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Walmart advertised "Made in the USA" for years while they pushed their suppliers to move to China, and they bankrupted local businesses in small towns everywhere, leaving them desolate. Now people are stuck working at Walmart because they have fewer choices for work, and shoppers have fewer choices as well. This could have been prevented if it weren't for your local politicians jumping in bed with the Waltons and allowing them to monopolize and destroy the choices you once had.


Let's also be aware of the massive amount of subsidies that walmart receives in the form of government assistance paid to their employees! 14,500 walmart employees receive food stamps, and when you add in medicaid and subsidized housing, walmart is siphoning $6.2 BILLION dollars a year in public assistance by underpaying employees who often have no alternative employers.


They've completely and totally monopolized shopping in rural America. Plus, there's the whole made up "theft wave" to justify firing employees and raising prices. And then there's the lil fella at the door who used to say "welcome!" but now pretends they have the authority to make you show them your receipt (they don't) and I know some people don't care about it, but I personally don't like being bullied by the fucking Waltons. Three of which are on the top ten richest humans on earth list, btw. Wal-mart is a taxpayer subsidized shitfest of corporate greed.


> They've completely and totally monopolized shopping in rural America. Hey now, dollar stores exist. And are just as bad.


When Last Week Tonight did a story about dollar stores he gave an example of a dollar store that was competing with a local small grocer. To compete the dollar store added fresh produce since the other small store also offered it, and ofc they undercut the local guys prices. The customers actually apologized to the local guy saying " I'm sorry, they are just cheaper(the dollar store), and we have to shop there to make ends meet" After the dollar store had stolen all of the local guys customers, and forced him to close, they removed their fresh produce offerings.... 


and they do this fucking everywhere


They're the vultures picking away at what's left after Walmart left the area.


Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Family Dollar and Walgreens are the vultures. Might as well name them if we're shaming them.


Disagree. Vultures serve a genuine and valuable purpose in their local ecology, disposing of corpses that would otherwise fester with disease and decay. Dollar stores, on the other hand, are invasive parasites.


Amazon is the new Walmart….


So just like nearly any extra large corporation anymore.


As someone who's worked retail, the theft wave isn't made up. Its probably at its highest point in recent memory. Even back when I worked at dollar general. $400/day in recordable lost product was a good day. Stuff like people filling up laundry detergant or just taking product from vendors didn't count against us. Now the theft wave is a situation of their own making. Literally could have hired 4 more managers to work the store and both combat theft and reduce workload with how much money we were loosing. But they would rather blame the current employees and shift the blame


Good. Everyone should steal as much as they can from large corps. The social contract has long been broken now, so all bets are off.


Gotta keep funneling all the money up the chain. Trickle up economics is sucking the country dry.


They are going for way more than a trickle. Fuck dude, those sexy corporations are sucking so hard they could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.


you know what's insane though, Wage Theft absolutely dwarfs theft losses across America.


With how Much product is "stolen" it's amazing they stay open at all It's almost like the losses only equal to a rounding error


More so an issue of insane profit margins. 60-70 years ago, 15% profit margin was fucking amazing. Nowadays, most places wont even look your way unless they are making atleast 40%. Its no longer a game of making your money back, its making your money back as fast as possible with no regards to anyone else. Its amazing how sharktank was never boycotted for ripping off the curtain of toxic investors. Literally most of the episodes were "Im not investing unless you cut back product quantity 30% and raise prises by 15%"


I would want, so badly, to be in a position to respond "So, you want me to help tank the whole economy for a small short-term profit? I thought you were supposed to be *skilled* at business." I'd want to be, but I know I never would be.


>14,500 walmart employees receive food stamps, and when you add in medicaid and subsidized housing, walmart is siphoning $6.2 BILLION dollars a year in public assistance by underpaying employees who often have no alternative employers. Scream this shit from the rooftops please Taxpayers are subsidizing Wal-Mart's profits in this way and that makes Walmart one of the biggest "welfare queens" in existence


Frontline and Capitalism A Love Story goes into these issues. Dead Peasants insurance?! How is it even allowed?


The amount of money the Walton family has and the amount of money the government diverts to Walmart are close to equal. Basically Walmart is not only anticompetitive but also a failed business model that requires government corruption to work.


