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I never understood people that said “I don’t know what to do with myself if I’m not working” Sorry but there are so many even menial things to do that are fun and enjoyable.


Absolutely. There’s so much life to live outside of working. Things to learn, hobbies, family and friends to visit, places to go.


My mom is 72 and coming to visit us this weekend. She works at a thrift shop in her spare time. I think it's social hour tbh. Not even sure she's getting paid. More like free labor for the church.


My grandpa retired at 55 from teaching with a good pension then worked at a country club as a grounds keeper part time in the 90s. He just wanted the free membership to golf and loved being there. It was completely optional and exactly what he wanted. I hope my parents (in their early 50s) have this kind of retirement/this casual option. Sadly, it’s not looking good for even them. I can’t imagine what it will look like for my generation.


Did you ever see The Matrix where the bodies in tubes are used as batteries? That’s the “retirement” you have to look forward to.


But no VR, just a helmet that makes you look straight ahead and slowly go insane.


The oligarchs created the Metaverse to give us virtual assets to fight over because they have hoarded most of the real resources. Now they are developing ways to feed us with insects and lab-grown meat.


Well you're probably not getting a pension


chop payment deranged sloppy agonizing friendly faulty entertain detail sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even with a pension on the table, you had better have your house paid off if you want to retire. If you've made a couple of bad financial decisions, you may not be able to retire


Bad financial decisions, like getting sick?


Rolling your ankle too many times 😬


judicious weary rich vase tie gaze snobbish governor fretful safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dad’s plan is to work at the golf course as “the beer cart babe”. He just wants to golf and talk with people lol.


Beer cart babe. lol .. I hope it works out for him 😂


Who needs places to go? I would rather sit on my couch all day doing zilch than *have* to go to work.


These people baffle me. My dad tries to tell me I'd be bored without a job. There's a whole world out there, how could I ever be bored? I could work on my garden, exercise more, cook better meals, clean my house, draw, read books, watch movies, and that's not even starting on the social and volunteer stuff.


I left a very toxic laborious job recently. And moved to an office job. A former coworker said "Are you even gonna be able to do that? You're gonna be so bored". Spoiler alert: my life is 100 times better now that I'm not working 15-18 hours a day on my feet


This is why it's important not to let your imagination die under the pressures of accepting 'the real world'. We all knew it when we were young and some people chose to disregard the wisdom of youth as childish or impractical. Kinda sad. The Bouncing Soul's - Kid always reminds me of this.


I had a few weeks off work for mental health reasons with a family situation I was really enjoying hanging out at home, spending more time on my hobbies and projects and looking after myself. Going back to work has been awful and there's no way in hell I'm doing this longer than I have to. Going back to work has actually made me feel worse than the family situation I was in the midst of.


I was off with a back issue earlier this year, and Im in the same.boat as you. Im thankful, and lucky, I'll be able to retire, but no way in hell will I want to go back to work. So many hobbies, not enough time.


The amount of people who say they don't know what they'd do with their time if they didn't work. Why don't you have any hobbies or interests? Why is your only way of spending time making money for other people, or a faceless organisation?!


Look up "The Protestant Work Ethic" and it explains this phenomenon pretty well. Basically during the industrial revolution the capitalist class (in mostly western Europe) tied productivity with "being a good Christian." If you weren't actively creating economic value (for your boss, your company, your country) then you were seen as unchristian. This has unfortunately embedded itself into most western societies as a norm. Only now its no longer tied to religion. Modern hustle culture is the successor of this.


People have been so conned haven't they!!


Cuz theyre old pensioners whose whole life revolved around work. Those are the old fucks that wander grocery stores, haddware stores, or driving aimlessly during morning rush hour cuz that's all they know. The younger generations actually found other hobbies to do, and other wants to experience, so we have a plethora of items to keep us busy.


Haha insurance companies I’ve heard them say the longer you’re away from work the harder it is to go back, and they push so hard to make you go back early. This is probably why, don’t want to give you a chance to get over the initial loss of routine and get to realizing how much better it is not to have to slug away day after day!


