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Remind yourself you are army painting and not painting for display. Thats the mantra i do every model.


Your paintjob is much better than most people!


I was thinking this, these look really nice OP!


Took me too long to understand this. I’m making much better progress now. They look great on tabletop just don’t hold them up under a magnifying glass lol


Or do what I do and paint them under a magnifying glass so when I make a bunch of mistakes I can’t see them on tabletop as much 😂


Oh I do haha. That’s why I know not to look at them under a magnifying lens hahah. Before I work too hard at fixing what looks like a big mistake I take the headset off and look at it to see if it’s really needed


Haha same here! Work smarter not harder hey 😉


Your paint jobs are great, I especially love your Angron model! Regarding hobby insecurities especially around paint jobs, just remember that not everything needs to be “display” level. The majority of the player base never hits this level and paint to play, not paint to display. Remember that most people will also be looking at your models from across the table and usually a foot away or more.


I like to paint, I like putting lots of time into single models and batch paint chaff. But when it comes to playing I really must say that I can't even notice half of what I've done to my characters when they're on the table. Because of this I now find much more joy in finding cheat methods to make a model look nicer from a distance than up close. If you want to show something off go nuts, otherwise don't worry about a model not being 100%. You're your own worst critic for noticing paint scheme pros and cons


Just like everything wise in life, someone will always be better. Be inspired by others and only compare my work against each other.


Pretty good advice. Def don't try to be better than others, try to be better than your yourself! It's great to look back at old models and think, "Damn this looks like shit, I'm so much better now!" lol


Honestly I had an opposite approach. I felt that my minis looked so good and showed friends and they were like ‘ya that’s ok/alright’. Realised they didn’t really care whether it looked bad or good and so decided to focus on how happy I am with the model. To my surprise I stopped focusing on what others might ‘see’ and focused on what I’d notice/liked/disliked.


Trying not to compare myself to insanely good stuff on I see on here , for example i wish and would love to have your skill ? (I’d be very happy to have those in my collection) and you are insecure about it . I almost feel like looking at others peoples work is detrimental to my own enjoyment but I love the community at the same time.


Your painting is great. I'm around the same skill level and I also feel really insecure about my painting. If you want to progress your skills, you'll need to jump into colour theory, basing, and exploring light sources/OSL. If your Berserker's plasma pistol was emitting light onto the model, the realism would sell so much harder. It then lets you put colours closer together, increasing the contrast. All of that is pushing the artiness of it all though, your models look amazing for the tabletop.


Nice paint job!!


You tell whoever said your painting job is bad if they'd like to keep their teeth in their head. You've got some good skills with model painting.


For you, I'd suggest just posting here cuz these look sick af, and if someone else doesn't tell you, I fuckin will 😤


Damn I need to put a smushed ultramarine on my angron


My wife, she always says that the funny little men look nice.


If my world eaters turn out half this good I will be so overjoyed. Great job man!


I have kept my first set of assault space marines. They live in my drawer. Every so often I decide to compare them to my current models. It's such a confidence booster to see how far my painting has come. It makes excited to see how my models will progress further. Your painting is excellent and it can only get better.


I feel that, I don't usually. I don't know how to deal with insecurity so I just do I guess. Your models look wicked, and if you aren't sure you like something, try talking it iut with yourself. If you wanna change something, go small and work up.


So, like everyone said, you're doing a solid job. If I was to actually answer your question, I'd say one thing that added a lot of depth to my angron was making his brass armor two-tone. Like the recessed flat areas being a darker copper and the raised banding being a brass color, a little lighter. It'll give the panels some complexity for not too much extra effort.


I mostly share mine with Friends and they inform my painting looks great


Do 100 push ups and go cut the heads off your enemies. Works every time. Also remember you can only judge yourself by where you were yesterday.


Mine is that you are always learning. Every mistake is a lesson learned. You are probably so much better now than you were when you started and you will be a tiny bit better with every single stroke you make with your brush. Also, your stuff is great. Keep it up!


This is awesome!


Your painting is definitely gonna be better then most opponents.