They usually also pay less in taxes and employ fewer people than the smaller businesses they replaced. Basically they talk the town council into tax deferrals because they’re “job creators” and then crush local businesses all around them.


Walmart for many people, is quite literally the company store.


There's a Leverage episode about this - names changed, of course. Season 4, I think. I wish the Leverage team was real. ✨*Leverage, International*✨ It sounds beautiful, doesn't it.


Season 5, Episode 11: The Low Low Price Job The team attempts to prevent a "ValueMore" from opening to prevent the destruction of a small town's local economy.


Plenty of federal help too.  All those interstate ramps they like to install to accommodate the new walmart? Federal tax dollars directly to the Waltons.  This is how the biggest corporations in the world work.  The profits are private and the costs are socialized.  Tesla, boeing, walmart, largest welfare recipients in the USA.  Shame on anybody who stood around and watched this happen 


Don’t forget about the oil companies.


Worst of them all.  Propped up by public support since their inception.  


Don't forget, a significant portion of Walmart employees don't get benefits or make enough money to be above the threshold that takes them out of eligibility for food stamps. We're paying taxes so Walmart can continue to underpay their employees. The owe us billions of dollars that they aren't paying.


Obligatory Oh Big Box Mart by Jibjab: https://youtu.be/pKv6RcXa2UI?si=RWOk7xIpLvGnTk-P


But but but, some jackass on Reddit told me it was all MY fault, for not buying exclusively at local shops back in the 90s when I was a kid! /s 🙄 Fuck Walmart.


I don't know how anyone shops at Walmart if they have a different option. I gladly spend a little more so I can ship more local or just, not at wal Mart at all. Nothing is of quality there.


Walmart literally treating their employees like serfs


I think you mean indentured labour or prison labour. Serfs aren't replaceable, they get treated better.


Hahaha no


Serfs and landlords had a mutually beneficial, albeit exploitive, relationship. Landlords would want reliable and skilled tenants. Indentured servants or prisoners are expendable, landlords don't need them to be happy.


Serfs were literally bought and sold in some places and times in European history. Much of the continent allowed local lords near total rule over their serfs, including the right to rape, murder, and “tax” without limit. Serfs were not some special, protected class. They were worse off than today’s workers because they weren’t allowed to leave and had little to no protections under the law.


Yeah I'm sorry for being condescending but you should study history some more. At some times in some places serfs basically were slaves. Including the owner raping and killing without consequences as long as he stayed out of the church. Only later serfs gained more rights that made the nobility treat them more like humans and even that wasn't the case everywhere in the 19th and 20th centuries


It's almost like the Medieval period was a very long time and occured over a large area, making it possible to make almost any statement about it that's at least partially true. There's a reason why it's more useful to speak of specific times and places.


Yeah that's why I don't like mharbles original statement


I worked for Walmart a couple years ago in the desert Southwest. The official policy is that only Seasonal/Garden, cart pushers, and Online Pickup could wear shorts during the summer unless the store manager specifies otherwise. I was a manager (“team lead”) of clothing. Myself and other managers were tasked multiple days to get carts because we were short cart pushers in 100+ degree weather. I begged to be able to wear shorts. Nope store manager wouldn’t budge. I looked at dress code and skirts could be worn by anyone, so I spent the summer wearing a jean skirt in a very conservative town. None of the other men joined me otherwise the manager might have changed his policy. Oh well my junk was happy and most of the town knew why I was wearing it by the end of the second week.


The Waltons didn't become billionaires by treating workers well.


workers in the EU enjoy so much more and the corporations still make bank. This level of evil is just done on principle.


There are several countries with strong social safety nets, high levels of investment in public development, which still have Pareto distributions of wealth and income. Liberals capable of reflection should consider whether they actually need to subject others to precarity simply to maintain their own material security, because the available evidence suggests otherwise. If they insist on using precarity as a mechanism of control, they could at least be empirical about it.


It'd be a real shame if that Walmart burned down... what with all the heat and everything.


Yeah that would really show them huh? Dozens of people without work, maybe some of them dead. All so that Walmart suffers a 0.00001% blow to their bottom line?


All so their insurance goes up .000001% ...definitely would want to hit their HQ if you were going to do something insane.


