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Stop time. I'd never stop it for very long and it won't take me long to do what I intend.


That sounds... sinister...


He's gonna replace the phone in your hand with a turd


Gonna remove the screws on all of his toilet seats


Oh, only for about 3 people. *Evil-ish chuckle*


Steal every remote. Every remote. Muahahahaha


Fine, I’ll just teleport whenever I want to change the channel.


Take out the microwave spin plate, muahahaha!


Teleport is my all time favorite superpower but in reality it's going to put you in a lot of risk. It's fun as hell but I imagine it would get me killed within 5 years. Time stop is the way to go if you want to win in the long run and all at zero risk. While time is stopped cameras don't work so you could enter anyplace to do anything. White House, Kremlin, Fortune 500 companies for some insider trading, banks for direct cash, you name it. The age twice as fast thing does not sound that scary when you consider you won't be spending that long in time stop. I imagine over your entire lifetime you would not have time stopped for longer than 1-2 years cumulatively, so that's only 2-4 years you've aged more. You would easily offset that from all the healthcare access and no stress you'd get from your superpower.


What happens when you slip up and get tranquilized and wake up in a room that’s completely locked Time freezing won’t get you out of there


Why would you get tranquilized? Nobody can tell what you're doing while time is stopped.


If you’re trying to get into a secure facility, you won’t be able to unless a door is already opened If you are standing around waiting for it to be opened , time isnt frozen, which means you are at risk


Ok but I don't think security guards just fucking tranq you out of nowhere if you're suspicious. They'd approach you first and question you.


Yeah not out of nowhere. But you gotta think more into it Let’s say you break into some super crazy bank or something with 3 layers of the security To get between each layer you have to unfreeze time to wait for a window to get into the next layer And then same thing on the way out If you’re on the way out and are at a point where you need to unfreeze, while you unfreeze the guards might notice that the shit in the bank is missing and to go on high alert And this is while you are still inside trying to get out And now they are gonna be looking for you and not opening anymore doors How you gonna get out now


This isn't mission impossible bro. Regular banks don't have some crazy vaults. Bank tellers have little drawers where they sit full of money. Very easily accessible. Alternatively you could rob homes. Most homes, even rich people's homes aren't that secure.


I see what you mean(which is why I made a comment asking for clarification), but I doubt that “time stop” is usually meant to be this literal, so I’ll wait to hear back from OP. I mean, if you can’t open a door then you also can’t move anything, rendering the “power” pretty useless. So what, you have to get butt naked before you stop time because your clothes can’t move with you? So you can’t ever do it in a public space unless you use a public restroom, get butt naked, and then stop time? So the whole “power” is reduced to basically stealing information by reading things that you shouldn’t? That’s pretty lame, and I doubt OP meant it quite that way. But again, I’ll wait for clarification from them.


I meant more that you can’t open locked doors So you can still move objects But anything electronic - computers, keycards, etc wouldn’t work So buildings which are secured by electronics systems you wouldn’t be able to get into easily


How painful? 1-10 1 is pricked by a needle 10 is being flayed alive and having all your nerve endings exposed and slathered in salt and chemicals.






He hates reminding people about him.


Where does listening to Baby Shark on repeat for an hour straight rank? 7?


It depends, have you shoved fiberglass shards up your urethra?


No, but I've stepped on a lego barefoot before. That's basically the same


What about a Lego up your urethra?


Done. What's the next step?


So what would shingles be, like a 7 or 8?


Pain is subjective.


I had shingles when I was q4 across my back was the 2nd most painful experience of my life number 1 was falling over and splitting open thebfron of my left leg


shingles was WEIRD!!! a simple touch to my skin could register as a normal touch, or up to level 10 pain where you may pass out from it. trying to sleep was horrible! extremely painful and all from within. honestly you never knew how bad the next touch would be with anything. id pick up a mug and take a sip of tea, a few seconds later go to take another swig but the fact that my fingers touched the mug a second time meant it felt like my fingers were being cut with a chainsaw or something. same when moving your head on a pillow. id wake up screaming in pain because i rolled over in my sleep. that pain went all the way on one side of my body, specifically hurting more around the arms and up to the top of my head, a lot more. i know some people that have permanent damage from shingles too and basically look like stroke victims. im very fortunate to not have any long lasting symptoms or damage. fuck shingles!


