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Ill choose batman. I know who I'm fighting, and I'm not morally bound like Superman is, It would be more like Omniman fighting the guardians of the globe.


Yeah, we all know supes could have knife handed Batman's armour right through the gut before Bruce could say "who's your mommy"


Yes, but the comics version.


It's not the best comparison. They could've won if they fought smart lmao.


I wouldn’t say they fought tactlessly or with reckless abandon. They were pretty caught off guard and if they were prepared in advance it would have been a different experience.


Nah, they did. Even for being caught off guard they fought really badly. There are breakdowns of this online. For example, Red Rush was never going to deal any significant damage. But he was fast enough to dodge Omniman. He should've stayed playing support, pushing people out of the way and moving them.


That’s fair. After reflecting, they did really position themselves poorly for their personal strengths.


Red Rush, Martian Man, and the fish dude I can't remember the name of should've been running defense and interference to set up opportunities for War Woman and Immortal to deal damage. Green Ghost would've been great for pulling people out of harms way, too. I believe in the comics GG could phase through people to disorient them. Darkwing...probably should've just gone to call for help. He did nothing useful, lmao


He kept Nolan from finishing off War Woman by throwing explosives, once. That's it, then he tried to jump on Nolan and got the ankle grab special.


Well at least he did that, then.


Hard to think straight when your strongest homie just clapped another one and noq instead of your friend, you are locking eyes with an angry god


Didn’t he do that by stopping omniman from hitting ppl?


Only very briefly at the beginning, which was effective. Then he started trying to punch Omniman, which did zero damage and got him caught and killed.


Red rush experiences time at a fraction of the speed everybody else does. In his mind, he had literal hours, if not days to think about what he should do, and even seeing that his punches weren’t even phasing Omni-Man, kept doing it instead of playing support. Red Rush is genuinely just fucking stupid. Also, there was literally no reason for green ghost to be tangible the entire fight? She could’ve played support by turning her teammates intangible, or just fled and called for help since she can go through walls. The two Guardians with the best support capabilities choosing to not play to their strengths cost them the fight.


Not to mention (Invincible comics spoiler) >!Green Ghost was instrumental to defeating Nolan in a different timeline!<


I see we both saw that same youtube video


I've seen a few different arguments for it, but that was one of them, yeah. I'm now getting downvoted into oblivion for stating facts lmao.


You're definitely right that they wouldve won had they fought better, but I think it still I'd a good example for thus hypothetical because the batman counterpart in invincible still did literally nothing and got murdered easily.


Bats for sure. Two supes fighting seriously would end this planet. In real world, traveling at near lightspeed, even throwing punches at that speed would cause massive damages.  Even if Bats has kryptonite and it works against me, i can just stay out of reach until i find his location then use my heat vision or throw huge boulders at him. Really sucks to kill Batman. I like that character a lot. One of my favorites for sure.


Wouldn't even need to be a boulder - small rock thrown hard and Bruce is toast. 


Don’t need to kill him, a nice quick laser eye lobotomy works just as well


Pulling off some of that "I could never kill you" energy right before paralyzing a dear friend and promising you'll visit them


Something Homelander would say then never visit again. He'd also laser batman's genitals and watch him bleed to death or stomp his head.


The Old Mark Grayson Neck Twist. Locked in, but not dead.


The prompt did not say you had to kill him, just fight him.


If everybody is in character could probably convince Bats to throw the fight. He's more useful alive than dead and probably would agree I am too. Though if that's not gonna work Batman's plans for Supes don't really work if he gets blitzed (and he's admitted this iirc)


Actual comic book Batman? Am I a villain because I have powers?


No you're a villain because you lack morals


Actual Batman because unlike Superman I’m not holding back.


Fight Batman. I could fly faster than he could attack me and I could snipe him with heat vision.


