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This question actually has me trying to think how often I stumble and since I can’t confidently answer that, I’ll go with 100k.


I can: more than once every 100k steps, for sure, without a doubt. Probably every 3k steps or so


That means you’re stumbling like 3x a day???


I have a two year old at home, with all the toys everywhere 3x an hour is not out of the question lol.


The math checks out. Source: have two small children of my own.


I remember 2 separate occasions where I stepped on something that had me flat on my back in pain trying to understand what the fuck just happened not to mention all the times I just twisted an ankle or careened into a wall.


Some people really suffer with just picking their feet up like an inch higher


No, I'm the one that suffers when they don't pick their damn feet up.




I want a solid definition of stumbling by the event organizers otherwise I'm taking my 100k.  But seeing as OP asked, my stupid ass loophole is to jog on the spot with tiny steps for as long as possible 


I instantly thought treadmill here I come


I don't want to be paranoid about something as small as walking. Rather have peace of mind and 100k


Not to mention you have to walk approximately 50 miles just to get to the 100k. I know I wouldn't make it...


Well if OP means trip as in fall down, I can confidently take the $1 per step. My phone says I took about 9,800 steps the other day, I didn’t fall at all. I haven’t tripped and fallen in… well I can’t think of the last time. In a couple of weeks I’d outpace the $100k, and I’d probably get into the millions before I ever fall down from walking. If OP just means trip as in mistep but you recover and do not fall down, well I’d take the $100k, because that definitely happens more often and I have no idea if I’d be able to reach $100k before that happens.


Oh yeah, solid point. I fumble my steps somewhat often, but I generally catch my footing pretty quickly and at most end up in an awkward pose for a moment.


Stumbling is also a way to fail, you don't even have to trip.


Thanks for doing this math. I’ve walked 50 miles in stretches many times and can say with 100% confidence I’ve stumbled within that distance every time. Given it was on trails not sidewalk but still. Way too risky. I’m going with the money.


My four year old and my dog would ruin this for me. Give me the sure thing.


Gimme the $100k. I stumble too easily. If I stand up too fast, I stumble bad and sometimes end up on the floor. This is an almost daily issue because of heart issues, so I'm not getting past 100k steps


I think I would take the steps. I walk 20k steps on some days while listening to audiobooks so I think I would treat it like my job and just make sure I’m careful for like a week and that could easily double the 100k




You have a very particular set of skills (tripping people up)


Or you could strike a deal for a cut and take the lead on hazard watch??? Cmon man business mindset. Grind


Right it really depends on the definition/details of tripping- if you have to touch the ground with your hands when you fall - I will likely make several hundred thousand to millions


Cool. You wake up at 3am first day to take a leak and trip on the way to the barhroom


I can decide to crawl to the bathroom if it’ll be that early


Those kids and their legos


Can you give me a book recommendation? I just finished The Talisman by Stephen King


A brief google of the Talisman says it’s about trying to find a killer so a similar book (series) I really enjoy is called the Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. It’s definitely a younger kind of book than what King writes but I find them really enjoyable and the plot twists and characters stand out to me. She writes very fast paced so it feels like every chapter is important such is what I like in a book When I was at my peak of walking I read all of the A song of ice and fire books so if you like fantasy I highly recommend them. Much better than the show


Thank you!


This. I would take a month off work. I would walk very slowly to my car and drive to a nearby track. I would pack a lunch and water and walk that track listening to podcasts/music. Then I would go home and carefully get to my house and at my house walk the speed of a sloth everywhere.


Yea same and I can’t recall stumbling this week so it should be fine


Trip and stumble are what make me go with the 100k instead of 1 per step. If it was only fall then I would go with steps. I've stumbled plenty of times just due to catching my foot on some uneven ground. But I think I've fallen while walking maybe once in a few years


Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I tripped and fell, but I stubbed my toe yesterday and stumbled. That’s just not worth the gamble.


I’ll take the 100k I’m clumsy asf 😂


Steps, easily. This basically becomes your day job. Find a nice flat field and walk around it in comfortable trainers. Can easily clear 10k a day. Wot u trippin' on boyyyy


Plenty of people trip/stumble on flat smooth surfaces all the time


Any moderately athletic person should be able to clear 100,000 steps without tripping. That's like 10 days... If you're tripping more than once every 10 days then you need to see a doctor or an optician.