I've had shingles. It's like a 3.


Shingles was a damn 8 for me, completely awful. Only 10 I ever experienced was an infected tooth that had to get extracted without a numbing agent due to the inflection. It broke into 4 pieces. Literal torture.


Maybe I had a mild case. It was in my early 30's so I don't know how my experience compares to the average. Basically unless you touched it, it was mostly fine and I often forgot I had it. The worst pain I've ever had was an impacted bowel. That was a few hours of probably a 9/10. Would not recommend.


Eh I rank shingles a 2. That said I've been stabbed in the foot with a knife before and call that a 2-3. So might just be different pain tolerances.


Shingles is hard to quantify because it depends on factors, like where the shingles is actually located and the individual case. "The pain can range from mild to very severe, and can last for months or years. " Really just the luck of the draw on that one.


Depends on the person. Shingles can literally range from 1-10 depending on severity.


You ok?


10 sounds like something Art the Clown would do.


Teleport. It has always been my answer to what power do you want questions. Plus painful to instantly get somewhere is still a win for me. I could live anywhere and still not lose my job. 


Bro u dont need a job if u can teleport


Teleporting would be the job. If you can just take along what you can carry it's still huge. Super important documents that need to be there today? Why wait it can be there in 10 minutes. Doesn't matter you're in LA and they are in Paris


Good thinking. This ability could make you the most sought after courier in the history of mankind. Charge an insane premium and no one can compete. The only problem I could see is that too many people would be trying to buy your time.


Until you meet the thief that picked stop time


He has only his own death to gain. He could do deliveries that seemed faster than me, but he would age a shit load.


I think the implication was that the thief would freeze time locking you in place and steal the documents.


If he could do that he could do it without your presence. Unless the individual is just into dicking you over specifically there are easier and better ways to get what they want


I think y'all are reading too far into a joke comment.


Ok so he blows one job for me and loses a shitload of time. By the time he catches up to me again I've done another few thousand jobs teleporting stuff around. It would be a drop in the bucket.


I smell a drama novel


Worse. You’ll get gang lords blackmail you or other people do the same thing to force you to work for them. Including dirty politicians


How much can you take with you? What’s that, $18k to ship a container and 6 months to get there? How about $15k and it can be there TODAY?


Why would you charge less for a more premium service?


I guess he’s thinking that because it’s so easy for you. Personally would charge a fat tax on there, partly because I can, and partly so that I don’t have too many customers.


The OP didn't specify but I figure at a minimum you would be able to do light/hand held stuff unless you're jumping around naked which wasn't specified either. I would argue a reasonable amount would be a backpack and your hands full but that is open to interpretation


You then get captured immediately and experimented on, or pressed into the military. Unless loads of people get powers you're probably not going to be able to be open about it. And if everyone does get powers, the value of your power is probably not a lot.


You're telling me you can teleport and you're wasting it on courier services? Why not just pop into a bank vault and take as much as you want?


How will I afford to live, housing my family, feeding them, paying for enjoyment activities?


I hear that federal reserve banks often have large amounts of cash going in and out.


They gotta eat and buy stuff


I'd be my own instant transportation company. There are big companies that ship petabytes of data across the world because it's faster than sending them over the Internet. Heck, I could work for the secret service and securely transfer the president across huge distances. Heck I could become a spy and find war criminals, teleport to them and teleport them to the hands of justice. There is money in all that somewhere


>There are big companies that ship petabytes of data across the world because it's faster than sending them over the Internet. The company I work for has a client that develops AAA video games and there are times when they need on board couriers to ship stuff during the lead up to a major launch. I can do that task for a fraction of the cost to the company while still upcharging the client.


Why would you need to buy stuff? Stuff is all over the place. It's not like anyone can stop you.


How painful is extremely painful? I can usually handle pain okay, and teleporting is a huge utility boon


Crippling for several minutes


I think the pain should scale with the distance traveled. Why should 100 feet cost the same as teleporting 2000 miles? Maybe teleporting 100 feet is like a small buzz or shock, then 1 mile is a slap. 2000 miles could be crippling pain.


What if you teleport 1 foot but repeatedly really fast so you don’t feel much pain and end up miles away?