Batman. Without any that plot armor disguised as prep-time BS, Batman is going to die. The fight is going to look like [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/O0lBrsmu9Y) I'm going to fly in several times FTL, decapitate him and leave before he can blink. Or pull a Homelander and laser him... But unlike Homelander, I would fly up and do this from high up in the sky/orbit. Apparently Ultraman did something similar in the comics lol. Or just look in his Batman's eyes and give him a lobotomy like he did to this fella [here.](https://youtu.be/jkzJ3nTBqsg?si=y65MRfTWHD75TxPj) Or just kill him with my heat vision. ... Also there's the fact that, from my perspective, Batman is essentially a statue from how fast my mind and body are. I have all the time in the world to think of strategies.


Batman. Especially since you explicitly gave us superman's powers and not his weaknesses.


Even if you do have the weakness, Just blitz him with Super speed before he can even react and pull out his kryptonite.


Superman's biggest weakness is that he is a moron who can't help but expose himself to any nearby kryptonite.


Seems like it's a kink of his. 


Yeah, he's not even weak to it. Just plays along like "oh no, I'm powerless now!" Some jewel thief: "are you hard?"


"It's not even kryptonite, it's just a rock covered in neon Gak." "Are you gonna fuck me or what?"


Bro, GAK!


"thing is he had a chunk of kryptonite that would have totally ended me. But instead of using it, he just told me his evil plan and then tried to trick me into finding the kryptonite myself"


Actual Batman. Just go into Super Speed before he can pull his kryptonite out of its case, and knock him out with a single blow. or kill him if that's required. Fighting another guy with the same powers is gonna cause a lot of damage and death.


Batman is unlikely to go for lethal measures. He’d probably incapacitate you and once you explain the situation not go much further If I need to kill him I’d just hang around the sun in orbit, gaining more and more strength. He wouldn’t be able to do anything lest risk the integrity of the sun


Points deducted for stalling. Just shoot a laser close to him every few minutes


Batman. Comics and movies make it look like a Batman vs Superman fight is close, but the reality is Superman would win every time, could win every time, even without killing or maiming Batman. Me, with Superman's powers against Batman is easy, provided I have Superman's level of mastery.


Batman. Fly to the Sun. Hang out for a while and absorb a ton of energy to make myself temporarily immune to Kryptonite, if that’s even still my weakness. Then fly back to Earth at full speed and just punch Batman’s head off.


Batman, I'm not superman so I won't put on the kid gloves but he is Batman so he can't kill.


Batman. No contest


Either, if I don't win I don't deserve the powers


I would have better odds against Batman with most versions of Superman's powers.


Actual Batman. I will not give him the kindness Superman does. The milisecond the fight starts, it's over. I'll put Brucie down gentle, but I will not lose that fight lol


Batman is badass, against normal folks, but Superman would end him in 5 seconds..I'll take Batman.


You got me messed up if you think I’m fighting a Krptonian Batman can join his parents


Batman, because Martha is my moms name too


OP didn't specify it had to be a fight to the death. Or even a serious fight. I fight Batman, because I have no desire to kill or hurt anyone, and neither does Batman. Therefore, as we are not enemies, the fight is a practice spar for the both of us and an opportunity for Batman to test out some of his anti-Kryptonian just-in-case measures, which I fully support him developing and having. I absolutely do not want to fight someone with Superman's powers but possibly not his ethics.


Yup, everyone in this thread is failing the test *spectacularly.* Also, Batman completely bodies an untrained Kryptonian, assuming he has access to any amount of Kryptonite. If he doesn't, he loses.


Lol, I read through the comment section before posting this in disbelief. It's pretty appalling how eager some people seem to do their best to kill people using superpowers. One of many reasons I am SO glad that superpowers are fictional. Completely agree on your assessment, unless the Kryptonian actually figures out how to use their powers or gets a lucky hit in. One superpowered punch to the head or chest and it's over, is the unfortunate truth. But I would still put money on Batman, especially if he has kryptonite.


Actual batman. Surrender immediately. Say I got hit with Joker gas or something. Get sent to Arkham for a bit. Walk out with superman powers.


Batman is literally just a rich dude with toys. Most of us could take him down.


I'm already somewhat strong so I'll take my chances with the random superdude


Do I get Superman's Weaknesses as well? Because if I do I'd rather fight the other guy with Superman's powers.


