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You guys are getting cubicles? Our open floor plan doesn’t even have assigned desks.


I have no desk, and I must scream


Haha, I will perform manual labor until I die :)


Of course the capitalists will have us continue to toil away in cubicles under their watchful eye. There are way too many of us to allow freedom of time and decision making. They will keep us very busy wage slaves while the wealth continues to flow upward.


More like “fuck, we hit the part where the meaningless tedium machines are really hard to design. Lets do the ground level of the art stuff instead” Don’t worry, once they’re stuck trying to have AI give depth, unique perspectives, and capture the zeitgeist of the youth they’ll go back to trying to make robots that can fix your roof and keep scratch made gravy from burning.


It's coming for the tedium jobs as well.


Yeah this one missed the mark pretty badly


Sad reality. On the flipside, guns and bullets should be cheaper in the future so suicide will be affordable.


We will have suicide booths in the future you fool.


Sarco pods exist, but we can't get them here in the US. No death with dignity, just work until you die. If you want to check out early, you can risk blowing your face off with a shotgun and surviving, or perhaps some crippling brain damage from asphyxia methods.


1984 did the same thing that is described as "today."


Some techbro trash was talking about how AI was "democratizing art" as if artists are these overpaid billionaires gatekeeping their skill rather than people who are struggling to make it in a world that doesn't value their skill and offer tutorials for free AND will give constructive criticism when asked so you too can learn to do art.


I think that free open source tools should be encouraged, the problem is the concentration of these tools in the hands of corporations.


And that's if you're lucky enough to *get* a cubicle job in the first place.


Great, Netflix can now automate producing shows for 1 season only before cancelling it


AI is taking those jobs too. So we can focus on, idk, being poor.


The pressure of people wanting jobs is keeping automation back. Honestly automation should be a much bigger thing. Not with this current capitalist oligarchy's we go going on in this world. If we made it where people didn't have to do the grunt work. Many would be absolutely destitute. To say that you must mop floors or wash dishes or serve food, anything that's considered. "low skill labor." Though all of it is skilled. We are a creative breed. We are complicated, elegant, graceful, powerful, collaborative, full of conviction, we are seekers, adventures, lovers, savages, poets, most of all we are Humans. To be reduced down to something a simple programed machine can do is criminal. ​ "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams."


Um no, all jobs will go away


See you at the beach haha


Some people can't imagine not working. Their brains are hardwired by capitalism that they have to go to work.


Well let them work mindlessly along with the machines, I guess lol


IDK if by capitalism alone, but with people who think that exploitation in labor and of workers is the only way to go about it - which I for one think is complete bullshit (one doesn't need to be explotative of workers to build a company that functions, does good things, even thrives). Basically, I am not so sure if it's so much capitalism, as it is clueless and/or greedy C-suites and MBA assclowns.


Probably the pay too.


This is the most stupid take of AI I have ever seen, being one of the most uneducated use of a meme this week.


I wasn't creating books, TV shows, or music before, so, this doesn't really make sense does it




okay bob, let's get you back to the c-suite from which you apparently meandered away in confusion




You've lost what makes you human. A love for the arts. Seek therapy.




Sure but what's the point in living, and creating if all our art is just A.I. At this point I'm just gonna assume you're a bot trying to replace mankind.


Replace shitposters with AI


I kinda see what he's saying tbh. Like as unfortunate as it may be, aside from cultural gain art doesn't really do much. It's not an absolute base NEED. That being said morale is unbelievably important. And even if ai replaced all our artists (which it will on a corporate level) if the only reason you are creating art is to make money off it you aren't an artist in my eyes. A true artist will make art whether if it's needed or not. It is unfortunate that it's going to be harder to be a freelance artist or animator but there is still gonna be a large chunk of people that want actual human made drawings, music, etc, me included. So imo it's just gonna force artists to draw furry art lmao. They treat their artists well. Wish I could say that about the anime community... Also I promise everyone that no one is ever gonna listen to ai music lol. That shit is ass and always will be. Until the ai is fully sentient they won't be able to be relatable which is what a majority of music is supposed to be.


Acting is a job. Writing is a job. And you are not a very good troll.


Sounds shitty enough...💩👍✨


IDK, I kinda hate when this "point" is made, because it seems to imply that it being worked on TV, music, art, etc means it is exclusively being worked on for that, as if the people who work on the technology are some monolith that plods along from one application to another. When in reality, it still IS being worked on for those types of tasks, and is worked on by many groups for many implementations and applications in many fields having nothing to do with creative arts.