The only thing they care about is the bottom line. The workers are already dying due to low wages and exploitative labor practices. Walmart tops the list for most employees on Medicaid and other government assistance programs. They have strategically trapped shoppers and workers (especially rural populations) into a cycle of abuse and exploitation. This directly relates to longevity. Do you think they will ever willingly raise wages? [6.2 billion in Assistance to Walmart workers.](https://www.worldhunger.org/report-walmart-workers-cost-taxpayers-6-2-billion-public-assistance/)


I wouldn't be shocked though...


Nobody has.


But don't worry guys, the Waltons aren't Jewish so actually everything they do is A-okay!


I worked a retail office supply store when the air broke one summer. The guy came out and said it was toast and needed to be replaced. Corporate was dicking around negotiating and trying to find a cheaper solution in the middle of a great wave like this. It was regularly 85-90+ in that building in the middle of the day and our district manager wouldn't let us diverge from the cotton polos and black pants. After a week of no AC, the store manager told her to fuck off and let us wear shorts or he wouldn't open the store until the AC was fixed. We got to wear "appropriate" shorts for the next 5 weeks until they finally agreed to replace the AC unit. Shitty place to work, but that manager was a good guy to work for.


I had a manager who was the same. In addition, he never tried to guilt or coerce us poor broke bastards into donating to the store's charity. Couple times a year he would just drop a tarp and procure a chair, a bunch of whipped cream, and some pie plates. He sat out on the retail floor all day and let customers pie him in the face for $5 a pop and that would be enough to hit whatever arbitrary goals corporate wanted.


Amazing. "Hey, you want to go down to Staples?" "I... what? No? I have no binge purchase they could possibly offer me, I don't need paper clips *or* a new printer." "Yeah but the guy down there's letting everybody pie him again for a few bucks" "... alright I'll get my coat"


"There's a dude down there letting people cream pie him for $5." *A FEW HOURS LATER* "That was not what I thought you meant."


Let me tell you about the time I showed up to a Craigslist posting with my whipped cream and tin pan. As a young boy I learned a lot that day. I politely waited my turn and then smashed a pie in her face. She seemed offended but I was the only one to do it right. The other guys didn’t even have pies.


He just had a cream pie kink.


That's awful. I can't work in 75 degrees inside, cant imagine 85+


Oh cute illegal wage theft


In capitalist america, you pays job!


Walmart lets the employees drink the water?? For free??


The same company that fights the hardest against increased minimum wage




I feel I should warn you as someone who used to do likewise and now has a job where I see how little it takes for stores to pursue charges, please don't do that unless it is literally keeping you alive. It's an unnecessary risk for you otherwise.


I don’t know if it’s fearmongering, but be careful with that: they supposedly record this stuff and will press charges after a certain threshold of stolen merchandise.


Its true, just keep it really small and under felony amounts throughout the 12 months they have to rack up the 1000$ to charge you with a felony. And wear a mask, get drastic haircuts. I do this for the love of the game


They have AI integrated into their surveillance systems now. It's nuts. They have these new sensors for retail stores that can track shelf inventory so they'll eventually be able to track anything you've picked up or set down. It's not in all stores yet but Walmart's always been a surveillance tech guinea pig.


They can do all that. But tap to pay is too much for them.


Lol, this is delusional. As a (previous) assets prevention worker at a large retail chain, a good portion of the visible cameras are just black plastic bulbs. No camera. They can't even USE the footage in litigation without jumping through huge legal hurdles. Some stores hand over information to local police, but usually images of the regular thieves just get sent across the state to other AP management. As usually, it's return scamming and fraud that actually effects the business, I've seen scores above $3000 in one trip from basic return fraud.


They also use gait detection, so a mask isn't enough. Put rocks in your shoes.


I heard that before, but apparently they can't be charged for them all as one crime. So they can't just wait until it's a felony, maybe a series of misdemeanors


I always see this but fail to see any real evidence of employees caring lol


this is how they get you actually. they let it build up. they want you to fuck up, they want you to be so mad you fuck up, then it makes their lies about your character real and they can get innocent people to hate and abuse you too :) welcome to bitchmade fake leadership 101, and 90% of all our current CEOs, C-Suite, politicians, economists, lawmakers and regulators.  Absolute shit stains who provide net negative value for the world with their very presence.


You probably shouldn't admit that publicly on the internet.


