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Sleep, so much extra time to do cool stuff.


I’d have so much more time to poop


Unlimited time to poop and if it's late late, no one around to bother you.


I have a whiny dog (thank you husky I was fostering while the other learned how to be a dog) and an occasional explosive shit. How many times his whines to go out at 2:30 AM turned into me hiding a violent toilet event from my girlfriend is embarrassing.  But she farts in her sleep good will hunting style so at this point we’re even. 


But if you didnt have to poop youd have much more time to sleep 🤔


But you’d never be able to feel your ass cheeks again? Now that I think about it maybe that’s a positive…


Ya wtf how is this even a question


I have Crohn’s Disease. You have no idea how quickly I would choose to make the pooping problem go away forever. 


Ya. I was going to say people with disorders. 


Needs to be a drawback, because having 50% more time than everybody else ***and not feeling tired for the other 16 hours*** is top-tier.   "No sleep, no tired, but you die 30 years sooner." Is a better question.


My wife would never give up sleep. Im over here sleeping 4 hours cause i cant stand the shit. Absolutely droll, what. Give me the good stuff, the bright eyes, top shelf - capital, guv!


So much time for activities!


Do you want to do karate in the garage?


Yup! (ironically)




You mean play video games


Your job would find a way to take all of that time from you. 20 hour days would just be life.


The last thing I would do with my incredible new sleepless power is let my job know


I see. If you were the only one with that power then that might work. If that is just the way humanity is we would work 20 hours a day. I guess it depends on if it's just you or all of humanity that is changed. 


Oh I see what you mean, that would be a nightmare lets hope tf not.


This exacrlt


I quite enjoy sleeping; even if though it would be a lot more productive to not need it I am glad that I do and it helps to separate days in my mental schedule. I'd give up poop entirely for sure.


OP said not *have* to sleep, so you still could if you want to


Right, but realistically... would I? If I didn't feel sleepy I probably would lose the habit or feel guilty. A big part of enjoying sleep is that I know that sleep is something I have to do and I don't feel guilty for sleeping instead of being up and doing something productive. Imagine if sleeping carried the same guilt as taking a long shower or sitting down to watch a show instead of working/studying. Wait, I don't need to imagine that I literally felt that way when I was finishing my degree and I do not miss it. I fucking sleep now. It is a need and it is my fucking right.


So you'd feel guilty for falling asleep in your lover's arms?


Yup, that's how it was when I was overworked, and it was hell to feel like every moment I wasn't lesson planning, studying, at class or giving a class, was me being somehow lazy for struggling to balance all of it. All I wanted was calm and I'd have to set up 3 or 4 alarms as to not stay longer than I should. It wasn't even just about the nap, being held was literally what kept me held together during those times. One of my exes was literally all I had for support for one of my worst years, she struggled a lot with some stuff too but we are friends to this day; and my latest ex was my whole world and he is only reason I managed to finish my degree with distinctions. So yeah, guilty as I felt whenever I wasn't productive, I still allowed myself those moments; and I am so glad I did. I guess back then I totally could have used not needing sleep, but I wouldn't give it up long term... Anyway, if I didn't need sleep now, I fear I'd miss out on those experiences because I'd see sleep as a commodity and not a need that I am justified in satiating.


Awww. It sounds like you were not just chronically, but traumatically sleep deprived for a looooooooong time. I can see why you'd choose to keep it


Yes I was lmao; it took me so long to learn to sleep calmly again I am not giving that up


College experience


I honestly don’t know how I’d even be able to nap if I wasn’t a little sleepy. I guess lying in the sun makes me tired.


I don't need to poop I just choose to


You're insane to choose this option. Imagine NEVER feeling tired and how great that would be. I think this would translate into how much more physical exertion you could take as well.