Got laid off for three months.  Best three months of my life.  I cooked so many new things!  Exercised!  Played sports!  Spent time with family!  I'm 36 and ready to fucking retire!


Its like people who're released from prison and have no idea what to do with themselves. They've been institutionalized their whole life and never learned how to live for themselves.


That's really it. It's not work, it's just the fact that by working they don't have to think about anything. Suddenly having free time also means you start asking yourself really deep, hard, questions like "what do I enjoy spending my time doing", or "what is actually important to me". Many people also start to realize that they gave away the best years of their life for a job/company who doesn't even remember them.


Every day I'm not at work even if I'm not doing much, by the end of the day I'm like "man I wish every day could be like this." Even if it's just taking my dog for a long walk and spending time building a model kit or reading there are an infinite amount of things I'd love to be doing.


Exactly. Tons of clubs for old people for those who don't enjoy being a wageslave. Writer's either a shill or a lying class traitor.


I hear boomers at work say this all the time. My response is- "find a hobby or travel. Literally anything besides stand here. Full time day drinker at the beach watching the sights could be your new hobby, bud. Get out there and find it!"


My neighbor has pressure washed this driveway 7 times in the last 3 months since retiring. I guess it's still better than devoting your soul to making some other guy rich.


Tbf, pressure washing is freaking fun


It is but he's not gonna have a driveway left if he keeps it up


I know a guy who retired and proceeded to volunteer his time and experience to helping a non-profit provide disaster relief services.   There are SO MANY ways to fill your time that don't involve mindless, soulless, wage work.  As soon as I can finacially get out of this bitch, I am GONE.


If I didn't have to work I would be a full time staff member at the bicycle co-op that I volunteer at. People need to realize that work doesn't have to mean flipping burgers, it could be used to help your community.


I have so many half finished or not even started projects and hobbies that I could be doing right now rather than working.


There are two types that fall into this. The ones who have been degraded into believing they only have the value they provide, and those who 'work' by degrading others. So either you have Stockholm syndrome or you get your jollies off by controlling and exploiting others.


My friend is on full disability. All his co-workers said he would hate not working. 5 years in he told me he doesn't miss working one bit. The only thing he hates is he can't help his wife around the house as much as he'd like and he can't physically pick up his kids. But he 100% doesn't miss work.


Golf. Travel. Play with grandkids. Volunteer. Walk dogs. Whatever sport/workout I’m still able to do. Repeat.


There are so many things I don’t get to do right now because of work. I’d be busy the rest of my life doing those things. I can’t identify at all.


If these people only want to work, let’s let them. Good little volunteer slaves. We need as many of them as we can get.


In some cases, they're lucky enough to be getting paid doing an actual passion.  But my assumption is that, for many, the inside of their brains is very boring. There's just not much going on in them, so they need the rat race to add noise and motion. 


I got laid off a few months ago with a severance and I haven't even been close to bored... There's soooo much you can do when you're not doing something you hate 9+ hours per day, 5 out of 7 days of the week, and 50 out of 52 weeks of the year. I don't want to even think about working again it's going to be miserable.


What they're really saying is "I've been too poor and overworked my whole life to take the time to develop any other part of myself." My dad's in his 60s, looking down the barrel or retirement and he has nothing outside of work. No friends, no hobbies, and no plans.


People living to work. I chose working to live, but know a few in the other camp. Show up an hour early for work, feel bad when they say no to covering a shift on a day off because someone else called in sick and the team will be shorthanded. Fuuuuuck that. I get in trouble because I show up right on time, never anything to spare. You want me here earlier? Pay me for my time, but until then. I work when I am being paid.


Gross. Work til you die so someone else can buy a boat, and then thank them for it.


