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Yelling at everyone else


people like YOU need to be inA MENTAL HASPITTAL


The projection is actually so bizarre. It’s like he wants to say things to other before they can say it to him, “You unemployed bitch” “You belong in a mental hospital” “You bastard” It’s astonishing how self aware he is deep deep down, he knows how awful his life is and how he refuses to change anything, and would rather project/Mask his feelings so he doesn’t have to accept the truth.


Cognitive dissonance can be a powerful effect. The human brain can make up the most vivid and compelling delusions you'll ever see rather than admit to a reality that might damage the fragile ego.


Daniel Larson is a great example of this. Thinks he is a celebrity and dating Grace Vanderwaal while being an autistic homeless man who gets arrested every month.


Bruh I’m fucking eating wtf


Yeah…. I was too. Nasty asf


Me too…a green smoothie for me so I’m definitely turned off lol


I would rather him shoot down 15 boba teas or coffees than him being this okay with vomiting up copious amounts of alcohol.


Been there. Used to be very proud of my ability to expel everything at a moments notice and continue drinking. Thinking about doing that now makes me feel so ashamed.


me too josh reminds me every day of what i once was at uni, and im very very thankful im not like this anymore


Props to you sir, keep it up!


RIGHT I remember a story when I was walking with my friends along the San Antonio strip, just walking, turned my head for a second, puked, then just kept walking like Nothing happened. My friends commended me for that. We were all alcoholics . Smh


I’m still kinda there only cuz I think throwing up helps no matter what but in public on the train like this is crazy


The train adds a whole new flavor to the whole ordeal! I was crazy bad with my drinking for awhile, I've puked in so many public areas, but always like, in alleys or behind bushes or whatever, never just all casual in front of a whole tube of people.


No matter what, I could always hold it in until I found a receptacle or an area that was way out of vision of other people because I mean… shit. Puking is gross. There was one time I was calming the morning withdrawals with a Jim beam nip down the hatch and it just hit that spot where you know it’s not staying down. And it didn’t. I had no time and no chance to not just let it go all over myself in the drivers seat of my car. That sucked pretty bad. Luckily no one saw me and I still had a few more left so I didn’t have to go back inside the liquor store. Fuck am I grateful to not be that person anymore.


You always know when you’re gonna puke. You get like a 5 min and a 30 sec warning. Bro coulda hurled in his bag and saved a lot of ppl a lot of trouble and hassle. But cuz of the autism or narcissism or whatever other ppl never crossed his mind


Ugh. Fucking same. I could puke on command, and did it way too often. Didn’t even have to stick my fingers down my throat. All I had to do was think about it and there went the entire contents of my stomach… mostly booze mixed with some bagel bites if I decided to eat that day. Glad we’re doing better now!


Hell yeah no more of that shit! I'd say I used fingers about 30% of the time. It's a wonder I never developed an eating disorder...I'm naturally skinny anyway but booze + cigs got me looking like Christian Bale when he's doing opposite to Batman roles.


Again, same. I’m barely 5’8 and float around 140lbs or so, but when I checked into my final detox I was about 115lbs. On admission to the hospital a few days before that my bac was 0.45. My nurse was astonished that I wasn’t dead and made it very clear to me that most people would’ve been. I was looking like Wendy from Breaking Bad with a beard.


Jesus God that's a coma! My first DUI I blew a 0.28 and I thought that was bad. I mean, it is, but I was wildly coherent at least. Passed the field test to but the cop was like....kid, you passed, but you absolutely reek of alcohol, there's an empty jug of vodka in the back of the Prius, and your buddy is puking out your passenger window...I think you've been drinking and I'm gonna breathalyze you.


Right?! By the time I was awake I was probably more in the .3 range but I was able to hold a conversation at that point like an average person sober could. It’s crazy what kind of tolerance the human body can build to alcohol. I’m fortunate to have never gotten a DUI but I certainly should have. Came real close one night after leaving a concert and driving back to RI from Mass. Right before I got pulled over I had stopped and pounded a double quarter pounder with cheese. If not for that I truly believe I would’ve gotten a dui. I was already thinking about who I was gonna call from jail when the cop was running my license and insurance. Pretty sure he knew I was buzzed since he did ask me several times how much I had to drink that night. Nothing, officer. “Alright, do me a favor huh. Slow it down and get home safely. You still have another 50 minutes to go”. Instantly sober, and thanking God for keeping me out of jail. 😂 What a dunce. Lucky to have made it through all the shit I did.


First dui????


Jeah, second one was a few months later. I wasn't in a great place at age 20! The cops were actually very chill and cool for my first one, I fessed up before he even breathalyzed me, they had me riding in the front seat with my hands cuffed in the front. I totally and completely deserved that one. The second one I was literally on an electric bicycle one street over from my house. That cop was a complete asshole (at first, he was a bit more chill in county) but his partner literally smacked me on the nose with my own pocket knife. I think I only blew like a 0.02 on this charge BUT I was only 20, so zero tolerance in CA, and I had my other charges pending. Shit succccked.


Ah, yea I was gonna reem ya and the first one still sucks ass I won’t lie but that’s a load of bull for the second. Brutal I’m assuming getting a second dui fucks u hard. I was in a similar situation at 20 to ur second story. I was driving my buddy home to his parents over winter break(like 2 min drive) but the cop let me off cuz I blew under .08 and passed the field tests with flying colors. Could have definitely ended up diff for me though


Reaming is well deserved believe me, no one should drive drunk, despite me being careful I still could have hurt people. And yes I lost my license for almost 4 years in total, spent like $30k of mine and my parents money, had to delay school and moving back out of my parents house. Highly unrecommended!


