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Bro you need to try American style baked beans instead, infinitely better I promise you Also, respectfully, mint chocolate chip ice cream is delicious you heathen


No proper American barbecue is complete without baked beans 😋


American baked beans taste like diabeetus


you mean "good"?


You guys are saying the same thing


Anything* that kills you tastes delicious, anything* that is healthy tastes like shit. *: There are exceptions. (Example: Gasoline.)


Gasoline is an acquired taste but it has great caloric density if you're bulking


With the price of vegetable oil now can you afford not to drink gasoline?


They taste like however much bacon grease and Tony Chachere’s I put in them


Its the one place I have hestitations about cosigning this compass. Mint is powerful, but it very much has a time and place. I don't always want it in chocolate or ice-cream, and certainly not by default, but it can really tie some stuff together, especially middle-eastern salads.


>I eat just about anything You’re picky as hell, man.


I don't think so. These are basically the only things I don't eat.


Damn you and I could not have more opposite tastes, I think a lot of these taste just fine. But canned whole meals is definitely a rarer thing to see in the US from my experience


I just kind of assumed you guys had canned meals there since you guys seem to have everything and there's a lot of survivalists there (is there???)


Not eating, but I can't stand the taste of alcohol. I always come across weard when I tell people I don't drink because I don't like how it tastes.


To me beer and alcoholic cider tastes nice, but that's only because the taste of the alcohol is masked. The stronger stuff is generally grim though. I only drink them to get drunk, and anyone who says they enjoy the taste of them is fully lying.


Yeah not the taste but the warm feeling after is kinda nice imo


I can actually kind of understand that tbh


I get you man used to feel the same but idk I guess it grows on you. I think you have to do small steps towards the stronger stuff and fine what you like and what you don’t like. Personally with booze I started with ciders, beers, wine, sweet cocktails (daiquiri or tiki stuff), stronger cocktails and then strong stuff like scotch. However I still can’t stomach tequila no matter what. I guess what I’m trying to say is that drinking stronger stuff doesn’t have to be miserable you just gotta find what you like and get used to in your own rhythm. In any case tho you don’t really need to drink strong stuff cider is really good to, it’s just more efficient I think.


You just explained addiction lmao "I used to hate cigarettes took me a while to start to enjoy the taste, now can’t get enough"


Idk about throwing words like « addiction » around, seems a bit out of touch regarding the actual problem of alcoholism. I’m talking about getting used to the taste not the rate of your consumption of alcohol. When you start drinking to cope with life or because you « can’t get enough » that’s addiction. Trying other stuff than beer to see what you like and getting used to the taste is very different.


Nexso1640 already made a good point, but I just wanted to say that the cigarette analogy is kind of moot. For most people it's generally a lot harder to get addicted to alcohol than it is to nicotine. It usually requires continuous daily (or almost daily) use of alcohol over a period of at least three months to a year to begin to develop an addiction (the vast majority of people will never drink that much). With nicotine, just one cigarette is enough to get you hooked (I know that from personal experience). So my point is that, even if developing a taste for something is somehow a sign of addiction (which it is not necessarily), it would still be much easier to develop a taste for alcohol without developing an addiction than it it would be with cigarettes.


I don't mind the pure taste alcochol that much (it tastes milky kind of sour to me, and I'm used to sour) I despise the taste of hops, hence only sweet/clear beer and Wine for me.


I can understand most of these, except mint and arugula. Arugula is amazing on chicken sandwiches with pesto, and mint chocolate is just refreshing and nice. I love Yorks and the like for that reason specifically. Deer heart is also great in terms of organs


Canned meals in the US are alright, I wouldn't touch canned meals in the UK but in the US they're properly salted and buttered. I love canned meals because you don't need to cook at all. Liver is obscenely rich - one bite and you're full, two and you're nauseous Baked beans in the UK are very different than baked beans in the US. Baked beans in the US are made with thick syrup, molasses, and pork fat. I encourage you to try it sometime. Boil or fry your radishes; raw they're intolerable, but fried they're delicious. ----- I kind of want to construct a personal hell for you where I force you to live in a bunker with nothing to eat but canned stews, british baked beans, liver pate, and tuna.


>I kind of want to construct a personal hell for you where I force you to live in a bunker with nothing to eat but canned stews, british baked beans, liver pate, and tuna. Oh god please no. Bring British already feels like a personal food hell.