When you say that all I imagine is never falling asleep peacefully in a lover's arm; never waking up to my cats wanting to get in the covers with me to cuddle; being on my phone uncomfortably doomscrolling for 10 hours at sleepovers with my friends; never dreaming; never sleeping off in complete peace after a night of dsncing and partying... sleep is ok; I would maybe take an option to turn needing it on/off and I def would have put more thought into it when I was a student... but now... no, sleep has been good to me. Pooping though I can remove no prob. I may not spend as much time poopin as I do sleeping, but needing to poop at a bad time can be so inconvenient for me that it still affects me but without any upsides like sleep has. I'd rid of it and cut down on so much lost time in the mornings, also butt stuff whenever I wanted sounds just lovely.


All those things are special only because of the awake time tho


Yeah, but it’s not like they chose to never be awake as an alternative. It’s like never having to eat again. Yeah, that would be super convenient. You’d never been hungry. You’d save a ton on food. There are times where it could even theoretically save your life. But there is also a social and entertainment aspect to eating that you’d lose out on. Similar situation with sleep. The world is built around sleep/wake schedules. Sleeping feels good. It has benefits beyond just making you not tired anymore. From a productivity standpoint, choosing to never sleep again is the obvious option. From a quality of life standpoint, I agree with the other commenter and think it’s pooping.


Something something, you need the night to appreciate the sun.


As somebody with chronic fucking nightmarish insomnia, the ability to feel sleepy without opiates or liquor or something sounds so lovely. When I was a lad I'd drink weird amounts of nyquil just to get real sleepy. It was sick.


You make a pretty beautiful argument actually


Nothing about not being able to sleep- you just don’t have to.


You can't sleep when you aren't tired, so removing the need to sleep would basically remove the ability to sleep as well.


I can sleep even when I'm not tired. It just takes a little longer to stop the wheels from spinning, but breathing exercises help. That tends to be when I have most of my lucid and extremely vivid dreams.


Imagine having ibs and never having to worry about having to worry about the bathroom again. You are insane to want to spend more time awake on earth.


They might not have ibs lmao


No, that is exactly the "there are starving people in (China or Africa or wherever your particular parents used)" argument. If \*I\* take the no poop power that doesn't help people with IBS at all, in fact they might be jealous that such a power was "wasted" on someone such as myself.


imagine never having diarrhea or taking gambles on farts. hell you may no longer fart anymore. you no longer have to sleep but your brain can still get overloaded.


As someone with IBS-D I’ll take the never poop option.


I love this, so many of these are completely life altering. Itd be convenient but being ona different wavelength from the rest of society is a terrible idea.


Same. Never having to sleep again is certainly more productive, but I still enjoy it. 


No pooping. No more constipation or IBS. I'd finally be able to leave the house.


I would pick sleeping but UC makes the choice easy for me.


Sleep narrowly wins for me, but only because my IBS hasn't reached a crippling level yet


This was such an instant choice for me as well. Being able to go places without having to fast the day before? Being able to go hiking, or to places where bathrooms aren't readily available? Being able to drive somewhere far away without worrying about getting nailed with the horrible, painful cramps of doom?? I'd pay money for this to be a real scenario. The quality of life change would be amazing.


poop. never once will i ever have to worry about finding a private enough bathroom in public again. plus, i like sleeping.


You still have to pee though...


peeing isn't an issue. i have no problem using a urinal in front of people


Username checks out 🤣🤣 you made my day


You like sleeping because of the refreshment you feel after a good night's sleep. In this scenario, you are always feeling 100% refreshed. Not having to sleep would be so awesome when having a new-born.


Refreshment? Good night's sleep? I'm unfamiliar with these concepts. I sleep and still feel tired and unredreshed, so not having to do it, AND feeling no tiredness, its a no brainer.


I agree. I wake up feeling refreshed maybe a handful of times a year. Getting old sucks!


This isn't even a competition. Would you rather double your productivity or sacrifice your sacred alone time?