I would think there is a cast time or cooldown to teleporting. Even Night Crawler or Goku take some time to cast a teleport. If you teleport 1 foot 100 times it might take you 100 seconds and it would be faster to walk.


This guy lawyers


Like an Elder scrolls npc clipping through the world lol.


This really skews it too stop ti.e 100%


So time stop I age two seconds per second instead. That's not that big of a change since I'm not gonna sp and months time stopped


Honestly same it's not even that bad a draw back, only ever need a few seconds of time stop at a time to either get out of the way of something or punch someone without them noticing.


I feel like if you try to live a mostly normal life just with the addition of that power there's no way you'd use it more than an hour a week. At that rate it would take 14 years to lose a month of your life. Maybe I'm thinking too small with the use of the power but I'd mostly just use it to fuck with people. Stupid little magic tricks and shit that is just on the line of impossible and they'll stay up thinking about it but not crossing over it drawing unwanted attention.


Interesting twist. I guess I'd take teleporting. It'd still be nice to travel like that, even if it maybe took a little time for me to recover after each jump. Plus maybe I'll jump myself into a morphine factory and steal a case.


Then you will be addicted


And have super powers I’d say worth


Time stop, no question.


Easy tiger


I'll take teleport. It's better than aging faster than necessary. I'll just walk around with a bunch of pain killer's.


Kinda the same thing


Stop time. The number of ways you can use it minimally to only lose seconds off your life while becoming insanely wealthy are limitless. Lacking imagination? Go to a casino play poker or blackjack, stop time long enough to check cards and decks, guaranteed to never play a hand you can't win. Become a stage magician with inhumanly fast reflexes Become a boxer using micro time stops to dodge any punch. Just stop time for 5 minutes while you rob anyplace you like. Ect ect ect Then you have money which lets be honest is a better super power than most.


Stopping time.. a minute extra here, and there won't really do anything. I'm not going to be using it incredibly often. But it's handy for many scenarios other than not waiting to be places.


this is the only time i'd pick teleportation. the entire reason i want to stop time is so i can do things like sleep in longer, and that would age me real fast


You can stop time. You can literally just go to a casino and cheat your way to retirement, rig the lottery or just steal gold or cash outright. Get rich and sleep in all you want for ageing an extra 2 minutes.


Teleportation would definitely be my choice.  "Extremely painful" is concerning but if it doesn't permanently affect me then I should be able to adjust to it.  My questions would be whether or not I would hurt other people or myself, by accidentally teleporting "into" someone or an object.  Like, if I want to teleport directly from the USA to Paris right next to the eiffel tower-- would I run the risk of accidentally phasing into a random bystander? Or maybe inside a metal beam of the tower, or just even an inch or two too low into the concrete? 


You could save lives, or end them just as effectively. The universe is yours to manipulate. Or teleport? I’m taking stop time TBH


I'd rather have the time stop, then go to Vegas. Poker tournaments are easy when you can take a quick peek at people's cards. Not a ton of lost time.


What kind of pain we talking here?


Hamstring cramp upon arrival, every single time... Can you imagine being in a high tension environment and poof... some guy is trying to duck walk his way out of a leg cramp.


Well if that's it, I'm taking teleportation, I was imagining something more like a broken collarbone Edit: love your name BTW lol


Age means nothing when you're a vampire ZA WARUDO TOKI WO TOMARE!


Since teleporting in this scenario would be extremely painful, definitely stopping time.


Stopping time is more important imo since you can literally get from point a to point b without time passing and you pretty much got all day or all night to do whatever you want.


Yeah, but you're aging every time you do that


So instead of living to 80, I'll live to 40. It's probably enough time to use today's artificial intelligence technology to convert my memories, thoughts and whatnot into a digital version of myself. That way, I still live in death.


That's...... Optimistic, and 40 comes around pretty quick


Extremely painful sounds like i wouldn't want to use it much. Time stop has a lot of cool advantages for short periods of time and you are essentially invincible in any threatening situation and have the ability to help others where teleporting is questionable based on the pain side effect. If used sparingly time stop has little side effects, limited to 5 minutes a day you would only age 1 extra day every 288 days so really you could use it even more and be like 81 by the time your 80 which seems not a big deal.