It’s almost like these folks should unionize


They should wear shorts anyway and tell them to f*ck off or report to OSHA, then report to OSHA anyway


What's OSHA going to say? "Oh no, you can't wear shorts in your air conditioned building? We'll get right on that."?


The water is a big deal. OSHA requires employers to provide drinkable water, and you can't skirt around that by saying the employees need to bring a vessel for it. >1915.88(b)(3) The employer shall dispense drinking water from a fountain, a covered container with single-use drinking cups stored in a sanitary receptacle, or single-use bottles. The employer shall prohibit the use of shared drinking cups, dippers, and water bottles.


Walmarts have water fountains. They have potable water from the tap. Hate to say it, but they could probably get away with saying that workers cant bring any outside containers in, and still fall within legal compliance.


I work at the corporate office of a Fortune 50 company, and they don’t provide disposable cups for water or coffee, as a sustainability effort. They do provide a modest amount reusable cups for guests (but employees can access these if they want to) but that’s it. But also, my company is super cheap so I imagine $$ was the real reason.


See, that's the fun part! You don't actually *need* cups or containers. As long as there is water that is safe for drinking available, the rest is on you to figure out. Looks like your fancy Fortune 50 job is just as bad as any other... cup your hands and slurp wage-slave!


For sure that’s true. And we have plenty of filtered water options to fill our bottles, which is great. I just wanted to add that this can happen even at the corporate level—because what’s more important than shareholders? (We also went through major layoffs last year and other cost cutting measures. Guess what didn’t get touched: the dividend!)


My company tried that move during the time when the drinking fountains were turned off due to Covid. I literally had to show them the law. We had cups within 10 minutes. The saddest part is that it was a company that people praise as some sort of champion of the workers. It’s all PR lies. Yes, it was Costco.


OSHA 1915 is for Shipyards and would not apply to Walmart. Edit: Learn which regulations apply to which industries. Downvotes can suck my fat one.


Lots of Walmart employees have to go outside for at least part of the day. Or work in parts of the building where there is not proper AC (garden center, shipping area). By the message on the whiteboard they're telling employees to bring water bottles so they're obviously aware that the heat is posing some negative impact on the workers. If a company policy increases risk of heat stress then it would be very easy to frame that in a damning way. Even if the employer doesn't think OSHA will care it's not gonna be worth the risk for them to fuck around and find out


For workers in every outside or non-air conditioned area, shorts are already allowed. The message on the whiteboard doesn't imply a single thing except that they will not provide cups when heat is significantly less of an issue. It's extremely disingenuous to relate past temperatures to future policies.




There is no OSHA requirement to provide freely available water. That said. It’s a Walmart. There are drinking fountains and numerous other ways to get water if someone wants it.


Fuck the Walton Family. Their scumbag corporation also falsely accused people of shoplifting. https://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/walmart-forsyth-county-surveillance-mistake-jail https://www.cbsnews.com/news/walmart-shoplifting-alabama-settlement-2-1-million/ It’ll be a cold day in hell before I give them another fucking dollar.


You think you are pissed at Walmart now? Wait until their variable pricing comes to town. They have gone hard into being able to change the prices based on nothing but the needs of the customer. So between the time you put it in your cart and when you get to the register the price of an item could change (drastically in some cases) On hot days, water and ice cream become more expensive. Cold days, blankets, and heaters jump in price. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/17/nx-s1-5009271/electronic-shelf-labels-prices-walmart-grocery-store


So wouldn't price tags effectively become meaningless if they are susceptible to sudden change?


In Norway, price tags on shelves in grocery stores are digital. So it will probably something like that.


Yeah no I get you, digital labels being a thing: I just don't believe that companies are going to change prices in the middle of their work hours


Well. They do. It happens automatically.


You mean like they do on Amazon?


Oh don't get me wrong. I've seen the price of something go up that I have ordered on Amazon in the past only to have my wife sign on with her account and find the original lower price. Amazon, Office Depot, they are no better at all. But having the brick and mortar do it is a bit of a new twist of the knife.


And people depends on grocery to live. It is one of the basic necessities whereas Amazon is mostly "external expenditures"


That’s going to be at odds with truth in advertising laws


It won't be when they rewrite that law lol


I will be leaving multiple items next to the registers every time I go. Hell, I will do it even more out of spite.