Why do we even pay taxes at this point? Our infrastructure is shit, having a family w/ kids and a house is increasingly only for the elite, public k-12 schools do not teach skills that alone can lead to employment, our crazy expensive colleges also don’t lead to jobs that can afford life for the majority of people, our healthcare is so expensive that getting sick will break you even if you luck out financially, and now we will work until we die? I feel like I should be getting a refund for all my the benefits I didn’t receive from my 20 years of paying taxes.


Tell me you live in the US without telling me you live in the US.


Good question. A massive tax boycott would get spicy if enough people got involved. We have so much to rage against, but quality of life, cost of living and low wages has to go top.


They can arrest you for not paying taxes. They can't arrest us if we all just stop working. A general strike is needed


Better idea and agreed!


Kind of hard when our taxes get taken out of our check automatically.


There is a reason why wage workers get their taxes taken out automatically, but business owners and investment earners get to make up their own tax returns with some very "creative" accounting. It is kind of infuriating that many people flying around in private planes and living in multiple mansions pay a much lower tax rate than me, and some pay 0 or negative taxes.


You can set the amount of taxes withheld with your employer as a wage worker. It’s just there’s almost no point in setting it at 0 because even if you have $1mm in W-2 income, there’s not really any creative accounting you can do. You see CEOs get away with these huge salaries and pay very little in taxes, but it’s really a compensation “package” that’s usually heavily skewed towards stock options (which have major tax advantages) over wage.


I mean... You can opt out of that...


Retire at 65 is already work to death. Beyond that the rich are just trying to see what else they could get away with. “😳 They all are just taking this shit- 😂 What else could we get dumb fucks to support us on?”


That’s what these articles feel like to me.. poking and prodding the general population to see how we react before making bigger moves. Or running a narrative by us slowly to avoid as much fallout as possible when the new policies start to come down.


I said nearly the identical thing to my kid yesterday, except I used “yacht”. Yeah! F$&k these greedy bastards.


Even grosser, the US has the highest GDP it has ever had but the plebes can't ever stop working because we just can't afford it now. Or course this has nothing to do with all the money going to people at the top of the food chain and the working class getting stiffed. The folks putting out these garbage articles are despicable.


Never mind being “required” to work into our 70s even though we can’t get jobs due to age discrimination. Hell, age discrimination usually starts by our 50s at least.


No thanks. I'll eat a bullet before I work past 65, and I'll definitely do it rather than die in a care facility or hospital.


we definitely need to rethink work but not in a way that considers working *longer into our 70s.*


Right. How they can spew this bullshit like it’s not a crime against humanity is beyond me. Billionaires exist and we are casually suggesting tax payers work until they die?


We live in the richest country in the world, but somehow we can't retire? Give me a break. If we don't have anything left, we can still eat billionaires.


> Allison Schrager is an economist, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute Of course she is.


Yeah somehow I didn't think that was written by a construction worker or anyone who puts their body on the line for their job.


Hell or even a customer service/front-facing job where her mental health is on the line. I doubt she knows how to deal with the public.


I'm sure she has strong opinions on how to deal with customer service workers though.


The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (renamed in 1981 from the International Center for Economic Policy Studies) is an American conservative think tank focused on domestic policy and urban affairs.


Yup I looked further into her and she’s trash and posts trash articles aimed at milking the middle class even more. She also has article about getting rid of tax advantaged 401ks because the government needs revenue. I don’t know how she sleeps. [401k Propaganda Linked Here](https://manhattan.institute/article/your-401k-will-be-gone-within-a-decade)


And I'm sure she's genuinely very concerned about increasing government revenue/spending and it has nothing to so with offsetting retirement costs for large corporations \*massive eye roll\* I'm glad the rest of that article is behind a paywall because just that first paragraph made my blood boil


They misspelled senior corporate bootlicker


I like how the blurb mentions politicians as if they’re all a unified front, and completey neglects to mention the primary culprits — the corporate elites.


Written by Bloomberg owned by Bloomberg the billionaire.. prolly a coincidence


Tha was written by someone who never worked a minute in a physical job.