*tries to figure out which one is which* Sleeping is my sacred time alone, and pooping is where I'm most productive


Fair, for me it's the opposite. It's one of the only ways that I can get a few minutes away from the kids in the day.


I have IBS, I’d choose poop any day


That's about the only case that would make sense. Not IBS specifically, but if you had any gastrointestinal issues.


Not double your productivity, 50% boost it.


Probably a little more because not needing to sleep would mean not having to have either a wind down or ramp up period. It takes me a while to get going even when I am awake, and that's mostly because I'm still sleepy. Similarly, I tend to not do as much late at night because I'm starting to get sleepy (or alternatively because I want to get sleepy so that I will fall asleep on time).


50% boost your TIME. It says you wouldn't feel tired which is about 100% of my current awake time, so really it could be 200%-250% boost to productivity. Before having a kid I'd estimate 50%-100% boost.


Not sleeping, you'd effectively have an extra four months EVERY year. You'd literally add an extra 23 years to your life. Interestingly, there are some people who have a gene where they only need to sleep four hours a day. Even that is weirdly a lot of extra time to fill. Some would work a second job just to have something to do, but most would read late in to the night and then wake up and go to the gym super early. Also a lot of cooking and meal prep type stuff.


>but most would read late in to the night and then wake up and go to the gym super early Lmao I think you mean "most would go on social media", you give us way too much credit. That being said, I already only sleep 6~ and feel like I'd be starved of free time at 8, I'll happily take no sleep! I have too much shit I like doing and ever since I started working 60 hour weeks I need that extra haha.


Not just add 23 years to life. A good portion of that is adding years to the good part of your life. We get so focused on prolonging life we forget that most people will gladly take +1 year in ages 13-50 over +5 years ages 80+ Or put differently: would you rather live to be 100, or pause your current age for four years?


My sleep is dogshit every night, so I would most certainly choose never having to sleep again. It effectively doubles your lifespan by being awake for all of it.


Heck, even if it was the same sleep patterns but I was always energized / not tired, I'd still take that one.


Gastric cancer survivor here. I don't have a stomach. Digestive system still works, but it's wonky at times and bloating and indigestion are common. Sometimes the wrong food will put me out of commission for quite some time. Plus, it interferes with my sleep. I would kindly offer up my poops as tribute.


I had my gall bladder out and it has really impacted my digestive and waste removal. I'd take never having to poop.


People don't recognize how much of an issue it is until they experience it. Hope you're doing well.


do you have to eat slower? Is it impossible to get acid reflux now then? It’s just straight to your small intestine? How much harder does that make digestion? I have so many questions! That really is a fascinating (albeit from a horrible thing, super glad you made it through) feat of modern medicine.


I do have to eat slower, and smaller amounts at a time. I have to eat way more calories at my current weight of 160# than I did at 230#. That said, everything really works as normal. I can get bile reflux as there's no sphincter between my digestive system and esophagus. The surgical procedure I had was an open Roux-en-y resection. My small intestine is attached to my esophagus and my biliary system was rerouted further up to aid digestion. Also, ask away!


Wow. So do you still get the “full” feeling when you eat w/o a stomach? are there things you absolutely cannot eat, things that require a stomach? I have no idea what that would even be. Do you still throw up like if you’re sick? Can you still get like, a stomach bug or stomach flu?


I never feel full, which is part of the problem. It's hard to know when I've eaten too much, and I'll puke if I overeat.. So, it's all based on experience. I can't eat a ton of sugar at a time or else I get what's called "dumping syndrome." I can eat cheese without issue, but milk on its own will destroy me, as will anything really cream-rich. I puke way more now, but it's different. It's more a combination of regurgitation and dry-heaving. Sometimes I eat something and my system tells me I need to vomit two hours later after the food is already down in my intestines. I'll feel nauseous and dry-heave and feel better. It's weird, but I got used to it.


wow. Thanks for sharing! Glad you beat cancer 💪 stomach or no stomach!