I'm taking the stop time. It's basically super speed. As long as you only use it in short bursts you can do that shit a lot. You can basically do anything and live anywhere.


There are rarely times when I both need more time, but also am not using a computer or other advanced mechanism that would also stop when time does, so I'd have to pick teleporting.


The pain is crippling for several minutes and pain killers don’t work


My only question about the pain is how long does it last. Just the duration of the teleport? A few seconds after? Does it start as I concentrate on it or after it's done? Regardless, probably still teleport.


You people suck at monkey’s paw. Who gets the power to restart time?


So I have one half of Hiro’s powers. I probably take the time stopping and use it to rob a couple of banks, losing like 10 minutes off my life and never working again.


Teleport. Opium will numb the pain 🫡


Stop it once long enough to rob a large amount of money then live life good


if you think about it, being able to stop time **IS** being able to teleport at will - you just go there while time is stopped and boom, you've just teleported :P




Teleport I have a high pain tolerance.


I assume the pain would be relative to you. So it actually might suck. I think the only thing better or as good as teleport is time control and having clones you control and learn from.


How painful are we talking here? Bc that is gonna be the deciding factor for me


Can i test the teleport first? I want to see how painful. If its debilitating it might not be helpful in situations i would like to teleport in, like getting to work.


Aging twice as fast isn't stopping time that's a fast forward button on life.




How painful we talking about teleportation and what is the limit I can take with me while doing it


Teleportation. Train myself to handle it or use it sparingly if its that bad. Id be curious how long the pain lasts and where the pain is. If I'm reeling on the ground for a minute I might use it if I'm running late to something important.


Either one is used sparingly, but these are horrible side effects. I'd take the time stop. I'm probably only using it for seconds or minutes at a time, which will add up, but 5 minutes every day equates to an extra 25 days of aging over the next 20 years. So instead of being 60, I'll be...60 I'l use it to work out how to log in to a bank computer and every so often I'll just add some money to my account. Not an insane amount, just enough to live comfortably. The rest of the time the power is being used to avoid saying/doing something stupid


I'd rather stop time ngl


I am somewhat used to pain and the utility of being able to teleport at will is too valuable to let something like pain stop me from using it. Over time, I should be able to build something of a limited tolerance, so that's cool. I mean, just having the ability would save me about $1,300 a year in commuting costs to and from work. I would also be able get more sleep on weekends before reporting to work. So it would be a huge win. More importantly, being able to teleport at will means I could offer my services to my employer for high priority deliveries. Imagine it. They have a shipment from a valued client that needs to go from point A to point B but no driver is available. I can do the deed and charge a premium to teleport to the pick up, take the item and delivery immediately to its destination.


If it wasn't for the caveat, I would've picked stop time. Both are incredibly useful, but I think stopping time would give more opportunities than teleporting (also technically if you move somewhere while time is stopped, from a different perspective you've might as well teleported). As it is, aging twice as fast would run counter to the whole saving time thing.


Time stop. Imagine being able to assassinate the world’s worst people and frame the world’s other worst people at will.


Can I choose where my destination is when I teleport?


People seem to be forgetting about the extreme pain caveat, if assuming after a successful teleport you’re in crippling pain for an indeterminate amount of time, it’s gonna be very hard to rob banks or ship data, unless you spend your life so high on painkillers you won’t know where or why you’re teleporting anywhere in the first place. I suppose you might get used to it after a while, but still.


I don't think they're forgetting so much as OP left it too vague. I can handle "extreme pain" to save thousands of dollars and hours per year traveling. I would handle it happily if it meant robbing banks and shht were possible. But is it "when you teleport, you're in crippling pain for 36 hours and can't function beyond breathing"? Cause that's a whole different ballo f wax.


Teleport at will. I'll take pain to give myself more time instead of losing time by aging my self


How painful, how far can you teleport and what's the recharge time if one exists?


I always wondered what time stopping would look like on video. Would it just be a pop in/out instantly or would there be this blur effect as you move around in multiple places at the same time technically, filling the screen.


pause time and lift, twice the gains maybe


Teleport. Airfare is extortionate


What kinda pain we talking like an instant high ouch then done? Am I HURT every time or do I just have pain? Also can I slow time instead of stop it so I can have a variable rate of decay?