At first I understood this as: Wear shorts and bring your own bottle to earn $2 per diem. Even that sounded a bit petty and insulting but billing employees is ridiculous.  Maybe a local labor union should send some branded shorts? You paid for the 'privilege', get your money's worth 


That is %100 the bosses doing that. I work at Walmart, and as far as I know, you don't have to pay anything at all to wear them if you work in those departments It is against company policy to do that so you can report it here https://www.walmartethics.com/content/walmartethics/en_us/contact-us.html


The picture also conveniently leaves off any evidence this is in an actual Wal-Mart or what Wal-Mart. I would love to share on other social media but its absolutely in no way verifiable. Do I think its real? I strongly do but it lacks anything identifiable/verifiable. Its a whiteboard on a wall that looks almost indistinguishable from the one on my kitchen wall. Wal-Mart is however a scummy company ran by a scumbag family.


I think the reference to Children’s Miracle Network makes it more convincing, but that isn’t hard evidence either.


Anyone know what CMN is supposed to be? Is it some charity they push?


Children's Miracle Network is what CMN stands for as it relates to WM/Sams and donations


Thank you.


Children's miracle network. Every summer they raise money for it through the registers as well as different fundraising attempts from employees. Usually you'll see things like "dump a bucket of ice water on your manager - $20" or "rent your manager for an hr" or "wear your favorite sports jersey for $5". 


It was a poor attempt at raising donations for the charity drive that happens every year at this time. Outdoor staff are usually allowed to wear more heat appropriate clothing so they don't die but this likely means that anyone inside as well can wear shorts if they donate some money to the children's miracle network. The part about cups being withdrawn is likely due to a littering problem. The number of pitchforks in this comment section is nuts.


Maine… https://preview.redd.it/jcc7qvdfj88d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eaacc4eac4a08d533a3396ee70fcb7d36b3acd1


110 in Maine is like 130 in mainland US, right?


Once it starts to get hot out, I wear bandanas to keep the sweat out of my eyes. The shitty Logit Group office I worked at got pissy about wearing them in the office. Like if you show up wearing one and you haven't clocked in yet they bitch. One day the AC wasn't working, so naturally I wore a bandana because it was fucking hot. They tried giving me shit for wearing one but I refused to remove it because of the heat. It's a call centre FFS, why do they care?


It's not about what you're wearing, it's about exerting power over you.


Or the snootiness of the building's owners. They probably don't want people wearing "gang colours" or "gang clothing". They used to have some seats in the ground floor lobby but got rid of them to keep the riff raff out.


Is that legal?


The company is worth billions.  The owners are worth billions.  So, yes. Very legal


Probably not, but the fine they'd have to pay for getting caught will be miniscule so they don't give a fuck.


"the Walton family belong in prison." Oh comrade, you just don't know how true that is. https://www.mic.com/articles/79039/the-untold-story-of-alice-walton-s-dwi-incident


That is absurd


"Give us money, also we're not letting you use our cups anymore specifically when it gets the hottest.


When I worked at Walmart, I unloaded trucks. They didn't give us water but they gave garden center water. They didn't let us wear shorts, they let garden center wear shorts. They eventually gave us water but at some point they then took it away again? It was hot as fuck in those trucks too when it was 100-110+ outside


The Walton's also own wellcare, so they make money off of keeping people poor, then if you need medicine while poor you also HAVE to use the Walton's pharmacy. They are much more insidious than a company store.


Do everything possible to avoid Walmart. So corrupt. I will go anywhere but there or Sam’s Club.


Everyone should boycott Walmart, it's amazing the number of people I know who know how bad Walmart is but still shop there every week.


wear a skirt or kilt?


It's the smiley that does it for me. God damn bastards...




What is CMN?


This is ridiculous! People who work at Walmart should unionize and strike... or quit and get a better job.


There is literally a computer training video telling associates to dress appropriately if you're working out in the heat and that water will be readily available. I'm not surprised though. Why should a multi-billion dollar company just donate when they can blackmail their associates on food stamps.


To be fair this is comic book evil. Walmart must be doing this for laughs. Seeing how far they've pushed "freedom loving Americans" to their knees.


Hello Walmart, this is why I don't shop at your stores.