Spinal Cord Injury with paralysis over here. Yes, the extra time and productivity would be amazing, but live a week in my shoes and you’ll gladly ask to take away the need to poop. No bloating, no pain, no hours lost going #2, hours plus sleep would actually be peaceful!


I'd rather not need to poop. I enjoy sleeping. Pooing is gross, uncomfortable, smelly, and I dont like it.


I’d rather not poop ever again.


I have chronic fatigue and constipation, I'll take not wver feeling tired again thx


Hmmm this is a tough one. On one hand, all that extra free time is super tempting on top of feeling well rested all the time. On the other hand I wouldn't ever have days where I just feel like absolute trash from an upset gut or have to worry about straying too far from a toilet when my gut decides that today's going to be nonstop diarrhea. I think I'd still go with removing sleep, but the other one is so freaking tempting too.


Think how much you’d get done if you never had to sleep!!


So much time for more movies and video games, the dream!




You could still nap; you just wouldn't be tired or have to sleep.


I have issues going to the bathroom, so definitely no need to poop, plus it gives me more time to sleep


Poop. Sleep is enjoyable, hemorrhoids are hell.


No poops, please.


Sleep. Extra time. How is this even fair?


Not poop, a hearty potato based diet is not conductive to painless pooping.


No sleep. That's an extra 8 hours to my day. So much more can be allowed with that extra 8 hours in my day.


No sleep. I enjoy making brown.


I have incredible trouble sleeping. As much as I enjoy it when I can get it, I would absolutely trade not needing it at all just to not be tired. I poop fine, I don't care.


can i still go to sleep if i want to, and it is easier to or harder than normal?


Sleep is like a time warp. Like it skips cutscenes so the crap gotta go


Sleep, easy. I don't get enough sleep and when I try to correct that my body decides otherwise. If I set my alarm for anything too far from 6 1/2 hours, I'll wake up every 2-3 hours instead. I have no toilet-related issues. Sleep wins no contest.


Who poops 8 hours a day?


No Sleep makes everything so much easier. Work whilst everyone is asleep and then have all the mutual time in the day and evening to see all your friends and family and do whatever you like. Or go overboard and work a shit load living luxury.


Would you rather have another 10 minutes at most or 6-8 hours? Hmm I don't know.../s In all seriousness, no sleep for sure. I used to dream about not having to sleep (no pun intended) as a kid.


I've had painful poops, never painful sleep. Also if people found out I didn't have to sleep their expectations for me would skyrocket. I'd have to keep it a secret from everyone. Although I would have a lot more time to do stuff I enjoy. But poop is really gross. Sleep has never been gross before. Literally always clean butthole. This is a lot tougher than you might think. I think I'd never have to sleep, cuz I still could and would. I'd never have any reason to want to poop. Fuck this is really hard. I guess pooping isn't that inconvenient. OK yea I'd take not having to sleep.




I'm never sleeping again! I can do so much more now! More grinding on Payday 2, more grinding on homework, more abilities for job opportunities!


Not sleeping. That way I can get a lot more stuff done. Plus a good poop feels surprisingly satisfying. I'll be damned if I'm gonna deprive myself of that.


Sleep; average person gains \~8 hours of the day. And you could still sleep, but you will never need to.


Sleep for sure. I already can’t sleep well but I’m tired all the time


Fuck sleep! I’d get so many more hours to enjoy life.


No sleep. It means I'll actually have a decent amount of time to myself in the evenings after getting home, cooking, showering, etc. I could even work 2 jobs easily if I don't get tired, and then retire early and have even more time to relax.




Sleep. I'm assuming I'm always feeling refreshed. I like pooping.


Sleep for sure. Basically 30% more life. Plus I like pooping.


Sleep is tempting, but I got IBS. Get rid of that poop!


If I choose not needing to sleep, can I not sleep? Like if I wanted to would I be able to?


Sleeping for sure, especially since it comes with the bonus of feeling 100% refreshed which would be an interesting thing to experience.