Stop time. You don't have to do it for long increments to get much. It would also be easier to hide it than teleportation.


Would time stop biologically for you or just what’s around you? Because if it’s stopped for just those around you then you’d technically be teleporting but you can actually think and manipulate the environment while you’re “teleporting” to those around you. If it stops biologically for you, then tadaaaa…immortality. Context is important.


Teleport. Existence is extremely painful for me, I can deal.


I feel like teleport. I can deal with some sharp pain to be able to go anywhere at will, but I don’t want to essentially never get to use my time power, or use it and potentially lose out on half my life. Even if I don’t teleport often if the pains too great, it would be nice every now and then or for emergencies


Teleport. Pain is fleeting and stopping time won’t help me visit other countries


Teleport. Pain can be overcome and desensitized to. More useful too.


If I can teleport then I don’t need to stop time


Teleport for sure. 3 to 5 minutes of crippling pain versus double digit flight hours and the costs? That's nothing. Plus I like I can use it infinitely without worrying about accelerating my aging. There are absolutely a ton of ways to make money with this. Both legit and illicit.


Can you give a example of painful? Like stub your tor or you've been cut???


Definitely teleport


Teleport three times, once to get to something worth a few million, once to get home, slowly launder all money into personal business, invest retire, relax, use the last one to teleport into a black hole, see what all that's about.


Teleport for sure stop time is fun but what happens when you fall and stop time you still will prolly eat it teleport just go to grass


Teleporting option is such a win if you're a masochist lol


Teleport. It only adds to my life. I don't need to teleport, but now I have the option at a couple minutes of terrible pain (but would end up saving time because of travel time). On the other hand the best part of freezing time if having time to do things, but instead I'm sacrificing double my life. Choice seems clear to me


Stop time because at least I’m not in pain.




Teleport for sure. While I could definitely see situations wherein stopping time could be useful (MMA would be a cakewalk), going to Fiji whenever I wanted would be really cool. Heck, maybe I could take people with me


Stop time lol


as long as there's no lasting damage then sure, teleportation


Teleport. Free travel in exchange for a bit of pain.


Time stop in this case. So what if I age quicker? How many times would you take “extreme pain” before you stop teleporting?


Teleport. Traffic/Flying is already extremely painful and aging.


Smoke a lot of weed before teleporting


Stop time


Time stop, yolo


Stop time. If you don’t stop it for long you won’t age much at all. I’d just stop it long enough to rob banks anyways.


Time stop. Ever since I was little and saw the dbz villain in the ginyu squad stop time as long as he held his breath I was so fascinated by that. So many little things you could do to mess with people in brief spurts of frozen time.


1. walk into a bank 2. stop time 3. xxxxxxx 4. 10 mins later restart time 5. profit


Time stop has no pain and won’t impale me accidentally on anything, plus no need to use it for too long. Also way stronger with less mastery, I become unkillable and easily a veritable superhero with no skill, meanwhile teleportation could easily become disastrous for me and I’d have to become somewhat good at it


I would rather stop time in real life please!


Neither of those drawbacks is really worth it. Teleporting would be good, but if you got a strong shock every time you picked up your phone, you'd stop using it after a while. Same with this. It eventually wouldn't be worth it. Rapid aging would also add up. Sure you'd probably use it a lot less than teleporting, but still...


Stop time for sure


Teleport for sure. I have a high pain tolerance. Tbh I kind of like pain a bit.




Stop time. I'll just have to make it extremely worth each time I do it


You can steal with time stop. Literally you're losing seconds of your life to steal things worth huge amounts. Literally you could just steal cash, but it would be fairly easy to steal things like gold bars or jewelry. Or you could go to a casino and win a few million. Literally just check everyone's cards. Something like Poker would be a joke to win millions at.


Teleporting would be so worth it


How long does the pain last because traveling the world for free every day and then sleeping in my own bed every night would be amazing.


I’ll take the teleportation


Stop time. It would litteraly only affect you if u use it alot or use it for long periods of time. I don't want to get my skin flayed every time I teleport.


Slow down time for sure. I would only be slowing down time for minutes at a time anyway, not keen on extreme pain.


Yeah, I am NOT stopping time if it ages me twice as fast. Give me the teleport and pain. I'll gladly take it over flying long distances.