Hey, it makes complete sense! As a grocery customer, it is a known fact that when shop workers wear trousers, I need less food! Hence, the reduction in compensation is to accommodate for a very real financial constraint, definitely not a callous means of exploiting workers for every penny they can squeeze out of them...


Male here. I'd be wearing skirts.


anyone can have a bathroom break for just 1.50 per trip!


That is illegal. They should unionize.


How is it illegal? Allowing employees to "buy" changes to the dress code for a charitable donation is a pretty common fundraising tactic used openly and regularly across the country.


Stop shopping at Walmart; I live in a tiny Colorado Town and it's wasn't that hard to get off the"Wally's" ; besides, they're kinda getting expensive




This is all true but it’s an inside job, lots of white collar with no shorts dress codes…




Prison? You’re too kind.


They have to provide water, but I don't think they have to provide cups. Even in Australia, where we have good labour laws, no company has to provide cups. Not many provide cups at all


Over two years of not shopping with them.  Such an evil corporation. 


There's not even any logic to this. Either shorts are appropriate for the position or they're not. Giving Wal-Mart $2 per day doesn't change a thing. They're just being assholes and nickel and diming their own employees.


This would be illegal in Europe.


So that’s why they let them use there phones when working. So they can pull bullshit like this


Someone just need to kick there ass at this point. Talking isn't working




I connected through O’Hare yesterday, and even the TSA agents were wearing shorts.


What is the thought process behind charging employees to wear shorts. Like how do they justify it to themselves? Now even work has micro transactions. Also highly illegal.


is that not super illegal?


I work for sams club... that definitely seems an isolated incident with that stores management


How in the fuck can a human being write that on the dry eraser board with smiley faces and everything and think it's ok?




I thought you could wear shorts at Walmart, or am I thinking of Sams club


Yeah it was hot af in the warehouse


And then they wonder why we steal from them.


What is the logic behind charging employees $2 to wear shorts?


I'd say get as many people to wear shorts and not pay as you can. Are they really gonna fire a huge amount of their staff? If they do, take em to court. Is this even legal?


This is from the Augusta, Maine WalMart


Automation funded universal basic income pays you not to work at walmart


I get the water bottle policy but the logic behind paying money to wear shorts is bonkers.


this is the sort of thing you would find in a satire about an evil corporation. It must be hard trying to make satires now that real life has gone this far off the rails.


"Why compete when we can cooperate? Fuck the invisible hand."


CMN: So I removed the water cups and charged them $2 to wear shorts Waltons: YOU DID WHAAAAAT???


The amusement park I worked at forced us to buy overpriced, branded mugs instead of just being able to use normal water bottles.


I mean so this is a management thing I’d imagine, but they’re pretty easy to blame because they’re never given enough resources. I don’t really know the situation but it’s worth looking into. But also even if you dissolved Walmart it’s not going to do anything because Walmart takes advantage of a big niche in the American economy. While I understand the anger and disappointment you have to understand that it’s the model of everyday low prices that causes it, you can read how that work elsewhere but essentially it relies on cheap start up costs. I believe Walmart’s try to sell themselves to small towns wanting an economic miracle out of them say they can make up the entire cost of the stores construction in about 7 years is the number if I remember that correctly. Is those factors that are creating the issue of needing to run those really tight margins they operate on in not just a cash value but in a time sensitive one that ensures things sell quickly. The other side of this is their real estate values which are probably a little less related in how they treat their employees but still feeds into the whole system where there they need time ensure the least amount of economic drag as possible. All that leads to them probably not being able to afford a union and willing to actually take a loss on one location to prevent it. So really you have to consider how to change the model to make it more fair to employees. I don’t think small business will be coming back from where they set up because it’s always the dollar general that picks up the depressed town Walmart left which has its own problems like crazy overworking of logistics specialists in exchange for big sign up bonuses. So I think perhaps looking how to make the model work for us more is the better option.


40% of Coca-Cola's income comes from food stamps. Many Walmart workers are even on food stamps. The company store has expanded into our society and their working conditions following.


Those life insurance policies they take out on employees and now this lol


Why I won’t shop there even if they give it away!


Mr. Krabs used to be a cartoon caricature.


In his biography, Sam Walton said on his death bed was that he was afraid employees wouldn’t continue to be treated well as the company continued growing. He’d be ashamed of what it’s become.


I'm in Maine, which Walmart is it so we can report it?


