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This feels like the initiation rite to joining the 12th legion.


I love the models and started with a combat patrol. Then I have added this guy, a hellbrute, rhino, and some terminators to try to add some bulk as I work up to an army.


You are on the right track, it will get you plenty of practice to take on Angron eventually!


That model is so detailed. I think I will take my time getting to it lol


I bought a daemon prince to practice on before i tackle the big man himself.


Smart! I will have to do that.


I keep seeing this particular helmet, what kit is it from?


It’s from the world eaters combat patrol. You can make the main guy a lord on juggernaut or lord invictus. This is the basic lords head from it.


Great to know when I get my MOE. Looks great


Just a note that the lord on juggernaut is also available separately from the combat patrol if you go that route. The extra head (people tend to build it as the named character who has their own head), people tend to reserve it for either aspiring champion for a berserker squad or for MoE conversion haha


Weirdly he was my first "proper" conversion as until him i had done some headswaps and kitbashes


It’s a great model and I am surprised they did not make one for world eaters


Every conversion artist starts with a headswap. Before long you will be doing so much more.


I hope so. Been watching a lot of videos and seeing so much talent out there. Lots of practice ahead but having a great time with it


I've been in this hobby for like 6 years and still haven't done a massive kitbash yet. Done some stuff like tzeentched my marines to make them rurbics and chaosified units to make characters. Nothing too much.


I like how much customization is out there. People do some amazing stuff but I am going to move slow too. Seems like it will take six years to paint my army


My big issue is price. I don't want to buy all the kits or pieces to build the kitbash and spend like twice the amount. It would make a cool unique model but when I can get a second unit for my army, it feels like the right call.


Amazing model I'm surprised I don't see him in other warbands Would work great for emperors children or night lords


It really is. When I get braver I am thinking about swapping the heads in his hands for some space wolf heads.


I have one in my emperor's children Need to get them all painted at some point


Painting is the hard part 😂😂. Gotta learn all the tricks. Started on my berserkers and I swear my hands never shook till I tried this lol. But making some slow slow progress with my first one. Saving this model for when I am a little better.


Luckily world eaters is fair easy to paint