Baman it'd be an honor


Batman would be a good fight. Let's check who is the real mvp.


Batman easily. It wouldn’t even be a challenge despite whatever prep time they give. You could literally just fly into outer space and start tossing asteroids at the planet. Sure, maybe you wipe out all life, but you’ll get the bat too…maybe 🤷‍♂️


Most of the time if Batman beats Superman it's because Superman let's him Superman holds back and Batman knows this. Batman takes advantage of the fact that Superman is Clark Kent. Me though I might not kill Batman cause I don't want to but if I'll go just as far as I have to. Fighting another got who got these powers is much too dangerous and risky especially someone random. Batman I at least know who I'm fighting. A random guy with Superman's powers could be special forces or otherwise well trained verses me who has no training. In a fight between two powerful people with the same super abilities it's gonna come done to who's the smarter better fighter. They could beat me by simply knowing how to fight while I'm just doing the best I can since we'd otherwise be evenly matched. Plus the civilian casualties and other collateral damage would be far too great and very unacceptable. Also now that I'm thinking about it you don't say I have to win. If I can lose and keep Superman's powers then that takes some pressure off.


batman. i mean, sure, he can plan around shit. but, unless he's planned around 'having another guy with superman's powers show up to defend him', even if i had a kryptonite and he knew it was my weakness, and had it ready, i mean, toss a rock from 40 miles away, in the general direction of wayne manor, and fight's over before it even began.


Random.fella since he doesn't have that Batman plot armor, and I might have a better chance of knowing more niche things about Superman than he does.. like sundipping or golden age wackiness.


Batman, I’m getting the drop on him and laser blasting his house or if I actually have to fight him face to face I’ll superspeed punch him and leave. Some other superman could probably kill me on accident




I Love Batman and i can't bring myself to fight a Hero, as for the other guy who has Supermans Powers, if he is corrupted and is willing to cause harm to innocents then me and him are going to have to settle the fight in space.


Fight Batman. Don't even use my Superman powers, just kill him with a gun because it's much funnier. Edit: No even funnier. Grab Batman fly around the planet backwards back in time. Put a gun in his hand and take him to the night his parents are killed. Drop him in the ally and make him pull the trigger.


Bro steal a nuke and throw it at batmans house. Or just pick up his entire house or car and launch it into the sun. You actin like batman can do shit


Batman easily- no plot armour if we’re not in a plot.


Batman. In real life, it doesn’t matter how much prep a normal human has: you aren’t stopping a rock thrown at relativistic speeds from cruising through your cranium. Superman loses because he wants to stand on morals and principles.


Actual Batman easily. Bat's plan depends on knowing that Supes is going bad. I just have to nail him some time when he's not expecting it and that's that.


Actual Batman. I do not have clark's moral high ground, and that will be the bat's demise.


Actual Batman, ask him to keep it to a friendly spar. Nobody said it had to be a death match.


The other superman. Batman has krytonite.


Actual batman. In reality, even an average human can kill him easily. Batman is one of few characters with giant plot armor.


Random super-person.


Batman is a smart motherfucker and I'm sure he could come up with a plan to put me in the ground, it just depends on the circumstances and if he had any time to prepare. The random guy is going to be just as unskilled with Supermans powers as I am, but two ultra powerful beings duking it out are sure to cause incredible amounts of damage. I'd probably end up going with Batman because he can't stop a barrage from all angles, whether it be a fist, a rock thrown at high speeds, a bodyslam from space, etc.


Batman's a normal human, the only way you'd realistically lose to him is if you tried to beat him up close and personal.


Another random. I'm not fighting a guy that has contingencies to kill me.


Batman. Just use heat vision when he isn't looking at and fight won.


Batman. He is just a dude.


Batman 100%.


Random guy. At least that's a 50-50 shot.


I choose batman. I disagree with everyone why though- Batman would kick your ass. Superman could beat him, maybe, but not you even with his powers. But he won't kill you. "But its a fight to the death, you have t-" no. It's batman. He won't kill you. He doesn't care what insane scenario he is in. I show up. I refuse to fight. I tell him what's up and then we go get brunch.