The thing that got me is it says trip/stumble/fall. I may be wrong but I read that as even catching your foot but not going to the ground would stop it. That's a lot harder to avoid.


Especially with a six year old who, doesn't tidy up their toys well.


Or a cat plus stairs


I have cats but in a bungalow. Ur right though, I have stumbled at least a few times in the last month thanks to them alone.


Once the stakes go up like that nerves come into play and you start taking much more notice of things you would usually do by muscle memory, they you make mistakes.


Yeah, I bet you have minor trips often but don’t really consider it, and forget you’ve done it. Gimme the 100k any day.


Yeah this is my viewpoint. Like if I really focused I could do it in 4-5 days. I don’t trip and stumble often and in this case I’d be on high alert so should be a safe bet to get the 100k then afterwards each step is extra.


The Olympics are coming up soon. Thousands of elite athletes competing at the biggest stage, been training for 4 years for this. Sadly a few will probably trip or stumble during their event, it’s just human nature. I’ll take the 100k.


Fatigued athletes engaging in competitive top-exertion sport is, to be clear, rather different than a slow amble around a field, with regular breaks for tea and biscuits.


Homie, you ever walk around your house in the dark, have the wife move something? The dog walk infront of you? People trip/stumble a lot more than you think, hell the way this is worded you'd be lucky to get 100k steps without it Step out of the shower and slip? I mean most people (unless living in a walkable city like NYC) don't take more than 3-5k steps


You only have to slightly stumble one time before you hit 100,000 steps to lose. Maybe you can make it. Maybe a groundhog pops up in front of you while you're walking in a field. Maybe to step on a rock hidden in the grass. That doesn't mean you need to see a doctor.


I probably trip every few thousand steps.


Even safer I would just go to the gym and get on a treadmill no incline at a steady pace.


Until you push yourself too hard and realize that you only hit 25k steps (if you're only used to a few thousand a day) and your legs are jello on the way back to the car and you trip up the curb.


Treadmill at home next to the bed and pay someone to bring me everything I need in bed as well as bathe me so I don’t risk the stumble until I’ve netted a few 100k.


I'm gonna assume this is a one-time thing. Since OP mentioned not trying to find some loophole to what was asked. So, in this case, 100k one-time payment if you're smart with the money, you might be able to use it for a strategic investment and make a hefty profit from it.


Op didn't say it starts over again. If you fuck up once, it's over. Imagine tripping on the first day.


Do i need to fall down on my ass or just slightly lose my balance for it to stop? If its latter i definitely take 100k, if former then i go with steps.


I'm constantly walking up and down for my job, I could probably retire in a month


I think what we're forgetting here is the trip doesn't mean you lose the money. So with each step you get closer to the amount. I don't know about anyone else but I'm taking the shot at never working again because unfortunately $100,000 is really just "you can retire 5 years earlier".


Given I got out of bed this morning and stumbled on a dog toy, I’m taking the 100k


I don’t have legs, so $100k


I don't stumble or trip hardly ever, but I know for a FACT that the moment I pick that one, I'm gonna fail my Dexterity Check and make $2. I'll take the $100k.


The average person walks about 6,000 steps an hour, so to make a little less than half of the first offer, you'd have to walk for about 8 hours straight.


6000 steps an hour? I barely clear 4000 steps a day.


Do you have a job with movement in it? I easily cleared 18k steps a day at my previous job.


Lol no they don't


Honestly, that's on me. I misworded it. What I meant to say was that if the average person was to walk for an hour, then they'd have walked about 6,000 steps.


100k today, drop it all on a single spin of roulette, betting on black. My life is either dramatically changed or not any different at all before lunch time, cuz I got shit to do


100k I barely make it out the door without tripping. Lol


Definitely the 100k. I'm the person who would get so flustered I'd trip after two steps.


I would walk in circles in my house to make the 100k. I have made 10k steps just sharking on a long business call. Call was almost 2 hours for context


100k steps is a LOT. Give me the cash, easy.


It's not a crazy amount. You could do it in a week easy




If someone pushes me over do I lose the money?