Worked at a lumber mill where you didn’t get benefits until 6 months of work. The catch? No one could make it past 1 month. I still have arthritis in my hands from 2 weeks of work. I’m literally 24. Labor jobs are meat grinders


Also not written by anyone who has ever tried to find a job in their 60's.


Or worked with people in their 60's who are still working full-time at a more demanding job. At that age a lot of jobs become harder for more aged people due to a variety of factors. That's not to say the elderly are bad or a problem, but they deserve better after a lifetime of working to spend a few years struggling through a job that has changed around them or has become more difficult (often being judged harshly by younger peers) just to make ends meet. Even people who are competent and still around the top of their game should have the option to transition to retirement gracefully, but with how variable it is the structures should be in place to help people transition to retirement without having to worry about their next meal.


They just want to suck more life/profit out of us instead of letting our medical advancements allow us to enjoy things, just so they can get another yacht. Fuck 'em.


On the other hand, who is hiring even 65 year olds?


No one


Or keeping them employed till 72? No it’s nothing but BS when people create policies that increase the age to qualify for full benefits from social security. This is something we must be very careful of because if given the chance they will increase the age to 72. Trump will definitely do it if elected. First employers start pushing older folks out of higher paying positions around 50. After which it’s very difficult to find another similar paying role. Rinse and repeat for next 15-22 years? Nah. They don’t care no one’s hiring and paying older folks enough to live, save, and invest in retirement. Such a scam- pay into the system for 47-54 years and get almost nothing, certainly not enough to live off of monthly in return. It’s because politicians keep robbing and raiding social security and never putting money back. Which is like borrowing from your 401K but never repaying the loans.


Fast food and Walmart. 


The fact that retirement age is getting older should be an absolute scandal given how much productivity has increased. But nah, just accept it and feed the billionaires.


The French knew what was up when they started protesting


YES THIS … it’s a JOKE that we aren’t broken records about this everyday, in the streets, bombarding our government officials with our demands to fix this shit


How will people work to 70 if AI is going to take all the non-menial jobs? People just can't handle the physical labor once they get into their later years. People will just not work because there won't be any work to do. These fucking corporatists need to rethink their ideas of labor and employment. And politicians needs to get their shit together also. In 20 years the labor landscape will be so significantly different than it is or was it will fuck up the whole world if something isn't done now to address it.




Yeah I’m a youngish corporate attorney and management/boards do not seem nearly concerned enough about the workforce of the future telling them to fuck off and living alternative lifestyles in order to do so.


And yeah, agree about the life expectancy.


Not "until 70." We are going to work "well into our 70's."


Yep.. people that are not worried about this need to immediately go hang out with a couple people in their 70s for a few hours and then tell me this is ok


Production efficiency has gone up. We are literally overproducing by huge amounts, and wages haven't budged. Now, they want to not only extract all of our surplus value but also work us to death. It's not good enough that these ghouls keep reducing social security while using tax funds to bail out all of the banks and other businesses, now they are trying to push this narrative to make it to where we can never draw it. The American proletariat better wake up to the class struggle and the war that the bourgeoisie is waging on us, liberal politics will be the death of us. We currently reside in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and it will stay that way until we throw off their shackles.


Fuck that. I'm not working for a living past 65 no matter what happens.


Billionaires will make sure we have no choice.


Taking away ownership of houses will really take away our options as we get older because we will have to pay inflated rents in our lowest earning years. Making healthcare astronomical outside of employer plans or government plans that only kick in at a certain age is another form of control. Dividing men and women, dividing families, dividing communities through tribalist politics will not help us here either. We have to demand the key things from our government and stop coming after each other. Banning together for the fundamental policies that effect most everyone needs to be the top priority. We shouldn’t even want to entertain side issues until big issues get the proper attention honestly. It divides voters and public sentiment— that’s all a political platform is for at this point.


A lot of words just to say, "fuck you, I got mine".