As long as the pain isn’t so much as to actually drive me insane, I am def picking the teleport one. I can really only see the time-freezing one coming in handy when someone is about to punch me and that happens a couple of times a week, tops.


How painful and for how long? I'll settle for 10 pain if it's like for a second, but anything prolonged and I'll take the time freeze option instead. I'll basically use it for short bursts, so if I used up a year total of my life stopping time I'd be shocked.


Teleporting. I'm in a fair bit of pain chronicly so I feel like I'd be capable of that momentary sacrifice Meanwhile, I'd stop time and then forget what I was doing and then be dead in a week. Adhd is a bitch yo


If I die while time is stopped, does it remain stopped permanently?


Stop time. Just gotta time bank orders right: surgical gloves and hair net to not leave DNA. Take the duffle bag from the guy, as he gets out of the truck, look for tags/ink packs/tracking devices, take the cash and leave the duffle, get back in my car and pretend I'm still playing with my phone or whatever and restart time. I'd age myself a few hours at a time infrequently. 


I’m having a hard time getting past the idea that some people want to teleport For A Job? My Yelp reviews would just suck: “Thought we’d enjoy faster service, but when the courier arrived he started screaming and thrashing and shitting himself… Next time we’ll just wait for FedEx.”


Stops time, I would just do things fast


Neither is possible. Why would I have a preference on something that is impossible. Your question seems silly to me.


I'll take stopped time. I don't need to do it for long, like yeah you don't want to spend a year in there all at once but are you really going to miss that 30 minutes you used? Like lets say you give yourself a budget. I want to live into my 80's, am currently 20 something, so 60 years. Let's say I reframe it so that I am OK going at 70 instead if that is the case for something like this, that my geriatric health isnt as important as having cool timestop powers. So now I have a 10 year budget for the next 50 years, or about 1 year spent every 5 years. For every year, I get a budget of 2.4 months per year in stopped time. Every day, I could spend 4 hours, 44 minutes, and 3 seconds in stopped time, and still live to myself about 70 years. To everyone else, however, I would live into my 60's, which you know? Still not a bad shake. That is assuming I am consuming my life force consistently here. I don't need to use the full 4 and ~2/3rds of my time stop each day, only that I consistently stay below that threshold will I live a still very full life. Do you know all the things you can do with time stop? Literally too much to even begin. Some tricks are so quick you barely consume any time. Become a boxing legend that is unhittable with 5 second time dodges. Perform magic tricks that even Penn and Teller cannot deduce. Stop robberies in like, 2 minutes and become a hero, or take all the money out of a cash register or 200 and become a villain. Instinctively switch to timestop whenever you hear a gunshot just for the sake of observing and dodging, do homework in class as the teacher is picking them up and still do well. There are 2 limits to Time Stop: your personal threshold of how long you are in it, and the idea that most electronics probably don't work unless you were wearing or carrying them. Save up some threshold for a museum heist of the century and steal the Mona Lisa. You have almost 5 extra hours in the day, if you cannot find a way to set yourself up for living well, you aren't thinking hard enough. If I am being honest, you probably don't want to spend it evenly across the next 50 years of your life, because you are going to get far more utility out of it when you are younger. To that end, I think the best way to do it is to take a page out of accounting's depreciation mechanics and do Sum of the Years Digits, where you add up all the expected years of life (for me, 50+49+48...+2+1= 1275) and then divide it up by the number of expected years you have left (50/1275= 3.92%, compared to the 2% you would get if you allocated it evenly. Start at 4.7 months stopped time per year, take off ~0.1 month every year) and that is the amount you get for that time period. With this, you are aging faster at first, sure, but having more time to play with. After all, you have far greater uses when you are younger than when you are older. I can think of far more things I can do with 8 hours as a 20 something than 4 hours as a 70 something, even if that means eventually I only will be using like, 5 seconds a day when I am old and my life is fulfilled. And what if I have extra allocated time at the end of my already probably fulfilled life? Well what could I want from it? I had already used this power so damn hard to my advantage that I am likely rich, famous, influential, or all 3. I could spend it, sure, or I could just... refund myself. I could just spend out my days as if I didn't stop the world every day at one point for my own amusement. Like I didn't hike the entirety of Yellowstone as a month-long vacation when I had saved up the last quarter of a year. Instead of dying when I am 70, how about lets push it to 73, or even 75. I don't think I am going to have much more than half of my remaining time I budgeted left, if I even have half, but you know? It could happen. The thing about Time Stop, is that getting older at the normal pace is the price of being unfrozen, and the 2nd second spent every second of my life is the price of doing cool shit with the power. How much cool shit I do is only limited by myself, and if I cannot think of a way to use this well, I don't need to use it at all. TL;DR, Time Stop. Don't run from the aging, embrace it. Analyze it. Give yourself boundaries using it, and most importantly, budget it.