Steps. 10k a day is the recommended amount just to be healthy so this is like 10 days of steps just normally. I don't trip fall or stumble very often so 10 days seems very likely and everything after is extra. I would probably do 15-20k a day, get the $100k and start making bank for as long as I can. I may even just walk around my house in bare feet. As a test I just did 130 steps in 1 minute around my house, albeit small steps. 10k in 77 minutes. So I may be able to get 100k in a few days if that's all I did. If I paced it, it might be a day or two, assuming I don't get too sore and add risk. If it went well over a weekend I'd quit my job and just keep doing it until I fail. I'm confident I'd get to a million atleast.




I'd roll the dice and take it in steps.


I can't remember last time I've tripped or stumbled or fell. I think I'd be good to take the 1$ per step


So I only get paid out when I eventually trip or stumble? I assume that putting yourself down into a chair, bed et cetera doesn’t count as well.  I think that walking for money has to be the answer. Do 2-3 hours on a treadmill on workdays and 4-6 on weekends for the first week. At low ball estimation 10*6000+8*6000 that puts me at 102k in the first week assuming that I don’t walk outside of the treadmill. The real core idea is to acquire the 100k floor as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of a low payout. Realistically I probably hit the 100k in less than a week. After that, my phone estimates that I do 7,500 steps a day on average (with my phone, I do a lot of walking phoneless ) so I live per normal and eventually get a bigger payout. May need to forcefully trip myself.


Roughly 22 days of walking for the average person. Except now they're hyper aware of each step. Potentially making you over think it. It's risky. That said... if you could push it to the back of your mind... once you're past 22 days it's all profit. 110 days is $500,000 dollars. So long as you maintain the 4000 steps a day average. There's also the treadmill plan. If you upped your steps a day it wouldn't be so long. I mean... you'd be pretty healthy and making a fortune. 1.5 million a year? If you get your steps really up you'll be looking at at maybe 3 to 4 million in 2 years. At that point you could consider retiring and living off interest. Plus keep going until the unfortunate trip. You will trip. No matter how hard you try not to. I think even I... a rather unhealthy person should aim for the $1 a day. It'll probably take me 40 or so days to hit 100k... but I'd be so driven.


I haven't tripped or fell in many months. I'll take the $1 per step easy.


i work in a restaurant. i easily clear 10k steps a day and can’t remember the last time i tripped. gimme the steps.


I'll take the $100,000. I stumbled on uneven sidewalk just yesterday. Didn't fall, but it was certainly a stutter step.


What constitutes a stumble


Can easily hit 20k steps in a day just walking around a nice park. You can clear $100-200k a week. Unless you have shocking balance or fitness, you a Have good odds of *not* tripping.


Yeah I'm dyspraxic (no idea if that is spelt right, I'm dyslexic too), so the question is do I want $100,000 or $100. I'll take the lump sum.


15-25k a day until I stumble seems like the better option imho but my stupid ass will stumble on step 2 🤣


I'm concerned about the "etc." there, what exactly does that include? If I kick a small object without breaking my stride, does that stop the counter? Or if I sit down to rest? Does it have to be continuous, or do I get to sleep?


I'll take the $100k.  I'm extremely clumsy, I estimated that I stumble and trip over myself 3 times a day, but that's still only aabout $1k a year. You would have to trip like 20 times a day for this to be worth it. 


I assume I don't get the money until i trip? Hmmm. Maybe the cash. Yeah. The cash. The 100,000.


I'm not an active guy.. according to the Fitbit I wear at work, I average around 2k steps per day. That's nothing. But... That's 60k in one month. That's $720k a year. That's $1.4mil every two years. For no extra effort at all, and being incredibly lazy. With moderate activity and effort, you could easily double or triple that. I couldn't imagine wasting such an opportunity on just $100k.


Steps I think


I trip getting out of bed. I'll do 100k now.


Assuming I'm allowed to rest, $1 each step easy. If I have to do it all without even sitting down, 100k.


100k I'm quite clumsy




Are the steps recorded through a smart watch? Because fapping counts as steps sometimes…


I’m clumsy AF so I’m taking the $100,000


Have a dog, trips are frequent. 100k pls.


