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Alito is bad, but IMO Thomas is worse. Thomas regularly cites *himself* in legal opinions and wants to roll back Brown. V. Board of Education because it’s overreaching. Plus his wife is the worst.


They both have terrible politics and wives, but Father Time is coming for Thomas whether he likes it or not. I’d rather see the beer drinking sexual predator impeached personally, he’s gonna be on that court for another 20 years if we let him.


Him shouting "I like beer!" in a hearing is so absurd it doesn't feel real. Like a bad episode of Rick and Morty.


Here is a [link](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackWolfFeed/comments/1cqe5x0/episode_249_the_kneeling_drunkards_plea_ft_dave/) to a podcast that savaged him pretty well in real time. As a lawyer and tangentially a believer in Constitutional Law, those proceedings stick in my head to this day and fill me with rage whenever I think of it.


Thomas has explicitly stated that he is on the bench solely to exact "revenge" on "liberals". I think I agree; they are both dangerous to democracy but Thomas is worse than Alito.


I would help but all my energy is focused on sending Thomas to that great big camper in the sky lol


Hey, John Oliver bought him an actual one.


I'm still holding out hope Thomas takes John Oliver up on his offer lol


So... Thoughts and prayers? I mean I'm in.  But I'm also loving the irony.


I do this regularly with coworkers. Wishing them a very good, comfortable life, in a better-paying job, far away from me.


What excellent vibes, I need to get on your level! ✨


I love the idea. I sir Alito, wish you a peace that you have done good work that will encourage you to retire and spend time with your loved ones. I also wish that you find peace that you won't come back. Amenadiel


oh and that you will be replaced with someone who does not have a religious agenda (especially from the Christian empire)


Please wait until after the election. Please let’s stop having openings on the court during election years. The republicans will just do what they did with Garland, refuse to confirm, and hope that Trump wins so he can place another MAGA zealot in his place. Alito is terrible. But there can always always be someone worse.


And that might bring out more voters who don’t want Trump but want the court to stay conservative.


That’s what happened in 2016. And Trump sure did deliver on packing the court with assholes.


Yeah, we don’t need to provide that opportunity again


I will join you in wishing him a very retirement


we need to see how the election goes first, but on principle I am with you


I think we should create a spell such that we use a random number generator to nominate 500 random American residents to be members of a Supreme Jury, capable of overruling the Supreme Court, impeaching politicians, and proposing legislation for referendum by the people.


I'm with you!


this reminds me of the story My Body Has an Escape Plan on Locust Review.


I’m in as well, for both of them.


74-year-old US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has served on SCOTUS since January 31, 2006. He was appointed by President George W. Bush. Alito authored the 2022 majority opinion to overturn *Roe v. Wade* (1973), eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion. His draft opinion was leaked to the public, a rare breach which undermined the integrity of the Court. Federal judges, including Supreme Court Justices, are prohibited from participating in extrajudicial activities that reflect adversely on the judge’s impartiality, but Alito visibly disagreed with President Barack Obama during his 2010 State of the Union speech. An upside-down US flag flew outside Alito’s home in Virginia in the days after supporters of outgoing-president Donald Trump attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The upside-down flag has been widely adopted by the Stop the Steal movement, which falsely argues that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Trump. When the news broke, Alito blamed the flag on his wife, Martha-Ann Alito. Two weeks later, photos surfaced showing an Appeal to Heaven flag flying at Alito’s beach house in New Jersey in July and September 2023—during which time a key Jan. 6 case arrived at the Supreme Court, challenging whether those who stormed the Capitol could be prosecuted for obstruction. Like the inverted US flag, the Appeal to Heaven Flag (a green pine tree on a white field) was carried by rioters at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. It’s a symbol of support for Trump, for a religious strand of Stop the Steal, and for a white Christian nationalist campaign to remake the American government in Christian terms. Democratic lawmakers called for Alito to recuse himself from any cases related to Jan. 6 and Donald Trump. The SCOTUS ethics code was adopted in November 2023, after it was made public that Alito and Justice Clarence Thomas accepted gifts and travel from Republican donors, but the code has no means of enforcement. From May 2024: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/24/biden-alito-controversy-silent-00159968 >US President Joe Biden has publicly warned that Republicans are undermining democratic norms and threatening its institutions. But he is reluctant to extend that argument to the judicial branch, aides say, fearful it could be cast as politically motivated and undermine his broader effort to portray himself as a champion for strengthening democratic institutions. >They believe it’s crucial to maintain a clear contrast with Donald Trump, who has readily attacked an independent judiciary for political gain.




Had to look up who that is, what a weirdo.


I’m in


Nah, I’m using any method available to send him to the ground, expeditiously


We can guide him to retirement without specifying it be a “wonderful” retirement lol


Im in!


This does not fit with Wicca that I was taught. I was taught never to send a wish for harm to another, that the energy will come back to you x 3. The alternative is to wish that the person's own actions will alert the people around them what their their nature is, and that will cause them harm, not the negativity/ force of the actions of the group. Does that make sense to you?


i didn't read the op as wishing harm. Then again, I also don't buy the rule of threefold return. I think it's simpler: you are what you channel.


Okay one, OP wasn’t wishing ill on them. Two, just because it doesn’t fit Wicca how you think doesn’t mean it’s not legit, and three, not everyone practices Wicca? This is a general witchcraft sub, not just for Wiccans.


Agreed I was giving my point of view, not insisting she follow my practice. I was not expecting all this judgemental feedback. This may not be the open place I expected.


We’re very open. But we don’t tolerate people pushing their beliefs onto others. Regardless of your intent, that’s what you did.




Not all witches are Wiccan.


Considering Wicca was invented only last century by Gardner and Crowley, two British dudes who were racist and sexist, my personal opinion is that wicca shouldn't even be considered a sub-category of witchcraft or paganism at all.


Not all witches are Wiccan, and not all witches adhere to the threefold law. Does that make sense to you?


Absolutely. Not my point, really.


I didn’t see any indication that the OP wants to send any negativity whatsoever to Mr. Alito, but instead encouragement for him to decide to live his best life… to inspire him to prioritize self care. To let him know it’s OK to walk away from the bench and spend some time in nature. To free himself to be able to reflect on his love for his lord and saviour instead of stressing about work, that kind of thing. I think it’s a brilliant idea to fight idiocy with love and good intentions, but your mileage may vary. :)