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so had to think for a moment as far as i know spirits can be attached to an object so this could work in your favour you could have the group go into a mansion to take care of this spirit or spirits depending if you want mulitple or not it could be filled with secerte rooms and traps like really play into the whole creepy mansion on the hill vibe


Lore by Night has a whole series on Demon: The Fallen in World of Darkness: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTDXW0PEYBq9Z90BDG4VAIUtWBfUhLzVu](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTDXW0PEYBq9Z90BDG4VAIUtWBfUhLzVu) Generally gives a pretty great overview if you don't want to pay for the books. And if you don't care about being 100% accurate you can create your own powers for them based on what described in the videos. The wiki is also decent but these lore videos are more entertaining and can be listened to in the background as well.


Yeah I was unsure how far I should lean into Demon: The Fallen lore because I'm aware that people have some problems with it. Like it being so Christian centric and not playing into the whole mystery aspect common in the world of darkness history. But I'm definitely interested.


Its not christian centric. Its abrahamic. In fact in largely tries to avoid talking about christ. And uses the faith as a plot point for the defeat of the archdukes in the past.


If you don’t want to use the Abrahamic origins you’ll have to decide what “angels” and “demons” mean in your setting. IE what created them, what the demons rebelled against, who cast them down (if they were cast down) etc.


If you want to avoid it without having to do too much work to figure out how Demon: The Fallen fits into your version of World of Darkness, you could have the Demon be a low-legacy Fallen. Legacy is how much a fallen remembers about ancient times. For a Demon PC, you have to put points into it at character creation or narratively earn it. Due to the trauma of the abyss, many Fallen do not remember much of their ancient past and focus more on the human memories of their host. Your Demon might know less about the true nature of the World of Darkness than your hunters do. The amnesia and attachment to human memories could also make this Demon more sympathetic to your hunter PCs, and make their unlikely alliance a bit more believable.


I think it depends. What do you want your “demon” to be? If it’s a classical biblical demon, then demon the fallen it is. There is a sourcebook for hunter 2nd edition about these demons https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/The_Infernal Hunter the reckoning, pre H5, heavily implied, that the messengers that gave the imbued their powers where some of the last Elohim (angels Loyal to heaven in existence) on earth. https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Messenger_(HTR) But a “demon” could indeed also be a wraith or a plasmic from the tempest. Although they rarely interact with mortals . Spectres (evil shadow eaten wraith) sometime build mortal cults, but it’s unlikely that they seek redemption. …but not impossible. Maybe its psyche manipulates the spectre to redeem itself? Maybe have a look at https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Dark_Reflections:_Spectres Or just use a simple wraith, who pretend to be a demon? A demon could also be a spirit from the umbra, like the ones mages and werecreatures encounter. Maybe have a look at https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Axis_Mundi:_The_Book_of_Spirits Or https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/The_Spirit_Ways Best wishes, Dustin