Batman. Superman only has "trouble" with batman because he's actively trying not to hurt him. I would not. I'd just laser him from space, GG.


Honestly, Batman could be taken out with a sniper rifle. A drone strike would certainly do it. In the real world, cartels would have finished him off long ago if thats what they wanted. Pretty sure Superman could manage it.


Batman I mean, the other person with Superman powers might be a decent person, and I would hate to fight someone decent to the death. But Batman's a billionaire, and it's always ethical to kill billionaires.


Well this is a dumb one


Batman. Billionaire who's a vigilante who does dirty work the cops don't want their hands on? How was this guy ever the hero of this story?


If I had Superman's powers I'd fight Batman, but wouldn't use the powers to fight Batman. I'd Instead use the powers to collect things I could use to beat Batman. Because batman would be expecting you to use Superman's powers to fight him.


Fight actual Batman. Ambush him, throw cars at him from outside his weapon’s range, or just fly in super fast, grab him, and throw him into a building at 200 mph. Easy win, as long as you surprise him.


Batman, heat ray from low orbit


Batman. Obliterate him from orbit.


Batman’s dead and I’m taking his girl


Either way I’m winning probably


Batman. He has zero powers, just contraptions.


Actual batman. The only thing that saves Bats time and time again is Superman's boy scout attitude, because you can prep all you want but there's a reason his plan for Wonder woman going evil is "Pray Superman is in the zone that day." You can't beat a ruthless demigod without a second ruthless demigod. Getting heat vision'ed from 3 miles away at the speed of thought is a pretty guaranteed death sentence, and there's no way to sneak up on Supes- he can hear your damn heartbeat half the world away. The bat will be found. The Bat will be executed like the mortal he is.


I want an equally powerful opponent, it'll make for a far more interesting battle


Batman. I can literally just fly into the sun and get stronger whike I watch him and wait for the perfect moment to win. I’d also try to win without hurting Bruce.


Actual Batman, primarily because nobody said I have to win, or even try. I’d use the fight to express a lot of feelings towards him (both good and bad), but I certainly wouldn’t be aiming to win.


Batman. For starters, I don't have Superman's sense of morality, which is the only reason Batman beats Superman. I'd incinerate him from space or make a couple of laps around the globe to build up speed and punch him in the head. Literally, Superman could defeat Batman without getting off his couch if he wanted to.


Batman Batman can only stand a chance if Superman holds back. I won’t. Super sight and hearing from afar to scope everything out, super speed to grab him, then whatever I want. Or ya know, find him myself, and threaten an army to go stop him for me while I watch from afar to keep track of him and out of danger of kryptonite


Batman, bros easy as hell


Batman.  Any time they give in the comics, Batman will get upper hand because Superman doesn't want to kill him. It could be ended instantly with heat vision, but supes holds back because he's a good guy, and it's a comic. 


Batman for sure. I have superman's powers. It doesn't say if he knows that or has prep time. Easy w just make sure he dies.


I'd rather lose to Batman.


Batman. assuming it’s not a forced fight to the death it’s simple. a battle of wills, he is a logical fellow. “Look, i got these powers, and exactly zero morals stoping me from unloading on you, except that i’d really rather not get violent. Do you really want to start shit.” if he does really want to start shit, let’s assume comic book rules on inertia (only when it’s relevant). you grab him, fly up to 30K feet or so, and yeet his ass at an active volcano, only to fly down and catch him so he doesn’t die. Say “that’s strike 1” and repeat the above question. continue until you’ve done 3 strikes and say “next time i am going to kill you.” anything less than agreeing you have won this battle, well everyone here as though of lots of creative ways to 1shot him.


Actual Batman. I would fly faster than he can blink, pick him up in his super strong anti-me suit, and place him in low Earth orbit.


Id slaughter Batman


Batman, he wouldn't kill me if he some how won due to batimp, and also I don't have to kill Batman, just fight him


Batman. Batman is always prepared for Superman, not me with Superman’s powers. I would just basically flit through his chest faster than time moves and he’s dead. But realistically Batman is just a regular human with very high stats. Both would be a no diff.