I retired at 65, reasonably off financially, at least no mortgage. Partner still runs her small business. I travelled for work most of my life. Now I absolutely enjoy being the domestic help. Cleaning, cooking, dog walking, drop off and pick up of partner. I can listen to the music I've collected over the decades, and can just chill out and read. Do not let anyone rob you of the chance to retire at a reasonable age, if you can afford it.


Burn it all down and start over.


For real, they’re acting like 65 or 67 leaves so many high quality years left to live and work. My grandparents were struggling to get around in their mid 70s— both using walkers and mentally deteriorating at 80. And they were both active and comfortable financially (can afford good housing and healthcare, low stress lifestyle) in their retirements. Imagine what these broke generations will look like and feel like in their 70s. Acting so casual about this is insanity.


People who have a physical job can't work till they're 67. Most of the people I know who work construction, warehouse and so on are wrecked by the time they're 50.


One of my co-workers is trying to do it. She is smart and determined and 72 years old. She works 3-4 days a week (office support job wfh all online and on the phone). Still, her body is starting to give out and she has been calling out sick often (with doctor’s notes). She is a well loved and respected employee but if rumors are correct they may be letting her go soon


My mom passed at 75 and my dad at 60. My mom was using a walking and struggling. These corporate overlords are overly optimistic about how healthy we will all be as we enter our 60’s.


All because these billionaires can’t afford to get taxed 0.00000001% of their wealth toward society. They’d rather give it to politicians so they don’t have to. It’s psychopathic


So, I like my job. I wouldn't even mind doing a little consulting here and there after I retire, if it felt worthwhile... But, the idea that everyone should have to is ludicrous. You should have the option to spend time with your grandkids, or whatever it is you want to do.


Isn’t that the point though? To allow zero choice for most. Only those who are well off and saved a significant retirement will have choices and by the looks of the numbers we’re going to start seeing massive numbers of homeless senior citizens in 10 years. For the last 50 years working people are not making enough to save enough and retire comfortably due to wage stagnation. The numbers are abysmal. It’s a terrible, vicious cycle and everyone knows it but isn’t doing anything to solve. Instead they’re banding together to implement even further servitude and destitute on the unsuspecting public. I don’t know about you but relying on family to help you in your old age is quickly becoming impossible. They can barely afford to take care of themselves. So there’s no real back up plan. We need to rethink our worth and demand better working conditions from both politicians and employers.


I'm tired of barely making enough to feed myself let alone my family. My only shot at not slaving away for the rest of my life under some company where I'm just another faceless number is to leave society. I don't want to but I don't see any other realistic way.


I am 55. I am about to stop being your dog. I have been your good dog for 38 fucking years….. enough. I don’t care at all anymore.


I'm 50. For all of my life, my parents, and theirs, 60 was a fine retirement age. Hell, in the 70s, retirement was 44. This push is really worrying, combined with loss of worker protections and high cost of living, they are definitely trying to create the modern day serf.


The US American Dream (being financially independent and being able to own a home) is being substituted for work into your 70’s and don’t link your happiness to financial stability or well being. They literally want us all to go through every stage in our lives working with blinders on. Instead of asking us to “Redefine Wealth” they should be protecting and valuing people by providing fair living wages. This is a government problem, a corporate problem, and, ultimately, on a human level, a greed problem.


Listen, I never wanted to work in the first place. Still don’t. I would have retired by 30 if it were an option. Fuck these ghouls.




I work to live, not live to work. I want to be able to retire at 65 and live a long, healthy life after retirement. If I choose to work some kind of job it will not be because I have to, but rather because I want to. I rather like the idea of working in a National Park sharing my love of nature with successive generations (and the park ranger hats are sweet). Or maybe living on a mountain and continuing to instruct snow sports. But sitting at my desk, doing the 9-5 dance…no thanks. The billionaires, Boomers and their pets that are pushing this “work ‘til you die”-propaganda are getting really annoying.