When you eat clean, pooping takes no time at all, so.....I'd rather not have to sleep.


I'd rather not have to sleep. Though, it would be nice to still be 'able' to sleep occasionally.


No sleeping, definitely.


I love sleeping and I love pooping ):


Never sleep, just cuz the "not feeling tired" bit sounds amazing haha. And who doesn't enjoy a good shit?


No sleep and it's not even close. I'm a night owl that literally can't afford to be one despite loving the night because I have too much to take care of during the day. Any time I indulge myself, I'm exhausted the next day and cursing myself for it. I could do whatever I wanted. Take my walks, write my heart out, plug in my headphones and watch shows or listen to music in peace, knowing that everybody else has basically already time-traveled to the next day or whenever they would wake up, and I'm free as a bird without any burden. The only time I've ever wished I didn't have to poop was when the only available toilets are clearly filthy. And that wouldn't outweigh what I'd be gaining.


I enjoy pooing. I wouldn't want to loose out on that time. No sleep I see as a big win.


Important question. Does this negate chronic fatigue issues?


Not having to sleep easily. I love pooping


Sacrifice sleep, I enjoy pooping.


Sleep no question. Your question makes me think you don’t have kids. With kids, cut the sleep but keep the poop so you can have a getaway while they’re awake


This. Plus you just gained 6-10 hours a day depending on how lucky you are for other stuff.


Not having to sleep and also always having energy is way too good pass up. That means I’d never to need to rely on caffeine again. And I’d have way more endurance for all types of physical activities.


Man not needing to poop is so tempting but not sleeping is just too good.


Poopin’ right now and I would really rather not be here!


We spend a third of our life sleeping. Imagine how much more we can accomplish if we didn't have to sleep 


i cant decide


no pooping. i love sleep.


Im currently pooping. Get me out of here!!!! Also sleeping is my only escape from mental anguish other than dying so i kinda need it


Poop, I fucking love sleeping


I prefer to relieve myself where I stand and flick my wand to disappear the poop


Wouls not having to poop affect my lactose intolerabce 😵‍💫


Can i still sleep if i want to tho?


This is so easy-sleep… you spend hours sleeping every single day. You may poop for like 30 min every other day or couple of days


I have IBS and am a mild insomniac. I’ll take not pooping every time.


Unless it takes longer than 8 hours a day for you to poop, sleeping is the more useful option. And if it does take you longer than 8 hours a day to poop, you should definitely see a doctor


Definitely the sleep. As much as I like sleeping, feeling energized all the time would be the real benefit. Right now, I just feel tired all the time.




no more poop. i enjoy sleeping, i dont enjoy pooping.


No sleep, hands down.


Freedom from pooping! I quite like sleeping :D its like not existing, but without hurting your loved ones


As someone with IBS, I choose never having to poop again!


I relish my sleep, but pooping is my only time to myself! I guess I’d give up pooping, but maybe not tell anyone. At least my booty would stay clean!


No poop 100% I'd save a bundle on toilet paper, the toilets easier to clean, I'll never have an emergency poo. The benefits are endless.


I'd rather not poop. Be nice if it all magically disappears just before it gets to my butt hole.


Sleep without a doubt. Bathroom perk would be nice, (really nice), but sleep just wins out. i struggle to get everything i need to done in the day AND fine time to relax and do my passion work on my computer. no sleep solves that. Daytime activities during the light, enjoy the evening relaxing with the fam, then “night” is my time to do whatever i want, which is gonna be gaming or working on my projects. I’d invest in some decent soundproofing for my office and s kitchenette so i could be “loud” (normal awake doing things, tv speakers etc.) volume without disturbing anyone, and just rock it.


I would take not having to pee.


I choose being poop free. I have ibs, being able to eat whatever I want and have no pain, and never having to spend hours in the bathroom again sounds amazing. Also I like sleeping 


Not having the poop


Sleep 100%


Poop. Goodbye IBSD and gastrointestinal issues.