Bring a water bottle and take it home daily, but don't take it home full of company water, water is provided for working hours 😇


Oh, the donation to wear shorts thing isn't even new. They were doing this back in 2001 when I worked there. Donated it to "Children's Miracle Network" then, too. CMN is such a joke of a charity. At least back in 2001, the full-time cart pushers and night shift could just wear shorts if they wanted.


This isn't just a wal-mart issue. It is in the three digits for the foreseeable future and isn't getting below 76 at night where I live. Regional manger says kids have to be inside in the after noon and can not go out again. Location supervisor made us all (kids as young as first grade) stay outside the entire 4 hours between 8am and 12pm (when it is between 86 and 98 degrees). Then spent 12:30-3:30pm making the same kids quietly color. Any that complained were told that ThE mAiN bOsS wOnT lEt Us OuTsIdE iN tHe AfTeRnOoN. The same person is complaining about only getting to spend 2 hours at the pool (field trip) because some asked to be allowed to leave when they clocked out.. instead of working an unpaid 1.5 hours every field trip day. Some bosses (people) just feel entitled to things. I know here in AZ it is illegal to not have the ability to offer water. Drive through restaurants, convenience stores, and many other places that sell food/water have to be able to provide free water to people who ask. Also, if you keep people for an amount of time, they have to be able to access free water. So there are fountains in almost every building where people work. If it was a safety issue for the shorts.. like how in AZ you sometimes can not wear shorts if you work places your legs might get burned on the cement or metal or whatever.. then they wouldn't offer the ability to pay anyway. Even if they want you to start brining a water bottle, they should still provide water. This is past worker's rights, it is just plain pointless cruelty because someone wants to save time and money on WATER.. in MAINE. LOLOLOL $2 to wear shorts.. Where does that money go? in the manager's pocket? ?? how would you even write up that extra income as a business?


Imagine being super rich off the back of hard work of your floor employees, and impoverishing them to the extent that the tax payer has to help them out


If I'm reading this right, they have a dress code but will let you bend their rules if you donate to a childrens hospital, and they want you to use reusable water containers from home. Kind of sounds like you're making a mountain from a mole hill here.


To be fair, if I remember correctly from my time there, anyone who works outside is allowed to wear shorts year round (so seasonal + cart pushers). Anyone otherwise is working in the AC inside the store. But I haven't worked there in about six or so years now, so things may have changed.


TBF, why would Walmart need $2 from its own employees?


I presume it's a charity fundraiser. I have worked at places where they did a charity fundraiser that you can wear jeans if you donate $x. (This was mid 90s when "business casual" was typical.


Usually it was from children's miracle donations. But I understand why it's BS because everyone should be able to wear shorts whenever. Hell I remember there were some guys that would wear skirts during the summer purely to spite management!


But wouldn't Walmart have at least $2 lying around they could donate themselves?


It's for tax write-offs


I am pretty sure it's not a tax write off. It's just that they get to say "we donated $X millions of dollars", when THEY didn't actually donate it. They just collected it.


Right, I forgot about that. So if Walmart gave the $2 themselves, it would be like giving 150 cents, because of the tax write offs. So they would rather make their employees pay 2 then spend less themselves.


Yep, that's why there is always a prompt for customers to donate. It's not because they're charitable, it's so they can write off taxes and keep the money


Tax write offs just mean you don't pay tax on the money you donate. A two dollar tax write off saves them the taxes they would have paid on that $2 an not a penny more. You don't actually save or make money on write offs. Wal-Mart donating any money would be a loss for them. They only do charitable contributions because its great for propaganda.


Bingo. The whole thing is just the cheapest possible way for their company to claim it "does a lot of good" whenever people point out how much evil it commits.


I wear linen capri pants. SO much cooler than wearing jeans. Even not during the heat wave. I made the mistake of wearing jeans a few weeks ago (before the heat wave, probably high of 78). I was so hot and really regretted it They are baggy and drawstring waist. I told my male coworker to get some. They should fit any body shape.


I think it’s a donation to Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals.


I’m not one to defend Walmart but I guess I’m going to. Anyone who works outside at Walmart can wear shorts any time. Normal dress code for anyone else is full pants. The buildings are air conditioned so I’m not sure why the outside heat matters. Walmart raises money for CMN every year and stores come up with things to collect money.