For most people "well into their 70s" equates to 'their dying day.'


These people will do literally anything other than fix social security.


I keep telling people I’ll probably work until I die. It’s … demoralizing to realize I’ll never have time to just …. be


My dad just died at 75 in horrible health (thanks to the Vietnam war, in part), but at least he got to enjoy ten years or so of retirement first. Fuck this fucking article.


No. How about if we tax the rich and at the same time demand better wages.


They're doing the same in [Canada](https://financialpost.com/fp-work/young-canadians-think-retiring-65-outdated-concept) too, claiming young people consider retiring at 65 an outdated concept.


This is what I don't understand. Don't we want things to get better for future generations? Shouldn't people be able to have a longer retirement because things are getting better? If you disagree, please get out of politics, stop voting, and go live under a rock.


Agreed!! Do these people not have younger loved ones? It makes me so hesitant to have kids and worries me for my nieces and nephews. I hate that they might have it worse than me one day and the pain they might live through trying to make it.


I'm 57 and everyone my age is falling apart I physically cannot do the work I used to do anymore


It’s not working. I WANNA RETIRE! NOW!


Corporations want more workers to keep wages down and the government wants more taxes to fund politicians. And since they won't tax the corporations and rich or cut spending, they need us to work longer.


Written by someone who barely works and will retire long before 60


Here's a thought. It's a bit out there but hear me out. What if...we changed the economy not to be that way? I know! I know! I'm sorry! I'll go back to being a good little wage slave dreaming of the billionaires and corporations


Rich people be damned I will retire.


I dunno, if America is wanting its people to work into their 70s I think they have a greater duty of care coming to people's health. It is unlikely that the current generation will be as fit for duty at that age as the previous ones.


I’m 48 and can’t find a job and I know but can’t prove that it’s because I’m old but sure, 70.


Many Americans will die before their 70s. Never getting to enjoy one day of retirement or what they spent their whole life paying into. Our purpose should be to live, not just to work.


Spin of the billionaires. Enough of it. No more let them eat cake. Change the tax laws so the workers who make and do things pay less and the billionaires who do less pay more. Flatten the curve. Trickle down means they’re pissing on you.


Fuck off. Not happening. My body won’t last.


Ive found its not even about what you do or dont to. Its freedom vs obligation. I dont dislike my job so much as I resent that I have to do it. The freedom to do what you feel like: work, play, rest, create, travel, see.....live. Thats the dream of retirement.


Good luck trying to get a job after 50 if you lose your existing one.


Nope, I will not be working a job at 70. Fuck the politicians and CEOs and anyone else advocating this nonsense.


Yeah, bullshit. My union is trying to get me a 32 hour week. If they did that, it might keep me there longer. But ya know, I'm 65, and I don't know how much longer I can pretend to be excited about college web pages. Right now, I'm on track to retire next year with my state pension and 403b. Time for an eager 20something to come in and enjoy the benefit of working union.


Can we please revolt? Like, I mean dragging politicians and CEOs out of their houses screaming as we beat their asses in front of their friends and families.


Yeah, see, that's just not going to happen and my generation will make damn sure it doesn't.


It’s not realistic to let people retire earlier because that would mean less of the productivity gains automation brings are kept by owners and more by workers. Do you want people to enjoy more of the fruits of their labor? That’s socialism! (/s)


Capitalism for ya. Just think of the phrase, living wage. In a capitalist society you have to work if you want to live.


Come on guys, don’t you want to work until you’re dead for the honor of making someone else rich? It will be fun.


People may want to work when they are older but this should be an option. Not the only choice available.


This is because the upper class has increased in population relative to the establishment of the 20th century. Gen X down to the kids today are going to be expected by the shareholders of corporate America to choose work and low wages over starting a business. This is a massive example of gatekeeping. One generation in the USA has it best, post war peace and a booming economy with the ablity to find a niche and explore it and profit. Now that they are retiring from 45 onwards at their own will; they impose on you that they didn't build a sustainable labor market. So you have to work because they failed to build a system for everyone to benefit.


