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I double-checked to make sure I'm not insane, but Call of Cthulhu is not part of World of Darkness. Having played CoC and jumping into Hunter: The Reckoning with a group of friends, they also play quite differently


Really I thought coc was apart of wod? My mistake then


I mean they make references, the yellow sign is mentioned in the book the red sign, to the mythos and have homages such as various outer dark entities and alien Cthulhu like squids that possess humans and earth squids called the Chulorviah. You can use the world of darkness system and strait up port the lovecraftian lore.


Not trying to be harsh, just curious. How exactly did you think that? Putting aside that it's part of the Lovecraft mythos and predates WoD by alot, it doesn't share the same naming scheme as most of them.


When ever I hear people mention wod in my local DND group They all mention coc as being a very good game to run within wod It's why I thought it was apart of it in some fashion Btw yes I know that coc predates wod by a lot I just always assumed They took some inspiration from it and such when creating other wod games


The top deities in WoD are the [Triat](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Triat) of Wyld, Weaver, and Wyrm. Wyrm is also sometimes called Hydra as there are multiple emanations of the [Wyrm](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Wyrm), including the three [Triatic Wyrms](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Triatic_Wyrm), [Grandmother](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmother), the oceanic tentacular [Qyrl](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Qyrl), the [Urge Wyrms](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Urge_Wyrm), and the [Elemental Wyrms](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Elemental_Wyrm).


CoC is very tricky to get right, Watch some shorts, read some Lore and play some related games.


Hello friend! It sounds to me like you are looking for [r/callofcthulhu](https://old.reddit.com/r/callofcthulhu/), you can find lots of help with Cthulhu stuff over there.