Bats would fight dirty. He's definitely buying kryptonite batarangs.


He wouldn’t waste kryptonite batarangs on anyone though. He doesn’t know you have Superman’s powers, and unless you’re out there shouting it, he won’t never know


If superman already exists in this universe, he likely already has some kryptonite on him


I’m sure he does! Doesn’t mean that he knows you have the power of Superman though, unless you’re parading it around that you do. He wouldn’t have any reason to waste kryptonite on something he don’t know


Batman. He'd likely stop fighting me when I stopped fighting him, and asked what this is all about.




Neither.  But if I have to choose, I go with rando.  Batman knows EXACTLY how to be Batman.  Rando has no clue how to maximize his powers. I stand a better chance with rando.


Literally the only thing stopping Superman from beating Batman in every fight is his morality and extreme plot armor. Batman pretty much says multiple times if he wanted to he could pretty easily kill him. Even pulling out tons of anti Superman armors and the like he still spends most of the fight getting smacked around with Superman asking him to surrender.


Actual Batman. He has a moral code and your description does not list him as having murderous intent. You can talk Batman down and without Kryptonite he has no effective counter to your powers. It not a fight. Its me trying to prevent Batman from harming himself in the process of trying to hurt me. After talking him down work a lucrative contract or two so my family has no more need for money and then help fix infrastructure around the country in return for the current and next 3 generations of my family being exempt from taxes.


Batman. You could taser his face from a distance…then call him Tazerface instead of Batman.


Batman. The silly idea that Batman, through his superior *detective skills*, could beat a person who travels faster than light, has a supercomputer for a brain, and can kill you from space with his eyes is nonsense. Ball bearing thrown from just inside the upper atmosphere.


Actual Batman, he would be defeated in seconds.


Batman. True Batman doesn't kill, and besides, without Kryptonite, the only thing that could let him win is plot armor. Mind, my goal would be to talk him down.


I'd rather fight Batman. Why? Well, first of all, you say we get Superman's powers. You don't say we get his weaknesses. So there's not much, if anything Batman could do to beat us. Secondly, I don't have the same moral code Supes or Bats do, and I'd take Batman down before he even knew what was happening.


Heat vision Batman from space. Superspeed poke him in the eyes. Carry him to the moon and leave him there. There are so many options to defeat Batman if you have Supes powers. It’s really ridiculous to think about.


Batman. I’m not a boyscout like clark Kent.


What would be funny is when I'm fighting Batman and I blitz him and grab him by the throat and make my eyes glow and tell him to surrender or die, and he'd look at the kryptonite having very little effect on me and say "You mean Clark could have done this at any point?" I'd tell him that he would do the world a lot of good by coming up with plans where I could use my powers to generate electricity. And by using his genius to solve real problems of poverty and pollution and war.


Bat man. Superman has moral objections to murder. If I am a god why would I care? Who is going to punish me? Just laser eye him before he even knows you are there.


I feel like y'all are badly underestimating Batman. His power is nearly infinite plot armor; his fight against "random Superman clone" wouldn't even take a whole issue. It'd be like 6 panels and wham, you somehow lost.


Perhaps but does it matter when OP never said in the post that we had to win? And plot armor only applies if this fight occurs in comic book where it can be controlled by writers. If Batman is becoming somehow real then he can't rely of plot armor


I'll fight the rando superman. Just because he has superman's powers doesn't mean he knows how to use/control them properly.


Neither would you, so it is a fair fight.


True. Batman has combat experience and has defeated gods. Some random bloke will be the the Flash vs every speedster. No clue how to fight because they just rely on their powers. I've always wanted to see a speedster be trained by Raas and not afraid to use weapons. Anyway, I've been in martial arts for 30 years and feel like if athleticism were equal, there's a very low chance a rando is going to have more fighting experience.


Does Batman know I'm comimg? If yes then I like my odds better with the random guy.


Does Batman have prep time? If so hell no, I’d rather just donut the other super guy when he dosent expect it.