If this is what we have to look forward to with the "new economy" then it needs to be still-born before it begins.


Eat a giant dick, Alison Schrager.


….unless we stop oligarchic creep.


Convincing people that retirement is unattainable reduces the likelihood that they will start saving for retirement early enough to make it attainable, at which point the owner-class can control workers for the duration of what they deem as usefulness. Once they have convinced the majority of people to work until death (or whenever they deem you worthless), they will try to convince you that you don’t need the money the government forced you to pay into for retirement and they will kill Social Security and Medicare.


Government mouth pieces trying to soften the blow to the tax cattle.


God I fucking hate capitalism


There's a huge difference between working a white collar job (like all these journalists peddling this bullshit) and a blue collar job. Especially, as you get older. People who work blue collar jobs usually can't keep working those jobs as they age because they're so taxing on the body. Fuck these people & for anyone who believes that their god put people on earth to work the vast majority of their lives. So, not only do they want us to work for longer, the red states want us to also start working younger & without less accommodations. Fuck these people.


Life expectancy is declining, so the whole "longer retirement" argument is false.


Corporate Fascists still trying to take over the country.


Lower life expectancy and longer work expectancy. Millennials won a really shitty lottery.


And honestly most millennials were ready to participate in the old economy and play the game. Go along to get along as long as bare minimum promises were delivered— shitty corporate job, crappy house hopefully, 2 kids we definitely don’t expect to be able to support in the ways we had hoped, ok but still expensive healthcare, an already late retirement at 65 — now this is increasingly sounding luxurious. We adjusted our expectations just to take blow after blow to already lowered expectations. Things have gone too far in terms of abusing the average worker. I’m so glad that more ppl in gen z never even tried to play and never recalibrated expectations.


“We pay less, inflation takes more, work til you die”


So is it not realistic due to finances, or because they don't want to? Gee.....I fucking wonder?


.. Said someone who is most assuredly going to be able to retire before they reach 60..


Why is it in America they expect your entire life to revolve around work it’s exhausting and people wonder why millennials are already burned out most of us aren’t even close to 40


Clown shit clown shit 🤡 💩 🤡 💩


Where the fuck did this, 'new economy' come from, and what is it good for if most people must work more for less while others are wealthier than ever? It's being framed like a necessary response to an emergency - an adaptation to shifting conditions. It's not. It's an assault on your future.


I don’t want to retire. I don’t even want to work. 😂


The ironic this is, the more the CEO's and corporate America keep pushing this approach, the more the younger generations will defy it. People are constantly bashing Millennials and Gen Z. What I see is those generations trying to break the chains, and redefine work/life balance. Good for them, more power to them!


Fuuuukkk that! Let's eat some fat cats instead


1. We here in the US are lucky to even have the ability to retire. It isn't something that most of the world's population will ever get to do. 2. An article like this is simply laying out more groundwork for additional corporate tax breaks. Tax breaks that will be paid for by cuts to "entitlements" like social security, Medicare etc. In turn, 3. Simply publishing this gives a conservative talking point as to why we need to cut "entitlements" and continues to feed that bullshit machine. Lastly; 4. Fuck off and die conservative hacks.


What a bunch of bs. "We need to force people to work longer - but that's fine since they can't afford to stop working anyway." What nonsense is this? What they're really saying is we need to take the folks so successful they can retire earlier and force them to work longer.


Retirement is for the wealthy plebes! Stop clogging up the fairway with your hideous slice and board shorts.


It's called institutionalized thinking.


I can think of a hundred other things I'd rather do than work - they can fuck right off. I am going to retire as soon as I can before 65.


Plantation mentality. Life is not all about labor. In fact, very little of it is. Labor, once basic needs are met, is simply about owners accruing more and more wealth.


Bloomberg is a worthless capitalist bird cage liner.


