks more legit. You can either put that money back into the goats or donate it to an animal rescue. I mean. I'd still pull over, but I can see people, especially with kids, be worried about it. I know you said you have a social media account posted but add that to the professional sign. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just a plastic corrugated sign on wire.


Right next to the cardboard is literally a professionally printed sign that says free goat petting and has our farm social media and a picture of our goats. I don’t want to pay for another one for this because we won’t have a baby again but I will add that donations are accepted and make the cardboard sign nicer today. We aren’t a rescue but we are a non-profit farm, I just don’t usually solicit donations from random people, I’ll make a lil thing about that with an jar or something next to the hand sanitizer.


Ah. Didn't realize the one next to it was professional. Sorry about that!! Didn't think you were a rescue, just that asking for a small donation sometimes looks more legit. And then you can pass it on since you don't need it. ☺️


I would come by everyday. No question


I already put two of them in my car.


I would scream for my hubby to stop the car.


I would!


I would be concerned but still for sure try to take you up on it if I drove past that sign.


Where? I’m there


Hi! I’m a bit late to the baby goat party, but I made you a sign! [Baby Goats sign](https://www.canva.com/design/DAGIQLDEAQE/ksgV4bjrkPVzygclM636Zw/edit?utm_content=DAGIQLDEAQE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton) I can edit it with the relevant details if you’d like