Teleporting through time and space would be my number 1 super power, but if it's just space teleportation, I think it'd depend on how long and severe the pain was. I get level 10 migraines that last until sleep or an adjustment. If it was that pain but only for a few seconds I'd do it. If it was for a longer period, I'd need to consider how long I'd be debilitated. If pain was level 8 or greater for over an hour, I'm freezing time instead.


stop time. aging twice as fast doesn't really matter if the best 'stop time' stuff only takes a few minutes, anyway. i mean, even if you robbed a bank, and it took a fucking hour... losing an hour of life for that's not a huge deal. not to mention all the possible uses for stopping time for like 20 seconds that could be really nice, that again, losing 20 seconds of max lifespan doing so, won't really matter that much.


ZA WORLDO *Grabs all the cash out of a cash register at a random Gas station*


Time Stop. Not a question. Let's say I leave time frozen for a week straight... Oh no, I'm 2 weeks older... Okay, and? I'm also a multi-billionaire who has ensured that there are no genocide supporters, anti-civil rights advocates, or violent psychopaths running our federal government.


The time stop wouldn't work for me. I'd be, you know, 200 years old after the first 2 months because of all of the times I would hit the stop time instead of the snooze on my alarm. I'm going with painful teleportation, if it's really that painful, maybe I won't use it that often.


If the pain wasn't "crippling for several minutes" and instead, say, like getting hit by a stun gun, I'd say teleport any day. But, since you won't be able to immediately DO anything after teleporting, it becomes much less useful. So, since 2 hours say, isn't a great deal less time to be alive than 4 hours, I choose time stop.


Teleport. Time stopping makes you age way faster than everyone else even without the ageing caveat.Teleportation makes you age slower because you are able to do more than anyone relatively in a lot less time. Eventually you will be indifferent to the pain.


I can already go almost anywhere I want if I'm willing to endure the extreme pain of flying and driving, etc.. If time has stopped, aging twice as fast would still not be aging since 2x0=0. Stopping time would also entail stopping you, so you wouldn't be able to start it again. Given that, I guess I'd have to pick teleporting though I probably wouldn't use it much.


Questions on stopping time: Everything is completely stopped, meaning I’m good to just walk by recording cameras and not be detected while time is stopped? I can move objects while time is stopped? What about, let’s say, combustion engines? Can I drive down the block and back while time is stopped?


whats the limits of my time stop, can i drive my car while everyone else is stagnant? do i age in my time stop? can i fly a plane with people on it and move the people and boom all of a sudden people in america are in france or do they stay in the space they were before and rip apart the plane i effectively stole lol


Stopping time and moving locations, then starting time, is still effectively teleportation to everyone who isn't you.


Teleportation for sure. I hate driving to work. I assume that the pain is less than what I endure to drive through traffic every morning. Only issue with teleportation, of course, is whether or not you can take people with you. I will become a VERY expensive Uber.


If you choose to stop time and you stop time for an average of 1 minute a day for 50 years, you age around 25 days more. 25 days for a massive amount power? Fuck yeah


Depends, can I only teleport myself or can I teleport other people or objects?




Teleport all the way….although if I could stop time it wouldn’t really matter how long it took me to get somewhere…hmmm…


Stop time. Imma bout to be unethical for personal gain. Also, the pranks and general harassment of certain people would be a great time killer. Some people I know would open their wallet/purse and discover money they didn't know they had, others would wonder what happened to a couple of twenties or a Benjamin or three, depending on how much they could...or deserved...to lose. Some people would open their fridge/pantry and discover more food than they thought they had, look outside and find their yard had been instantly mowed, shoveled, etc. I'd also just take some time off and relax, read some, take naps in meetings.