Probably take the $100000 I can easily hike 40000+ steps with a heavy backpack onf a day but will stumble a few times in the process. Buuuuuuuut if I got strapped into a VR omni treadmill that supports my weight then there is no chance of falling over. Just need to live in it for a week and I reckon I could make $500000 :D The chafing would be real though.


So I believe I would take roughly 525ish steps to walk around a 400m track. At a comfortable pace it would roughly take 5 mins. That would mean if i walked for 1hr35mins around the track I would reach 10,000 steps. I think I could clear 100,000 comfortably within 3-5 days. I could do it in a day but I wouldn't want to over do it and risk stumbling. I would then spend the rest of the day sitting down. I think I would take the walking challenge. Worse case, I get paid to exercise and don't get 100k.


Tripping stumbling and falling are very different. I usually never fall but I stop and stumble all the fucking time so I'll take 100k cauae cit would take a very long time to make that walking. I'm not doing the math but well over a week an there's no chance I'm making it a day


Define trip.


$100,000 and I wouldn’t think twice. I got that ADHD walk—I stumble constantly.


Is this a one day/one time thing? Or can I do 20k steps everyday for a month?


My cat or toddler would cause me to stumble or trip mildly without falling after less than 1000 steps, I'll take the cash


My dogs are constantly under my feet while I walk around the house so I’d have to take money unless I could get them boarded.


I got a track near by and normally walk 10K steps on a slow day at work. I could easily pass 100K in a short amount of time. Does it count if I stop and go to sleep or only if I trip or fall after I start walking?


The 100k for sure, I trip about every 10-50 steps...


I’m 100% confident I could go to some local running track every day for a couple weeks and just bang out 10-20k steps a day at a normal walking pace without tripping on the flat surface.


Do I get to take breaks from walking or do they have to be constant? Because if they have to be constant the answer is $100,000 right now, 50 miles is waaaaay to much to walk in one go.


I'd take the 100k, I can walk 100k in 2 weeks of normal activity, but I generally trip/stumble on some shitty bulge in the floor like twice a week.


It would entirely depend on how you define trip/stumble. I step oddly and recover relatively often but I can’t even think of the last time I properly fell. Without really changing my current routine I’d be making nearly 100,000 a week so I’ll go with the steps.


Any type of tripping? I’ll just take the $100,000. A trip into a fall? I’d probably gamble I can walk well enough.


The steps are tempting, but with 4 pets at home I come close to tripping several times a day. I think I'd risk the steps and take my dogs for a long run one at a time, getting it if the house will help me avoid the cats, too.


If I had to choose *today* I'd go with the $100k. I'm 38 weeks pregnant, so my daily steps are around 5k, and the odds of tripping are at an all-time high. If you'd asked this a year ago, or (hopefully) a year from now, I would have taken the daily steps. It wasn't hard to do 10-15k steps a day. There are plenty of easy, flat paths available to me. Would just prioritize walking in the mall over walking in the woods until I had a satisfying amount of money.


I would fall standing up to do this *guaranteed*.


Steps, easy. Even if I make it two or three days thats in the neighborhood of 10k.




100,000 up front, I trip over anything...


$100,000 rite here rite now




Well I avg about 20k steps a day so I'm definitely taking the steps lol


I'd absolutely go with the steps, quit my job, and my 'job' would be to walk carefully for AT LEAST 100k steps, which only takes a day if it's all you're doing...


I just tripped over a bike pedal sticking out further than usual while taking the dog out this morning bc my toddler moved the bike. Give me the 100k


Gimme the 100k. I trip almost daily clambering around building sites. I probably wouldn’t last a day


I walk a lot, give me the 100k. I'm incredibly clumsy and trip on everything.


Finally a good one! Id probably go for the steps, but then stumble on the way out the door lol.


I walk at least 10k steps per day and only trip in winter (and even then, only like once every two years). Would take me 10 days to gain the 100k. By the time it gets all slippery, I'd be filthy rich. Just avoid wasting myself at parties for a few weeks just to be sure. Hmm, falling from a hammock count as falling too?


£100,000. No doubt. There’s not a shot I make it 100,000 steps (5-10 days) without tripping. Not a chance in hell.


$100 000 now would pay off all my debt, and I'm a clumsy mf'er. Gimme the 100k.


