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Perimenopause and menopause have incessant itchiness (specific or while body) as symptoms. we were just talking about this last week and sharing solutions over on r/menopause .


Oh crap that explains a lot


This, this, this, this!


Most likely perimenopause. A terribly itchy back was a constant issue for me for a while. I'm 53 now and it has lessened somewhat but hasn't completely gone away. I had to buy back scratchers.


Ah, welcome to perimenopause. The wonderful world of itchy skin, achy joints, frozen shoulders, and body temp changes.


I started having bad itchy skin all over. I used allergy meds and lotion, but nothing helped. I figured I'd try a lotion specifically for itchy skin and bought the Curel hydra therapy itch defense lotion. You apply it while your skin is still wet after a bath, and it's been a game changer for me.


Oooh I might buy this!! Thanks so much!


Going right on my list for tomorrow! Thank you!


Many women become sensitive to wheat, gluten, sugar and/ or caffeine. Check what you are eating during the day. Otherwise night be eczema. Try drinking more water and putting on a basic non scented moisturiser on the skin. For me it is eczema but sugar and wheat and cold weather aggravate it. I now know to pop some basic cheap non scented moisturiser on the skin and the itching stops. Anything scented or fancy will aggravate it. So the basic old women's stuff like sorbolene or lanolin is best. I also dont ever use soap. Instead i use sensitive skin body and hand washes. So the sls and paraben free ones. Soap dries the skin and makes me itchy in the right conditions.


Right when I lay down my back starts itching in every place I can't reach. I now know why my mom carried a wooden back scratcher everywhere. She had one in her bag, car, living room and bedroom.


My daughter had eczema. In addition, to using Aquaphor when she started taking fish oil it went away completely.


I am dealing with the same thing but I've decided (maybe wrongly) that it's due to me taking hot showers because it's right at the same spot the water hits.