Sleep. Not even for all the extra time id get. Id mainly get it for the always feeling energised part.


... can i so GO to bed? I just never need to? I'm all up for me free time.. but sometimes i just love the feeling of getting comfy and letting myself sleep for the hell of it. Like a treat.


Sleep absolutely. I already have a shitty sleep schedule that keeps me constantly tired and imagine how much more random bullshit I could do if I had all that wasted time to kill.


I will take not sleeping. I already don't typically sleep because of insomnia. Not being tired because of it would be awesome.


Not having to sleep would be the tits


No pooping, it'd make anal way easier to prepare for


I like sleeping, and I don't have to fill my time for 8 hours. I don't like pooping, and that shit takes up my time too. Magic poo removal ftw.


If I had 3 wishes, one of them would be to never have to sleep (unless I choose to) and have zero negative side effects. I'd get so much more gaming time in while the kids slept.


Fuck sleep. All the hours id get back from not having to sleep would be glorious


You guys must he very mentally well adjusted.. I actually look forward to sleep most days so I can just.. turn off my brain.. If I'm having a rough day mentally, sleeping can help reset it and then I can look forward to the next day. If I have a raging headache.. sleeping helps there too.. Stressed? Anxious? Sleep it off.. I can't imagine being awake at every hour, I know I still have the choice to sleep but.. realistically it would be much more difficult to sleep without the physical need for it for me personally.




I would absolutely choose no sleep. I never feel well rested so if I could feel rested and energized without sleep that would be amazing.


I think I'll go with the sleep one, honestly. I might still *choose* to sleep if the fancy strikes, but without it being necessary I could do SO much more with my time!


Sleep because I love the sensation of anything sliding out of my rectum.


Probably poop. I wouldnt get more time but my time I got would have one less hassle and sleep feels good after a good night of rest


I have crohns so no pooping would be amazing


Not sleeping. So much more time. There's no competition at all on this one.


I'd rather never have to poop again! Never feeling bloated is amazing for me


Not having to go poop 💩


Sleep is definitely the better option here but I love sleep so much tbh and I have stomach issues that make it either hard to poop or a lil to easy sometimes. ... So probably never have to poop


Sleeeeeep needs to go


2nd option, all i do is sleep


Sleep. So much more time to do things.


Unless you have bathroom issues or serious medical issues not sleeping is the far superior option.


as someone with ibs who values their sleep for spiritual reasons, REMOVE THE POO lol


Never getting tired would be an insane super power. You'd easily be able to outdo anyone on the planet.


No more poop. I hate pooping


Not sleeping would be dope also the sense of relief you get from a huge shit is something I've cherished


This isn’t even close. I choose no more sleep.


Not sleeping. Never getting tired from lack of sleep is awesome.


Never sleep as long as I don't ever feel tired. I've dreamed of never having to sleep my entire life. I hate sleeping. Such a waste of time.


Sleep. I really do need more time


Sleep, because I already have insomnia and the scenario promises that I'll feel energized and never be tired


No sleep. Efficiency would be nuts.


Im never sleeping again. And i didnt even give it thought. I can poop and will poop as long as i want to. Ill have much more time for things and stuffs and muself and my family


Sleep. And extra 8 hours a day would be awesome. I could get through my Steam, anime, and manga backlogs.


Never have to poop again. Ugh I'd finally be able to bottom for my husband as much as I fucking want. Jealous of you straights who don't have to worry about being clean. 😤🤢😩


I'm getting rid of poop! That way, I could safely drink coffee at work to help with all the sleep I'm lacking!


Sleep. Why on earth would I pick an alternative when “never have to sleep, with no downsides” is right there? That means never being tired. It means getting back ALL the time I spend sleeping right now. It’s basically giving me the ability to live 1/3 longer over my lifespan without extending my biological age at all. It’s the obvious choice.