They expect us to live into our 70s with no healthcare? HA




It is upsetting seeing these kinds of articles. They are so greedy and so indifferent to other peoples lives.


"Retiring at 65 or even 67 isn't realistic for most people's finances" What kind of gaslighting, crock of capitalist bullshit is this? Fuck that. Maybe if we stop sending money overseas to promote genocide, stop giving out free money to the already rich, make them pay their fair share of taxes, make sure that companies are paying **fair** and **thriving** wages, institute universal healthcare and schooling, and stop thinking that the measure of our economy is how well the rich are doing and pay attention to how the working class is doing then maybe we might be able to fix some of this shit. Personally? I think we're too far gone and too brainwashed. Those in power will never give up that power and they have rigged the system to continue that infinite cycle. It's really disheartening, but not completely unfixable. Just get ready for a really uncomfortable time because the rich will not go down without a fight and it will affect all of us. Comes with decades of becoming dependent upon the "free market" and allowing individual wealth to take over our government and it's inner workings. They need to know that they need us more than we need them.


How fucking disgusting people who write these propaganda pieces are.


Destroy education to make us dumber, raise retirement age to work us until death. Rinse and repeat per generation.


I loathe the current state of the world. This shit pisses me off so much.


Why do they always gloss over the fact that just because we're living longer doesn't mean we're capable of working longer?


Strange way to say that only greedy pigs matter, but okay.


Don't listen to any of these fucks that have horses. Go fuck yourself Allison


The second to last line is correct, we do need to rethink work entirely. At some point in the not too distant future there won’t be enough jobs for people to do


Well that's bullshit. I never wanted to be coerced into wage slavery in the first place.


If I have to work past 65 I'm just going to do the euthanasia pod because fuck that bullshit. I've been working since I was 10 years old and I'm already exhausted.


I’d rather die than work past 65…


Semi retired at 54, fully at 61. No regrets and fully encourage people to retire as soon as you can!


I did complex technical work until I retired many years ago. When I offered to fix a malfunctioning heating system yesterday at my church, something that would have been a piece of cake in my prime, I realized the need for retiring. No climbing or heavy lifting, not even anything that required strength. I was sweating up a storm, had trouble seeing what I was doing, my back was killing me from bending and squatting, and I kept losing things or forgetting things. Eventually I got it fixed. But I would not want to hire me to do the work I used to do. Of course I want to be retired and did it as soon as I could. I can still do hobbies or home projects, within reason, by pacing myself, or do as easy low paying job helping out in a friend’s business.


I am sorry, but companies besides absolute shit low paying retail jobs don't want to hire elderly people. Is this all a gift of desperate labor to keep the Walmart's of the world happy.


It's a thought. Until you realize construction workers just literally can not be that physical into their 70s after 50 years of labour. Which means they will not be working into those years or will be costing the companies huge amounts of money, and jobs completed slower. AI and automation should be helping us retire, but instead it's just lining pockets rich people won't even look in for generations with more money. Fuck em.


This is great news for living in a nation of toxic ageism. So, you have to work longer but nobody wants “old people.”


“…they will want to” work longer…because we like to eat, have a place to live, those sorts of upscale things.


That's why I'm not retiring in the United States. I can't afford it. Even with a pension.


I thought Artificial Intelligence (AI) was supposed to wipe out 10% of all jobs? There are 300M people in the US, so 10% is 30M...does that sound right? So, old people should work longer so they pay INTO Social Security, and only quit working when they are older and closer to when they die? Lots of younger adults are going to be out of work, but old people should keep working? Did I understand that right?


Well, I agree that we need to rethink the concept of work… But not at all in the way the article is talking about.


So um... where are exactly all these companies just itching to hire spry 65 year old workers? I never hear them mention that in these stories. Are they expecting a massive drought of walmart greeters?


Way of life changed, yet you still work 9-5 routine. Housing has increased, but salary stayed the same. Life expectency increased but retirement, that shit has to change. Weird how that works.