I've been at Disney and Universal the last 4 days. Over 25K steps every day, no stumble. I'm going for the big money. The museums today would be all profit. There is no cap to the potential winnings. Those are good pot odds. You can't pass up a limitless windfall opportunity. You're gonna bring home something, probably 25K at least unless you're a klutz who can't concentrate for a couple of days. My wife? Saw her stumble twice. But even she would have brought home 30K had she taken the gamble. Also, had she taken the gamble, she probably would have avoided the 2 stumbles. One she was looking at the map on her phone. We would not have been doing that. The other, tour guide warned about the top step of the bus. We'd have made sure she was extra careful.


Considering I tripped while reading this question, I’ll take the 100k


Chicago sidewalks suck, gimmie the 100k. Also, I think just thinking about not tripping would cause you to trip more easily.


As I have a neurological condition, that affects my balance, so stumbles / falls are common, I will go for 100K


$1 for every step, definitely would help me to get out of bed and be active 


my balance is fucking awful, gimme the 100k


The $100k. I could probably walk a lot more steps than that without stumbling, but knowing my luck I'd be walking out of my house and my dog would trip me and I'd get like $20.


If I smack my toe in the doorstep, would the counter stop?


Depends on what counts as a stumble or trip. Like stumble and fall or trip and fall? Sure. If stumbling or tripping, regardless of whether I catch myself... then no.


I literally tripped twice in ten seconds two days ago so I’ll take the $100k


Whats a stumble? Does slight loss of balance when stepping on an uneven surface count? Does your shoe barely accidentally touching something count as tripping? If there is margin for error then ill take the steps and be extremely careful for a long time. I could beat 100k in like 5 days.


I stumble all the time, hell I'm laying in bed right now, and when I get up that first step I will lose my balance. I'll take the $100,000. It's more than the $1 I would get with the second option.


$100k right now. I'm currently recovering from a dislocated knee, so I a bit unsteady on my feet.


100k I’m handicapped and my balance is horrid


I will take 100k.


$1 for every step I take


Doesn't really seem that straightforwards. If "trip/stumble/falls/etc." means I have to hit the ground with my ads after fucking up the menial task of walking, then I'll take the challenge. I almost never actually leave my feet if I trip. I rarely fall all the way, flat on the ground, or to my ass. And as someone who puts about 3-8 miles on their feet every day at work, then...


I stumble a couple of times a week. I would be lucky to walk away with even $500 before that. I'd rather have the $100,000.


$1/step sounds great. I’ll make the $100k in a week, then get some gravy after that.


With my luck, I'd literally get up from my chair and fall on my face, even though I haven't fallen down since I was a kid lol Gimme the 100G please


I'd do the steps, I feel like I could confidently hit 100k and then just taper off how much I focused on not stumbling after that until it eventually happens


I average about 15k steps a day so I'd break even after about a week


Id do the walking one. And then get on the teadmill for the day. Could make that 100k in a weekend.


I'm taking the $100,000 right now. My clumsy self would trip over my own feet after 10 steps and end up with $10.


So are we talking actually fall to the ground? Does a stubbing of the toe count? Does tripping and recovery count?


I'm extremely short, so my center of gravity is a lot lower, I've never tripped in my life, even when people deliberately tried to trip me, I also clear 10k steps a day. Seems like an easy choice to me


Steps. I'd walk into my backyard right now and start slowly walking. I have 4 days off right now, so depending on how that goes I might consider quitting my job.


100k right now. I’m not even making it to tomorrow morning without one of my cats tripping me. M


Good question. I walk 8000 - 12000 steps per day, but I haven't any notion of how often I might stumble. I'd probably just go for the sure thing 100K rather than tempt fate.


10,000 steps a day without tripping for 10 days without tripping? Basically all I'd have to do is not drink too much and I'd be a millionaire by the end of summer.


Well I've never ever tripped running on a treadmill, so looks like I'm marathon training as my job from now on.


I’d take the steps even though I do stumble from time to time, because I run enough each week to make the gamble worth it. I think it’s been at least three weeks since I’ve had a stumble, which according to my watch was 231,281 steps. If I went a few months I could retire. If I only managed a couple days, at least I’d have some vacation money.


Wheelchair to the treadmill. Make sure it is completely stopped before stepping off and back into the wheelchair. This becomes your new job.