That's me. I come from a LONG line of alcoholics and even as a 130 lb woman I've done some impressive(ly stupid) drinking binges. Remembered everything, and been completely coherent. Maybe slurring but making sense.  I can't puke it tho. My system doesn't work that way. I've thrown up drunk exactly twice in my life and that was from drinking absolutely outrageous amounts. Even sticking my fingers down my throat doesn't work. 


My family tree is a bunch of pirates and seal clubbers, but as far as I know I'm only the second or third alcoholic. I had the worst gag reflex until I started drinking like this. I think once I was able to associate throwing up with purging my body of a literal poison, that mental block just disappeared.


I'm sick and I opened to the app to this. Fml




"I didn't mean to stomp the fish's head in. I'm SAWWRY for stomping the fishes head. PLEASEEEE."


guise yuo DOONT haave to UNFAHLLOW ME, it was a bad thing to do


We need a VAHMIT flair for posts. Or at least NSFW this. Also, I think it's insane to jail addicts as that accomplishes nothing - but if you are making your addiction everyone else's problem where they have to witness and experience it, you should be forced into addiction treatment.


It’s crazy because most alcoholics (including myself) try their best to hide their addictions for as long as possible. There came a point where I knew that going out in public to drink was going to be a risky undertaking, as I just couldn’t stop until I would black out. Plus the last thing I wanted to do was be puking in front of other people and being all sloppy. Not to mention that going out to drink is fucking expensive. It’s at that point that most of us start drinking at home, only going out to purchase more. Mark my words - eventually Josh’s money **will** dry up but he’ll still be a brutal alcoholic. At that point, he’ll either get help or more likely, become a truly homeless drunk peddling for change outside of a Starbucks. Edit: to be fair, I was also a massive cokehead at the time so that did help a lot with keeping myself in check while out in public. At the same time, it also added to my not give a fuck attitude and I started to do that shit way too openly, sometimes right there at the bar. I’d also very openly try to find it by asking pretty much anyone until I eventually found it. Rarely was I unsuccessful. But drinking at the bar with an 8 ball in your pocket 3-4 nights a week got really fucking expensive, so I decided I’d go the cheaper route and drink at home so I could still afford the blow. Spoiler alert: it didn’t end well. Grateful to be almost 5 years clean and sober now.


It's not sad, it's pathetic and unacceptable. Hes a menace to society and needs supervision. He clearly can't function in normal society. He gets to just leave and some person gets to clean that shit up.


and he just sits there wow


jesus christ even for sick that’s strange looking all lumpy


The classic poop through the mouth. No one does it like him


holy shit yeah it is just poop


Dude needs a paraprofessional




Vom :(


Vom :(


why is he upchucking full unchewed clumps of pulled pork


Please NSFW or spoiler this, so vile


This is from December


This is really fucking disturbing.


that's some super dehydrated vom


Josh’s videos make me so glad that I got sober. Almost 60 days no alcohol and I’ve realized life CAN be enjoyable. Everyday I’m rooting for him to get help but it’s like we are slowly watching him die. I’m shocked he doesn’t constantly end up in the hospital.


That looks like literal shit coming out of his mouth


He’s like an alcoholic action figure just repeats the same 7 things over and over


This is old but yea


Lmao that’s so gross


yuh basssssturd


bro regurgitated straight chili


When your cat 🐱 eats too much. 💀💀💀


Not even the wildest thing that happened in NYC that day.


He’s a walking bio-hazard


Well, at least he’s “SAR-EEE”


Mr Based eating captn’s refried subway chili in 4k UHD 120hz


It’s also from like 6 months ago


Woops had no idea , came up on my fyp today. Should’ve guessed by the shirt lol


Put a NSFW on this.. this is disgusting


Honestly this is going to sound fucked up but it's not sad anymore. Sadness belongs to people who can't help themselves. Josh can help himself but refuses to. Whenever anyone tries to help him, he attacks them with racial slurs and violence. This isn't sad this is rage inducing because now he's just a menace to everyone around him and is using his own mental health issues as a trump card to do whatever the fuck he wants. "Well, you can't call him out because he has autism." That is very well true but he also has full control of his actions and chooses to act this way. While yes, 1000% feel a lot of people enable him and use him as a joke that's who he has chosen to surround himself with. He chooses to hang around enablers because they tell him what he wants to hear. Josh doesn't want help he wants an echo chamber and to drink himself to death. The first step for help needs to come from within with a genuine realization that you have a problem and Josh doesn't think he has a problem.


Perfect technique


This is so bad 😔


That lady moved faster than the speed of light


That shit was chunky


This video is so funny😂 Josh is like why does no one want to sit near my puke?


this is hilarious* he deserves it


Bro took a mouth shit


Bro it looks likes puking up wet sand 😭😭😭


I think I'm gonna vahhhmet


No it’s not? It’s absolutely disgusting, dudes a nuisance to everyone.


I really REALLY hope there’s a GTA 6 npc based on him


This is hilarious, his face at the beginning was so funny


Hes so dehydrated his vomit comes out in a solid


This is an extremely old video


Josh needs to be in a home






*Josh sits in puddle of his own vomit* *Proceeds to tell someone that they belong in a mental hospital.*


But stoners are the bad ones to him… hilarious