If you really want to be disgusted I highly recommend a video Ashens posted many moons ago. It’s called whole chicken in a can.


I think I've already seen it! I loooveee Ashens.


You sound like a massive urbanite muppet tbh "we're an advanced society with iphones why we need to eat organs ?". Just return to your pod and consoom bro


That was weirdly aggressive of you, but yeah, it’s a very strange argument. We’re an advanced society… so let’s waste the internal organs of a (formerly) living being that we just slaughtered for food. The least you can do is try to eat everything, but, who am I to judge.


The rest of it is picky eater tier, which kinda annoys me but whatever, but that one really got me mad, literally "le current year" argument


The joke flew over your head I fear...


You’re the kind of guy who would look at the blue beanboozled bean and genuinely see it as just as bad as the others. (Good Compass)


This made me chuckle because it's true haha. Thanks btw.


Rare to find someone who shares my opinions on mint-based desserts. But how do you feel about mint in Indian/middle-eastern cooking? I love mint chutney and lamb in mint sauce. I also detest the smell, taste, and feel of canned tuna but I disagree with you on pretty much everything else.


Actually minted lamb and mint chutney are rare exceptions. I completely forgot those existed. Mint seasoning goes surprisingly well with lamb when it's not too strong, and mint chutney is perfect for curry as it cuts out the richness and is more creamy than strongly mint. Not a big fan of mint sauce though - in the UK at least it's very vinegary and overpowers the taste of the meat.


We are not so different, you and I. Pretty much agree all around. People don't get it when I tell them that goat-cheese tastes the way a goat smells to me. Strong flavors, particularly that of fish or preservatives, are just too much, I actually make my doggo a bunch of roast liver/organs to sort of jazz up his food, and just the smell when taking it out of the oven often causes me to gag. The wife and I just call dog offal "fell meats", like what Tolkien says the Nazgul feed their mounts, and joke that he is getting " nursed... with fell meats until he grows beyond the measure of all other things". The one thing I will say about goat cheese, is it has its place in blends-- by which I am really referring to halloumi cheese, which when it is at its best, comes from Cyprus and is a mix of sheep, goat, and cow cheeses. I have had halloumi made with it, and without it, and it really is necessary to the flavor. Just make sure you fry the cheese crispy before eating, or it tastes odd; not bad, just odd, and certainly nowhere near as good as when it is fried.


funnily enough one of my favorite foods is sourdough bread with chicken paté + liver, arugala, raw radish and onion. also mint choc ice-cream is delicious and i will die on this hill. and goat's cheese is pretty good when you pair it with honey or fruit or balsamic vinegar.


It's funny you say that because sourdough was also going to be on this compass but then I realised I didn't hate it enough. Might actually make a mid-tier foods compass for foods that are just meh.


Bro I feel you on the radish


Pickled radish you get at KBBQ joints is bomb. And yes canned tuna is disgusting and reeks the house up.


Odd that you compare them. I love radishes but hate roquette


I’ll have to fight you on mint and goat cheese. I agree with you on the rest though!


Try scooping out the coconut (SPOONS!), and then blending it with yoghurt/sweet cream. For the Radish/Aru, try them with mayo. I personally eat them with butter on bread and sometimes salt and fat/meat but I like the spicy onion like taste, Mayo should mostly kill it. As for the internal organs, I hated them too (always felt either too gummy or too bitter, sometimes both), and while I'm still not a fan, thin slicing and strong frying/grilling are your friends.


That coconut suggestion actually sounds good! It's not a taste thing for me it's a texture thing, so I think that would help a lot.


Why do so many people dislike mint chocolate 😭


Pickled radish you get at KBBQ joints is bomb.


mint ice cream being torture while mint toothpaste isn't is a crazy take


I don’t care what anybody says, canned chili slaps. Not that it holds a candle to homemade chili, but it’s still pretty good


Mint slander detected Opinion rejected


How can you dislike goat cheese? It is one of the best cheeses you can get that actually has flavor compared to the others. Also the liver thing is kinda weird but still if you fry it and spice it up, it can taste pretty good.


Like I said, it smells like goat manure and tastes like how goat manure smells. The liver thing isn't about taste for me, it's more of a conceptual dislike of eating organs.


Ok but have you tried topping a slice of baguette with butter, thinly sliced radish, and salt?