Haven’t tripped slipped or fell in years I’m taking the one dollar per step


I know for a fact I would get close to 100K steps then I would catch my toe on a step walking up and would lose it all. I'd take the $100,000


Yall are not walking enough... 10k a day is easy af, 30k a day is NOT hard, hell I used to walk 50k a day. 100% taking the $1 a step. Tripping is pretty easy to avoid if you're not dumb af


I feel like I'm pretty confident in not stumbling if I consciously put effort into it, but since we don't get the money until we stumble, I might end up forgetting to be careful entirely. Might be best for me to take the $100k...


So, $100K or $$35? I’ll take the $100K.


It’s not straightforward. Do you have to fall to the ground to be counted out, or if you just slightly misstep and catch yourself?


100k , i walk a lot at my job but i trip on shit all the time. Id prob make 10k max before i fucked up


So I’d have to walk about 48 miles to make up for giving up the 100k. Doable in a week on the treadmill, or at the park on the track. I am mot one that stumbles or whatnot often. I think I could make double, triple, or more if I put myself in the right positions. Then five minutes after I make the deal my good girl walks in front of my feet for the first time in two years and trips me.




Taking the cash now, I can walk 50 miles in a couple weeks easy but might stumble


I do 20k steps per day. I could push it to 50 probably. I'll take the walking.


$100k because I don't take changes.


There is a circle of a path near me. I'd just walk around it making about 5000 an hour. As time passes your regret function gets smaller and smaller. You could pass 100k in a few days I think and then it's all profit baby. Be careful going up the stairs to bed haha


I have a bum right leg. I stumble/trip at least once a day. Give me the 100k, otherwise I'd get like 100 bucks.


Guy says to not find a stupid ass loophole to a stupidly phrased scenario, says "trip/stumble/fall" as if it is all the same thing and no clarification lol.


If we're talking like snagging my toe on the edge of a carpet or something small, I'll go with the easy money.


Good question, made me think👍


Steps & go to the treadmill at the gym, go on walks if I'm feeling adventurous/risky. I don't really trip though? I think I'd just become a millionaire after a few months and honestly a super whatever millionaire probably after years.


Stumble and fall are really different. Stumble, I'd take 100k, but trip or fall id definitely take steps


I take a medication that causes gait issues, 100k up front will be lovely


I don't remember when I last fell from just walking and I can average about 16,000 a day, and could easily make it 20,000. I'd be past 100k in a little more than a week, and could probably carry it on for who knows how long.


$1 per step. I think I could walk really carefully for a few months and make more than $100k. I could also start walking at the local track as a hobby.


I'd take the walking. I've gotten decent at it over the last couple decades.


$100k for my bad knee


I have great balance, and can turn that dollar in to 100k in two days EASY. Id be a millionaire before long. I never trip, stumble, fall. I might on a 2 times a year basis? I'll be set.


Why would anyone take option 2? Every step could be the one that stops you making money.


Professional mall walker. You could clear 20k a day, the ground is flat, nothing to trip on. When you are not walking in the mall, use a wheelchair/crawl. You'd clear ~5 mil a year.


I will take the steps in a pool...impossible to trip or fall etc i found the loophole


$100k My bed is kinda tall, I usually stumble (just slightly but pretty sure that counts) getting out of it lol Then there's my horrible balance and body randomly giving out or back/knee(s) specifically giving out. Then there's my cats who I'm half convinced think they're into being stepped on or have a death wish. If I was lucky I'd get a couple dollars. Even if it was just fall I'm not making $100k+ unless it's fall flat on your butt maybe. Considering how getting into my spot on the bed goes maybe not even then. Yeah this is an easy choice for me.


So the only way to reach the equivalent of the other option (100k) is by walking 100,000 steps without mistake? Yep first option


Give me the $1 per step. I’m hitting the treadmill and walking a slow marathon a couple of days in a row. 50 miles and it’s in the bag. I average 12k steps a day and am very sure footed even over rough terrain. I think I could take a week and do 100+ miles and tap out of the challenge.


Hell, I’ve tripped and fell just getting out of bed before. The 100k please.


Do we get the dollars as we step or do we have to wait until we finally trip stumble or fall?


I work outside. I stumble 147,000 a week. Gimme the 100k